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An open message to all new airgunners

by B.B. Pelletier

Every now and then, I’m reminded of just what this blog is doing for airgunning. Now that may sound self-serving, but I assure you I don’t mean it to be.

The power of this blog isn’t in my writing, but in yours! You readers are the world’s finest panel of airgunning experts ever assembled, and you prove it every day.

Here is an example. I get a furtive (secretive) message sent directly to me from a person who, “Doesn’t want to waste anyone’s time on the blog.” Instead, he writes to me directly.

He has this problem. As a new airgunner, how does he ……… and you can fill in the rest of the question, because they have asked them all. I remember when, a few months ago, I was contacted in this way by an airgun newbie who is now one of our most involved blog commenters. I forget the question, but it was an important one to him.

Edith asked him to please come to the blog and post his questions because: (1) I was in the hospital and we didn’t know when I’d be available but, more importantly, (2) our blog has hundreds of experts who know much more about airgunning than I do.

Before you accuse me of false modesty, hear me out. I’m just one person, and I do know a lot about airguns, but certainly not everything. And if you’ve spent more than three days reading the comments on this blog, you already know about people like Kevin, twotalon, Slinging Lead, Wacky Wayne, Vince, Derrick, Kid Again, Robert from Arcade, DaveUK, Brian in Idaho, ajvenom, Frank B, duskwight, pcp4me, Fused, AlanL, Victor, Lloyd, Trout Underground, CJr, Jim in KS, David Enoch, Matt61, CYCLEALLEYRIDERS, Volvo, CowboyStarDad, my good buddy Earl “Mac” McDonald and the list goes on….I’m sorry if I didn’t list your name, but a full list of names would make this blog too large.

And these are just the current respondents. I still remember Turtle and CF-X guy from PR and ComicFan93 and dm20 and the kid from Cypress who went into the Army and rejoined us a year later when he got out and hundreds of other guys who haven’t contributed here in several years. And my point is that all of these guys are airgunners and collectively they know pretty much everything.

So, when that airgun newbie finally did start posting his questions on this blog, he met dozens of helpful, friendly airgunners who were more than willing to advise him on each of his questions. Today, he has a battery of friends who look out for him, including my wife, Edith.

But that’s not the best story I can tell you. The very best example of the power of this blog is Wacky Wayne Burns, the Match Director of the Ashland Airgun Range. I can remember a time when Wayne was positively mystified by the sport of field target. He persisted with questions about the sport to the point that Mac and I developed a course outline and had planned to run a field target clinic in Ohio for Wayne and anyone who wanted to lear about field target. We got started too late to run the course that year, so I wrote a special report on field target that Wayne read. That gave him the courage to attend some field target matches, and he saw what I had written about put into practice.

Well, he was able to take that and start a field target club in Ashland. And that club has now grown large and fine and attracts shooters from afar who like to attend a well-run match. Airgun designer Larry Durham has dubbed Wayne’s range an “airgun theme park.”

When he first came to this blog, Wayne was a total newbie, by his own admission. Today, he’s qualified to give expert consulting on the construction and conduct of airgun ranges. I may have had a hand in his transformation, but I’m not the only one. Wayne has relied on dozens of our most-involved readers to get where he is. He’s had Vince almost permanently employed at times, rebuilding and tuning the various guns he has acquired. And, I’d like to point out, Wayne was advising me to test the RWS 92 and 94 based on his experiences with them at his club.

All this has happened in about 5 years or less–probably less. It’s a perfect illustration of the power of this blog.

It’s not just me, folks. It’s also YOU!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

114 thoughts on “An open message to all new airgunners”

  1. Just knowledge isn’t what makes this blog work. Yes, collectively the airgunners that read this blog have more knowledge than any one person – even Tom.

    /* touchy feely on */

    But Tom, you and Edith somehow have sprinkled magic pixie dust on this blog and created a wonderful resource that is enjoyed by a multitude of engaged readers. The kudos are to you for the magic, not merely the knowledge.

    /* touchy feely off */

    To any new poster we’ll all say welcome. We all enjoy fresh fish for our big lies and sea stories!

  2. B.B. i dont know why somebody would even think that there are stupid questions about airguns ,don t know but i love to help (well at least how much i can)I am not shy to ask and here is message to all new airguners -i dont feel bad for my bad english and somethimes stupid questions ,would i be here if i do 😉
    Now question fotr CJr -have you tried to make ballistic jelly ???update me 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • C-S,
      Two answers:

      First the easy one – No, I haven’t tried ballistics gel, yet. The idea fascinates me but I haven’t gotten around to doing anything yet. There was an episode on American Airgunner a while back on how to make ballistics gel, too. If I ever get around to it I’ll let you know.

      Second – I don’t think a crossbow is a good choice for home defense. It’s cumbersome to use in tight and close quarters and you only get one shot. If an intruder is in your house and coming at you you want a weapon that will put four in his chest and one in his head (in that order) in 5 seconds. I still feel a .38 or larger caliber revolver is the ideal and safest weapon for the job. A .45 auto may be better but I don’t feel as safe around automatics.

      BTW, Next week I’m going back to Canada looking for those Northern again. Wish I could take that underwater fleschett with me for a tryout.


  3. Tom,

    Your right, this is an amazing blog. A wonderful place to meet new friends who love to share what they learned in the air gunning sport/hobby.

    But how did it get this way?

