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New products and more

by B.B. Pelletier

Update on Tom/B.B.: Tom is still making progress, and things are moving in the right direction. (Woohoo!) Once again, today’s blog is from B.B.

Pyramyd AIR has some new products, so I wanted to bring some of them to your attention. They have a web page that lists new items, but all of you may not look at it. Plus, I can add my 2 cents here.


Beautiful, huh? It’s even more gorgeous in person…rich walnut stock (beech also available), unparalleled blueing, accurate, powerful. What’s not to like?

The Falcons are coming! The Falcons are coming!
About 10-12 years, Edith saw a female target shooter out-shoot her husband in EVERY field target match with a Falcon Light Hunter rifle with a skeleton stock. When she found out that Pyramyd AIR was going to sell Falcons, she grinned from ear to ear.

Pyramyd AIR is now stocking Falcon rifles, and the web pages will be available very soon. The guns are made in England, and their quality is superb–the equivalent of Air Arms. In fact, the company that owns Air Arms also owns Falcon Airguns (a relatively recent acquisition). They’ll stock the Prairie Falcon, but there are other models coming, too.

Of course, last year, Beeman imported a Falcon rifle and carbine. These are branded as Beeman guns on the breech, but the new batch is coming direct from Falcon and will bear only that name.


Several of the new .45 cal. pellets have steel tips embedded in the round nose.

.45 caliber pellets
Big bore airguns have really moved to the forefront, and Pyramyd AIR is keeping up with the growth. They’ve just added 4 new .45 cal. pellets to their lineup. Three of them are steel-tipped round noses and the fourth is a hollowpoint. They run from 175 to 230 grains. These new pellets bring the total ammo for .45 up to 14. Lots of choice!

Beeman guns, pellets and mounts
As you already know, Pyramyd AIR is now the importer for the high-end European Beeman guns, ammo and accessories. There’s a transition period now, and that means you might find two product pages for one model of gun. One model might have iron sights while the other has fiber optic sights. One might be the model shipped from the Beeman warehouse in California, while the other model may be the stock we just received from the German manufacturer. As we found out the other day, there are two for the HW50S.

At this time, the Beeman guns that are being ordered by Pyramyd AIR are starting to arrive, as are the pellets and mounts. The mounts are also a nice surprise, as Pyramyd AIR has been able to significantly lower the prices on them. If you’ve avoided them before because of price, you might want to start checking them out again.

In-stock dates and why they keep changing
Contrary to popular opinion, Pyramyd AIR is not playing games with the dates they use to indicate when an out-of-stock item will be in stock. In fact, we have several people who are tracking these dates. They contact the manufacturer or vendor to determine if a product has been shipped. If it hasn’t, then they get an estimate when they think the shipment will happen. If the shipper doesn’t know, then they remove the ADD TO CART button and just leave it at that. You can see the product but you can’t order it.

When we’re told that a shipment has been made, we estimate when it’ll be received in Ohio. Often, the date listed is two weeks from the ship date. As is often the case, the products arrive earlier than expected and everybody loves us.

A manufacturer might tell us they’re going to ship something in a day or so, and we should get it within a week. We put a 2-week in-stock date online but then find out that the shipment never happened. We move the date out even further. Occasionally, the shipper has pulled our leg a number of times, and the date keeps getting pushed out further and further, over and over. Think you’re frustrated? Pyramyd AIR doesn’t like it either! It’s maddening when manufacturers aren’t straight with you. In some cases, though, the manufacturer was expecting a delivery (such as a shipment of guns from China or Turkey), and that shipment didn’t arrive because the factory didn’t ship it as promised. So, everyone’s delivery date gets bumped.

Another issue is U.S. Customs. Sometimes things fly through customs without an issue…and sometimes they don’t. Airsoft is especially vulnerable to customs delays. I’ve heard of delays as long as 6 months. I’ll bet there have even been longer delays.

So, the next time you get an email that says the product you ordered didn’t get delivered on time or you see an in-stock date constantly changing, don’t blame Pyramyd AIR. It’s the manufacturer or their suppliers who have delayed delivery.

Now that we’re talking about shipping and stocking issues, what are your other gripes?

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

156 thoughts on “New products and more”

  1. Morning B.B.,

    "Here's a little teaser: Pyramyd AIR will be revealing something new and exciting on Monday, May 3."

    If the news today about the Falcons isn't what the above quote is refering to, but with the wrong date, I am now really looking fwd to tne 3rd of May's surprise.

    Mr B.

  2. Teasing us for a week-end is ok, a week and a half is WAY too long ! Can we at least get some clues ? Ok ONE clue, just one little clue for the week-end.
    Edith ? Please ?


  3. AlanL,

    Without seeing the trigger, I have to assume if the rifle is stamped HW30 then that is what it is. Beeman brought these in for years as a less expensive alternative to the HW30S that they branded as an R-7. They did not put their name on them, but would have supplied a manual. The interesting part is the HW rifle stayed with the factory 630 fps as the muzzle velocity but the Beeman was rated at 700 fps with the exact same power plant. Which one would you guess is most realistic?
    All air rifles that offer the Perfekt trigger and the Rekord are differentiated by the “S” stamp. Rifles that only come with the Rekord have no need for the S stamp such as the HW97K. (The K denotes a carbine length barrel.)

    In stock dates,

    It would seem to make the most sense not to post date if it is only a guess. As a general rule of thumb “under promise and over deliver” keeps people the happiest. They could still be allowed the ability to pre-order and be among the first to receive the item. Knowing ahead of time that something could be delayed for an undetermined amount of time but still offering an in stock date sounds __________. Readers can fill in the blank.

  4. Mrs. Gaylord,

    I was thrilled to see Pyramyd AIR become a Falcon distributor. The passing of the torch from Beeman to Pyramyd AIR for higher end guns is now becoming a reality.

    Falcon makes some wonderful airguns. In my experience the niche they fill the best is lightweight, true carbines, whereas air arms doesn't have a contender.

    I don't have a gripe about shipping issues with PA since they are the best shippers I've encountered (among many, many dealers) especially when it comes to pellet packaging.

    I don't have a gripe with PA about "in stock dates" since they're merely the messenger and can't control arrival dates.

    I have a question about stock. You've probably seen the buzz on other forums recently about PA discontinuing the VERY popular JSB exact express pellets (blue tin). This move by PA has lead to speculation that this pellet is no longer being manufactured. Can you tell us whether it was merely a business decision on PA's part to quit carrying this pellet or is there any truth to the rumor that the manufacturer has quit making this pellet?


  5. dakotas5,

    Since the diana 25 has several variations it depends on the manufacturing date of your rifle.

    Look for the very small numbers on the blueing all the way to the rear on the left side of the gun. When was it made?

    If it's an older model 25 (1920-1940) you'll need to look at airgun shows, have one made or post a want to buy ad on vintage airgun sites.

    If it's a newer model 25 I would contact Pyramyd AIR and Umarex first then Chambers.


  6. Gripes? Hell yeah, I have gripes. How much time have you got?

    What about all these mouth-breathing morons on the roads these days!

    Oh…gripes about PA, that is another story.

    The first two times I ordered Crosman Premiers in the box, they were tightly wrapped in saran wrap. The last two times– not. Even with gobs of packing paper, the pellets got through those slots in the bottom of the box. There, I got it off my chest.

    Also they need to implement some kind of "buy 9 rifles, and the 10th rifle is free" program, which would be retroactively enforced.

    And why is it, when you try to pay a bill or car payment over the phone nowadays, they want to charge you a $9 'service fee.' There is that word "service" again. Funny how it means one thing to some people, and almost the exact opposite to others, as Kevin once related.

    More gripes coming.

  7. Gripes about PA? None at all!! Best shipping of any on-line vendor I've ever used! I'm lucky being so close to PA, I choose standard ground shipping, and as long as I place my order before noon, I receive it the very next day. My newest addition? A Benjamin Katana! Haven't had a chance to play with it too much, other than airing it up and adjusting the trigger. Believe the hype about that trigger, it is outstanding. Can't wait to get out ahd shoot her!!


  8. Kevin,

    You filled in the blank with “a great idea”. We are certainly all entitled to our opinions.

    Speaking of which, I will be interested in your thoughts on the Cyclone. I already know with the standard beech stock she is not the looker that your AA is but I’d like to hear how she compares shooting wise. I had her set up with medium mounts and a scope that was less than a lb in keeping with the theme of the rifle. If you are so inclined, the barrel ends in 1/2 X 20 threads which can be topped with a device to avoid excessive lead dust that is 1 1/8 diameter and 6 to 7 inches long. Just a short time ago I was told these were a special order, but it seems they are turning up fairly often now. Even if they are out of stock, Rich will give you a solid date on when the next batch will be done. : )


    I could not find the manual, but would guess the supplier will have it online. It would be in bad taste to post the link. When loading a magazine use your thumb on the gold button at the rear. Other than that everything is straight forward. Hope you enjoy it.

  9. Falcon airguns,

    Heard mostly positive feedback on these other than part availability, but if AA picked them up and PA will be stocking them, that will probably become a non-issue. Most seem very handsome designs.

