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Education / Training Gamo Lady Recon – Part 1

Gamo Lady Recon – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier


The .177 Lady Recon looks pretty in pink!

If you’ve read this blog for a long time, you know I’m constantly on the lookout for kids’ guns. They have to be sized small, lightweight, easy to cock or operate, and accurate. I prefer them to have open sights because I think all kids should learn to use them before moving to optics.

Today’s air rifle, the Gamo Lady Recon, has the small size, light weight and open sights I like to see. It barely squeaks by with a cocking effort of 18 lbs.–the maximum I want in a youth model. Yes, I read the specs on the PA website that say 19 lbs., but I also tested the test rifle. Accuracy we’ll have to test later.

The rifle is short, at just over 37 inches overall and light at 4.63 lbs. That makes it a delight to hold for long periods. Not only do children enjoy that but a large percentage of oldsters do, as well. Gamo rates the trigger-pull at 3.3 lbs. That would be about 3 lbs., 6 oz., or so. The trigger on the test rifle breaks at 4 lbs., even, which is not too far off the spec.

It’s pink!
But being the Lady Recon, this rifle has a pink stock. And not just a pink stock–according to my wife, it’s mauve, which she tells me is a purpleish-pink, but I believe the makers were going after a shocking pink stock! To me, it looks right, but I’m red-green colorblind. Anyhow, the stock is colored for the pleasure of distaff shooters.

I remember at a SHOT Show several years ago seeing a pink Crosman 760 Pumpmaster and my wife remarking how good it looked. Since then, I’ve seen firearms follow suit and now this airgun. It’ll be a hard sell to a young boy, but perfect for a girl who enjoys the color! I note on the Pyramyd AIR website that the black Recon has 8 reviews while the Lady Recon has none as of this writing. Perhaps this coming holiday season will change that.

In case you are wondering, I did a 3-part review of the Gamo Recon in 2008. So, there are targets and velocities to check against. No, I don’t think the pink stock will have any affect on the gun’s performance, but as it so happens that other Recon was underpowered. So we’ll have a second look at the powerplant with this one. The first Recon’s trigger broke at 2 lbs., 9 ozs., so maybe this one will break-in over time.

The safety is manual, a feature that I must applaud. Automatic safeties are no safer than manual safeties–it all depends on the responsible habits of the shooter.

As it turns out, the Lady Recon has one thing the regular Recon doesn’t have–open sights! And no fiberoptics means these are sights that can really be used for precision shooting! While the rear sight can be easily removed, the front is cast into the barrel casing and cannot come off without cutting.

The ambidextrous synthetic stock does not sound hollow except at the pistol grip. You can see that by looking up the pistol grip that is open on the bottom. Being fully ambidextrous and a breakbarrel, the rifle favors neither right- nor left-hand use. The length of pull is 12-3/4″, the same as the black stock.

The barrel is the same thin steel unit as the black Recon. It’s encased in an attractive, synthetic, fluted barrel that looks rather sharp.

The powerplant has the same buzz I noted in the earlier review. It’s not excessive, but I’m not used to Gamo guns buzzing anymore.

This will be a quick little test and comparison to the other Recon. I just want to be able to refer back to it this coming Christmas.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

53 thoughts on “Gamo Lady Recon – Part 1”

  1. I showed this to my 9-year-old girl when it first came out. I asked her what she thought of it – her reply was: "Oh, Daddy. You KNOW what I think… (pause) It's BEEEOOOOTIFUL!!!!"

    It matched some of her old 'My Little Pony' toys, what more can be said?

  2. B.B.

    I look forward to the follow ups on the Lady Recon. I have a daughter and wife who have not yet learned to shoot. This could be on my short list. I'm curious to find out just how different this is compared to the black recon.

    Can you do a review on the Walther SG9000 Co2 BB Shotgun?

  3. Night Owl, I'm REALLY gonna go out on a limb (NOT!) and say that shooting it is the same as ahooting any other Recon, with the exception of the sights. And if BB finds this rifle any different from the one he already tested, it'll be due to sample-to-sample production variations.

