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Education / Training The Benjamin Marauder – Part 1

The Benjamin Marauder – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier


Benjamin Marauder is a beautiful precharged pneumatic air rifle. Scoped with a CenterPoint 8-32×56 scope with sidewheel parallax adjustment and illuminated mil-dot reticle.

Before I begin, here’s the news on the Pyramyd AIR garage sale. It will be held on Saturday, May 30, from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. The location is the current Pyramyd AIR building, so the address is on the website right now. I have a LOT more to tell you in the coming days, plus we still want to hear what YOU expect to see.

Now, settle back, kids, and daddy will tell you all a long story about the Benjamin Marauder.

First, there was the Benjamin Discovery, which sold more rifles in the first year than many PCP models have EVER sold. The engineers at Crosman (Benjamin and Sheridan are trade names owned by the Crosman Corporation) had many great ideas when the Disco was being developed, but the most important thing was to build a basic precharged pneumatic (PCP) rifle that could be sold at a remarkably low price while offering incredible value. That project was a clear success.

Phase Two was the next gun that the engineers were promised would have all of their cool ideas. It would be a world-beater PCP, with all the right bells and whistles. And one additional thing. Because it would be made in America by a factory that knows how to control production costs while maintaining quality, it would be affordable. Not cheap, but affordable. This is the report of that rifle–the gun they call the Benjamin Marauder.

Overview of specifications
The Marauder is a 10-shot repeating PCP that comes in either .177 or .22 caliber. I tested a .177. It has a bolt-action and the magazine is spring-operated, so pellet feed is positive and without friction. Therefore, the Marauder is one of the slickest bolt-action PCPs on the market. Or it will be when it goes on sale in May.

The rifles that Crosman sent out to airgun writers are pre-production models with a few small differences yet to be made. In my reports, I’ll detail what these differences will be.

The stock is fully ambidextrous with palm swells on both sides of the pistol grip and a rollover cheekpiece that’s identical on both sides. Except for the operation of the bolt, the rifle is ideal for both left and right-hand shooters. The stock is very conventional, with a high cheekpiece for scope use. There are no open sights, so a scope must be used.


Palm swells on both sides of the pistol grip help make the rifle fully ambidextrous. This is what the production gun will look like.

The trigger is fully adjustable for length of first stage, length of second stage and pull weight. It breaks as crisply as the proverbial glass rod–a fact I will show you via a computer analysis in a future report.

The fill port is a male Foster quick-disconnect with an internal micron-sized air filter. That ensures only clean air can flow into the reservoir.

There’s a purpose-built pressure gauge on the underside of the forearm. It will be marked up to 3,000 psi, for which you’ll learn the reason next.

Adjustable fill pressure
The Marauder lets the shooter change the gun’s fill-pressure. What that means is the owner can “tune” the gun’s firing valve to work with air pressures of 2,000 psi up to 3,000 psi. Why would you want to do that?


Access port to adjust the fill level is located at the rear of the receiver. This process will be described in detail in a future report. Look at that long bolt handle! That’s a sign of quality.

If you wanted to operate the rifle on BOTH air and CO2 (though never both at the same time–always one or the other), you’d have to adjust the firing valve to operate on a fill of 2,000 psi air. CO2 pressure changes with temperature, alone, and cannot be changed mechanically. So, for the valve to fully open and work properly on CO2, it has to be adjusted to operate on air at 2,000 psi. I believe that is how the rifle will be set at the factory. Crosman had not made up their minds when this report was researched; but since they’ll be advertising it as a Dual Fuel rifle, it makes sense.

If, however, you wanted to operate only on high-pressure air and were interested in getting the longest string of good shots possible from a fill, you would set the valve to operate at 3,000 psi. The CO2 operation would be lost (until you reset it to 2,000 psi), but you could expect to get several more shots in the optimum power curve at the higher fill pressure.

It’s possible to set the rifle to operate on a fill pressure between 2,000 and 3,000 psi. There would be no special advantage to doing so, but understand that this capability (setting the fill level to 2,000 or 3,000 psi) is not a discrete thing. There’s a scale of fill pressures between the two limits, and the fill can be set anywhere.

Final point–setting the fill pressure does not change the velocity of the gun, at least not directly. The velocity is adjustable and will cover it next, but first you need to understand that the fill pressure does not determine the velocity.

Oh, and one more thing. As far as I know, the Marauder is the only PCP that permits this kind of adjustment without exchanging parts inside the gun. It’s the only gun that lets the owner do this and even explains how to do it in the owner’s manual. You’ll need a chronograph if you plan to adjust the rifle this way.

Adjustable velocity
Okay, THIS is the thing most people will be interested in. The Marauder adjusts velocity in a way that’s entirely different than any other PCP on the market. With all the others, you dial a wheel or flip a switch. Whatever velocity that gives–that’s it. That’s what you get. Want something different? You either have to move the adjustment or shoot a different pellet.


Velocity adjustment screw requires the rifle be removed from the stock. The adjustment screw is that gold thing inside the silver circle. A detailed description of how the velocity is adjusted will be forthcoming.

The Marauder lets you select the exact velocity desired for a given pellet (within the scope of the rifle’s capability) and to set it. Once set, that pellet will shoot at that velocity, within reason, until the end of the fill.

In the 1870s, American buffalo hunters loaded their blackpowder single-shot rifles with just a single kind and weight of bullet, which they personally cast in a mold. They loaded the cartridge with a certain amount of powder that never varied, plus they lubricated the cartridge in a certain prescribed way. This recipe never changed, and these rifles were capable of putting five shots inside a 5-inch circle at 500 yards. The Marauder is very much like that.

Instead of a rifle for 20 different pellets and velocities, the Marauder wants to be set at the best velocity for the best pellet. In the coming weeks, I’ll share what my experience has been in determining that pellet.

Velocity and fill pressure are interdependent
If either one of these variables changes, the other will also change. When you set the rifle up, you have to find a balance between both variables. It isn’t difficult to do, but it’s a complex relationship. That’s why I said earlier that a chronograph is needed to adjust the fill pressure.

But you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. An owner can just take the rifle from the box and shoot it the way it came. These adjustments, which have never been available to those who are not airgunsmiths, are unique to the Marauder when it comes to production air rifles.

The barrel
Well, it’s not a Lothar Walther! But it’s probably just as good. For starters, it’s a choked barrel. A choked barrel has a slight constriction at the muzzle end that sizes all pellets passing through, so they emerge with the same diameter. Rifle chokes have been known since the late 19th century as a means of getting the best accuracy from a barrel. When jacketed bullets began to replace lead bullets in the 1890s, choking went away, but in PCPs it’s recognized as the mark of a premium barrel.

The barrel is free-floated. That means it doesn’t touch the reservoir. As the pressure inside the reservoir drops, the reservoir flexes–and if the barrel were touching it, it would move. But the Marauder barrel is fully free-floated.

