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How and when PA got started – Part 3

by B.B. Pelletier

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Part 1
Part 2

This is the story of how Pyramyd AIR began. It is written by the company’s owner and founder, Joshua Ungier.

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How and when PA got started – Part 3

by Joshua Ungier

This story picks up at the point where I left you in Part 2 in October 2009.

In Part 2, my team had visited several Russian quarries and wood producers and had taken samples of their finds. At the end of Part 2, where we pick up the story today, we were ready to fly back to Moscow.

When we returned to Moscow, we hunkered down in the deep winter and tried to stay warm. The samples we collected were sent to our customer in Japan. About 10 days later, we heard back from the customer.

A telegram from Yoshi was delivered to my hotel room early in the morning. He was not happy. The samples of marble we sent him did not pan out. Although it was beautiful marble with good density, the Russian mining technique of using explosives created hairline cracks. Although it is a tough stone, marble cannot take the stress caused by blasting. In many cases, the fractures would prove impossible to work with. Core samples sent from other Russian quarries that used the same mining method were also not received well. Yoshi asked me to keep looking–but this time for granite, too. So, off we went again, this time to Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Tashkent is a blend of modern and ancient culture.

Tashkent is a beautiful capital city with a mix of modern and ancient architecture and culture. Almost 2,000 miles from Moscow and further south, it was also much warmer this time of year.

My first impression after the plane door opened was the warm drizzle and incredible aroma of flowers. The airport is surrounded by flowering trees and the most aromatic flowering bushes.

One of the ever-present Lada taxis offered us a ride to the hotel located not far from the center of town. There, we were greeted by the mining officials and by their “security.” After we settled into our rooms, we were invited to come downstairs. The most delicious breakfast was waiting for us. On a huge marble table, a pile of locally grown vegetables and fruits and still-hot flat bread were overflowing. Accompanying them were mind-boggling varieties of teas and cheeses, grapes and raisins, and melons of every color and aroma. There were also varieties of fruit I had never seen or eaten, and to this day I have no idea what they were–but they were very delicious.

By the time we finished, it was past noon. Our meeting with the geology expert was suppose to happen later that day, so we had a few hours to explore Tashkent. Jethro decided to stay and sleep in.

Our assigned taxi driver spoke fluent English and, being a lifelong resident of Tashkent, was an excellent guide. We drove by the palaces of great leaders from centuries past. We visited mosques, museums and sprawling parks. Our driver described how, in 1966, a powerful earthquake almost leveled the city. Most of the city was rebuilt, but the rubble of a few houses and other structures were left as a memorials to the quake and to those who perished.

We were getting hungry again. At the mere mention of food, our cab driver pulled over to the side of the road and produced local bread called lepioshki and some bryndza, or goat cheese, out of a compartment built into the trunk of the car. Olive oil, bread and homemade wine all were delicious. After eating, it was time to return to our hotel. The meeting with the mining and geological committees was very productive. After the meeting, it was decided that we would drive out to the quarries next morning. The rest of the evening we walked the main street and tasted the local food.

I was awakened by a knock at my door at five the next morning. It was our driver, and it was time to go. It was dark and cold outside, and some awful-tasting coffee did little to make me happy. There was not much talking as our minibus climbed into the mountains. We stopped only for gas and a too-brief nature call. Our security guy sat up front next to the driver.

Then, the minibus pulled off the road onto a makeshift picnic area. “Time to stretch our legs and have something to eat,” declared our driver. Out came a portable table and chairs, a pretty tablecloth and plastic ware. Food and wine came out of an ancient carved wooden chest.

Following that stop, it was four more hours on the mountain road. Some of it was not much more than two parallel gravel paths. We trudged along at 25-30 mph. Somewhere along the way, not very far from our final destination, a man and his family appeared on the side of the road. A magnificent hand-cut stone house stood behind them. It had probably been built a century or two ago. Our minibus slowed down. The man picked up a black lamb by its legs and raised it over his head. The bus stopped and the driver got out and approached the man. A few words and a handful of currency were exchanged. Then, everyone waved and we were on our way again.

