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Rex 6-25 AO scope

by B.B. Pelletier

Here I am trying to mention new products, again. Last week, I showed you the big Rex 10-40×50 scope that I think is a wonderful new scope. I did say that the scope doesn’t work for field target because it doesn’t focus down to 10 yards. Today I have a new Rex scope that is ideal for field target and for all you long-range shooters.

Another big Rex
The new Rex 6-25×50 side-focus scope is made for sports like field target. Its 30mm tube transmits gobs of light, which comes in handy when you are trying to resolve a tiny image in dappled forest shade.

Two-piece sunshade
Included in the box is a two-piece sunshade for the 56mm objective bell. These are handy when shooting with the sun on either side of you, because if the sun hits the objective lens, it flares and the image turns murky. It’s like trying to sight through dense fog. With a two-piece shade, you can have any of three different lengths by installing either one separately or both shades coupled together.

Interesting reticle
It’s both a mil-dot and a duplex reticle, so hunters and target shooters, alike, will find it useful. The center lines of the reticle are fine…for precision aiming. The heavy lines at the end help you find the center reticle in dappled light and shade. I personally don’t find mil-dots useful, but they are the rage today and a new scope has to have them to sell. The reticle is not illuminated.

Target turrets
The reticle adjustment knobs are tall target knobs with a fine adjustment scale on each. They are not resettable, so you will have to note your position on the vertical scale when rotating farther than one full turn. The click values are 1/8″ at 100 yards, which is correct for a target scope. The clicks themselves are not as smooth as some I have tried, but they don’t seem to bind or get loose at any point.

Sidewheel parallax adjustment
One of the best features is the side wheel adjustment of parallax. In case you don’t understand why that is so good, imagine yourself sitting and holding a big rifle with a 25x scope on a small target. Your rifle and scope probably weigh 12 lbs. When it’s time to focus the scope which would you rather do. Hold the rifle with one arm while you reach way out to an objective bell or reach straight up and grab a sidewheel that’s a foot closer? You only have to do it once to realize the sidewheel is the way to go.

Mounting concerns
This is a large scope with a 30mm tube, so you need 30mm rings high enough for the objective bell to clear the rifle. On PCPs, that will be easy; on spring guns, not as easy. Also, the length of the scope will cause some loading or clearance problems for most spring guns. This scope is made to take magnum airgun recoil, but that doesn’t mean it’s right for all springers.

I have two other Rex scopes to show you, and then I will work them into my other posts as a way of testing their features. So, if you want to know more about this new line of optics, it’s in the works.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

16 thoughts on “Rex 6-25 AO scope”

  1. What is the most effective way of mounting a scope on a benjamin 392 in .22. I have enjoyed the open sights for about a year and like them, but want a little more precision, but i will miss the easy of griping while pumping. Thanks


  2. I have the 0.20 C9A Sheridan and have used, a scope in the past (using the Crossman inter-mounts, a Bushnell red dot site and finally the Crossman peep you can get from Pyramid.

    I by far prefer the peep although I have many other guns with scopes. At 48 ft I can hold Sub ½” groups with the peep, but I did have to remove the paint in the end of the barrel before my groups went from 1” to sub ½”. There is often black paint from the guns original paint job inside the barrel. This was causing me 8+ years of poor accuracy until I removed it.

    KTK – Racine,WI

  3. hey look the bugbuster v1 changed in looks, i was kind of used to the old look. the price has not changed.
    what do you think looks better?



  4. HB,

    For your 392 scope mounting is the same as my Sheridan C9 in 0.20cal.

    The intermounts I used were the Crosman B272 you can find on Pyramyd. You then need rings and a scope and I would go with a pistol scope to get the long eye relief needed with this mount setup. Otherwise the B-Square 17010 weaver scope base might let you use a rifle scope but I have not tried it. The weaver base uses the same 2 screw holes on the receiver that the Crosman 64 peep sight uses as well if mounted (my current preferred sighting system as I said above). They are small screws though and I don’t know how they would hold up with a large and heavy scope on that weaver base. If anyone has done this let us know.


  5. KTK – Racine,WI

    I have read some where that the new Benjerman/Sheridans are not as accurate as the older ones. Do you think that the black paint has something to do with it? Thanks for pointing that out I have a friend with a silver streak. Its a nice gun he got around the mid 80’s. It was kinda a turn off reading that the newer ones were not as good.

  6. Don/anonymous
    I was losing my ability to post on the blog every time. I had to reset my user name:pass until I realized that my user name was the email address that I used. Hope this helps. I first though things were fishy. You also have to enable jave of course and type in the word verification.

  7. B.B
    Thank you for your post on 11mm scope dovetails. I didn’t know that b-square had such a challenge in store for them. I use to think that making a mount fully adjustable was enough of a problem to figure out. Its nice to know that they believe in continuous improvement. They have my faith. Maybe they have a fix or shims for there bubble level thats mounts behind the scope mounts by now. If level is larger than your rails it starts to cant as you tight en them up.

  8. KTK
    I’m glad that you mentioned that some RWS scope rails are made out of steel. I took a magnet to my RWS 52 and sure enough it was. Butting the stop pin in front of the scope rail wouldn’t work the way I thought it was going to on these rails because the mounts hit the large screw first. So I just used the stop hole. I wish the stop pin was just a little lager but it should be ok. My medium mounts Item#:BS17130 cleared the scope Item#:LESCP3-3124AOMD just fine with the removal of the rear sights. I went to B-Square’s home page to help me with the decision of mount height. Almost finished with the mounting of the scope. She shoots dead center 1/2in low at 20yards without adjusting the scope other that optically centering it. All I need to do now is to find my other level and use some more blue loctite. I use one level on top of the scope and another on a flat part of the gun to align the cross hairs. Man the guns quite hefty now the trigger pull and recoil stand out with the scope on 12X. I’m have to try some peeps on another gun and see how I like them.
    It’s getting late as you can tell.

  9. While many FT shooters prefer 32 to 40X, 25X is more than enough to shoot very well. You might not win the Nationals, but you can certainly be competitive at 25X (you just need to concentrate a bit more for accurate sight alignment). I once tried shooting the same target at 40X down to 8X in increments of 8X — only when I got down to 8X did my scores drop. Similarly, if you could see the kill zone, even peep sights would be enough “magnification” for most shots.

    Bottom line is that nobody should ignore this scope just because it does not have “enough” magnification. I have not tried one — what is more important is the optics (do you have a bright, sharp image), and precise, repeatable focusing — so if someone can comment on these factors for this scope, that would help.

  10. B.B.,

    An off topic request: Could you please do an article on setting up and using a rifle sling? I know nothing of how to install/use a sling but am sure that it would be a great help in walking through the woods.

    Thanks for considering it.

  11. I believe the Rex scopes are made by ZOS. I have a ZOS 10-40x and with a dremel tool and readjust the parallex you can have it focus down to 9 yds. Taking off the sidefocus and cover reveals a brass cam. Dremel the spiral curve closer and it’ll focus to 10yds. I’ve passed this info to the and we’ll see if they take it. The only extra tool needed is a watch cover remover(for the cover).

    These scopes are great values!


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