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Crossman, Daisey and Annschultz airguns

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Last week, my wife, Edith, shared some Pyramyd Air-related stories about how hard it is for some people to find the products they want on their retail site. So, I asked her to write up a guest blog, and that’s what you’ll read today.

If you’d like to write a guest post for this blog, please email us.

by Edith Gaylord

Pyramyd AIR gets some emails every day from people who say they can’t find the gun, ammo or accessories they want to buy. The same frustrations you have doing a search on Google are similar to what some Pyramyd AIR customers have.

While there are algorithms to help you find products and answers to questions even if you misspell things, it’s obvious Pyramyd AIR isn’t nearly as creative as shooters searching their website!

Crossman and Daisey are very common misspellings, and I’m guessing everyone might typo those words occasionally. Of course, Pyramyd AIR can’t point fingers at anyone for misspellings! In fact, we recently got an email from someone who works for an airgun manufacturer and said he can no longer correctly spell the word pyramid due to writing Pyramyd so many times!

Usually, the people who conducted searches with typoed words didn’t recognize that they didn’t find what they wanted because of their misspellings instead of the website being inadequate. Here are some words we’ve had to enter into our cross-reference search to help people find what they want. On the left is the correctly spelled word or name; on the right is what we’ve had to add as an acceptable alternative due to customer typos or just because they’re not familiar with the word or name:

FWB or Feinwerkbau–>F&B, FBW, Fineworkbo, Frauhoken, Finewerkbo
Beretta–>Bretta, Berreta, Berretta, Breta
Weihrauch–>Weihrauh, Weirauch
H&K, HK or Heckler & Koch–>Hecker & Cock, Hecker & Koch, Heckler & Cock
Hammerli–>Hammarelli, Hammerreli
Anschutz–>Annschultz, Anschultz
muzzlebrake or muzzle brake–>musselbrake, mussel brake, musselbreak, mussel break, muzzle break, muzzlebreak
machine (as in machine gun)–>macheen, machene, machiene, masheen, mashine, mashinene

This represents only a small number of alternatives we’ve created, but it gives you a good idea of what we’re doing to give you what you want.

Some of the trickiest searches are for scopes. Apparently, many people are unaware of how scope dimensions are properly written. When I worked for a military surplus company before coming to Pyramyd AIR in 2006, I learned how optics manufacturers write scope dimensions (across the board — I have not found one exception, so far), and that’s the system I implemented on Pyramyd Air’s website. However, many (and possibly MOST) shooters don’t do it that way and frequently get frustrated because they can’t find the scope they want.

A scope with fixed magnification would be written this way, for example: 4X40. That’s a scope that magnifies what it sees by 4 times and has a 40mm objective lens. A variable scope has its dimensions written this way, for example: 4-12X40. Because it has from 4X magnification up to 12X magnification, people tend to write it as 4X12X40. Since we had a number of complaints about people not finding any scopes they searched for, I went through all of our scopes and came up with a number of different ways people might write the various scopes we sell. However, I’m sure I haven’t come up with all the ways, and more will be discovered as other creative people come up with new ways of writing things.

Think calibers are easy? Sure, just search for .22 caliber and that’s it. Not so. Look at all these substitutes we had to create to find just that one caliber…and we had to duplicate this for every smallbore and big bore caliber we sell: .22, .22 cal, .22-cal, .22 caliber, 0.22, 0.22 cal, 0.22-cal, 0.22 caliber, 22, 22 cal, 22-cal, 22 caliber.

People have learned from Google searches that you want to be as specific as possible to help find exactly what you want. Sometimes, that doesn’t work so good. If you want a breakbarrel air rifle with a muzzlebrake in .22 caliber with a scope, you might think you’d find exactly what you want when you enter this search term: .22 cal breakbarrel air rifle muzzlebrake. You’ll get over 2,000 results! That’s because Pyramyd Air’s search engine is returning results for each of those terms…not results for any items that has all those attributes.

It’s a good idea to do a general search. After those results come up, use the left-hand navigation column to narrow your search and find exactly what you want. That’s how I do searches, and I usually find what I want within a couple clicks.