    From yesterday – I will keep an eye out for your old HW50S. Did you ever try Morris Loan? I would guess it could sit at a pawn shop for awhile.

  10. Volvo,

    This is my first cyclone and I'm anxious to give it a test. I've been buying and testing a variety of pcp's similar to your latest springer testing.

    Not sure how long the cyclone will be around since it has some stiff competition.

    I have several extra ldc's (the older Dave R's) laying around since 5 guns have been sold in the last few weeks.

    I also have an extra burris timberline 4.5x-14x with ballistic plex reticle that I think will be a good fit to the lighweight cyclone.

    I've really become a big fan of these scopes. Short, lightweight, AO, focus down to 7 yards at 14x and pretty good glass for the money. They have long eye relief and limited adjustment but I don't mind that. I've sold my lightweight leupolds and clearidge scopes and although they had slightly better glass they only went to 9x. At roughly half the price of those lightweight scopes the burris timberline is a winner.


  11. My only complaint is that I can't use the 5% and 10% coupons in combination with the free shipping. Especially the 5% coupons where I let PA know of a mistake on their website in return for the coupon – I mean this is potentially leading to a sale of the item reported if say the video of Air Gun Reporter is linked to the right one, or if the product name is mis-spelled. These coupons though are useless because the shipping is always more than the discount. The error catching coupons should be 15%, and I should get an additional frequent error catcher discount!

  12. Re: PA Discounts & Coupons

    Agree about the use of coupons vs. "free shipping" discounts. If the purchase is substantial, the free shipping is typically the beeter bargain.

    Still… PA has to make a profit so, I doubt that free shipping + 10% off (on let's say, a $500 purchase)is where PA needs to be profit-wise?

    Maybe a free shipping discount along with 4 tins of pellets that are known to match the capability of the rifle or pistol being purchased or even if not an airgun purchase, any total purchase of $XXX or more also gets the free pellets?

    Brian in Idaho

  13. I just came back from a meeting with Tom & the doctor. It's all good news!

    He's VERY pleased with Tom's progress.

    Tom's belly is still big and bloated with water. The doctor said his body will take care of it. The stress on his body is what's causing it.

    The doctor said that by Tuesday we should see a noticeable decrease in the size of Tom's belly. He's already passing more fluid than he's been taking in.

    His infection level is just one notch above normal, so the antibiotic they're giving him has targeted the bad stuff and knocking it out. To make sure it stays that way, Tom will be on antibiotics for several weeks after leaving the hospital.

    His mood is chipper & he's alert, lucid and happy.


  14. Great News indeed!

    Hip,Hip Hooray!

    I'm guessing that this is the longest period that B.B. has gone without firing a gun since he started shaving. Undoubtedly withdrawal from shooting is contributing to his weakened state. Get back to shooting soon. It'll get your strength back!



  15. Edith,
    PA is a pleasure to deal with in almost every way. My one, minor personal exception is this: when an item is marked in-stock when ordered, then found to be out of stock, charging (full)shipping on the back-ordered item strikes me as wrong. This happened to me (actually my wife) when .495 balls were in-stock when ordered then declared out of stock after the order. I realize that you can hold the order, but given that type of experience with the inventory system, how much can one trust the expected date? Seems like offering free shipping on pieces that are mis-labelled that way (which one of my ML'ing suppliers does) would make the customer happier and offer an incentive for improving the inventory tracking system.

  16. Beeman/HW parts,

    Yes, Pyramyd AIR will carry the parts. Right now, they don't have them, and I don't have an exact date when they'll be here. They will provide all the same services Beeman provided for maintaining & repairing these guns.


  17. BB

    I think perhaps you have made a grave error. This subject would be better suited to a Monday. Do you really want a full weekend of griping?

    We may break the 300 mark yet again.

    What is the deal with the magnetic calenders? I must have had a dozen from 2009. Here it is April and I don't have a single one for 2010? How am I supposed to know what day it is? If I don't have one by my anniversary I will be in deep trouble.

    Edith, surely you understand the seriousness of my situation.

  18. BG_Farmer,

    You hit the nail on the head.

    I ordered the Marlin Cowboy BB gun in January, for my son's birthday in May. The backorder date was always April 15. Then one day I suddenly discover it's been pushed back to June 18th, but only because I checked my order status online. I think it is a basic courtesy to the customer to let them know that when it happens. But PA doesn't. I believe that whenever a significant change occurs to an order status, the customer should be sent an email! That's just basic good customer service.

    Now to the heart of the problem concerning backorders: When one item in an order is backordered, Pyramyd will hold back the entire order, even if I am paying for the shipping. Then, by the time the backordered item becomes available, a different item within that order has run out of stock and they then place that item on backorder and again hold back the entire order. This makes no sense: If I order something and it's in stock, fine, hold the order, but set those items that ARE in stock aside for me! Selling an item out from under me when it was in stock at time of my order is unfair to me. Moreover, this modus operandi makes it highly likely that an order may never ship as one item or another continues to go out of stock. What if any one item in a six-item order is always out of stock? Result: Pyramyd loses a sale and irritates a customer. And for what? To save a few bucks on shipping?

    I know that I can amend my order, but then I am the one to pay double shipping, and I've done that a few times when I really wanted something right now. But I'll be damned if I will pay double shipping routinely, on top of having to wait for an item.


  19. Slinging Lead,

    Yes, you DO have serious situation!

    As far as the griping is concerned, I'm forwarding the legitimate ones to people at Pyramyd AIR who can address them & make things happen. They're very interested in what people think and in any suggestions of how to improve customer service.


  20. AlanL, it's odd that you'd bring that up. Last night I ordered a bunch of stuff including a backordered item that was due in today. Today, of course, the expected date was pushed back a week.

    No matter. Nothing in my order is that critical and I told them that they can just wait until all the items are in before shipping. Today I got an email stating that no, they ARE shipping the in-stock items now and the backordered item will go out as soon as it comes in.

  21. B.B.

    Well, the price of the Falcons is probably not to like. But I've heard of this brand and will be interested to read about it.

    Edith, I am now armed with confidence for the shooting women, but I think I will lose the hunters' line. 🙂

    Fused, well there is this gizmo I saw whereby you can hook up two Ruger 10/22s with a large box magazine and fire them by turning a crank like a Gatling gun. It's essentially a machine gun but supposedly not considered full auto by some technical quirk….

    PA is terrific, but since you ask, there is a radio control retailer that will replace $60 parts for free on request over the phone. We'll see how long this lasts…. No fair, B.B. has a sister who is a pilot and can teach him what he needs to know about radio controlled flying.

    All, I'm ditching Elmer Keith's shooting techniques in favor of B.B.'s. Keith taught that you should fire the shot as soon as your sights get on target. That's worked well so far. However, I've been trying B.B.'s method where he says that when he felt the sights lock steadily on target, he knew for sure that he would get a 10. I've found that the extra micro-second pause gets me better results. The sights do not wander off target as I expected. It's like one of those moments in martial arts where you realize that if you give the body a chance, it will do what you want it to do. John Wesley Hardin also, supposedly, said that the gunfight goes to the one who takes that extra split-second to be sure of himself. Wild Bill Hickok claimed that his method was to push his pistol towards the target, like pointing a finger, and fire. David Tubb, even with his approach method for standing, says that he does not fire the instant that the sights come on target but lets them dwell for just a split-second. This all sounds good to me, and I think that this is the next step forward. I've also noticed that the surprise break trigger squeeze is appearing automatically with this new method.


  22. I always have to look at my cell phone to double check the day & date. Anniversary, maybe I'm the odd one out. I'm the one who remembers, she forgets! How hard is it to remember Dec. 31st!


  23. Anonymous Benjamin Trail

    If you want to know about the GRT III in the Benjamin Trail, read this:


    Blog reader Rick was kind enough to add his comments to BB's review of this rifle, and linked to his own blog where he documented his experiences.

    If you find his information useful, it may be worthwhile to drop him a line to thank him.

  24. I think it is worth noting to all blog readers who might not know, that Tom's good friend Earl McDonald will be assisting the Gaylord's during Tom's speedy recovery.

    This includes testing rifles and assisting with the blog.

    Not only will this provide us lunatics with our daily fix, but it will undoubtedly raise Tom's spirits and contribute to a faster recovery. We all owe Mr. McDonald a debt of gratitude.

    Most of us have heard the cliche, "A friend in need is a friend indeed."

    This is just about the most asinine homily I have ever had to ingest.

    Any old scum will be your "friend" as long as they need you. It is much harder to find a friend when you need them. Unless, they are a TRUE friend.

    The older I get, the clearer the distinction. It is a heartbreaking realization.

    God Bless you Earl. You will be added to my prayers for the Gaylords.

  25. Matt61,

    One of the more effect gizmos for the Ruger 10/22 caught the eye of the FBI a couple years ago and was declared a machine gun when added. The impressive thing to me is the reliability of the 10/22 design, how many .22 rifles can shoot full auto without a hitch?

  26. Slinging Lead,

    Perhaps you were committing persiflage again, and I am (as usual) just too dense to perceive it, but, your quote is intended, I believe, to be understood as follows:
    "A friend [when I am] in need is a friend indeed."
    Was it Franklin?