An hour later, we were at the quarry. It resembled a moonscape more than any place on Earth. In front of us were hundreds of acres of marble boulders, some the size of a one-car garage while others approached the size of a two-story building.

Marble quarry.

Their color was that of pistachio ice cream–pale, pale green. We got out of the bus, but it had rained all the previous night, which turned our walk into a trudge. The mud was, in some places, up to our knees. After hours of walking in that muck and taking hundreds of photographs, we were on our way back to the city. At just past 2 p.m., we were all starving when the minivan stopped in front of the stone house we had passed on the way in and our driver announced, “It’s time to eat.” We all eagerly agreed.

We were invited into the big stone house. The inside was as beautiful as the outside. Stone and wood were elegantly interlaced, creating a warm and comfortable feeling. We followed our host to the large balcony. A large irregular marble top rested on four white marble legs. “This table has history,” said our host. “My great-grandfather constructed this table from scraps of marble thrown away by the quarry. He brought a slab of marble home and polished it for several months. His sons, one of them my grandfather, found a broken column by the side of the road. It was one of the columns ordered for Alexander the Great, to be put up in one of his many temples. It must have broken during transport, so it was tossed to the side of the road. My grandfather didn’t do anything with the column, but many years later my oldest son did.

“He was out looking for firewood with his brothers when they rediscovered the column. It surprised them because it was so polished. Obviously it had been worked before, so why was it abandoned in the forest? My son brought the pieces home and, after chiseling them into three legs, we assembled this table here on the balcony. And this is where it remains. It never wobbles.” That table was roughly hexagonal, but of course retained its original natural outer shape. It would easily seat 10 people.

The black lamb we had seen a few hours earlier was now on a large platter in the center of the table surrounded by fresh tomatoes, onions and fruit. There was lots of fruit and of course the ubiquitous lepioshki bread and wine. Not more than 50 feet from the balcony where we ate a waterfall plummeted straight down another 200 feet or more. “It is always cooler here during hot summers,” our host explained. “We sleep here many nights when it is too hot in the front of the house.” After an hour of wonderful food and wine, we thanked our host and left. Through it all, our driver never touched the wine.

It was past midnight when we arrived back in the hotel in Tashkent. We were to leave in the morning. Despite being super tired, I asked everyone to pack so we would not be late for our flight.

Tashkent International Airport was not too busy when we arrived, and we had an hour remaining after the authorities searched us and our luggage. One large kiosk sold everything from Uzbek hats to Playboy magazine. This eclectic collection had a special surprise for me all the way at the other end of the aisle–a black gun. I had never seen a gun like it before. I asked, in English, to see this very modern-looking rifle. I did not know that it was an air gun until I saw the 4.5mm caliber.

“What kind of rifle is this?” I asked.

“Eto vozdushka” he answered. Meaning, “It’s an air gun.” I examined it closer. It was the IZH 60. I took a photograph and promptly forgot about it.

Then, the loudspeaker announced that our flight to Moscow was ready to board. A few minutes later, we were airborne and on our way back to the winter.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

45 thoughts on “How and when PA got started – Part 3”

  1. I worked in Tashkent for a few months in mid 90's on their cellular network. I love the people there. The fruits you mentioned were probably persimmon and pomegranate. Did you stay in hotel Uzbekistan?

    Pete in Dallas,

  2. Mr. Ungier
    Amazing story,love the pics.I'm guessing
    that little IZH60 started something
    great for all of us.

    A 175 psi AG that gets 12 shots at 500fps!
    Great,what ammo?where can i get one?or
    what do we need to build one?I'm hooked tell me more.:)


  3. Mr Ungler,

    I am really enjoying your story and eagerly waiting for the next installment. Thank you for spending some of your time with us.

    Mr B.