    Gamo does NOT like making things different. They will milk a single design for all it's worth by coming out with a multitude of variants (and sub variants).

    BTW, BB – last time I was in Bass Pro (well, the only time, actually) I saw that they had a Ruger 10/22 – in pink. I guess it was only a matter of time…

  4. Vince,

    He mentions the other Recon being underpowered. So I am looking forward to the second look to the powerplant B.B. mentions. So maybe it won't be the same. Like I said I'm curious.

    Night Owl

  5. B.B.
    My wife and oldest daughter love the pink firearms and airguns and it has gotten both of them into shooting with me. We purchased the pink Crosman 760 for my 13 yr. old last year and I just got the wife a .22 Sig Sauer Mosquito in pink about two months ago. My youngest girl wants the pink Red Ryder they have out at our Farm and Fleet store but I want to wait until she hits 10 in November. I am going to have an Army of pink pretty soon I guess.

  6. I'm getting the feeling I am not welcome to this blog. Sorry for offending anyone. It seems with the response or non-response everyone has given I shall go back to just reading. Thanks guys.

    Night Owl

  7. Carson,

    You're reading it wrong, my friend..

    I don't get that at all. Stay with us!! keep the comments coming.

    And it's good to let us know how you feel about our responses..


    My son and my brother-in-law, (it comes from "her side of the family" 🙂 are both red/green color blind too.. don't seem to change their lives much.. how about you.. other than watching where the go and stop lights are, instead of the color..

    Wacky Wayne

  8. Carson,

    We're just waking up, buddy. Most of the regulars haven't checked in yet.

    At under $100, if you've got any interest in this gun from other family members, this wouldn't just be on my short list, it'd be ordered.

    And good morning!


  9. Sorry, deleted the above post, Wish I could just edit mistakes once posted…Here's what I meant to say.


    Yesterday, you mentioned that your Beeman dual caliber–which is now a .22 cal only–has some accuracy problems. Have you replaced the breech seal? Sometimes the stock breech seal is too hard and the gun won't lock up to the exact same place each time. Essentially, the plunger spring is too weak to deform the breech seal the same way every time. A softer seal can help achieve that consistency.

    If this is your gun's problem, it's a 2 minute/20 cent fix that's worth trying.


  10. Carson aka Night Owl,

    I'm curious about power in the pink recon too. My wife has minimal interest in shooting but my 6 year old daughter can't wait for her own gun.

    I've got a little diana 27 that I thought would be perfect as her first gun but it's too big for her. She has to tuck the buttstock under her arm and then sight acquisition is too tough.

    Underpowered in this pink recon, like the first recon that B.B. tested, would be a plus for me. I'm a little jaded about gamo's rep. Average trigger, buzziness and hold sensitive have me concerned for this to be my daughters first gun.

    I've thought about the daisy avanti 499 but would much rather her shoot pellets at my pellet traps than bb's.

    Since you're apparently at the same point with your daughter that I am, I would appreciate you sharing your thoughts about a first gun.


  11. Troy,


    As others have already stated, 1,000 pellets will happen quickly. The break in period with a spring gun will allow the velocity to settle, smooth out the cocking effort and usually reduce the trigger effort.

    It sounds like you have a firearm background so you undoubtedly will master the artillery hold and ammo preference for your chosen gun before most would. During this break in period I'm confident that you will also remove a few of your tree rats.

    A gas ram gun can also be hold sensitive (see B.B. recent article part 3 of the Crosman Nitro).

    If you want to avoid this short break in period, buy a pumper or a pcp.


  12. Looks like I vented too soon about the changing dates on the JSB 10.2 gr. heavies and pyramyd got them in stock today so my order will be shipping soon. YEAH! Wanted to say thanks again to Wayne for the offer of selling or trading some of his. Shows what a great bunch of guys are on this blog and really wanted to say thank you to B.B. and all the others who help people out daily with their knowledge and advice.

