Leapers Golden Image 3-9x32AO Rifle Scope, Mil-Dot Reticle, 1" Tube
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Rifle scope
Full size, adjustable objective scope, from 6 yards up
5th Gen square knob housing and finger adjustment knobs
Mil-dot range estimating reticle
Complete with flip-open lens caps
Magnification: 3X-9X
Tube Dia.: 1"
Objective Dia.: 32 mm
Field of View @100 yards: 40 .0' - 13.3'
Eye Relief: 3.3" - 3.1"
Exit Pupil: 10.0- 3.6mm
Click Value@100 yards: 1/4"
Length: 13.2"
Weight: 15.9oz
Parallax Setting: 6yds - infinity
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10 of 98 Leapers Golden Image 3-9x32AO Rifle Reviews
It is a very beautiful scope
Things I Would Have ChangedDon't really know
What Others Should KnowI do not understand all the great reviews about this scope when i got this scope i thought that it looked great and was very inexspensive. I am very dissapointed in this scope i can simply not sight it in i would return it but i do not have the shipping box it came in any more plus it is past 30 days so i can't return it. I also wasted almost a full tin of pellets. i am very dissapointed with pyramidair for sending me a deffected product. the reason i say it is deffected is beacause when i shoot at a target or what ever, it shoots {depending on the range} 3 inches to the left i have tryed fixing it by moveing the scope turrents several clicks to the left when that didnt help i turned it several clicks to the right whitch didnt help either. i can turn the turrents in full cirles without a single difference. i may not order from pyramidair ever again if i only get defected products.
Nice focus, crosshairs and target both crystal clear
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowMy Browning Leverage now shoots groups that are half the size of the original scope,which was included with the rifle!
Good image, focus and mil dot is very handy when shooting pellets of different weights.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. It is a great scope for the price.
Excellent optics; ideal for rifle or larger pistol. I use on Marauder pistol with carbine stock. Windage/elevation adjustments are easy.
Things I Would Have Changedfocusing ring is a bit stiff to turn
What Others Should Knowfor the price, this is a must have scope.
The scope is bright with crisp click adjustment and holding zero very well after about 500 pellets of 22 cal. With my strong negative glasses I had problem focussing with other scopes but not with this one. Sharp at X9 magnification and light enough not to add too much weight to the rifle
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing for the price
What Others Should KnowI wish I new about this scope earlier so I could put it on my centerfire rifles
Overall I am very pleased with the quality and performance of this scope. The optics are exceptionally clear and the scope holds true shot after shot. I mounted this scope to my Beeman RS2 springer and after well over 500 shots this scope is dead on accurate. I've read a lot of reviews on this scope where others stated they didn't like the flip up end caps because they hit the (breech/barrel) when trying to adjust the objective lens. This is simply remedied by installing high profile scope rings. I ordered the Tech Force One piece shoot through scope mount when I ordered my scope and couldn't be happier. The quality and performance of this scope is amazing when considering how little I payed for it.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a single thing.
What Others Should KnowIf your looking for a great scope at an affordable price? Then look no further and buy this scope.
Has everything.
Things I Would Have ChangedNix
Cost, clarity, maintains accuracy. I got this as a combo with my RWS 34 and love it so much I bought another for my Ruger 10/22 very good scope for the cost.
Things I Would Have Changedbetter flip up cover they are a bit flimsy
What Others Should KnowBe careful with the covers if you use them they will break very easily.
Love it, takes in lot of lights. It's great in low light conditions. Lots of adjustment, saved me from needing to do a shim job.
Things I Would Have ChangedNo complaints
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Apr 26, 2014
By oats
This is a beautiful scope no doubt about it , clear glass. flip-ups , well made , no longer available to order though.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing this scope looks like it would work very well on any gun.
What Others Should KnowI mounted this scope on a tech force model 66 ( looks just like a QB-57). I was very disappointed no what i did could not get this scope to sight in, it would always be about 2 inches low , so i ended up mounting o.e.m. scope back on the rifle. At least now i am able to hit something with it. I would send it back if i could. A very hard rifle to be accurate with , takes a lot of practice.