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Education / Training BRV – Part 1

BRV – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

Update on Tom/B.B.: On Sunday morning, Tom’s white cell count skyrocketed and two more pancreatic cysts were discovered. He’s been transferred to a regional trauma center to receive care from doctors and nurses who specialize in his type of medical situation. We were very relieved once he was situated in the new hospital. They immediately made changes to his protocols, medication, etc. An interesting discovery…the gallons and gallons of fluid in his abdomen is pure bile! I have no idea how long it would have taken the other hospital to discover this. This is progress, and both Tom and I are grateful for the change of venue.

Now, on to today’s blog!

by Edith Gaylord

I originally wrote my air rifle BRV (benchrest) experiences for The Airgun Letter. Tom was already shooting field target matches, and our gun club wanted to hold air rifle benchrest. So, I decided to do the shooting this time to give Tom a break since he was also going to be the BRV match director.

Although I’m not a good shot, I discovered that I actually enjoyed the matches because I wasn’t depending on my skills to hold the gun. Instead, I could concentrate on doping the wind, remembering to squeeze the trigger instead of pulling it, concentrating on shooting my targets instead of my neighbor’s and balancing my gun the same way every time.


Our test match was held on a really cold day. If you saw this in color, you’d see that my fingers were just as blue as my jacket.

First, let’s have a test match
Our club had to qualify to hold benchrest matches, so we had to hold a test match with at least three competitors. Two of the club’s field target shooters volunteered to participate in the test match. I was the third. Match day was icy, rainy, even sleeting at times. Nevertheless, all three competitors stuck with it and finished the match…with blue lips and fingertips!

One of the things that I find most frustrating is being righthanded and left-eye dominant. I can shoot with my left hand, but not with any semblance of accuracy. We originally discovered that I was left-eye dominant when Tom handed me a camera (pre-digital), and I automatically put the view finder up to my left eye.

To make it easier for me to shoot benchrest without having to train to use my right eye for scoping, we needed to locate a suitable scope mount that would accommodate my cross-eyed dominance.


My “out-rigger” scope mount. I couldn’t just rest the rifle when I was done shooting. I had to lay it down or lean it against something so it wouldn’t fall over.

I tried everything to find a suitable offset mount, but nothing off the shelf worked for me. Dan Bechtel, who owned B-Square at the time, said he’d send us some mounts that might work. Those mounts moved the scope about an inch to the left, and I needed a shift of 2-5/8 inches. Gary Barnes, who made the Barnes Ranger I was using as my match rifle, agreed to make some custom mounts for the gun. Finally, I was set to go.

Early lessons learned
Here are some of the things I learned from my practice and the first match.

You can cant your rifle if you do it right
I had a level for my gun, which was more of a distraction than an aid. The Airgun Letter had run an article about canting guns, and it said that those who always shoot at the same distance can cant their gun the same way every time and not suffer accuracy problems. Since benchrest is always at the same distance (30 yards for the class I was shooting), I opted for a slight cant. I had to repeat that hold with each shot. But it was natural enough for me to be able to repeat it, and it was easier than trying to always find the exact same spot on the level, which was not a comfortable position for me. Tom always said I was half a bubble off plumb–and I guess this proves it.

Don’t rest your reservoir on anything
Never lay a PCP gun’s reservoir on a rest. You can put the gun’s stock on a rest, but the changes in the reservoir’s pressure will cause variations in point of impact if the reservoir is supporting the gun on a rest. At our first real match, airgunner Earl Brooks was shooting a Daystate CR 97, and he mentioned that where he rested the forearm of his gun also mattered noticeably. That’s probably why Ray Apelles found that his free-floated Career 707 achieved even greater accuracy. The reservoir’s pressure changes really have an effect when you’re shooting at a point that is no larger than an aspirin. That’s the size of the center “mothball” in airgun benchrest.

White bullseyes are much harder to shoot than black ones
It is MUCH easier to hit a traditional black bullseye than the white mothball centers on a BRV target. This was mentally confusing to me. When I mentioned this to BRV founder Larry Brown, he said it was deliberately designed that way. Devious!