The next time you can’t find something on Pyramyd Air’s site, feel free to send us an email via our web contact page. I’m one of the people who gets to see all these emails. If the reason you can’t find something is due to a typo or the way you’ve written it…and it doesn’t jive with the way we’ve written it, I’ll forward your email to our marketing specialist, Stormie (yes, that’s her real name), and she’ll check all of the searches on our site to see how many other people conducted the same search but didn’t bring it to our attention. If at least one other person has conducted the same search, chances are real good it’ll be added to our cross-reference list.

If you have any ideas to make it easier to search our site, let us know. Many of our website upgrades were ideas from customers. Pyramyd AIR is very open to suggestions and considers its customers as partners in making the website user-friendly.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

62 thoughts on “Crossman, Daisey and Annschultz airguns”

  1. ebay recently did a similar upgrade like Pyramyd AIR has done to automatically correct typo’s.

    Hate it.

    Once upon a time you could find deals on ebay by searching for mispellings, i.e., luepold, anshutz, weirauch, etc. Those days are over.

    Kudos to PA (and Edith) for the extra effort that allows us to hit what we’re looking for even though we make typo’s in our search.

    What I’m most thankful for is the recent elimination of the Paul Capello pop up window every 30 seconds on the PA site. Whomever disabled that deserves a raise.


  2. Edith,
    I just did a search on GOOGLE For Pyramid Air. When I clicked on the link for PA I got a web page for “MONSTERMARKETPLACE”. I had to hit the back button and try again before I got the PA website.
    Anyone else having this problem??


  3. I get here using “pyramidair.com”…. lol

    I was in a hurry one day, and mistyped it. I don’t have the site in my favorites, since I’m on a company computer, so i just keep using the drop down list in the url address box.

    But, having used the website so many times, I have no problems finding what I want. It’s one of the easiest sites to use, once you get used to it. But I can see the problems someone might have if they are a new “costumer”. 🙂

  4. “If you have any ideas to make it easier to search our site, let us know. Many of our website upgrades were ideas from customers. Pyramyd AIR is very open to suggestions and considers its customers as partners in making the website user-friendly.”

    And this is why PA is many people favorite website.

    “Heckler & Cock” Sounds like a stand up comedian bad night LOL.

    I find it hard to believe that people complain when they’re told they did not enter their search properly. To me it’s why it’s called searching, it’s a search engine not a find engine, it’s a tool. It’s as if you complained that your shovel didn’t bring up any gold while digging.

    You guys are really patient, my hat is off to you and the other members of the PA workforce.


  5. Edith,

    I am continually in awe of the work really good (but I emphasize — and you will smile when you read this — really good) web developers do, and much of my admiration is because of the challenges you’ve described.

    My wife is a corporate and freelance web designer/web content developer / search optimizer (currently unemployed-by-layoff, shameless networking plug), and this is her area, too.

    Anticipating typos and misspellings and different abbreviations and so forth has become a semi-art (and is also now semi-automated). I grudgingly must marvel at the degree to which Google (ugh) has evolved as a search engine since the bad old days. The automatic search corrections and suggestions that used to be annoying because they were almost always wrong are now almost always correct, and I find I rarely need to use Boolean Operators anymore. They must have an army of crackerjack code writers on their payroll.

    I just now typed fineverkbow into Google, and below I received, “Did you mean: feinwerkbau?” Followed by five web sites, each having to do with air rifles. Fineworkbow yielded similar results. Cross man yielded Crosman’s site and page after page of airgun sites, although Cross men yielded a bunch of sites about a drum and bugle corps.

    So if ever some new-ager puts up a pyramid power website called pyramidaire, PA might have a bit of trouble, but otherwise, I think the PA has the web thing down as well as anyone can expect for a non-Googlesque giant company. Rarely is it difficult for me to find something I know PA has somewhere on its site. Typically, it’s bingo! There it is. So I say, well done!


      • Edith,

        not you! The markting assistant! She should be in her 50’s if it’s the same lady who worked for an insurance company in NY during the early 80″s.

        Fred DPRoNJ

        • Fred,

          Duh! I read it as “Your last name” 🙂 I got to bed late last night & the cats woke me up early. That’s my excuse & I’m sticking to it!