    WV = fattays. Surly not me at 6'1" and 150 lbs.

  4. Anthony,

    A humble suggestion for you to consider–please make your invitation to Kevin contingent upon his writing a blog about it.

    Mr B.

    PS Kevin, the honor of the meeting you would be all mind.

  5. JTinAL,

    The guns I referred to are homebuilt. And, as someone pointed out earlier, they do not look conventional. They have a huge reservoir, for example. And a very long barrel.

    But it IS possible and with some investigation, a marketable gun could probably be built.


  6. BB
    okay so I like weird and odd.Just fits
    my personality I guess:)

    Mr B
    I missed the anti aircraft chicken episode
    I'll hafta look that one up.
    As for the punkin chunkin:)I've only seen
    the sling/catapult types.The co2 and HPA
    cannons look fun though.


  7. Mr. Ungier,
    Thanks for the most recent installment.

    Thanks for the tip on making sure I can carry a semi auto if I attended class with a revolver.

    The last of my new old stock arrived yesterday, the RWS 40. The exact history of the rifle varies based on who I check with, but it appears to be an RWS 36 with a slim 34 style stock. First impression, this lass is as front heavy as a Hooters Calendar girl, it consists of a nice soft rubber butt pad, thin beech stock, large heavy steel muzzle break, and a long almost bull barrel. Overall: High steel to wood ratio with most of it out front.

    Chuck I believe was doing some rust experiments; here is a little info to add. The just as old Gamo was rust free as it was wrapped in paper; the RWS was in a plastic bag inside the box. Not such a good idea, no pitting but it took 30 minutes to get all the rust off. Clearly no one expected it to sit for nearly 6 years before finding a home. The date stamp is April 2002. The Blue Book states these were first made in 2002, I guess FIFO does not apply to air arms?

    The initial testing resulted in a 10 shot group at 40 feet of about 50 cent piece size. Now before you boo me, this gun has no sights and I have not mounted a scope yet. I was simply pointing the barrel and shooting off hand. That is better than I can get from the .20 cal C9 with sights and a rest, but that’s another story.

    After a good cleaning I also removed the heavy muzzle break, as I have no need for more muzzle weight and the barrel has no unsightly sight grooves to cover. That takes over a ½ lb off the girl in seconds; I will need much longer on the Wii Active for the same results.

    I normally would have used the Chrony before adding tar, but I had left it on and killed the battery again. So the results after my lube job and battery purchase were as follows: Lightest pellets I own are Beeman Silver Bears and they average 1032 fps. JSB Express go 951 fps, RWS Match 912 fps, and the slowest I can get it is 778 fps with a 10.5 gr CP heavy. All that aside, what I will actually look for to sight in and shoot is a medium heavy round nose pellet that is accurate and in the mid 800’s.

    Odds and ends. The trigger is a T-01 that has 3 balls in it and is actually not bad, the wood is fine along with fit, finish, and bluing. Now the odd parts, the trigger blade itself is plastic, the end cap is plastic and was cracked right out of the box (about $5.00 for a replacement), and the lock up is a ball instead of a chisel type that I would expect with this power level. So while 90% of the components seem top rate, 10% are a little disappointing. But then I only paid $155.00 and am told just the discontinued muzzle break can sell for close to $100, let alone a rifle that so far could be a working man’s R-1.

    While I gave the Daisy Gamo a reprieve and mounted a scope for a longer stay, the RWS may be the better longer term keeper to experiment on. JM sells a reduced power kit that will take it down to just over 13 ft lbs, plus the barrel is not choked and could be shorter. Also three special Leaper RWS bases to pick from, so lots to play with here.


  8. Josh,

    thank you so much for your story. It's simply fascinating to read. I couldn't stop reading of your trip til the end, even made my wife wait while I finished reading your post to download print driver so her computer could print!!!

    I can't wait for the next post!!


  9. Mr. Ungier,

    Your story is very interesting. Do you still wholesale marble and granite? … or was that just a "stepping stone" ugggg… to greater things..