    With years of hard work by you and Edith. You made it safe for us to ask dumb questions, (I know, “there are no dumb questions” great line:-)), but some of us feel dumb asking them. You always let us know everyone starts somewhere, and there is nothing bad about starting something new, its a good thing in fact.

    The two of you have taught a lot of us stuff that we then share with others, if your busy or away. You have created a team of sorts. A team of caring folks that love you both, and will do whatever they can to help out. That’s what is different about this air gun blog. And I’m very proud to be part of that team! Together we keep adding to our knowledge base, and it’s really amazing how it grows so fast as we continue to share our experiences.

    Thank you again for helping me to learn, and have so much fun in this fine sport.

    Bless you both, you be very special people!

    Wacky Wayne,
    Match Director,
    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  4. I love my 2240, but in some ways I wish I had found this site before and not after. 🙂 For the price I don’t think I could have done better being a newbie preferring pistols to rifles. I have been given so much knowledge and help and friendship here! If anyone thinks there is a stupid question out there, look at my record I’ve probably asked it already a couple times 🙂 🙂

    You are right in saying that the list is too long to mention everyone’s name that contributes so much knowledge and life experiences.

    One thing that I do enjoy here is that we are able to share of ourselves, it does not have to be airguns none stop! For that I am happy, we are a true world wide community. 🙂

    • rikib -and not just that you are person that i trully respect (you have wright on VETO ) 🙂 if i say something stupid ;)— like Dave ,SL ,pcp4me …..i give you guys right to put a VETO too 😉

    • rikib,
      Now that you’re in love with that 2240, what do you wish that you would have known first and what do you wish you would have done differently, if anything?


      • CJr,
        Well, I do love the 2240 and I wish that I had found PyramydAir and read more about air gunning before hand. I purchased my 2240 from PyramydAir but through a third party.
        What I would have done differently? I probably (after reading this blog) would have gone to Crosman’s custom shop. I would have purchased the pistol with all the mods I wanted as one unit.
        I guess my only regret, if any, would be a desire for more power. Then again, this is a quality, inexpensive pistol with a lot of options.
        So yes, my 2240 is my friend! 🙂 🙂


          • KA,
            No I have not purchased the scope yet. I’m supposed to be receiving a shoulder stock from a friend. My disability pay doesn’t come till mid next week. Like I said before, if you want it go ahead. I’ll buy a new one with no bad feelings at all. Like the old saying “Put your money where your mouth is”, I opened my mouth before I had the money. My fault if I lose out.


          • rikib,
            I have been sitting on the ole proverbial fence trying to decide if I want to get involved in pistol shooting to supplement my rifle habit. You are tipping me towards the pistol side.


            • CJr,
              Yes, that ole proverbial fence. I’ve teetered it on many an occasion myself. 🙂 I’ve always preferred the pistol. Even after retiring from military service I could never find a comfortable hold with a rifle, pistols seemed to come natural. Maybe it had something to do with my being 6’1″ and long lanky arms. Hopefully things will change a bit when I put a shoulder stock on my 2240. I guess the size would be like a mini carbine from what I’ve read. In any event I’ll be getting a scope as well to assist my aging eyes. 🙂 🙂


  5. B.B.,
    Although my background is in precision class air-rifle and air-pistol, plus small-bore, I still consider myself a newbie. As I once stated, what I had learned before was purely about being a competitor. This blog is opening up an entirely new dimension. The perspective is different, because members of this community have different needs and interest. This fact broadens the scope of what might be discussed, but you and a few others go beyond that to add depth as well. I may not have the exact same interest as others, but I learn new things just the same.

    My personal philosophy in life, since I was very young, is to value all knowledge. I don’t consider knowledge to be a waste, especially if someone has invested any real amount of time into obtaining it. As I often describe it to friends, I have this bag of tricks that is huge. I may not commit every detail to memory, but I’ve learned that it helps a great deal to be AWARE of things.


    • Victor,

      What you said really resonates with me. I have some casual acquaintances I have met at airgun shows. I’ve watched as their interests have changed over the years and, upon reflection, I see that I am the same way. So I decided to like all airguns, because I never know when a spark of interest will suddenly burst into a firestorm of full-blown passion.


  6. Good morning
    I have marauder and it had a slow leak. I resealed the foster fitting and gauge port with Teflon tape. It still had a slow leak. I finely found were it was leaking it was the two o rings that seal the gauge port in side the tube. The o rings look like they got nicked during assembly. I called crosman and they sent me new o rings. My question is when I reassemble the gun should I use some kind of lube on the new o rings when I try to slide the port and the valve back in the tube or dose it have to be done dry.

        • Don’t use moly.
          Use silicone lube.
          If you had an AF gun, my recommendation for easy to obtain lube would be different. My favorite has different characteristics, but has certain requirements that the hardware store stuff has not fulfilled.
          Never tried the stuff B.B. mentioned.


      • Dear BB,

        Thanks for the subject of today’s blog. I have already been the recipient of gems of knowledge from yourself, Edith, SlingingLead, and CowboyStarDad, among others.
        I want you to know that I appreciate you guys taking time out to communicate with me and I hope I haven’t been too much of a

      • I use super lube at work a lot, and B.B. is right. It’s like a clear honey, and gets every where you don’t want it if you are not careful. But it will last through 50,000 cycles at 210f in our valves, so an air rifle and 5 or so years should hardly be a challenge.
        As for my alias here, I can’t think of anything very different from the regular cast here at the moment. This comment has been interrupted by my kids 5 times already and 2 phone calls, seems to be sapping my brain. Make one up, or I’ll do it next time.
        And good luck B.B.!