          Stormie’s last name is VanMeenen and she’s about 22-23. We hired her last summer fresh out of college.


            • Cats! :^)

              This is what I have to say about cats: If mankind were five times better than we are, we’d be half as good as cats. And for those cat-haters out there, need I remind you that the greatest hunters on earth (and that’s saying a lot what with sharks, killer whales, mongooses, and raptors) are cats, large and small.

              My wife and I have two cats, brothers / litter mates named Ben and Jerry. (No, no, no, not for political reasons but because they are both SO SWEET.)


              • Michael,

                When Tom first met me, I had about a dozen cats…all indoors, in my two-bedroom apartment. I just can’t say “no.” I found homes for some who were there only temporarily, and we had 8 when we got married. When we moved from Denver to Maryland, I drove a VW bus with 8 cats ROAMING FREELY in the bus.

                We now have 3 cats (the original 8 eventually passed…one was estimated to be over 21). We now have Punky (found him under a car across the street), Roy Rogers (from the local shelter) and Dale Evans (abandoned by a yahoo where I used to work). Punky doesn’t have a cowboy name because that was his name when we took him in.


                • Edith,

                  21! That’s excellent.

                  My family’s had 7 cats over the years, although never more than two at a time. None have lived past 16, which is pretty good. (That blasted urinary/kidney disease usually gets ’em by 14-15.) Of course Ben & Jerry and their predecessor Godzilla are/were indoor only, which makes a big difference in longevity. Cars and coyotes make it pretty rough out there for a house cat.


                  • I’ve had cats all my life. I only bought one in my life and I currently have 2 left, both indoor cats. I’ve lost enough cats in my youth mostly to cars that I’m letting them outside anymore. Winters can pretty hard on them here. They’ll roam around and when the night falls it gets colder and they look for a shlter and might end up caught in a shed or garage or they sometimes crawl up or sleep under cars and end up dead or badly injured. The father of a coworker drove for 2hours with a cat under his hood. We he got to the job site he heard the poor cat that luckily wasn’t injured, only very scared! He drove back home with the cat inside the truck and the cat now follows him everywhere he goes. EVERYWHERE.

                    I also have 3 adopted dogs.

                    We have a sign in the entrance to my house that says that we love animals and if getting animal hair bothers you, you might want to go somewhere else. This our house and includes the animals that live here.


                • I’ve had cats for most of my life. The Tuxedo fellow in my avatar is my 4 year-old boy Pender. I was given him by my boss in New Mexico (when I actually was a Desertdweller). He shared a little trailer with me for two years before I retired and came home to Western Nebraska. Of course, he came home with me.

                  My other cat is eleven year-old Yettisue Pudsnarffle. She was born outside our Mississippi home during an afternoon rainstorm. She even lived with my daughter in Texas at one time. She is just a little thing, solid white.

                  I am a “cat person”. My wife is a “dog person”. We have a little rat terrier named “Strawberry” who is also from Mississippi. She is four also.

                  I am ordering some parts for my Daisy Model 25 project tomorrow. I want to fix the things that are obviously wrong before getting to the stuff that is more obscure.


              • I have always wondered what cats are thinking when they are in moving vehicles which is something they were not designed for. I suppose they get used to it.

                The big knock against cats–mostly by dog people–is that they are not friendly. Napoleon said that he was unable to hold the cold gaze of a cat because it unnerved him. I sort of like the self-contained kick butt demeanor of cats and want them to be that way even if–in the case of the Big Cat Rescue operation in Tampa, FL, the full-size ones would tear you to shreds if they had a chance. But perhaps for the housecats, there is a softer side that isn’t so obvious.


            • Oh, and Chasblock,

              We adopted Ben and Jerry together the day after they were dropped off at a no-kill shelter.

              For dogs and cats both, do not buy pet-store animals! Adopt, adopt, adopt, adopt.


              • I don’t currently have any cats but have from time to time. The last batch of three showed up as kittens in our yard one morning. I live in a rural area so we get “Drops Offs” from time to time.


            • TT,

              I have his cousin! Punky likes to go into the bathroom, sit on the commode & play the toilet paper bongo 🙂 We now have to put the paper on backwards so it won’t unroll. However, he claws it enough that we end up with a pile of TP confetti on the floor.