    I really enjoy the vision of Russia, thank you for the tour.


    On the .357 mag shooting… Different guns shoot a whole lot different! My first one was the Dan Wesson 8" barrel. This guy is built like a tank, and shoots .38 special like your IZH61.. a pussy cat. The .357 mags are serious rounds, but still one can shoot good groups with them in that gun.

    My next .357 mag was a Ruger "Blackhawk". The space between the cylinder and the barrel/breech is larger and it has way more "blowby". The gun overall is much lighter, and the handle is not as solid like the Dan Wesson or a Smith and Wesson 27-2 frame…. and that to me is the big difference. The more solid handle absorbs the recoil much better, and so .357 mags are very shootable in either the Dan Wesson or S&W 27-2 frame.

    I don't shoot .38 special in them anymore, since I had to do a major cleaning when the .357 mags started sticking in the cylinder on the build up from shooting the smaller rounds. I bought a smaller S&W .38 special for fun light shooting.

    I'm not saying I can do the same groups with Dan or S&W27-2 with .357 mag as .38 special in the same guns.. but I can shoot 6" – 6 shot groups at 15 yards with either the small .38 special with a 4" barrel…or.. with the .357 mag and 8" Dan Wesson. I have done 4" groups a few times.

    I like to practice shooting 4" clays spaced at different distances in the dirt, up to 50 yards. I usually "find" one, one out of six shots out to 50 yards.

    I've never tried a 45 auto. I have a .45 long colt "Judge" and it's built like the S&W 27-2 frame with a solid handle, and is not much different to shoot than the .357 mag, although the groups are more like 8" instead of 4-6" at 15 yards, off hand, with my two hand hold, left elbow on my ribs.

    If you're interested in a .357 mag, I wouldn't get a Ruger BlackHawk, go for an older 27-2 frame S&W. I tried the newer Blackhawk with the extra 9mm cylinder, and it two was not up to the S&W 27-2 frame. The groups were almost as good, but it's not much fun to shoot like a S&W.

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  10. Wayne, did you ever try the Colt Python in .357? If so, what did you think of it? It was always my dream gun, although I've never owned one…I went with a .44 magnum S&W instead.

  11. Josh,

    I love this installment! So, the IZH 60/61 is at the foundation of it all! I knew there was something special about this rifle, and here's reason enough to own one. I think it's great that PA will start to import IZHs directly, and perhaps we will get access to the medium-powered IZH's which I've seen advertised.

    I believe that marble is tougher to shop for than guns. I saw Michaelangelo's final statue in Italy which was going well until he found some soft, unstable marble right at the core just as he was finishing up. His reaction was to slam his chisel right into the statue, but you can still see some of the genius of it.

    Russia sounds exotic and exciting, but from what I've heard, it's still very dangerous. A travel article says that in Moscow there are armed guards with AK47s on the subway. Don't think I want to encounter that gun in quite this way.

    Herb, yes the Ballistol can on PA continues to tantalize. If it's that hard to find, I'd better start looking.

    Kevin, thanks for the info about de-rusting. You see what I mean. You're still in there pitching. 🙂

    Regarding the .357, thanks for the info. Wayne, you're the man with those groups. You should really try a .45 auto. If you don't get one, I might just have to go up there and have you shoot mine. Massad Ayoob, the handgun writer, has a recent article making a very convincing case for the revolver as a self-defense weapon. I've understood that the Colt Python is the ultimate DA revolver in .357, but I thought it was discontinued.

    B.B., Edith with a Glock? Has this displaced the Wilson Combat pistol? I thought you folks were not fans of the Glock.

    Congratulations on your chronographic printer. The very least we could do for a man who puts out such long shot strings. I've been trying to find the blog where you first mention it to capture that initial moment of discovery but have not succeeded. 🙂


  12. Mr. Ungier,

    Thanks for giving us some more of your valuable time. I enjoy your ongoing tale immensely. Your impressions of the people and the culture are very interesting. Please give us more as time permits.