  13. Bub,

    Not that I know of. I did one on the basic gun, another on an aftermarket tuneup, another on getting silencer for the gun, another on a highly modified 10-22 pitted against the 10-22 Target, and two others on 10-22 lookalikes.


  14. B.B.

    Thanks for the follow up. I've been toying with the ideal of someday doing a 10/22 tuneup or buying a semi-custom built like a Volquartsen, but I'm not sure either are worth the effort and expense. Not that good a shot anyway. May wait and read your upcoming Shotgun News article on Umarex's new Colt AR .22lr, you made accuracy results sound pretty good.


  15. Night Owl,

    I've felt the same way at times. I make comments and nobody answers or it seems like someone is a little harsh.

    I've decided to chalk it all up to three factors.
    1) Sometimes nobody has an answer or experience to reply to my comment.

    2) Written communication is more prone to misunderstanding than verbal communication. When talking to someone you get immediate feedback that can correct misunderstanding. (I've seen this happen with email very dramatically!)

    3) Sometimes I say stupid things or it doesn't come out right.

    Anyway, please stick with us!


  16. Night Owl, I too would tell you to give it a bit more time.
    I usually wait 24 hours before I'll repost a request or question. I realize that what may be of great importance to me may not be importance to others. When this happens people usually feel that someone else will respond to the question. Sometimes there just isn't going to be someone who has the answer you wish…so you end up with no responses.
    Also you state that you've read for a while but only recently started posting. Give people time to recognize who you are and, as in 'real life' soon you will be an old friend.
    There's just too much good stuff going on here to miss out because of impatience.
    CowBoyStar Dad

  17. Night Owl,

    Good morning welcome to this blog of wonderful, but sometimes demented folks–Wacky Wayne comes to mind.:)

    You are tapping into an incredable block of knowledge. The search engine is an excellent tool to find comments and topics from this blog's past. Give it a try. (your welcome Kevin). We hope that you'll become a regular learning and sharing with the rest of us.


    Please consider the Benjamin 392 for your squirel gun. Deadly right out of the box 10 pellets in a dime at 20 yards. No break in period, variable power, not real noisy, can be scoped, will last almost forever with a little Crosman PelGun Oil and stored with a pump or two of air. Hit the search engine and check it out.


    Did you make it to Atlantic Arms when you were here?

    Mr B.

  18. Carson, was it something I said?

    As for the Recon's power, BB's velocity results were comparable to what I generally get with the three Gamo Delta's (one badged as a Daisy) that I've got here. And dollars-to-donuts the Recon is a Delta with a different stock, so I doubt there was anything really wrong with it – I suspect the Recon is just a low-powered gun.

  19. Off topic discussion.
    Everyone chime in please.
    I would like to hear opinions from everyone and hopefully BB will give us the facts. Given an airgun (doesn't matter what gun) and one particular pellet, if I shoot that airgun with that pellet at 10 yards and constantly get 1-whole groups, then move to 20 yards with same gun and pellet, and get shot-gun patterns, would the problem be the pellet or the gun, and why. All shooting done off a bench to eliminate shooter error.

  20. JR,

    You have described an almost-impossible situation that can only happen if there is an extremely unstable pellet or there is something hitting the pellet between 10 and 20 yards. The proof is to shoot through a target at 10 yards AND ALSO one at 20 yards at the same time. The pellets shouldn't disburse. If they do, one of those two reasons is all I can think of.


  21. why is it that there are no cowboy replica pellet handguns produced,such as a Colt Peacemaker.This is what I'm looking for and there are none.It seems to me they would be hot sellers.

  22. Good luck with the deadlines, B.B. and have a good time in New York.

    NightOwl, relax and welcome. The asynchronous communication with the blog means that you reach a lot of people you wouldn't ordinarily, but you never know exactly what they're doing at any given time. Only one person has gotten himself banned from this blog in my experience after extensive efforts over a long period of time.

    Troy welcome too. I have to dissent a little bit from Wayne and Kevin on the virtues of springers. Of course all of their facts are correct starting with the fact that pcps are more accurate than springers as well as the break in period, the pellets and the learning curve for the artillery hold. But how these are interpreted can be different.

