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One and a half years later

Hi all, I asked Tom to give me the stage for a day, and he graciously agreed!

About a year and half ago while Tom was under the weather and I made a few posts. In one of them asked for your honest feedback on our then recently released commercials.

I appreciated your honest answers very much.

Today, I am asking you to provide feedback on the following new commercial that we launched recently. The idea was born when I was sharing bread with Tom & Ryan Gresham from Gun Talk TV a few years back, so I wish I could take credit for it, but I can’t.

Does it connect with you? Too cheesy?

[socialpoll id=”2471139″]

Please provide your honest feedback, I seek the truth, so don’t mince the words if you don’t like it.

Thank you!

147 thoughts on “One and a half years later”

  1. I voted other because although it was not a bad commercial at all, I believe it could use some improvement.
    Too much time devoted to the mans work day not enough on the family shooting experience. Sufficient enough to just have him come through the front door after a days work.
    Why not add a daughter also? I have two and my youngest may be able to kick my but having a blue belt in Ninjutsu.

    Picture the boy holding the rifle properly, and with a high five and big smile after hitting a bullseye or better yet a reactive target that’s easy to see. The boy looks stressed out, how about some bench shooting instead.

  2. Val
    My honest opinion. Well everytime someone asks for my honest opinion it seems we don’t talk to each other for a long time after that.

    But honestly. It seemed like a alright video to me.

    And honestly again. A weird weekend blog. Why on a Friday? I think this should of been a short one day topic during the week.

    Ok there. My honest opinion.

    • GF1,

      Well, I finally learned how to sharpen a straight razor, if that’s any consolation.

      And I also learned how to shave with one without cutting myself.

      Like airguns, things I thought before I started turned out not to be true, and there were hidden things I had to experience to learn about. Two months ago I though I could never shave with my left hand or without looking in a mirror, but now I’m doing both with no difficulty. That’s the same as going from thinking the artillery hold it too cumbersome to shooting every rifle that way.

      There! That’s something else to talk about. 😉


      • B.B.,

        I think that this is good. The primo weekend slot is even better, by chance or not. In my short time here,.. in the larger context of things/time,.. I know that you have had a huge influence in the air gun community.

        Talking is one thing. Action is another. I hope to see P.A. sit up and take notice of this weekend’s comments and take note. Serious note. What I am seeing, in general, is some pretty good up and coming air gun sites, else ware. Does P.A. just sit back or jump/stay at the front of the pack? Time will tell.


        • Chris,

          I think that there are other factors outside of PA’s control at work here, for example some airguns just are not sold here, there are contracts made between vendors and manufacturers and do not know the legal issues that come up but I would guess it is all about competition.

          If I was an airgun manufacturer I would want every vendor in the world to carry my product but I think it is not that simple.


          • Mike,

            Yes, I imagine that it is complicated. My comment was aimed more to the point of less/no promotional sales and more on everyday low prices. Points and discount codes being 2 prime examples. It takes money to produce and implement those things, let alone monitor and maintain.

            I am sure too that there is just some simple economics going on too. You buy X amount of this and I will give you X discount that will permit you a nice X mark-up/profit margin. That also ties up capitol. And, you may be stuck with it and have to sell it a loss.

            I am reminded of companies that do not directly sell anything. They are the middleman, the seller. They take the order, contact the vendor and the vendor ships directly to the customer under the guise of the seller/middleman. The seller backs up the product/sales. That could be applied to some products, I would think.

            My brother did that with a successful clothing/outer ware company that did customized embroidery. They never touched the product. They were the “facilitator”,.. if you will. The order was taken, the clothier was contacted, cloths shipped to embroider and then shipped direct to the customer. Nice stuff, top names, anything the customer wanted.

          • Mike,

            When might a sales promotion apply? When something goes below already everyday low prices. 1) Clearance of inventory to make room for new. 2) The manufacturer makes P.A. a better wholesale deal and P.A. further lowers prices to the end consumer. That is not so much a sale as it is a notification of furthering lowering prices. Free shipping over X amount can be good. Blanket sales are not of much use if I do not want what is being offered or there is restrictions on what I can buy.

            I guess that I feel that the typical sale is thrown out there, then hyped to hopefully suck people in and hopefully move an unspecified amount/type of product across the board and hopefully generate an unknown amount of capitol. 10% across the board, with no restrictions,.. could move more product and generate more income than 13% with restrictions. Maybe? I think so. Speaking for me, they would have had a lot more of my money.

            • Chris
              I look at it a different way.

              I want them to have everyday low prices that is lower than their competition.

              I also want bullseye bucks to add up so I can discount my order even more.

              And I like the 10% off discount that can be applied to any order. But like I said. The everyday price always needs to be lower than the competitors price.

              And I would like to see more 13% off and free shipping over $99. And again on already lower prices than the other air gun sellers out there.

              And I do like the buy 3 get one free pellets. Oh and as long as the price is already lower than the competition. And just some info. The bit 3 get one free also applies to bb’s.

              So to sum this up real easy. This why I buy from Pyramyd AIR. I won’t order from the other companies just because of their prices and no discounts. Plus I don’t like the other companies that say I have to spend $179 or more to get free shipping. I will always wait till Pyramyd AIR gets what I want in stock.

              When you add up already low cost, bullseye bucks, free shipping, buy 3 get one free ammo, and 10% or more. That’s a heck of a lot cheaper than buying from the other companies.

              • GF1,

                You have a point and you buy more than me. I like simple, upfront and no gimmicks.

                Got the reg. in. Have a bunch of data.

                1) 135 bar (2000) to start, 2300 fill, 2000 on the gauge.
                – lower fps than stock, more spread than stock = 29

                2) Next, 120 bar (1750), 2300 fill, 1750 on gauge.
                – higher fps but less than stock, more spread than stock = 21

                3) Stock,.. 2000 fill. 17 spread. ((All are 10 shots.))

                #2 used more air than #1 (1500 vs 1750) left at shot 16

                -Higher bar would not be conducive to higher fps, it would seem.
                -Lower bar seems to use more air, it would seem.
                -Maybe I am at the point that I need a lighter hammer spring?

                Grrrrr! 😉

    • Gunfun1,

      “My honest opinion. Well everytime someone asks for my honest opinion it seems we don’t talk to each other for a long time after that.”

      Got my and my wife’s day off with a laugh. Thank you.

  3. Does it connect with me? No not really. But that’s fine because I’m already a customer. Most likely so is everyone voting and commenting on this video. Are we really the most appropriate audience to be seeking feedback from? Hopefully you’re asking for feedback elsewhere from a pool of prospective customers.