  7. I’ve always been amazed at how conscientiously Tom & Edith took the time to answer my airgun questions (Edith also recommended a book on liver cleansing for me!). I have great admiration for them both, as well as for the online community. This forum is high on civility and welcoming of new posters. My thanks to everyone here.

  8. Mike,
    Take a pass on using the moly. You want to use silicone grease. Either the plumbing section of Lowe’s, Home Depot…

    Better yet, since you’ve made the investment in a PCP, find a local dive shop and get an ounce of so of the higher quality silicone o-ring lube they use on tank o-rings.

  9. Nicely done, and it reflects so well upon the mindset of those in the shooting sports.
    Some hobbyists have a kind of weird protective philosophy about their passion.
    Meanwhile, we airgunners are proud of what we do and are quite eager to bring in new shooters.
    And, yes, this is one of the finest blogs of any sort out there, quite a testament of Tom’s/BB’s leadership and work ethic.
    That also goes to Tom’s wonderful wife, Edith, who somehow kept this blog running even when her husband was in the hospital so ill for a while.
    PA has chosen well.

  10. Texas Jack — the guy with the old cap lock rifle,

    I have researched my references for clues to your rifle. I found a nearly identical patchbox, but it is on an early-style flintlock.

    I think it’s going to be impossible to determine the maker of your rifle without physical examination and a lot more research. Those letters on the barrel can be brought out with a chemical treatment, and they may provide some important clues. But to do all that you need an expert who can physically examine the rifle. Even the pattern of the rifling is important, because makers seldom cut more than a few different patterns over their entire careers.

    If you are interested, the patchbox I found is on page 276 (plate 222) of Henry J. Kaufman’s book, “The Pennsylvania-Kentucky Rifle” It is on a rifle whose barrel is marked as the work of Andrew Klinedinst of York, PA. Klinedinst operated in York in the time from 1825-1850.


  11. B.B.
    Thanks for giving us so much credit, but you and Edith have been the driving force to keep things going.

    In a case like yesterday with that HW beauty, I am glad that I have not extended my credit card limit. If I can’t afford to buy it or PA is sold out it gives me time to think about what I would want another rifle for and I have time to cool off.
    The one yesterday really made me itch, and you have not even posted tests on it yet.


  12. Thank you, partner, for the kind words – on behalf of all of us readers. I wish I lived closer to Oregon to get to the Wayne Burns Airgun Park 🙂 (sounds like you had a great competition the other weekend, Wayne), but alas, I’m stuck here in the People’s Republik of NJ and the wifey already has plans for both days this weekend. I can’t even jump on my motorcycle to get to Hagerstown, MD for the Grand National Dirt Track Race! At least I can find some time to play around in the Westfield Target Range, now overcrowded with my kids’ stuff (in the basement). So far, I haven’t plugged any of their stuff when shooting at my targets 🙂 and the spackling compound hasn’t been used for quite a few weeks!

    Fred PRoNJ

  13. Hi, BB!
    I just wanted to thank you for the subject of today’s blog. I have already received a wealth of information from yourself, Edith, twotalon, SlingingLead, and CowboyStar Dad, among others. I really appreciate all that all of you have done for me and I am now a regular reader of this blog every morning! Just to let you know, I have been an amateur firearms history buff for a long time, so if you need to point any questions my way, please do so!

    I have one for you–do you know anything about the quality of the Legacy Sports Puma SA .22 for approximately $200 US? If they’re of good quality and not made from cheap metals, Ruger may be in for some competition, since their Single Six is priced almost out of consideration for the average shooter.

    Su Compadre,


    • Walton,

      Legacy Sports is a Nevada-based reseller of just about anything in the sporting goods arena. Expect zero after-sales support.

      As for the Puma, I know nothing. Is it like the Heritage that sells for $150 with both .22 LR and .22Mag. cylinders?


      • I don’t know, BB. I just ran across an ad for it yesterday. If Legacy offers zero after-sales support, I probably won’t deal with them anyway. Thanks for the heads-up. Give my best regards to Edith.-

  14. Like Walton, I have also become a daily reader. I’m usually up early, and this blog has really brightened many a groggy, sleepy morning.

    I also agree with many comments above that say, while so many experienced airgunners improve this blog, its Mr. and Mrs. BB that makes it tick.


  15. This blog and the guidance by Tom and Mrs. Gaylord have had a profound impact on the fun factor in my life. Their love of life, devotion to a higher power, love for one another and passion for shooting is openly shared with all of us. That sharing is contagious and many of us have gladly caught the bug.

    No question that this airgun family’s recent valedictorian is Wayne Burns. It’s a treat when he takes time from his busy schedule to comment since his knowledge and enthusiasm are off the charts.

    The broad diversity in professions, life experiences and airgun knowledge from other contributors keeps the seasoning in this blog stew interesting. Thank you all for that.

    There are a lot of airgun blogs/forums out there and I’ve visited most. I call this one home.


    • Kevin,

      Thank you very much! But, I don’t deserve that. You guys did it all, I just had the fun following through on the team and my own ideas.

      I found the air gun world again, like a growing number of baby boomers, late in life. Sure I popped a few rounds at cans here and there with a Walley world 766 or something, over the 50 years, but, that’s all I knew about air guns.

