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Education / Training Career Infinity by Shinsung – Part 1

Career Infinity by Shinsung – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

This review has been a long time coming. I’m doing this for our rocket scientist, Jane Hansen, but several others have talked about this rifle, as well.


Career Infinity is a large precharged repeater. Powerful yet light, it should be a good hunter.

The Career Infinity is a six-shot repeater that comes in both .22 and .25 calibers. The website lists the power in .22 as a peak of 40 foot-pounds, but also lists a velocity peak of 1220 ft. sec. That doesn’t quite work out, because that velocity equates to something in the over-50 foot-pound class. So one thing I will do in this series is discover what the numbers really are.

The action is a sidelever that cocks the rifle and advances the cylinder to the next pellet. It also operates the bolt probe, which feeds the pellet from a chamber of the cylinder into the breech of the barrel. This is a different arrangement than the other Korean precharged rifles I’m familiar with. No air passes through the cylinder. In fact, each chamber has a hole drilled to the outside, so air cannot be contained. Therefore, the air has to come through a transfer port in the breech. That means a couple of novel things to the shooter.


Short sidelever cocks the action, advances the cylinder and pushes the next pellet into the breech.

First, the Infinity cylinders are easy to insert in the gun. Because they don’t seal air, their tolerances are much more relaxed and cylinders snap in and out quickly. Second, these cylinders are loaded from the rear. That’s an important thing, because a diabolo pellet is always larger in the skirt than at the head. With other Korean rifles that use cylinders, you always worry if the skirt will fit into each chamber. I’ve remarked on this in tests of other guns. With the Infinity, you push the pellet in from the rear; so if it’s a little out of round, it’ll be squeezed down to shape as it goes. Believe me, that’s much easier.


Infinity cylinders (two come with every gun) load from the rear and do not pass any air. Spring around the rear snaps into wasp waist 0f pellets, holding them in place. Pellet seater/sizer at the bottom also comes with the rifle.

Very light!
The owner’s manual says the rifle weighs just 6 lbs. I weighed mine and found the Pyramyd AIR specifications were closer at 6.4 lbs. My loaded rifle weighs just over 6.5 lbs. Still, that’s very light for the size of the rifle. It’s the same as an AirForce Condor.

You’ll have to decide if the style of the rifle is for you. Shinsung has come a long way since the days of the gold bas-relief panels on their shotgun-style rifles, but the Infinity is anything but conventional. The schnabel-tipped forearm contrasts sharply with the bulbous receiver. However, the wood appears to be a form of walnut and the coarse checkering is hand-cut–something you don’t see anymore.

The high comb elevates the eye of either a righthand or lefthand shooter equally well. Since there are no open sights, you need this elevation to find the scope. There’s no cheekpiece, and the pistol grip is symmetrical so the stock is ambidextrous. Of course, the cocking lever remains on the right side of the receiver with no possibility for alteration, but besides that, the Infinity is usable by shooters of both persuasions. The safety is a strange gold button inside the triggerguard. It’s not automatic and can be taken off and put back on at any time.

The rifle mounts easily to the shoulder, but when I hold it comfortably, the muzzle is elevated. I’ll see how that affects the gun once it’s scoped. The trigger blade is quite short and curled. It feels strange.

Power wheel
A power wheel under the receiver has 12 setting for variable power. Since the number of shots at full power is about one cylinder according to the testing done at Pyramyd AIR, I’ll be searching for the setting that gives the best combination of power and total shot count.

A manometer (air pressure gauge) located on the bottom of the forearm tells you where the reservoir stands at any time. It reads in bar, only, so 200 is the top fill level. The front fill port is covered by a Delrin cap that has an o-ring to seal out dirt. That’s a good, safe design for a PCP.

I have a good feeling about this rifle. Can’t wait to see what it can do.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

57 thoughts on “Career Infinity by Shinsung – Part 1”

  1. BB, for me the power/velocity numbers do indeed work out about right for this gun, with RWS Hobby pellets at 11.9g.

    And we all know that lightweight, flat-nosed pellets are the absolute best for shooting at supersonic velocities…

  2. B.B.
    Do you know if the Career 300 las the same kind of loading mechanism as the Infinity?? That the pellet is pushed into the breech, and that there is not going to be any sealing or misalignment problems with the cylinder?