    Who is your audience? Where will this video be seen? I need some context to provide any substantive feedback.

    In such a short video there’s a lot of time spent showing us the father’s day. Telling would be much faster and leave you more time to show us how much fun shooting air guns is. Glad to see the eye protection, but the cheek weld shown made me shudder. You are supposed to be the experts, so I expect you to show your customers—prospective snd current—safe shooting and proper form.

    I’ll second gunfun1’s comments as well.

    • Thank you, CO Hunter!

      Yes, we are checking it in a few markets. It’s currently running on Gun Talk TV (Sportsman’s Channel), as well as American Airgunner and Keith Warren’s TV shows.

      And yes, while I hope many of you guys are already customers, I never assume that, as Tom’s audience is really unique in that it looks for much deeper and not just broader airgun knowledge, so yes, I understand the comments, and expected some of them 😉

      Thank you for being a customer, by the way 😉

  4. Val

    Not bad. Not great. Pretty tame. Better than obnoxious music and super fast action. My gut is that it is aimed at Dad and perhaps guilt him into some more quality kid time (with air guns). The reverse could be true too in that a kid seeing it may put a bit of pressure on Dad. Either way, the end result of sharing time is good. 30 seconds seems short. Less focus on the work day. Plus,.. an air gunning commercial on an air gunning show. ? Sure, for new products, but you are less likely to attract new air gunners.

    To me, one of the biggest items to address/market is all the ol’ timers that used to shoot air guns many years ago. Many have come right here to the blog and one of the first things that they comment on is that they had no idea what the current air gun landscape currently was. How it has literally exploded. Feeling overwhelmed is often stated.

    Older folks often have the most free time and expendable money. They may find that they can not or do not care to shoot firearms anymore, or less, but still like to shoot. Time with Grand kids factor in there too. How?

    It may sound odd, but advertising in a magazine. The paper type. AARP, popular mechanics, hunting/shooting magazines, etc. I have seen airguns featured in some sportsman’s magazines, so I suspect that you are already exploring that angle. The end goal being to get them to the P.A. site.

    I did not vote. This is it. My 2 cents. Count me as: unoffended, not too impressed, a bit confused on the intended message, not really inspired to go out and buy an airgun or further explore what P.A. has to offer. Lucky for P.A., I was “hooked” 4 years ago and have not looked back since. 😉 Mid 50’s, in case you might be wondering.


    • Chris,

      (Sorry in advance, but this is the only language nit-pick I have, so I allow myself this much obnoxiousness.)

      “The current air gun landscape . . . has literally exploded”? I thought preventing that was what air gauges were for! ;^)

      Maybe PCPs really are the Dark Side.


      • Michael,

        🙂 Yea, passionate thinking while trying to make a point and fast typing do not always mix. Things can always be worded better. My worst and most common offense is to leave out little 2 and 3 letter words. They are in my head and it all looks good on the proof read,… but nope,.. they never made it into the comment.

        • Chris,

          Most of us do that, leave out one and two letter words when we are in a hurry. The likely cause is that we “read” our own writing as we compose it. So, what does the way we read have to do with the way we write?

          Gradually, as people learn to read well and fluently, we first stop reading individual letters/sounds, then individual syllables, and finally individual words. This is why first graders read in a stilted and “jerky” sounding way, but well-reading adults read more fluidly.

          Adept readers read “word groups,” not individual words. When we write, we also simultaneously “read” what we write in our heads. You do not read “a/an,” “of,” “in,” “on,” and so forth individually. You instead see them as part of a string of words. Probably there is a connection between that long-understood aspect of reading and our lesser-understanding (but getting there) of what happens between our ears, our neurocognition, as we write.


  5. Val,

    Show the Father just coming home with a briefcase walking through the door and bringing his kids to the basement shooting gallery. Add a short segment of them reviewing safety. Agree with above comments that the kid ought to have a better for of the stock to his cheek.


      • ValG,

        I second the basement rec-room idea, or an interior of the garage / air gun range. This will emphasize that there are low-powered air guns appropriate for target and spinners in addition to vermin control and varmints. And a consumer needs only one air rifle for hunting, but consumers need many varied air guns for hunting, indoor target, backyard plinking, spinners, firearm safety training for the kids, and overall wholesome family bonding.


      • ValG,

        I do relate to the ad as I have an indoor range where I do most of my airgunning, as well as one of my fondest childhood memories was shooting an air pistol with my dad. Indeed, I became an enthusiast largely as a way to remember him through something tangible after he died in early 2010. Therefore, the ad speaks to me not as a father, simply because my wife and I do not have a child, but it does speak to me as having been a boy bonding with his dad with a BB gun.


  6. Val,

    I just watched it again, like 10 times back to back. The house is nice. Too nice? I can’t relate to that. The garage clutter is very distracting. Free time/quality time? While that is something that we all aspire to, I am not so sure of how well it applies in real life. Too busy, too stressed, too tired might be more the norm. Then again, commercials are to inspire us to attain something that we do not yet have,.. so maybe the point is not missed. The narrator’s voice and pace at which he speaks is good. The background music is good and neutral and not over powering the message.

    I am hoping that you will provided some real time comments,.. to the comments. Perhaps you can share some perspective/aspects of commercial making. Goal, intent, content, first impression goal, last impression goal, music, voice, pace, budget, target markets. Educate us a bit,.. or correct us if we are off base.

    One word of caution,… if you do intend to engage,… put on the coffee pot, stock up on the energy drinks, pull up a comfy chair, turn off the phone and cancel all weekend plans. We have a very smart, widely and varied skilled bunch here with a bit of maturity. Advice and opinions are never lacking. Just sayin’. 😉

    Opening up a can of worms might be an analogy? 😉 Oh yea,.. e-mail Mr. Ungier and let him know that you will be “on the clock” for the next 72 hrs. and saying no is not an option.

    • Chris USA makes some valid points, though advertising usually shows the ideal rather than the typical. How many average-looking gals do you see in beer commercials? The more realistic “housewife” (no offense or judgment meant toward anyone) commercials are usually selling cleaning products, and I don’t think that’s the approach here.

      • HiveSeeker,

        True, true. Your comment makes me think of Swifter commercial that shows a lovely lady dancing about the dining room/kitchen/breakfast nook,.. in what looks to be an evening, high dining outfit, in high heals,…. after her 3 little rug rats chased a muddy mutt through the house,.. or something to that effect. Maybe it was a giant frog? I forget. 😉 She did it with glee though. Yup,.. I am going to go out and buy me one of them things!