The barrel is shrouded. The rifle is therefore quiet.

How quiet?

Drop a ballpoint pen onto a deep-pile carpet.

That quiet.

So quiet, in fact, that you cannot hear the muzzle report (or at least I can’t). All you hear is the musical ping of the hammer spring releasing.

So quiet that 50 feet away, it’s doubtful anyone could hear it.

I own a legal silencer for a .22 rimfire. It silences the gun by 41 decibels. This rifle is quieter than my Ruger 10/22 rifle shooting CB Caps (no powder, only priming compound) through the silencer.

Over the past several months, I’ve made several of you promises about this rifle. You were looking for a quiet PCP air rifle, and I told you to wait. You were looking for an accurate air rifle, and I suggested you wait. Well, the waiting is almost over.

Crosman will release the first small batch of Marauders directly from the factory starting in May sometime. They will limit that release to about 100 rifles. They do that so they can warm up the production line while keeping a sharp watch on what’s being shipped. If you buy from them, expect to pay full retail, which will be a nickel under $500.

If you wait for Pyramyd AIR to receive their rifles in June before placing your order, you’ll probably realize a small discount. Nobody told me that, but I have watched enough of these things to think it will happen that way.

Finally, as you can see from this lengthy first part, I have a lot more to tell you about this rifle. For each feature I glossed over today, like the trigger and the velocity setting, I’ll come back and give you a compete and detailed story. So, this report is going to be a long one!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

135 thoughts on “The Benjamin Marauder – Part 1”

  1. B.B. the Marauder is not the first gun that allows you to dial in a specific velocity. Take a look at the Daystate MK4 Grand Prix (http://www.daystate.co.uk/mk4.htm) which used electronics and an LCD screen to select any required velocity. The barrel has a built-in chronograph which works in conjunction with the rifle’s processor to automatically adjust velocity.

  2. Marc,

    Thanks for pointing that out to me. I should have thought of it, but the Daystate is so infrequently seen that I overlooked it. As Al says, the price keeps it in the shadows.

    Still, I’m sure you are right about the ability to adjust velocity.

    Sorry for my mistake,


  3. A quiet shrouded barrel, 10 shot repeater, good trigger, accurate choked barrel and good looks for $499.95. Please tell us the accuracy is outstanding. Great job to all involved.

  4. The price difference between the Marauder and the Daystate MK4 Grand Prix is indeed steep. I’m already looking forward to learn more how the Marauder regulates velocity.

  5. BB,

    I recently told my lovely wife that after I bought my CZ SP-01, “I’m done my love, I have everything now. There’s nothing else in the shooting world that I need.”

    I believed this right up until now.

    I’m so flat broke it ain’t funny.

    I’m gonna have to collect cans or something.


    AL in CT

  6. First a 10M rifle, then a 10m pistol. Now it looks like I might need a Maruader as well. Oh, and the instant repair kit for pellet holes in sheet rock and sofas appears to be another purchase that could come in handy. Curse you, BB. I’ve got to stop reading this blog :).

    On a serious note, BB, to whom should we send our thoughts about what we’re looking to purchase if we make it to the OHG (Ohio Garage Sale)?


  7. B.B.

    Unless it is planned for a future report, can you comment on whether or not the shroud contains baffles (possibly plastic bits and a spring) at the end? It appears thick enough and long enough to be capable ala my experience with the FX Whisper.

    Also thanks for your recommendations the other day on a match rifle.

  8. Fred,

    Write those thoughts here and I will collect and forward them.

    PA is planning on allowing regular shopping from their catalog, and I will be asking people to list those items before they come, so they can give them to a picker. Obviously the public cannot be allowed into the warehouse.


  9. B.B.

    Do you think that valve lock will be an issue? Do the adjustable velocity and air tank pressure help to overcome that problem, that was in the Disco..?


  10. STOP IT!!!!
    I just can’t afford all the great gear you show here 😉
    BTW, I know you’ve mentioned in the past (b.b., and others) a passing interest in the stars.
    This year is the International Year of Astronomy and this weekend, all over North America and event is being held called “100 Hours of Astronomy”.
    Many local starwatching groups are hosting star parties this weekend. In our area there is a large function being held where numerous telescopes will be set out for people to view the heavens. As well their are many interactive displays, and if the weather doesn’t co-operate (cloud-cover) they will have compter hookups to other major events so you can still gaze at the heavens in other areas.
    Google ‘100 Hours of Astronomy’ for events in your area.
    CowBoyStar Dad

  11. B.B.

    You said the Marauder will come with an (8-32x56AO)a very nice scope, IMHO…
    The PA site show it without the scope for $499..

    It won’t be $499 with that scope will it?


  12. Definitely another rifle for me to agonize over for next year. You eager beavers do a good shakedown, now. Unfortunately (or fortunately) an agonized over item has usually ended up on my property (I don’t agonize for nothing, don’t cha know). Hopefully I can get in before the plastic “upgrades” do.

    I’m puzzled why the velocity adj was so inconveniently located since tuning will be such trial and error. Seems like when parts need to be removed to do something trouble ensues, stripped or lost screws, cracked/marred wood, bloody knuckles.

    I hope we can get some reasonable numbers as to how many shots on air and how many on CO2 (at the same velocity/pressure/temperature). I bet that’ll keep someone busy.


  13. CowboyStarDad,
    Do you live around Phoenix? My brother is very an active officer in their astronomy club there. I’ve attended their meetings during visits.


  14. Chuck…I’m in Edmonton (Canada).
    The boys and I had planned on camping out overnight Friday (the event is about 25mi out of the city), but now that the forecast is for 10F (-15 in Canadian Celsius degrees), we’ll probably drive home late Friday and return on Saturday.
    Winter just doesn’t want to let go up here.
    CowBoyStar Dad

  15. PCP and not a LW barrel? Hm, no, thank you. This Benjy is trying to keep up with Joneses thinking it is just as good. Right! Save up and buy an AA S-410. Be happy ever after.

  16. Lothar Walther sets the standard for excellent barrels. Just what makes these barrels so special that every fine gun has to have a “Lothar Walther” barrel.

    Is there something special them that other companys are not allowed to reproduce?


  17. Wayne,

    The fill adjustment is the cancel the effects of valve lock. I will explain in the report.

    No, the rifle doesn’t come with a scope. That scope is a terrific value, but many airgunners still feel it is expensive.


  18. I’ve noticed that when I fire my Talon SS on CO2 a large amount of the CO2 white smoke and stuff spits out the barrel. Is this normal? I don’t recall seeing it on my pistol or Walther.

    I don’t know how long its been doing it, but I first noticed it after filling up at the local paintball store.

    The velocity adj on the Talon doesn’t seem to affect velocity very much, either, if at all. I thought I’d get 700fps set to 10 and 400fps set to min but it seems to stay around 600-650 no matter what.