  3. B.B.,
    Was not one of the requesters of this review… but I’m very glad you are doing it.

    Hopefully you’ll get a chance to finish this blog series before the new Crosman PCP is released. Seems they might be worth comparing… based on the hints you’ve dropped. Though it sounds like the new CR might be much lower power than the Infinity.

    Was considering the Infinity type PCP when I purchased my Disco.

    Thanks for this timeley blog.


  4. B.B.,
    The low end of the power range is just as important as the high end. So please give that a good test.

    1,220 fps is way more than is overkill for back yard plinking. For many owners; most of the lead passed would be at the lowest power settings. Assuption is that lower power equals lower noise.

    Also interested in why the Infinity barrel can be supported at the end when the Disco can not. I feel my Disco barrel move all the time and it causes me to winch every time.


  5. HI BB,

    could you work into your next installment on this rifle what type of fill valve is used? It’s something I, at least need to be aware. Right now, I can only fill rifles with Foster type valves and would have to buy a different connector for say, a Condor.


  6. Good Morning B.B.

    I like the style of the stock.

    Are they ever going to have a double fill tank, like some of the other Korean rifles?

    It sounds like the valve still needs improvement, if six shots on full power is all you get.

    I think that is a super improvement on the loading system, let’s hope it can hold up on the long term…. please note how smooth it is at first and at the last shots of the test, and how many shots that is.. Some of the .22 cal side lever Air Arms S410 s that I had to send back, were fine at first, but after 200 shots were not lining up for a smooth loading of the pellet. After I replaced the broken part on my .177 cal is has been smooth as silk for the last 3,000 shots.

    I know you said side levers can be a source of problems, or the bugs haven’t been worked out, or something like that… what do you think of this one now and at the end of the test.. Now that I replaced the part my .177 AAs410 side lever, I love it.. how could anything be more easy? And to be able to stay in the shooting position while cocking, is a really nice thing…

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  7. Wayne,

    I should have said something about the number of tanks. For the past 14 years, the Korean guns have been criticized by Americans because they all have two air tanks. So the Infinity was so proud to just have a single tank “like the European rifles.” And now you want them to go back to two again? The trend today is to go to a single air tank.

    Wayne, full power with this rifle is well beyond what it is with most European guns. That’s why it gets so few shots. At 30 foot-pounds it will probably get 20 shots like everything else.

    The sidelever on the Infinity isn’t as smooth as the one on the S410. It’s fairly stiff, because it has to overpower a strong mainspring.


  8. OT…well it appears the Christmas gift (to me, from me) is here…got the delivery notice in the mail yesterday.
    After much thought and great input from those here I finally decided on the the CP99…based on watching the Bourne Trilogy last week…the new autos are just too damn sexy.
    As well, it appears the 853 does have to go back (it was loosing power and hissing). Though giving it a thorough lube seemed to help for a week or so, it is hissing at the breech again and at 10m the shots are dropping two inches. As well b.b. mentioned awhile back what a pellet hole looks like when the pellet is tumbling…which is what I seem to be getting.
    It is still in warranty so it shouldn’t cost anything.
    CowboyStar Dad (btw, anyone with good binos should check out the moon in the next couple of days…within short distance are two bright ‘star’..actually Venus and Jupiter. Good 10 or 12 power bino’s will show 4 of Jupiters moons orbiting the planet)

  9. B.B.

    Thanks, I wonder why we complained about two tanks and more air supply… Just can't please these Americans…. So the trend is for a large single tank?

    The .22 cal Air Arms S410 that I just traded for, shoots a 21 gr. Kodiak at 915fps at it's peak for 40 foot pounds, but the avg for 45 shots, (830fps) is about 32 foot pounds.