        Just for “insurance” sakes,…. I denounce that I ever made this comment in the (very) unlikely event that I ever run for President,.. or become a movie star in the future. Life just seems to be getting more and more weird. Thank the Lord for Airgun Academy. At least we are all “nuts” in a common and good sort of way.

    • Oh, I am on a clock all the time, believe me 😉

      Opening cans of worms, is my favorite part of the job – all these opportunities…

      What inspired this commercial – I am in my 40-ies, and have 3 kids. I get back home after 7-8pm, barely have enough time to spend with my wife and kids and once they are off to beds, I am back to work. I have no time to go to the firearm range on the weekends because once again, I am trying to spend my time with my family.

      Being able to shoot quiet airguns allows me to do it in the basement even after hours without waking up the whole house. Having ability to do that any time on the weekend allows me to do it with my kids when it’s convenient for me.

      The world is changing, and the pace of life is only increasing, so I was looking for some tranquility in that conversation I had, I guess. Tom&Ran said – hey, this is a commercial idea for your age group, and here we are a year later.

      So, this is how this was born, and now you know probably more than you cared to 🙂


  7. Val,

    I agree with cutting the workday scene and starting with man coming in the door. The work scene is too generic and reminds me of a current commercial that markets medication to relieve painkiller-induced constipation.
    But I agree with marketing to young families. That is a good long-range strategy, even though we oldsters have more money to spend.
    I first noticed Pyramid Air ads in NRA magazines after buying an air rifle from a big box sporting goods store. When I wanted more than the store carried, I looked Pyramid up. Interestingly, the big box has now expanded its air gun section and is now offering better pricing. But woe unto him who needs to return a gun…
    Thanks for giving us the opportunity to critique.


  8. B.B.,

    Off topic, but I have to de-gas the Maximus to install a regulator. I do not have a de-gassing tool for it. Can I use something else. The object after all is to put pressure on the back of the hammer, simulating a hammer hit to the valve, except that it sustained pressure. I have long T handle hex wrenches, at least 6″ long. Is that all I would need to exert the pressure needed to unset the valve and let the air exhaust out the barrel?

    I would just stick it in the back, muzzle down on floor and press. Thoughts?


    • Chris
      A long threaded Allen bolt will work.

      But I just cock and dry fire the gun till it’s as empty as you think it is. Then slowly take the gauge out if the gauge port. That will release any remaining air that should be very low after the dry firing.

      And here’s a word of caution if you need to degass after the regulator is installed. Remember the pressure showing on the Maximus gauge is the regulated pressure. So you don’t know how much is left on the high pressure side of the air resivoir where you hook your hpa pump or buddy bottle up to.

      So that’s what I did is hooked my hand pump up to the Maximus and pumped it till I heard the guns valve click open. At that point you now now how much pressure is in the air tube.

      You can do the same thing like I mentioned above by dry firing. Then you watch your buddy bottle gauge to start dropping. It will take a lot longer to degass with the regulator installed.

      And you don’t have to take everything back out to adjust the regulator. Only pull on that wire that we talked about attaching to the regulator’s Allen bolt. Then just the regulator comes out.

      Oh and use RWS or similar silicone oil when you assemble. Not grease. There’s a small like .020″ hole in the regulator that could get blocked if you use grease.

      Holler at me if you need more info as you go. I do have to work tonight. So this evening I might not be able to respond right back.

    • Chris
      I forgot. If you do use a long Allen bolt to degass. You need to turn the front diameter down so it’s smaller than the inside diameter of the striker spring. And about a 1/8″ longer than the spring also.

      You have to make it through the spring and contact the back side of the striker/hammer.

      • GF1,

        I had a bolt that turned out to be a 10-24 and it threaded in fine. There was just a wee bit of slop. While out today, I picked up a 3″ version and also a slightly larger one that is 3/16x?. The 2″ one I had threaded in with about 1/8″ left and felt that it went directly to the back of the hammer, so (no) turning down,.. I think. As far as I can tell, there is no separate striker, like on the M-rod. So, as long as I make through the hammer spring, I am on the valve and all is good,… I think.

        At any rate, just chillin’ now and will hit it hard in the early AM. Thanks for the advice.

        • Chris
          There is a striker out r hammer as some people call it in a Maximus. It can’t be adjusted like a Marauder though. It’s just a solid round peice of steel about a inch long. The spring contacts it. So if you made it through the spring you were probably pushing on the striker/ hammer. So yes then the hammer should push up against the valve stem and degass the gun.

          It will degass out the barrel. And a word of caution. Just use enough pressure on the bolt to slowly degas the gun. The reason is if you open it hard you could mess up the pressure spring inside the valve that holds the top hat and valve stem closed.

          You could damage them and start having slow leak down problems. That’s why u don’t degass that way. I dry fire my pcp’s empty if I need to work on them.

          Heck I usually just shoot them first then dry fire out the rest of the air pressure that’s left.

          • GF1,

            Thanks. It will get a full tear down anyways. Why? Why not? I figure that the hammer could stand a look see. Burrs? Maybe. Heck, I have had the M-rod, TX and 499 down so why not add the Maximus to the list?

            I place 100% of this “affliction” squarely on your shoulders! 😉

  9. You could do a “South Dakota” version:

    You work HARD in the FREEZING weather (show guy in 10 foot of snow and ice)

    After you risk you VERY life getting on the roads to finally make it home (show a guy with teeth gritting sliding down a icy road)

    All you want is some FRIED Spam and a TALL drink! However, before you can do that; It’s TRIGGER time! You go to the basement and shoot 500 rounds thru your air rifle to warm the house up! (Show guy in PARKA with ice melting off his mustache shooting a BIG BORE with smoke coming out of the barrel!)

    Just a suggestion (LOL)

    Old Geezer
    Reporting from the East Side of South Dakota where it is a BEAUTIFUL 11 degrees with a 20MPH breeze (making it FEEL like 7 DEGREES BELOW ZERO)!

  10. Depending on how PA plans to roll this vid out, I think it got its message out clearly. If the average web viewing audience member is going to look at it, they’ll spend no more than three seconds “thinking” about it. A marketer has 3 seconds to get their message across as clearly as possible. The target audience seems to be white middle-class males between 25-35 years of age. The message hits perfectly home w/ the intended demographic.
    As others have said (and I’m summarizing/putting words into their mouths) the ad seems a little exclusive with regards to secondary audiences. But the point remains the same.
    If PA plans on tweaking it, great. If it, it’s fine as it stands.