  13. Joe B.,

    I owned a 6-inch Python, which I think is the best barrel length. It is the smoothest action you can imagine. I've owned several dozen S&Ws and none of them, including an original Triplelock, came close.

    As large and heavy as it was, and with a curved grip, the Python handled recoil well.


  14. Matt61,

    I got the Glock because the Wilson Combat would have been too heavy to carry in a purse or fanny pack.

    But, my Glock isn't stock. It has a replacement barrel, a wonderful little internal laser, a better slide release and a replacement trigger. So, my $400 gun got $600 of add-ons.


  15. B.B.,

    A question on handguns and recoil if you have the time. It seems that I remember, always a scary thing for me to try and do these days, reading that a SSA style revolver was a more recoil friendly gun to shoot because it tends to roll up in the shooter's hand disipating some of the recoil.

    I'm I remembering that correctly?

    Mr B.

    WV = gunalk. Blogger is doing much better!

  16. Mr. B.,

    Yes, the "plough handle" grip of a single action anything minimizes recoil, by the gun rolling in the hand. I shoot .357 and .44 Mag. full-house loads in single actions and it is relatively comfortable. That's relative to shooting the same round in a double action revolver.


  17. Yesterday BB said –

    "where 100-300 psi can throw an 8-pound chicken at 400 mph"

    Wayne – we should immediately add this contraption to the list of goodies you are putting together to entice BB and Edith to trade the USFT.

    Edith – If you remember correctly our original offer included 400 rounds of ammo (chickens) for this gun.

    On a more serious note, along with everyone else, I too enjoy these stories. And I kid you not, when we got to the point in the story where we realized the black gun was an IZH 60, I thought to myself "Matt61 is lovin that!!"


  18. Kevin – ditto what everyone else said, although I think you're going to find it harder to step away than you think.

    I still use the hand pump dust cover that you sent me!!!! And I'll never forget your "recipe for wild turkey on the rocks starts with a glass of ice" comment, funny stuff.

    Take care of yourself and I'm sure we'll be seeing you around the blog!!


  19. Kevin – I saw the catalog posting on yellow bounce around a bit. Thanks for the link. This is the first time I've been able to look at it. I don't want to ruin any surprises, so I am just going to say that I think BB is going to have a lot of reviews to write up this year. LOL!!!!

    I still have to see the dentist a few more times. Hopefully with insurance along with our projected tax return, I may have some money left over to pick up something nice up for my birthday in April.

    I also have saved some money by not buying cigarettes and by curbing my appetitte for fast food, soda pop and going out for drinks.

    So I just want to thank Josh for his wonderful airgun site. It may not have made me any richer, but by saving up for airguns, I'm sure it has made me a little healthier.


  20. Joe. B.

    I haven't tried the Colt Python in .357… but with what B.B. just said, it's on my short list when spring comes..


    I've tried a few semi-auto pistols… Makarov in 9mm, and .380acp, Hi-Point in 9mm… smaller ones that seem to have as much felt recoil as the Dan Wesson heavy frame in .357 mag. I personally, when just shooting for fun, would rather shoot the Dan Wesson with .357 mag over the Makarov in 9mm!

    I'm not needing a carry weapon, just in the woods as a side arm… so for me, a heavy duty revolver with a long barrel works best… something I can get groups with, farther out than 15 feet!… totally different situations..

    Revolvers are easy to load, you always have the next round if a round fails. They are easy to unload and save your empties, instead of running around on the ground trying to find them afterward.

    The other nice thing, is you can put different loads in the cylinder, as someone said with the judge… start with a 6 shot .410, then 2 shot 410, then 300gr. long colt.. sort of nice warning to nasty end kind of response!

    In the .357 mag.. light 115gr .38 special, 158gr hollow points .38 special, then the .357 mags..