    Even the 10 year old Air Arms S310 starts out at 770fps, and peaks out at 931fps with a 16 gr JSB on shot 51.. then drops to 810fps on shot 80… So that is over 30 foot pounds for about 20 shots.. and over 25 foot pounds for the avg. of 60 shots…
    Just something to compare, Jane…

    B.B., how is the noise level?

    It looks like Anthony could make a "barrel weight" for it. The barrel sticks out plenty past the air tank…
    But that adds to the price, the Air Arms have built in moderators.. But cost almost twice as much to start with.. lots to consider…


  10. Cowboystar Dad here…and of course I’m off topic.
    b.b., if you recall I purchased the Marksman 1010 for the boy at Christmas.
    Is there any difference in accuracy (or anything) using pellets over BB’s?
    I’d assume not with a smoothbore.

  11. B.B.

    I’m guessing that this rifle is extremely loud. I’ll be interested to hear the reports. The Korean rifles seem to be uniformly accurate.

    Thanks for the details about 3 shot groups. Since both 3 and 30 are orders of magnitude less than 1000, I would never have guessed that a 30 shot group is that much more reliable, but I have learned not to try to second-guess the formulas of statistics.

    Herb, I can identify with the cheap guns and the non-weighing of pellets as well as the psychology of long shot strings. I can sometimes pull off a good 10 shot group, but I doubt I could with a 30 shot group with any reliability.


  12. Cowboystar Dad,

    For guns that shoot both pellets and “real” BBs, (eg Crosman 760 with smooth bore) the pellets will do much better. First real BBs are smaller in diameter, and second the diablo shape stabilizes pellets.

    If you have a “good” BB gun (eg Daisy Avanti), it would shoot well. But it has low power so to not to spin BBs. Thus its range is very limited.


  13. Matt61, & Herb,

    When practicing for Field Target, or testing a gun for accuracy with a particular pellet, I like the 25 1/8" dots on a page with 5 shots per dot. If one shoots the 125 shots in the 5 shot groups, you really get the full test of a gun or a pellet. If the shooter is not consistent, then use a bench rest for the test, then shooter fatigue is not an issue.

    But fatigue has to be overcome, by practice, or the shooter won't be able to compete…. JUST DO IT!!!… TAKE THE TIME, AND JUST DO IT!! PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE… less TV, and more shooting!
    I try to do at least 250 shots per night, on top of whatever I can fit in between business phone calls and emails, during the day…Again, the Air Arms side lever S410 – 10 shot mag, makes it easy to get those shots off, at 10-13 accurate shots per minute, and no need to fill until after 100 shots or so… more shooting and less messing around cocking and filling the gun…

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  14. Interesting rifle, however these are the ones that I have always been slightly perplexed about.

    Given the power and no built in moderator, I would guess it is every bit as loud as a .22 lr. But at a higher initial cost, less convenience, and still less power than a .22 rimfire.

    So it would seem the appeal would be a fairly small and unique niche. Maybe folks who can’t legally own firearms, collectors’, etc?

    Those that own one, what was the attraction?


  15. Volvo,
    I agree 100% with you on this one, plus add that suitable pellet cost is going to be similar to or more than with .22LR. It also seems like you would have a hard time convincing most law enforcement officers that you were not shooting a firearm. Seems like begging for trouble to me.

  16. Volvo and BG_Farmer,

    The pellet will carry about 500 yards. A .22 bullet carries 2,000 to 2,200 yards. The safety of the airgun is a major reason why shooters go with them.

    You can hunt squirrels in the trees of a small woodlot and not worry about the housing area a half-mile away. Yet at hunting distances, the pellet rifle is practically as deadly as the rimfire, in that the rimfire over-penetrates small game like squirrels and rabbits.


  17. B.B.

    I whole heartedly agree that pellet rifles are a much safer alternative to rimfires. That is one of the reasons I shoot them, but in this case the solid “pellets” suggested for these rifles remind me of 29 grain slug from a .22 short.

    And if it shoots them about 1000 fps, ah well… seems we are splitting hairs.