  11. Pyramid Air,

    Your whole operation from adds to PA points etc is just to gimicky! Lower you prices and get ride of all the marketing BS. Too much fluff and not enough substance.
    Sponsoring this blog is the only good marketing thing that you do.


    • Thanks for your honest feedback, Yogi. I hope we do at least 1 more thing that is good besides sponsoring this blog 😉

      If our marketing messaging is somehow offensive or creates too much noise for you please let me know if you need me to take care of it!

      • I have already unsubscribed from your e-mail list.
        Just offer straight forward prices, no gimmicks. 10% off, free shipping, never seems to fit my orders….
        4 for 3 pellets is nice, but this just makes them the same price as other places…


  12. Not to sound too critical, I actually thought I was seeing some OTHER YouTube video as it began playing. (Often youtube plays other advertisements before you get the video you’re waiting for…)

    Other thoughts:

    1) I think it needs to start out with something airgun related. About 1/3 of your airtime is spent setting the stage.

    2) I think the narrator’s voice is too commercial sounding. He sounds like a news radio anchor to me.

    3) The family’s house seems a bit “mc mansion-ish”. But there’s garbage in the background of the Daisy bb gun garage scene.

    Other than these points the production quality seems good. And I do like the slower playback in most of the scenes.

  13. Some additional feedback. Multiple versions of same commercial with same actors but different settings for different markets. Yes, the father coming home with a briefcase/lunch pail / dressed in business casual/mechanic/driving clothes into a mcmansion/mid value house/rural house. I know this will increase the cost but you need to target the markets you want. The other comments such as reducing work day scenes and time are spot on. Also, narration can change. One spot can use the pickup truck voice style, another more folksy and so on.

    Fred formerly of the DPRoNJ

  14. Mr. Gamerman,

    SHORT ANSWER: No, it doesn’t connect with me. No, it isn’t too cheesy. It doesn’t connect with me since I regularly read this blog and consider myself an “advanced” airgunner and this “commercial” seems targeted at new airgunners that need a reason to contact Pyramyd AIR to get started in this hobby. Most airgunners on this blog aren’t the “target” of your commercial.

    LONG ANSWER: With all due respect, if you want relevant answers you need to ask better questions, i.e., provide context.

    What is your target audience? Where and when do you plan on airing the commercial?

    If you plan on airing this commercial on a spot during American Airgunning or any other airgunning show it’s too “entry level” for those viewers. If you plan on airing it during one of the many firearm hunting shows on cable then you probably have your target audience since most probably don’t shoot airguns with their family yet.

    Assuming the later and assuming your target is non airgunners then I will make some suggestions:

    1-Shorten the workday scene. It’s 11 seconds long which is over a third of your commercial time.

    2-Teach that boy how to hold a gun/have better form since he represents Pyramyd AIR and your message is to learn how to properly and safely shoot a gun while having fun with your family.

    3-You need mom and little sister in the shooting scene cheering him on when he hits the bullseye (not just close to it). Have the boy SMILE in this scene.

  15. Val,

    I am with Yogi above. Just lower the prices and give us the best deal out there. Cut the points gimmick. I despise stuff like that as well as so called “loyalty” cards at stores. I made an order at P.A. awhile back (on line). The “sale” would expire that night. I usually call in my order to avoid any e-security issues just to be safe. I apparently missed the part where I had to enter the current “discount code”,.. another gimmick,… and was charged full price. In the end, P.A. made it right and my card was given a credit. Bottom line, if someone places an order on line or call in,.. they get the current discount on applicable items (without) jumping through hoops. Automatically. End of story.

    If you stick with points, apply them automatically on any current order. I have regrettably gone to other sites due to substantially better pricing. I say regrettably in that I did not get bad service,.. that was fine. I say it from the stand point of loyalty. My jeans at Walmart, 15.99, (every day). Same jeans at K-mart, 30.00, every day. But wait, K-mart has a buy one get one deal for get the second pair of jeans for just a penny. Bye-bye K-mart!,.. just on principle alone.

    All in all, P.A. does a FINE job at offering a lot of products at good prices. The education parts are great too. This blog is great,.. beyond great. It is tuff out there as anyone can instantly know what something is being offered for. I wouldn’t wanna’ be ya’. 😉 Thank you for asking our opinion and I am very glad that you chose to engage the readers here. Thank you. Chris

    • Chris,

      I purchase anything air gun related based first on price and second on customer service, but I am always quick to factor in shipping versus sales tax.

      I am perhaps crossing a line by posting this, but most airguns at my Wally World are identical to P.A.’s unless plus or minus 5 percent. I always buy from Pyramyd AIR, however, because with free shipping and a coupon it is ALWAYS cheaper than the biggest box store plus local and state sales tax. Parking and waiting in line for a no questions asked return is a wash with getting an RA #, packing an air gun back up, and sending it back. They are equally unpleasant, in part because I’m also disappointed a product did not meet my expectations.


    • Chris and Yogi,

      Let me take this conversation a little further if I may.

      I believe you both are saying there is no true retail brand loyalty and that consumer will always go to where the price is lower. As much as I hate the sound of it, I believe that’s true most of the time. And yes, of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and Pyramyd AIR is lucky enough to have earned trust of many customers over the years for which I am eternally grateful.

      We did it with integrity and honesty that our company has been built on. That pyramid you see attached to the comment was conceived about 6-7 years ago, but foundation of honesty has lasted for as long as I have been here (I started working with Josh in 1999). And although it may look to be like a corporate rara thing, it’s not in my mind (and I have spent a fair amount of my life working for Nationwide Insurance, so I have seen a corporate thing or two 😉

      Pyramyd AIR prices are not always lower, but they are at market prices or below on 70% of the products. This is a real number.

      I understand and can relate to what you are saying as a consumer – stop all the coupons, discounts, and loyalty points, and just put these funds towards supporting lower prices. Look at what it has done for companies like Amazon and Walmart. To this I say – theirs is absolutely a valid pricing strategy (except both automate price changes to minimize revenue loss and maximize profit and not many consumers realize that, but perceptions are everything and the vale has been built amazingly well).

      There are some consequences to such pricing strategy though – profit will be driven out of the system, and you can’t innovate without profit. It creates a sort of endless cycle of lowering the prices, driving the push for manufacturers to lower their prices to retailers, which drives the innovation out of the system, because all of a sudden manufacturers no longer have funds to conceive and create new products.