    Being naive, I believed the 1,000+ shots per fill on CO2 but I got nothing near that. Accuracy went to pot when fps dropped below 500 and that was after less than 500 shots. Probably more like 250. Unless the fill I got from Pyramyd was only partial. It sat in my house a few hours before I shot it at 65-70 degrees. I’m keeping a closer eye on it this refill.

    Maybe the socks I’m using are acting like a beer cozy (or is it cuzy, whatever) and keeping the bottle cold.

    Anybody ever wrap a heating pad around one to see if it makes a difference. (just between you and me. You don’t have to let anybody else hear)

    Word verification: “oring”. Is it trying to tell me something? Do I need a new oring?


  19. Joe,

    There is nothing special about Lothar Walther. They are not even the most accurate airgun barrels. FWB barrels are.

    Years ago buyers were up in arms because they learned that their Oldsmobile cars had Pontiac engines in them. They never appreciated that the engines were made on the same tooling in the same plant (sometimes).

    Lothar Walther has made a reputation that newer airgunners feel makes it the finest barrel available. It isn’t, but that is the perception.

    Now Crosman has challenged them. Let’s see what they can do.


  20. CJr,

    That white smoke you see is water vapor condensing when the compressed gas (CO2) both hits and chills it. Hitting it compresses the air, making it condense out vapor, because warm air holds less moisture than cold air.

    The same thing happens under the right conditions with springers and PCPs. Happens a lot with PCPs on humid days.


  21. Very nice review, I’ve been waiting for this one ever since the SHOT show. I think I might just have to sell my discovery, and buy a marauder once they come out. The marauder is just what the PCP market needs, a powerful, accurate, quiet, affordable, American made air rifle. Excellent job Crosman and B.B.

  22. B.B.

    It sounds to me like the Marauder is trying hard to get it right, and work out the bugs in the PCP world..
    Like you say, “let’s see what it can do”!!

    I still think it “Looks” like the old first version of the AAs310.. outside only I’m sure.. The 310 also came out about $500 retail.. but not as a repeater!! Pretty exciting!!

    I’m sure you’ll string us out on the next report.. sometime in the next two weeks.. right?


  23. CSD,
    I went through Edmonton last year on the way to Dawson Creek (trial motorcycle run for this year’s Alaska trip). Took Route 16 through Kansas cubed – I mean Saskatchewan – to beautiful Alberta. Love Alberta! Went down through Jasper on the way back. Been to Waterton Park twice. Been to Banff and Lake Louise and Jasper twice, now. Will go through those again this year on the way to Fairbanks. Nothing compares to Banff and Jasper National Park. I mean nothing! If I were you, I’d drive through there every day on the day to work.

    Hasn’t this been about the longest “winter” ever, or is it just me?


  24. I got a nice present for my birthday. A S&W 586 (/product/smith-wesson-586-6-inch-barrel?m=115)
    and a Chrony! So, last night I proceeded to shoot the 586 (and the Whisper) through the Chrony.
    I have some interesting observations I thought I would share:

    – Crossman premiers (cardboard box):
    first shot was 460 fps. It was really loud and could feel recoil
    – Velocity decreases steadily for
    each succesive shot
    – Could shoot almost exactly 40 times before CO2 ran out. Last ten shots were pretty slow
    – Gamo Raptors: first shot 513 fps. Last shot out of ten 416 fps
    – Really fun to shoot
    – Can't tell about accuracy. Was not shooting for groups and I have not shot a hand gun in years.
    I would expect to see a 1 inch drop over one cylinder. I would think this is manageable, opinions?

  25. Everyone,

    I will do at least one Marauder report each week. Maybe more. I will address all technical points at that time.

    Whisper guy–the Whisper isn’t even close! Drop a ballpoint pen on a deep carpet and LISTEN to it!


  26. tunnel engineer,
    Are you putting a drop or two of Pelgunoil in the CO2 port before inserting the CO2 bottle? If not, it’s a really good idea. I think you should get more than 40 shots from a bottle.

  27. Chuck, I consider myself pretty lucky living in Alberta. Between Jasper and Banff, the Drumheller area (the Badlands, home of the Hoo-Doos and one of the richest dinosaur fossil areas in the world) and more there is little need to travel very far to see some spectacular scenery.
    And I do find myself in total agreement with b.b. I think that though they may be very good, the reputation of Lothar Walther barrels is somewhat just good hype.
    I have a Slavia 630 that, when shot from a proper spring rest will shoot every bit as accurately at 10m as my 853c with it’s Lothar Walther barrel.
    On the other hand this may just tell how good the Czech barrels are.
    CowBoyStar Dad

  28. tunnel engineer,
    You didn't say whether you were shooting Premier heavys (10.5gr) or the lights (7.9gr). I'll test some Beeman H&R wadcutters (8.09gr) and report back to you.


  29. B.B.,

    Fantastic. What a beautiful gun. I guess my main question is how much this gun builds on the Discovery. My understanding of the Crosman program based on our blog discussions was that first they were going to offer a stripped-down pcp for the lowest price consistent with quality–the Discovery. Then they were going to add on other features like the shrouded barrel and magazine to the same basic platform rather than designing a whole new rifle. I’ll be interested to see to what extent this is true, but I am certain that this is an outstanding product.

    Wayne, you dog. You had me worried there with your story about giving up firearms. Now, I can look forward to more write-ups. Go ahead and get a Savage rifle with the new AccuStock when it comes out. The AccuTrigger is already a huge innovation, and in combination with the AccuStock you will have basically a custom gun. I should have known from the pictures you posted that your wife wasn’t likely to post an ultimatum like that.

    I’m not good at these hidden jokes. So, was yesterday’s whole post a joke too?


  30. That Maurader looks great. Does it come with more than 1 magazine? Any word on what additional magazines will cost? Hopefully not a $50+ item like many other PCP’s.

    A Lothar Walther barrel is a nice thing. It does imply a certain minimum standard of quality. Is it the only good barrel? No ; plenty of other folks make excellent barrels. I have a couple of BSA Ultra’s and they are just a accurate as my AA Shamal,400,TDR. Give the Benj a chance and see what it does. You may be pleasantly suprised.


  31. BB the Marauder looks great I’m betting the accuracy is there too!
    I would love to have one of them to run strictly on CO2.
    Whats the word on the TV show?

  32. What”s up?! I read the blog this AM and put my name down to be notified when the Marauder came in. I also checked it out on the Crosman website. This afternoon I looked back and could not find it on the Crosman site and also noticed that it had been marked “discontinued ” on the PA site??
    Something wrong?

  33. My Air Venturi Avenger 1100 by Mendoza finally arrived (the second one, that is; the first one was defective).

    The tag attached to the trigger guard said that the muzzle velocity tested at 908 fps, and that the trigger pull is 1.8 lbs. There were four overlapping pellet holes in the tag.