  18. Hi B.B I posted on one of your blog post a few days ago asking about a Beeman R1 or a 350 magnum.

    With me shooting my airguns, my dad (who is older) is interested in shooting airguns too. He only shot airguns in his child hood and is interested in shooting airguns with me but I don’t think he has the strength to cock a big gun. I want to get him a gun for christmas(expensive christmas 🙁 )
    but it can’t need a high cocking effort. .177 or .22 is fine, and this is more of a gun for lots of plinking with me in the backyard so I don’t really need a high powered gun. What guns do you suggest? I was looking at the beeman HW30.

    Thanks for your help again

  19. Volvo,

    I agree that with solid “pellets” which are really bullets, these airguns are no different than firearms. That’s why you see me making that distinction all the time. An air rifle is only safer if you use diabolo pellets.


  20. John,

    I remember answering your question.

    Now you are asking about another spring gun. May I ask why you have limited your choices to spring guns? They are the most difficult to shoot accurately, I’m sure you know.

    However, they are also the most self-contained and, all things considered, the simplest.

    Yes, the Beeman HW 30 is a wonderful gun. This model doesn’t have the Rekord trigger – just so you know. That’s a big reason why it’s less than the R7.

    Another wonderful gun is the Gamo Whisper in .177. I would keep it as a spring gun (don’t get the gas spring conversion), but send it off to Rich in Mich for a tuneup. He’ll get rid of the vibration for you. Add a Charlie da Tuna GRT III trigger (or have Rich add one) and you will have a wonderful, lightweight, easy-cocking spring rifle that’s very accurate and powerful. The only drawback is a lot of plastic on the gun, but if you can look past that, it’s a real classic and a keeper.


  21. Thanks for your input again, very helpful. I just like springs guns. I never liked CO2 guns, I loved my benjamin 392, and PCP just seems like alot of hassle and additional costs. I just like the simplicity of cocking the barrel and being able to shoot. Its feels like less of a hassle to me.

  22. John,

    I’ll finish B.B.s question.. why not get a pair of the Discovery. You can do all the pumping, or get a scuba tank outfit, then you’ll be able to compete head to head at the same distance.. The Disco is accurate, and light and easy to hold and shoot. You will need to get a couple “barrel weights”, “moderators” or “LDs”, as they are called. To quite them down, but they are easy to find on the yellow forum. I’ll bet you can get all setup with two quite guns and one tank for $850.. or with a pump for $625.
    But don’t get a 1,000fps gun for yourself and a 600fps gun for your Dad… I don’t think you will have as much fun shooting together.

    If you go for springers get two R-7s or two whispers.. or for less money but similar to the HW-30… two RWS Diana Schutze, they are only $189 ea. B.B. did a review of them, you can do a search for.

    Add 10 lbs of A.G.E. Impact Putty, for a silent trap, and your in “fun city”… the whole family will be having fun!!

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  23. Wayne,

    I’m all in favor of shooting. I think I fired off about 1400 pellets over the four day Thanksgiving weekend and my trigger finger is sore, mostly from working the cocking lever of the IZH 61.

    B.B. what kind of weight, velocity and distance can you get with a solid airgun pellet say with a TX200 in .177?


  24. Matt,

    The TX200 sucks with solid pellets. Not powerful enough. It takes a big gun like a Korean PCP or a Condor to use a solid pellet. A Condor will put a 29-grain solid pellet out at 1,000 f.p.s. or slightly more. That makes it the equivalent of a .22 short standard speed.

    The accuracy is not as good as with diabolos. 1.5 inches at 50 yards seems about right.


  25. Good evening B.B. Awhile back you were talkin about a way to dump the remaning CO2 in a Crosman target 160 which would chill the gun allowing it to get a full fill for a 60 round match. Got me to thinking and wondering if there is a prefered way to fill the Disco with CO2?

    Looking fwd to the rest of the Infinity review. The loading of the cylinder from the back really appeals to me. Now let us know how she shoots. Thanks, Mr B.