      No innovation – no industry. If there was no innovation in the airgun industry over the past 20 years we would still all be shooting Daisy Red Ryders, Crosman 760s, and Marksman 1010s.

      As a consumer – I enjoy lower prices and seek them because it serves my self-interest. It’s only human, right? When I make a step back, however and ponder on this I realize that Amazon will drive most small e-tailers out of business, just like Walmart drove most small brick-and-mortar stores out of business. I firmly believe Amazon is not going to be a good thing for the world in a long run.

      Moving on – we get into – how does a retailer survive in the world that is rapidly changing where vertical integration is inevitable and you have Nike direct sales surging triple digits every year. It’s all possible because of the Internet (just like this conversation we are having right now as well as Pyramyd Air’s existence, so I am not complaining 😉 Well, the most logical choice is to do what manufacturers are forced to do. Manufacturers are building direct to consumer channels, and retailers are getting out of the “retailer-only-mind” and build the verticals up rather than down.

      I understand you don’t want to work hard at getting the best deal (don’t want to look for that coupon, don’t want to go through points redemption process, you just want it to be convenient) – trust me I completely understand that, and am not ignorant of that being an issue for many customers. I guess, all I am saying – this one is not an easy problem to solve, even though it looks simple on a surface.

      Thank you,
      Pyramyd AIR values

      • Val,

        Thank you for that well founded insight. You see both sides and there is no easy answer. I see both sides, like you point out. Pending any changes, I will try to exercise a bit more patience with the existing P.A. format.

        Thank you, Chris

    • Chris, Yogi and Michael
      I look at it a different way.

      I want them to have everyday low prices that is lower than their competition.

      I also want bullseye bucks to add up so I can discount my order even more.

      And I like the 10% off discount that can be applied to any order. But like I said. The everyday price always needs to be lower than the competitors price.

      And I would like to see more 13% off and free shipping over $99. And again on already lower prices than the other air gun sellers out there.

      And I do like the buy 3 get one free pellets. Oh and as long as the price is already lower than the competition. And just some info. The bit 3 get one free also applies to bb’s.

      So to sum this up real easy. This why I buy from Pyramyd AIR. I won’t order from the other companies just because of their prices and no discounts. Plus I don’t like the other companies that say I have to spend $179 or more to get free shipping. I will always wait till Pyramyd AIR gets what I want in stock.

      When you add up already low cost, bullseye bucks, free shipping, buy 3 get one free ammo, and 10% or more. That’s a heck of a lot cheaper than buying from the other companies.

        • Val
          Yep I see that. Your reply wasn’t there yet when I started writing my reply.

          And yep thank you. And you know what. Maybe this was a good blog for the Friday blog. 🙂

      • Oh and forgot the most important thing.

        Pyramyd Air’s customer service definitely tops the other air gun shippers I have delt with. Seems like they will go out of their way to get things done. The other companies just seem to want to make the sale and be done.

        And on another note. Pyramyd AIR always gets my orders out the door and quicker to me than the others. To me that’s important. And I’m one of those people that want my stuff yesterday. So I do appreciate that about PA. And nobody packages pellets for shipping as well as PA.

        I have ordered from many places throughout time and even aftermarket air gun stuff and high dollar stuff at that. But what I find about PA from the times I have talked to them. They remind in a way about the smaller aftermarket air gun makers. The better little guy aftermarket makers will bend over backwards for you to get things right for you. They know they need the good word out there about their company to survive. That’s what I feel about PA. I don’t see that in PA’s competition.

        So maybe even if PA don’t beat them other guys in prices. Maybe it’s more about the reliable service that PA provides. Really to me that means more than saving the little extra money.

        Thinking more. It’s the complete package that makes a company a winner. It all has to be right. And yes that is hard to do.

  16. Val,

    It is working now, kinda liked it broken reminded me of the old days of black and white TV when they signed off at midnight, the snow and moving band reminded me of that.

    Not much of those old days seem to be left, but we still have our airguns, firearms and even some of our rights.

    While not a fan of commercials (turned off my TV several years ago due to commercials) I would say not too bad. I figure if I want something I will find a way to get it and commercials do not tend to make a sale for me.


  17. Lets face it, the advertising business has gone to extremes to find the best way to sell something. Examining everything from age groups to attention spans (Change frame every one to two seconds) Everything under the sun has been tried to sell something and they have documented it all.
    If you are trying to save marketing money with home grown commercials I suggest you look at some of the best catchy commercials, within the time frame you want. Copy them and replace the subject mater with your own. You would need someone who can really examine the use of lighting, sound, background, music, tempo and procedure. Basically everything involved. Umarex has some good commercials that get your attention. Very dramatic.

    It’s also important to set a goal for the commercial. What are you trying to achieve with it? Name recognition, sales, education, airgun awareness, new customers or all the above. It would determine where you place the commercial. Set up a focus group to review it…. Kinda like this !
    Everything has been turned into a science these days, nothing is easy anymore and you get what you pay for. Looks like a case of growing pains, where best to spend your money, hire pros.
    The world wide overnight mail company I worked for based in Wilmington OH grew fast and realized that promotions using seniority with employees who were not really qualified was not working out at all. They had to hire outside professionals to fill important positions to get results.

  18. Chris
    Here is what you wrote above.
    “1) 135 bar (2000) to start, 2300 fill, 2000 on the gauge.
    – lower fps than stock, more spread than stock = 29

    2) Next, 120 bar (1750), 2300 fill, 1750 on gauge.
    – higher fps but less than stock, more spread than stock = 21

    3) Stock,.. 2000 fill. 17 spread. ((All are 10 shots.))

    #2 used more air than #1 (1500 vs 1750) left at shot 16

    -Higher bar would not be conducive to higher fps, it would seem.
    -Lower bar seems to use more air, it would seem.
    -Maybe I am at the point that I need a lighter hammer spring?”

    Look at your data again. Your regulator is set at 1750 psi. Your probably only making 3-5 shots on the regulator if your only filling to 2300psi.

    Your missing the important part of tunning. The higher the pressure is that the valve of the gun has. The harder the striker has to hit it open for the right amount of air to flow to the barrel for the shot.

    If you drop the regulator pressure down to 1100 psi and fill to 2300 psi. Now your getting 1200 psi of usable regulated pressure. Plus the striker will be able to knock the valve open farther and a longer amount of time. So that will be more air actually getting to the barrel.