Don’t shoot when it’s windy near the shooter
When the wind ruffled my hair, my shots would be off. However, when the wind was blowing only downrange, nearer the target and not around my bench, I shot closer to where I had aimed. Larry confirmed that my assessment was correct–when the pellet comes out of the barrel and is pushed off course immediately, it keeps going further and further off course. But when it leaves the barrel without a breeze, then it’s going downrange on course and will be closer to the point of aim. Seasoned shooters already know this, but I was just learning when I took up benchrest.

Sometimes, harder is easier
Lastly, I found that Shakespeare can be applied to benchrest–“Sweet are the uses of adversity.” I realized that I could estimate the wind downrange and hold a bit to the left or right of the mothball. In fact, I got a higher score than when I shot during a dead-calm moment and aimed directly at the mothball. How could this be? What I had learned was that it was easier for me to hold against something. Some people seem to find it easier to NOT shoot at precisely the perfect time, but at a time when things seem to be working somewhat against them. Maybe I’m just a person who enjoys overcoming obstacles rather than just doing things the easy way.

I shot three matches on my first day (the matches were held on two consecutive days). I tend be observant and was interested to see how minute changes affected my score. By the time I’d shot the third match, my score had tripled. Yes!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

73 thoughts on “BRV – Part 1”

  1. Edith,

    Sorry to hear that Tom is still ailing. Glad to hear someone is figuring out what is wrong.

    God's blessings on Tom, you and the medical staff.

    Al Pellet

  2. Wow!!! I hope Tom is going to get the treatment he needs. He's should really take it easy for a while. Maybe when he gets better, you two can take a nice long relaxing vacation togather.

    Nice picture by the way. You look pretty cool. I'm not sure if it's the airgun, the head band, or your squinting eye facing the camera. Rather cute.

    I can't get my wife near an airgun…..everyone else yes, but not my wife no.

  3. Edith,
    Good article about shooting bench rested air rifles. It seems unusual that there is not a sanctioned 25, 50, or 100 yard BR for airguns at this time, as far as I can tell. I'm not a big fan of benchrest as sport (it strikes me more as testing procedure), but it seems by far the most popular activity in shooting at all levels. Perhaps it is because of the strong association of airguns and 10M competition or the expense to clubs of constructing solid benches…anyway, it is an anomaly. With the ready availability of PCP's and truly amazing scopes at decent prices, Air Rifle BR should be much more popular.

  4. BG Farmer: The US Benchrest Assoc. sanctions five classes of air gun benchrest competition at 25 yards.
    They also sanction rimfire and centerfire rifle competitions and pistol.

    Sorry about Tom–this sounds increasingly serious–and I hope the new docs are on the ball.

  5. Anonymous,

    If you don't like to read the updates, just skip them! I provide them for people who WANT to know more.

    I choose to provide limited info…good news & bad…to mute the rumor mongers (of which there are many)


  6. BG_Farmer,

    Air rifle benchrest has a following, but they just don't advertise it that much. The particular benchrest in my article (BRV) was started by Larry Brown in California. He passed away not too long after our club had it's first year in the sport. I'm quite certain someone in the Northwest continued the sport, but I don't know who it is. That said, there's more than one air rifle benchrest discipline. BRV is just one of them.


  7. Edith..
    Sorry to hear about Tom's extra problems.
    Some doctors care about their patients and want to know EXACTLY what they are looking at. Others are a bunch of dipsticks who should get out of their profession.
    Hopefully the new people are on the ball.

    My brother is also right handed and left eye dominant. He uses what looks like a very awkward hold, but it works for him…somehow.
    He holds the rifle as if he were right handed, but puts the butt against his left shoulder so he can use his left eye. Looks strange but it works for him.


  8. Good morning Edith,

    Who's the "babe" in that picture!? Ha!

    Thanks as always for the time you put into this blog, even during Tom's illness.

    Your updates about PA info and other facts is always well received by those of us who want to learn. Never too old (me) or too smart to learn.

    Sincerely hope that Tom get's a full diagnosis from experts and the treatment that will fix the problems. All the best to Tom.

