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Education / Training RWS Diana 34 Panther – Part 3

RWS Diana 34 Panther – Part 3

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2

Before we begin, Gamo has just changed their warranty period from three years to one. I thought you would like to know that. Son of a gun if my post a few days ago about warranty periods changing wasn’t prophetic!

Today I’ll clean the Panther’s barrel, mount a scope and head to the range.

Barrel cleaning
I’m using a new .177 brass brush loaded with JB Non-Embedding Bore Cleaning Compound. The reason for cleaning a brand new rifle is to remove latent rust from the bluing process and all the sharp burrs that remain from barrel manufacture. The first several strokes were extremely difficult, but they eased around stroke eight. By the tenth stroke the barrel was feeling very smooth, and by stroke 16, I was able to reverse directions of the brush without removing it from the bore.

A BIG surprise!
As the barrel became cleaner and I was able to feel the brush passing through, I thought I could feel a restriction toward the muzzle. Of course I was cleaning from the breech, which is always recommended. When I started running the dry cleaning patches through the bore to remove the bore paste, I could definitely feel the restriction. On some breakbarrels there is a coincidental constriction from the upsetting of the bore when the front sight dovetails were swaged in, but this rifle doesn’t have them. It has a plastic front sight base that’s bonded on with epoxy, probably. That makes the bore restriction intentional, and what that means is Diana has intentionally choked the bore at the muzzle! I can’t wait to see what this does for accuracy!

The RWS Diana 34 Panther is a slim breakbarrel rifle, so I selected a smaller scope to go with it. Being a breakbarrel, you have to keep the barrel joint free to open, which means a shorter scope. Normally I would like to use two-piece mounts for the extra scope positioning flexibility they give, but this is a Diana and has to use a one-piece mount with the vertical scope stop pin hung in front of the scope base on the rifle. The scope I chose was a 3-9X40 Leapers that Pyramyd doesn’t stock at the moment, but in size it’s very close to the 3-9X32 range estimating AO scope they do carry. I used a B-Square 17101 adjustable one-piece mount, and I put two turns of elevation on the rear ring and a half turn on the front. That should compensate for the Diana’s tendency to shoot low.

Initial range results
It’s been a wet year and my range in under water right now, but I am able to shoot at a closer distance (20 yards) in the backyard. I selected the Crosman Premier 7.9-grain pellets, the Logun Penetrators that weigh 9.5 grains and a Czech Republic pellet called the Diabolo Standard. Well, the Czech pellet was all over the paper at 20 yards, so I didn’t pursue it. But the Logan Penetrator showed some promise with some half-inch groups. It might be worth testing at longer distance when the range is available again.

However it was the old standard Crosman Premier that saved the day! They went into such tight little groups that I knew I had my best pellet. And then I noticed that this 34 is less sensitive to hold than others I’ve tested. Also, it groups better than any RWS Diana 34 I have ever shot!

Ten Premiers at 20 yards on the left. Five on the right.

Five more Premiers at 20 yards. Not bad for a quick and dirty test! This Panther holds very well and takes less technique than most breakbarrels.

Rest the rifle just forward of the triggerguard, where it is very muzzle-heavy, hold softly and this rifle will shoot! It takes far less technique than a Mendoza or that Hammerli Storm Elite I tested a few weeks ago. And it takes less than any 34 I’ve ever shot. I have to believe that a lot of the accuracy lies with the choked barrel.

The trigger is very crisp and light at 3.5 lbs. let-off. There is not one hint of creep. An overtravel adjustment would make it feel even nicer, but in this price category you won’t find one much better.

The straight stock is a shooter’s dream. The rifle comes up to your eye without any moving around and the sharp checkering make the gun easy to control with a soft hold.

Most of the piston seal noise is gone after 50 shots. The detent is still hard to open, but the rifle cocks smoothly from that point on.

I do need to get out to the range and see what the rifle can do at longer distance. but to this point I am very pleasantly surprised.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

121 thoughts on “RWS Diana 34 Panther – Part 3”

  1. wow those are some good groups. i am awaiting the longer range testing. i really like the look of this rifle. one question. with the stock not having a monte carlo cheek piece was you eye in a good position for the scope? mabey the smaller scope made up for this. one last thing. pyramyd lists the airforce 4-16×50 as compatable with this rifle. does that mean the leapers 4-16×50 is compatable?

    Nate in Mass

  2. Screwed,

    Hammerli is backed by Umarex USA. Give them a call and ask their service department about their warranty.

