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Education / Training Gamo CF-X gas spring! – Part 1

Gamo CF-X gas spring! – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

I don’t know the design team at Gamo, but it’s obvious they have one and they listen to what shooters say about their guns. The evidence is in my hands – a new CF-X in .22 caliber that I’m going to test for you. This one also has the new Air Venturi Ram Air gas spring.

Since I already reported on the GRT trigger modification, I won’t describe it here, except to say that I installed one on this CF-X. The regular CF-X trigger has a long second-stage pull with some creep. The GRT III eliminates all of it.

What’s different?
I last looked at the CF-X back in February 21, 2006. I did so at the encouragement of a reader named Hernan who I branded CF-X Guy. He was hot to see the rifle, and although I was definitely NOT impressed with Gamo in those days, I gave in. Well, that test changed my mind. I saw real value in that rifle with only one negative observation about the trigger and one about the loading ramp.

The GRT III removes the trigger objection and Gamo has dealt with the loading ramp situation, which is the reason for my opening remark. The CF-X is an underlever. To load the rifle, a rotating breech is turned to the right, exposing a curved loading ramp. The original CF-X had a smooth polished ramp that caught the head of the pellet and caused it to flip over. You could end up loading the pellet breech-first if you weren’t careful. The new ramp has been bead-blasted and finished with matte nickel plating. The surface is rougher, but ironically has less drag and isn’t so prone to flip pellets. That’s the sign of a real airgun designer at work!


The new finish on the rotating breech trough makes loading much easier.

On the other hand…
Gamo screwed up when someone chose ALUMINUM as a top scope rail! PLEASE stop telling me scopes don’t move if the clamping pressure is high enough. They all DO! NO AMOUNT of clamping pressure alone will stop a scope mount from moving under recoil. Look at what a few hundred shots has done to the scope stop hole in the Gamo rail! This is the rail on the Whisper with the Air Venturi Ram Air gas spring, but the results will be identical for the steel mainspring. I know because, if you recall, I have two Whispers, one with steel and one with gas. I just checked and the scope stop hole on the steel spring gun is peened back the same way as on the gas spring gun.


After a few hundred shots, this is what the recoil stop pin on the Gamo-supplied scope did to the Whisper’s scope base. Come on, Gamo, you can do better!

Gamo, Gamo, Gamo! Come on, guys, fix this weakness immediately! You have a wonderful group of air rifles in many respects. We don’t need this. Replace this part with one made of steel and everything will be fine again.

What’s it like?
A gas spring in a CF-X has got to be one of the best ideas to come along in some time. I loved the Whisper. I also love this gun! The underlever seems to be made for cocking gas springs, because it seems as easy as cocking a steel spring. The resistance is still all the way through the arc of the lever, but the leverage is terrific! And, now that the loading problem is solved, what’s not to like?

The jolt upon firing seems slightly harsher than the Whisper with the gas spring, but it’s not objectionable and certainly a lot less than with the steel spring. I still have the gas spring Whisper to compare to. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to tell. Of course, this is a .22 caliber rifle, which may change things a bit. But, don’t forget, you can leave this rifle cocked for hours without degrading the spring, and there’s absolutely no twisting or torque effect when it fires.

Once again, Gamo uses Torx fasteners to hold the action in the stock. While I was swapping triggers, Nate asked how to remove the stock, so for the benefit of new owners who haven’t guessed it yet, you pop off the side panels with a screwdriver to find the Torx forearm bolts. With Gamo guns, it’s the rear triggerguard screw instead of the front that holds the action.


Pop up the forearm pads with a screwdriver. Four rubber pins hold each side to the stock.

I can’t wait to fire this rifle through the chronograph for you! It feels like a real tiger!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

73 thoughts on “Gamo CF-X gas spring! – Part 1”

  1. Now your talking. Never liked springers much, or barrel cockers. A gas spring underlever is the way to go. Being a hunter and woods roamer, it’s not uncommon for me to want to carry a cocked and loaded gun all day.
    Question. Can peep sights be easily installed on this gun? Don’t like scopes at all.

  2. B.B. Regarding peep sight question, I’m pretty sure the rail “raiser” can be removed from the CFX to reveal a standard rail on the receiver, in which case the sight would fit ok.


  3. Does anyone make a steel replacement scope rail for Gamo rifles? The CF-X was on my list of most wanted airguns until I seen the pic of the whispers stop pin hole.