    I shot quite a few rounds through it before attempting to add my Air Force sight, which, it turns out, is not designed for, and will not stay on a powerful springer. Regarding the Air Force Adaptive Target Sight: The sight is heavy. It has a small plastic aperture which is difficult for me to see through. The threads are non-standard, so I cannot add Williams apertures, of which I have several. Before the sight fell off the rifle the second time it shot at least 2” above POI even when adjusted all the way down.

    I mounted a Mendoza sight on the Avenger. It also wants to shoot high at a range of 25’ (the length of my basement range), but at least I can put the pellets in the black. It is an accurate gun, more so than my Beeman R7. I am pleased with the rifle, and have even shot some .22 sabot rounds through it. Those rounds easily go through both sides of a heavy metal coffee can and at 25’ are accurate enough. The rifle has plenty of power.

    I placed the initial order for the Avenger on February 9th, but it was on backorder, and so the rifle did not arrive until March 10th—29 days. The day I got it, I had fired fewer than 200 rounds through it when the triggers would not reset properly nor would the safety automatically engage when the gun was cocked. I RMA’d the gun on the 12th and the replacement arrived on the 27th—15 days. So the total wait time was 44 days, just beyond a Biblical span.

    Pyaramyd has changed from using FedEx to UPS for its deliveries. I am unhappy with the change but I assume PA was getting complaints or else decided they could save money by going with the Brown Trucks.

    Not only does UPS deliver late in the afternoon in my area—after 1600—but I don’t think the driver on the 26th (first attempt at delivery) had enough sense or strength to use my door knocker when he arrived. I burned a day of vacation so I could be there; I was home all day reading and using my computer for word processing, quiet activities. I was not happy when I went out to get the mail at 1800 and saw the “failed delivery” sticker on my storm door.

    On Friday I wasn’t home, but left a note taped to the door with directions to either deliver the package to a neighbor or leave it at the depot so I could arrange to pick it up. The UPSer left the gun with a neighbor and I was able to get it around noon on Saturday the 28th.

    I have never had a problem with FedEx. They normally deliver before 1200 in my area—my work hours are from 1400 to 2230—so I am there when deliveries arrive, and FedEx hires beefy guys or gals who know how to use my technologically advanced brass door-knocker.


  34. tunnel engineer,
    Here are my 586 results for what it's worth. Mine seem similar to yours so my previous comment needs censored. Looks like your doing ok from my perspective. The gun does pop loud. Shooting 3"-4" groups two handed from bean bag at 10yds, single action, open sights. I don't shoot for accuracy either. From 10 yds I'd need a scope. This was the first time I used a bean bag. Usually I shoot offhand and hope I hit a 8×11 target.

    #1 Magazine, double action, rapid fire:
    1st shot on the bottle – 372.14
    last & lowest shot on mag – 320.57

    #2 Mag Single action steady 2 second pace:
    1st shot – 372.78
    Last & lowest – 320.98

    #3 Mag, sngl action, 30sec pace:
    1st – 352.70
    last- 339.11
    lowest – 333.03

    #4 Mag, sngl act, 5sec pace:
    1st – 349.77
    last – 311.63
    low – 303.23

    #5 Mag, sngl act, 5-10 sec pace:
    1st – 331.97
    last & low – 227.93

    #6 Mag, sngl act, 5-10 sec pace:
    1st – err
    4th – 97.17
    5th – jam, empty bottle

    Jams clear easily with a thick weed whacker line.

    I have been able to get as many as an 8th or 9th very slow mag through before jamming but this time it only went to 6 mags and jammed after 5 shots. Maybe because the temp was 65 in my basement this time. Temp does make a big difference. Or maybe the gun is changing due to more use. Lately I've been limiting practice sessions to 5 mags because that's how many I bought.


  35. Hey B.B.,
    good report. Great to see crosman is really working on that pcp market. out to prove quality doesnt have to cast. I still think im going to get a discovery though.

    I have a couple questions on the marauder. I read jim chapmans report on it, and he said that his gun the mag sticks out to the left, but on the production gun it stocks out to the right. In pyramyds picture, it sticks out to the left. so what is it, left or right? Also the adjustable velocity, is it going to be like the talons power wheel, or is it going to be really precise adjustments?

    One final question. What network will the tv show be on? Will it be on the internet. I tink pyramyd should have the episodes on archive. That would be really cool. Looking forward to tomorrows report.

  36. B.B.

    Well, I can’t imagine what’s coming next. All my aspirations for this week were fulfilled with the beginning of the Marauder report. That is an awfully nice-looking airgun. I love the way the shrouded barrel looks sort of like a target bull barrel.

    All, on the subject of barrel quality, I expect that there are all sorts of surprises to undermine one’s sense of a gold standard. While getting my M1 Garand redone, I was thinking about a choice of barrels. Douglas and Krieger were mentioned as quality barrels with Hart apparently being the ultimate. However, my gunsmith told me that regular G.I. issue barrels can produce sub MOA accuracy which is all I could expect anyway with my sights (and for a much cheaper price). The reason for this, he said, is that the machinery for making the original barrels was of extremely high quality and when sold for surplus after WWII was obtained and used by Krieger without alteration! I understand that for all their conservatism, inefficiency and boneheaded stupidity, the material produced by the U.S. Ordnance Department which was disbanded by Robert McNamara in the Vietnam era was of the highest standard. Anyway, my G.I. barrel has certainly shot well.

    So, I have high hopes that Crosman has put together a good barrel (especially judging by what their cut-rate 1077 can do). Whatever the accuracy test shows will be good enough for me.


  37. CJr,

    thank you. Those are interesting results. This means that the pace of firing makes a difference in the velocities. The longer the pause between shots the faster they tend to go. I guess I should have expected that because the longer the pause the more chance for the system to warm up after the rapid cooling.

    My pace in all shots was about 2 sec between shots single action inside a basement, maybe about 63F.

    Thank you for those results, they were really enlightening!

  38. To any guys or gals in the Philadelphia, PA area!

    Any suggestions on a good range or place to shoot air rifle?
    I have been shooting a the French Creek rifle range, which is a public (free) facility. It is a nice place to shoot but being in the middle of a crowd discharging black powder and .45 cal handguns in your ears (I wear ear muffs) kind of defeats the purpose of quiet, air rifle ‘precision’ (hah!) target shooting.

    In an ideal world, I would have a plot of land where I could shoot out to 200 yds…

  39. Typo alert..
    “There are no open sights, so a scope much be used.” Most likely should say “scope must be used.

    Since Vince took on the big guy we all now feel emboldened.

    BTW… I belive buying Crosman stock would be a wise move. Is it publicly traded?

  40. Vince,

    Here is your chance to ding BB. It was Oldsmobile used some Chevy small block 350s in place of their legendary 350 rockets in the 70’s.

    Ultimately GM made a small payment to these Olds owners and began stating on each window sticker that parts were supplied by “various GM divisions.”

