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Education / Training Mendoza RM-650 BB gun Another one to love!

Mendoza RM-650 BB gun Another one to love!

by B.B. Pelletier

Mendoza’s RM-650 is a classic-looking BB gun with some traditional touches that I like.

I have recently discovered that Mendoza produces some pretty fine airguns. The RM-200 test has really opened my eyes, and today I have another super Mendoza gun for you – the RM-650 BB gun.

Why do I like it?
I like traditional guns, by which I mean guns that do not depart from classic lines and even traditional materials. I guess I make some exceptions for guns like those made by AirForce, but I am a traditionalist at heart. This Mendoza BB gun is made along more traditional lines like the Daisy Red Ryder. It’s profile doesn’t look as classic as the Red Ryder’s, and the automatic safety atop the receiver is a turnoff, but on the other hand I have never forgiven Daisy for changing the front of the model 1938 to make the BB loader a plastic mechanism.

The Mendoza uses a more classic loading system dating back many decades. It’s no better than the Red Ryder’s, and you might even argue that the Mendoza is harder to load because the hole you pour up to 500 BBs into is smaller, but I just like it. With the Mendoza, a turn of the knurled muzzle exposes the loading port underneath the barrel. It’s what I grew up with in the 1960s, and I just like it.

The loading port is under the barrel. Rotate the knurled muzzle to open the port.

Unfortunately, the RM-650 has a plastic lever just like the Daisy. But that is the only plastic piece on the outside of the gun. Even the automatic safety slide atop the receiver is metal. When the gun is cocked, the safety slides back automatically, putting the gun on safe until the shooter takes it off deliberately. The location of the slide makes it easy to take off the safety. You can do it with your cocking hand when you return the lever to the stored position.

The automatic safety goes on every time you cock the gun. It gives an odd hump to the top of what is otherwise a traditional-looking BB gun.

Overall quality
The Mendoza is not a copy of the Daisy, though it shares many of the styling lines. And, there are construction differences. The largest is that this gun has only one visible screw – the one holding the forearm. The metal action is entirely riveted together! Now, that’s going to make the RM-650 more difficult to repair down the road, but I have never worn out a BB gun. I know the Army repaired their Daisy Quick Kill guns a lot, but each one of those was shot millions of times, and they were used by thousands of trainees. I think it’s very unlikely that one person or even three can wear out a BB gun that’s well cared for.

The stock and forearm are wood, which most BB-gunners like. The metal is mostly finished with a tough, uniform coat of paint that exhibits a very high gloss. A few smaller parts like the rear sight and trigger have been given a black oxide finish that leaves them dull in comparison. Overall, this is a very nicely finished BB gun.

Daisy Premium Zinc-Plated BBs registered between 276 and 280 f.p.s., which is on a par with the Red Ryder. The trigger is single-stage and stiff, like all BB gun triggers. It pulls off at 44 oz., which is 4 oz. under 3 lbs. That’s pretty good.

As far as accuracy goes, I must confess I’m not much of a BB gun shooter. Except for the exceptionally accurate Daisy Avanti Champion 499, most BB guns have lousy accuracy. When I tested the Marksman 1010, I did measure a 10-foot shot group for you, so I shot the RM-650 at 15 feet – a good BB gun distance. I got a 2.7″ group, of which I was responsible for about a quarter-inch. I would expect the same performance from a Red Ryder.

The rear sight is adjustable for elevation only, using the traditional stepped ladder type of adjustment. For windage corrections, you need to learn the aim-off for your gun, which is no different than other BB guns for the past century.

Bottom line
I guess I just like the whole Mendoza line, which transfers to this BB gun. I like that they finish their guns so well. I like the shot groups that come with each rifle. I like the oil hole they put in the outer tube of the spring piston rifles and the super-fine rear peep sight that I have yet to review for you. Like most pure BB guns, the RM-650 isn’t a standout on its own, except that it includes many of the extra little details such as the all-metal construction and nice finish. Pyramyd AIR will soon carry these, so next Christmas there will be a choice among BB guns.

An aside
Yesterday’s post received a number of interesting comments, plus at least one request for another posting on reticles. It seems that we’re all interested in the technology of scopes. I also can see from the comments that there are number of readers who know a lot more about this subject than I do. I rely on some industry contacts, but my knowledge is pretty thin when it comes to optics. So, you can help me by making comments like those made yesterday. Please tell me what you’re interested in.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

22 thoughts on “Mendoza RM-650 BB gun Another one to love!”

