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My survival gun

by B.B. Pelletier

Update on Tom/B.B.: Things are still progressing smoothly. He’s being fed intravenously and is now allowed to drink some water. Today’s blog came from B.B.

Here’s a little teaser: Pyramyd AIR will be revealing something new and exciting on Monday, May 3. A lot of people have been working on this surprise for months. No more clues. And don’t even think of trying to get any info out of Edith!

Ever wonder which airgun you’d want if you were on a deserted island (think “Gilligan’s Island”)?


On a deserted island and hunting for food? Hope you have the Sheridan Blue Streak with you!

The Sheridan Blue Streak, which I got in 1978, is my choice as a survival gun on a deserted island. Does that surprise you? You probably thought I’d pick the Discovery or the Beeman R1 (my personal R1 is an older model and has open sights, the current one does not). They’re great rifles, but each rifle and all other powerplants just can’t bring to the table the reliability and flexibility of a Sheridan Blue Streak.

Why I picked a multi-pump
Imagine the variety of critters you could dispatch with a multi-pump. Put 2-3 pumps in the gun, and you could easily take a rabbit at relatively close distances. A few more pumps, and birds (head shots, please) would be on the menu. Put in 7 or 8 pumps, and you’ll be taking larger lizards and even some snakes. Again, head shots.

I suppose I could take a wild pig with 8 pumps. While I don’t consider this humane, I’m talking strictly about a survival situation. And, you’re well aware of a large airgun manufacturer that already advocates taking a wild pig with a head shot with a .177 cal. rifle. A Sheridan air rifle is .20 caliber, which offers a bit more punch.

The only thing that might need regular maintenance on a multi-pump is a seal. As I’ve stated for years, keep one pump in the rifle when you’re not shooting, and you’ll protect the seal. My 32-year-old Blue Streak still has the original seal because I’ve followed this procedure religiously.

What about oiling the pump lever? Pellgunoil is the best thing, but what if you didn’t bring any with you? How about coconut oil? (I expect to find coconuts on my island!) That ought to do it for maintenance. Sounds simple. And that’s the point. I don’t want a gun that needs to be handled with kid gloves or has lots of areas that could fail or that might need special attention to keep it functional. The gun has to take care of me, not the other way around.

Why I didn’t pick another powerplant
Here are the reasons I eliminated all the other powerplants from my list.

Spring-piston: I own quite a few spring guns and have extolled the virtues of this dirt-simple powerplant. However, there’s one hitch. The mainspring could break. While it IS a remote possibility, I’m totally out of luck if that happens. Gas springs don’t usually fail, but this is a life-and-death situation, and I don’t want to risk even the slightest chance something could go wrong if I’m depending on an airgun to survive. Plus, the piston seal could get nicked, and the piston would lose compression. There’s very little you can do once that happens.

Single-stroke pneumatic: This powerplant just doesn’t have enough power to take small and medium game. While I could use the stock to club an animal, that’s not really what I had in mind.

CO2 gun: My deserted island is warm enough for CO2, but where will I replenish my stock? Plus, I’ll need Pellgunoil or the gun will start to leak after a short period of time. I don’t think coconut oil will be a good substitute.

Precharged pneumatic: For those of you who thought my choice would be the Condor or Marauder, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I won’t have air to replenish a scuba tank or electricity or gasoline to power a compressor. I could take a hand pump, but that’s just one more piece of equipment that could break or need maintenance. Remember, I’m trying to make this as simple as possible with the least number of things that could go wrong.

The variable power of a multi-pump was one of the deciding factors. I don’t want a gun so powerful that my pellets rip through a critter and exit the other side. I want the ammo to stay inside and create a larger wound channel. This ensures that the animal will die faster.

One final thing that no on talks about is the shooter’s ability to operate the gun at lower levels that involve less stress. The Blue Streak (and the Benjamin 397 and 392) is already a very under-stressed airgun. But you have an ace up your sleeve if you own one of these in a survival situation.

Remember that nick I mentioned on the compression seal of the springer? There’s probably no less chance of nicking the seal on the pump head of a multi-pump pneumatic. What you do with a multi-pump pneumatic, you can’t do with a springer…pump it more times. So, if your multi-pump pneumatic seal leaks a little–but you can add more strokes to compensate for that leak–you’re back where you want to be.

What else would I want/need?
Pellets! I can easily pop out 1,000 pellets on a weekend, but I could make that many last a year or more. My first choice would be Crosman Premiers, as they deliver very consistent velocities.

I’d also like to take a sharp knife, a multi-tool and a flashlight. I could get along without these, but they’d be nice to have.

Which gun and what equipment would you take to your deserted island?

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

113 thoughts on “My survival gun”

  1. Morning B.B.,

    I don't know how to tell you this, but you've forgotten the most important of all–EDITH. I know you wouldn't want her to be in that situation, but I think that we all know what her answer would be….:).

    Mr B.

  2. B.B.

    Have you been watching "Survivorman" and "Man vs Wild" in the hospital?

    While these shows can be informative and the information could be useful some day….
    Anyone who makes a habit of getting dropped off in the middle of nowhere on a regular basis must have a few screws loose.

    Kind of like a couple guys who replaced "Crocodile Hunter". Always out looking for dangerous critters …then screwing with them to make them mad.


  3. Edith,

    Not happy to hear B.B. is being fed intravenously. Why can't he eat normally? I sure hope you can take him home again soon. Maybe they can out the gall bladder now that you've got him there so you don't have to take him in yet again…

    On the HW30, I look forward to Pyramyd's response to you. Guru Volvo has given me pause…


    I'll post the pic of the trigger this evening when I get home. The stamp picture is just a one-picture album, and the website has a button you can click that generates all different kinds of links. I just chose to post the one direct to the picture. Never having posted pictures on the internet before I looked at several different photo sharing sites and finally chose Photobucket. They seem easy to use, and I figured if they were good enough for FrankB they sure were good enough for me!


  4. I wonder why the .20 cal Blue Streak specifically. Why not the 392? This is not the first time it has been singled out from the other and I'm wondering if there is something better about the Blue Streak. Is it particularly efficient in .20 cal? Or are they interchangeable and B.B. just likes the Blue Streak?

  5. B.B.,

    You have touted the Sheridan Blue Streak for a long time, but I just can't get over how ugly this rifle is! Of course, looks are a matter of opinion, and survival is the game. I think you said if you had to choose a springer for a long term survival gun it would be the Diana 34P, right?

