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Healthways Plainsman BB gun – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

I wanted to title this report Americana, because that’s what it really is. But when someone on the internet wants to research their gun, the model is the only thing they are interested in. Make no mistake, though–the Healthways Plainsman is Americana, as much as Dad’s Root Beer and Buster Brown shoes.

Unlike the Daisy Red Ryder that everyone knows by name, the Healthways Plainsman is the BB pistol that almost everybody knows on sight, without knowing what it is. It’s about as ubiquitous as the Marksman 1010 BB pistol, but most of you may have to think about it for awhile. And showing you a period ad may stimulate your memories.

A Plainsman ad from 1965. They called the gun semiautomatic because you just keep pulling the trigger to fire. Actually it’s double-action.

I DID NOT go to Roanoke to buy a Plainsman! In fact, I have assiduously avoided the Plainsman for the past 20 years. Before that, I wasn’t a writer, so my avoidance was private and didn’t count. I have blogged Chinese spring guns. I have blogged Marksman BB pistols. I have even blogged Wamo cap-firing BB guns that have less power than thrown BBs. So, why was I avoiding the Plainsman? No good reason. I just was.

In fact, this is a great little BB gun that I actually shot in my youth. My favorite relative was Uncle Don. He was a man’s man. Whenever we got together, he got out his guns and let me shoot. One summer I spent a couple weeks with him and Aunt Gert on the shores of the St. Lawrence River. There, he introduced me to his Plainsman. It shot fast and hard–two things a 12-year-old boy likes. I went through so much of his CO2 that he had to put the brakes on and get me fishing to slow me down.

But I never owned one of these pistols myself; and when the time came to get airguns, I went other ways. In this report, I want to discover what I missed–right along with you.

I stumbled across this pistol on Mike Ahuna’s table at the Roanoke airgun show last weekend. It was in the box and included an owner’s manual, sales receipt (without the year of sale, unfortunately) and several other papers associated with both the gun and with Numrich Arms (the former name of Gun Parts Corporation), where it was sold. I’ve seen plenty of other boxed Plainsmans–there was even one at this show–but the condition of this box and papers caught my attention. The gun sang to me!

The Plainsman box looks like a big smile to me. It looks happy, and it makes me feel happy to look at it.

The timeframe
I’ve found ads for the Plainsman pistol as early as 1960 and as late as 1969. With just a quick check, let’s assume I missed some and extend that by a couple years on both ends. The owner’s manual that came with the gun is dated 1957, which may be the first year of release. The earliest price I’ve seen in 1960 is $14.95.

On the late end of the run, there would have been new-old-stock guns for sale for several years after they stopped making them, so they no doubt were sold well into the 1970s. But companies like Daisy were putting pressure on the market with newer guns made of plastic and having the same features and more modern profiles. The final price I saw in 1969 was $18.95.

Pat Pending must have been a prolific airgun designer, because we see his name on so many guns from the 1950s and ’60s. Seriously, that was a dodge used by many companies to avoid the costly fees and time spent in getting patents. Many of the guns that say Pat. Pending have nothing patentable in them. I’m not saying that’s the case for the Plainsman, but I sure am hinting at it!

The pistol is all metal with plastic grips. It resembles a Colt Woodsman in shape, though its grip is larger than a Woodsman grip. The trigger works with or without CO2 in the gun and has a smooth, light two-stage pull, though stage two is somewhat long. The gun weighs 29.3 oz. The smoothbore barrel is six inches long.

Plainsman on top and Colt Woodsman on the bottom. The Plainsman is a little beefier than the firearm.

The Plainsman uses 8-gram CO2 cartridges instead of the 12-gram cartridges of today. In its day, more guns used the smaller cartridge, so it didn’t seem so strange. Today, however, you can buy these vintage small cartridges here at Pyramyd Air, so there’s no reason not to shoot your vintage gun.