    If not, I'll leave you with one from Franklin anyway: "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days."


  27. Kevin,
    The scope sounds like a nice choice, I know you’re a pro and I should not be worried.
    It’s just that such a petite girl deserves an appropriate bikini and the thought of her ending up in a one piece with an attached skirt was quite heartbreaking.

  28. Volvo,
    I could never figure out whether it was sarcastic or not — people seem to use it both ways. When SL mentioned, my first reaction was that it likely went back to patronage in Rome and was indeed a very cynical sentiment, but I'm willing to believe the other interpretation now, given the alliterative structure in Ennius is echoed (not exactly but closely) in the English phrase. Of course, I doubt Ennius was the immediate source, more likely some later compilation of such sayings.

  29. Volvo,
    By the way, some of us enjoy seeing beautiful women in one-pieces and skirts as well. Actually a pretty woman in anything short of a bhurka is a pleasure to behold:)! Trying to apply this to air rifles, help:).

    I'm mourning the passing of the Cyclone — dull witted as I am, it took me most of the day yesterday to figure out what was going on:(.

  30. I always looked at the quote rather simnply, but came to the same conclusion as AlanL from "the other side" – if somebody in great need is somebody that I still consider a friend (and I'm willing to help them), then they really are a friend . . . .

    No complaints from me on PA's handling of delayed items – I have had it happen two different ways:

    On orders I placed with a backordered item, they contacted me and asked me how I wanted to handle it. I could split the order and pay two shipping bills, or wait for the combined order in one shipping bill. Perfectly fair. I have done it both ways.

    On an order on which I aksed to wait for combined shipping, the backorder date moved out further. They contacted me to tell me they would ship the partial order, and then fill the rest later with no incremental shipping since I had already been waiting. This is more than fair, as the slipping dates are not their fault. But it pays off as it does make me want to do all my AG business with them.

    I've never had AlanL's rolling backordered item issue.

    Alan in MI

  31. I know this is a little off topic but does anyone know anything about the Avanti 845 Mentor air rifle? I can't find anything about it and am interested in seeing if it is a relation to the venerated 499 Champion? How accurate it is? etc.

    Thanks so much,


  32. I know that there are some of you on here that are either sellers or buyers on gunbroker. I could use some enlightenment. I understand the Keys: "P", "R", and "D". What I don't understand is why some listings appear in red, black, blue, or bold print. Is this just the sellers choice of color and font, or is there some meaning behind it. I have search the help pages but can not find an answer.


  33. AlanL

    I will not tolerate such insolence!;^)

    Persiflage? When have I ever?!

    As far as my quote is concerned, I was referring to the quote I actually quoted, but is very ambiguous nonetheless.

    One version:

    "A friend in need is a friend indeed."

    Another version:

    "A friend in need is a friend in deed."

    The first implies that the friend is only so because they need you. The second implies that a friend you have helped, must help you mostly out of obligation.

    I find both interpretations to be craven but sadly accurate, more so the first than the second.

    BG_Farmer has correctly credited the supposed original quote to Quintus Ennius. Roughly translated:

    "a sure friend is known when in difficulty"

    This is the gospel truth. Unfortunately, the exact English translation does not rhyme. As Johnny Cochoran astutely demonstrated, everything that is true, rhymes– and vice versa.

    I guess our discussion illuminates another cliche, "Lost in Translation."

    Your insolence is mitigated by your excellent vocabulary word. Now, if you can work 'obsequious', and 'obstreperous' into the same sentence, I will be VERY impressed. I may even forgive you this transgression.

    Alan in MI

    The true test of a friend is how much they are willing to help you when you need it, not the pressure you inflict on yourself to help them because you believe someone to be your friend. Many of the folks whom people believe to be friends will abandon them in their time of need. I hope you never find yourself in the position to test this hypothesis, as I have.


    It is a known fact that Jimi Hendrix's Foxy Lady was about a woman in a bhurka. I guess that says something for leaving things to the imagination. How's that for persiflage?

  34. Alan in MI and Vince,

    It is obvious that you two are far better customers than me, since I have only ordered 4 rifles, scopes, mounts, cases and multiple tins of pellets from them, whereas you two have no doubt ordered a train load between you.

    If PA ships the in-stock items now and later ships the backordered item(s) as it becomes available at no extra shipping charge, then of course that would be fair. But clearly only their good customers get this preferential treatment. The rest of us can happily wait 4 months and counting for their orders.

    Of course PA needs to make money and save on costs. They are not in business just for fun. Nevertheless, in my 30 years of business experience I find that excellent customer service and making the customer happy always pays dividends long term in repeat business (customer loyalty), word-of-mouth business, and increased sales.

    A loyal, happy customer, if given the choice may still opt for the "ship it all together, no matter when" alternative and save PA those extra costs.

    Slinging Lead, perhaps I'm being obstreperous spouting this way, but I still think PA would not sink to obsequiousness vis-a-vis the customer by following this policy! 🙂


  35. Never give anything, expecting anything in return (including friendship). If you expect something in return then what you gave was a loan. Give or help of your own free will, not under pressure. You'll be happier that way. Sorry, am I preaching. Bad form, bad form. (son of a preacher man)


  36. I agree with Rikib that friendship should not be offered with an expectation of a return. However, be prepared not to get anything either. But that's okay, can't let these people get in the way of finding the sterling characters out there.

    BG_Farmer, I have it on good authority–a female tour guide in Turkey–that a lot of women in burkhas wear lipstick, mini-skirts and all sorts of things out of one's fantasy underneath. That might explain this passage from James Clavell's book Whirlwind about Iran in the 70s. This guy thinks, "I've seen so and so wearing her burkha in the marketplace. What shapely —- and inviting —–. God curse her for tempting me."

    As for Steven Seagal, his martial arts are supposed to be genuine, and I hear that he is a pretty good shot. However, his personal life is bizarre. He seems to think he is the reincarnation of Buddha while trying to seduce his co-stars at the same time. I'd say he uses the push method for a variety of things.

    A bit of advice would be appreciated. I just purchased a nice and low-cost leather holster for the Ruger Single Six that I hope to order as soon as my gunstore can find one. They tell me revolvers are in short supply now. Anyway, I'm wondering how to maintain the leather of the holster. There were no directions enclosed. There must be a better way than spraying Ballistol on it.


  37. Keith, to me the 845 looks like a daisy Grizzly single pump smoothbore air rifle with target sights. Still fairly accurate with pellets, yet I would look for a used 953 and add some target sights. As for BBs the 499 would most likely still rule in that area for accuracy.

  38. my only gripe is confusing "great customer service" with "what should be expected". thats like ordering a steak medium-well at a restaurante, receiving it that way, and declaring the cook/restaurante offerred something great. sure it might have been a delicious meal, but that is what you paid for, so that is what you should have received.
    in the business world, you shouldn't be patted "extra" on your back for what you are "expected" to offer, and just because others may offer "poor" customer service, doesn't mean by default you are offering "great" service.
    if i order an airgun, and it arrives in used or some other type of condition other than usable or new,…overnighting me another one, and allowing me to return the one you originally sent me is not "great customer service", its just making good own our buyer-seller contract.
    "great customer service", is acknowledging the fault, correcting it, and offerring something additional for the inconvenience. there was a time with companies realized "the customer is the [financial] life-blood of the company".
    just my take on things

  39. Matt61
    I know nothing about holsters so I hope I don't get blasted about this. I would think that being leather you could maintain it like a good ball glove with a quality leather oil (which I also use on my boots). But like I said, I don't know. Maybe the oil would harm the pistol. I'm sure you will get better answers than mine.


  40. Matt61
    As far as Steven Seagal is concern if you can believe TV the "reality" show "Lawman" seems to show that he is a good shooter. One thing I could not believe (I'd never say it to him) he looks fat. I mean just compared to what you see in movies. Maybe I should just say he looks normal, as I don't have the 30" waist I once had.


  41. Slinglead…your observation on friendship ring so true.
    A few years ago I had some things happen in my life that taught me something very important.
    I easily had 20 or 30 'friends'. But a few of lifes little roadbumps showed me that in reality I had 2 or 3 REAL friends…and a lot of 'aquaintances'.
    I leard an important lesson. That too often I had frittered away time on people who really weren't deserving of it (I know that sounds harsh).
    I now treasure my true friends and spend most of my time/efforts with them…and am much happier for it.