    For survival on a lonely island, where no rules apply, wouldn't a .22 rimfire rifle be better? Or does the ammo degrade to useless over time?

    Have you ever seen "Castaway" with Tom Hanks? If not, you're in for a treat.


  6. A friend and I went on a two-day "survival" trip about a month ago with only our .22s and what we could fit in one small bag. It was a blast, and ever since, we've been talking about doing it again with airguns.

  7. I'm curious to know the preference of the blue streak over a 392 myself. Why not go with the larger pellet? Also curious on which pellet the 392 uses most accurately. Jp

  8. BB: Since we are confining the discussion to air rifles, then I also agree on the Sheridan or Benjamin 392. Mine is now over 25 years old too, without repairs, despite some hard use, and many moves. It was my only air rifle for a very,very long time. I think that today the newer models of the Benjamin 392 & Streaks are easier to repair. I added one of the 392 LE Benjamin's to my own working arsenal when they were offered couple years ago. The LE version was offered as a limited edition(only 500) of the 392,which had the round breech, grooved for a scope, similar to the SE version of the 2260's. I wish Crosman would have offered it as a regular production item. I replaced the scope it came with, and added a compact Tasco 2 1/2 power shotgun scope in med. ht. rings to mine, which doesn't get in the way of pumping.
    I also would like to add a machete, fire piston, and a metal match for back-up, to your list.
    It is interesting to note that the late Mel Tappan, the survival guru of the movement in the late seventies, completely dismissed the Sheridan MSP as a useful airgun for most any purpose! He was a proponet of the break barrel springers of that time, like his favorite FWB 124, for small game survival hunting.
    Take care,Robert.

  9. My 392 was also the first air rifle I bought. I knew nothing about spring piston rifles but knew that the pesky woodpecker that was destroying the cedar shakes on my house, had to go. With two or three pumps, the rifle was powerful enough for target shooting in my basement range. It's very light compared to the spring pistons and easy to sight offhand. The day I was ready to take on the pecker, he stopped coming to my house. He knew!

    He's still in the area only now he works on trees. He has a very distinctive call – a descending trilling note and I'm very happy I didn't have to kill this fine bird.

    AlanL, I have shot reloaded ammunitition that was 30 years old and it worked fine so I don't think factory ammo would be a problem but then – 30 years on a deserted island? You'd probably go nuts first.

    Bill and Twotalon, have you seen Maryann and Ginger lately? Time to update your choices, men!

    BB – nice to read your words. Wishing you a speedy recovery and journey home!

    Fred PRoNJ

  10. B.B.,
    What a excellent topic. I'm kind of new/returning to the hobby and after some careful, but probably inexperienced research, selected a 392 and a Williams peep sight with the "survival gun" criteria in mind.
    As a kid, a Benjamin was kind of the holy grail of air rifles that I never owned and as an adult, I finally decided to treat myself to one.
    The one downside has been that my aging eyes are too old and "classic" for the position of the Williams peep sight. If I could shove the sight forward about 6 inches, it would be a lot more usable. So, I guess one of the forward mounted scopes will be a future addition.
    I really appreciate the additional explanation about why to keep an extra pump in these models. There have been other sites that provided this same recommendation, but without explanation, it just seemed like voodoo. I am curious if this applies to all pneumatics or just the Benjamin/Sheridan models?
    Finally, thank you for being such a great resource for information, it has convinced me to be a regular customer.

  11. Gasspasser – I nominate you for the second best handle. B.B. Pelletier is still in first, but you have a great handle too!

    AlanL – Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I find the 392 very attractive in a Shaker aesthetic kind of way. I much prefer it to the current 'tactical' trend.

    Fred – I was just thinking about a similar thing this morning. My case was squirrels, but I swear they know I've been practicing in my basement and the word is out!

  12. Gasspasser – I nominate you for the second best handle. B.B. Pelletier is still in first, but you have a great handle too!

    AlanL – Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I find the 392 very attractive in a Shaker aesthetic kind of way. I much prefer it to the current 'tactical' trend.

    Fred – I was just thinking about a similar thing this morning. My case was squirrels, but I swear they know I've been practicing in my basement and the word is out!

  13. This isn't the first time I've seen someone talk about an airgun as a survival gun. I saw a letter to the editor of Backwoodsman magazine where the writer said he felt an airgun offered advantages over most other options when you needed a quiet, inexpensive, reliable gun that could feed a person and that he considered it a better choice for a survival gun than even a flintlock smooth-bore. And his airgun of choice was also Benjamin multi-pump…

    As far as your logic goes, I can't fault you for wanting to take a multi-pump along to a deserted island. Personally I think I'd add a firearm or three for personal protection (snakes or other predators) or taking larger animals (like pigs). But a multi-pump would definitely put meat in the pot.


  14. The old dessert island game, I have played this before but primarily it is who and not what to bring as Bill suggests. Sadly however, I’m going to hazard a guess that Ginger and Mary Ann have aged to the point that I would need a case of rum that washed up from a neighboring cruise ship island before any type of attraction would occur. I will need to give the female companion aspect a little more thought before I make a choice.

    Now as far as the air rifle goes I am going to have go with a Santa Rosa R1 carbine in .22 caliber. My Santa Rosa was my only air rifle for many years and was still shooting at 17-19 ft lbs after two decades of use and nary a repair. While anything mechanical can break, I have to believe that over built old girl would have soldiered on for another few decades without a hitch. The speed and effort per shot certainly points to the R1. About 36 lbs on your end gives you 18 ft lbs., whereas I would guess 8 pumps on the Sheridan to be well over a 125 lbs of exertion, not to mention the slapping of the receiver would scare all but the most dim-witted of critters.

    On another topic the airgun gods continue to torment me. My beloved Cyclone has turned into a prom dress and senior pictures along with my dream Springer appearing on gunbroker all in the same week. Kevin and Derrick38 know my lust for an R-8. This is based on the fact it is built around the original HW50S platform, which in turn was a sporter version of the famous HW55 target rifle. Got it? (these have nothing to do with the current HW50S model) What I dared not even hope for was an actual vintage Beeman HW50S. Well, here it is on gunbroker. Notice the lack of a safety on the receiver. The HW50S was Hans Weihrauch’s personal favorite rifle and as the owner, I’d guess you can shoot whatever you like.


  15. Gaspasser is the license plate on my cousins' car, he's the anesthesiologist in the family. He's nuts (a real rabid Republican), however and I've accused him of being adopted.