Adjustable power
The Plainsman comes with adjustable power. There are three power settings. A coin-operated screw at the bottom of the grip selects each setting, and the detents are stiff enough that there’s no question where you are. Healthways didn’t use velocity figures for their gun because at this time nobody had access to a chronograph. So, they stated power by what a BB would do to a tin can. Remember, when this gun was made, tin cans were actually made of steel. Don’t confuse them with the soft soda cans of today. Think more of a stout soup can or a coffee can. On low power, where you got up to 100 shots, a BB would dent one side of a can at 15 feet. On medium power, you got 55 shots and the BB would deeply dent or pierce one side of a tin can at 15 feet. On high power, you got about 45 shots, and a BB would almost go through both sides of a tin coffee can at 15 feet.

Turn the screw at the top to the left (located at the bottom rear of the pistol grip) with a coin to increase power. There are three settings.

Healthways claimed an accuracy of 50 shots through a one-inch group (they say pattern in the manual) at 25 feet. That seems reasonable, and places it among the most accurate BB guns. I’ve seen accuracy like that from the Umarex Makarov, so I know it’s possible.

The barrel is a thin steel tube, but it’s encased in a metal housing that looks more substantial. In fact, everything about this gun looks and feels substantial.

When I researched this pistol, I learned that Healthways put out many different models. This pistol, for example, has a rifled counterpart that looks the same but uses nickelplated lead balls for ammo. And there’s a single-action western model I admit to never having seen before, though I might have seen one and thought it was something else. It, too, had a rifled-barrel counterpart that shot lead balls. Finally, there’s the Topscore spring-piston model that’s fairly well-known, though I admit that I never shot one.

Healthways also offered this Western-style revolver at the same time as the Plainsman.

Lift this gate and drop 100 BBs into the gun. Feeding is handled by the mechanism inside.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

107 thoughts on “Healthways Plainsman BB gun – Part 1”


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    10/05 Evanix Blizzard S10 – Part 3
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    10/30 Healthways Plainsman BB gun – Part 1

    • Healthways also offered this Western-style revolver at the same time as the Plainsman – I have an old Black Healthways Western Plainsman Pistol in the original box with BB’s, Jet King 3 Green Cartridges $1.44 price tag still on the box and another box of Golden Powerlests 3 Gold Cartridges marked $15.95. I have not found any for sale or the value of this gun. I can find 3 pictures of it on the net, including 2 linked to this page and I was wondering if there is any additional information you may be able to offer me regarding this particular gun? Thank you for your time!

  2. B.B.,

    I had a Plainsman that I bought new in maybe 1960. I traded it off do to the cost of CO2 cartridges. It took alot of 2 cent deposit bottles to keep it in CO2, but it sure would go through both sides of a real tin can.

    It's appeal to me was the semi-auto feature. I went back to my Crosman 140 and did alot more shooting for my money.

    Mr B.

  3. Mr. B,
    I avoided CO2 as a kid also. We had to reuse BB’s to save money; so buying CO2 was next to impossible. Plus it leaked out in a week. Still not a huge CO2 fan, but the Makarov is pretty sweet. Just hard to load, I drop BB’s all over every time I use it.

    Did you get a chance to try the CB caps in your revolver yet? I have never shot them to test accuracy, but the fact that a Pellet trap can contain them makes them very versatile.


  4. Volvo,

    I'd forgotten about reusing BB's. I made a BB trap out of an old hot water heater box, that I suspended a piece of carpet in which would absorb the energy of the BB's allowing them to drop inside the box for reuse. Thanks for awakening that memory.

    Mr B.

    PS. CB caps in my 3 screw Ruger, convertable Single Six make too much noise for inside the beltway shooting.

  5. Ted Williams or Bill with that Sears/Crosman 150 –

    I put this on yesterdays Blog comment but incase you don't go back there for info, here it is again:

    Here's a parts diagram for you straight from the Crosman website:


    This is not a particularly difficult gun to repair but searching for the proper o rings can be a chore. In the past, I've used NAPA, a Yamaha motorcycle shop and Graingers. Depends on how handy you are. Derrick is probably right in that the O ring within the valve chamber is probably little pieces by now (I owned a Benjamin Rocket 22 that was similar to what you have and had that problem). What you can try is putting a drop or two of pellgun oil, if you have it, or straight 30 wt. motor oil on the end of your CO2 cartridge – this may take the smaller ones by the way – and see how things work. In fact, for all CO2 guns, get into the habit of putting a drop of oil on the end of the CO2 cartridge before inserting into the gun. It keeps the seals soft and lubricated.