    On an airgun note. My two boys (now 7 & 9) have started to outgrow their Red Ryders. The 9 year old in particular gets frustrated not being able to hit a pop can with confidence at 25 feet…yet he can pick up my Slavia and nail it at 75 yards.
    So the hunt started for a couple of pellet rifles (those that have sons will know you don't just buy one!!)
    They both wanted a military look and were torn between a pellet rifle and an 'good' airsoft M4. My issue with those is that it doesn't matter whether you pay $40 or $400…in a 10mph wind they are both useless at 20 feet.
    So after reading all the reviews I decided on the BAM AK-47 look-a-likes (the sidelever with the folding stock).
    They arrived in the mail this morning.
    Okay, the fit and finish is nowhere near what I'm used to.
    But they are built like a tank, and after cleaning them up and testing them (make sure they both work) they will put 5 shots in a dime sized area at 10 yards.
    And I gotta admit…there 'cool' factor more than makes up for the fit and finish.
    They'll get them the day they finish school the beginning of June…can't wait to see their faces. (my airgun dealer…unfortunately not Pyramid as they can't ship into Canada…when she heard they were for a 9 year olds grade 3 graduation asked "what do they get for high school grad…Uzi's?"…hmmm not a bad idea)
    CowBoyStar Dad

  42. Anonymous said …"However, I've been trying B.B.'s method where he says that when he felt the sights lock steadily on target, he knew for sure that he would get a 10. I've found that the extra micro-second pause gets me better results. The sights do not wander off target as I expected. It's like one of those moments in martial arts where you realize that if you give the body a chance, it will do what you want it to do."

    When you've got it exactly right, time stops, the entire world collapses down to the target and your sights; you perceive nothing except the steady sight on the target; and you do not pull the trigger, God does. The shot is invariably a 10 or at least a 9.9 if you're shooting 10m rifle.

    Getting into that zone is tough, and falling out of it is easy. But it's worth trying for it with every shot.


  43. Bg farmer,
    Sometimes there is no need to read between the lines. : )

    No worries on the Cyclone. It is better to have loved and lost….just as long as you don’t get caught. Besides, this way my life story when told by the E channel will be much more riveting. Dropping C notes like quarters and then clipping coupons for .25 off a can of Hunts. The good news is the rolloer coaster is still going full speed.

    Ever solve the HW30 mystery? If you paid for the “S” you would want to get it.

    From the e-mail,
    The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

    Did you get the rig for Single Six yet? I have a nice one the I out grew or maybe shrunk???

  44. Per my buddy Tom the retired Navy SEAL, "a friend will help you bury the body. A true friend will bring the shovel".

    Good on you, Tom. Get the Hell out of that Hospital!

    Fred PRoNJ

  45. AlanL,

    Sounds like we are similar customers to PA, but you have proably spent more. While I would like to spend lots more, I can't yet.

    I don't know why we had the differenct experiences on shipping. Maybe just different moods of the sales people on different days?

    But my situation was clearly different than yours with the rolling out of stock items. I do agree that they should set asside stock for somebody that has ordered something already, or at tlest contact us to let us make the decision on what to do.

    Alan in MI

  46. AlanL,

    Congratulations it's a rekord. Best trigger made for a sporter springer.

    Lot of good info on the net about adjusting this trigger and making it spectacular. Doesn't take a lot of effort.


  47. Matt61,

    For leather holsters I used to use saddle soap back in the day. Now I prefer lexol. They not only have a conditioner but a cleaner (two different products).


  48. AlanL,

    You need to write a tutorial for us on using Blogger.

    As far as the HW30 – get yourself a superman doll and steal the red “S” off of it and add it to your rifle. That’s the Rekord trigger that increases the value by $75 to $100. Perhaps the mismatch will make it a rare collector item???

  49. Volvo,

    Gun arrived safe and sound. Thank you. Charged it, shot it on medium and high. Not as loud as my tarantula's but it will be fitted with an ldc. Feels more than a pound lighter than my aas410 carbine but the specs say there's only a pound difference.

    I like the way it shoulders.

    I'll get a scope on it when the weather breaks. Can't wait to run it through its paces.

    Gotta go.


  50. Volvo, Kevin,

    Thanks! Yeeessssss!!! I was dreading the prospect of having to return yet another rifle to Pyramyd.

    Being anal and collector oriented, I save every scrap of paper and packaging foam that comes with the guns, and their original factory boxes. Maybe some day when I part with that HW30s (note the little 's'!) I hope I remember the mismatch and make hay with it.

    Thanks guys!


  51. AlanL,

    Here's why Pyramyd AIR doesn't set aside the in-stock items you selected while waiting for the out-of-stock items to arrive: they don't charge your credit card until they're ready to ship your items. Imagine how ticked off people would be if their cards were charged to hold items while waiting for those other things.

    To do the above, Pyramyd AIR would have to create a separate room to store the partially picked orders. The next thing you know, someone gets ticked because the out-of-stock item hasn't come in & says he doesn't want the rest of the order. Pyramyd AIR would have to credit the charge card, return the items to stock and change their inventory for those items. In the meantime, they might have missed some sales for those very items because they were holding them for you…but now they don't have a sale.

    This is the other side of the coin 🙂


  52. AlanL,

    From the factory the rekord trigger is a 12 cylinder engine running on 8 cylinders.

    As Volvo pointed out, the $75.00-$100.00 difference in weihrauch models is whether it has a rekord trigger or a perfekt. If you want to know why people pay the difference for a rekord trigger adjust it/tune it. It's not difficult.

    Here's a basic tutorial on getting the most out of your rekord trigger:



  53. Volvo,
    That was the problem — I thought you were being metaphorical:). "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all" — Lester "Roadhog" Moran. We'll see if there are any real country fans out there.

    The issue for me is that it could be Jimi Hendrix in the bhurka:).

    See above:).

  54. AlanL, I don't spend a particularly large amount of money at pyramyd, since they don't ship guns to NJ. About all I do is (very) periodically order several tins of pellets.

  55. Edith, I would think that the inventory situation would be simple to handle. When someone orders something that's waiting for another item on backorder, decrease the inventory quantity in the database but leave it on the shelf. When quantity reaches '0' but there's still two sitting in the warehouse, they'd know that those two are earmarked for orders on hold and cannot be sold to someone else.

    Seems like it would be a simple thing to implement.

  56. Vince,

    You'd have that same problem. Holding inventory for someone who says they want a product but hasn't paid for it. You're asking them to do a layaway without $. Plus, you're asking them to carry inventory and not sell it. There is no business that will do that. I don't believe you will find any business will hold a product for weeks or months. It's not a good business decision.

    At the end of the year, you're left with inventory that you could have sold and now have to pay tax on it…which is what retailers do with their inventory every year.

    I understand the consumer's side and the frustration of not getting a shipment when something is out of stock, but I also see the down side for the vendor.


  57. It is not just in the civilian world. Before I retired from the military it would always be, what is on hand, what is in stock, what is in the warehouse, when can we get such an such.
    I've been p/o'd at on line retailers for charging me separate shipping fees when one item of my order may have been out of stock after I placed the order (personally I feel that they get a good kick back on the s&h fees).
    I guess I may have to side with Edith as far as holding items. Something they could have sold that you may change your mind about and cancel. Thus they lose a sale and still have the inventory.

    wv: this is a long one (lancocad)

  58. I guess I don't have much of a life if I'm reading quotes, but here are a few from Mark Twain:

    -Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

    -Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.

    -Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very"; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.


  59. Edith,

    I respectfully disagree. I'm not asking Pyramyd to charge my card and then not ship the merchandise until it is complete! Let them charge only when they ship but still set the merchandise aside if they don't want to ship what's in stock partially. Sorry, but that is one component of the overhead in the total price a business must pay to keep a customer well served. Then they don't have to credit back if the customer changes his mind in the weeks or months it takes for the complete order to finally ship. Pretending that what I am proposing is a free (uncharged) layaway is ludicrous! I did not ask the store to be out of stock of the item I ordered!

    You said there is no business that will carry inventory and not sell it. Wrong. My business does that. And yes, it costs me more to always have everything in stock. But the result is that I can almost always deliver everything a customer orders instantly, even the most minimally sold accessory, and thus I almost never have to deal with backorder problems. Of course it costs money! But it also means I don't have to waste money on the increased overhead of holding partial orders, generating multiple invoices for staggered shipments, etc.

    Our service department also repairs everything in 24 hours or there's a free loaner component for the customer upon request. It's called excellent customer service. And in the long run I earn much more because of it.

    If things run out of stock at Pyramyd so frequently that an entire separate room would be needed to store set-aside items, it means that management isn't predicting demand well enough to properly stock the store. Yes, I know this costs money, but I have found that I make more money this way in the long run. And I don't hold partial shipments. I ship what I can ship immediately at the customer's expense, and I ship the rest when it's available at my expense, and sometimes at the customer's expense, depending on circumstances (such as special orders.) Ergo, I don't need that extra storage room, and I don't carry excess inventory. And I keep my customers happy. It's that simple.

    You also failed to address the conundrum of the rolling shortages that potentially prevent an order from ever being shipped. Of course, the solution to that problem is to just wait for the customer to get ticked off (as you suggested) and cancel the order. Simple. That way the problem goes away. And so does that sale. And so does that customer. In my book merely trying to keep a customer from getting ticked off is not enough. We actually go the extra mile to make him happy. And that's why I can afford to buy airguns once in a while.


  60. AlanL
    You address several points with facts. It appears to me (I may be wrong) that you are the owner of a business that relies on customer service. If so, that is the type of business I like. Basically the only kind in my area, like the song said "where everyone knows your name".
    A company like PA (as great as they are), I believe they are looking more at an overall profit margin. My feeling would be that they are gambling on the idea that by the time your backordered item comes in they will have replenished their standard stock, thus you would not know the difference. But, it is a gamble sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Just my opinion.