    (I can see the replies to this Republican comment coming now even as I type this)

    Fred PRoNJ

  16. You guys need to take into consideration why you are stranded in a survival situation in the first place.

    For instance, if you are there because the world is overrun with zombies you must remember that loud noises will attract them. Therefore, the use of a quiet airgun will be paramount for hunting purposes. You will need to conserve the firearm firepower for dispatching the zombies. A situation you must avoid at all costs. Oh, and remember, aim for the brain. If the brain lives, the zombie will always be a danger.

    Hmmm…this is beginning to sound like a Friday post.


  17. Fred,

    Republican? Bah Humbug!

    Democrat? Bah Humbug.

    Most don't even want you to own even a pellet gun yet alone a cartridge gun.

    I can't post my opinion of em here for fear of the PPF. (Politician's Police Force) They would assassinate me for sure if they found me.

    I think all politicians spend all their time thinking of ways to take money from our pockets to put in their pockets. Also trying to pass laws to deprive honest law abiding citizens of the rights guaranteed by out constitution and give the crooks an easy go.

    Now to keep this on topic, I would not be afraid to take any really good springer as a survival gun, but really would prefer something like a .22lr and couple thousand rounds of ammo if possible.

  18. Good article. I too would take a multi-pump, but mine would be a 392. I would also take a pellet mold so that I could wash and remold any recovered pellet that I can find.

    I also like how you made reference to Gamo's ad campaign for the Raptor. We used to play that video in a sporting goods store that I worked in, however we stopped when I discovered that the footage had been edited. That pig was shot over a dozen times before a pellet was finally able to penetrate its skull. Not only was that video false advertising that could get someone hurt, but it also went against hunter's ethics.

  19. Volvo,


    I saw that HW 50 on gunbroker a few days ago. Noticed two things that disturbed me. One was that he doesn't have any feedback and the other was that he had a picture of my gun in his ad. I emailed him and received no response. After my email the large version of the picture has been disabled but the small version still appears on the left side of his ad at the top. This is a picture of my gun, on my ajustable shooting tripod in my white light box that I constructed for taking photographs.

    I deleted the old photos of the gun from my photobucket after posting a picture tutorial on the yellow and vintage. You can see the tuned version of my R8 with the same shooting tripod and white light box here:


    The other photo's on his ad are obviously of a HW 50. I just hope he owns it. Certainly an early version since the safety is missing and so is the checkering on the beeman/goudy stock.

    Would you be interested in an older, just tuned, less than pristine HW50 with the original weihrauch (finger grooves and hogs back comb) stock?


  20. BB,

    I can only hope Pyramid's surprise would be a new, light repeating .25 caliber rifle and pistol with match quality accuracy which develops at least 45 ft lbs energy in both versions and costs under $300 each. Along with a new super super accurate .25 cal pellet which costs < $10 per tin of 500. Oh and did I mention it needs to be accompanied by a new state of art pump which needs only 6 pounds per stroke and can pump the rifle from empty to full in less than 50 strokes with correspondingly less for the pistol. Said pump should cost < $100.

    I will not be holding my breath waiting though.

  21. AlanL,

    Being fed intravenously is a GOOD thing. Before yesterday, he wasn't getting any food…intravenous or otherwise. They have to keep up his strength or he'll not get better. He can't eat food regularly because it will put a burden on his pancreas. This way, he gets solid nourishment, builds up his strength but doesn't bother his pancreas (not much, at least). If they'd given him intravenous food before yesterday, his body could not have handled the additional burden.

    In fact, one of the people at Pyramyd AIR is married to a dietician who determines the intravenous feeding formulas for people in hospitals. She spoke to me on the phone a few days ago and asked about him being fed intravenously and how important it was for that to happen soon so he can get stronger.

    Also, keep in mind that the last time Tom was in the hospital, the regular food was…let's say it was not tasty 🙂 In fact, the best part of the whole 16-day stay was the lime Jello. So, whether his food comes in a bag attached to his arm or on a tray and pretending to be food, it's going to have about the same amount of appeal.


  22. I could understand an older Blue Streak, but not a newer 397/392. I couldn't stomach the finish nor the cheesy trigger guard and trigger…..yuck!!

    I'll take a 22lr pistol…leave the airgun at home.

  23. Survival gun on a deserted island.

    Reality is that you would probably be stranded while on a boat or small plane. If you would be lucky to make it onto the island with either some or all of your boat or plane it wouldn't have an airgun on board.

    If it was a plane you may have a pistol since cargo room is limited. Although a boat has more room for cargo you're still limited and in my experience the preferred weapon is a shotgun with slugs and 00 buck aboard. Not for a potential survival situation but for pirates.

    I understand the concept of which airgun would you choose in a survival situation so don't jump all over me. ;^)


  24. Kevin,

    You just don't get it– if you get stranded on an island it'll be because your parachute drifted off course when you jumped out of your exploding hot air balloon, so of course you'll have your favorite air gun and teddy bear along!


  25. Kevin,

    Wow. I did not pay much attention to the details since I am not in a buying mode, but you make an excellent point that buyer beware is the rule of thumb. I did find it odd that rifle was shown with both scope and receiver sight in the pictures. Perhaps the airgun gods are actually protecting me?

    As far as picking up another rifle right now, I will pass. I have an R-7 in .20 caliber that will be the sole focus of my attention for the time being. I added a Bushy scope that originally rode on my first R-7 many moons ago and think it will do me good to bond with this simple but effective set up.

    Let’s face it, with the Cyclone the challenge of hit anything at less than 50 yards was nil. Now I will need to work for my supper again. The point blank range with 11 grain H&N FTS is 35 yards giving up just ½ an inch, after that I will need to hone my skills. This is not such a bad thing. It is actually sitting on the desk in front of me as I type this…we need to get going.

  26. Solo123,
    You are correct, but that was not the game. I believe a target type .22LR pistol has replaced the AR7 for military pilots.

    You need to pretend that you are on a cruise sponsored by Pyramid Air. As part of the activities a host of airguns new and old have been brought along. The ship hits a reef and begins to sink. You have enough time to grab a pellets and a rifle before getting into the life boat. What do you pick?

  27. Kevin,
    On medium power at 50 yards it was Crosman Accupells. I did not use it much on high with heavier pellets as they shot through the squirrels and then my fence. The 18.0 JSB’s you sent were good also.

    Don’t use the 21.0 grain Kodiaks, I read many times they will damage the mags.