    Manage the bottom line instead of the top; add 35 years to the equation and their stock trades for a bit over two bucks a share.

  41. CowboyStar,

    I’ve heard that the CZ company makes most of the barrels for Air Arms, and that they are all “rotary swagged”.. the AAs410 has the same barrel as the EV2!!!.. that’s what I heard.

    So no wonder a CZ 631 or 634 like mine is so accurate!

    Maybe Crosman had CZ make theirs too?… B.B. … Like I said it looks a lot like the AAs310.. WHICH IS A VERY GOOD THING!!


    No, not the whole days comments..

    April 4th IS our 38th anniversary, and we are deeply in love… and I WOULD give up my guns.. air guns too!!!.. for my honey pie.. but the really good thing is.. She ain’t askin!!!



    And..the other truth is.. we be gone to the beautiful Southern Oregon coast Friday noon.. The dogs have never seen the ocean or wide open beaches full of seagull to chase..

    Ain’t it great to have a team to carry on while were gone!!!.. we’re not worried.. really..


  42. Wayne,

    Well congratulations on your anniversary. You've got a real prize there in your wife with her great forebearance towards shooting. It seems like the only decent thing for you to do is to show her how much fun it is.

    As for your elves, I have fantasized about being an employee at the local gun store and shooting the high end guns after closing. But one employee I mentioned this to says he wants to keep his job.

    All, on the subject of the Marauder, one reason I'm curious about the design relationship with the Discovery is that it seems to me as an outside observer and no businessman that having made a successful bid to create a budget PCP, that Crosman would get the maximum return for the minimum R&D by simply adding features to the basic design. Savage has done this for the last half century or so with its 110 series rifle and so has Remington with their 700. There's a whole AR-15 industry doing this very successfully. So why the switch by Crosman? Is this new design that much better? It doesn't really matter to me if they keep the price reasonable and the performance high, but it doesn't really make sense to me.


  43. Evening one and all,

    Is it just me, or does the access port to adjust the fill level on the back of the Maurader looks like the port, in the same location, on a Disco that is used by the degasser tool. Hummmm maybe has meaning for us Discovery owners????

    Mr B.

  44. Matt61,

    Thanks.. we be so happy together!!.. and in need of a couple days off!!

    I don’t think the Disco is a “foundation” to build on.. It is what it is.. a very low cost, decent start in the PCP world..

    The Marauder might be a top level competitor at half the price.. Again they are going after the biggest piece of the untouched market.. I’m sure Tom had a lot to do with the plan!!

    I wonder if the profit projection came out for Crosman on the Disco.. I’m sure the sales part was exceeded!! The bottom line is always a little harder!

    It looks to me like the receiver, shrouded barrel and air tank ARE a foundation to build on..

    And it sounds like they already have built a complete, quality, all around air rifle to give the Air Arms s410 a run for the money…

    I really want to hear more about the ease of cocking.. the AA side lever is hard to beat.. straight pull bolts are not as easy for me as that 1-2 lb. side lever.. B.B. said he will tell us a lot more about this subject!!

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  45. B.B
    Although you may not have the answer yet but I’ll just throw it out there for you or PyramidAir.

    Will there be packages that includes both the Marauder and combination of pump, scopes etc.

    For many of us, this may be our veru first PCP and we may need everything.


    BTW… Been patiently awaiting your reports… and now glad to see it. Thx!!!

  46. Another typo:

    ‘There’ss a scale of fill pressures…” Double s.

    Yes this is the pot calling the kettle black. On my last post made at least two typos in less than 50 words. Even misspelled “believe”.

    Bet this one has a typo too.

  47. BB,
    Sorry I picked on you. Just in fun.

    But seriously he Marauder is sounding ever so sweet. Can not wait to see this multi part report unfold. Crosman is doing it right.

    Put my name on the notify list at PA for a Marauder. Went to the CR website to see if the 100 advance sales were still open. Couldn’t find anything. So I guess they are filled already.


  48. Thanks for this early insight into the Marauder, I look forward to your coming reports and hope you might be able to do some detailed analysis of the two calibers.
    I am particularly interested in the choice between .177 and .22 for hunting rabbits. Conventional thinking says .22 is better for its bigger wound channel but given that in the Marauder would (presumably) have the same energy in both calibers, the .177 would have greater velocity and flatter trajectory. This being so, I would guess that the retained energy at say 50 metres of the .177 would be greater than the .22 and therefore the better choice- both for accuracy and retained energy. Is this something you could measure and report on?
    I also wonder why in most PCP rifles, the number of shots per charge is greater in .22 than .177. If this will be the case for the Marauder, why is it so?
    Regards, Pete

  49. DB, BB’s use of the double ‘s’ is just ANOTHER example of his GROSS EXAGGERATIONS!!!

    Anonymous, I knew that BB mis-remembered the old GM engine swap problem, but I couldn’t quite remember the circumstances. And I got busy at work and couldn’t devote the time to research it. So I decided to be merciful and let him slide – and WHAM! – you nailed him!

    Good thing he’s got a sense of humor.

    BB, not sure what’s up at Crosman, but it sounds like the designers are having fun – and the bean counters aren’t ruining it for them. So – you’re ‘in’ at Crosman – what’s the deal? Is it that the bean counters are decent guys who work with their engineering department and don’t force them into bad compromises, or did someone higher up give them a sabbatical while the Marauder was being designed?

  50. B.B.,

    I ve wanted to get this rifle from the moment I first read about it. I am so glad that you started to make a blog series for it, thanks a lot for that.

    I had no idea about the variable vel. or the variable fill pressure. I am looking forward to learning about those…

    I own a discovery and the marauder is definately the next rifle to join the collection.


  51. Vince,

    The bean counters aren’t even invited to the meetings at Crosman. But the production and marketing people know that cost is an important sales incentive.

    The sales VP was the biggest supporter of the Disco, becoming the first person to take a squirrel with it which it was still in the development stage.


  52. Hi guy’s,
    Very nice gun, well done Benjamin!!
    I hope it won’t be too long before it’s available here.
    That magazine looks like a copy of a Theoben Rapid Mag to me tho!!
    If it is you can get a 17 shot mag, damn expensive tho!!
    Most of the pcp guns here in the UK are adjustable for velocity/ft/lbs, but our laws on guns are quite strict so they have anti tamper devices fitted, as would the Marauder if it was to be shipped to the UK, they are usually adjusted by putting extra tension on the hammer spring by screwing in the spring retaining screw.

  53. royaloak,

    Yes, adjusting the hammer spring tension has been the traditional way of adjusting velocity. The Marauder does it differently, with an airflow limiter that is able to be adjusted to a much more precise degree, or at least that’s the story.