  4. B.B.

    Where can I buy the new Air Venturi Ram Air gas spring? I don’t live in the US and I cannot ship the rifle to a gunsmith.

    Can I do the mod myself?

    Thanks a lot for the article.

  5. Morning, BB:

    RE your comment -“PLEASE stop telling me scopes don’t move if the clamping pressure is high enough. They all DO! NO AMOUNT of clamping pressure alone will stop a scope mount from moving under recoil”.
    Sorry, but I am here to keep telling you the BKL 260, the one-piece model with six screws clamping the rail (that you have never tested), WILL NOT SLIP on the rail. I know you have a Diana-oriented product coming out, and I hope its a great one. But please, claims such as the one above are simply not credible in the context of many airgunners’ experiences with the BKL 260 on magnum springers. Just do a search on the Yellow Forum, and the unvarying take on the BKL 260 is this: It won’t slip. I would agree that its most prudent application would be on raised rails, such as the Diana and many GAMOs, to avoid the possibility of compresion tube deformations.
    And no, I don’t work for BKL. Just another 260 owner that has seen a real product perform in the real world.
    Persistent Regards,

  6. Steve,

    The forthcoming scope base I have been working on has nothing to do with my attitude about clamp-only scope mounts. I tested them thoroughly, with the head of BKL sending me the latest mounts he had and instructing me how to install them. They didn’t even work on weak guns like the R9, let alone on magnums.

    However, I never tested a six-screw mount, so today I am ordering a BKL 260 to test. I will test it ruthlessly, but I will also be fair. I hope it works. Anyway, we shall see.


  7. Interesting. Can’t wait to see the accuracy and speed ratings on the newer CFX, though I’ve already got my .177 CFX.

    I scoped mine with the Leapers 4x-12x compact scope, and because the single scope stop hole on my CFX wouldn’t give me the eye relief I wanted, I went with the Gamo Scope stop. Though I only put a tin of pellets through the thing before the snow flew, the scope hasn’t moved (yet).

    I’ll remain hopeful… 😎

  8. B.B. Thanks for your replies, how about the side-by-side comparison though? I am interested in velocity and of course accuracy.

    P.S. Bummer on the separate spring thing…


  9. Thank you all for the comments on peep sights. I have some old peeps here and in the past have even made my own. Crude, but they worked. I guess it won’t be much a problem. looking forward to the rest of your Gamo test.

  10. Chris,

    I don’t see that happening. Accuracy doesn’t change when the powerplant changes, because accuracy is in the barrel. It might take more technique to shoot a certain tune accurately, but that’s a subjective thing. Yes it could be tested, but I don’t have the time or resources to put into it.

    I’m afraid we’ll have to be satisfied with the accuracy from this rifle, alone.


  11. BB,

    Hi I loved this post!!!!!.Just thanking you again for all your great and hard work.After being here and reading every day I can say that I have learned a lot more.So thanks again.Hope you have a great and happy new year!!!!

    Now,for a question

    I wanted to know if an air rifle(in this case my cfx) will lose power with time due to the spring getting weaker.Im not noticing anything but just wanted to know.And If I where to change the spring what would you recommend????

    Thanks BB

    CF-X guy

  12. Hello B.B.

    I was wondering about the new walther falcon break barrel. I saw it in the “Airgun Times,” but I don’t see it anywhere on the site. Do you know when it will be availible?

  13. BB, I agree with Steve about the BKL mounts. I can not speak for all of their mounts or everyones experiences, only mine. I have 1 BKL 260 D7 mounted on a .22 Gamo 1250 with NO additional scope stop of any kind. Rock solid with NO MOVEMENT or loss of zero with several hundred shots. I know there has been no movement because I made small marks with a magic marker on both sides of the mount to show even the slightest movement.
    Great blog, keep up the good work.

  14. B.B.,
    My Condor .25 (filled to 180 bar, using a 21 grain pellet, at 10 yards) set at lowest power will start out at around 675 fps, then climb steadily in fps (about 50 fps increase for each 10 pellets) so that after about 50 shots the velocity has climbed on its own to around 915 fps. I was wondering why this happens and how I might get it to stay at under 750 fps for 50 or more shots, rather than watch it go beyond that point by the 13th shot on its own. I have tried starting at different bar (200, 180, 160), and the effect is the same. Is this normal for this rifle? While I purchased it for under 40 yard squirrel/rat hunting (for which I can think of no better rifle), I have found that due to its light weight and ability to dial down in power, it is equally proficient in its role indoors at targets at 10 yards. If I purchased a CO2 attachment, would the rifle fps still increase on its own if set at lowest power? Please help if you can. Thanx. – Dr. G.