  28. AlanL,
    It's fun to imagine a lost episode, where Gilligan chooses the Diana 34P because of the lifetime warranty, then ships it off for repairs and doesn't think of hitching a ride back to the mainland with the delivery service.

  29. On this topic: I simply wasn't exposed to Benjamin or Sheridan (let alone Diana or RWS) as a youth, so I can't comment on B.B.'s choice.

    However, I must admit I'd choose the airgun that I remember continuing to work in spite of massive youthful abuse: The Crosman 760. This is also one of the few airguns that I suspect I could successfully reseal using the nothing but the deserted island remnants of an aircraft or boat.

  30. Other Topic:

    First of all, thank God BB is getting better. My praayers are with you and Edith.

    I have a 853c ( with Airforce Diopter sights installed) for my backyard 10 meter range. I have been practicing for the past 2 years and can now consistently hit a 1 inch metal disk. My goal is to hit a 3/4 inch metal disk consistently and then upgrade my rifle.

    I am considering the Challenger 2009 one day and the AirForce Edge the next. Both have very good reviews.

    I like the Challenger for it's ergonomics, ease of pumping, built in guage and adjustable trigger.

    I like the AirForce Edge for it's diopter sights, dry fire features, adustable weights, and looks. The trigger is reportedly also excellent.

    I think both have comparable accuracy. Am I right?

    I need help !!! Can't seem to make up my mind. Can't afford to buy both !!

    Is there any article comparing these two? Has anyone shot both?.. what is their opinion?

    Maybe some kind reader can help this befuddled ole man.


  31. Bad eyes. I too cannot use iron sights anymore. I found a guy in STL that makes shooters glasses. He will need some measurements from your rifle, distance from the shooting eye to the sight. He will make you a pair of glasses with a bifocal on the top of the glass, not the bottom. The shooting eye will see the sights, and the other eye will see the target. I think that is how it works. C Sports Optical in St Louis.

    Great site BB, I made the mistake and googled air rifles this winter, and I am now hooked again.


  32. survival guns..

    assuming you knew there was a chance of being stranded on an island or something, and you were planning for such an event, then my choice would most likely be my dad's old Remington 551 semi-auto 22lr.

    It shoots shorts, for quiet small game shooting, or high power LRs in rapid fire for larger game or attackers.

    It's easy to carry and the ammo is not that much more bulky or heavy than pellets.. The extra fire power should outweigh those issues.

    Wacky Wayne

  33. Volvo,
    Hey, I had a vintage HW50S w/o the safety a few years ago. If you spot one wearing a Beeman SS-2 3X scope, Beeman professional scope stop, and sling swivels, let me know. It was stolen 2 years ago in a burglary. You can even keep the gun, I just want to track down the perp.

  34. B.B.

    Those are good arguments for the Benjamin which was on my short list at one time. Yes, the mainspring on a springer could break but if you just taped three or four Macarri replacements to the stock, you would be set for life.

    Did you know that it has been pretty well-established that Amelia Earhart made her way to a deserted island where she died? Maybe an airgun would have made the difference.

    I am curious about your answer to the question of airgun vs. .22. On Gunblast, one of my favorite comments is: "One of the most common questions I get asked is what gun I would pick if I could have only one. The very thought of having one gun is abhorrent to me :-), but if I was limited to one gun it would be a .22LR." I suppose that the .22 would give you more power, and a bolt action would be simpler than any airgun powerplant. As long as you have to bring ammunition, rimfire ammo wouldn't be much more inconvenient than pellets.

    Incidentally, on the subject of Gunblast, they are entertaining to read. My only reservation is that they test with 3 shot groups and not any set number. But they seem to know what they are doing.

    B.B., you have given me entre with the knife comment. What would be your survival knife? I think I was hasty a few days ago criticizing the feel of a Ka Bar. It is very well-balanced. It does not chop as well as my Cold Steel Bushman or Kukri, but these are dedicated choppers with pronounced "bellies." The Ka Bar, after all, is a combat knife, and it seems like it would be more agile in the hand, and it can get the job done chopping. For survival, I would have to disqualify the Bushman because it has no handguard and I wouldn't want to slip and find myself missing fingers. So, the Ka Bar would be my choice.

    Derrick, you're obviously a pro. What you say makes sense to me and corresponds with what the bike store said. Their method of testing chain wear looked like a simple ruler.

    Regarding B-square from the other day, I know that B.B. has been down on them, but I have to give them the highest marks for the mount and rings they supplied for my Savage rifle. They've worked perfectly, and I can dismount and remount the scope with virtually no loss in zero for about $20. Their customer service was a bit odd in bouncing me around the country to different centers, but they were nice enough. Maybe I experienced part of a golden sunset for B square.


  35. Thinking about the biking woman in spandex…I'm led to wonder about the equivalent for a female shooter. Spandex would not be out of place, but it couldn't compare to another genre of shooting videos of skimpily clad women shooting high caliber guns. I believe there was some show that even had a woman in a bikini shooting a .50 caliber rifle. There was a time when I might have appreciated this. But I've emerged from my three years of shooting with only distaste for the poor shooting skills of these women. With their bowed backs in firing a pistol, limp-wristed grips, and shaky shooting positions, all I see is that they don't know what the hell they are doing.

    What you want is a cool, confident woman, perhaps with hair tied back in a business-like ponytail, skillfully working the action on the firing line and drilling her shots into the target. I saw something like this at a rifle range, recently. There is desirability and hotness! Maybe I'm regressing to a more primitive stage like they talk about in the book Quest for Fire (about cavemen). One guy, seeking to push the marriageability of his daughter says: "Look at so and so, she can carry a deer carcass on her shoulders for a day."

    By this line of reasoning, one would seek for the ultimate bombshells among the the elite class of shooters who have the NRA distinguished ranking in rifle, pistol, shotgun. I believe that there are only about 50 of these. I saw a female member of this group, and while I don't know if I would have taken a second look at her picture, watching her in action might have slain me….


  36. Having identified the ultimately desirable shooting women, the only question that remains is how to attain them! Perhaps they would respond to the language of hunters in the book Starman who say: "Hey baby, how about a haunch of venison and a shot of pork?" …..


  37. A metal ruler is a fine chain checking tool. Less convenient than the Park tool that I refernced yesterday, but it'll work A-OK. Start the measurement at the center of any chain pin. Go to the 12" mark and you should find the center of another pin. As the chain wears and gets longer, replace the chain before the pin gets to 12-1/8". Beyond 12-1/8" you'll need rear cogs. (Bicycle chains are "inch-pitch" so each link is exactly 1" long when new.)