  54. BB,
    It looks like I may have to get two new airguns. The first will be this one. The second one I’m not so sure of. Along the way at least one person expressed the wish that Benjamin would make a PCP handgun. THAT’S the one I am really waiting for, though the Marauder would do for a while 😎 Any thoughts as to if/when Benjamin might consider a PCP handgun and what it might look like?
    Michael in Georgia

  55. Michael,

    If Benjamin has a pneumatic pistol in development, I don’t know about it. But maybe it’s time to look into it.

    What kind of performance would people want from a gun like that? Remember, with shorter barrels and smaller reservoirs, the shot count is WAY lower, as is the available energy. So please be realistic.

    Would a PCP that delivered Beeman P1 performance be interesting?


  56. BB thanks for the review, and keep it up!

    There seem to be a couple of Crosman prototype PCP pistols out there now from what I’ve seen. looks like low 600’s velocity wise. I hope to actually see them in person in the near future!

  57. CJr,

    When shooting the Talon on C02, you need to turn the power wheel all the way down (or at least as far down as it shoots at a consistent velocity – my 24″ bbl uses 0.5 on the PW). Anything else, pretty much wastes air, er C02. The Talon SS isn’t so much with C02 – just an average C02 gun. A 24″ barrel SS shoots 17fpe and is something to write home about (maybe a Marauder will be too). I get 600 + shots from a 12 oz C02 bottle, 1000+ is a reasonable claim for a 20 oz.

  58. JC,
    Thanks for your Talon SS info. I’m setting my power on 2 and getting fabulous results for accuracy.

    I noticed the Pyramydair description on the number of shots says the same thing for both the 12oz and the 20oz (1,000 shots as I read it). I asked about that when I called for more info and pointed out they were the same and how could they be the same since one is almost twice the volume. The PA person pointed out that it really says OVER 1,000 shots. I missed the word “over”. So I was thinking the 20oz would get close to 2,000. But now I’m beginning to believe that 1,000 is very unrealistic for the 12oz and maybe applies only to the 20oz bottle. I’m keeping closer track of the shots I’m making now at the 2 setting to see what I’m really getting. Hopefully it takes me a real long time to find out. My first bottle sure went awfully fast though. 600 is still a lot of shots for $3.27/fill if I do get that many.

    Back to accuracy – I am in awe of myself! Although not very humble. I’m getting 5 shot same hole consistently at 10 meters plus nailing the x on the target more than once. I know…I never believed other people when they said that, either.

    When you say “Talon on CO2 isn’t so much” I assume you mean power wise and not accuracy. My best shot so far has been 661fps.


  59. BB,
    My aim (so to speak!) is to take out squirrels. It's probably too much to ask for rabbits. I like the idea of a repeater (my S&W686 air pistol is great!) and what sounds like the quiet of the Maurader (the neighbors are sensitive even to my Marksman 2004!).
    Now I've lost my article (I believe from you) as to how much power you need at the muzzle to get so much at the poi for certain targets. Squirrels (oh and chipmunks) mock me out at about 30-40 yards. I'd like to have a surprise for them! So I'm not so sure how much power would do it, and it would have to have the accuracy. I know the Marksman has the capability, but not the power. The Evanix Hunting Master AR6 claims 1000 fps, and the Evanix Renegade 841 both in .22. But the price! And how much effort to pump them up? don't want to drag around a diver's tank in the field. Even 15-20 shots should hold you in the field, if it is under lower pressure, like the Discovery, and thus can be pumped without too much effort with a hand pump. Now the Evanix pistols are beautiful, but I'm looking more at a practical kind of gun and if they did it in some sort of plastic, that should lower the price and make them more durable.
    This might not even be possible! Yet we see two Benjamin's that are now within reach of just about anyone (I've saved for 2 years for one of these). Seems to me Benjamin might be able to design something along the Evanix lines, perhaps using the Benjamin EB22 as a base. The HB22 looks a bit clunky but might work as well.
    O.k. as long as I am wishing, perhaps they could make a pistol that would be *upgradeable* to better sights, better grips etc.
    Oh, and a good pistol scope. Yea, that's what I've been waiting for for a long time (Leapers, where are you?). But CenterPoint could do this too.

    I may think of more, but that's about it.
    Michael in Georgia

  60. PT Barnum’s at work again! Followed by the two brother’s in the white monkey suits.

    First of all, there are rifles that are adjustable for velocity using a rolling transfer port, or a pointed screw either screwed in deeper to restrict air flow or increase it so the velocity can be adjusted from almost full stop to wide open. The Air ARMS 4XX series have had this feature for years,even prior to the ERB.

    Statements such as “the Discovery sold more rifles in the first year than some other PCPs have ever sold” are nothing but bloat with out empirical data to prove your statement is true. Are you referring to production rifles, or customs such as Barnes in this comment?

    I love this little blurb.
    “Well, it’s not a Lothar Walther! But it’s probably just as good.”

    You know darn well that is not true that is why you covered you rear with “probably”

    The rifle has copied the best features from several different other manufacturers.

    The basic set up is Air Arms like except for the bolt. The magazine sure looks like the FX mags for the semi-auto’s or Rapid mags.

    Never mind Crosman’s fit and finish and quality control. It is getting better but it sub par at best!

    The part that bothers me the most is most people who read your blog for knowledge are newbies to the airgun hobby. They are the ones who get raw deal when they are misinformed. It does not do a bit of good for our sport!

    I will say it looks like it will be a good PCP for people w/o the funds or the taste to get a better rifle.

    Dump any petroleum products in your high pressure guns lately?


  61. BB,
    Yep, I knew it, I thought of something else on the way home from work. Evanix has a detachable shoulder attachment. Now, with something like this, you are adding weight, so I’m not sure how it would work, but it might be able to add to the (proposed) Benjamin pistol a (fold out?) shoulder attchment which could have a detachable air tank. This would give added capacity and the option of working with a bit more stability in the field. It might be designed with a detachable hose leading from the shoulder attachment to the main tank) or with a solid connection. The air tank might be designed for a continuous feed to the pistol itself, or have a release that would allow a *refil* to the main tank. The weight could be lessened through the use of plastics and/or a simple frame (with a mounting for an additional air tank) for the shoulder mount. I think the shoulder mount should have a cheekpiece for consistant aiming with the scope (this too could be something added later). That means, someone could get the PCP pistol and add the shoulder stock later. The Evanix pistols have a 10″ barrel, which is only 3″ less than the TX200 (yea, I know 3″ is a lot, still this might be possible).

    Michael in Georgia

  62. C-YA,

    Let’s keep in mind that this is only part 1 of a series that B.B. intends to present on the Marauder.

    My take on B.B.’s reference to the barrel when saying, “Well, it’s not a Lothar Walther! But it’s probably just as good.” is because he has not reported on accuracy yet. If accuracy in this guns barrel is lacking B.B. is known for telling it straight and not pulling punches. I don’t see that he’s “covering his rear” as much as he is waiting to comment on accuracy in a subsequent segment in this series. There isn’t any justification for alleging that B.B. is misinforming. The whole story has yet to be told.