  26. Someone asked a question about what a Benjamin or Sheridan looked like with a Crosman 64 peep-sight mounted on it. I wasn’t able to find any pictures online. However, both of my guns have the sights on them, and aesthetically and functionally they are superior to the OEM sights. If you need an idea of how they would look, check the Mendoza RM-2000 on the PA site. But keep in mind, the Crosman sights sit lower and further to the rear than the one on the Mendoza, so they look even better. I recommend the Crosman 64. Awhile ago I posted instructions on how to remove the OEM sight, which you must do if you want to use the peep-sight.


  27. B.B.

    Thanks so much for starting this review. I am very surprised that this Korean PCP is so much different in design than the Renegade. I wonder if they could be so different as to require me to own them both?

    Anxious to here more…


    ps- To Volvo, yes, I agree that a 1100fps lead slug from either a PCP or firearm begin to seem very much the same. However, from a purely pragmatic perspective, I can legally shoot the PCP in my backyard. I can not discharge the firearm.

  28. To whoever wants to know what a benjamin looks like with a peepsight, let me know. I can send you a picture. I have right now a benjamin 392 with a Crosman 64 peep sight mounted on it. I think it looks nice, and the crosman 64 is great.

  29. Jane,

    You might me able to legally shoot it in your backyard, but without a moderator or “barrel weight” as Anthony calls them, the police will come to your door just the same…

    The good news is you can show the air rifle… but what a bother..

    The “Barrel weights” that Anthony makes will tame your beast if you get one.. and it might fit both it and the Renegade… B.B. can you still check and see if they are the same size O.D. barrel?

    The ones he made for me, even tamed the BSA Lonestar, that takes a 232 bar fill, it was as loud as the AR6 for sure, but now it’s a pussy cat.. not a mouse fart like my .177 cal Air Arms S410, but great for a “back yard no call the cops gun”… with twice the foot pounds in .22 cal.

    But if your thinking of two guns, now you can have the .22 cal Air Arms S410, 10 shot mag, more shots per fill, and almost the same foot pounds of the Korean gun, and get a super nice two tone walnut stock, a smoother side lever, and accuracy the Korean guns are trying to match… And with all that power, I think it can’t be done.. You might find, you’re trading short range rim fire power for just hunting good accuracy.. I find pellets aren’t as accurate at that speed.. The heavy Eunjins toned down my AR6, but their shape won’t compete with a 21 gr Kodiak for accuracy in my .22 cal guns anyway.. If the accuracy is the same as my AR6, To get accuracy from the Condor on even 3/4 power, I had to use 21 gr Kodiak, on full power I had to use the Eunjin, and they just didn’t group as well ..

    So you might be turning down the power to that of the S410, anyway, and giving up the accuracy of a competitive air rifle.

    The accuracy test is the important part of this new gun, can we have the rim fire power and FT quality accuracy in one gun?

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  30. Wayne,
    That being said, and since you own one of everything cool, I have been trying to decide on a new gun and want to try a PCP. I was thinking that I wanted a Condor, but do you think I would be just as happy or even more so with a Talon SS? I live on a couple acres and so do my neighbors and all of the lots are pretty wooded so sound isn’t a huge concern, but I would like it to be fairly quiet. I have a pond in my back yard that I have to guard from marauding otters and raccoons from about 50 yards. Do you think the SS would achieve this goal well enough? I was also thinking that I would be able to get accuracy out of less expensive pellets since I wouldn’t have to buy the real heavy ones to make the gun perform. What do you think?

  31. John,
    When you say backyard competition ones mind instantly turns to 10 meter shooting. So how about a Single-Stroke Pneumatic?

    Daisy makes some nice choices:
    – Avanti 753 for about $300
    – Powerline 953 TargetPro for about $75

    A nice set of these would offer you and Dad to shoot paper and compare your results. Just a thought.


  32. UW Hunter,

    First, I'm not there yet, but I'm trying to try them all.. and really I've a long way to go, but what a fun ride..

    Well, at that distance and with the goal of running them off and not dropping them in their tracks… although you might still do it with the Condor and bloop tube.. Go for the Condor in .22 cal.

    If you want to kill them, more for sure, then the .25 cal Condor.