    With the way you have the regulator set now. From 2300 psi down to 1750 your only getting 550 psi of usable air. And your striker is having to hit the valve hard and it is just bumping the valve open in a sense. So it’s opening smaller and for less amount of time.

    So the next step is take the regulator out and go down to 1100 psi on the regulator. Fill to the 2300 psi.

    And here’s the important thing. If your going to do chrony work with a regulated gun you need to record your velocity for each shot from your full fill to when you see the regulator go below 1100 psi on you guns gauge. Not just on 10 shots. You want to know for sure at least the full fill velocity on about 4 shots, then 4 shot in the middle of the shot string and 4 when you see it fall off the regulator.

    If you see all those shots I just mentioned at pretty much the same velocity. That’s when you have your regulator tuned for the strike spring you have in your gun.

    Read my reply over about 5 times and think about it before you make a reply.

    • GF1,

      Oh!,… I have the per shot chrony. Too much data to post, which is why I tossed it out in a more general way. I will do the 1100 psi on the reg. and do a 2300 fill. Will do in the AM.

      Gauge pressure was noted too, but not for each shot. Will do better. All I am looking for is a nice flat 20 shots and hopefully not loose too much fps. Stock, it maxed at 826. The second set up topped at 806.

      I did not tear into it by the way. Just as needed. The gauge sprung a leak after 60 shots or so. Pulled everything while doing a reset and all was/is good now. The gauge block was interesting to get out. Gave it some thought and came up with a quick way. The instructions were a no go on that idea. All in all, doing good and it was not bad at all. Looking forward getting it set up.

      Thanks for the assistance.

      • Chris
        No problem.

        And you might want to drill out the transfer hole as big as you can get it without making the sidewall to thin.

        That will help keep your fps up. But if you get the gun to stay at around 775 to 790 fps. Your never going to know the difference shooting the gun from the 826 fps.

        Seriously. If you think 30 fps makes a difference I want to know why. And yes in detail. 😉

        • GF1,

          Cause more is better!!! Jeeeeeshhh!!!! 😉 I did not tear into it so I did not get to the transfer port. I will keep that in mind though. We will be rolling with the “Plan B” as planned for the moment. Hopefully I get to post a nice even string of 20 or so tomorrow. Yours would be pretty tuff to ever beat though.

      • Chris
        And remember this. Now when you hook your buddy bottle up to the gun or however you fill your gun up. That pressure that is in there is now shot volume.

        In other words. A 2300 psi fill is not going g to give as many shots as a 3000 psi fill. So when you fill the gun up with air. That is now how many shots per fill you will get. And with the regulator you will never get valve lock.

        And now what the gun gets after the regulator is like a different system. Now you lowered the working pressure. The gun now in a sense thinks it’s working on Co2 pressure. But with more reliable pressure from air.

        Look at your Maximus gauge. Notice how it has two different ranges of color coordinated working pressures. The lower psi colors are for Co2. The green usable Co2 gauge readings are now realistic to your regulator pressure you need.

      • Chris
        I haven’t heard that saying in a long time.

        Whack a mole.

        Just like war. Not my favorite things to talk about.

        Wonder where that saying came from. And I’m not talking wackomole like guacamole.

        • GF1,

          From the arcade game Whack A Mole from “back in the day”. Little moles/gophers, pop up randomly, whack em’ on the head with a hammer. Never played it myself, but reaction time played into the score.

            • GF1,

              Too many high octane/high lead race car gas fumes,.. no doubt. 😉 Then again,.. back then,… you probably had your mind on the ladies of the time. Good excuse. I would use it. Just sayin’. 😉

              • Chris
                No not ladies. Oh don’t get me wrong there was ladies.

                But I was very competitive back then. Motorcycle racing and definitely car racing

                So yep probably the second part of your reply. 😉

                • GF1,

                  Yea, yea,… go ahead and “play it down”,.. now. You probably had a whole gaggle of motor head groupies that swooned at your every move.

                  Gaggle, swoon, motor head, groupies,… did I just say that? I am beyond help! 😉

                  • Chris
                    Definitely had a good time back then.

                    And still doing it. But now I’m doing it with one of those pretty ladies and my wonderful daughter’s.

                    Trying to get brown points with my wife and daughters right now.

                    Got to keep them happy you know. 🙂

                    • GF1,

                      Yup,.. that is what counts. Out’a here. Up early and tearing back into that reg. tune job that you talked me into. It had better work! Just sayin’. 😉

                  • Chris
                    If that gun don’t shoot tomorrow. Well we better both stop working on them.

                    And I got to go into work tomorrow morning. They are having problem with a machine.

                    So don’t know how quick I can reply.

  19. Val
    Don’t know when your going to shut the voting off.

    But when it’s all said and done. Can you post the results from the “other” section.

    I really would like to see what the people say.

    People are posting stuff on the blog. But I bet there is some good veiw points posted there too.

    And I’m posting this in a honest way. I really would like to see.

            • GF1,

              Well, not bad. Lower fps than what I was hoping for. 80 bar on the reg., 2300 fill, 1100 on the gauge. (1100 = 75.84 bar)

              First shot was 722. 2nd shot 716. Shot 21 was 712. 22 dropped it off the reg. 1100 on the gauge held steady all the way till shot 22 when I heard softer muzzle report.

              No shot between 2 and 21 went beyond a 4 fps spread,.. most were 1,2 or 3. Very consistent.

              Overall happy, but hated to loose that 100’ish fps.

              Shot 1 = 806 fps, 2000 fill
              Shot 12 = 824, fill 1750 at shot 10
              Shot 21 = 780, fill 1320 at shot 20
              Shot 30 = 692, fill 900 at shot 30

              • Chris
                Now it’s time to open up the transfer port inside diameter. That should get you 30 fps if you open it with a big enough drill. And also go ahead and fill to 3000 psi. You get more shots per fill. I been filling mine to 3000 psi since I put the regulator in and having no issues.

                And it’s easy to get to the transfer port orfice. First you will probably have to take your scope rings loose and take your scope off to get to that screw that holds the breech on. Plus there is a small flat head Allen screw that needs to come out under the bolt. Then loosen the top set screw in the barrel band.

                When you get that far all you have to do is lift the back of the breech up. Then you can take the transfer port orifice out.

                You should do that now. Your going to probably have to resight your gun anyway.

              • Chris
                Oh and your not getting the full benefit out of the regulator yet.

                You need to get down to 900 psi.

                That’s going to do things. Raise your shot count and get a higher velocity. You won’t get as many shots per fill like I do cause you have that heavy Maximus striker spring. But you will pick up velocity and shot count.