  61. I think that either side could be supported in this.
    An owner/ proprietor looking to support his/her family and community providing one on one, face to face service.
    Then there are the big businesses that employ a large amount of people but at the same time take away from local businesses (send your item to us, we will repair and send it back).

    It can become hard to choose a side.


  62. AlanL,

    I can understand your frustration over how PA handles back orders, especially if you're involved in a business that has to make similar decisions based on similar circumstances. I guess B.B. opened the door wide when he decided to ask for people's gripes. 🙂 I personally have had a back order since February, but since there’s nothing in it that I really need (just mostly some experimental ammo), I could really care less if it comes any time soon. If I needed my order urgently, I know I could contact PA and arrange to have the in-stock items sent, but this one just isn’t that important. In fact, they’ve actually contacted me twice, asking if I wanted to make any substitutions.

    You said "If things run out of stock at Pyramyd so frequently that an entire separate room would be needed to store set-aside items, it means that management isn't predicting demand well enough to properly stock the store." Without knowing what type of business you have, is it possible your distributors are more reliable than PA's, allowing you to maintain predictable stock levels?

    – Orin

  63. Well the dogs are asleep and most of the cats, a couple hold outs. So I guess I will leave with a couple quotes:

    "My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth."
    Abraham Lincoln

    "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure."
    Abraham Lincoln

  64. CFXer,

    You are a very cynical person. If the steak is delicious, then you did get something great. I'm assuming you saw the price on the menu and made the claim that it was delicious after having already accepted the cost, ruling out the whole "overcharged" factor.

    I'd like to know what truly makes you happy. Not I-got-what-I-paid-for satisfied, but deeply and deliriously ecstatic.

    Cooking a steak medium-well is really not much of a challenge. Maybe you should start ordering your steaks medium-rare. Then, on the off chance you actually recieve one cooked that way, you'll have something to smile about. 🙂

    – Orin

  65. Hi BB,Edith and all,
    Sorry to read you had suffered a relapse BB but good also to read you are back on the mend.
    I had quite a good time at 'Butlins'holiday camp.
    To give you an Idea about the holiday camp.
    If 'Walt Disney' had a poor distant relative his name would have been 'Billy Butlin'lol.
    They had a shooting gallery on the camp and to my suprise the little break barrel .177s were really good quality.
    It was the first time I had shot an air rifle with fibre optic front and rear sites.
    Very impressive.
    I didn't win a prize though because 'Mr Pedantic' who ran the stall pointed out that 1 of my 5 shots in a 2cm circle had straddled the printed boarder.
    It did, by about 0.5 of a mm.
    That guy sure didn't want to give away his stuffed furry toys:)
    I tried to identify the rifle but with it being chained to the counter and folk waiting to shoot I failed to do so i'm afraid.

  66. Orin,

    Perhaps my sources are more reliable. But the point is, even if demand (or supply) were unpredictable (or unreliable) it is unfair to either 1) make a customer wait indefinitely, or 2) make them pay multiple shipping for having to split the order. That's all. It's really just a matter of principle.

    It's not that I'm frustrated that the anticipated delivery of a given item in my order keeps being pushed back. I fully realize that that may not be in the vendor's control. It's the fact that the remaining items in my order are being held hostage to that delay and I am asked to ransom them by paying shipping for them separately, which means essentially that they want me to agree to put those in-stock items into a separate order. That's just wrong.

    Here's why it's wrong, it's a subtle point: I, the customer, know going in to the transaction that an item is out of stock and agree to the delayed delivery of my entire order. So far so good for all concerned. But now, during the wait, another item goes out of stock which was in stock at the time I ordered it, and now that pushes the anticipated delivery of all my items back even further. At that instant, the tables turned and the vendor became unfair to his customer, because now, a) the initial delayed delivery promise timeframe is broken, and b) the item that was promised to be in stock at time of order is now no longer in stock, through no fault of the customer. It's not frustration, it's a matter of principle. The only correct solution is to immediately ship the already sold (but not yet charged) items as soon as stock dwindles and charge for them. And eat the shipping. Period.

    Interesting that they contacted you twice since February to ask if you wanted to make changes. I've never been contacted about my January order.


  67. Slinging Lead, Matt61, and TwoTalon:

    I got my RWS 54 back from Umarex yesterday. They replaced the pull rod and told me they found absolutely nothing wrong with the gun. They also maintain that what I described happened is impossible. Of course, the experiment that I authorized them to make with my gun they did not do: and that was to pull the cocking lever back 2/3 of the way through the cocking stroke and while it was under tension take a Dremel and cut through the pull rod to see what would happen, and then prove or disprove that the breech could then be slammed closed again by pulling the trigger.

    So I give up. I won't try the experiment myself unless the pull rod breaks again (I bought a replacement in advance this time), and if it does happen, I will document the whole bear trap release thing with my daughter's Flip digital video camera and post it for you. Don't hold your breath, S.L., my spindly arms are hardly up to the task of pulling that lever in the first place, let alone brutally yanking it back as you so obstreperously suggest, so I hereby obsequiously submit (ahem, S.L.) to TwoTalon's assertion that I must've been wrong or in the T.Z. that day, until I can prove otherwise.


  68. AlanL,

    I too have been caught up in that same "rolling out of stock" situation conundrum, but with different results.

    If I need or want what remains of my order now, I give PA a call and they'll ship and bill what's in stock, leaving the back order standing unless I cancel it. They have never charged me shipping on the back ordered item(s) when they finally are in stock and shipped to me.

    My suggestion is to try doing it that way and see what happens.

    Mr B.

    PS rikib, I really liked your second quote–report card just came out. Will use it when discussing grades with Darling Daughter.

  69. Mr.B,

    That is precisely the correct thing for them to do. I would be very happy with that. But when I have called them more than once), I was told in no uncertain terms, always by the same customer service person that that was not an option. If I wanted to split the order I had to pay. Perhaps she's the new girl there, or maybe the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing at PA.


  70. AlanL

    Just for clarification, it is my TX200 that requires the cocking lever be pulled with zeal (only at the end of the cocking stroke.)

    I can pull the lever back on my Diana as slowly as I want, and it will still cock, and I strongly suggest you do the same– especially if you ingested spinach with your most recent meal.

    I believe that what you say happened, happened. Why would a man with a family, a business, and a closet full of dreamy airguns waste his valuable time writing to a blog trying to convince people of a lie? You could be laying by the poolside, heckling golfers.

    The skepticism of some is certainly due to the simple construction of the anti-beartrap mechanism.

    On the TX200 the ABT is more like voodoo, because you can't see it. The three slashes in the compression tube that I thought were stylistic touches are actually one half of the ratchet. When you cock the rifle, this piece disappears and you don't see what is going on.

    The Diana sidelevers are different.
    The ABT ratchet is obvious as it stands up in the bottom of the compression chamber and looks like the cartoon version of an Arkansas razorback. You can actually see the edge of the compression tube engaging each tooth of the ratchet. This means your ABT failed in it's job somehow, to allow the compression tube to slam home. The simplicity of the design makes it difficult to understand how this could happen, but like you say, it did.

    I would have a very close look at that ABT, and try to figure out exactly how it failed. The T.Z. is a possible explanation, but not a very likely one!;^)

  71. Kevin,

    Did anyone ever respond to this question you asked?:

    "I have a question about stock. You've probably seen the buzz on other forums recently about PA discontinuing the VERY popular JSB exact express pellets (blue tin). This move by PA has lead to speculation that this pellet is no longer being manufactured. Can you tell us whether it was merely a business decision on PA's part to quit carrying this pellet or is there any truth to the rumor that the manufacturer has quit making this pellet?"

    I've read all of the comments, and didn't see a response. Since you have raised the question, I am curious too.


  72. Donkeyscrump

    Sorry to hear about your experience at Big Billy Buttlins Burger Barn Buffet and Holiday Camp.

    We have tourist traps in America too.

    The next time one of those greasy inbred carnival barkers tries to screw you out of parting with one of his priceless artifacts, I suggest you whip out the bolt cutters and say something like:

    "Keep your Spongebob doll, you filthy Carny… as it was one of these rifles I was wanting anyway."
    Snip snip.

    It is a win/win situation because you get a nice air rifle and he gets a gentle reminder that he is malodorous unkempt scum, and should go back to cheating the elderly out of their savings, and stealing candy from babies.

    Welcome back Dave.

    WV: somyside. As in, "Always look at the somyside of life."

  73. AlanL,

    Thanks for the clarification. I know you've said the same thing multiple ways in the last couple of days, but for some reason, I thought you were upset at more than just the rolling back-order thing.

    That situation would be equally frustrating if it happened to me. It sucks to be at somebody else's mercy and not be presented with any agreeable alternatives. I think that is at the core of great customer service – presenting options that allow the customer to feel like he has maintained some semblance of control in an unfavorable environment.

    Fortunately for me, PA has done exactly that. I didn't mention it, but the order that is still delayed is only part of the original order. It was split once already, and certain in-stock items were sent, with no additional shipping charges applied to either portion. Maybe it had something to do with the items on order, or maybe it was the service rep that I spoke with. I don't know. It's really unfortunate that you've been left with a sour taste in your mouth over this experience, because IMHO, PA is one of the better companies to deal with.