    Front chainrings can be pretty easily checked by pulling the chain forward off the front of the ring. If you can expose an entire tooth, the ring is considered worn.

    Clean, lubed chains last longer and shift better as they don't have grit inside them grinding them apart. I typically get about 2500 to 4000 miles on a modern 9-speed chain. Chains on mountain bikes die sooner due to the dirty environment they live in.

    The on-bike type chain cleaners work great–Finish Line and Park make good ones. After using degreaser, run water through the chain cleaner and wash the degreaser out of the chain or it will dissolve the lube you'll soon apply. Dry the chain with a rag and oil it in half an hour or so with something like ProLink. ProLink to chains is like Crosman pellgun oil to CO2 guns.

    Good, worked an airgun reference into this post.

  38. Matt61,

    Yeah, baby! That's a real come-on for gun-lovin' women 🙂 Go out and wait by the front door right now, as I'm sure they're coming up the driveway to your place!

    I once told Tom that women who want to attract men with guns should start wearing a dab of Hoppes No. 9 instead of Chanel No. 5.


  39. I've been looking for a rifle to buy my father for a rabbit problem that he has in his garden. They scatter like roaches when you walk out the door and are eating all of his flowers. Overpopulation is an understatement. Anyway, I was thinking of a RWS 34, but now also considering the 392. The 34 was on the top of the list because of its relative hold insensitivity, but I'm thinking now that the 392 may be even more so. I'm sure he doesn't have the patience to learn how to shoot a springer well and will most likely carry it on his tractor while gardening so it will get beat up.

    One question though. Does the priciple of heavy pellets work with multi-pumps like it does with PCP's? Seems like the power plants are related and should be so, but I never know. If it is, should I opt for something heavy like the barracudas? Or if there is another pellet selection that works well with it I'd appreciate any suggestions.

    BTW; sorry for all the double posts. I don't know why it keeps doing that.

  40. Fused,

    the energy pricipal (heavier pellet equals more ft. lbs) follows for pump-up pneumatics. I'm very happy with Crosman Premiers in a tin – either the H point or the solid point. RWS's worked very well for me, too. To my mind, there are several factors to take into account before taking the plunge and buying the 392: as you pump the 392, the strokes get harder and harder – stroke 6 is pretty hard. Is your father in shape for this? Second, the rifle may have to be pumped prior to going out to the garden. As someone said earlier, as you pump, the handle slaps agains the stock as you complete the stroke and that noise may frighten off the rabbits before you can get off a shot. However, as you have to aim at the head of the rabbit, it's a fairly big target and I don't think you need be concerned with hold sensitivity plus rabbits are very susceptible to a head shot, dropping immediately. The 392 has been a favorite of ranchers for dispatching vermin so you won't go wrong if you go this route and your Pop can handle the pumping.

    Derrick38, I found I had to replace my original chain after 1,000 miles (ruler read a little over 1/8"), I'm hoping it was because the original chain that came with the bike was a low end Shimano. For those of you who ride a bicycle occassionally and don't do much maintenance, you will be amazed at how much easier your bike is to peddle after lubing the chain. I speak from experience.

    Fred PRoNJ

  41. where are you traveling to that you intend to be stranded on a desert island so you pack your weapons and ammo.? And what type of transport nowadays would allow you? No one mentioned having a survival knife (other than matt61). I know all this is just hypothetical, just wondering where you could travel now carrying weapons of any kind.

    IMHO gunbroker is 80-90% con.
    At least on the firearm auctions. People put things up for auction for no other reason than to find a sucker that will pay well above MRSP. All you have to do is look at other dealers sites or the manufacturers site.
    I cannot speak about the airgun auctions, haven't looked there much.


  42. rikib,

    Strictly hypothetical pondering. But, if you must know, Tom's sister is a pilot and is an FAA-designated pilot examiner. She used to be a Playboy Bunny in the 1960s. WIth that combo, she can get a plane for her own use anytime she likes. Hypothetically, we were in a friend's plane when it ditched near the deserted island.


  43. Fred,
    Dad's 74 but pretty tough. Farm tough is what I say. He's not getting any younger though. Pumping is a concern. I guess I'll think about it some more.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

  44. Fused,

    you can always buy it for him as a present and then if he can't really benefit from it, you can use it. I try to do this all the time with my wife! It is a neat gun and a piece of Americana.On the other hand, depending on where you live, I think more than one person (myself included) would volunteer to thin out the herd at the farm. Are you in Western NJ, southern NY or Eastern PA by any chance? Folks, one of our fellow airgunners may need our assistance here.

    Edith – Tom has a sister that was a Playboy bunny? I've met Tom, twice. Was Tom or his sister adopted? 🙂

    Fred PRoNJ

  45. Fred,

    Most people respond that way to the news about his sister. One friend said, "When did Playboy start hiring bald, fat women as bunnies?" 🙂


  46. Fused,

    Is it legal for your Father to discharge firearms on his property? If so, a single shot .22 rifle that can take CB caps could be ideal. Or even one of the Heritage .22 single action revolvers. No effort needed and about the same noise as an unshrouded PCP. Cost wise would be similar too.

  47. Edith,
    I was actually afraid to check the link. My mind’s eye pictured Tom with a wig and a 1960’s era mini dress along with long white zipper boots. Needless to say the Crosman 760 in hot pink was the finishing touch. I feared I would go blind instantly. Happily, I was mistaken.

  48. Fred PRoNJ,

    Yep, cheap chains aren't worth much on mountain bikes. The mid to high end chains get better heat treating as well a higher percentage of the rivet's circumference peened over the side plate for better plate retention.

  49. Edith
    Yes it is all hypothetical. I don't think we all have access to private planes. Well maybe I'm the odd man out. But if I had access to a private plane I think I would carry more heavy duty firearms and possibly a bow that would not require ammo. of course it depends on where I was flying. I'm not trying to be mean, annoying maybe but just in fun!

  50. Edith

    That explains everything. SHE got the looks and HE got the brains. Unless she's smarter than he. Then I don't know what his excuse is.

    (BB please don't hate me. You are way better looking than I am. Plus you are wed to Edith, so it couldn't possibly matter one way or the other.)

    What would be on your survival list Edith? Airgun, and otherwise.
    No Nintendo Wii.

  51. Slinging Lead,

    No, Tom definitely got the brains. Hands down. No contest.