  15. I probably missed it, but is the Air Venturi gas spring available as an install on the Gamo’s (CFX, in my case) yet?
    Also, is the labor charge $10?
    If so, that is an incredible bargain.

  16. Hi BB.

    A comment on the aluminium rail.
    When I scoped my CFX, I was only able to get my hands on a high scope mount, so to keep the scope height reasonable, I removed the aluminium rail and mounted it directly on the compression chamber. I dont thing there is any threat of deforming the chamber as long as you dont go crazy when tightening the screws. P.S Im using a hawke mount with a scope stop pin. (There is another hole under the raiser rail.)

    Looking forward to part 2

  17. B.B.,

    I ordered a GRT-III trigger, and installed it on my cf-x, just a few questions:

    1. The return spring is supposed to remain out of the gun, yes? along with the old trigger, and spring retention pin.

    2. My trigger has a slight play in it before reaching the first stage. Is that normal?

    3. My trigger is a little “sticky”. Can’t think of a better word, but it isn’t very smooth. Should I use grease, etc.?


  18. Frogman,

    Yes, the return spring stays out.

    Did you lube the GRT trigger the way Charlie says to on his website? I haven’t see any stickiness, but I did lube mine so maybe that’s it.

    “slight play – you mean side to side? That’s a stumper. The first stage is where all the movement of the trigger takes place. Is that what you are calling play?

    Did you reinstall the trigger guide in the new GRT III? That’s the pin that slides up and down the slot cut in the side of the trigger box.


  19. B.B.

    I know that air rifles have a maximum effective range of around 70 yards. Some can do pumpkin and bottle busting way beyond that, but 70 yards seems like the practical limit for most. Does that limitation imply one for scope power? I hear about people scoping airguns with 24X scopes, but I understand that the Marine snipers for awhile were scoping their rifles with 3-9X scopes for their 1000 yard shooting. Something is wrong with this picture.

    I’m guessing that there must be a point where the bounce and limited field view of the scope make the extra power not worth it although this could be ameliorated somewhat with a solid rest…. Anyway, I’m wondering if there is such a thing as a practical limit to scope power that you could generalize about.


  20. Matt61,

    Marine snipers shoot at human torsos that are about 12 inches or more wide. Field target shooters aim for a target about as wide as a /.177 pellet. If they are off by 0.03″ in some circumstances, they can miss.

    Another reason for scope power is so the shooter can see small details at distance, enabling them for focus exactly and determine the range. Marine snipers can use laser rangefinders, but they are not permitted in field target.


  21. B.B.,
    Regarding the Condor .25, of course I have already asked Airhog, and was told that this is normal. Do you agree, can you explain why it happens, and whether this would be addressed by the CO2 “fix”? I understood that you had a working knowledge of the AirForce Rifles and their design. Thanx. – Dr. G.

  22. Dr. G.

    You are shooting your Condor in a way that I have never tested, nor have I ever heard of anyone testing. The gun is designed for power, so all the testing has been at the opposite end. If someone wants a lower velocity with great consistency, there is the Talon. For rats and squirrels at less than 40 yards, it would give more shots on a fill of air.

    The CO2 tank will not and can not increase in velocity this way, because the pressure of liquid CO2 evaporating remains constant at a give temperature. Run it at full power and you’ll get 720-740 f.p.s. , with .22 Premiers. Is that what you are looking for?

    As for the climb in velocity being normal, I cannot comment, because in my years with the Condor I never tested the low end the way you are using the gun. However, if you want consistency at a lower velocity, why not use a Talon SS air reservoir? I do know that the Condor powerplant cannot make the small valve do more than it wants to.

    If you are really wanting the Condor to shoot slow, put a small O-ring UNDER the top hat and shoot the rifle at full power. The O-ring will limit the movement of the top hat, which limits the opening of the valve. That’s the way we used to “tune” the A-series Talon before the power wheel came along.