    – Orin

  74. Orin,
    I agree that "PA is one of the better companies to deal with". That is why they need to be made fully aware of this seemingly easy to rectify situation.

    If a customer orders a backordered item knowingly, he should be given the options he is now: ship in-stock items and backorder separately(and pay) or wait for the backorder. The one thing that shouldn't happen is for the order to be held past the original backordered item's arrival. Items that are in-stock at the time of the order should be de-allocated from the inventory database, though the physical picking can wait for the backorder should the customer choose that option.

    If a customer orders an item incorrectly declared "in stock" at the time of the order, the "in stock" items should ship, and PA should take care of the shipping on the backordered item, although there is nothing wrong with offering the option to wait. In this case in particular, I feel that the customer should not be charged 2x shipping.

  75. Slinging Lead:
    Cheers mate I roared laughing:)
    I can see why these particular rifles were chained up,being they were so good, but what is the explanation for the usual hunk of junk carnival guns?
    The one's with bent barrels/sights and bite marks in the stock.
    Can I forward a theory?
    To stop you shooting the stall holder or prizes in frustration.

  76. AlanL, you could easily (and non-destructively) reproduce those conditions by slipping the pin out that holds the cocking rod to the piston. First take out the 'E' clip, then partially cock the gun, then yank the pin.

    As others have pointed out, when the gun is cocked 2/3 the only thing holding the piston/cylinder in that position is the anti-beartrap (ABT). And the ABT has NO connection to the trigger whatsoever, so there's no way yanking the trigger will cause it to release.


    The ratchet teeth on the ABT are small. The engagement depth is relatively shallow, and I always thought that it would be fairly easy for the cylinder to blow past them. I'm wondering if the ABT had caught the piston (as it's supposed to do), but perhaps it caught on the edge of a ratchet tooth. 'Knife's edge', so to speak, very insecure. When you pulled the trigger nothing happened inside the gun (it can't at that point), BUT the piston coincidentally slipped off the ratchet tooth at that same moment, jumped over the others, and slammed home. I'd love to take a peek at both the ratchet and the bottom of the piston to see if there's any sign of that happening…

    I've tinkered with a lot of stuff over the years, and frankly I find the above scenario – unlikely as it is – to be entirely plausible.

  77. DaveUK
    Glad to see you back from your holiday.

    IMHO s&h charges are also for profit as I have returned various items to different companies. It does not cost me near as much to return an item as I was charged to receive it.

    There have been so many opinions expressed here about backorders and holding stock it is hard to sort through them all. The underlying opinion as I see it is that customer service/satisfaction should come first, regardless of how much you spend.


  78. Vince,

    I'll take as detailed a picture of the teeth as I can and post them.

    The possible problem I see with yanking the pin out is that I'd have to do it under great tension. The point here is that I can't do it with the piston already engaged by a tooth (right at the "click") but rather between teeth, after I hear a click and before I hear the next click, while only I am holding the full load. This means I'd have to be doing that while somebody else pulls the pin. Since the pin head is not too thick, flat and up tight against the lever, there's not enough purchase (I think) unless I really clamp heck out of it with a vise grip. If that doesn't work I'm back to reproducing the "accident" by snapping the pull rod. I'm sure this would happen before the fiber cutting wheel gets even half way through it.

    I'll let you know when the pics are up.


  79. rikib:
    Thanks,but Butlins is more an experience than a holiday.
    The whole of British culture under one roof:(

    I saw my dads new(second hand)Webley Eclipse last Sunday.
    It looked a bit worse for wear.
    Slight rusting on the barrel,underleaver and Spring housing plus the stock was dented scratched and very dull.
    It seemed a little underpowered but was quite accurate at 40ft range with open sites.
    I have checked out Spares and tune up kits for the rifle and there are plenty of potential improvements.
    However it is my dads rifle and it's up to him whether to spend the money on it or not.
    I will see if he wants to swap for my Chinese sidelever.

  80. KeithCR,

    The Avanti is Daisy's line of precision BB rifles. The 845 Mentor is a single stroke pneumatic while the 499 Champion uses a spring piston power plant. Both are intended for youngsters who are just learning how to shoot or who want to compete seriously. Daisy proclaims these to be one of the most accurate BB rifles in the World. This link will take you to Daisy's website and paging down, you can review detailed specs on the 499 Champion:


    The 845 Mentor is not that easy to find on the Daisy website but Pyramydair does carry it and this link will take you there:


    Actually, PA carries both. So to answer youR question, the two rifles are not similar and one does not take up were the other leaves off. Referring to the Daisy website, you can see the progression of rifles by the price tags, with the higher price usually providing more features (trigger adjustability, stock adjustabilty, better sights and so on).

    I hope I have answered your question.

    Fred PRoNJ

  81. AlanL,

    Your question about the differences between the two HW50S rifles has been discussed extensively amongst me and Pyramyd AIR employees. They're going to check out some things on Monday, and then I'll let you know why there are 2 and what the differences are (if any).

    My gut instinct says that one gun came from Beeman in California and has Beeman literature, warranty, etc., in the box. The other one that's out of stock will be the new rifles coming in direct from Germany and not have the Beeman literature. Don't hold me to this…it's just a guess.


  82. A couple quotes from someone you may not have thought of:

    "If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery."
    John Paul Jones

    "It seems to be a law of nature, inflexible and inexorable, that those who will not risk cannot win."
    John Paul Jones

    His name just popped into my head for some reason.


  83. RikiB,

    What book are you getting your quotes from? I only ask because I have one called the Quotationary that you would probably really like. It basically a dictionary of quotes, organized by subject. About the size of a medium-large dictionary, too.

    – Orin

  84. rikib,

    You are a bad man. With your point to that site you have just cost me hours of my life and fuelled my addiction.
    No wonder you spend a lot of time there. Check out Winston Churchill. He was political genius personified.


  85. Vince,

    My pictures turned out poorly. I have to try again tomorrow. The real bear is getting in there and photographing the teeth from the back side. I experimented with a mirror on a stick. No good. I have to borrow a little one with a flexible goose neck from a dentist.


  86. Now this has got to be a classic if you really think about it:

    Dying is the most embarrassing thing that can ever happen to you, because someone's got to take care of all your details.
    Andy Warhol

    Okay, no more quotes from my end tonight since I have revealed my source. Just search for someone or something that comes to mind, you'll be amazed.


  87. Herb,

    I was actually hoping you or Jane would chime in. Thanks. There is some really interesting info in the direction you pointed me. X-Zylo. That is exactly the toy I was envisioning.

    In your opinion, do you think the concept could work? The "laminar flow wing bent into a circle" suggestion seems like it would have a lot of potential (I'm envisioning an engine cowling), providing the spin rate of an airgun could actually stabilize it, but the challenge would be creating a sabot to work with it. You would almost have to encase the entire projectile, inside and out, to prevent deformation from back pressure or rifling, so as not to compromise the low-drag design.

    It seems like a fair amount of study was accomplished with higher power rifles and supersonic velocities in mind. I just have to wonder how the results would differ when adapted to the operating environment of airguns.

    Time to start drilling holes in some crow mags… 🙂

    – Orin

  88. Rikib: Wow, John Paul Jones said all that? Got any from Jimmy Page?

    We shot the first DIFTA field target match of the year last weekend. As is becoming the norm, I had a complete blast. I was thinking a lot of Wayne and friends at Temecula (Wayne, did you feel the positive waves I was sending?). We had about as much of the Temecula experience as is possible at DIFTA: winds at 20-30 mph in the open all day long, and still pretty wicked in the woods on the course. It was amazing watching the veterans, especially the 12-fpe maniacs, holding five and six inches off to the side… and hitting stuff! I want to see what that sight picture looks like through a fixed-35x (or did they click for windage?…). I can only imagine what that Temecula course must be like. The addition of that one-shot-per-target setup sounds utterly diabolical. If I hadn’t seen pics of LD, it’d be easy to visualize him as Dr. Evil, complete with lap cat and diabolical laugh.

    Tom/Edith: I bagged Long Tom for the first time last weekend. The guy I was shooting with got him twice!

    I’m getting more and more hooked on FT. Wayne, don’t judge me too harshly, but I think I might experiment just a little bit with… clicking! Gasp! And I feel myself getting sucked quickly into the equipment vortex. I remain committed, for the moment, to the notion of playing the game with a daily shooter. But I can tell that it won’t be long before said daily shooter becomes the S410 than Kevin and Wayne long since ensured I must have. The only question is whether that’s a direct flight, or one with a layover in Marauder Town.


  89. rikib,

    No joke. Will check out the auto parts store but suspect the mirrors they have will be too large to fit inside the back part of the breech opening. But I appreciate the suggestion.


  90. GenghisJan,

    Glad you enjoyed the first match of the season and got Long Tom for the first time.

    When is the next match? I need to put my kids on their own for a day and get up there!

    Have you heard about Greg Davis and the tune he does on a Marauder? I ran into a guy that swears by the magic Greg has performed on a Marauder for him. So much so that he's sent 4 more guns to Greg for his complete tune.

