by B.B. Pelletier

Today, we’ll look at the velocity of the Norica Quick. Remember my prediction that because of the long transfer port in the flip-up breech cap the Quick would probably not be much faster than its advertised 1,000 f.p.s., even though it takes 56 lbs. of force to cock.
Gamo Match
The first pellet I tried was the Gamo Match 7.5-grain wadcutter. They fit the breech loosely and dieseled several times before calming down. The average was 893 f.p.s. with a spread from 885 to 899. Fourteen feet per second is a tight distribution for a brand new springer. The average energy is 13.28 foot-pounds.
RWS Club
The seven-grain RWS Club 10 averaged 920 f.p.s. with a spread from 911 to 930. At the average velocity, the pellet produces 13.16 foot-pounds. These pellets also fit the breech loosely.
H&N Baracuda Match
These are the same as Beeman Kodiak Match pellets. They averaged 744 f.p.s. with a super-tight spread from 742 to 747 f.p.s. That’s what a PCP with a regulator is supposed to do. I was most impressed! These pellets fit the breech just about right, which no doubt helps with the consistency. They produce 13.03 foot-pounds, on average.
Trigger pull
The two-stage trigger varied between 5.5 and 7.1 lbs. While that sounds quite heavy, once again, it’s pretty crisp, so it doesn’t feel like as much as it is. There’s no provision for adjustment. The safety engages automatically with cocking and can be taken off by the trigger finger.
Because the rifle was broken in a little during this test, I decided to try the cocking effort again. It remained exactly where it was before.
General observations
Someone, I think it was Matt, wondered how troublesome the underlever is to pop out for cocking. The answer is that it’s not troublesome at all. It pops out easily, yet it stays put all other times. The firing behavior is quick and somewhat harsh. There’s moderate forward recoil and also a tiny bit of buzz at the instant of firing, but it’s over quickly.
If the accuracy is good, this rifle looks like a serious candidate for some spring work. I bet the cocking force can be cut in half or more without much (if any) noticeable loss of power. If the spring were lighter or simply had less preload, the trigger pull would also probably come down. I still think that someone (in marketing) demanded a certain power level for a rifle that was designed for less and engineering obliged by cramming a big spring in there, since increasing the stroke would be a new design:). Just from the pictures, it looks extremely well built, so that it might be pleasant to shoot with the right tune.
What is the LOP? The proportions look nice, almost trim, but you describe it as big.
I'm betting that this gun has the same powerplant and trigger as the Hammerli Storm/Storm Elite, and that the higher cocking effort is primarily due to the shorter lever.
Norica's 'good' trigger (the one that was cloned for the AR1000-derived guns) is so good, I don't know why they don't just use it universally.
Barrel length varies only by 1.13". The cocking lever is probably shorter than the barrel, but it doesn't seem to add up to the difference b/t 35 and 56 pounds. The cylinder may be shorter than Razor to accomodate the loading port, not to mention that the longer air transfer port cuts power, also.
My theory is that it was a nominally "900fps" rifle in design. The trigger is a mystery, considering they have a good one — seems like an underlever would be the place to use it.
The pull measures 14.25".
Oops, you said storm and I read Razor. So, 1.13 becomes 1.63 — still doesn't seem to add up.
It never ceases to amaze me again. An air rifle manufacturer produces a 90-95% "completed" gun. All they had to do was add a/the "good" trigger, and it sounds like they would have had a 100% gun.
I would like to purchase this gun, but I'll wait to see if they get the hint and make a trigger upgrade. If they don't I'll just invest my money in another manufacturer. Norica's loss.
Thanks. I wasn't doubting your description of the rifle as big (as the pull proves), but its hard to tell dimensions from the pictures.
This is a late comment but catching up is hard to do – the articles on CB Caps and melting lead are invaluable. Thank you very much BB! And, I don't mean to down play the articles on air rifles and pistols because I do think the same about them. It's just that air gun articles are expected on an air gun blog but these extra articles I mentioned above and ones on firearms are "extra effort" articles and so helpful and interesting not to mention unexpected and very much appreciated.