              He likes to do it in the middle of the night.


              • I also am a cat lover. Check my avatar. Me and Mrs. Slinging Lead have three. The big fat one showed up in my back yard, and wouldn’t leave. The tiny evil one was found under a shed in the neighborhood while looking for another cat. The skinny orange one I rescued from my job site, where his mother neglected him, and his brother beat the cr@p out of him. I think three is the magic number for cats. Two can play, while the third sleeps.

                I love dogs too, but have tired of owning them. I prefer the independent nature of cats. When I get home from work, I just want to rest and be left alone for a while. If I have a day off, I don’t want to have to get up early to let the dog out. And to those who say that they don’t want a box of cat poop in their house, I say clean it! Or keep your dog. They have an unfortunate habit of eating cat poop. Another reason to prefer cats, they don’t eat poop.

  6. Mrs. Gaylord,

    I applaud your efforts. Being a poor speller myself.

    I love your blog here as well. I love you and Mr. Gaylord’s use of humor to lighten things up.

    Simply wonderful.

    Thank you both,


  7. I have a comment. Why don’t pyramydAir put some intelligence in their website/software?
    Example would be other websiteslike google or yahoo, that come out with suggestion when you mis-typed or spelled words such as…”do you mean this…”
    Why make it hard on your customer to figure out what YOUR website wanted to “see”?

    • Joe,

      We already do that. If you misspell something, the code does the same thing Google does: “Did you mean…?” Then, you get a list of the things for that search. The problem is that no code can guess every possible misspelling. So, we enter those manually. There are thousands (tens of thousands?) of others that it does on its own. The ones I showed in my blog report are just the manual ones that augment what the code does on its own.


  8. I have another suggestion…Get rid of those people that are on your Online Chat. They are not helpful and it is time consuming. Spend the money to have more intelligent website/software for customers to do searches.

    • Joe,

      It would be a HUGE mistake to get rid of the online chat. If you’ve had a bad experience, then I encourage you to contact Pyramyd AIR to report such an incident. However, the number of compliments we get from people who’ve used the online chat is nothing short of mind-blowing! Also, all chats are monitored and reviewed by Pyramyd AIR management, and we have a senior chat person who trains & monitors all chat personnel.

      While our people in the call center get lots of compliments and positive feedback, sometimes there’s a long wait or you have to leave a message or it’s after normal business hours. The online chat is a great backup. The experienced airgunners (some of them read this blog & post very helpful comments here) who work the online chat are so well-liked that it would be a very bad business decision for Pyramyd AIR to get rid of them. In fact, we still get emails from people who suggest that we GET an online chat system because they can’t find a way to start a chat session 🙂

      Most people who use online chat do not know what they want, so they ask for tips and also get answers to some basic questions (esp. for hunting and pest elimination).


      • Edith,

        The online chat is a great feature! In the past, I would kick the notion of calling PA with a question. Now, I feel free to ask. After all, I now have an open invitation every time I visit. At least that’s how I see it. I think it’s truly awesome to see how far PA is willing to go to improve on how they do business. In my opinion, PA is really doing a lot to stand out from the rest of the crowd, and not just air-gun retailers. It’s like PA should win some kind of award. Now I do have to admit, some of us less flexible guys need time to make adjustments, but we get over it eventually.


    • I don’t know who you talked to but my experiences with the customer service both online and on the phone have been nothing but exceptionnal.
      Nice, patient, friendly, helpfull.

      The very few problems I’ve had is once I got a girl who could have been a little more knowledgeable and not being able to call, chat or email more often to order stuff up. That’s it.

      No one can know everything about airguns and airsoft guns and I need to win the lottery, those are my two main problems with the PA customer service LOL


      Ps sorry if I’m making typos as I have to type this on my phone because the power is out due to the snowstorm who left us a good deal of heavy wet snow.

      • I’ve had some individual interactions with PA personnel over the years that have been less than perfect–although more amusing than upsetting. But the vast majority have been outstanding. Certainly way better than what I’ve got from gunshops.