    Unfortunatly he was packed up and leaving the range when I got there, so I didn't get a chance to see the gun shoot. He was claiming less than an inch at 100 yards.

    Mr B.

    wv = fiend

  91. GenghisJan,

    Congrats on nailing Long Tom. When Tom and I were still at DIFTA, most people didn't get him. However, Ray & Hans Apelles usually nailed him 2x.


  92. Mr B.,

    So you and I have both had near misses with Greg Davis-tuned Marauders. At last weekend’s DIFTA match, one shooter had a Marauder. I asked him if I could sample it after the match, and he said I could shoot it all I wanted. I got distracted afterwards and headed home without trying anybody else’s gun. I found out later that it was a GD Marauder, so I’m doubly bummed that I didn’t give myself time to try out the candy-shop of swanky airguns after the match!

    The next DIFTA match is on May 8, with a “fun” match on May 15. Think you can make one or both? I may have to miss the May 8 match, or at least might not be able to shoot it (my wifey is out of town that weekend, and I haven’t managed to line up childcare just yet).

    What range do you shoot at, BTW?


    WV: "fordsto." I had considered getting an SHO years ago, but hadn't heard of this new model.

  93. AlanL,

    Your suggestions regarding the shipment of backordered items have been forwarded to the highest levels at Pyramyd AIR.
    They're now reviewing their policy.


    The same people reviewing AlanL's suggestions are now trying to get
    an answer regarding the JSB pellets that were discountinued. Just want to make sure that
    these are pellets you're talking about. Please confirm.


  94. GenghisJan,

    I've put both the 15th and 8th on the calendar, but probably for an either or.

    I'm a member of the Berwyn Rod and Gun Club. It's a no blue sky range just outside Bowie with rifle–100yards max, hand guns, pellet guns and full auto. No .50 BMG cartridges, and nothing that generates over 8,000 ft-lbs.

  95. Edith: Thanks! Can’t wait for a chance to shoot with those Apelles bros. and other luminaries like that Wacky Mr. Burns.

    Mr B.: Also can’t wait to shoot with you sometime. Keep me posted on which May date you choose. Bring your kid(s?) if they have the slightest interest. Your range sounds nice. I had to google “no-blue-sky.” Very interesting. Too bad about that 8,000-fpe limit; guess that rules out your Disco.


  96. Herb and Orin……
    You could make some gimmick hollow pellets out of extruded rat turds mixed with gold paint.

    You could label them as 'organic', 'environmentally friendly', and 'super hyper velocity'.

    You could label them as "Craptors" or "Rat Magnums" and make a lot of money selling them at Walmart.

    They should sell very well to Gamo owners who want to hunt wild pigs.


  97. Kevin (/Edith),

    Whew… For a moment there I thought you might have been talking about the 14.3 gr JSB Exacts (also blue tin). I was preparing to order a massive amount to stock up. Guess I can leave my pennies in the jar for now.


  98. GenghisJan,

    Dang, I think somebody is Vulcan Mind Melding me. It might already be too late for a patent. I know I'm not the only person who has thought of this, but seriously…

    A few days ago, I asked the question about tubular pellets. Yesterday, a prototype drawing shows up on the Yellow. Last night, I mention drilling holes in some Crow Mags. A few hours later, somebody has already posted pics of a bored out Predator. At this accelerated rate, since the idea of a patent has been mentioned, it's probably already a done deal. 🙂

    There's got to be something in the air.

    – Orin

  99. GenghisJan,

    I was leaving the choice up to you, I can make either one. My youngest is 16. She and her two brothers for sure are ok for a long day w/o Dad.

    I don't have anything to shoot except .22. Maybe I need to get a .177 barrel for my Talon SS ASP? Suggestions please.

    Mr B.

    WV = lotorme–a weird brain surgery?

  100. Vince,

    Perhaps you overestimate my technical perspicacity; my mechanical abilities are confined to raising the fork from my plate to the sound hole in my face, although now that I have Nick's Chapman set I might venture to try it. You wouldn't happen to have a simple "how to" now, would you? Keep in mind that simplicity is a relative term…


  101. To the Complaint Dept,

    Under Click for specifications please include the length of the barrel for all the PCP's. Some have it while others do not.

    For example the Marauder Pistol gives overall length, but not its barrel's length.

    Mr B.

  102. Mr. B….
    My SS was a real air sucker in .177 until I cranked the tophat down a lot.

    I think the pellets got out of the barrel a whole lot faster than the valve could operate.

    The tophat has to be adjusted back out some if I switch to .22


  103. Volvo,

    Thanks for the offer, but I already have my holster for the Single Six; now I just need the gun.

    rikib, yes leather maintenance like you do for boots was my idea, but I was wondering if there is a specific product that's good that can only be found through experience.

    Kevin, thanks for the details. I've only heard of saddle soap in Western novels where it is supposed to be the aroma of real men. Maybe I'll give this a try with the Molten Venuses on the shooting line. Thanks for the reference to the Lexol.

    On this subject, I'm wondering what exactly oil does to protect leather. For metal, I believe that it blocks oxygen from oxidizing with the metal to cause rust. For leather, I'm guessing that it also blocks the air to keep it from drying out (evaporating) the leather and making it brittle. Yes? What would the conditioner be for?

    PZ, you have clearly had the experience of the great shot. While God may be involved, I suspect that this higher awareness is the sign of the subconscious kicking in. The implication is that everyone, through their subconscious, can be an Olympic shooter just like, according to a psychology lecture I heard in med school, everyone remembers every single thing that happens to them like a savant. Those with "good" memories just have a better way of accessing the information. Continuing the analogy, one wonders how to access the subconscious on a regular basis.

    The devil in this is that as soon as you start analyzing it, it disappears. I was reading a novel about a Japanese samurai who accessed a higher state in battle and was cutting down Mongol warriors right and left. They all ran away. But as soon as he realized what state he was in, it disappeared and left him vulnerable to a volley of arrows.

    I'm calling on Miyamoto Musashi who sayeth that when faced with an overwhelming obstacle, you wear it down by cutting off the corners. This sounds like David Tubb's method of breaking the shooting process down systematically, so you're dealing with one part at a time rather than the whole thing.

    For each part, I have added a certain fullness via the Centurion Effect. This creates a space for the subconscious to assert itself and more often than not it does. I got the idea by watching some doctors perform an angioplasty which involves threading a wire up through the femoral artery all the way to the heart where they break up a blockage. I asked them how they could possibly negotiate the maze of veins and arteries which (appearing on an x-ray) makes the most complicated freeway system look trivial by comparison. They said that they didn't have to other than having a basic idea of where to go. When they come to a junction, they put a little tension on the wire, and it finds the right way automatically. Put a little stress on the system and the solution appears which is an adage that I've heard of in engineering contexts.

    So, what I get out of this is that you break up the shooting process into repeatable parts and create a space for the subconscious to work. I think this must be the key. I'll let you know if I shoot a fantastic score. 🙂


  104. Donkeyscrump,

    Tough luck with the circus vendor. You can take some inspiration from a bad but entertaining film called Darkman. This guy suffers an accident which gives him superhuman strength and destabilizes him in the process to make him the Darkman. He catches up with his long lost girlfriend and, with his best preppy look–a sweater with a shirt collar poking out, takes her out to a circus. They go to a shooting gallery where he wins a big stuffed elephant fair and square. However, the obnoxious vendor, sizing him up as a wimp, refuses to give him the elephant. The Darkman gets agitated and insists. His girlfriend gets upset and tries to pull him away. The vendor slits his eyes, stabs his fingers in the Darkman's chest and says, "Get out of here, weirdo."

    That's it. Powers unchained. The Darkman gives the fingers a yank which leaves them hanging like deflated balloons. The girlfriend starts screaming. Looking totally berserk, he thrusts the elephant at her saying, "Take the f—- elephant," and runs away to compose himself.

    Actually, I gave a gallery owner grief in a more legal way by missing every single target with his airgun. I think he considered this a bad advertisement for his equipment, so he loaded up and proceeded to demolish all the targets–just to show it could be done I suppose.


  105. Edith re Apelles “bros.”: Blush. I suppose that’s my slow-witted way of complimenting Hans on his youthful good looks.

    Orin: When Kevin first pointed out the Yellow thread that shortly followed your posts here, I was wondering whether the Yellow poster was you. I’m still ASSuming that it was inspired by the discussion here. Not that we all haven’t seen much wilder coincidences than that! Forget the patent – give Josef Schulz Bohumín a ring and see if he’ll run off a batch of prototypes for you!

    Mr B.: I’ll vote for the May 15 “fun” match since I’m questionable for the 8th and would like to meet you in person. One caveat, though: I have no idea what a “fun” match is. Hopefully, it is, er, “fun” without somehow watering down the FT experience (listen to me, talking like some hardcore FT purist after three matches!). I’ve only ever shot FT with my .22 Disco, and it hasn’t prevented me from thoroughly enjoying myself. Also, from experimentation with the beater FT targets on our club’s airgun range and other steel targets, I’m confident that the Disco is not in any way beating up on the targets (the only real rationale behind the 20 fpe limit AFAIK). For good measure, starting last week, I even switched from the JSB 15.8gr ammo to the AA-branded but presumably JSB-based 13.43gr pellets, based on my wild-guess, seat-of-pants reckoning that this would get me closer to (or under?!?) 20 fpe. So I say bring whatever equipment you most enjoy shooting. Better yet, bring your Talon and your Disco – I bet lots of folks (me included) would love to get a look at (and a few rounds with!) both!