    You do know that spring guns don’t break in half? By that I mean as long as you stay out of them, they are like old tractors – they tend to last a very long time.


  3. on Umarex’s website they list the stock as being injection molded “plastic”. so does the stock have the exterior feel of the rws850 magnum, or the rubbery feel of the stocks of gamo guns?


  4. thank you and i do know that spring guns dont break in half that is just how i said it
    and what mean when you say
    if the meteor doesn’t get you first! sorry im a n00b when it comes to spring guns

    thank you

    gamo buyer

  5. Gamo buyer,

    The meteor reference was meant as a joke. You sounded a little too concerned about your gun breaking.

    Spring airguns are not computers. They are more like lawnmowers – fairly simple technology and not a lot to go wrong. The greatest danger to them is when the owner decides to become too involved.


  6. thank you b.b.

    you just give me a very important peice of info about being to involved that is probably why both of my pumpers broke (r.i.p daisy 880 and crosman 664 gtw) you just saved the life of my next air gun i do get to involved

    thank you very much

    gamo buyer

  7. bb,

    i’m confused. i’ve been awaiting the panther review to decide between it and the wood/regular 34.
    you mention good points about the panther, like choked barrel and not hold sensitive, etc., but i don’t see these characteristics mentioned for the reg 34. you mentioned the reg/wood 34 being hold sensitive.
    if the stock is the only difference, what gives? could it be a manufacturing date thing? would i be able to assume that if i find a reg/wood 34 manufactured recently (during time span of panther) that I would enjoy the same positive aspects.

    please advise, thanks

  8. Confused,

    I just told it like it happened. If I had to guess, I’d say Diana has made some internal changes, and when a change is made to a basic model like the 34, usually the change will apply to all guns within that model line.

    I do feel the choked barrel may have something to do with the accuracy I saw, but since RWS USA hasn’t made a single announcement about having choked barrels, I now wonder if I’m right. A choked barrel on a rifle that never had one is about as significant as a V8 engine in a car that formerly had only a 4-banger.

    The synthetic stock might have some small influence on accuracy, but it isn’t the reason for this dramatic difference. There could also be other changes inside of which I am not aware. On the other hand, it probably has a much greater affect on sensitivity to hold. That’s just a guess, but I do believe it.

    If the choice were mine, I’d buy the cheaper Panther and protect that fragile front sight, knowing I was going to mount a scope anyway.


  9. Hello B.B.,

    Looks like the Panther has alot of interest. It was on my list a while back, and your review has brought it to the forefront for me. You know me as an underlever guy, but I always wanted to by one breakbarrel just to see how the other half lived.

    I didn’t want to pay to much, since it would probably be more of a novelty for me that I would bring out every once in a while. Novelty, or not, I would still be interested in accuracy, reliability, and consistency. Looks like the Panther may fit the bill.

    I will be awaiting your long-range test. I guess you would agree, that if a person only had one moderately priced breakbarrel in his collection, this would be it? I’ll be going for the .22,…so in the price range, there is no other competitor/gun to consider?

    Much respect and thanks, as always

  10. bb,

    you might want to try another tin of the CZ’s. the QC varies greatly from tin to tin, and when you get lucky and find a good one, they can be very accurate.

  11. Hello B.B.,

    One other question:

    I have some B-Square (17021) 11mm-to-Weaver adjustable (elevation) adapters, with some compatible low weaver rings. the adapters have a drop pin built into the front which looks like its made for grabbing the front of the scope rail.

    Do you believe this would be a good scope mount for the Panther, until Pyramid works out the Diana scope mount issue?


  12. B.B.,
    I had my Diana 350M apart the other day and everything looked okay except the piston seal was somewhat cut up from factory assy. I bought some M2M grease from Pyramid and would like to apply some to my 350M. I read your excellent multipart series about tuning a springer. There’s one thing that I’m stuck on though. If you lube the compression tube/cylinder wall with m2m and then push the piston/seal in, there is definitely going to be some M2M ahead of the seal. I have read in other places that moly in the compression chamber ahead of the seal will cause detonation. Is m2m different? It does’nt cause detonation?
    –Dave Ennis

  13. thank you b.b.

    i’ll probably get it im not sure i like the lifetime warranty on the rws but there is the hammerli storm elite which is very nice but pyramyd air says it has a limited lifetime warranty but the owners manual says it has a one year warranty do you know

    thank you

    gamo buyer

  14. Gamo Buyer,

    i know you didn’t ask for my opinion, but if I were you I would reread the 3 part blog on the hammerli elite and compare it to the 3 parter on the panther.
    watch out for that 6lb “non-adjustable” hammerlie trigger, and other issues.
    your $200 might be better spent with the panther.
    just my humble opinion

  15. hey BB

    Just wondering, looking at your handywork on the range, what do your best groups look like with your choice of pellets and rifle (barring a competition rifle) at, say 30 yds. I’m just curious to see.