    I would take Tom to a deserted island. I don't need anything else. Not being sappy or emotional here. I'm serious…I'm a Type A personality and so is he. The two of us can survive almost anything!


  52. My gun of choice would be my trusty crosman 2289, just like your choice, but mine is .22 caliber, can be taken down easily, can be modded into the perfect survival weapon, and is much lighter than your gun of choice.

    Also… just figure I need to mention this, if you would rather take a 600 FPS air rifle than a 1000 fps air rifle because of over penetration, you are a fool. I would rather destroy smaller game if it meant the ability to take larger game more humanely.

    Also I'm Canadian, hence the lower powered choice of gun.

  53. FRED

    You proudly proclaim to live in The People's REPUBLIC of New Jersey, yet have the nerve to slam Republicans?

    For Shame. You know as well as I, that Democrats are microscopically worse than Republicans.

    It takes a team of scientists to discern this subtle difference, but it is there. BTW the two party system is a shell game.


    My thought was that since the SRAM derailleur doesn't bounce around as much, it would keep the chain better aligned with the selected gear (for smoother pedaling and less wear), and facilitate quicker gear changes. My experience seems to bear this out. I was wondering if you had a preference as far as MB is concerned. I have 2 bikes with XTR. I think it is great equipment, just not quite as good as high end SRAM.

  54. Fred/Volvo,
    Dad doesn't live on the farm anymore, but you'd never know it by looking at his suburban property. I think he works it as hard as a farm! He has a conventional .22 rifle already, but can't use it in the neighborhood. Not exactly kosher to use an airgun in the neighborhood for said purpose, but we're ignoring that for the moment;^)

  55. Slinging Lead
    Two party system being a shell game, I believe it has been that way for many years.
    Personally I feel that when you proclaim a party affiliation you are only saying who you are willing to give your money to.
    You can never trust what nominees are running for. They are just looking for votes. Once in office they work on their own agenda or the highest bidders agenda.
    Don't get me wrong I do not profess to know the answer, but I do not believe that there is a true Democratic or Republican Party any longer.

  56. nick

    You said,:

    "Also… just figure I need to mention this, if you would rather take a 600 FPS air rifle than a 1000 fps air rifle because of over penetration, you are a fool. I would rather destroy smaller game if it meant the ability to take larger game more humanely."

    Previous to this you state your gun of choice to be a 2289, which could barely hope to hit 600fps on its best day, unless modified.

    Don't get me wrong. I like the 2289. I have outfitted my 1377c to be a 2289 since they aren't sold anymore. I have an 18" barrel in .22 and an 24" barrel in .177

    Among my guns, my survival rig would be my TX200. The spring is under little pretension, so breakage shouldn't be an issue. Accuracy matters most when hunting. Also a little luxury would be nice on a deserted island.

  57. Fused,

    If you are worried about the pumping effort for a 392/Blue streak, then you might want to look at the Daisy 22SG. The pumping effort stays consistently low no matter how many times you pump it, and it's low to begin with. B.B. has recommended it for quite some time. Rick Eutsler reviewed it and and measured it at about 8 fpe, which should work fine for rabbits.


  58. My memory is failing. I think that HW used to sell a match rifle back in the late '80s or early '90s — side lever I think, but could have been underlever, match peep sight rear and match front sight with interchangeable inserts. I remember looking at it in a Beeman catalog, but before I had the $$s to buy it I had the opportunity to get an FWB 300s used and jumped at the chance. And shortly thereafter HW discontinued the gun.

    Does anybody remember anything about the HW gun gun? Have a link to a picture?

    Of course, I was much much better off with the FWB, so to this day I am glad it worked out the way it did.

    Thanks for the help!

    Last night I finished my six-day-long "match" with myself: ten rounds an evening with the C-20 pistol. Got a total of 513/600 which was an incredibly pleasant surprise. Now if the rifle skills would come that easily (I know; it's the weak muscles from the surgery that hold me back).


  59. Desert Island Gun:

    Let's think this one through slightly differently:

    1) Are there any carnivores that pose a danger?
    2) Are there likely to be any homo saps who will be unhappy to see you?

    If answer to both is "no," then you don't have to worry about immediate incapacitation of something big and nasty, and you can go with an air gun.

    If the answer to either is "yes," then you must reconsider and have something which will knock down the biggest varmint around including homo saps who may have their own weapons. So you likely need a gun that is accurate at 100 meters and with knockdown power at that range. Think AR-15 or one of the bolt-action sniper rifles. Unfortunately, ammo will then become scarce in a hurry since it's big and you won't get many rounds to the pound. Of course, if there's a Wally World on the island, the problem is solved.

    Going back to "no". Then I want a scoped 0.20 or 0.22 air gun. Multi-pump is nice, but you probably get more accuracy with an SSP or springer. The problem won't be having the weapon last a large number of shots, you probably won't shoot a dozen rounds a day, but being certain of getting kills with the first round.

    My survival kit would include the gun, a set of seals, two tins or pellets, one tube of Pellgunoil, and a Swiss Army Knife.

    Final question: "Do you expect to be rescued?" If no then you might want a pistol with a single round in it…

  60. Yes, the Sheridan for sure. Mine are old "C" models. One has a Williams Receiver Site and the other a forward mounted "Scout" scope. They are the AK-47's of air guns only more accurate!


  61. Desert Island kit again.

    BB, you can't get along without a knife. Better you should have a big, competent, multipurpose knife than a gun if you have to choose. See the reasoning in RA Heinlein's book "Tunnel in the Sky." Better you are a timid little mouse who has to be stealthy than a great big guy who relies on the gun and takes chances. Nah to the flashlight unless it's one of these failure-prone gizmos with a windup generator.


  62. pete zimmerman,

    Are you remembering the HW 55? This was Weihrauch's match gun and has a long lineage including some of the most elegant match sights, stocks (including the tyrolean stock) and checkering found on an airgun in my opinion. The HW 55 was a break barrel and the later models have a barrel latch. I believe they discontinued the model in the mid 1990's?

    The HW 97 and HW77 are underlevers and the HW 97 is a favorite of FT Match shooters but it's unusual to see match sights on these guns.

    Am I helping your memory? I feel like we're two blind guys trying to find our way together. LOL!


  63. personally if I were limited on a deserted island I would rather have a bow and a survival knife. With basic knowledge I would not need to worry about running out of ammo.
    Also I would not have the excess weight to carry.

  64. Also, as PeteZ stated do we know ahead of time what is going to inhabit this island that we will be stranded on. That would definitely influence decisions.