    Your comments have a snobbish ring to them but I admire your concern for our sport.

    IF B.B.’s subsequent reports indicate the Marauder to be a great value at $499.00 for a pcp with all these features, wouldn’t that be a good thing for our sport?

    Keeping the price point in mind the fit and finish appear impressive (I haven’t handled one of these rifles yet) not “sub par” to me. Again, price point.

    I assume your parting shot of saying “Dump any petroleum products in your high pressure guns lately?” is referring to oiling dried leather seals in older springers? It works so I’m not sure I grasp the sarcasm.


  63. Kevin,

    Nice to have you back! I wondered why I didn’t see any of your comments on the blog recently.

    I think C-YA is just trying to stir up argument. The “Dump any petroleum products in your high pressure guns lately?” comment is a cheap shot at BB putting Pellgunoil in a BAM-B51 when he thought it was a pure silicone oil product.

    .22 multi-shot

  64. .22 multi-shot,

    Thanks. Good to be back.

    I’ll give C-YA the benefit of the doubt and assume that he is a passionate and informed airgunner that might be overreacting prematurely.


  65. Now, that’s a Benjamin that looks good…very tempting! Looking forward to see some shot strings and see some targets.

    To the Canadian lovers… I’m one too, originally in love with Saskatchewan, I’ve been there a couple of times, also in Edmonton, Banff and a bit more. The irony of life living in that area was the dream of my life… I’ve ended up married to a Canadian girl but living in Arizona… life is crazy sometimes…
    Happy shooting everyone!


  66. Kevin,

    Your assessment of how I will proceed on the Marauder test is right on. I will show everyone my results and let them make up their mind.

    The comments from C-YA don’t bother me. I’ve gotten used to that sort of thing. There are some airgunners who feel threatened whenever a new gun seems to go up against the establishment, and only time will sort it out. Like I said in the report, many newer airgunners are not aware that other barrels like those from BSA and Anschutz are considered just as good as the best barrels Lothar Walther makes.

    C-YA has done another good thing for everyone on this blog. He has give us insight into his character. “You’ll know them by their fruits,” is not just a saying–it’s also the truth.

    As long as he doesn’t attack any reader, I’m content to let him have his say.

    The Marauder is far more complex than any air rifle I have ever tested, because of what it offers for a price that’s half of what similar European airguns cost.

    The report will proceed as I stated and by the time I’m done, every reader will know this test rifle as well as I am able to portray it.

    As for the looks, all anyone has to do it look at the opening photo. I will be showing more detailed shots, and I will also be explaining how the production rifles will differ from this pre-production gun.


  67. B.B.,

    Historically it seems that with the release of any new model gun (whether airgun or firearm) there is a segment that offers their critique of the gun BEFORE THEY EVEN HANDLE OR SHOOT THE GUN. Never understood formulating an opinion without fact.

    The inability for us mere mortals to handle and shoot every new model of airgun is the reason that what you do is so important. An unbiased review is a critical starting point for newbies and experienced airgunners alike in their journey to a new airgun purchase.

    Thankfully for us you don’t take these attacks personally and allow them to dissuade you from your calling.

    The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as
    bold as a lion.


  68. B.B.,

    Historically it seems that with the release of any new model gun (whether airgun or firearm) there is a segment that offers their critique of the gun BEFORE THEY EVEN HANDLE OR SHOOT THE GUN. Never understood formulating an opinion without fact.

    The inability for us mere mortals to handle and shoot every new model of airgun is the reason that what you do is so important. An unbiased review is a critical starting point for newbies and experienced airgunners alike in their journey to a new airgun purchase.

    Thankfully for us you don’t take these attacks personally and allow them to dissuade you from your calling.

    The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as
    bold as a lion.


  69. Well if it doesn’t come with open sights,much less a scope, I suppose the hand pump is extra too?

    Oh well, in this economy I can get a used Discovery AND a nice Kraut springer for the $700+ the Marauder is going to cost once you add in the extras.

  70. Yes, I’m not too happy with UPS….they managed to tear open one of the newly packaged 4 tins of pellets and dented a couple tins. I nearly went down to the local UPS shop to complain, but the pellets are affordable rws hobbies for my crosman 1077 and they seem ok. Had they been my JSBs, I may have cried a bit.

    For most shooters, a disco is a good value. Hunters should like them. If you plan on upgrades on a Disco then the Marauder is for you. The Cadilac of PCPs. But, the final say will be how the Marauder performs.

    So let me see if this is correct, the rear pressure setting is for ajusting the spring for the fill pressure used in the Marauder, kind of like a manual regulator?

    I suppose some people may easily pump air upto 2500 psi and may want the flexabilty to set it that way. Good idea, it pleases the 3,000 psi pcp crowd and the CO2 crowd.

    The small screw under the stock is to adjust the velocity. Isn’t that like a power wheel on some other models?

    So there will be the ability to lower the velocity and therefore increase the shot count?

    Well I am a fan of UK made PCS and would lke to see an American competitor in this area. Basically the value one should get buying locally, should be greater and the ease of sevice and buying parts a plus.

    If the marauder performs as well or better as others in the same price range then I say it’s about time.

  71. Since there has been a lot of talk about pcps, and some here have AA 400 series airguns, I will see if a freind of mine from the UK will share some of his experiences with his AA400. His name is Harry, There’s a lot of good helpful people on the UK websights on PCPs. Some know him as Deadeyedick on the forums.

  72. ajvenom,

    Yes to most of what you said. But the velocity adjustment is entirely different than the velocity adjustment on other PCPs. I will explain as I report on it.

    Yes, if you shoot slower you use less air. And if you adjust the gun for a higher-pressure fill, you pack in more air. The combination of those two things gives you a lot of flexibility.


  73. I didn’t have any quesions on the aa400, just wanted to see if Harry would join and see what he thinks of PCPS be it AA , Daystate, Benjamin, etc….

    He’s a younger person who does a lot of shooting and has a lot of good insight on airguns.

    C YA well C YA.

    You never know maybe, crosman paid to use other companies designs or purchased parts from other companies. I’m just glad it’s not a polished off chinese AR with a “crosman label on it.

    AA is the one to watch, so if your going to style your AR after someone, I think it’s a smart plan for any AR manufacturer. It’s not an exact copy, but yes, they did copy someone, because hey…it does look like and AR.

    BTW, I have non-chocked under 100 dollar US ARs shooting pellets nearly on top of one another. US can built quality stuff, if your willing to pay for it. If it’s imported barrel, oh well what’s the diff? The proof will be in the actaal results. So far it sounds promising.

  74. Wow I read Jim Chapman’s review. Pretty promising. Here’s the delemna, Which one do you get, the afordable Disco or the decked out Marauder. Both are winners for value in my book. The Marauder may be the last AR you may ever need. Now for wants, that’s another story.