  16. hello here are the reasons why i dont want the panther and it does not bother me if anyone gives their opinion actually i like it helps with my decisions but anyway here is why i dont want to buy it

    1. its ugly to me

    2. the fragile front sight which i plan on using

    3. the scope mount thing

    4. and its front heavy

    thats pretty much it if it wasnt
    for those things i would definitely buy it i still probably will buy it cause of its performance but i dont know im not good with decisions anyone feel free to help me

    gamo buyer

  17. bb, i’ve been trying to decide between the RWS34 panther and the beeman GH1050. i can’t seem to find any blog info on the GH1050, it looks impressive. any insight? is the GH1050 being manufactured in China?


  18. B.B.

    I just got my 350M and was wondering if it would make any difference if I shot the rifle until I had the money to order all the stuff needed for cleaning the barrel? What I mean by that is, do you have to clean the barrel BEFORE any pellet get shot, or clean it with 500+ pellets. Can I do the in between and clean it when a little more money is available.

    To my surprise as well, when my rifle arrived in its plano hard case, the front sight was pointed almost straight up making in useless. and Pyramydair sat the 1 piece scope mount against the big screw on the scope rail.


  19. bb,

    ive been looking around for the best price on the g1 extreme and all sorts of other things for when i test it, and it seems like walmarts price is the best…but, is there a risk with buying a walmart gun? are they the same quality as what is shipped to pyramydair, and other dealers?

    to everyone, thanks for all of your help on the 1377…while looking through the mod. websites, i looked at what can be done with a benjamin 392, so im gonna hold off on the 1377 for a little, and get a really nice 392.


  20. Decorus,

    Unless you want that screw head to be sheared off, you need to remount that scope. Hang the vertical scope stop pin in front of the scope rail on the rifle, just like I described in the blog. You may need to lower the scope stop pin to do that.


  21. BB, I think you’ll find that the GS and GH series Beemans are Spanish Norica’s, while the SS series are made in China.

    If you look at the GH1050 carefully, I think you’ll see that it appears to be a dead-ringer for the Hammerli Storm. Most importantly, where the stock meets the front of the trigger guard it has the same shape – which is a dead giveaway that it has the same poor trigger as the Hammerli you tested.

    The Norica guns (and their clones) that have the bottom of the stock just about even with the top of the trigger area have the better trigger design (SS1000, GS950, Hammerli Razor).

    The guns where the stock comes much closer to the bottom of the trigger guard are the ones with the inferior mechanism (Hammerli Nova and Storm, Beeman GH1050)

    If I’m mistaken about any of this, please set me straight… but I’m fairly certain that this is the case. Wish I had know this before buying my Storm, BTW…

  22. Dave,

    I don’t know if Wal-Mart changes the specification on that rifle or not. I do know they negotiate for the lowest price on most products and that means manufacturers have to supply the most basic products they produce. Sometimes that can present problems and other times it doesn’t matter.

    I have no way of knowing about this particular air rifle.


  23. vince, thanks for info on the GH1050,…even though its disappointing. i’m really sold on the Panther now. its funny how some guns look impressive like the GH1050, but they fall short internally where it counts. triggers are important issues. i’m disappointed that diana wasn’t proactive enough to design a monte carlo synthetic stock with a nice butt pad on the Panther,…it couldn’t have added that much more to the price. maybe $10/$15, or even less, for production costs. forget it,…i’m going with a gamo instead. even a manufacturer like Diana should be smart enough to see the gun “all the way through” in the design stage, and not offer a 90% complete product. i realize its an effort to keep the price down, but jesus, all it takes is a better stock mold and butt pad. same way with Hammerli offering so much potential, but being silly enough to cheap out on the triggers. how do I pay them back….BY NOT BUYING THEIR PRODUCTS AND SPENDING MY MONEY ELSEWHERE…until they are smart enough to get it right….