This is still the most fascinating blog!!!
Thanks for that. I'm very curious about what you find with your bubble level scope, in regards to the power it produces. I only had one sample to check, so if there is a difference, I'd like to know about it.
Yes, I wondered about the underlever function. I figured they work satisfactorily, but it was hard to visualize how.
BG_Farmer, what happens when people shoot the .22LR conversions of the AR-15?
I think the best group I've seen from one was about 4-6" at 50 yards. They may not all be that bad, but the shooter in that case seemed to know what he was doing and was being very methodical. Many times its hard to tell whether the shooters are trying for anything more exact than hitting a fairly large target.
I would say that majority of the rifles at my range–and the one in Hawaii–are AR-15s (with the Ruger 10/22 a strong second). Most often the AR-15 shooters are the ones with the worst technique. I suspect that they are caught up in the mystique of the current service rifle and don't know much.
B.B., the Umarex repair service has proven itself and are all set to return my Nighthawk. They tell me that they need to replace the trigger bar, whatever that is, and the hammer. The original symptom was a trigger that failed to engage. Do these facts give any indication of what the problem was?
Not really, excerpt to guess. I'm guessing the trigger bar means an action bar that connects the trigger blade with the actual sear. They can wear and become too short to operate.
I don't remember your mentioning if this is the .177 or the .22 that you are testing, but I think this rifle is identical to the Hammerli NOVA in .177. Everything you described exactly matches the rifle that I have. The only difference is that the photo does not show a scope stop, which mine came with.
I compared the Sun Optics level scope SF3-12X40B with a Leapers 4-16X50 and a Centerpoint 8-32X50.
BB showed me this "level" scope at the Phoenix NRA convention last April. At that time we were both impressed with it. I was very anxious for PA to start selling them because I really wanted something to solve my gun canting problem. I was disappointed when BB said recently the scope didn't turn out to be as expected.
When BB said a month or so ago that PA wouldn't be getting them in for testing for a while I decided to buy one off the web rather than wait and If I liked it I'd buy more when PA stocked them.
When BB found out I had one he expressed an interest in my findings, so here it is.
I don't know how to accurately measure the image sizes except as a judgment call and I've never been proud of my ability at spacial concepts, none the less, the images at 12X seemed similar in size so I needed something less subjective.
I finally decided to use the mil-dots that both scopes have as a reference for size. If this is not a valid way to compare images then my whole testing procedure outlined here is no good. I assumed a mil-dot is a mil-dot otherwise someone would have said a shooter would have to relearn holdover using different mil-dots after changing scopes. But then, I haven't heard everything yet.
I set the scopes to 12X and focused on the same image. The Sun and Centerpoint scopes were mounted on rifles side by side about 4" apart. The Leapers I held in my hand beside the others. The image I was looking at covered a tad over 6 dots on the Sun at maximum 12X power. I then dialed in the Centerpoint to match the mil-dots with the Sun and looked at the power ring for the resulting magnification. The ring was set between 10X and 11X. I then dialed in the Leapers and it was set slightly below 10X. I have no idea how accurate the power ring graduations are on these scopes but these numbers are close enough to make me feel more comfortable with my version of the Sun.
Other observations include:
The Centerpoint and Leapers have the larger bell so therefore seem a bit brighter than the Sun. The Centerpoint and the Leapers will focus much closer than 10m but the Sun will focus no closer than 10m. The Sun is 2" shorter than the Leapers, and 3" shorter than the Centerpoint and obviously the bell on the Sun is much smaller. The Sun seems to fit the Marauder better being less obtrusive. The Centerpoint steals the stage, so to speak, it's so large.