  106. GenghisJan
    Here are a few, sorry to take so long:

    I may not believe in myself, but I believe in what I'm doing.
    Jimmy Page

    I always believed in the music we did and that's why it was uncompromising.
    Jimmy Page

    I'm just looking for an angel with a broken wing.
    Jimmy Page

    I've heard this quote so many times, but I could not believe who it came from:
    A picture is worth a thousand words.
    Napoleon Bonaparte


  107. Matt61,

    You are correct. The goal of any leather conditioner is to maintain the oils so the leather doesn't dry out/become brittle. A good conditioner does this but without the "natural" ingredients that would deteriorate/decompose.

    Unlike metal, your goal in conditioning leather isn't to block air, since after tanning leather you can accelerate decomposition by blocking air, but to replenish the natural oils with a product that doesn't decompose.

    Lexol makes a cleaner and a conditioner.

    The purpose of the cleaner is to extract impurities (dirt, sweat, etc.) from the pores of the leather so a conditioner can penetrate properly.

    Saddle soap also has a cleaner but just like the conditioner you must work both into a proper lather and most people make the lather too thick.

    Lexol cleaner and conditioner is premixed so these mistakes are avoided.

    One of my first important jobs in my youth was maintaining bridles and saddles. One thing I was taught was that you must spend more time cleaning leather than conditioning. A good analogy is maintaining the finish of your automobile.

    Unless you've spent the necessary time making sure the finish on your auto is clean, any polish/conditioner can ruin your paint since you're just grinding dirt further into the surface.

    Too many people just buy a leather conditioner and skip the most important step which is cleaning the leather first.


  108. I thought this was quite funny. Maybe this is what lead to the invention of home video and the pause button.

    The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.
    Alfred Hitchcock


  109. Frank B,

    You've done yourself proud with those DAQs. Beautiful wood. What's it sound like with the LDC?


    I was going to ask you if the 15th would be ok. I'll be there with both guns, but they're both .22's.


    I've got motorcycle leathers that are 32 years old and still soft and supple thanks to Lexol. Love the stuff.

    PZ and Matt61,

    When I'm in the zone, time stops with the cross hairs dead nuts on the bull, a 10 every time. Unfortunatly, that is an elusive zone. I have yet to get ten in a row.


    Thanks what is your top hat setting? Is this your Condor tank or a Talon SS tank? Should I get the 24" barrel or the 12" one and why? Thank you sir.

    Mr B.

  110. Relatively slow here tonight. Watching the original "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". Maybe I'm just an old sap but why can't they make movies like this anymore.


  111. AlanL,

    I always felt the fact that PA dangles the free shipping option as a carrot to get you to spend more and then invariably backorders an item and charges you for shipping was genius. Or at least on par with any used car sales managers warranty plan.

    Looking at the bright side once you get really heavy into this, those back orders become little mini surprises. Long forgotten, I have received pellets and other odds and ends seemingly out of know where. How fun.

    Now what really does chap my buttocks is the adult signature rule. Many moons ago PA also applied this policy to pellets, if you can imagine that. I would say the number one reason I sometimes buy elsewhere is due to the signature hassle.

    I messed up; I meant the belt, not the holster. I have a medium that no longer fits me; if you don’t have one for your holster you can have it for the cost of shipping.

    Frank B,
    Those are some stunning rifles. I would guess they are a pleasure to shoot also.

  112. Volvo,

    I just checked with Pyramyd AIR, and no adult signature is required for pellets. If you have the order # of a pellet shipment that required a signature, please forward it to me so I can bring it to Pyramyd Air's attention.


  113. Rikib: fantastic Jimmy Page quotes. Still, I’m going to petition the http 3.0 RFC for a "deadpan" tag.

    Mr B.: Excellent news! See you on the 15th!

    Frank B re DAQ slideshow: Gorgeous. Droooool.

    All: Kevin recently uttered the most hilarious thing on an older blog:

    "I'm not an airgun pistol guy but do own eight airgun pistols."


  114. I haven't had a problem with PyramydAir customer service for more than 3 years. Why? Because I choose to shop elsewhere.

    Here's an excerpt from a post I left in Feb 2007

    "….(Pyramyd Air) customer service is regrettably lacking.

    My own *recent* experience includes:
    Online merchandise availability is never accurate, backordered items are incrementally shipped with petty shipping charges added contrary to originating order terms, technical inquiries are never answered, email inquires are ignored, account credits are promised but never delivered, customer service is never available by phone within any reasonable time frame, etc, etc, etc…..

    I shop extensively online, and unfortunately find that Pyramyd falls short. I want to do business here, but until the situation changes I’ll purchase from the competitors.

    Mr. Ungier should look to the service provided by MidwayUSA, Dillon Precision, and Amazon for guidance.

    Go ahead and delete this post, but please also pass it up the command chain."

    AlanL's experience suggests things have not changed much in the past 3 years

    Here is a copy of a firearm oriented merchant's backorder policy which demonstrates the way business should be conducted.

    "This product is temporarily out of stock. If you wish to backorder it, select OK. If you prefer to omit this item from your order and continue shopping select Cancel. Submit your order by adding the item to your cart and completing the ordering process. Your credit card will not be charged until the backordered item becomes available for shipment. If your order includes in-stock items, those items will be charged and shipped immediately. Shipping fees will not be increased to cover the cost of multiple shipments. Should you wish to hold the entire order until the backordered item is available, please indicate this in the special instructions field displayed in the ordering process."

  115. … Your credit card will not be charged until the backordered item becomes available for shipment. If your order includes in-stock items, those items will be charged and shipped immediately. Shipping fees will not be increased to cover the cost of multiple shipments.

    It is great that a company can afford not to charge extra for multiple shipments, but this is the exception, not the rule. I do plenty of online shopping myself, and have never found a company that would eat the cost for multiple shipments due to back-ordered items. I'm not saying such companies don't exist, just that I haven't been privy to those shopping experiences. In fact, the first time I saw the above statement from any particular merchant, I would consider it a red flag. I would assume there was more than enough padding built into the retail price to compensate for such instances, and would probably be prompted into shopping around for a better deal before hitting the "Add to Cart" button.

    Whenever PA has volunteered to split my orders and not charge extra for shipping, I always felt like they were doing me a favor. I guess it's all about perspective.

    I accept that businesses don't keep their doors open by giving things away. One company will have the lowest prices, another the best service, another might offer free shipping, etc, etc. No company can afford to offer the best of everything and still turn a profit. Some retailers can afford to be highly competitive on multiple levels. Maybe it's because they have a better business plan or more buying power or more advanced service training, or who knows what. This is the category that I feel PA fits into.

    Personally, I would rather PA doesn't pay for the extra shipping charges, doesn't try to recuperate those expenses in some other fashion (like by boosting mark-up), and continues to empower me to make my own decisions regarding out-of-stock items. If I was prodded for a solution, I would suggest that PA update the Terms and Conditions section (and maybe post some additional disclaimers) to specify the details pertaining to shipping costs and back-ordered items. I would hazard a guess that most people don't find the current policy/procedure distasteful. However, maybe if it were better communicated, the occasional preconception about how it “should” be might not cause so much dismay.

    That's just my 3.5 cents.

    – Orin

  116. Wait… I almost forgot that the theme this weekend is gripes.

    It seriously irks me that Tom’s health isn't back to 100% yet. What's taking so long? I need the rest of my .25 Marauder review fix! 🙂

    – Orin

  117. I can't help it, the more I read it! If this weekends theme was gripes one of mine would have to be someone with a lot of complaints hiding behind "anonymous". Well there, I've finally said it. Been annoying me for hours.


  118. Edith,

    Sorry I was not clear, but the signature for pellets no longer applies thankfully, but it still does for air guns. Some other vendors do not requires this, you simply authorize on line that you are an adult.

  119. One of my gripes is people that believe that "Anonymous" is any different than offering a name, sign-on, or label. This is a blog. You can call yourself Captain Kangaroo, and would that offer any more familiarity?

    Most people on a blog never meet (still anonymity). Some do for field target, and share other activities, and experiences based on their choice.

    I've gotten more useful information from some that did not take the time to label themselves, than others that do. Learn to see past your nose.

  120. Volvo,

    Volvo said, "Many moons ago PA also applied this policy to pellets, if you can imagine that. I would say the number one reason I sometimes buy elsewhere is due to the signature hassle."

    Nowhere does it say that they did this only for a while. You continue in the same paragraph to state that you buy elsewhere due to the need for a signature. You didn't indicate that the signature you currently dislike is the one for airguns, not pellets.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding.


  121. "Many moons ago" implies past. Currently it is known that the policy is not still in effect. Therefore, you would be able to infer that "it was only for a while". There in lies the comprehesion. Communication is key to understanding.

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