  24. i feel your pain dude. alot of 90-95% complete guns out there. then when some manufacturer gets it 99-100% right they expect us to pay a mint for it. thats why i like the CFX, for the price, its one hell of a gun. gamo has priced it right where it needs to be, any more, and it wouldn’t be as competative.

  25. i hear you. i’m still a newbie, but everywhere i go i hear talk about the diana scope rail issue. seems like this has been an issue for a while. i’ve seen people talk themselves out of buying diana rifles because of this issue. seems like pyramidair is trying to work this out, and bsquare has offered solutions. its not pyramid’s or bsquare responsibility. why doesn’t diana just realize they need to drill those holes on the rail a little bit deeper, or over a thicker rail that allows for deeper holes. “hey diana, whoever is producing your scope rails, have them set their drill press for less shallow holes. THATS IT!!!” i wish i owned such a potentially profitable company that i could run the risk of losing additional revenue by missing such a mundane detail.

  26. you are going to love this….if you go to diana’s site, they have something called a panther 21 which is MUCH less powerful than the panther 31/34. look at the composite stock on that baby. some marketing “genius” created such an attractive stock and put it on and “entry level” springer like the panther 21, and then put some skiny, tasteless stock on a gun with the heritage of the RWS34. how bass-ackwards it that!?!

  27. its the way of the world fellas. its like trying to convince a tire manufacuturer to make round tires, and getting the answer back, “no…i’ll keep making these square ones, i know someone will buy them”.
    just spend your money elsewhere

  28. hello thank you b.b. but i just figured out what it would cost me buy the rws 34 panther

    1. rws 34 panther $187

    2.B-Square 17101 Interlock AA 1-Pc Mount w/1″ Rings, 9.5-13mm Dovetail $46

    3. cheap crosman 4x32mm scope $30

    4. rws .177 shooters kit $31

    thats $298 not counting the shipping which would cost a lot for all that way more than what i want and can spend on a air gun

    but for the hammerli storm

    1. hammerli storm $130

    2. rws .177 shooters kit $31

    3. cheap crosman 4x32mm $30

    thats only $191 and i can get it localy i would have to get the panther at pyramyd air and it aint got a cheek peice plus with the hammerli getting a scope aint as big of an issue cause i can just drive up to wally world and get a scope if i want where as with the panther i cant i have to spend all that money on a scope mount so its stupid not to get a scope with it since im already spending all that money and it does not seem worth it to me plus i aint got that much money does anyone recommend another rifle in my price range
    no gamos please

    thank you

    gamo buyer

  29. see that Diana….another lost sale because for years you haven’t made a manufacturing change to your scope rail, that would cause you less than 1 penny to drill a hole a bit deeper…
    i’m always reminded of the words of comedian Ron White,…”looks and beauty can fade with time,…but STUPID is forever”

  30. gamo buyer,

    dude…just my opinion, but you are all over the place. check out bb’s blog about best buys under $200.
    If you are willing to consider that “winchester” 1000sb/1000xs, may i recommend you look at the:

    BAM B30 (if pyramind can get them in)
    Beeman SS1000/SS1000H/SS1000T combo
    Crosman Phantom
    Remington Genesis
    Remington Summit

    some of these have nice wood stocks. the SS1000H is new, and comes in two calibers, I might get that one myself

  31. gamo buyer,

    Blog: Best airguns for the money – Part 1
    Air rifles under $100

    url: /blog/2007/03/best-airguns-for-the-money-part-1air-rifles-under-100/

    Best airguns for the money – Part 2
    Air rifles for $100-$200

    url: /blog/2007/03/best-airguns-for-the-money-part-2air-rifles-for-100-200/

    Blog: Best airguns for the money – Part 3
    Air rifles for $200 – $400

    url: /blog/2007/03/best-airguns-for-the-money-part-3air-rifles-for-200-400/

  32. sorry but i have a budget of about $145-$195 thats it so i want to get the best for my money for an all round rifle for left and right hand shooters and be powerful and be accurate and last awile and have iron sights i dont want a .22 do to lack of .22 pellets where i live i appreciate the help but please dont bug me about being all over the place thats how i am i make a list of the guns i like when i have the money i buy the best one and this is one of the very few times i have money for airguns
    but thank you for your help i will consider the those rifles as i said yesterday im not good with decisions like this if the gun i buy is a peice of crap i dont have the money to fix the gun or buy another gun once i buy a gun thats it for about 2 years before i have this much money again but anyway here are the guns im considering