    Brian in Idaho

  9. twotalon,

    I never thought about putting the butt of the gun on the opposite shoulder. Clever idea!

    I will say that certain stock styles fit me better. For instance, the stock on the Bronco is superb. It's the same as the stock on the Walther lever action rifle. The Western-style stock is popular is popular with a lot of people, regardless of their eye dominance.


  10. Edith

    As you stated, this is very good news about Tom, not about the bile of course but where it will be treated. You don't service a classic Corvette at the GAS-N-GO, as such, Tom deserves specialists. Some of your descriptions of the last place put my teeth on edge.

    Sometimes when you have been headed in the wrong direction, you have to go backward to get to where you want to be.

    WV:trupud. True pud'? intrepid?

  11. Leaking Maurauder

    It may be leaking from the foster fill port. Remove it with a box wrench, not pliers, and remove the old teflon tape. Clean and inspect the threads of the foster fitting. If they are in good shape, carefully wrap the threads with new teflon tape and screw the fitting back into the airtube.

    Hope this helps, happy shooting.

  12. my question refers to a post from 2 days ago.

    simply put why did you pick the CB9 (sheridan blue streak) over the 392? what is the difference besides 20. cal and higher price?

    is seems to me if they are the same, that the 392 would have the edge for surviving with the bigger cal. larger pool of ammo to choose from (different weights of 22 cal pellets). and is cheaper and also found in more local stores (ie academy, cabela's)

    please let me know why you choose 1 over the other.

  13. I have found my Crosman/Benjamin PCP's to leak from the foster fill port and/or the pressure gauge. I actually had to tighten my gauge on my Discovery to the point where aesthetically the dial was not centered to the stock (if reading the gauge, it is spun more to the right). Minor aesthetic issue, and gun now holds air and still shoots straight.

  14. I got my Blogg thing working at last.
    Forgot my darn password to sign in.

    I have not done proper target shooting to be honest.
    Quantity over quality seems to be my style.
    Maybe I should get a sawn off shotgun.lol

  15. Edith,

    I'm so sorry you and Tom are learning the hard way that all docs and all hospitals aren't equal. Some are really better than others, so where you're treated matters. Much good luck with the new set who seem to have a real understanding of the illness and aren't just working from a script.

    I was fascinated by the rig you use for bench rest to accommodate the cross dominance. When you think about it, offsetting the sights is really the same thing as a combination of canting the gun and raising the sight line.

    "God" pulling the trigger. Of course it isn't "God", as I joked a day or two ago, who pulls the trigger; He has more important things to worry about than one more practice shot in my basement.

    It's the proper functioning of the subconscious recognizing the time to fire and executing, bypassing most of the conscious cognitive processes. A. A. Yur 'Yev has lots to say about it in his book "Competitive Shooting" (aka "The Russian Book") that NRA used to publish in translation. Sadly, it's now out of print. It's a heck of a good text!


  16. Anonymous CB9,

    the question you have raised is on par with a discussion on religion, politics and the right motor oil to use for your car/motorcycle. Here's why:

    a .177 pellet will have a flatter trajectory thereby reducing your holdover or holdunder when shooting at a target outside of the area your sights are zeroed for. But, it does not deliver the most kinetic energy to the target (FT. LBS) due to it's light weight.

    A .22 cal pellet has a greater trajectory requiring greater holdover / under for targets closer or father away than where the rifle is sighted in for. However, this delivers much greater energy to the target. The compromise is .20cal.

    So, which is the best pellet to use for hunting and survival? As Senator Howard Baker was once quoted as saying, "I ain't got a dog in this fight". 🙂

    Fred PRoNJ

  17. Anyone thinking about a 48….

    I got my 48 to shoot with open sights. It fit very well for the purpose.
    I thought that installing a scope might help with selecting the best pellets, but was a bit edgy about raising the line of sight with a scope.
    I installed a scope with weaver low mounts and a UTG adapter. The adapter worked as advertised, and the cheap Crosman scope worked better than expected.
    The scope sure looked awful high this way. I found out that the term "cheek weld' no longer applied. It became 'chin weld'. Talk about unstable!!
    The adapter and scope were on the rifle for about an hour and a half.