  1. The RM 65 was imported by Airgun Express, so when Pyramyd AIR bought them out, they acquired a few of these guns. Pyramyd AIR is now the exclusive U.S. distributor of Mendoza, and they do plan on bringing the RM 65 back, but at this time they have not received any guns.


  2. B.B.

    I recently got a copy of Tom Gaylord’s R1 book and have enjoyed it thoroughly. He left me hanging though – I’m sure interested in the completed version of his Dream R1. Could you prevail upon him to share it with us?

    Springer John

  3. Mendoza must be exporting the best of its production, because mostly anyone in Mexico hates new Mendozas and hate that they are ruining their own good name.

  4. off topic, but…

    if I had a 4″ x 20″ chamber and a 2″ dia barrel, using Aqua Net for fuel, how much barrel do you think would be needed for maximum use of expanded gas?


  5. I bought one of them for my kid about a year ago.
    The spring in the Mendoza wear out quickly and velocity drops to under 200 ft/s.
    It took about 2000 BB’s to wear thegun completely down to apoint wher you can’t even cock the rifle, because the trigger won’t engage anymore.

    My advise, get a Daisy. The Red Ryder is a lot more accurate and lasts a lifetime.

  6. Lens coatings,

    Good link! From the little I saw there it’s clear I need to educate myself on modern lens coatings. Indeed, a multi-coated lens does permit more light to be transmitted to the eye!

    I will learn more about this and do another blog.

    I’m concerned about the entire range of transmission, as I note that at both ends of the wavelength chart performance drops off. So before I throw in the towel I want to be assured that there isn’t something important in these fringe areas.


  7. why would i want this thing when i could just get a daisy(red ryder)? You said it yourself bb, bb guns are l lousy in terms of accuracy. I dont care about much other than accuracy. I have guns that shoot holes in quarters which shows extreme power. I also have a gun that can hit one at 80 yards. They are not the same gun. I enjoy accuracy most. The avanti champion 499 is 115$. with the IZH 61 You can get a MUCH more acurate pellet gun for 95$. you can shoot it in all the same places. It also has a much lighter trigget and a little more power. It is also multi shot unlike the aventi. What i am saying is there is no reason to get a daisy champ 499 unless you are teaching a child the basics of shooting.


  8. Sumo,

    It comes down to taste. A 499 is the world’s most accurate BB gun. The IZH 61, while a wonderful PELLET gun, isn’t in the same category.

    Some shooters like to shoot fast, some like accuracy, others want power and still others want to take an inherently inaccurate gun and get the most performance from it.

    The 499 is used by close to a million youth shooters every year. They do with BB guns what Soap Box Derby contestants do with a set of wheels. And it’s fun.


  9. i guess i understand, but its just not me. its posible to make a more accurate bb gun than the daisy 499. but why not UPGRADE to a pellet gun insted? Thats when you say, why not uprade to a firearm. My response to that would be the fact that you cant shoot a firearm in my town. Most pellet guns have a 11mm rail, thats not an option with bb guns. I think that tells a lot. I dont compete in soap box derbys for the same reason.


  10. Nathan,

    BSA barrels are the equivalent of Lothar Walther, so I’d expect the same accuracy from them.

    Remember to clean the barrelo with JB paste and to use proper shooting technique, which is special for a spring gun.


  11. B.B.,
    i love to shoot air guns and my little cousins want to shoot with me. i would like to buy an inexpensive bb gun that they could use, however would still retain good accuracy (just in case i wanted to take a shot or two)

  12. bb,

    i own Mendoza-65 and it is definetley the best bb gun ive ever had; it is sturdy elegant and has a relativley long range i dropped it some many times yet it stills prevailed it stills works to this day and its better than those crappy red ryders
    ive had it for 5 years and its still great oh and i bought it in mexico that why its so good. Mendoza doesnt ship the best of their guns its vice versa they keep the best ones in mexico and the rest go everywhere else.
    Mendoza is the finest line of BB guns ive ever experienced; they are the best so all u people who havent actually owned a mendoza dont say crap about it because i have a red ryder and a mendoza 65 and the mendoza beats it by a longshot.

  13. I recently purchased an older Mendoza JET 50. I really don't know anything about this gun since I am only familiar with Daisy. This gun looks like a Daisy with the cocking lever, etc. I'm looking for more ino on this gun.
    Any info appreciated.
    L.LeMaster tatankatoo@aol.com.

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