      Before that, I was 8 years old when my Dad gave me the Hy-score 806, and taught me to kill the rabbits eating our young citrus trees. (on my belly at 15 or 20′). We lost that orchard/ranch, and Mom sold my Hy-score.
      I didn’t own or even know about quality airguns until I did a Google search, I guess it was about 5 years ago, to find a few air guns for workers to have on hand for shooting rats under the units of lumber.

      I found the PA site, of course, and eventually this blog. And like so many old farts, I had no idea of the huge selection of prices, power, power plants, and quality available. Things had changed while I raised a family and a business.

      But when I get interested in something, I kind of jump in with both feet… and hands:-).. head first! And I caught up quick, with the excuse of the rifle range inventory needs to feed my drive to taste a lot of them.

      Doing so, with the support of the team I found here, can really launch a guy!

      The rifle range is a natural next step, if you want a place to practice and have contests, and ya have some extra land.

      I really didn’t do that much experimenting, I tasted the springer branch of the river all the way to the HW97 and 77 carbine version and even the famed TX200. Excellent all, but still too hold sensitive for me. Especially when very accurate, easy to shoot PCPs are only a little more in most cases. One can only personally shoot so many guns and to mix springers and PCPs takes a lot more practice… to do it accurately with both at least for this old guy.

      Especially if the blog team gets you started on firearms too!!! I had only shot Dads old Remington semi-auto .22lr a little over the years. Now they have me shooting everything from .38 special to 300gr .45lc and .22lr to 7mm rem mag. Not to mention the great lesson you particularly gave me Kevin, on patterning a shotgun. After great advice on which ones I might want to buy.. and why!

      Now I can’t go anywhere without thinking about somewhere I can stop and “walk the can” with a few rounds of .45lc in the Blackhawk and Marlin 1894 carbine.

      All from this blog in under 5 years… now that’s crazy! … no that’s

      Wacky Wayne,
      Match Director,
      Ashland Air Rifle Range

  16. BB,

    I’m with Herb on the Magic Pixie dust. There is a reason for those that you mentioned contributing here. This blog is fruit from some pretty disciplined efforts on yours and Edith’s part. Thanks.

    Oh, and uh, you accidentally put me on the list with some pretty knowledgeable people there.


  17. B.B. – Most appreciative of the open letter today. I have no idea what I may have done to give to the effort, but I certainly know what I have received! From my very first entry, I have been impressed by your dedication to helping EVERYBODY. I remember thinking that I’d just go ahead and post my question and maybe one of the other bloggers would pick it up and give me some direction. Well, within an hour I got a response from you directly. Since then, my appreciation for you and everyone else on the Blog has only grown. Thanks!

  18. In my opinion there are two things that make this blog so great.
    1st…Tom and Edith.
    2nd…For some reason it has managed to keep a ‘family’ feel. A good family dynamic entails the elders, who pass on information in a loving an patient way to the younger members of the family. Sometimes there is a bit of fiction…either from the elders who get a bit impatient, or a ‘youngster’ who thinks he knows all.
    Somehow this blog, like a well working family seems to overcome these little blips through kindness and patience.
    What this blog seems to have managed to do is not to fall into the trap that so many blogs do where a few put themselves on pedestals as the ‘all knowing’. (photography blogs for some reason seem prone to this as I know all too well). Egos get rubbed the wrong way…verbal barbs are thrown and returned and soon it becomes a very dysfunctional family.
    I can only imagine that Edith and Tom’s children would speak very highly of their parents…as we do hear.

  19. Everyone here contributes in some form or fashion. Even the “newbie” questions help us old-timers to reach back into our distant memories for info and answers. Always good to exercise the gray matter.

    I have learned (and re-learned) a ton from this great blog. Thanks Wayne, Vince, Mac, BB, Edith, Kevin, Twotalon and many, many others.

    Wayne, I have not forgotten your invite to Ashland from a few months ago, the photos of your range are spectacular, a true airgunner’s paradise! Will a HW97K and a reasonably inaccurate shooter be allowed on the hallowed grounds of the USFT?

    • Brian,

      Springer Guru, Jonathon Reyes was just here showing us the “boingers” as he lovingly calls them can really knock em over. Piston class as it’s called, didn’t have enough contestants with our low turnout, (see we need you!!!), so Jon and his TX200 had to be scored in PCP 12fpe international class where he tied with Tony shooting a Styer for second with 68/100 behind yours truly, who knew the winds, shooting yes, USFT #44, with 80/100. Jonathon with that TX200, had just beat a bunch of 20fpe open class shooters at his club the week before, where HE knows the wind!

      So, can you come… Ha, you can come and win!!!

      Wacky Wayne,
      Match Director,
      Ashland Air Rifle Range

  20. Maybe we have that family feel, because we know some of the elders can hit a bottle cap at 100 yards. It keeps us kids in line. lol

    That and this blog is for our hobby, a hobby we chose and love. A blog about our profession may not be as fun, at least for me it wouldn’t.

  21. Yeah thanks a lot!
    Thanks to this wonderful blog and all the friendly people who contribute to it I have an airgun addiction, I just came back from vacation and I had to go into town everyday to get my daily airgun blog fix and I also have a growing airgun itch that no mater what new airgun I buy never seems to stop.