    1. hammerli storm

    2. Beeman SS1000H-AW Combo but its new i will have to see some reviews

    3. all the beeman ss1000 rifles

    4. crosman phantom

    5. crosman quest

    6. bam b30

    7. the benjamin streak rifles

    8. rws 34

    9. winchester 1000 sb or xs

    10. winchester 800x

    11. mendoza rm 2003

    12. ss1000-h air rifle combo

    thats all i can think of right now im really thinking about the Beeman SS1000H-aw Combo thank you for recommending that and thank you everyone for your opinions it really helps and b.b. i have a suggestion for review the SS1000-H Air Rifle Combo by Beeman i looks neat but its just a suggestion

    sorry if there are selling errors and if i did not type right

    thank you

    gamo buyer

  33. Gamo Buyer,

    I have a winchester 1000xs. Its accuracy is ok. 3 inch groups at 50 yards are the norm. I killed a squirrel at 80+ yards with it one time. Its a par for its class.


  34. I’d stay away from the Winchester (Daisy) series. They can be very powerful and accurate, but there’s no parts support to speak of and, in general, it is a crude and harsh firing gun.

    The IZH MP513 shares may traits with the Daisy, but I believe it’s made better and you CAN get service parts.

    The Crosman-made rifles are better than the Daisy’s in my opinion, and Crosman CS and parts support is very decent. FYI – Quest, Phantom, G1 Extreme, Sierra Pro, Remmington Summit and TAC-1 Extreme are all based on the Chinese-built Quest action. The Legacy 1000, Genesis, and TAC 77 Elite use the American-built Legacy action.

    The Storm and some of the Beeman SS series have bad triggers – but some of the Hammerli and SS series have very good ones. Compare a Hammerli Storm with a Razor, and notice how the forestock mates with the trigger guard. The Storm has the bad trigger, while the Razor has the good one. By looking at the stock, you can tell which trigger a Hammerli or SS series gun has.

  35. B.B. and everyone, please I really would love your advice!!! I really need one good .22 hunting airgun. I am not a beginer and have a gamo 220 .177 and others I shoot for fun. But like I said I need a good hunting airgun in .22 for distances out to 40yds. I think this airgun might be good but was wondering do you have to get the adjustable mount in order to sight this rifle in with a scope. Also would this be better for hunting than a Cfx .22. I would get a B 40 but for the money I want to spend and for just a nice hunting rifle I’ve narrowed it down to the cfx and 34. Which one is going to give me the best power, accuracy, and quality for hunting. The 34 panther is as low as $159 some places but I will still probably buy it here for the safety and confidentley. So what is you opinion for a great hunting rifle. Are there any better guns and scope for under $250. Thanks prieciate it!

  36. .22 hunter,

    Between these two rifles, the CF-X will be easier to shoot accurately. The Panther takes some technique. Not as much as most breakbarrels, but it still takes more than the CF-X.

    On the flip side, the CF-X is harder to load with its rotary breech. Still, I’d choose it.


  37. vince said:…

    “FYI – Quest, Phantom, G1 Extreme, Sierra Pro, Remmington Summit and TAC-1 Extreme are all based on the Chinese-built Quest action. The Legacy 1000, Genesis, and TAC 77 Elite use the American-built Legacy action.”

    which one of these “actions” is considered better?

  38. i’m looking at the benjamin 392/397 combos. do the scopes REALLY get mounted that far foward on the gun as pyramid has them picutred. jesus, how would that work well?

  39. gamo buyer,

    it would also be beneficial to know what you are planning to use the gun for: hunting, plinking, general shooting, or a combination of all. i noticed that there were not any co2 guns on your list in an effort to keep cost down, good decision. you said you do not want any gamo suggestions, but if you don’t already have the Gamo CFX in your personal posession, you should really consider it. in my opinion it one of the absolute best under $200 guns.
    you also questioned SUMO concerning the accuracy of the daisy/winchester gun within 20yards. if this is your yardage limitation, i would not focus too much on needing to purchase a scope immediately with the gun. at 20 yards and below, open sight usage is all you need. a scoped rifle looks cooler, aids in pinpoint accuracy, etc., but its better to invest your money upfront more “in the gun”. the scope can come later or never.
    if you frequent the PyramidAir site, you will see 10% discount codes mentioned in the header of the webpage from time to time. who knows, they may have one for the July 4th holiday,…they did for fathers day weekend.