    Revolvers give more choices and are easier to deal with for me… I sold all the semi-autos.. but still got tons of 9mm lugar ammo! ..anybody need some cheap?

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  21. Edith, I've heard that the stock trigger on a Glock is spongy. I take it the new one is acceptable. How's the accuracy? I've heard complaints about that although perhaps that was a feature of the trigger.

    Regarding the .357, I'm crushed that I missed out on new production Colt Pythons by just a few years. Maybe it will be reintroduced like the pre-64 Winchester 70.

    B.B. is the supposedly better accuracy of semiautos compared to revolvers due to the heavy trigger of DA revolvers or is it something more essential, like ergonomics?

    I'm a little frustrated that holster drawing is not allowed at shooting ranges although I'm glad too as I would not want someone fumbling around me with their draw. What air pistol would you recommend for rapid drawing and firing from a holster? My Walther CPSport which is exceptional in all other ways is no good for this with its clumsy safety. I know that you've mentioned the 686 series revolvers. And I believe Umarex has a reproduction 1911 that would work although Elmer Keith is quite down on the qualities of the 1911 for a holster draw in comparison with the SAA.

    On another note, I've understood the bear trap mechanism for spring guns to be the row of teeth that come up from the bottom of the loading chamber of my B30 to keep the sliding compression chamber from coming forward. But when I depress the teeth, the compression chamber does not come forward, even without my restraining the sidelever. What else is holding the compression chamber back? Is there still a need to block the sidelever with the elbow?


  22. B.B, I have a question regarding bi-pods on spring air rifles. I have a UTG dragon claw bi-pod on my Benjamin superstreak and when I use it my groups are always significantly higher than when I shoot resting the rifle on my hand. What causes this, and is there anyway I can solve it ?

  23. A.R.,

    The new Marauder pistol has my attention too. Don't like the pistol stock but a short carbine stock (similar to coccaran's carbine stock made for the ranchero) could make this a very good lightweight hunting rig.

    I'm hearing rumors that this pistol will be available in .25 caliber. Just rumors.


  24. Mr B,

    That's a great idea. I will send him a message, I hope he can attend. And by the way, if you ever come to this lands, will also be welcome.


    I'd love to show my city to you and Edith. There's much to see, eat, and know. I think that to have new friends make one to grow. Consider it!


  25. ajvenom,

    You're welcome.

    My first reaction to seeing the new Crosman catalogue was the same as yours. B.B. has job security.

    My second reaction reminded me of Christmas time when I was a young lad. Thumbing through the Montgomery Wards catalogue dreaming about all the things that Santa could bring. I even circled many things and narrowed my wish list down by putting stars next to the circles just so Santa knew which items to bring.

    I think if I had a hard copy of the new Crosman catalogue it would have lots of circles and stars on the pages.


  26. Josh,

    Thanks for another installment of your history! I'm really glad you saw that IZH 60 at the airport (of all places, even before the security headaches). If you hadn't, I wouldn't have my IZH 46M or my IZH MP 513M, which I still love even though it isn't as refined as my Weirauch's HW90 and HW57. (Which I never would have gotten either if it hadn't been for you and PA.) And I never would have been a beneficiary of Tom Gaylord's knowledge and wisdom along with many others on this blog. Looking forward to your next installment!

    Thanks again!

  27. Guys,
    I shot silhouettes last night with a guy who needs seals for his Weihrauch HW100. He doesn't have internet access so I told him I would try to find some info for him, but so far I'm not having much luck. Any help would be appreciated.

  28. Scott,

    Which seal in the HW 100 does your friend need?

    On the stub that sticks out of the adapter and the guns receptacle for the tank there should be a small black oring in the groove of the adapter and on the gun.
    The replacement is a 90 duormeter urethane (upgrade) for this seal (#005) $2 each plus $1 shipping.