                You need to go down to 900 psi. Trust me it will work.

                • GF1,

                  The 80 reg. was actually 170 on the scale setting. It bottoms at 90, so 80 was bit of a guess. I did put a piece of weed eater gas line tubing on the screw. Turned it 2 1/2 turns out, from bottom, like it said and cut it long. That way it won’t work it’s way in.

                  I will try taking the reg. down lower, but it will not be this weekend. The other option is to go to a 1322 hammer spring and maybe order an extra port. I do not have a real good way to drill the port other than a drill and vice. Did you drill your port?

                  I wonder if P.A. carries the 1322 spring and port?

                  I understand that a higher fill will get more shots on a regulated gun, so I can go 2300 and more if I want to. Overall, I am happy and got 20 solid steady shots, which was the original goal.

                  Remember too that your chrony always read higher than mine or Bull Dawgs, but I forget by how much now. That should be a consideration. At least we both have one.

                  • Chris
                    No didn’t drill the transfer port on my Maximus but have on many other Crosman guns with this type of orifice. And it’s easy to do with a hand drill and a vise. To already have a hole so the drill bit will be guided. Use a couple different size drills so you gradually work up to the size hole you want.

                    And once I marked my home position on the regulator I took the tape scale off. So yes at the 900 psi setting I was below what the tape went.

                    And just for info purposes I was able to adjust the regulator all the way down to 500 psi on the Maximus gauge. The tape in my opinion is useless. It’s more or less a reference.

                    And I don’t think that hose is a good idea. The air that passes through the regulator does so by pushing past the threads on that Allen bolt. So your restricting air to the regulator.

                    • GF1,

                      Sounds good. As for the hose, it sits atop the brass fitting that has that slot in it. So, it never actually gets to point of the brass fitting that is fully tapped where the screw goes through. I do not see an issue, but understand what you are saying.

                      Thanks for the help. At least it is VERY consistent, which eliminates variables,… which is always a good thing. It should shoot better on that alone and may even shoot better with the lower fps.

                      I will be taking it down to 900 though just to see what happens. I will look into the spring and port (back up port).

                    • GF1,

                      Forgot to mention, the 10-24 screw and the 3/16x? did not work. I go to do laundry and find (2) screws in my pocket. I apparently pulled out the incorrect one at the hardware store and promptly set myself up 3″ screws that did not work. 🙁 The proper tool may be on order in the near future,… but heck,.. I am 90% done already. Still,.. I like the right tool for the job.

                      For all the de-gassing? I did this weekend, I dry fired it down. When you think you have it down all the way,… go 10 more! (Do not) ask me how I am able to offer this little pearl of advice. No harm, just more of a surprise.


                  • Chris
                    Oh yeah I forget that the brass adjusting screw has the slot in it. So yep that’s ok then with your tubing.

                    And I looked at the Crosman schematics that PA has and they highlight yellow what they carry. No 1322/77 striker spring.

                  • Chris
                    Yep you should get one. I have one for the Marauders but not the Disco/Maximus.

                    And you know what works if your dry firing empty. I guess I’m use to doing it over time that it’s routine for me. Since like I said before I don’t like the degassing tools because of possible damage to the internal Maximus valve spring and top hat on the valve stem.

                    I dry fire at a paper towel laying in a trash can. When I don’t see the paper towel move it take about 5 more shots and then take the gun down. But I still use caution.

                    And yes I know what you mean about the wrong screw. At work the screw I’m replacing is in my hand or my pocket. And only that one.

  20. ValG,

    Is there any particular reason why the father allows his son to hold the Red Ryder incorrectly? Obviously, the child is left eye dominant, is holding the airgun right handed and crawling over the stock in an attempt to align the sights with his left eye. He either has to learn to use his right eye, preferably, since this is a right handed world or shoot rifles left handed. I am left eye dominant myself and shoot rifles left handed, although I can also shoot right handed if necessary, just a little bit slower.

    On Pyramyd Air’s website for ammo, the .30 and 9mm/.357 calibers head size/diameter need corrected. The head size is listed correctly (numerically) for millimeters BUT is followed by INCHES instead.

    One other item. Many months ago I suggested that the pellet weights would be a lot more convenient to sort through if they could be viewed in a linear fashion in an ascending or descending order by weight. I believe I was awarded bullseye bucks for the suggestion but it was never implemented.



    • Thank you, Bugbuster.

      Can you clarify on the head sizes? I have attached what I see on our ammo page, and these are calibers. Various head sizes would be under each of the .30 and .35 cal. Do you mean that for .35 we reversed 9mm and .35 and it really should be .35/9mm?

      As far as displaying pellets by weight – can you clarify on which pages?

      Thank you for taking the time to make these suggestions!

        • ValG,

          Wow is right, over the years, I have encountered this exact same problem myself while teaching my grandchildren and even some adults how to properly hold a rifle. It is something that must be nipped in the bud immediately. I am dragging 70 and pushing 71 real hard. I normally use one of my IZH 61’s topped with a 3-9x32mm Bugbuster scope cradled in a BKL 253MB Cantilever Mount. It is amazing how well most of the children and adults can shoot it accurately right from the start. They are one of my favorite air rifles!


      • ValG/Chris USA,

        This chart is correct, the error is when you click on the specific caliber for the .30″/7.62mm or 9mm/.357″ which list the various available pellets for sale, including the .357″ round ball. One inch = 25.4mm. The NUMBERS are CORRECT for the head size BUT, for example, the first two pellets in .30 cal are listed at 7.62 INCH diameter head size (a VERY large pellet) instead of 7.62 mm. Millimeter (mm) has to be behind the head size numbers, not inches.

        Using .22/5.5mm caliber pellets for an example, there are a total of six subgroups listed ranging from <8 grains to 25 to 40 grains by weight in anywhere from 2 to 15 grain increments per subgroup. I thought that if the pellets listed in each subgroup could be viewed in an orderly fashion from lightest to heaviest or vice-versa, it would be a lot more convenient than having to look at the total list of pellets within that particular subgroup. Actually, if the pellets were listed in this fashion, the subgroups would be unnecessary. Regardless, in my opinion, Pyramyd AIR still has the best site I have found for products, especially pellets even though it could be a little bit better.


  21. Val,

    While we all have pretty much beat every idea and suggestion into the ground,.. a commercial on TV just made me think of another one. It was Lowe’s,.. a Home Improvement store. Price match and 30 day price match guarantee. I do suppose that P.A. monitors other sites to know what the same products are going for?