  6. Aamir,
    I hope you have joined us here on this current post.

    Here's a question from Aamir:

    Anonymous said…

    Dear BB

    What type of pellete i have to use for birds hunting in the filed. In my locality Gamo Match and Gamo Pro Magnum is availabe.


    October 30, 2009 7:01 AM

    Here's my response:

    CJr said…

    You have a very good question there and I'm sure it has been answered on this blog somewhere.

    Since you are limited to only two pellet types I think your question should be:

    Is a wadcutter (Gamo Match) better for shooting birds or is a pointed pellet (Gamo Pro Magnum) better. And I like to include domed pellets in this question, also.

    I don't know the answer to this question but someone on this blog will answer it, I'm sure.

    But, Aamir, please be sure of your local laws about shooting certain birds. Some may be protected by law. I think you sound like the type of person to have already checked this out, but I just needed to make sure for my own benefit.

    Also, I think this question and all questions should be added to the current post on this blog.

    Always go here to get on the current post:


    I will move your question and mine over there for you and you can join us over there, too.


    October 30, 2009 10:33 AM


  7. Aamir,

    Whatever shoots the most accurately in your rifle will be best. Often it is not a pointed pellet. Round nose types are usually ideal if you can find them and they will extend the range a little.

  8. Volvo,

    I interpret what you said to mean you would choose the wadcutter (Crosman Match) in this case for birds. Is that right?

    What is the intended purpose of the pointed pellets?


  9. BB,
    Seeing the literature and manuals on these older pieces is like going back to being a kid. I think this one was before my time slightly, but it does look vaguely familiar. Perhaps some of my "wealthy" friends in town owned one:).

  10. b.b. I have just discovered the Baikal MP 514 on Pyramyd's site. Since buying the Nightstalker I've really come to like the feel of the 'modern' carbines.
    Is the Baikal any good? Where I live (Canada) there is fully 4 months of the year where the temp, if not below freezing, is not much above. This of course plays havoc with power levels on my CO2 guns.
    A modern military look that is a springer seems really appealing.
    CowBoyStar Dad

  11. To everyone that helped me,I offer a big thank you!!!I'll update you on my progress.I'd like to fix it myself,but will surrender if needed.I'm handy,but no DERRICK38! Bill

  12. Bill,

    that's a great opening and any number of comments have just floated through my mind but I will be big, give the rest of the Bloggers and break and resist 🙂

    But just what is an eccentric screw? Wayne, are you familiar with this eccentric screw?

    (I tried to resist).

  13. b.b., too bad about the Baikal.
    It looks like the Norica Goliath is the way to go to get bullpup looks in a springer, and it looks like Pyramyd had them on sale.
    Question…my Canadian dealer doesn't stock them. Do you happen to know what Pyramyds policy regarding cross-border shopping with airguns. I've bought a lot of odds and ends through them, but have never asked about airguns themselves.
    CowBoyStar Dad

  14. As a kid, I preferred the BB Cap (very very short case) to the CB Caps. If I was careful (if not, the BB Caps turned sideways and wouldn't feed), I could load a ton of BB Caps in my Winchester 61. By holding the trigger back and working the pump, I could pretend I had a machine gun.

  15. Fred,

    You've asked Wayne a very interesting question. Just what is this eccentric screw that everyone is starting to talk about?

    Do you think it would work better if you used blue Threadlocker to keep it from vibrating out?

    Mr B.

  16. CJr,

    I agree! It seems we older revolver fans are getting short shrift when it comes to all these newfangled semi/full auto airguns available. Where are the SA's of yesteryear that come with fast-draw rigs?


  17. BB,

    As I looked at your illustrations I could 'remember' working the safety, filling the BB reservoir, and the feel of the gun in my hand. As a kid, I must have either had one or used a friend's.

    Thanks for the nostalgia.

  18. BB/anyone,

    I received my Makarov from PA last Monday. I've put three CO2 cartridges through it. I have been careful not to over-tighten the piercing screw. Today when I tightened the screw all the CO2 hissed out at once. The same with two more cartridges after that. I used PellgunOil on each one.

    Is there a quick fix for my problem or should I return the gun to PA?