    The gun can also be upgraded at the breech with a #009 90 UR to get a seal in there that will not fail like the stock stuff can. Parker Seal makes them and they are a special order. The seals that most people order from Mcmaster Carr fail quickly. The Chinese make urethane seals now but they don't compare to the USA made products any better than the lookalike Chinese X5 BMW compares to the real thing. They are getting better but they still have a long way to go.

    A HW 100 deserves these seals.

    Tim Macmurray at Mac 1 usually has these in stock and fits them to the HW100's.

    If your friend is handy he may be able to do this job himself.


  29. To everyone interested in low airpressure airgun designs,I stumbled on an interesting page full…to get there,Google"crosman 600 air pistol"the first search result is titled HOMEMADE AIRGUNS.click on that to see many interesting designs!some shoot heavy projectiles,several shots with way less than you would expect pressurewise. Frank B

  30. SlingingLead,

    I use the 8-32x56AO leapers or centerpoint for a starter scope on starter FT guns. I used one on my USFT for a long time. I thought I was moving up to a Nikko Nighteater 10-50.. but really the quality is not much better. Both scopes are best used on 20 to 25 power.. or you loose the edges…. especially in low light situations.

    The 6-24 leapers or nighteater are pretty good deals. I like the 30mm 4-16 leapers side focus too.

    I always end up with the 8-32×56 leapers ($250) for the low price point starter FT scope when getting someone started… and I'd stay there until you could move to a Bushnell 4200 Elite ($550-600) or Nikko Diamond 10-50×60 ($900).. the $350-$450 Nikko Nighteater is not worth the stop over in my humble opinion! .. especially when you figure in the time wasted changing.

    Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range

  31. Dragon Claw,

    The bipod changes the harmonics of your barrel, causing the higher groups. Removing it will put things back the way they were.

    If you want to leave it, you must re-zero your rifle and shoot only with the bipod in place.

    This is why bipods are better when mounted to stocks, though with a breakbarrel that is impossible to do.


  32. Matt,

    Handgun accuracy is a complex thing. For decades, revolvers were considered more accurate than auto pistols, because pistols never registered in the same place after the shot. Then times changed and manufacturing got sloppy and revolver makers quit worrying about the alignment between their cylinders and the barrel. Unless each chamber is align-bored, few revolvers can stand up to a modern auto pistol that's been accurized.

    That's because aftermarket gunsmiths have figured out all the important things to get the registration the same repeatedly, so all the moving parts in a good auto now return to the same place every time. The auto pistol manufacturers have learned how to do this from the aftermarket smiths, and now some big companies offer the same accuracy. But they do it by hand-fitting critical parts.

    As for holsters at the range, do be too disappointed. I have seen several accidents in which revolvers fired while still in the holster. That was when I was a gunfighter at Frontier Village amusement park.

    I recommend a Crosman SA-6 for fast-draw, though I did shoot myself in the leg when one went off early on a draw. So, Matt, consider not doing it at all.

    Your B30 sliding chamber doesn't return home when the ratchet teeth are depressed because the sear has caught the piston. Yes, you do want to block the sidelever in case all that stuff fails.


  33. Frank B,

    You said:

    "Google"crosman 600 air pistol"the first search result is titled HOMEMADE AIRGUNS"

    Which item is first on your search results page depends on which Google server does your search. Search engines such as Google & Yahoo actually have many, many servers and not all servers order the results in the same way.

    A couple weeks ago, my brother told me about a search he did and the result he wanted was No. 3 on the Google list. I did the same search a few hours after him, and that result showed up as No. 28 on my results pages. We both live in Texas, so it doesn't matter where you are when you do the search. In fact, I've searched for the exact same thing on my computer and found it as the No. 1 hit. Then, I asked Tom do the search on his computer in the next room, and it was not the No. 1 or even on page 1 of his search results.

    Interesting, yet annoying at the same time!


  34. Some of the things he witnessed make my own travels seem insignifigant by comparison. I know he can't always continue his stories quickly, I will say it is worth the wait. I'll be watching for the next in the series. JP

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