    Going to scope a 48? Think about it a LONG time.


  18. Dear Edith,

    I said this once before, and now I feel compelled to say it once again, but I promise I shall not do so again: I cannot stress enough how important it is to get the right doctors looking at Tom's case, even if it is only remotely, over the net. I was absolutely shocked to hear of the accumulation of bile. This points to very serious problems. I mentioned that my niece was very nearly killed by an incompetent oaf who sliced through her common duct during her routine gall bladder removal operation. The result was highly corrosive bile leaking internally. Something is causing this leakage in Tom. And he hasn't even had his gall bladder removed yet! In his case I fear this will not be routine. I don't want to be a fear monger but I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it. You cannot be too safe– it is better than being sorry.

    Please consider having your doctors contact Dr. Danny Sleeman at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami for an opinion. He is one of the world's foremost specialists in this field. Please email me or call me if you would like me to help you with this.

    Wishing you both all the best– you are very much in my thoughts.


  19. Anonymous CB9: I believe BB was refering to the older CB9 Sheridan with the rocker safety.The older Sheridans were better made guns. They had heavier pump levers for instance, and better triggers. Their durability was legendary. Sheridans were also one of the few available hunting air rifles of the time, that were designed and promoted for hunting. The pellets were .20 cal ,because when the gun was orginally designed back in the late 1940's, the makers wanted to have only the best pellets for it. They wanted a complete package, and wanted to control all the varible's, including the pellets, so that it's full potential could be realized. They took a huge gamble, and it's a wonder the gun survived as long as it has.
    Until the 1980's ,there were really no .22 springers that could touch it for power at the price. Beeman's even sold them for a while. I have one from 1985, and it has never required service of any kind.
    Now today, there would be little difference between a 392 and what is just a .20 cal 392, in the current, new Crosman version. The current 392 though, is a good gun, and easier to service. I personally would pick it over a .20 cal version , if buying one new now. I would also have it steroided with a more durable pump arm and valve parts. In a pinch, the .22 392 can also use the heavy kodiak pellet to achieve some useful FPE on small game bigger than say rabbits, at closer ranges. Robert

  20. Edith/Tom,
    I am praying for you both and for Tom's speedy recovery. If the doctors can't get him back on his feet, maybe the good Lord can do it for them! Hang in there, keep positive and it will all be behind you before you know it.

  21. Edith,

    Please keep on updating us on Tom's condition. We really care how he is doing. I pray for you two.

    I am dealing with the left dominant/right handed thing too. The only solution I have found that works is aiming with my weaker eye.

    I followed Tom's advice about the stringing. It worked! I really appreciate the fact that, as sick as he is, he offered advice to me.


  22. Anonymous,

    You can select the 392, but Tom always defaults to the .20 caliber when it comes to multi-pumps. I'm pretty sure he feels it's a good compromise and will take game with ease. I don't believe Tom's ever bought a 392, but he's had more than one Sheridan (which are only .20 cal).


  23. Edith,

    Nice rifle. What kind is it? You're obviously of the David Tubb school in a couple of ways. He is a big fan of canting the rifle. And he comes out firmly on the side of correcting for wind near the shooter instead of far away.

    PZ, I actually like the idea of God stepping in and helping with a shot every now and then. As in infinite being, NOTHING is to small for him to consider. But he helps he who helps himself. Too bad your Russian book is out of print; it sounds like just my style.

    TwoTalon, tough luck about scoping the 48, but perhaps a quick fix is in order. With the aid of a $25 attachable cheek pad, I was able to get a good cheek weld on my Savage rifle with high mounts. My B30 has a Monte Carlo stock, and it is just perfect for high mounts. Incidentally, David Tubb has a whole section on "chin guns." As I understood it, these were finally outlawed by some competitive organizations for being too accurate. At any rate, don't miss out on the terrific shooting qualities of the 48 series. I'm on the point of recommending that PA restock the B30. After a few thousand rounds, the trigger has smoothed out and accuracy is stunning. The rifle is so stable it feels like my platform is an aircraft carrier.