    But then that is about all it's good for, and pellets cost more…

    With the bloop tube and power adjuster on a .22 cal Condor you can have the best of all worlds, from indoor paper punching with JSB 16 gr. to hunting with 28 gr Eungins, just don't expect the same groups with both pellets and power settings..


  33. B.B.

    Wow, that adds a dimension to the Condor that you can have essentially a .22 rimfire along with an indoor plinker all in one gun.

    Jane, I’m fascinated with your choices out of my long-standing interest in economy. Beware of wanting two guns. Economy will go out the window…. 🙂

    From my uninformed external perspective, I would guess that the S410 with pellets can do any backyard hunting imaginable in a way that is safer than a .22 rimfire. I don’t expect that the noise would be any greater than a Korean PCP. The only way to get really quiet at that power is to get a Condor which I recall you not liking. Perhaps a bloop tube could be manufactured for the S410 although that would probably require a lot of expense. Anyway, Wayne has been very effective talking up the S410.


  34. Jane,

    Just like with B.B. on safety, I am in agreement with you that “legal” is important also.
    I too reside outside of the city limits in a township, where there are no restriction on airguns.

    That said, with neighbors on either side and just a small woods to the rear of my property, I would be ill at ease launching something with 60 ft lbs – legal or not.

    Scary for average suburbia, and a waste if you’re on a farm.

    So I suspect you are on a much larger property. Hence, my original questions, what circumstance leads to choosing these rifles?


  35. Matt61,

    No need for a bloop tube on the .22 cal Air Arms S410, it’s a rat fart, if the my Air Arms S410 .177 cal is a mouse fart.. The .22 cal Condor with bloop tube on power setting 6 to 7 (half) is about the same as the AA S410 .22 cal on full power.. When you go up to 8 or 10 on the Condor, with the top of 12, Even with the Bloop tube, I rather not shoot it in the pool room, it becomes like the BSA Lonestar with the new barrel weight that Anthony made. Indoor quite if no one is watching TV… But mostly outdoor quite, not mouse and rat fart quite…


  36. Wayne,

    I can’t wait until I too can speak in “farts” concerning the discharge from my FX Whisper. In my dreams, it sounds like a gnat on an all protein diet: silent, but deadly.

    Unfortunately my purveyor has been a tad slow and the rifle still has not shipped.


  37. Volvo,

    I’m waiting as well. I really do want to here a quality and accuracy report, as well as the sound level on the FX Whisper. We’ve had enough of the same rifles, that we can get some sound level comparsion..
    Animal farts will have to do, until the rocket folks figure out a better scale… the 1 to 5 scale on the PA site is just OK.. They give specs for the Air Arms .22 cal and .177 both as 2-Low-Medium… I know the .177 is a lot quieter than the .22 cal… My AAS410 .177 on half power is more like a PPSTT, on full power it’s a mouse fart.. My Air Arms S410 .22 cal is older and doesn’t have a power adjuster, so it’s full power all the time, after a fill, of 205 bar, it starts with rat fart quietness, and even after 50 shots, as the tank gets to 100 bar, it’s still shooting the 21 gr Kodiak at 830fps….

    With a power adjuster on the new .22 cal S410 you really have it all, in my so humble opinion.. As much power as you can use accurately to hunt, more than twice the shots per fill of most other PCPs, (all, that I have tried or read about online), and Field Target accuracy… Although the PA site calls it a “Hunters gun” like they do the Korean guns…

    In a bench rest, indoors at 20 yards, both the .22 cal and .177 cal Air Arms make 1/4″- 3/8″ one hole 5 shot groups, over and over just like my $2,500 specially tuned USFT… isn’t that FT accuracy… how can PA leave out field target as a use?

    At least they say this: “Of course, power is nothing without accuracy. And, this gun has it in spades! It comes with a 12-groove Lothar Walther barrel, the cream of the crop when it comes to accurate barrels. If you do your part, the gun will do its part every time! And, the shrouded barrel helps deaden the sound so the report won’t spook the very critters you’re hunting.”