  75. Matthew,

    I heard from Crosman this morning. Because the Marauder is so adjustable, they don’t think they will be exporting them to Canada. If there was a demand for them, they say they might change their minds.


  76. Alvaro,

    It has no more power at 3000 psi than it does at 2,000 psi. In fact, if you don’t adjust the power setting when you increase, it could have LESS power.

    It will have a few more shots at the higher pressure.


  77. The design of any sound suppression device is what determines whether it meets the legal definition of a silencer and must therefore be regulated. Typically, barrel shrouds do not meet the definition. So they are usually considered safe.

    If you have not yet read this article about silencers, it might be of interest to you:


    You posted to this report because it was what you were reading when the question arose. If you join us on the current blog, all of our thousands of readers will see your question and can offer help:



  78. BB, I have a Logun S-16 with the shrouded barrel which is pretty quiet, but my wife can still hear me shoot when she is inside the house with all the doors & windows closed. Your general description leads me to believe this is much quieter than my S-16. Can you compare the level of noise/quiet of the S-16 to the Marauder?

  79. A question for B.B.
    I am planning to use the Marauder to shoot chickens. Pyramyd AIR sales person recommended the 22 cal.crow magnums. Would increasing the power level be a good idea for the heavier pellet?

    Thanks, Sam W.

  80. BB,

    Is there any model with the bolt on the left side? In all the reviews I saw, they all said that the weapon is ambidextrous but the bolt is a huge problem. And even a greater problem, I'm from Portugal, I investigated and the Marauder is within the law. Does Crosman exports this gun to my country?

    Thank you, Joseph

  81. I can handle the bolt as it is but it's a bit uncomfortable. I'm not even left-handed, but my shooting eye is the left one. Although the bolt problem, this gun is perfect, especially for bird hunt, it's quite so it doesn't frightens the birds and the 10 cartridge allows the gun to be quick and therefore effective.


  82. JGC,

    I'm no HPA expert, but I sure wouldn't "fire" that bad boy up on HPA withhout talking with Crosman's tech people. 800-724-7486

    Also please post your question on the current blog/blog// where you'll reach people that are more knowledgable than I.

    Mr B.

    PS let us know what Crosman said–thanks.

  83. Hello from Canada,
    I waited for months for this gun to come out and kept calling the supplier to make sure I got one when they arrived.
    I was finally told that because they are so quiet, the Canadian gov't won't allow them in the country!!!

  84. Dear "Hello From Canada",
    Don't you think things are getting out of hand? I ordered a toy from Pyramyd AIR that shoots plastic suction cup darts and I had to sign for it to be delivered!

  85. Hi CJr,
    From: Hello From Canada.

    Truly it is ridiculous! Why is the Air Arms S410 allowed here? I've heard that it is just as quiet as the Marauder but two and a half times the price!!!

  86. CJr,

    Talking about quiet, how does Mr. T compair to Ms. M? My SS using AirHog shrouds on it's .22 caliber 12 or 24 inch barrel is quiter than a 1377 on one pump. Too bad we cann't sit down and do the comparison between Ms. M and the SS.

    Change of topic. Have you ever shot with a laser and scope equipped gun? Talk about instantly seeing when your cheek weld isn't 100% consistant. I have a 16 yard range, from inside the house to the back yard, and even at that short distance the laser dot and cross hairs won't be pointing at the same spot on the target if my cheek weld is off by a tad. If you're interested in a laser, I'll let you know where mine came from with in an e-mail.

    Mr B.

  87. Mr B,

    Ms M is quieter than Mr T, even so, Mr T is pretty quiet in his own right. Or, maybe I'm going deaf in my old age.

    I have not shot with a laser but you have piqued my interest. The scope level seems to be working well but it would be interesting to use both at the same time for comparison. Also, internal scope levels seem to have gone extinct at this time. I may have to resort to lasers for other rifles. I still haven't tried an external level yet, though. So yes, I'm interested let me know where to look.

  88. CJr,

    I don't think that the laser will help you with canting a rifle, but it makes an inconsistant spot weld instantly visible. Not to mention that it's alot of fun to use.

    Mr B.

  89. Mr. B.,

    Your experience with seeing a laser through a scope reminds me of the demonstration I used to do for AirForce at the SHOT Show. People were always amazed that the laser appears to move up and down against the reticle when shined at different distances.

    I used to shine it at a wall on an angle and start from about 100 yards away, then traverse the rifle until it was pointed at the closest point on the way to wherever I was standing. They could watch the laster dot move not only up and down, but also on an angle from side to side, because the laser wasn't aligned with the scope reticle.


  90. I posted this in the old site, and it was suggested I post it here, here goes:

    I wonder if someone will make a;

    1. A kit to make the PCP pump run off the car battery.(here I thought the pumps would be something like a push bike pump and maybe they could be attached to something to operate them from a car battery)

    2. A PCP air rifle with a smaller cylinder, and a built-in pump to recharge it between shots. Imagine a Sheriden .20cal or Sharp Innova that has enough charge to fire 5 – 10 shots and between shots it can be recharged? (I still like this one, add some charge when convenient)

    3. A Pneumatic – Co2 air rifle, fire a shot, lift the pump handle, that activates a charge of Co2 into the chamber, which can be compressed further by compressing it with the pump?(cant do it apparently, the co2 is liquid)

    4. Cylindrical, aerodynamic .177 pellets? That would change things, the high velocity of .177 and less loss of BC. IMO that would be the best thing for air rifles.(similar to Sheridan pellets, some were available about 40 years ago in Australia, called Black Boy pellets but they were .167 not 1.77and fell through the barrel)

    5th. Air rifle that uses a soda stream bottle? Dont know how much pressure they have yet.

  91. Anonymous,

    someone gave you a poor suggestion. If you look at the date of this blog, it was first published almost a year ago – April 2009. Unfortunately, not many of the current bloggers visit the older blogs. There is a core of volunteers who monitor them to help out. I'm one of them.

    Go here:


    This is the current blog (published 5 days a week) but there are numerous blogs here. The current one is the top most. Scroll down carefully till you reach the end of the FIRST blog and you'll see the comments link.

    You'll get a lot more comments there than here. Join us, we look forward to seeing you as a regular.

    However, by all means, read the older blogs as you'll learn a ton of stuff about air rifles. Just remember if you post a comment on those older blogs, only a handful of us will see it

    Fred PRoNJ

  92. Anonymous,

    I know that I answered you on the first post when you raised this list of questions, and I remember B.B. and others chiming in as well. Is there a specific reason for asking them again?


  93. My top 3 Pcp rifles are the Air Arms s510 Dual chambers, Airforce Condor SS, and the Crossman Benjamin Marauder. It’s mega difficult to pick out of those three. As for Competition rifles I would go with anything from Anschuetz-sport. I own all three along with 3 Anschuetz-sport rifles.

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