    Like many people who have stumbled here after searching the net I have discovered a whole world I never even suspected existed and was amazed at what’s available to us. My airguns collection is growing as time, money and trips to the US allows and I don’t see the end of it, I can’t say “well after these I won’t need to buy another airgun” it just has no end (and buying the bluebook of airguns REALLY hasn’t helped either, now not only am I looking at new guns, I also need old ones too!)

    I’ve never kept up with other blogs or forums because as CowboyStarDad mentioned the toned is often rude and/or condescending and not only towards newbies but also between seasoned members and I think it prevents people from keeping reading those. The friendly, family like tone adopted here with the help of the “there is no stupid question” mentality I think as really helped bring more people here and to the airgunning sport/hobby and helped keep them coming back for more therefore discovering more and more stuff and they bring other people in with them and one day airgunners will rule the world! 😉

    Thanks again to everyone here.


  22. Matt 61

    Well, heat is extreme by any condition. I’m writing this in +40 centigrade, but yesterday it was worse. Thick smoke from burning peatbogs, you cannot see anything in 200 m, it irritates your eyes and throat, and sun looks a pale bloody quarter-sized disk, like it was turned off and cooling down, like this is the End. Today winds creared the sky, but bogs still burn, and it’s not a degree cooler.
    You know that cartoon – “A hedgehog in a fog”, all-time classic? People joke that today it looks like “A hedgehog smoked” documentary.


    • Duskwight,

      I just read the news about the smoke. I had no idea that was happening! I knew about the high temperatures and the wildfires, but the smoke in Moscow was news to me.

      How miserable that must be! I’ll pray for you.


      • B.B.

        Thank you.
        I almost regret that yesterday I missed a moment to make a photo of that sun.I cannot say I hope for the situation to repeat tomorrow 🙂 but that would be a terrific shot, just like another planet.
        Right now it’s heavy wind, a thunderstorm and a parody of a rain 🙂 I hope skies will give us more water, just to clean the air, but chances are slim. Well, maybe somewhere in other part of Moscow it rains (the city itself looks like a round pie c. 30 km in diameter, and it happens sometimes). All I have to is to watch the thunderstorm from my balcony 🙂 It is really beautiful.


    • duskwight,

      I can relate to your situation. Three days of wildfires in my area and the unusually small amount of wind has been covering us in smoke. Fires are out now and things are back to normal, so hang in there as this too shall pass.


  23. Amen Brothers and Sisters !!!

    BB, Edith and all you folks have made air gunning for me not only a sport but a passion.

    It is refreshing to know that I was not the only crazy ole coot – thinking / reliving that “Lucky” bulls eye just before falling asleep.

    Y’all have helped me by your willingness to share and by your friendship.

    Thank you and God bless,

  24. B.B., well your attempt to deflect credit was done about as eloquently as it could be, but I still have to differ.:-) Starting from the old adage about the style is the man, I would venture to say that what makes this blog different is the personality of the blogger: you. That is a personality that knows all the technical details but also has a broad generalist’s knowledge; has plenty of convictions but can tolerate alternative points of view; can turn out an unheard of amount of work while still keeping things playful and fun; has plenty of authority but allows people to express themselves; can deliver with high quality professional writing without talking down to people; in short knows when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em. To indulge in more bonehead statistics, I’ll say it’s far likelier that the blog has developed a following because of you and Edith than because a particular collection of people has randomly self-assembled–although I do enjoy hearing from my fellow-bloggers very much and appreciate their indulgence. Thanks B.B. and Edith.

    Wayne, I see that you’ve deployed some fiendish ingenuity with your course. I would have thought that the trees would also break up the wind. Can you remind me what is the original Quigley shot that you have scaled down? It is some kind of thousand yard shot right?

    I would add that we can hardly have a better condensed display of the virtues of airgunning than the photospread of Wayne’s shooting course the other day linked by Kevin. The high quality guns show that this is a serious sport, but the course shows that you can do all this literally in your backyard. You don’t have to worry about shooting next to someone firing a .338 Lapua cannon or having an AR-15 eject hot brass all over you.

    Kevin, ever heard of a James Horner in Leadville? A very large guy, music professor, and avid hunter?

    C-S, sorry to hear about your ex-stepfather. I’m with B.B. on the virtues of a tactical flashlight. There are kinds with spikes on the rim with which to attack the opponent; strobe features for dazzling them; and some have enough length and hardness to clobber an opponent all by themselves. Also very good among the non-lethal weapons is the Sjambok, a type of plastic whip used by the South African riot police. I rest my case. It all depends on what you have access to.

    Duskwight, you have my sympathy. That sounds awful. Stay indoors and try to avoid inhaling all that pollution. Haven’t heard of the hedgehog in the fog cartoon I’m afraid.


    • Matt61

      It is inevitable, I’ve got to go to job, but I discovered a way to freak people out – I wear an industry-grade respirator and it really helps. Frank Herbert’s Dune, you know 🙂 I wish I could wear some protective goggles, but that would be too much and impossible with my glasses 🙂 so I just keep a bottle of saline to wash out that smoke.
      The cartoon is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW0jvJC2rvM . Filmed in 1975 it is called one of the best animated movies of all time. Enjoy 🙂


        • C-S

          Thank you.
          Anything that doesn’t kill you outright, makes you stronger. Just watch for it not to become an addiction 🙂
          We all are holding. Anyway, it is amazing how strong and adaptable a human body can be. If someone told me that I would consider +28 a nice and cool weather – 3 months ago I would laugh at the man’s face, but now – I think it would be really cool. And I hadn’t ever thought that I will see +40 in Moscow and be able to breathe, to walk and to work, however I am, and right now I don’t see it as much of a trouble. It’s a sort of amazing 🙂


    • Matt61,

      I didn’t know Jim Horner well but met him on several occasions. If it’s the same Jim Horner he was, among other things, a staunch supporter of the Alpine Orchestra and an interim conductor of the orchestra in its early days.