  19. Everyone,

    Like CowBoyStar Dad I've been looking closely at the Pyramyd AIR website for a new gun.

    My criteria is a lightweight pcp, preferably a carbine, must be multi-shot, come in .22 caliber and I want a wood stock.

    I found what might be the best deal on a new gun that comes close to fitting this criteria on the entire web. Look here:


    I think this is a rebadged FX Cyclone (B.B.??). If it is, then this gun is $300.00 cheaper than the next lowest price I found on the web. Unfortunately, even though in Pyramyd Airs item description they hint at having this gun in .22 caliber, it's only available in .177 (yes, I called). I also think Pyramyd AIR is exagerating the weight at 6.6 lbs. Everywhere else this gun is listed as being lighter.

    IF this is a cyclone, this is a deal!


  20. BB,
    Hey BB, SED here, it's been a while. I picked up my new Ruger KP345PR in .45ACP yesterday and shot it today. I shot 100 rounds of wwb 230gr and had 1 jam, but since if was the second shot I dismiss it as a break in jam. The gun has very tight fitting parts, it was hard to rack the slide initially. The chamber, to my delight, is fully supported. The strong recoil buffer allows it to shoot +P without the changing of the recoil spring.This gun has a ton of safety features that I won't get into, but they are a bonus for me. The DA trigger is 11LBS with some creep. The SA is crisp, but has alot of takeup. On my first day, the best group at 20yards was 2 1/2 inches, I thank the good sights and egronomics.

    Take a look, I paid 480 for the stainless rail model out the door. Great gun

    Shadow express dude

  21. Kevin,

    Thanks for the heads up on the description error for the Spectre. I've corrected it. Normally, people report this sort of thing to Pyramyd AIR to get a 5% off coupon. You didn't do it that way, but you still deserve the discount.

    Tom said he has your email address. I will get it from him & forward it to the person who distributes those discount codes. If you don't have it by Tuesday morning, let us know.


  22. ajvenom,

    This gun is made by FX of Sweden. One of the reasons I made the call. Are you familiar enough with the FX line of guns to know whether this is a rebadged cyclone or something else? It sure looks like it could be an older model cyclone but the only FX gun I have is a tarantula. I'm curious.


  23. Kevin,

    I checked the Pyramyd AIR database, and they used to sell a .177 Spectre with a beech stock. Isn't beech lighter weight than walnut? I though it was. Perhaps the other websites that have lower weights listed for the Spectre are referencing the beech stock. The rifle Pyramyd AIR is selling has a walnut stock.


  24. B.B.,

    So, the weight of 6.60 lbs. may refer to the heavier beech stock Pyramyd AIR used to sell…or not.


    I'll ask Pyramyd Air's tech support to weigh the walnut-stocked rifle so we can get an accurate measurement. I'll let you know what they find.


  25. Mrs Gaylord & B.B.,

    B.B. is right beech is heavier and stronger than walnut. Pyramyd AIR is selling the beech stock version but when comparing the 6.6 lbs. to other FX Cyclones IN BEECH STOCKS on other websites the weight seems overstated. This isn't the significant correction that needed to be made. In the item description on Pyramyd Airs website it stated that "you should get this gun in .22 caliber if you want to reach out to 75 yards". Since PA doesn't have the .22 caliber it was misleading. Mrs Gaylord corrected that insinuation.

    Sorry for all the hoopla I caused.


  26. Kevin,

    Sorry for the mixup. What can I say? It's after 6pm on a Friday afternoon. Time for me to give it up 🙂

    One last thing. The image shown on the product page is a walnut stock. I've added some copy about that to the description. The zoomed images of the Spectre show a walnut stock & a beech stock. I've labeled those images so people will get a better idea of what the beech-stocked gun will look like.


  27. Mrs Gaylord,

    Since you're planning on talking with PA tech support and suggesting that
    they weigh guns I wanted to point out one other conflict that I think would be important
    to airgunners researching weight of guns on the PA site.