  65. If I was stranded on a desert Island, I'd want a large supply of Hennepin, La Fin Du Monde, and Kate Beckinsale At that point, I wouldn't care if I only had a Marksman 1010.

  66. Was wondering how you know if an FFL holder is legit. Only found on in my area via the net and this is what his ad says:
    "I hold an 07 FFL (manufacturing). I am looking to buy decrepit weapons, refurbish, alter and re-sell. This is how I plan to obtain my gunsmithing knowledge, of which I currently have none."
    Can he accept and transfer guns to me with an 07 FFL. Almost sounds as if he would try and tear them down before giving them to me.


  67. Slinging Lead,

    what gave you the idea that I "proudly" proclaim I'm from the Peoples' Republik of New Jersey?

    I was trying to be sarcastic as well as distinguish myself from other "Freds" on the Blog. If we're going to start talking politiks (the K's are substituted for the proper "Cs" on purpose) again, I want to do it with a couple of beers while sitting on an easy chair in someone's backyard. Maybe after a bike ride.

    Fred PRoNJ (sarcasm intended!)

  68. Slinging Pb,

    I still think the high-end groups all work about equally well. Both Shimano and SRAM have their strong points. I don't think I'd find myself at any disadvantage with either. My various mountain bikes are set up with SRAM X9 and some XO. Heck, even the X7 stuff works great.
    My wife is riding XT. The road bikes are all variously Campagnolo, Dura-Ace and Ultegra. As long as it works, it can stay.

  69. BB,

    Glad to hear you're getting better now. For real this time!

    I like your choice of the Sheridan, but I have to agree with the 392 fans. I like .22's better if I get an airgun. I'll take some JSB Exacts and some Predators to go with it (if I've already discovered that it likes those pellets……).

    Also for myself, I'll pack a knife, a bow string or 2 and some fishing line and hooks. I'm figuring there is already some wood on this island too.


    WV: chabluor- one of those nasty French wines.

  70. /Dave,
    Finally. I didn't understand why we would need to hunt so much on an ISLAND, anyway — where there's water, there's fish and other aquatic edibles. Also, for subsistence, trapping is more efficient than hunting, and even if you trap "humanely", if you're hungry enough you don't need a weapon even to dispatch the food, a twist of the hand or a sharp stick will do the trick. Ideally, I would try to trap a couple of wild goats or peccaries or whatever and build some kind of enclosure and let them produce my future red-meat dinners. The goats would be ideal, because the milk would be useful also. If the herd prospered sufficiently, there would be hides for better roofing, shoes, etc., as well. Trapped birds might be a good source of eggs.

    I wouldn't waste my time on a dessert island simply surviving, but would try to cultivate plants and herd animals. I would hope that by the time "help" came, I could just send for my family to join me.

  71. BG_Farmer
    Good post, a quality survival knife containing "necessities" (not as it comes stocked) would definitely be a top choice. Maybe even two for more variety. Ammo. goes away fast, knives don't.

  72. Volvo,

    I was unable to post the pics of the trigger on my HW30(S?) tonight as intended– I had a major contretemps. Will try tomorrow if possible.

    I hope Edith got a favorable answer from Pyramyd on this matter today…


  73. Was lookin' around a few websites to see what sort of cheap .22 I could recommend for Fused, and I wandered over to one of pyramyd's competitors. I won't say who it was, just that the name rhymes with 'gotgasseco'.

    Anyway, there's a page describing a gun I might recommend, and 'gotgasseco' has a video running at the top of the page. In it the 'Airgun Guru' is showing the in's and out's of the rifle, and he mentions offhand that it has a rifled barrel – just like all the guns in that lineup. Let's call them, oh, 'Fech Torce' guns just to make up a name. And because the barrel is rifled, he tells us, it has to be cleaned 'every 50 shots with a bristle brush and a lubricant'. He then tells us that he uses alcohol. I guess I forgot that alcohol is a very common lubricant.

    Lastly, he tells us that 'it's great for squirrels, rabbits, varmints, or for shooting'. 'OR for shooting'? Not sure what else are you supposed to do with it. How else is the gun supposed to interact with the lil' critters – do you give it to 'em as wedding presents?

    Or am I nit-picking, just like when I point out their ridiculous velocity claims for their guns that are built by the Hangshai factory?

  74. Vince,
    I went over looking for/at the re-branded AR3000 (you know I love those dangerous underlevers, especially if the manufacturing quality is somewhat suspect:)), and had a hoot watching the guru videos.

    Noticed that the "guru" never reveals his face — is there a dramatic revelation coming? I think it might be Tom Gaylord, but he disguised his voice very well:).

    The velocity claims are right on — provided you soak the (usually) leather seal with some type of combustible oil, so you are nit-picking!

    NOTE (to the innocent): The guru is not Tom — that is just a joke.

  75. Seriously, you won't get Mary Ann and Ginger without a firearm to rid the island of The Skipper, Gilligan, and the Professor. The Howells will pay handsomely for thier lives and look the other way.

    Oh, you'll have to shoot The Professor in the brain, like a zombie. You'll have to shoot The Skipper in the stomach, as that's what drives him. Shooting Gillegan in the brain won't help, as he doesn't have one. You just need to snap his neck.

    Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!

    I still enjoy my 392. Lost the screw for the rear sight, so I added a scope. I use to shoot that thing till my fingers were sore and tired. Eight hours of shooting will do that.

    Oh, yes – Mary Ann or Jeanie? Rodger (her master) got stuck on an island with Jeanie. He didn't need no stinking guns. Someone of us would have asked her to blink one up for us anyways. Kind of puts us in the same boat as Gilligan.

  76. The guy's real name is Gom Taylord. He's sorta the dark side of Tom. Old Star Trek fans will KNOW what I'm talking about.

    (Please note: I mean fans of the 'old' Star Treks. I did not mean fans of Star Trek that happen to be old.)

  77. It is probably just me, but sometimes I find it annoying when apparently someone has sent an email to an individual and that person has responded on the public forum.
    Depending on the subject it maybe okay, but other times we are only hearing one side.
    Not knowing the full details of the original question (only going by the respondents reply) does not allow for the vast knowledge available here (I excuse myself) to be provided. Just my opinion.


  78. In general how many positive feedbacks would you expect to see before you trusted your money to someone on gunbroker? Some that appear to be companies have over 2,000 while those that appear to be individuals have only 5-10. I guess it is a stupid question to ask on here as there are individual sellers here.