    I know, they are just putting parts of info the manufacture gives them. Not enough space for everything.. They do have the full manuals online, so that’s real cool.
    But FT use belongs in the main copy.. I’ve even seen the AA s410 listed in the top ten winners of state finals.

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  38. B.B.

    That seems like a pretty good reason, but a fool like me might do it anyway. It is certainly accurate enough. I love to break new ground!! I will pretend it’s an eight shot, and change mags at eight instead of ten, just to be sure…


  39. Hi people.

    I have been an Infinity cal .25 owner for almost 2 years, and it is the first airgun I ever owned. So I haven’t got any Idea about quality or feel of other airguns, so I cant argue that this gun is as good as a AA or as bad as the cheaper gamo-plastic models. But I have sent around 15000 pellets down the barrel in this rifle and I loved every minute I spent with it. When I bought the gun it locked slightly different, it had a fill cap in the front of the gun which gives the gun a much cleaner look. Please tell the Koreans to start shipping those again.

    A lot of people are worried about the sound of this gun. Don’t be – If they haven’t changed the barrel since I bought mine it should have a built in shroud. The actual barrel is no more than 18 inch and lies inside the Ø18mm tube that most see as the barrel. This tube extends to about 25 inch which gives room for a decent expansion chamber for the compressed air. The expansion chamber has three screwed in walls which separates the expansion chamber into smaller compartments which effectively reduces the muzzle report.

    I use an Alpha chrony to diagnose my gun and running it on max power I get around 10 shots at 80ft-lbs before I see any power drop, that’s with the Eun Jin pellets, the valve self regulates rather well. But that shroud that I mentioned is costing effect, less barrel equals less power, and I guess the manufacturers didn’t want to lose any of the power that the Careers been famous for so they hotted up the valve to give more air on every shot to keep the power up. Of course this consumes more air which in the end gives a smaller shot count… its always a trade of.

    Anyways, I hope you will check the shrouded barrel B.B

    Johan “Sweden”

  40. BB. I’m just getting back into airgunning after 45yrs(yeah I’m an old dog). I’ve picked up a rws 350 mag. but am having trouble deciding on a scope. I’m swaying toward Leapers(mostly on your reviews of these scopes) and sort of have it narrowed down to the 3-12×44-30mm swat mini.- the Accushot 3-9×44 tactedge and even the 2-7×32 5th gen. scope. I think I would like a somewhat compact scope but don’t know what problems they present on different guns. Also I thought I would set it up on the new Leapers compensating scope mount(but am not sure which one as I have read that the one which is made for the 350 overcompensates for droop). Also, what about rings,(I know Weaver-but medium or low). I would sure appreciate any help or recommendations you might have for me on a scope setup. Thank you much!

  41. jrs08,

    Old dog my eye! You’re just a kid!

    Seriously, you are on the young side of the average age of adult airgunners. My sense is that mean is around 50. I am 61 and I feel young at airgun shows.

    Okay, the scope. I push leapers a lot because for the price I don’t think they can be beat. That SWAT scope you mentioned is a honey, but it’s short for an RWS Diana rifle because of where it has to be mounted. The Diana base that’s on the rifle means the scope needs to be mounted farther forward, and that means you need a longer tube to reach back to your eye. Try a standard-length scope like this one:


    As far as the Leapers droop compensating base – you don’t need wether one that is selling right now. We have discovered that the 350 usually has no droop.

    Leapers will soon have a base with no droop – so people like you can take advantage of the other features. I expect that one to come out in the next 2-3 weeks.

    For rings you could get by with low if you use the Leapers base because it elevates the rings. But if you don’t use that base I’d choose medium rings.


  42. BB. Thanks a million for the help on the scope setup. There is such a variety to choose from(scopes,rings,and bases) it sometimes overwhelms a novice like myself. As I stated before, I’ve been away from airguns since I was a kid and really am not familiar with what works and what doesn’t. Really appreciate the heads-up on the new Leapers base for the 350. I’ll definately wait for it. Love the blog and really appreciate the time and effort you spend keeping us all out of trouble. Thanks again! jrs08.

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