  40. thank you for your help also and what i will be using the gun for would be hunting and plinking and little bit of target shooting thats pretty much it and i probably will hold off on the scope for while the only thing that i am buying no matter what is the .177 rws shooters kit cause im not screwing up this rifle

    thank you

    gamo buyer

  41. to the person asking about the different crosman actions-ive heard better things about the chinese action. read bbs report on the genesis, and in a little bit, im going to do a report on the g-1 extreme, because ive heard very good things about it.


  42. Hello Gamo Buyer,

    I have two 4×32 scopes that came with my CFX’s that I probably will never use. They say Gamo, but I think gamo owns BSA, which are “decent” optics.

    If you live in the US, I’ll mail them to you free of charge. That way you can focus on whichever gun you are going to get. Shipping should be minimal so its no prob. If I’m not going to use them, they are just going to gather dust,…so once again, its no prob.

    Respond back and let me know if you are interested.

  43. to the person asking about mounting a scope on the benjamin rifle, you could have it modified to accept a scope…if bb finds this acceptable, ill put the website on here, otherwise, im sure you could google it…but in my opinion(im getting a fully mod. 392) i like it better with open sights…maybe ill put a peep sight…but def not a scope…i like the look better, and also, i want to keep it a survival rifle(bb wrote a post on survival guns, and the 392 and the bluye streak were his top picks), and ill most likely keep the sights that came with it…i also like it because it gives more of a challenge…but it can be done…ppl have made several hundred yard shots without any optics attached. food for thought.


  44. On the subject of RWS airguns, I just have to leave a comment on my first experience with the 350 Magnum .22 that arrived at my door from Pyramid Air early last week.

    I must say that for the price, this is a very, very good airgun. Really solid feeling, yet long and slender and feels good to hold when pointed. I scoped it with a 4-16×50 Leapers (I know, a little big, but the combined weight was not a prob)and was surgical out to 50+ yards with Benjis and JSB’s once sighted in.

    Despite the ABS plastic parts, which even the Space Shuttle uses with abundance, there is definetly a sense that this is rifle holds a fine heritage to the RWS line. It’s a great upgrade to my mod.34, with a substantial increase in knock-down power. It hits hard, and it hits fast, with a satisfying kick that exudes authority. When held with attention to the artillery hold, she really wants to perform with every shot.

    I want to thank you, B.B., for the review and the excellent info that helped shape my decision in the purchase.I know I’ll have many years of shooting pleasure with it!

    Paul Capello

  45. B.B. and everyon, I am really good at handling springers. I have a lot of technique and know I can shoot the 34 just fine. So besides technique is the cfx still better then the 34 panther for hunting in .22. It seems like the 34 panther has more power and is just as accurate. It is also cheaper then the cfx. Plus I will be putting a scope on it. So which one do you think is the better gun for my hunting needs. I already have a 220 .177 that I plink with all the time and some times hunt. But I want a more powerful accurate hunting gun. Some say the 34 panther is better for quality and others say the cfx is better for hold sensitivity. Well the sensitivity doesn’t bother me so which one do you think is the better airgun. And one other thing, do you need an adjustable mount for the barrel droop on the 34 panther or does it dial in scopes with regular mounts. Thanks so much I’d really prieciate the helpa Please!

  46. My opinion…CFX all the way. No special scope mounts needed, fixed barrel, accurate, really great power, less hold sensitive, nice monte carlo composite stock, safe loading port. You just buy the gun and shoot, only downside is loading ramp, which you get used to and is easier to load in 22cal, and is “safe”. If you have taken the time to read the blog, and other comments in this topic, you should already know the answer to you question. Don’t get me wrong, I own some Dianas, and they are wonderful air rifles. If you said Gamo CFX .22 or Diana RWS46 .22, I would say the Diana, but there is a $150 difference between those two. The CFX against the Panther,…no brainer…CFX…

  47. The Panther has severe barrel droop, so it does need adjustable mounts.

    It sounds like you want to buy it so I’d say go ahead. It does cost $12 less than the CF-X, so you save there. And it is a nice air rifle – especially the straight stock that elevates your eye to the scope without the need for a Monte Carlo comb or cheekpiece.


  48. bb covered the special scope mounting needed in

    blog: RWS Diana 34 Panther – Part 2

    url: /blog/2007/6/rws-diana-34-panther-part-2/

    i suggest you go back an read or re-read all three parts of the Panther blog and the attached comments. bb takes the time to produce these blogs, we owe him the respect of taking the time to read them, they are full of useful information for a purpose.