      One of my neighbors at the Mt. Massive Trout Club, the Maestrelli’s are also supporters of the Alpine Orchestra. Dr. Maestrelli is a retired dentist and known at the club affectionately as “Tooth”. Avid golfer, hunter and fisherman. Tooth and his wife, Judy, introduced us at a party they hosted years ago.

      If it’s the same Jim Horner you probably know that he died years ago.


  25. BB and Edith,thank you.
    A real honour to be listed in your post mate 🙂
    Also what a great bunch of folk on here.
    Always willing to help fellow air gunner’s with a question or problem.
    I myself have more questions than answers and a problem for every solution so best not ask my advice. lol

    In fact yes.
    My dad has a .22 Webley Eclipse he got of his neighbour.
    The guy has a firearms licence so he owns Shotguns,rimfires and FAC rated air rifles.
    Knowing my dad had a problem with rats from the farmyard at the back he gave him his old Eclipse.
    Not the best of condition stock wise and a little rusty but still a nice shooter.
    Don’t ask me about the terrible job my dad did of sanding and painting the stock.
    It breaks my heart 🙁

  26. C-S:
    Can I echo Matt61 and say sorry to hear you are having problems.
    First and foremost think ‘Prevention’.
    Secure perimeter gates and accesses,lock doors(Change locks if necessary)and windows particularly at night.
    Put a spy hole in the front door and a chain which must be used at all times.
    Don’t get sloppy and forget to use them.
    Seal your letter box and any other place petrol could be poured through and ignited.Also get a smoke detector and extinguisher just in case.
    Pack kitchen knives and other sharp implements in a safe place so as to deny an intruder ready made weapons.
    The preventative measures will hopefully buy you time be able to take command of a situation.
    Be that call the cops or get yourself armed.
    I have an 80Ib pull pistol crossbow but like has already been recommended,a bright torch and a claw hammer would be more realistic.

    • Dave i know thank you ,matt61 thank you too, but it is not that i am in trouble he is threatened my mother and i when i say that i mean fire-weapon kinda threat…it is all on court now but it is been over a year now and -they didnt even devorce them : /

  27. Thank you guys for your concern ,you guys are true “ethernet friends” ,i think that things have a way to solve itself ,and i am a optimist ,but since now my mother live(temporarily )with me i can even earn some money for renting the room 😉

  28. Tom & Edith,
    A rather obscure quote. Maybe he was talking about the type of blog you would create. An open conversation, no pre-interviews before comments.

    “I wanted when we began this to have a conversation, the kind that you’re able to have, and the only way I knew how to do it was not to have a pre-interview.”
    James Lipton

    Thanks again to both of you, and all the wonderful contributors here that make this a TRUE community! 🙂 🙂


  29. New airgun experience for me today. My first side pumper msp (Multi Stroke Pneumatic) a titan mohawk arrived.

    With 3 pumps this thing is doing 670-674 fps with jsb 15.8gr. 4 pumps and the spread opens to 725-749fps and with 5 pumps it’s doing 765-782. Trigger breaks like glass at a little over 10 ounces. The walnut thumbhole stock has an adjustable butt pad and with minor adjustments fits me like a glove. A built in moderator makes this gun very stealthy.

    Can’t wait to scope this beauty and shoot some groups.


    • I’m happy for you!Three pumps,wow.That spread makes regulated guns look bad.I can’t wait to see the accuracy you report.I wish you could shoot that Swedish C1…10 leisurely pumps gives mv of 585,with a .21 cal 14.5 gr. roundball!!When I say leisurely I mean w/ two fingers!!What do they know that Benjamin doesn’t??

      • Frank B,

        The titan mohawk was hand built by John Bowkett. I’ve been looking for the right one for quite awhile. I wanted several options that other titan mohawk’s that were offered to me didn’t have. This one fell in my lap.

        Although the owners manual doesn’t specifically state that the valve is regulated, many seasoned airgunners believe that the titan mohawk contains one of John Bowkett’s earliest versions of his regulated valves.

        The option checklist for this gun shows that it also came from Bowkett with his match trigger unit (adjustable for first stage, let off and can be adjusted for angle), the sound moderator, walnut thumbhole stock and a brass stock fixing band. Fully loaded if you will.

        Pretty interesting piece of kit for a gun built in 1993.


    • Kevin – I looked up the Titan Mohawk, very interesting. I’ve never even heard of one before. Congrats – let us know how it performs in accuracy when you get a chance.

    • Kevin,

      I owned a Daystate Sportsman Mark II, which was a Daystate remake of your Titan. My gun was very hard to pump after three pumps. Number 4 and 5 were 77 lbs. each.

      Do you have the same experience? I’ll bet Bowkett did a better job of it.


      • B.B.,

        Sorry for the delay in getting back to you but my wife is the only one that knows where the bathroom scale is in this house. LOL!