    While pcps are more accurate, I don't know that springers are much less accurate, especially at hunting distances. And while the artillery hold is different and a little more complex than a firearms hold, you can overdo the differences. B.B. discovered the artillery hold at once. He just tried holding his R1 loosely, and it worked, right away. I found the same thing myself. I started comparing the artillery hold with the quasi-firearms hold I was using and there was an immediate and obvious difference. B.B. has done the heavy lifting; you just have to follow his directions. Grip, too, I think can be overdone. I've just used a natural feeling grip for my two springers, and they've done fine. Similarly, I think good quality pellets will give you most of your accuracy if not the absolute best. I've settled on RWS Hobbys and JSB Exacts and my guns shoot fine. There may be pellets out there that do better, but the long search to find them would not be worth it, at least for me. I'd say that an RWS Panther will give you a good shooting experience and do what you want to do, and it will just get better the more you are willing to spend. The RWS 48 is an extremely fine rifle that is very accurate and forgiving.

    BG_Farmer, read another rave review of the new Savage sniper rifle, the BAST/K at $1500. When you remove the fancy target stock, it turns out that they are using the same old 110 action from the last 50 years more or less unmodified. So, I think your 111 should definitely go sub-MOA.

    By the way, I hereby predict the next trend in stocks. First we had wood, then we had synthetic which will not warp and swell from weather changes. Now, we have metal stocks (BAS/K, Mk 14 series rifles) that do not flex like the synthetic. The writing is on the wall. Airgun companies should take notice to corner the market. 🙂

    Wayne, I found a guy who can give you competition. While reading a forum about the new Steyr SSG08 sniper rifle for $5000, I came across a guy who said that he budgeted at least $4000 every year for a new rifle, and if he couldn't find one that was worthwhile, he would spend the equivalent on several guns!


  23. I wonder if we'll be seeing any pink .460 Weatherby Magnums anytime soon?

    BTW, I heard that the Army is coming out with hot pink 105 recoilless rifles, to entice more women to sign up. [kidding]

    Night Owl: Be certain your ego is strong. My wife, who had never before fired a gun of any sort, easily outshot me when I introduced her to a Crosman 760. It wasn't even pink.

    Does anyone remember the High Standard .22 9-shot revolvers that came out in the '60s? They had pastel colored aluminum alloy frames in pink, gold and blue. I don't believe they sold very well back then, men being, well…men and all. But I could be wrong.

    Anon: there are no cowboy replica pellet handguns because our TV heroes turned in their single action revolvers for semi-autos. Those old TV SAs got off hundreds of shots without reloading. Gosh, I miss them.

    Word verification is blastr…how droll.

  24. Anonymous wondering about why there are no cowboy replica handguns,

    Do you remember the crosman model 36 frontier, the crosman model 44 peacemaker (full size replica of the colt peacemaker) or the model 45 (hahn "45") that also came with a quick draw holster?

    You can still find these if you keep an eye out.


  25. Kevin,

    My 17 kids, aged 8-14, learned about guns and safety with a motley collection of airguns…mostly Crosman 760s because they were good and cheap. Our shooting outings used, as I recall: 760s, a Crosman 66 Powermaster, 2 Daisy 94s, 3 Crosman 357s, a 600, a 38C, the one that looks like an M16, and a 1377, and two Daisy SAA revolvers. One kid didn't care about accuracy and loved the 357 with its 10-shot magazine to see how much lead he could sling downrange in as short a time as possible. (This is the same small-framed kid who also had to hold the stock under his arm when shooting thrown clay targets with a shotgun…only he managed to hit almost every one!)

    This all started when the kids' grandfather gave us an archery bow and a single arrow. By the time the arrow finally broke, all the kids were hooked on target shooting. I started all of them off with slingshots until I could afford to replace them with airguns.