    Just tossing it out there,…. 😉

    • Chris, we do, kind of.

      A little secret – on the phone you can get our sales people to bend some rules. Since they are on commission they want to sell. We price match our own specials (so if you bought something for $100, and within 30 days it goes on sale for $90, we will refund the difference). It’s a policy. We don’t advertise that very well, but it’s there. As far as other web sites go – usually turns into price matching some small basement operations prices (really, we looked into it) as we are same or better than market most of the time.


      • Val,

        Thank you. I did not know that. But,.. then again I do not troll the P.A. site often enough to catch it. You guys have already got a bunch of my money! 😉 Thanks to P.A. and this blog,.. I have moved up to the level of a “highly discerning air gunner”. 😉 Good in one way, bad in another.

      • Val
        Thanks for sharing that.

        Here’s how my luck goes all the time.

        I decide I better hurry up and order some pellets cause my supply is running dry. (And I’m sure you know I shoot alot) I’ll be darn if PA has a sale for 11% and Free shipping the next day after I order.

        Does that count as a refund? And you know what. I have not ordered before just cause I was waiting for the sale then the pellets are out of stock when the sale happens. So I guess in a way PA misses out on a sale.

  22. Val,

    Here is my two cents. Most of the my thoughts have been covered already. I would use a reactive target. Have Dad come home right off. Dads shooting is not a bad start but maybe should be after the Son has shot.

    Have the Son shoot like he did in the original commercial with Dad cocking the gun but have Dad watching the Son instead of looking at the target. Then have Dad show son how to hold gun (correct cheek weld, correct eye, and correct hand placement. Next Son cocks gun and shoots using better technique and hits reactive target.

    Most new shooters will not think shooting paper is as much fun and a reactive target.

    Having a Son and Daughter competition would also be a good theme for a commercial.

    For me I totally tune out commercials just too much daily overload. But I am old like to be left alone, I turn away almost all the time when someone tries to sell me something.

    I do buy most of my air guns and supplies from P.A. That loyalty is 80% from what I get from this blog and 20% from the very good service. I have a friend that has an air gun shop just down the road so I give him some business even though his prices are a lot higher than P.A.’s there is no way he can compete with a large company.

    Good Luck on the commercial,

  23. Gunfun, here are the comments:
    If it was to air on TV only a few people would get it.

    It is OK

    too off topic. focus more on the growing number of folks moving to air guns and why PA is important.

    Its about right in my opinion.

    Don’t like commercials, but at least it is short.

    Just does not get the “draw in” of how air rifles can give so much in trigger time for the shooting sports. Perhaps show how loss of trigger time can be recovered inexpensively safely at home via air rifles

    This 1960’s nuclear family may not accurately reflect enough of your customer base

    For me it comes over as an amateurish production. Which starts edging cheesy.

    You ought to have the boy shooting a rifle that fits him. Would be nice if there was also a daughter shooting too Do you need to own such a large house to afford an air gun? And I agree that there might be too much time spent on the work day, clearly a v

    Basically, as a commercial it is OK. Qouestion is: Is it not too mainstream? The video’s of last year were defintely not mainsteam and therefoe more interesting. I then found the realisation too inconsistent, but the image of an outsiders club was more in

    The stock on the BB gun is too long for the child. He is forced to hold it in an awkward manner . It looks like he is left eye dominant. You should use a BB gun that fits the child and show him holding it correctly.

    Don’t like it. It just feels like the work of a generic ad agency. I’m not knocking the message, but it just seems so “blah”.

  24. Val
    Thanks for posting the comments in the other section.

    But aren’t there more? When I just clicked on the other comments above on the survey it said 23.

    Not trying to pry. But do they not fit the family oriented blog to post them.

    All in all I think the comments were pretty obvious. Only a select group of people will get it. That’s the hard part. How to make this air gun sport/revolution appeal to the masses. It would do fine probably airing in the middle of American air gun tv. Or even during some hunting shows on TV. But still going to be hard to get the point across about air guns and what we see in them and why we shoot them. Then in that short commercial figure out how to convince the other crowd they need to try them.

    I know. It’s a tuff job. And as they say… Somebody has to do it. But it’s going to have to be a convincing commercial to win people over.

      • Val
        Ok glad you said that cause those votes kind of fudge the count.

        Not that it really matters. But those hidden comments usually for the most part get down to the truth.

        But it did turn out to be a interesting weekend blog I will say that. Thanks to what happened about a year and a half ago. 🙂

  25. Whew! Finally got to the bottom here! And I can’t remember who said what, so I’m not sure who to agree with! But here are my thoughts:

    Who are your current customers? You should target to reach and increase that base and expand a bit beyond. Could be pickup drivin’ guys, could be briefcase carryin’ guys? Etc. I like the comment above where you modify the characters a bit for different markets – but I’d say, it would be hard to attract demographics significantly different from those you already reach.

    That said, the retired guy demographic is always chuck full of new guys seeking new hobbies and pass-times. Might consider something that appeals to them.

    Yes, value is important, but so is brand loyalty. I know that in my case, I am likely to return to people who have treated me well in the past and whom I trust. On the other hand, I’m not very tolerant of those who have treated me poorly – if there are other options.

    About this particular video, if you are trying to reach a broader demographic than your current customers, then it is appropriate to spend a few moments to show that this family are ‘regular people’, not gun totin’ nuts. No offense. 😉

    Yep, I think many of the other comments are valid. For instance, personally, I enjoy punching holes in paper, but I agree that many potential new customers would probably find flip (or moving/spinning) targets more interesting. I think it is important to show correct form and safety awareness, even if the audience is not consciously aware of it.

    To sum up: I think the video is okay in the right market with a receptive audience. I tend to agree with most that it is not a home run. But what do I know?


  26. Val,

    First,.. thanks for hanging out with crew here for the weekend. Second,.. it would be interesting (very interesting) to know what,.. if anything,.. that you do with all of the information you have gleaned from your time here. No doubt, it will take awhile for it all to sink in and analyze,… but it would still be an interesting peek behind the scene if you could swing something.

    Thanks again,.. Chris

  27. Chris and everybody, my sincere thank you to all of you for providing feedback and insight into how you think and shop. It has been invaluable.

    Chris, I am not sure I will lay out our entire plan for 2018 here, but suffice it to say that a lot of what you mentioned was already at the top of our list to address, and now that our ERP system upgrades and back end system upgrades are behind us in 2017, we will be bringing a lot of focus to the front end.

    Thanks, once again.

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