        This titan mohawk is the 6 pump version and rated to 2,700psi. There are also 10 pump, aftermarket versions, that are apparently beasts to pump.

        I don’t think our digital bathroom scale is the right device to use but it’s the only one I have. I laid the gun on its’ side since the significant force on this side pumper is at the very end when the force is almost perpendicular to the trigger guard. I’d be more confident in quoting numbers using and old style scale but here they are:

        1st pump 9.4 lbs (very easy, open and close the lever)
        2nd pump 14 lbs (like a 3rd pump on my benjamin 397)
        3rd pump 23 lbs
        4th pump 35 lbs
        5th pump 55 lbs (last 2 inches are 98% of this effort)
        6th pump 67 lbs (don’t have your fingers under the pump handle when it gets close to the stock!)

        This effort with the stock laying on its’ side amplified the cocking effort since I couldn’t hang onto the gun. While seated and holding the gun upright the leverage that the 25 1/4″ pump handle affords makes this effort seem fractional. Nonetheless, with the chrony numbers I’m initially getting with the jsb 15.8 gr (only pellet tested so far) I doubt that I’ll shoot the gun much with more than 4 pumps of air since the additional effort doesn’t justify the relatively minimal increase in velocity. Another pellet may change my mind.

        Did you keep one pump of air in your Daystate Sportsman Mark II while it was stored?


        • Kevin,

          So your Mohawk is somewhat easier than my Sportsman was. And, yes, I did store the rifle with one pump of air. And I mostly shot with three pumps. The Sportsman is a five-pump gun.

          A digital scale is hard to use for determining effort, because it keeps blanking out with every change. At least the one we used on American Airgunner did!


  30. Since 3am I have pondered…..How best to summarize the monumental influence that Tom,Edith and “BB Pelletier” have had on my life as an airgun enthusiast.You see it all began in early ’07 when a dear friend gave me a Marksman model 70.In researching this marvelous gift,the trail of breadcrumbs led me directly to BB.I only found 2 or 3 sentences of relevance already out there in cyberspace….I knew so little about the internet I hadn’t yet realized correspondence with an expert was possible for the likes of me!For the sake of brevity,we’ll fast foreward to today.Here I sit,refusing any credit for the good fortune which has found me blessed with folks I count as friends in nearly every state and several countries!!I also sit here typing amidst a gathering of airguns that span a century of history,and just shy of a dozen countries of origin.In about a week I will take delivery of the ultimate….A Whiscombe JW80 mkI that I will NEVER be able to shoot without giving credit to Tom & Edith and the fruits of their labor,and to all my friends here under whom I have learned so much!!! Thank You All! Frank B

      • Yeah,well I was trying to express my gratitude only….There will be plenty of time to revell in those HUGE details.I know that I have bought things that take alot of $$$….but when I write about them here it is truly in the spirit of sharing my good fortune.Rest assured if anyone on this blog was my neighbor,they would all be yours to enjoy,just not to keep:]!

        • We, well I, thank you for the details and info guns I could never hope to own. Sharing, I believe, is one thing that keeps this community going. Thanks again for what you bring to the table. 🙂


  31. I agree with all the good comments and thoughts expressed here today on this topic. This is an exceptional blog managed by exceptional people who care about what they do. Another thing that amazes me, very much so, is how the readers of this blog strive so hard to make it succeed even through controversial and opposed opinions. This is unusual in my experience and oh so much a breath of fresh air in these times. Thanks everybody. You are truly all great people and I am so honored to have my handle listed with the rest of you. Thanks Tom and Edith, you’ve made a brighter day for all of us.

    • I think it helps that a lot of us are older. I’ve looked at several blog related sites, and found that too many of the younger crowd have learned the wrong lessons regarding communications. In much of the “virtual world”, there are no rules, so people hide behind their monitors and say things that would never been said in front of someone else. People can be very mean, nasty, and deceitful if allowed, and the Internet allows things to get way out of hand. This is especially true when it comes to the obvious things like religion and politics. We know what is not discussed in “polite” company, and the virtual world shows us why we were taught what polite conversation is. That people talk about these things is not the issue so much as HOW they talk about those things. Open up certain discussions to everyone, and you’re going to find a lot of people who simply don’t appreciate how important it is to respect others views. You only need a few bad apples to ruin an entire discussion.

      For those of us who did NOT grow up in this “Internet culture”, but rather in the real world culture, we still have a common sense about how we should communicate with others. For me, I won’t say anything over the Internet that I wouldn’t say in front of someone. Putting it another way, if I feel that saying something would get me punched in the nose in person, then it isn’t right to say it over the Internet. It’s this kind of thinking that is often lacking in the virtual world.

  32. My first post to this blog was a little under a year ago. I had purchased a Crosman American Classic 1377, and wanted to make it better. A cursory search led to several results that pointed me to this blessed place.

    Initially, I found the comments to be confusing. They often referenced inside jokes, or old conversations from previous posts, and talk of firearms and other crazy things. I just wanted information on MY gun, and I have the patience of a hitchhiker with diarrhea.

    However, reading the comments soon became habit, because you never know when you will run across the gold nugget you were looking for. As I read the blog comments over several weeks the subject of the TX200 kept popping up. “What is this damned thing?”, I had to ask myself, so I looked it up. Oh God. So beautiful. SO EXPENSIVE. I knew I had to have one. Thus began my airgun addiction/affliction.