      • J-F,

        Thus far, almost all of my experiences with PA customer service have been exceptional. Worse case, someone didn’t know some detail that I was curious about, but as you say, no one can possibly know everything about airguns.


  9. Crossman! Boy, have I typed that one many times. I don’t make that mistake anymore, but I used to a lot. FWB does the job most of the time. In fact, if I feel I need to know how to spell Feinwerkbau, I just type FWB Air and out pops the correct full spelling.


  10. I don’t have a problem finding what i want at pyramyd air. What i do find aggravating is the total resistance when I called them recently to clue them in on a very novel airgun that I thought would sell like hotcakes. I helped crowd fund the bug-a-salt gun. It’s basically an air gun that fires a pinch of salt for the purpose of killing bugs. It has an automatic safety, pump action, and range of around 3 feet, and it’s actually a fun way to off that evil fly sitting in a corner of your livingroom where a fly swatter can’t get it or the fly that refuses to land and hold still. I tested this product then called pyramyd air to tell them all about it and that it might be worth checking out. They replied that they weren’t interested in an unknown company selling a gun that is not airsoft, bb, or pellet gun, yet I saw an air venturi fly swatter gun on the web site before. It’s pyramyd air’s loss. The bug-a-salt gun is the second largest crowd funded campaign and was in the black ink a week after product started shipping. It might be worth Pyramyd air to look into I still say those would sell wonderfully and even though it fires salt it’s still an airgun of sorts. Uses the same principals.

    • john…

      I have one of those, but got it a bit late in the season to get much use out of it so far. But spring will be coming soon !
      I also have the electric tennis racquet that gives some very satisfying snap, crackle, pop, and sizzel sounds when it scores on flies and gnats.
      The Nerf gun is fun too. Mushes them good.

      Nothing too bad to take out a fly with.


      • Occasionally I get these tiny little moths. I have no idea where they come from. But my bug-a-salt takes care of them in the corners of the living room and on kitchen cabinets where they like to land. I always get such joy out of sending one of them on to the next life. Plus as a bonus I get to rack up an extra kill with an airgun that way.

        • When I got my first PCP, the Discovery, I took great joy in firing it indoors on ceiling dwellers (this idea was from BB, I don’t want to take credit for it). Blew them to pieces but the wifey objected because (1) the pieces went all over the place and (2) she couldn’t find the pieces to vacuum up! Note that my Disco is equipped with a quieting device as otherwise it would be too loud to shoot in the house.

          Bottom line, when the rifle comes out to take out a ceiling critter, the wifey gets really upset but the kids think I’m hysterical!

          Fred DPRoNJ

  11. BG Farmer,

    I got in touch with Mel. He seems like a pretty nice guy. Said he knows the owner of that rifle and that he’ll make a tracing of it on the old folding computer paper and send it to me! That will be an immense help! 🙂

    Thanks for the obvious solution that somehow escaped me (as usual…)!

    • /Dave,
      That’s great; I figured he would help at least some way based on previous encounters, but it seemed like the thing to try first, anyway. I see why you like that rifle — the wooden patchbox with hinge and metal trim is eye-catching. I’ve been trying to get a friend of mine to do something similar after he ordered a piece of walnut and got something unexpectedly spectacular. The metal trim on the wood patchboxes (though usually sliding) is something I’ve seen on some Jaegers also.

      • Yeah, that patch box really caught my eye too! I think it’ll show off the piece of wood I got really well! I forgot to bookmark it the first time while I was searching and then went through about 2 hours worth of searching on my phone to find it again because I forgot where I’d found it. At least I remembered to bookmark it this time…

  12. Have no suggestions for PA at the moment. Since receiving my shipment of pellets, I am in heaven.

    Victor, yes, the aggressive trigger squeeze is helpful. Thanks. The worst case scenario for me is offhand with a hard trigger. I took a break last night dry-firing all of my wonderful surplus rifles, and now I’m ready to go back and reestablish myself.

    Mike, if the army rejected the AR10 in preference to the M14 then they ruled against the very action they ended up taking later. My understanding is that the Air Force ordered the M16 on the direct order of General Curtis LeMay after seeing them blow apart jerry cans full of water at close range; it was not a systematic test. The M16 design was a dead letter for the army at that point. So in eventually taking the 5.56 version, the army proved itself wrong about both the action and the caliber.