  49. Hi BB

    Would a fixed barrel like my CFX also suffer from droop or is this a break barrel problem?

    Thanks for the hint to pull the trigger with the tip of your finger as opposed to the first joint. I have been finding that that with a 5 shot group I have been tending to have 4 grouping and one flyer a bit wide of late, so I will give this a try.


  50. It would be interesting to see the main power spring in springers change to the same spring design as the flat looking type springs in the glock pistols slide action.

  51. If you are talking about flat section coiled wire mainsprings, they exist in Webley spring pistols. They do not last as long as round-section wire springs because they have less material for the wire diameter. They are only used when it’s necessary to pack a stronger spring in a shorter space. But as I noted, they do not last as long.


  52. hi, i have recently bought a panther 34 as well as a rws pellet sampler and have put about 300 rounds through it. due to me being completely new to pellet rifles, for a gun like this what is the “break-in period” as well as what things are essential to keep my gun in shape. i also plan on buying a scope (probably a leapers 3-9×40) and am wondering what type of scope mount would suit me best. also, for longer range shooting, what type of pellets do you suggest. Last but not least, were can i get a replacement front sight for my gun (my fiber-optic snapped off)as well as new screws for my rear sight. thanks for the help

  53. The break-in period for spring piston air rifles is about 1,000 shots, minumum.

    Please read the detaqiled description I have about mounting a scope. It’s there in the review of the Panther. There is only one way to do it on a Diana air rifle at this time. Thwere is a severe barrel droop problem to be overcome, which is why the AA Adjustable mount from B-Square must be used.

    I recommend the pellets I used in the accuracy test. Have you read part 4 of the report?

    You have to return your gun to the dealerd for the sight problems. Did you read part one of my report?

    If the rifle is out of warranty, contact Umarex USA who functions as RWS USA.



  54. Hey B.B. and all I see that you guys think the cfx is better but I dont get why? Isnt the rws better quality, longer lasting, better shooter, more powerful (realisticaly little more),and just as accurate. People always say rws are superior to gamos especially in quality. Also it seems as if the 34 is a better hunter than the cfx in .22 or either caliber. It just seems this way but I was just wondering what you guys have to say. Thanks I aprieciate this blog very much by the way!

  55. I’m going to answer your question specifically.

    Is the RWS Diana 34 Panther:

    1. Better? Since I don’t know that you mean by “better,” I’ll have to say no.

    2. Longer lasting? No.

    3. More powerful? They are very close. It would be difficult to separate these two models.

    4. Just as accurate? Well, the 34 I tested proved to be MORE accurate than the CF-X. So I’d say it’s at least as accurate. Again, this will differ gun to gun, and I didn’t clean the CF-X barrel before testing (too difficult).

    5. The better hunter? Again, I don’t know what you mean by “better.”


  56. Sorry for not being clear the first time B.B. When I said better I meant it seems as if the rws models are better quality. I was suprised when you said it didnt last longer. I thought the rws quality and waranty were better so I thought it would last longer. And when I say better for hunting I mean all around quality, reliability, handling, and of course accuracy and power. THank you prieciate it very much B.B.

  57. Being as I’m a first-time airgunner trying to decide between the CFX and the 34, I really appreciate your blog.

    The Pyramyd folks are nudging me towards the Panther, yet I’m leaning towards the CFX (probably because the idea of grabbing the barrel and bending it downward seems odd).

    How much variability is there from gun-to-gun? In other words, your test of the 34 uncovered a few weak points, yet accuracy seemed excellent.

    What are the odds that I buy a CFX or 34 that’s far more (or less) accurate than your test guns?

    Are your test guns essentially chosen at random?


  58. Trout,

    Either gun will be fine. Yes, the guns are chosen at random.

    Aerial at Pyramyd always pushes the 34 because she knows what a wonderful value it is. But if you want a CF-X, get what you want.

    As far as accuracy goes, cleaning the barrel, selecting the right pellet and using the artillery hold makes the difference.


  59. Thanks. I’m almost certainly going to get the CF-X.

    If it’s one thing I’ve learned making these kinds of decisions with fly rods, you go with the one that feels right — or you spend your precious leisure time regretting buying the fly rod/air rifle in your hand.

    That’s not good.

    Keep up the great work.

  60. B.B.

    Say, what’s the latest word on the Panther front sight? Has RWS modified it yet? Do you know of a good replacement sight or hood that a Panther owner could purchase?