    The Air Arms S400 is a
    single shot pcp and in beech stock is listed as 7.98 lbs. on the PA site. See here:


    The Air Arms S410 is a multi shot but is the same gun as the S400.
    On the PA site they have listed the option of the walnut stock and beech stock together but
    on the "Click for specifications" they list the weight as 7.25 lbs. (Almost 3/4 of a
    pound lighter than their listed weight of the beech stock S400!!) I assume the weight that PA
    lists in the specs is the weight of the walnut stock version (since walnut is lighter).
    It seems that it would be better to list the weight of the walnut version and weight of the
    beech version separately in the specs. See the current S410 specs here:


    Sorry to be such a bother but I know I'm not the only one interested in accurate
    weight of these rifles since they're ideal for carrying in the field hunting and weight is a
    significant factor in making a choice.


  28. Mrs Gaylord,

    This is the last one and I'm going to leave you alone.

    You may want to check with Pyramyd AIR but they told me they only had the beech stocked version of the Webley Spectre Mark 2 .177 caliber by Webley & Scott Ltd.

    They may want to delete all reference to walnut if what they told me was correct. Since a walnut version usually costs more, and PA only has one price listed for the gun, I assumed it was only a beech stock version but I had to ask since they had a picture of a walnut stock as well. Sorry, should have mentioned that as well earlier.


  29. I watching "Punkin Chuckin 2008" on the Science Channel. The air cannons are basically huge PCP's. They send 8-10 lb pumpkins 4000 feet. I wonder what the FPE's are on that?

  30. All,
    We have talked of eye dominance on a few occasions. Here is a simple test.

    Hold your finger in front of your nose about an inch away and focus on an object 10 feet way. There are of course two fingers in your vision. If you’re left eye dominant you’ll see it on the left side. If you’re right eye dominant you’ll see it on the right side.

    Try it.


  31. Kevin,

    Your suggestions are valid. I'll look into the S400 & S410 weight discrepancies. You're right, of course. We should be making the weight either beech or walnut. I'll also remove the Spectre walnut image. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to do that in the first place instead of just labeling the zoomed images!


  32. Derric38,I've broken down that ted williams model 126,1909 co2 .22 pistol as far as I can go.the valve assembly is still in the tube because unlike a crosman 180 valve assembly,both ends[piercing end and valve pin end]are completely smooth.no tool could enguage either end…a flush peg of metal stakes it in the tube.the peg can't be grabbed,or turned…it is flush with the outside of the gas tube reservoir! anyone know what to do from here??? Bill

  33. P.S. ,based on the construction,fit and finish…I think this is the 1954-1956 model year.it has a raised vented rib on the steel barrel held by three screws running from front of breech to muzzel.front sight blade is on this piece. Bill

  34. A review of the Healthways Plainsman .175! WOW! How timely for me! Just last weekend, my father-in-law asked me to see if I can get his up and working again. It needs a new Co2 seal as it won't hold the charge of a new cartridge.
    I have asked at a few airgun sites with no good responces yet.
    Can you provide me with a source for a new seal? Any other seals I may want to replace while I am at it?
    I would really like to see a diagram of the workings of the gun too.
    The one he left with me has a different type of knob at the bottom to secure the Co2 cartridge. it is just a large solid metal cap that screws in.

    It is in excellent shape with only a few light marks on it and no rust, etc.


  35. What airgun do you shoot most?

    I dug out the Daisy 105b stored for a decade in the basement. Oiled it and started shooting it. The idea was just to keep it working for the grand kids.

    Now I shoot hundreds of rounds every day. It stays in my office where I have a 10ft shooting range set up. I shoot it during long conference calls.

    The 105b is my most shot airgun. When it stops grouping it is time to refresh the oil.


  36. My Daisy 953 shed the BubBuster scope last week in favor of a 5899 peep sight. Very good trade.

    The gun lost the natural balance as soon as the scope was put on. Don't get me wrong the BugBuster is a nice scope… just that the 953 feels better with no scope. So the peep is a great option.

    Now I need to do something about the front post. It is OK but I believe it could be better.

    At 10 meters it seems more accurate with the peep than with the scope.