    So it kinda doesn't matter what you start them off with as long as it basically fits their frames. Personally I think break barrels require too much attention to proper hold, but then I had lots of kids to watch over. I kept the shooting sessions fun (paper targets but also aluminum soda cans and plywood drilled to hold used shotshells with just a primer in them). Also we lived on a hundred acres, where disturbing the neighbors wasn't a problem.

    We had just a few safety rules, besides glasses: treat all guns as loaded, never point the gun at anything you don't intend to shoot, watch your background, the only reliable safety is the one between your ears. When the kids were older, the safety officer of our Skeet field once confided, "I feel safe shooting with your kids because I know you've taught them safe gun handling."

    Today, when teaching airgunnery to friends and their children, I prefer tududedus–toilet paper cores–as targets because they really jump around when hit and provide great feedback. I also prefer Daisy Red Ryder and Buck model BB guns…they're more powerful than when I was a kid and reasonably accurate.

    That's it. Have fun. Sharing a love of airguns with family and friends is so rewarding.

  26. Joe B.,

    WOW! 17 kids? My hats off to you. Assume you found out what causes this. ;^)

    Can't thank you enough for all your shared experience with the kids guns.

    At my daughters young age I want her first shooting experience to be fun so "slinging lead"/multi shot capability (like the tube fed red ryder) is something to be considered. Maybe I shouldn't be as concerned about accuracy at this point? Hmmm. I think the 760 would be too hard for her to pump and I'm not into co2.

    I'm also a little reluctant about bb's but have considered the daisy avanti 499. Any thoughts about this as a 6 year olds first gun?

    I really believe in a kids first gun being a rifle/long gun.

    Thanks again for the input. You've got me thinking.


  27. Kevin,

    Since I barely pass as not a kid anymore (though I still look twelve) I'll throw in my two Lincolns.

    What I would have wanted in a first gun is an independent power-plant (it's no fun when you run out of CO2), and decent accuracy. Some of the multi-pumps look good, as they don't have to be fully pumped, and recoil is not an issue.

    That's just what I remember from my early shooting days.

  28. Derrick 38:

    I haven't replaced the breech seal on the Beeman DC, but inspection shows it to be OK. I removed it and reinstalled it. I have another seal that I can try.

    The gun is infuriating. It shoots a tight group for about 5 shots, then begins shooting flyers, and they are way outside the group. They also vary between too high and to the left, or too low and to the right, by five or so inches in both cases. This is at 25', rested, with my hand under the gun!

    It really makes me appreciate my other guns.


  29. Jake,

    Thanks for the input. I've got a benjamin 397 and it's too much effort for her. By a decently accurate multi pump first kids gun you're referring to…?


  30. Kevin,

    Kids love the Red Ryders, and I figure as long as they can hit a can at 25 feet, accuracy is good enough; if they want to shoot paper, just scale the target. I'm looking at a Daisy Buck, which I had earlier rejected because it had a plastic buttstock, but I see it now has wood, and the size is pretty good. My five year old can cock and shoot my Red Ryder, but he's a strapping little guy (four feet and 60 lbs?); the stock on the Red Ryder is way too big, though.

  31. BB,
    I would love a pink stock just to see what people would say:).

    That Savage you referred to is pretty wild — looks a little like your beloved 61:). MOA on my 111 is pretty academic, but I think it will give me an excuse to tinker with it and shoot it some.

    AR Tinkerer,
    I don't think I have, but if I ignored you, its because I have a hard time remembering that you're good old .22multishot, right? Sorry.

    How about some .458 Lott doubles in pink? "Honey, open that box for a clue to where we're going for our anniversary":).

    He can play any position he wants except for the line:).

  32. Witt,

    Just a thought, but it sounded like a familiar problem. I've had a couple guns with what looked like translucent polyurathane breech seals. The seals were so stiff, the plunger spring couldn't compress them the same amount each time. Wasn't an air leakage problem. Was a latching pressure consistency problem. The guns would shoot OK groups–then fliers. Carefully closing the guns the exact same way tended to help. Generally, the groups were stringing vertically. Softer, normal black (butyl) o-rings solved the problem.

    And a big thank you to Vince for getting me on the right track.