    BBS 09

  61. BBS 09,

    Diana is coming out with upgraded models of many of their standard rifles in 2008. The Panther will get the Panther Pro, which has a muzzle brake and no sights and a Panther Pro Compact, which is a carbine version of the Panther Pro. The sights on the standard gun remain unchanged.

    As you know, RWS is just the exporter. They don’t make airguns.


  62. B.B.

    No, actually I didn’t know that RWS is only the exporter. I’m new to the hobby. Thanks.

    By the way, I just received my first springer in the mail. It’s a Diana .177 34 Panther. Outstanding!

    Thanks for the work you do,
    BBS 09

  63. I read this review and wondered if you have any inside info about the new RWS Panther Pro and Panther Pro Compact on pyramidair. Do you expect those to have comparable performance to the RWS 34 reviewed here? Also, which would you choose between the RWS 34 and say one of the Gamo hunter series? Many thanks for such a great/educational blog.

  64. The new Panther Pro and Panther Pro Compact should perform exactly the same as the Panther reviewed here. All they are, are different cosmetic presentations of the same air rifle.

    In the Gamo line, I really like the Whisper, but the Panther is just as accurate. Choose the Whisper for light weight and the Panther to same money.


  65. Hi BB, because oft his review im having some trouble deciding. Which one is better, the normal 34 or Panther? The stock on th panther is OK but not preferable, so I care most about accuracy. Does the regular 34 have the same accuracy?

  66. B.B.
    I’ve seen several comments that the droop is fairly significant in the 34. Does this get progressively worse with the rifle over time…or is it an engineering issue that is permanently overcome with the new “Droop Compensator” scope mount?

  67. BB,
    Thanks for your great blog. Bought the Dianna 34P based on your recommendations. It is great. I'm ready to put a scope on it for even more fun. I'm a novice at scopes but have seen your blogs/airgun-video and think I'm up to the task. You definitely recommend a scope stop and Pyramid has the UTG Scope Mount Base for RWS Dianna 34 (MNT-DN034) that is highly rated. Seems like I need to purchase scope rings seperately from the scope.(?) My quesion is whether to focus on low rings (RG18W-25L) that you can't see thru or the medium rings (RGWM-25M4) that allow a see-thru? I'm planning to get the in-stock version of the scope you tested (SCP-392AOMDTS[PY-A-866]). Thanks so much!!!

  68. Tommy,

    When I created the 34 mount, the gun I was testing had a huge amount of droop. Many people have cpmplained that it makes their scope go too low. So I will recommend the 460 mount instead.

    Forget see-through rings. They just an advertising gimmick. I would get lower rings, because the mount base will raise your scope considerably.

    You usually need to buy rings separate from the scope. At any rate, you are going to need rings of the same diameter as the tube of the scope you buy, and they have to have a Weaver base.

    Please let us know how this turns out.


  69. BB,
    Thanks again for your advice. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that the 460 mount has less droop correction than the 34. I have an RWS Dianna 34 Panther and the PA website clearly recommends the 34 mount for this gun. I just want to be clear that you understand the gun I have doesn't seem to match what PA claims for the 460 mount (which they say is for the 48, 52, 54, and 460 Mag). Please confirm that I should pair the 460 mount with my 34P rifle…I trust you and will buy whatever you say is right. Thanks!!

  70. Tommy,

    I know you have a Diana 34 and yes, I did develop the 34 mount for Diana breakbarrels, but apparently the 34 I used in development was a particularly bad drooper. Some 34s can use the mount, but for others it is too much droop.

    The 460 mount has a little less droop and should be okay for the majority of guns.

    Yes, I'm saying to use the 460 mount on your new 34. If I'm wrong and it doesn't correct enough, then you will have to switch for the 34 mount.


  71. Okay, thanks for the clarification. I will let you know how the 460 works out. Thanks!! (If it works well, maybe we could suggest PA changing their website). Best wishes.

  72. BB,
    Got my new scope in over the weekend. Went with the 460 mount per your suggestion, but it shot way high (+6" at 15 yards). I adjusted the scope setting all the clicks possible in the "down" direction and now it shoot about 3" high. At about 25 yards I am dead on when I use the 2nd Mil dot above the horizontal crossbar. However, this is not the desired configuration. Is it possible that RWS has completely eliminated the barrel droop on the current 34P? (I just purchased mine a couple of months back) Should I exchange the 460 for a LEMNT-DNTOWL[PY-A-2639] which looks to be the same device with no droop compensation? Thanks.

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