    Yes, the chrome-lined barrel and change of powder helped things, but I don’t know if they completely solved the problem. You hear about cases of outposts in Afghanistan overrun and dead Americans found afterwards with their rifles broken down. Sounds like old times. That would be great if they went for the HK 416, but my information is that the army is standing firm behind the M4.

    Roy Boehm was quite the tiger against military bureaucracy. When one contractor kept arguing for the superiority of his rebreather design over complaints, Boehm told him that it was a poor design and that he needed to look at the Mk I Hypodouchenator for tips to improve. The guy asked him what that was, and Boehm told him that it was a clear plastic tube and that you stick one end in your mouth… When he found out that one other equipment designer couldn’t swim, he threw him in a swimming pool. Boehm escaped numbers of court martials because of his battlefield heroics. He wasn’t an attractive personality, but he’s about the kind of guy you would expect to found the Seals.


    • Matt61,

      Just remember (and I’m sure you do) to continue doing the basic fundamentals, and especially keeping your sights aligned until the end of follow-through. Again, the key word is “deliberate”. Deliberately squeeze the trigger such that you cause the gun to fire without disturbing sight alignment.

      My coaches always warned about shooting guns with bad triggers, IF they cause you to practice bad habits. Now, a trigger being heavy doesn’t necessarily qualify it as “bad”. If you are competing in something that requires a heavy trigger, then your only good option is to strengthen your hands and wrists to reduce the effects of the extra trigger weight. Pistol shooters can always benefit from having strong hands and wrists. Not only will this allow you to grip a pistol firmly without strain, it will also help eliminate breaking of the wrists when you’re really tired.


    • I just saw some information that the US Marines have adopted the HK 416 as their new rifle. The Army my eventually follow just to keep supplies/parts the same. Time will tell. They might even be order to do so.

      Yes, with the M-16 the Army did a 180. Then they messed it up.


      • Well, given that the changes (per Wikipedia) are mainly a short-stroke piston, operating rod, spring, and compatible upper-receiver — it will likely be a phased introduction; as parts for current design run low, swap uppers for the 416 (nice model number: Concatenate M-4 and M-16). Delta Force supposedly already uses them.

        Also, per that article, the Marine version is a modification (though it sounds like the modifications are in “standard accessories”, not the core arm).

  13. Going a bit off topic, anybody know when the Crosman MSR77 orMK-177 are due out to the public? Those are two guns I really want in my stable. I have the TR-77NP, M-417 and air17 from the 80’s. I’d like to round out that collection with those guns. Just putting out a few feelers to find some very nice looking guns that aren’t $500 or more. Those guns rate a spot in a certain section of my collector gun rack.

  14. I just have one question regarding the site. How did you get my mother-in-law to sit still long enough for a picture?


  15. Hello,

    Since I have been looking at scopes on the Pyramyd AIR site recently, I have a few suggestions to make the search more economic for buyers who are looking for a certain class of scopes. The division among 1″ tube versus 30mm tube is very useful. Perhaps one can similarly have fixed parallax versus variable parallax categories– right now you have 100 yards parallax and everything else though there are a couple of models which have 35 yards parallax. It would be really useful to classify scopes on the minimum parallax adjustment– for example you could have categories for 5yard parallax (some of the Leapers), 10 yards parallax(most AO scopes) and higher.

    Also there needs to be more categories within variable magnification scopes. One should have categories like “at most 6X” “at most 10X” “16X””24X” till you get to silly high magnifications like 32X.

    IF you are REALLY ambitious then one can also put bounds on the objective size “at most 40mm”, “44” “50” “56” etc. and also front focus, side-focus and rear focus should you have some models. You can also specify the normal eye relief vs long eye relief scopes as extra categories.

    This sort of categorisation will immensely speed up search and focus someone right down to a scope one wants. For example I was looking for 1″ scope with less than 10 yards parallax of at most 16X magnification and less than 44mm objective size. This method of search would produce the results almost immediately.

    I know this is a lot of work, but Pyramyd AIR has the most user friendly and best designed website of all on-line Airgun retailers, so one can always hope for more!


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    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

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