  37. Bill,

    Gotta tell you, I've never taken a 150 apart until just now. Happened to buy one at a gun show a few weeks ago. No time to blog it yet, but here's how you get that steel pin out: The steel pin must be tapped out from above. You need 2 small drifts to do this. I'll assume you've got the hammer assembly out. From the rear of the gun, use the first drift to push the piercing pin forward as far as it will go. With the pin forward, the second drift is slid into the middle hole directly above the steel pin (from the top of gun) and down. You may have to fiddle a bit, but you can get the second drift behind the pushed forward piercing pin. The tip of the second drift is now on top of the steel pin (what Crosman calls a "thrust pin") Hammer it out. It's knurled at the end that's inside the gun.

    Tap the rear of the gas tube on a piece of wood or similar and the small tube plug (black ring of steel with one threaded, one non-threaded hole) will slide out the back. Now, only the valve assembly is still inside the gun. Use a brass tube or wooden dowel with a small hole drilled in the end (so you don't strike the end of the piercing pin) and tap the valve forward and out. The valve unscrews (rubber vise jaws, strap wrenches…use something non-marring) and comes apart. The front o-ring on the valve and the seal on the shaft of the exhaust pin are the likely problems in this gun. Cleaning and lubing with a non-detergent motor oil may fix the problem. Otherwise parts can be had from Bryan and Associates. They're on the web. Use the google thing.

    (Forgive me BB if this violates Pyramyd rules. I know Pyramyd doesn't sell vintage Crosman parts so I hope it's OK…)

    The only tricks for reassembly: On the valve body there is an 8/32 threaded hole for the front bolt that secures the grip frame. It must be exactly 180 degrees opposite from the unthreaded transfer port hole. Tighten the valve ody halves down until they're as tight as possible and the holes are 180 degrees apart. You have to eyeball the holes as you tap the valve back into the tube from the front. If they're close but not quite centered, use a drift in the unthreaded transfer port hole and square it up. That black steel ring (what Crosman calls the "small tube plug") then goes in from the back. Note that the holes are offset. They should go in offset towards the front of the gun. Threaded hole goes UP on the black ring. Drive the steel pin (thrust pin) in from the bottom into the unthreaded hole. Use a brass punch if possible. It will not quite go 100% flush. That's fine.

    If the safety spring and ball bearing fell out, the bearing goes into the hole first on the bottom, then the spring. (The bearing sits against the cross bolt safety.)


  38. Bruce,

    I don't have a schematic of this pistol. Often one will be found in the owner's manual, but not in this one. You and I may learn how to get it fixed together, because this one has a last leak, too. I will be able to test it completely (so far) but it doesn't hold for more than 20 minutes.


  39. Thanks Kevin and BB.

    I just assumed the 150 valve was retained the same way as in a 180. It's an easy enough gun to disassemble if you taken any of the other vintage Crosman Co2 guns down–but that "thrust pin" did give me a moment of head scratching.

    I've not dealt personally with Rick, but his reputation in the industry is exemplary.

    I listed Bryan & Associates because I know they'll sell parts. Many airgun repair stations will not. And I've dealt with Ron enough to know that he's a really great guy, too.

    Other options for Bill: There's also a Crosman 150 seal kit on Gunbroker for $20 with all the critical parts included. I didn't ck eBay, but likely there, too.

  40. Kevin,

    That Webley Spectra is indeed an older FX Cyclone. It just lacks the barrel band and larger shroud of the latest model. I have stared at it many times. It is an outstanding value, if you need a PCP in .177. As far as the weight, I would guess they are spot on. Webley no doubt supplied the stock which actually looks a little better and thicker than the FX version. I actually considered a spare Webley stock as a backup for my Cyclone, as my favorite PCP stock has to be the one Webley put on the Raider. They seem to have had a way with wood.

    These were dumped on the US market about two years ago when Webley went belly up. When new homes start to sell again and if that new old stock is still sitting there you can bet I’ll give in.

  41. YOU HAVE ALL been unbelievably helpfull.I can assure you if I could get adobe fixed on my computer,I would have looked at the exploded views and not troubled you with explaining it all SO WELL! kudos,Bill

  42. Kevin,

    Forgot, the Webley has the slightly smaller air tube also. You know if you end up getting a Cyclone some people will say you just want to be like me. Well, probably just me, but still.