  23. Hello Matt61,

    I’ve got 4-16X50 Leapers on my BAM B30’s. They are 16″ long, dust-cover to dust-cover, and mounted with the desired eye relief that I like for my hold. The Loading Chamber of the B30 is 2 3/8″ long, and the scope infringes 1″ into this area.

    Regardless of your magnification preference, but if you desire the same type of eye relief that I do and hold, anything longer than 16″ might make pellet loading difficult. As it stands right now, I can load pellets easily.

    Just thought I would give you a heads up.

    Take it easy.

  24. BB,
    I was looking around on PA for scope bases and noticed that B-Square makes an 11mm to weaver adapter. I also read in this blog that there is a normal 11mm rail under the CF-X’s scope base. I was wondering, if the B-Square adapter has a stop pin, would it be a suitable replacement for the standard aluminum Gamo base?


  25. B.B.,
    I know that you are Tom G. from reading this blog – are you really also Van, of Airhog, as well? Thank you very much for explaining this in a way that sounds suspiciously like Van..Hmmm..no wonder you were so gung-ho in your blog on their quiet Condor product!! Seriously, thank you for your time in taking the time to respond to my question. I was simply pleasantly surprised at how light, comfortable, accurate, and indoor quiet at lowest power the Condor .25 turned out to be, and wanted to enjoy being able to shoot it indoors at lowest power (the pellet selection per se is not a factor in this question) for as many quiet shots as I could get before it fell below usable velocity. The way that it creeps up in power makes it noticeably louder by the 20th shot. The ‘fix’ for this has been to take a single shot at higher power (e.g., 5-8), then dial back down to lowest power, at which point it resumes its low fps (around high 600, low 700) along with its inexorable creep higher. From a mechanical point of view, I was very curious what caused this? You have always steered me right in the past, B.B., and I really appreciate your time (I am EXTREMELY happy with this quiet Condor .25, and your blog review was the tipping point to purchase – thanx for that). – Dr. G.

  26. Dr. G.,

    I guessed you were looking for more shots. The O-ring will give them to you, and so will the standard air tank. A combination of both might be interesting.

    I’ve never tried the O-ring on a Condor, but that was the traditional way to control the old A-series Talon.

    Good luck,


  27. BB,
    I got the action of my CF-X in and out of the stock okay. Just to let you know my gun had phillips screws, not the torx yours does. I have a steel reciever too so i must have an older model. I thought it was very interesting how Gamo designed the cocking linkage with the rollers. Great idea.

    Nate in Mass

  28. I did not lube the trigger (must have missed that. I followed the steps here:

    That will probably take care of the “stickiness”.

    The play I’m talking about is font to back, before the first stage and second stage (both of which are crisp and well defined). I did move the guide pin to the new trigger, and assured that the “U” shaped groove in the trigger sat around the lever. It’s just a bit, and i can’t remember if it is just when it is not cocked or if it happens then too. I’ll have to check tomorrow.


  29. squirrelkiller

    Thanks for the timely info about scopes. You know I saw that there was a 6-24X50 at PA for only $10 more than your scope, so I was thinking of really going wild and getting this and saving on a spotting scope in the bargain, but the potential interference with loading the B30 bothered me. Now, I know that 16″ is the limit. Thanks.

    I was also wondering if you could tell me if you get buzzing with the B30 that one sometimes gets with spring guns.


  30. Hi BB,

    Now this article makes me want a gas spring CF-X. Need a big influx of money for all these wants….

    On my 513M I only have Accushot .22/airgun scope rings. My Leapers 5th generation 3-9X 50 AO moved with taller single screw (per ring) mounts. With the Accushots (2 screws per mount) the scope doesn’t move at all and hasn’t moved for hundreds of shots. No scope stop, but I have the mounts cranked down pretty tight on the rail.


  31. Hey bb,

    i shot a squirrel with a kodiak at 38 fp and it hit the squirrel at about 30 fp. There was a fence behind the squirrel and i shoot, the squirrel is done after about 10 seconds of combustion. But the shot did not even seem to be affected, it hit the fence with a SOLID thwack. Now i know this thing kills squirrel with ease even though its “over penetrating”. I wont change this because its one shot one kill. I have only shot squirrels with that pellet at that power setting. If i shoot a groundhog it would be at 35 yards. I know this because he is always in the same spot and thats how close i can get.