  33. Joe B,

    17 kids????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MY HERO. Two is more than enough for me.

    Witt, checked all the stock screws on your rifle to make sure they're tight? If scoped, check rings. Finally, if all the screws check out all right, you might want to run a patch of JB non-embedding bore cleaner down the barrel a few times then clean well. Perhaps that will help.

    Mr. B, yes I made it to Atlantic Guns but didn't go in. They had closed 20 minutes earlier! Actually it was my fault – I punched in Hungerford STREET instead of Hungerford Road into my GPS. There is a Hungerford Street as it turns out but only houses are on this road.

    I'll be back the last week in August as I have to deposit my daughter at her apartment in College Park.

    I hope BB's flight is tomorrow morning 'cause it poured here this afternoon (I work in NYC and live in NJ – youse gotta problem wid dat? 🙂
    My train out of NYC stopped running as the signals were down and all flights out of all three NY-NJ airports stopped so delays are going to be incredible for the next couple of hours. I love 1 1/2 hr commutes turning into 3.


  34. There couldn't be a better range scene than taking out your bright pink target pistol and cleaning the rapid fire course…

    "What's that guy shooting???"

    "Ah, that's Fluffy, my new bullseye gun."


  35. Night Owl Carson,

    Re. your query of that bb shotgun, I have that model as well as many other bb guns. It is an excellent value, and shoots very accurately with an acceptably good trigger.

    When shooting 3 bbs at the same time, there is an obvious loss of power. The gun will shoot lead balls, which weigh 50% more than steel bbs and penetrate much better into a bird or into a squirrel's head. Lead balls can only be shot in single fashion, not in shotgun fashion or jamming may result.

    A down side to the gun is the small magazine, as the large CO2 allows many, many shots.

    I will be happy to answer your questions re. this fun gun if I happen to read them.

    – Dr. G.

  36. Kevin,

    I shot a friend's Daisy 901, and while it was no tack driver, at 6 pumps it could hit a soda can from around 8 yards, so I'd say one of the multipumps in that class.

    And the Crosman 760 comes in Pink.

  37. BG Farmer,

    Yep, good memory! .22 multi-shot is my old name.

    As for the other, I don't remember anyone or anything specifically, but thanks for the apology anyway.


  38. Kevin: The Avanti sounds great. I'm still thinking of ordering one, to see just how accurate it is.

    My first Daisy Red Ryder (although it sounds like your daughter might find the Buck better suited for her size?) was a great prize. I walked out of the store in downtown Houston clutching it to my chest as though it were pirate booty. And, as pointed out by Jake, your daughter really doesn't have to pump a 760 more than 3 times to get decent velocity–2 times if you're shooting in your basement.

    I guess the most important thing is to keep it light with the kids, especially when they're starting out shooting any type of gun. Balancing this fun time with just enough seriousness to prevent harm to the shooter/neighbor's/stray dogs etc. requires balance that many people just don't seem to have anymore. I've seen more kids/teens put off shooting forever by their overly-serious parents. Like telling Ralphie he'll shoot his eye out…that's what shooting glasses are for.

    Kevin and Fred: 9 kids were adopted, the rest long-term foster. We averaged 17 on any given day. For me who grew up an only child, it was fun, as well as profoundly amazing to discover who children really are. Tip: It's only hard until kid #5 and beyond. After that, you become a professional and get really efficient at raising so many. Does get a might costly when buying them all airguns though.

    Dr. G: how does the bb shotgun load and fire 3 bbs at once? Does it have an advantage over just dropping 3 bbs down the throat of say a 760? I guess you'd have to put a small wad of toilet paper on top of the bbs to keep them from rolling out when pointing the bbl below horizontal. I'm wondering what kind of spread they have at say 10-15'.

    Derrick38: "Fluffy". Good one.

    BG_Farmer: "How about some .458 Lott doubles in pink? "Honey, open that box for a clue to where we're going for our anniversary":)." Hmmm…subtle but it works. Never marry a woman you cannot take on Safari. [Unless your name is Francis Macomber.]

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