    Anyway, my poor man’s beech FX Cyclone with Hawke 4x12x40 Airmax scope, rings, magazine with 8 pellets, and muzzle weight tips the 1950’s kitchen scale at 7.65 lbs.

    (Please don’t go out and get an S60R too, you’ll just embarrass yourself)

  43. Volvo,

    I'm slowly becoming convinced that I'm looking for the impossible.

    Carbine length pcp, mult-shot, 40 good shots in the 28-30 fpe range, lightweight, very quiet or could be made very quiet, decent wood and blueing….dreaming. Quickest thing you give up is shot count.

    I think I'm going to end up building something out of the full size aa s410. Chop it, install titanium tube, custom skeletonized stock, etc. This is turning out to be cheaper than buying the carbine version and building up the gun starting with the classic air tube, lengthen the barrel, etc.

    I don't think anyone will offend you by alleging that I want to be like you. You're much more intelligent and would never consider traveling this warped path.

    Having said that, I did buy an R-8 yesterday.


  44. Kevin,
    Congratulations on the R-8. Should you grow weary of it let me know. You may find the Walnut Cyclone very close to your PCP ideal. Certainly if you try a pre-owned one, you should be able to recoup the majority of the cost and be no worse for the experience if you decide otherwise.

    As far as the S60R, well let me share if you will. The leather seats felt as if God was holding me in a gloved hand. The navigation screen that appeared like magic in the center of the dash never failed to amaze. The 6 speed manual made me feel as one with the car. AWD took me places normally reserved for less civilized vehicles. It took 6 pushes of the button to disengage the traction nanny, but when you did with the suspension setting on advanced, speed racer would be jealous. The stereo was…oh well.

    Better to have loved and lost as the saying goes.
    Mine was as in the video, black the same interior. Volvo.


  45. Volvo,

    So your love of swedish engineering is all encompassing.

    The narrator in the link you provided had a tremendous lisp. The car is extraordinary.

    I've thought about the cyclone alot.

    However, I have german/english blood that I can't seem to fight. Porsche.

    I'll let you know about the R-8. Should be an interesting project. I'm entertaining a new tuner for this one.


  46. Kevin,

    Nothing wrong with a Porsche, a “race” Volvo was a bit of an oddity but it filled my unique niche quite nicely. I could transport clients in comfort, plow through new development snow cover streets, and then race at a stop light if I felt the urge. Also a Swedish car offended no one. In the video he refers to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when speaking about the Volvo – very true. I guess not many needed those attributes as the car had a very short run.

    As far as tuners, when I was able to dump a bunch of heavy tar in the LG 55 and get a tuned feeling I thought I was on the verge of great discovery until the Chrony said otherwise. If you can, let me know who you use for the R-8 and what you think. Off camera may be best for that.

    Take your time on the Cyclone. I can understand how my three decades of playing with airguns should be cause for doubt. The FX Cyclone does have a few short comings…

  47. Mr B.,

    18" at my home in the city. I'm told by the caretaker (haven't been up yet) that we got over 30" at the place in the mountains.

    Once every 5-6 year storm for the city. Great fun. Thinking about the cayman islands right now.


  48. Steve,

    I don't know of a source for drill Garands, other than airsoft guns, which cost hundreds of dollars apiece. Have you thought of appealing to the members of your VFW? Surely they must own a few Garands between them that could be loaned for the event?


  49. I came across your blog on the Plainsman Air pistol for the sixies. I was searching for the Plainsman due to my husband having pulled one from the trash at an estate sale. I was trying to find out a bit about it along with wondering if co2 carts could still be purchased for it. It looks just like the one that you showed on your site that was in the ad and the box.
    B. Goodwin
    Princeton Ky

  50. Brenda,
    You have found an old article, but that's ok.

    Go here:


    This link will always go the the current days blog. There is a new topic every day. Ask your question there and there will be many folks who can help you out. Don't worry if the current topic isn't about your gun. We welcome any and all questions and comments and are always eager to answer your questions.

  51. I have obtained a Plainsman 175 bb pistol. This may be an odd question, but I would like to know which way to do install the CO2 cartridges. The threaded plug at the butt end of the handle appears to a point that would pierce the cartridge. But this seems backwards to me. Wouldn't the pierced end be toward the top of the gun where the bb's are located? Thanks

  52. Craig,

    You have it correct. The pin in the end cap pierces the cartridge and the gas flows up into the valve. Don't forget to put one drop of Crosman Pellgunoil on the tip of every new cartridge before you pierce it.