    Now for the question… would it be a better idea to try some hollow points? the one i have in mind are the jsb predators. I have not tried them yet but i would bet that they would be much less accurate.

    I wasn’t sure what to make of this and thats why i come to you.


  32. Hello Matt61,

    No prob on the scope info. Like I mentioned a while back, in order for me to center the adjustment knobs of the scope between the scope-rings (with funtional eye relief) I had to utilize the 3rd stop pin hole from the front and the one at the rear of the scope rail. I have a Leapers 6-24×50 here, and I measured its length as 17″. The elevation/windage adjustment knobs are relatively in the same place as the 4-16×50. The objective bell of the 6-24×50 is pushed out another full inch, so that could potential encroach 2″ over top of a 2 3/8″ loading chamber area.

    The good news is you may be OK with the Leapers 6-24×50. I shot a few rounds pretending my scope was an inch longer, and the way the sidelever exposes the loading chamber, you are actually loading from the side at an angle. I have large sized hands/fingers, and I could see that I could consistently load with any scope length. If I mounted a 6-24×50 on mine, would I still be happy with it?…probably so.

    Only your personal preference will determine if this will be a good fit for you. Along with your mounting strategy (one-piece, two-piece, etc.), hold, and eye-relief needed.

    I don’t feel any buzzing in the rifles I have. There is just a thump, and done.

    Hope this helps.

  33. SUMO,
    Regarding your query about JSB Predator H.P.s, I found them to be extremely accurate and very effective for squirrels up to 20 yards with my Umarex .22 850, but innacurate for distances beyond that with this air rifle or Theoben Rapid. I am referring to the hollow points without plastic tips, as I found the plastic tipped pellets totally innacurate. – Dr. G.

  34. Actually, the rotating breech is quite easy to use if you hold your cfx almost vertically while loading. So you can push the pellet up-forward and it will not flip over because of gravity…


  35. Nate,

    What you are calling the receiver is called the spring tube or the compression tube and it is steel on the CF-X I’m testing, as well. The aluminum refers to the scope rail that’s attached on top.

    The rollers have been in use for at least 40 years, and yes, they are clever.


  36. Frogman,

    If you re-read Charlie’s discussion of how the trigger works you’ll see that the play is a function of the trigger’s design. If you squeeze it part way, it doesn’t spring back, because you have removed the trigger return spring.


  37. Sumo,

    Yes, it’s always disconcerting to see an animal in its last stages. Instant death is much preferred, but in all the years I have hunted I’ve only see it a couple of times.

    JSB Predator pellets might be okay if you don’t push the range too far. Try Crosman Premier hollowpoints, too, as they expand really well in .177.


  38. I find airgun hunting squirrels to be much more humane than driven pheasant or deer hunting with a bow. Dr. g tried them through the same gun i would be shooting (theoben) and they weren’t accurate. On the other hand his likes JSBs and mine likes Kodiaks. I will try them, and the Crosman hollowpoints.

    Maybe i should pull out the 707 and some eun jins, as that is effective on groundhogs for sure!

    I get most of my groundhogs with a 22-250 but thats in upstate new york, I’m in CT for this one.

    I accidentally ran over a opossum on my bike one time. It was at night. I have been looking for him since then, to apologize.LOL That thing was huge! He didn’t seem to feel it. I did! it felt like i hit a tree. I also ran over my dog on my bike, he is 70 pounds. It was his fault. That was worse, i thought i was done for. Again, he didn’t seem to feel it. No limps or anything. The point is that these animals are tougher than we are, even at 1/3 the weight.

    I need to stop biking and do more shooting, for my own sake!


  39. Sumo,

    I remember back in the 1990s, before there were all the current crop of PCPs. Career 707s did very well on squirrels and woodchucks. Back then we had Vortek Lamprey hollowhead pellets that turned almost inside-out. And they were pretty accurate at 35 yards. Too bad they’re no longer available.


  40. BB,

    Problem Solved!!

    I took my cf-x apart again, and took the trigger out. I used super fine sandpaper to remove some of the small burrs in and around the trigger mechanism, and lubed the trigger as instruced. I put this all back in and checked it again for the “play” but it was still there (both cocked and uncocked).

    I may have been mistaken in some of the terminologry used or what I had expected, but after looking at the design, I figured out what was happening. The trigger was pivoting just a little bit before it even touched the lever. I fixed this my turning the 2nd stage adjustment screw clockwise until there was no more “play” as I will call it. I’m not sure if I made it into a single stage trigger, but I am happy with it, so…

    Thanks for the help!