    I guess what I'm really trying to ask is, how do you know you are actually going to get the firearm you bid on when dealing with an individual. Companies have reputations to worry about, individuals may just try to twist and turn through terminology.


  79. Well, finally got all 14 pets (kids) settled down for the night/early morning. Wife's on facebook with family, I mentioned before she's British so it's morning there. Okay, good night good morning as the case maybe. Depending on your time zone, here EST (3:40am).


  80. Speaking of pump-pneumatics, don't forget the ANA (Al Nibecker) design.
    He made another design that uses less pumps for more energy. Not cheap or commonly available, but very handy none the less.

    a review by American Airgunhunter

  81. I saw those videos also. Pretty cheesy and make me suspect of the product quality. Same with the other unmentioned competitor with the scantily clad models displaying the rifles. Pyramyd AIR does seem to be in a class by itself.

  82. Hi.

    Firstly I'd like to wish Tom a speedy recovery, and follow up on his comments on the Blue Streak and other multi pumps.

    Has anyone ever tried putting a bigger air tube on something like a 2100? I'm wondering if a tube with double the diameter, and therefore 4 times the volume would give you a gun that shot full power on 3 pumps. I know that the pumping will be harder, but a lot of those guns were designed to be pumped by kids, so there must be a happy medium between pumping difficulty and number of pumps. On that subject, does anyone know the kind of pressures reached in front of the pump cup / inside the valve on the Crosman multi pumps?

    Not sure if I'm in the right place for those, please let me know.


  83. Hi all Im not sure if this is the correct place to post. I had received from my father what looks like a very old Sheridan Blue streak. It pumps but do not keep the air.I'll like to know for sure what model it is, how much to repair it, and what is the value. For me it has more a sentimental value than anything. Please send me an email @ mik00725@gmail.com I can send photos.

  84. mik00725 and profcomp,

    Thanks for both of your questions, but you will get a better answer if you repost them on the current blog which is /blog//. there are very few of us checking the past blogs for current comments.

    All questions are answered there and not through individual emails.

    Hope to see both of you there!

    Mr B.

  85. Can I use Crosman Silicone Chamber Oil in the barrel of my Baikal IZH-46M? If so, what's the best way to apply the oil and how much should I use?


  86. Doug,

    it won't hurt anything so the answer is yes. You can use a piece of paper towen and a small wooden dowel. You can also soak a small ball of paper towel in silicon oil and shoot it down the barrel but the question for you is why do you want to do that?

    Fred PRoNJ

  87. I have a question about new Diana's model 35
    In arabian market they say that they are the same as 34 and 36 and the stock is only difference!
    Please notice I live in Asia and diana 35 are still here and I am really confused about the article in this blog and my rifle performance!
    If it is the same as 34 and 36 means that its muzzle velocity is 1000 ft/s
    It carved on the blueish metel 2003/7 means it is new!
    It can penetrate three tin plate in 10 yard and two tin plate in 60 yard! I measured the distance and I am completely sure.
    Please tell me if I am right about the muzzle velocity?
    (the same as 34 and 36 1000ft/s)

  88. Anonymous, not sure where your confusion comes from. If Diana says that the 35 has the same action as the 34 and the 36 I'd think that you could believe them. But most of us are residing in the USA – where the newer 35 isn't available, so we can't tell you from experience.

    But it is very common for airgun manufacturers to base a lot of different models on the same action, the only difference being things like sights, stocks and barrel length. The older models 35 and 45 were developed back when companies were trying to come up with satisfactory designs, so a lot of these didn't work out as hoped, either from the standpoint of performance, reliability, or cost.

    In Diana's case they finally hit a good design with the 34's action, so they're going to use it a lot. A case in point is the model 45, which we started out as a unique design. In later years they completely redesigned it around the model 34 action, and the newer gun had little in common with the older one.

    As for the muzzle velocity of that rifle, whether it's called a 31, 34, 35, or whatever… is it 1000fps? Well, yes and no. With most normal pellets, no. With lightweight pellets – the type you're not gonna use for normal shooting anyway – then yes, it can probably hit those velocities.

    Another thing that we've found, at least in the guns imported to the USA, is that many model 34 variants have leaking breech seals. This can be fixed with additional shims under the breech seal O-ring, but it's hard to judge without a chronograph.

    Hope this helps…

  89. Thanks for your help, but unfortunatelely I am not native english speaker and I can not understand your last paragraph.
    Any way on my rifle on blueish metal it is carved 07 03 meaning July/2003 and it shows it is new!
    I dont know the last model 35 is belong to what time (1987, 1980 ???) in America? But Diana told me because of special oreders in arabian market we produce these 35, 36 rifles.
    I know the actual velocity is lover than the advertised velocity but if the advertised velocity became lower than 34 obviously the actual velocity became so much lower!!
    But if you have a Diana 34 you can compare to my 35, in this way: my 35 can penetrate 3 tin plates of a edible oil in 10 yard (two of a can and one of another can and pellet falls in the second can) an two tin plate of a can in 60 yard!
    (with gamo promagnum pellet caliber .177)

  90. Look here, this might help:


    Advertised velocities mean very little, and sometimes a gun with a lower advertised velocity shoots faster than one with a higher rating.

    Trying to compare power with penetration tests won't work. There are too many variables… including thickness and alloy composition of the plates you're shooting at.

  91. Dear vince one last thing I forgot to tell you is that when I saw that comments and articles in this blog I decisided to exchange my 35 with a 34 or 36! (still thinking!)
    Still I am not sure if diana uses the same technology in 35 or not because nowhere in the web I foun that 35 is capable of 1000 ft/s.
    I am not going to tell I dont thrust Diana no! I love diana but their informotion was not clear because this was secon time I sent an email to them at first they told me 35 is 225 m/s and 34 , 36 are 290 m/s and lower price models 26,28 235 m/s!!!
    Maybe they did not notice that my airgun is new.
    So still I hope for a exact and clear information to use for scientific shooting.

  92. Thank once again
    One thing may help! I am sure in 90 yard it has the same power as a muzzle shoot of a 40$ china lowest price .177 airgun! But maybe these low quality air guns are not in America!
    And I am sure in 100 yard can kill any bird like pigeon if hits!

  93. So, let me ask a question a newbie about a concern I have with my recently purchased Benjamin 392. Retrieved pellets have consistent, weak, uneven rifling marks and also appears like the are getting a noticable head deformation on one side. Looks like there's wear in the barrel near the back of the front sight mostly on the top side, like it might be pinched. Problem?

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