    You are reading Part 1 of the report. Here is Part 4 with links to the other three parts:


    You will see how to pierce the cartridge in Part 2.


  53. B.B.-

    Thanks for responding to my question. So as you screw down the plug it seals the chamber before piercing the cartridge? Reading the article it appears that the plainsman takes an 8oz cartridge, not the more standard 12oz used in most recent models. In reading other articles it appears the 8oz cartridges are the same ones used in selter water dispensers. Is that true?

    Thanks again,


  54. Craig,

    Yes to all your questions. The lever on the bottom of the end cap pushes the piercing pin into the small end of the CO2 cartridge.

    You can buy 8 gram (not ounce) CO2 cartridges from Pyramyd AIR. Look here:



  55. BB-
    You mention using Pellgunoil on the tip of the cartridge. Is this to seal or lubricate? I assume it's to lubricate and not create a seal since the gas needs to escape. If to lubricate, can any type of oil be used? Silicon oil? 3 and 1 oil? Motor oil?

    Thanks again


  56. BB-

    Yes that would be 8 gram, not 8 oz. My error. In regards to the oil, just trying avoid having yet another type of oil laying around the house. Thanks for all your help. Amazing what is available online.


  57. craig,

    DO NOT USE 3 in 1 OIL!!!!!

    Be very careful what oil you put in an airgun. Some can damage the seals.

    It is recommended to use Pellgunoil which both seals and lubricates. I understand your reluctance to have another oil around the house but then how much do you value your gun and how long do you want it to last? Pellgunoil has been proven to not damage your gun. A tube of Pellgunoil is not very big but will last a very very long time.


  58. Craig,

    Here is an article on oiling. This is Part 3 but click on Part 1 and read about oiling CO2 and what Pellgunoil is:


    Did you know that B.B. publishes a daily blog? You posted to a blog written in 2009 and it will not be seen by very many readers. Please join us at the daily blog Mon to Fri and meet alot of good folks who are very knowledgeable in all phases of air gunning. Hope to see you there at


    PS for sure post any question about your gun there. I know you’ll get alot of help.


  59. Craig,

    The oil SEALS. It doesn't lubricate. It puts a film of oil on the edges of all the seals, just as the piston rings of a car engine use oil to seal.

    ONLY use Crosman Pellgunoil. Most other oils will destroy the seals.

    get Pellgunoil here:



  60. Greetings, I was trying to figure out why my Healthways Plainsman 175 was not holding air. I had purchased new CO2 cartridges, but they are a little bit shorter. I wonder if this is the problem, or a bad seal? I got to your site from Google and read this message from 2009: "Bruce,
    Give Rick Willneckner an e-mail at airgunshop@aol.com or a call at 717-382-1481. He's a great guy and an excellent airgun-smith." Is he still in business? Could you direct me to a source for a manual, or repair? Thank you Jim Herzog (Zogman42@yahoo.com)

    • Bill,

      Welcome to the blog.

      Yes! You can use modern BBs in the Plainsman. The .175 marking is wrong, as is the .177 marking. Today’s BBs are between .171 and .173 inches in diameter, as they were when the Plainsman was made.


  61. my Gramps gave me his Plainsman Pistol does anyone know
    how much its worth??????

    the box is still there the pistol is there
    the original O rings are there only the manual
    is gone. and I have the original vintage Soda King
    8g Co2 cartridges

  62. hello, I have a plainsman 175, that a friend gave me but its leaking air, I was wondering if any one would know where I could sent it to have it repaired, thanks mike

    • Michael,

      The answer is in Part 3 of this report.

      So, all of you who wisely waited until 2009 to get into airgunning have avoided a lot of downtime if the Plainsman BB gun was the object of your desire. Because now there’s a fixer. Doug Vorenkamp out in Washington State fixes these guns and has earned a spot on my growing list of valuable airgun repair stations that really do fix airguns and aren’t just dabbling. Contact him at airguns@comcast.net or call him at 360-656-5123.


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