The Sun comes with a built in level that is clearly visible through the scope even with the illumination turned off. The illumination of the reticle is blue and pleasing to the eyes and at the highest intensity doesn't over illuminate the inside of the tube. The level itself shows up green when the illumination is on. With it off the level tube is black but you can see enough light reflecting off the bubble to gauge that it is level. I can assure you you won't miss another shot because of a canted scope if you use this.
If someone can help me find a better way to gauge magnification I'll be glad to try it.
It sounds like you got a good scope, for which I am glad. The one they sent PA, however, was seriously flawed and cost them business.
Thanks for checking.
I mentioned the scope stop plate in Part 1.
The weight of the pellets, plus the links they connect to, tells you they are .177.
Hammerli has stopped importing the Noricas, so now they will be sold under their own name.
Thanks for the detailed write up.
Would you mind commenting on the weight comparison between the 3 scopes you put side by side?
Thanks again.
can you ask Mrs.BB to send me the details of her Kidney stone remedy.
what ratio to mix and how often and how much to take.
Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.
I sent this to her.
First, I have to tell you that I have no medical training. Pain in your kidneys isn't always kidney stones. You should seriously consider getting confirmation from a physician.
Here's what I gave Tom for his kidney stones: 2 oz. of freshly squeezed lemon juice (from organic lemons) mixed with 2 oz. of good-quality, organic olive oil. Swallow it right down & follow it with 8 oz. of filtered or spring water. Tom did this 3x a day. Sometimes, he didn't see any stones pass. Other times, he'd see tiny little flecks or pieces of stones. He did this for as long as he felt kidney pain.
I always buy olive oil that's in a dark glass bottle. I find Spanish olive oil to be more palatable and quite tasty. Greek and Italian olive oils tend to be stronger tasting, in my opinion.
Hope you're rid of your stones soon!
Mrs Gaylord,
I didn't think you were supposed to ever put oil inside the Magnum Springer guys?
Remember reading about spontaneous combustion and people? Wonder if they were Magnum Springer guys who dieseled after drinking too much oil?
Mr B.
Word verification–fiend
Thanks for your reply about my Discovery problem. I called Crosman yesterday morning and Ms Angel said send it back for a warrenty repair. It'll be there Friday.
Where did you purchase your Sun scope? Sounds like it's something that would help me. Thanks for your reply.
Mr B.
Mr B.,
Yea, sounds like a slick way to a quick end.
For the scope try the retailer that rhymes with matchez.
Mr B,
If this is ok with BB:
The scope was on Amazon through
However, they are currently out of stock. I can't find them anywhere else.
Sun Optics – 1.445 Pounds, Length: 13 1/2", AO adjust side wheel.
Leapers – 25.7 oz., 15.2" long, AO Adjust bell housing
Centerpoint – 28.0 oz., 16.75" long, AO adjust side wheel.
Thank you very much for the extra work.
I don't know if I will ever get a Marauader….I haven't shot my Discovery .22 over 18 ftlbs yet. It's so smooth and quiet and the shot count it awsome. I love the fact you can pump it up yourself and to 2000psi it is a piece of cake. The EJ 32.4 points are just knocking the crap out of everything and are very accurate.
Here is a cool bit I saw in the yellow forum on 100 yard marauder shooting:
If you don't see me around for a while, well I'm out shooting….all weekend. I may check out the woods for rabbits before I get my hunting license.
I hate open sights, I try and I try and I try……….putting the sight under the target is the easy part….it's repeat…repeat…repeat….repeat….repeat….repeat…..just thinking one errand shot will kill your score…..
Well I finally kept out of the 7 ring for the most part and made 552. Probably the best I'll ever get. The sight is set pretty good. Shot evenenly around the center and many shots in the 9 and 10 rings. 60 shots at 1.367" ctc.
All I can say is sight picture and practice…practice…practice.
I am new ti the AIR PISTOL world. I purchased a CROSMAN 1008 Repeater, 8 round magazine, .17 caliber, CO2. My question:
How long will a CO2 last in this pistol?
2 hours, 1 day, 2 weeks?
I leave mine charged for years.