    Kevin, thanks for the leather explanation. Makes sense to me.

    Regarding anonymity online, that may not be a bad thing. I read a science fiction book about intergalactic races which got along fine communicating remotely, but when they finally developed the technology to meet in person, certain visceral reactions to physical appearance caused interstellar war to break out. To a human being one creature says:

    "'I see you are sentient, sickeningly so,' honked the creature. 'If you have the organ of speech, I suggest you use it to explain why I should not blast you where you stand on your repulsive meaty digits.'"

    By the way, one of the best parts of Darkman movie is the villain. In the climactic scene, he is mounted in a helicopter shooting some kind of rocket launcher at the Darkman who is leaping among rooftops. After a miss which causes a semi to explode, the villain cries out, "No more, Mr. Nice Guy."…


  24. Matt61:
    I remember the scene from Darkman when he loses his temper with the shooting gallery guy.
    Lucky for this fella at Butlins I was not that keen on his stuffed merchandise:)
    I have to confess though that the distance shot was only about 15ft.

  25. Matt61,

    Interesting quote re the aliens, coming as it does on the heels of Stephen Hawking's warning for us not to actively seek contact with aliens, given that "We have only to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet."

    He states that it's "perfectly rational" to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere just by the numbers, but if they were to visit us they "might simply raid Earth for resources and then move on." Which reminded me of the Twilight Zone episode called "To Serve Man". Ever see that one?


  26. AlanL,

    "To Serve Man" is one of our all-time favorite Twilight Zone episodes. It stars Lloyd Bochner, and he's also in one of the Naked Gun movies. If you haven't seen it, then you need to, because he draws on his Twilight Zone character. Very funny moment! Tom & I howl with laughter when we see it…and I often replay that scene a couple times for some additional chuckles 🙂


  27. AlanL,

    Have never watched Twilight Zone. Maybe I should with the number of comments about it.

    Derrick38 (and everyone else), here's a bike question for you. Does riding up steep hills and/or standing on the pedals to put more force on them increase wear on the chain? This has been a subject of dispute with a friend.


  28. Matt61,

    As I don't stand on the pedals when climbing, I can't help you on this. Hell, if I did have to stand in the pedals, I probably wouldn't have enough energy left to get to the top of the hill. I can tell you that I've only had to replace one set of cassettes on the rear wheel on one of my bikes when I shifted under power and bent a gear tooth. I couldn't stand the "tick, tick, tick" noise everytime the bent tooth was grabbed by the chain.

    I do replace chains regularly, however, and that's probably why I've never had to replace the gear clusters or cassettes.

    Fred PRoNJ

  29. Regarding shooting "against" some adverse circumstance, I have found this to be true, at least to a certain extent. When shooting silhouette with an open sights pistol, I can often do better in five consecutive taken rapidly than in five deliberate, careful shots.

    As if you concentration is heightened by the need to hit to the target fast. However, this may work for four or five shots. If I go on like this, I would likely miss the rest. I find that shooting is also like baseball in that you act without thinking and often do much better. Maybe because you did all the thinking before hand and the skills are there through previous practice.

    PS. Thanks to all those who replied on the adapters for the Disco and scuba tank. Adapters and fittings on their way from PA

  30. slinging lead
    I went to take the foster fitting off my marauder and the whole fill adaptor asy was loose so I unscrewed it and in side the tube was pretty dirty. So I cleaned out the tube. I put some drvers grease
    on the 0 ring, put it back together
    and it seems to be ok. thank you

  31. Matt61

    The extra torque put on a chain when standing and pedaling 'out of the saddle' will indeed wear the chain incrementally faster. This is especially true if you shift gears while applying this extra torque. Additionally, these are prime conditions for breaking a chain.

    Windshield wipers also wear faster if you use them. You certainly would not refrain from using the wipers when its raining to make them last longer. Sometimes you have to get out of the saddle to keep enough momentum to stay upright (or make some cocky SOB eat your dust.)

    If you are worried about chain wear, then clean, dry and lube the chain after every ride. Worn gear clusters and chainrings will also wear out a chain faster. The way to make both last longer is to not run a worn chain. It is all linked together.