  41. Frogman,

    So it was out of adjustment! Glad to finally know.

    It is a two-stage trigger, but one with most of the effort loaded into stage one. It will take you a while to feel stage two, but when you do, you will be able to really make it sing!


  42. bb: Same scope stop peening is happening to the Whisper ram I recently purchased. It’s a shame Gamo didn’t just integrate rings into the scope mount platform (the platform itself doesn’t move; steel on steel stop pin).

    I look forward to your BKL 260 test. Wonder if it will clamp the aluminum dovetails of the Gamo mount without gouging them out with recoil …

  43. Hi again BB,

    The scope is all the way back in the mounts and therefore doesn’t move. I was referring to the mounts when I said the scope didn’t move. My bad, I was talking about the whole setup and said scope… The mounts don’t move at all on an 18 fpe gun. Each mount has 2 screws to squeeze onto the rail, and they don’t move, even though the single screw mounts moved steadily back at about 1/16th” per shot. Sorry for the confusion.


  44. Hi BB

    I wish I could send you a photo of the aluminum mount on my CFX. My Gamo scope has moved backwards against my Gamo scope stop and pushed the plastic arm on the front of the scope stop up which has in turn started levering my scope stop up and off the scope mount. I am a bit scared to take it all off and look as my rifle is shooting well at the moment and I am not sure that I will get it all back together.

    Gamo definitely needs to put some thought into this problem. My only other solution is to wait and see what you think of the BKL 260 that the guys have been chatting about.

    Ken SA

  45. I have a forest behind my home separated by a brook. The Deer are eating everything in sight on the home side of the brook. I have been using at Gamo Whisper (177) to plink them in their butt at about 50 to 75 yards with a Beeman Trophy pellet (other side of the brook) and they really feel it. This week while I was taking shots at beyond the brook one full-grown deer bolted out from no where across my yard at about 20 yards intercepting one of my shots. It hit the deer just behind the shoulder. At first the deer jumped forward and went on its way. I was very upset as I am not a hunter and my objective has always been to sting them so as to have them stay away from my home plantings. Whenever they were close to my home I would plink them in the butt with a Beretta A-9000 pistol and this would get them off the property. Shortly after I observed this deer on the other side of the brook sitting on the ground. After a while it tried to get up several times and move but it was obviously badly wounded. With-in a half hour it was dead. I am sick over this. I lost sleep and I am so disturbed that I may stop using the rifle altogether. I am writing this as a warning to those who think that an air rifle is only affective on small animals.

  46. You CANNOT “discipline” animals with an air rifle. The “sting” you thought you were giving the deer was penetrating their flesh by at least an inch!

    Thank you for your honesty, but I intend using your story as an example of what not to do with an airgun.


  47. Obviously I was ill advised earlier on the type of rifle to use. I had no idea that there was even penetration. Thank you I will take your words most seriously and change my ways!

  48. I have just bought a Gamo big cat and was just wondering if there is a way to increase the fps from 1200 to anything higher.It seems the pba ammo will not penetrate the skulls of the foxes I have problems with. Is there another air compression spring or gas compression assembly that can be substituted.Is there another form of ammo that I can use. Any info is greatly appreciated. Melvin

  49. Melvin,

    Gamo rifles are too low-powered to use on foxes. PBA ammo is not meant for hunting, even though Gamo shows a large pig being shot with it.

    To take a fox at 25 yards requires at least 25 foot-pounds at the muzzle, and 40 foot-pounds is better.

    There is no aftermarket upgrade that comes close to that power level with the big cat.



  50. Melvin,

    Gamo rifles are too low-powered to use on foxes. PBA ammo is not meant for hunting, even though Gamo shows a large pig being shot with it.

    To take a fox at 25 yards requires at least 25 foot-pounds at the muzzle, and 40 foot-pounds is better.

    There is no aftermarket upgrade that comes close to that power level with the big cat.


  51. MdMat,

    Mac has a CF-R and will be starting a review soon.

    Why don't you post your questions on the current blog? We have tens of thousands of readers who could back you up, if they only knew you were posting. On these old blogs less than 10 people read them regularly.

    Please do not think we worry about the topic of the day. Anything goes for our readers.


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    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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