    The excellent writing and breadth of knowledge of the blog is a delicious entree. The comments are the desert. To make another corny analogy, this blog is like a beautiful fruiting tree. Edith and Tom are the tree. The comments are the water and nutrients that nourish the tree, and the plump, ripe fruit are the new airgunners brought into the fold that never knew what they were missing.

    I love this blog. The people that tend to gather here are diverse, interesting, knowledgeable, modest, and often hilarious. I try to never miss a day. From Mr B.’s ‘good mornings’ to Kevin, Volvo, BG_Farmer, twotalon, Chuck, Derrick and Nick’s sage advice I always feel I am missing something if I can’t check in a couple of times a day.

    It is also refreshing to see new airgunners, wobbling like a new born deer on legs that have never been used, get such great advice from such friendly and knowledgeable people. Newbies are often treated like dirt on other forums. I consider this place a gathering of my best friends that I haven’t met in person.

    As always, congrats on your new airgun Frank B!

    And thank you to Tom and Edith for a blog without equal.

    • I must confess once a new airgun [new to me] has been successfully located and negotiated for….part of the fun of it all are the laughs your comments and funny characterizations provide.I wouldn’t take anything in exchange for you being here!!!!![but I will hear offers :]]

  33. B.B.
    Seems as though this would have made a good weekend blog, with all these heartfelt responses! 🙂 🙂

    This is more than a blog, more than a community, it is an extended family. Or so I feel! 🙂


  34. I know it is late, but I want to add my comments to this thread.
    Tom is much too modest to give enough credit to himself for the impact this blog has on our hobby. The dedication of himself and Edith to the advancement of this hobby cannot be overstated.

    We really have as much of a community here as is found anywhere on the Internet. It is not enough to have only knowledgeable posters. Those posters have to be willing to share freely to help each other and newcomers. And this is what we have here.

    I have been involved in blogs for ten years. This is the most civil one I have ever had the opportunity to participate in.


  35. As a newbie, I am looking for some advice. I’m looking to buy a quality pellet gun and need some help. My priorities, in order are: quiet, multi-shot, pistol or small rifle, cost, coolness. I’ve read that springers are the most quiet generally.
    I am thinking of a MP514 (if it can be “tuned”), Benjamin Trail NP, Marauder Pistol, Talon SS. Would I be better off buying a professionally tuned gun?
    Any thoughts? Am i missing something or am I way off base?


    • Johnny,

      You didn’t mantion accuracy, so I bet you think that it is a given? Well, it isn’t. With a breakbarrel spring-piston rifle you will spend many months just learning the artillery hold before you will start to shoot tight groups. Or just buy a Marauder rifle and shoot them from the get-go. The marauder rifle is quieter than all breakbarrels, so it’s quiet. You don’t mention what “cool” means to you, but I’m guessing that it’s style. So a Talon SS might suit you better. Not as quiet as the Marauder, but just as accurate. But it’s a single-shot, not the repeater you say you want.

      Believe me, the more you investigate this hobby of ours, the more complex it becomes.

      I hope I have started you in the right direction.


  36. JR,

    welcome to the wonderful world of airguns and I mean that. This sport is very addictive. First thing, you should post this question on the current blog – this one dates back to August and the problem is most of the memebers don’t keep track of the older blogs so go to the current one by typing in the address:


    Next, the requirements you have listed are mutally opposing. For instance, there are no spring piston or gas piston rifles that are repeaters. You’ll only find those in CO2 and PCP rifles. CO2 are lower priced, for the most part and PCP’s start around $450 for repeaters. The Marauder rifle is a repeater keeping in mind the bolt must be worked for each pellet or round. It has a clip or cassette that you pre-load with 10 pellets. It will fit your three requirements of being quiet (extremely), multishot, but not too small a rifle and way cool. It’s super accurate, has an adjutable trigger and can be used in Field Target competition. However, it and the Talon are the most expensive of your choices. The Trail NP, which I also have, is a great rifle that is mostly used for hunting and plinking. However, it’s not particularly quiet – it’s MUCH quieter than an unshrouded gas piston rifle, however. It is a single pellet rifle as is the Talon SS.

    So, how much do you want to spend and what do you want to do with it? Hunt, target, plink or a combination? My suggestion as a newbie is for you to look at the Bronco and the RWS34 to see if these will fit your requirements. Pistols – again except for BB’s and CO2 powered pistols, there are no repeaters in spring piston or pump up pneumatics. The Alectro that the Blog has reviewed seems very nice but – it’s not a repeater – you reload after every shot.

    Hope this helps.

    Fred PRoNJ

  37. Thanks for the feedback. This is how new I am, I cant find the “post” link on the main site. I can only write by “replying” to a thread.
    I thought the MP514 had an 8 shot clip? If that’s true and if it can be made quiet, that would be my first choice.
    I could spend $450 for a PCP (Talon SS or new Marauder Pistol (2nd choice)) but the $200 pump and additional complexity make it hard to justify unless they were really quiet – but don’t think they are.
    Mainly I shoot in our basement and occasionally take out a rat from the birdfeeder in the lawn.


  38. JR – go to the very bottom of the comments blog after you go to the current blog by using that address –


    You will see a box at the bottom that says “leave a reply” or alternately, just go to the last comment and hit the “reply” link. As for the IZH or Baikai MP 514, I’m not familiar with it. See what the rest of the Bloggers have to say.

    Fred PRoNJ

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