    When you must replace the chain or gears, save money by buying online if necessary and doing all the work yourself. This is not a place where you want to scrimp on quality if you enjoy the ability to shift gears.

    Wait, you're not one of those single-speed freaks, are you?;^)

    WV: ringst.

  32. SlingingLead
    Very descriptive and accurate answer in my opinion. The only chain I broke was one I tried to get a little more life out of. I was going uphill on a trail "out of saddle", too much torque and snap, my fault.
    I also like you statement, "It is all linked together." it's very true but maybe you should have added pun intended.


  33. Matt61:
    With the saddle set at the right height so as the pushing leg is at full stretch on the downward stroke.That would manage flat and slight inclines ok.
    To supplement the leg muscles on a hill climb the rider standing on the pedals adds body weight as well.
    More stress on the chain has to result I would have thought.
    When I used to set my bike/motorbike chain I would allow for about an inch of flex.
    Set too tight or too loose will add to wear and tear.

  34. Edith; I'm glad Tom is in good hands now!

    You said, "One of the things that I find most frustrating is being righthanded and left-eye dominant. I can shoot with my left hand, but not with any semblance of accuracy. We originally discovered that I was left-eye dominant when Tom handed me a camera (pre-digital), and I automatically put the view finder up to my left eye."

    You may not know this but you can change your eye dominance. Patch your dominant eye and shoot with your non-dominant eye. It will take a while but your brain will switch after a time. After then, you will no longer need the patch!


  35. Leaking Marauder

    I am happy to hear things are working out so far. If it holds air or not, be sure and write back to let us know about it, and opine about the rifle, if you are not to busy a person. New perspectives are always welcome.

    I have one in .22, and I love it.

  36. Forgive me for my great ignorance of airguns and competition, but it seems that for longer distance benchrest competition, a larger caliber would be better, wouldn't it?

    I mean, just about everything that I've read here indicates that the smaller 177 caliber pellets don't do very well at the higher velocities needed to shoot at 100 yards.

    Wouldn't something like a 22 caliber pellet do better at 100 yards? I wonder what the difference would be in terms of group size. Does anyone know how they would compare?

    Maybe there should be a specific competition for larger caliber air-rifles similar to smallbore matches (i.e., 50 yards, 100 yards, and 50 meters).

    I wonder what air-rifles one would be looking at for precision shooting at those distances?

    So many questions, so little experience…


  37. Oh, one last thing regarding Toms surgery. I'm very pleased to hear that Tom is in better hands now. I can tell you from experience that there can be a vast difference between one hospital and another. Also, just because one has gotten past a certain phase after surgery, it doesn't mean that they are out of the woods.

    Many things can happen weeks after surgery. You just need to stay on top of the problem, keeping your doctors in the loop. Good doctors will take what you have to say very seriously, and lessor doctors will simply hope that things will get better.

    It's a hard fact that doctors are no different than people in other professions in that a certain percentage are very good while the other are not so good.

    Not everyone has a lifelong passion for thier job, no matter the field.

    Like a career, each individual is ultimately responsible for managing thier situation. Never leave your fate to circumstances.

    It is wisely said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. The secret is to live inspired. The source of all creation is love. We all can have this in common with God. Unfortunately, not everyone realizes this.

  38. Edith,

    I look forward to part 2. I love shooting that is challenging. While I don't benchrest, it is fascinating to me to know what performance is possible from any gun.

    In particular, I'd like to learn more about air-gun shooting at 100 yards.


  39. rikiB

    Thanks. I envy you your Hawaii MB experiences. I have only ridden trails in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. One of my all time favorites is Markham Park in flat as a pancake Florida (Sawgrass I think). Also worthy of note is Oak Mountain State Park in Birmingham Alabama.

    It is a shame you don't have your bike still. It definitely keeps you fit, young, and elevates your mood (if you don't break a chain, mechanicals drive me crazy.) Although you don't seem the type that sits around on the couch either.

    I liked the quotes you selected for the weekend including your own, regarding friendship, which I found quite eloquent.

    How much room do you have for your airgun range?

  40. Edith,

    Glad to hear that Tom is getting better care now. Kind of surprising that they found that much bile in him. I would have thought it was "p*** and vinegar" instead…..;)

    You're both in my prayers.


  41. SlingingLead
    You would love Oahu it was made for MB'ing also for motorcycles. The Big Island is also really fantastic, around the volcanoes is amazing. Glad you liked the quotes.


  42. Edith
    A quote for you and Tom:

    Healing in a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.

    I hope and pray that this new set of Doctors & Nurses is your opportunity.


  43. Wuss,

    Seems that your inexperienced and cheap doctors aren't having much affect on your treatment either.

    You need an expert psychiatrist that can prescribe larger doses than you are currently ingesting. Please do us all a favor and do better research in picking your next one.

    I'd sure like to meet you face to face. You having any of it you cowardly creature?


  44. I never acknowledge this as I feel it cheapens both the sentiment and the action but I'm sincerely offering all my prayers. I greatly enjoy Mr Gaylord's writings and wish him the best.

  45. May I humbly repost another's prayer from almost one month ago. My apologies to anonymous if offense is taken, but his prayer is more eloquent than my own words could ever be.

    At April 01, 2010 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Heavenly Father, You are intimately aware of the struggle Tom is experiencing — the pain and the concern. You know the desire of his heart is to be healed of this illness. We ask now for Your healing touch. We know that You are able and that just like in Bible times, You can heal Tom.

    We also understand that You will chose what is best for Tom. We pray that through this trial, Tom will draw close to You — that You will be his comfort and strength. I pray that ultimately, whatever happens, You will be glorified through us all. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

  46. Edith,

    I'm so sorry to hear that Tom's condition keeps wavering. Every time I read an update from you that things took a nasty turn, I get a sinking, sickening feeling. And somehow, at the same time, I am amazed by his strength, and by yours. You guys don't know me on a personal level, and I'm certainly no veteran to this forum, but please know that you are both persistently in my thoughts and prayers.

    Oddly enough, I just learned yesterday that my dad had an emergency gall bladder removal (two days ago) after finding out his was badly infected. All seems well with him so far, but it is unnerving how these things tend to come in waves.

    I hope you and Tom can soon put this all behind you.

    – Orin

  47. Kevin,

    You caught me off-guard with that last one, but a quick search on his handle revealed all I needed to know. And that was from the few remaining posts that weren't deleted.

    Do you know that when you get rattled, you start using really big words? I'm impressed. 🙂

    – Orin

  48. Edith,

    I wanted to mention separately – great article today. Thank you.

    Have you used that outrigger setup in other environments? I imagine it could be quite tricky to calculate "hold-aside" if you were shooting for a target other than what the scope was zeroed for.

    – Orin

  49. Vince:
    On UK bloggs we call such folk who post nasty garbage 'Trolls'.
    This being a good site with a wide demographic readership thus prevents the use of language that the 'Trolls' deserve.
    Orin hit the nail on the head though.
    Ignore him/her/it.

  50. Per Tom's direction, I've permanently deleted every comment written by Wos and those that answered or rebutted his comments.

    It's a much easier if you don't address his posts. That way, I'll have to delete fewer comments.


  51. Reposting (original didn't post)

    Marauder Leaks: Soapy water can help find leaks

    Fill Connector (most common)

    remove stock and test psi guage

    remove shroud to test end of barrel for valve leaks.

    Edith – I was going to suggest an eye patch for your right eye. I believe one of my niece used to shoot right handed and use her left eye to aim for airguns. I find it easier to switch eyes than it is to switch the hold.

  52. Per Tom's direction, I've permanently deleted every comment written by Wos and those that answered or rebutted his comments.

    There are still one or two floating in the list. One is a response, a good one, from Kevin at 10:54. Tom has the right idea!

    Hope Tom has a quiet night with no morning surprises. Be sure to keep yourself healthy!

  53. Pete,

    The one you reference from Kevin was deleted this morning. It doesn't show up on my list of comments. Depending on your ISP and your computer's cache, you may still see some of the deleted posts.


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