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Ammo 1896 New King Single Shot: Part 1

1896 New King Single Shot: Part 1

Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

1896 King
1896 New King single shot BB gun.

History of airguns

This report covers:

  • How this happened
  • Detailed history
  • Pop quiz
  • BB shot and air rifle shot sizes
  • Getting ready
  • Good news!
  • Summary

Sometimes we get the rare opportunity to examine something that’s really from the past. Today is such a time. We will begin looking at a New King single shot BB gun from Markham. It is the 1896 model that was made from 1896 until 1905.  Mine was made in either 1900 or 1901, as I will explain.

How this happened

Periodically I look at eBay to see what sort of antique airguns they have and a couple weeks ago I saw this listing. So I went to the Blue Book (the new edition of which should be available by this Christmas) and saw that in 95 percent condition this was a $1,950 BB gun. In 20 percent condition it is a $400 gun. This one is 10 percent at best, which meant that the opening bid of $150 was reasonable. But oddly there were no bidders. So I bid on it and won it without opposition. The listing said that it works, which is far more important to me, and I took a chance that it did. So far — it does!

If you have never seen a BB gun from this era the size might surprise you. It’s very small! The stock is pushed down to cock a mainspring that is surprisingly light. I know it must have lost some force over the century-plus it’s been in existence, but it seems obvious that this BB gun was purposely made for a very young boy or girl. It’s 30.5-inches long and weighs just 1 pound 11.5 ounces.

1896 King broken open
This is how the gun cocks. It’s very easy!

1896 King broken open detail
And here is a detail shot of the gun broken open.

Detailed history

Markham was a BB-gun maker in Plymouth, Michigan, just across the railroad tracks from Daisy. They could very well be the first maker of BB guns.

The Blue Book does not give a lot of history on this model, but I found a website that does. Just prior to my 4th variant gun, the 1896 had a button on top that had to be pressed to release the barrel for cocking. My gun was the first one that used a friction release to keep the barrel closed. It was made in either 1900 or 1901.  My buttstock is rounded on its edges (everyone calls it the oval style), where later buttstocks are slab-sided. Also the muzzle of my gun is rounded, where later muzzles are flat. And my rear sight is pressed into a sheet metal slot and then crimped, where the next version has the rear sight soldered to the gun. It’s not that often that we can pin down a production date this close on a century-old BB gun, but this time we can, because of small variations and lots of good documentation.

No one had solved the problem of welding a thin sheet metal tube together so it was airttight when this gun was made, so the underside of the gun has a soldered patch that runs the full length of the “barrel” (the outer tube that encloses the shot tube, which is the real barrel) to seal the compression chamber against air loss.

The front sight is an extremely small blade and the rear sight is a crude notch. The trigger is a fat cast iron blade that is tilted too far forward and larger hands will find the trigger guard too small. But as I mentioned — this gun was made for children.

1896 King front sight
The front sight is very small, but visible in the rear notch.

1896 King rear sight
The rear sight slips into a base that’s soldered onto the spring tube, and then it’s crimped in place. 

Pop quiz

If you have been reading this blog for awhile you should know the answer to what I am about to ask. What ammunition does this BB gun shoot? If you said 0.180 lead balls, you’re right! That is shotgun shot size BB — with sizes B and BBB bracketing it. It’s the size shot that Clarence Hamilton used for his first BB gun that became the first model Daisy wire stock BB gun.

wire stock Daisy
Daisy’s first model wire stock BB gun wasn’t the first BB gun ever made, but it set the standard for all those that followed. It shot BB-size shot, which is 0.180-inches in diameter.

BB shot and air rifle shot sizes

Daisy dictated the size of shot for all BB guns, by virtue of being the 500 lb. gorilla. So, from 1888 until around 1905, all BB guns shot BB-shot. In 1905 Daisy downsized the shot their guns used from 0.180-inches to 0.175 inches. They changed the name from BB-shot to Air Rifle Shot, and for the next 20 years all their BB guns were made to shoot lead air rifle shot. It shot faster and took less lead so it was less expensive to produce — an important consideration when you are making shot by the billions. In the 1920s they changed the shot again to steel balls, but that’s another story.

1896 King Air Rifle Shot
In 1905 Daisy reduced the shot size to 0.175-inches. It went faster and less expensive to produce.

So, this Markham BB gun was definitely made for BB-shot. But I don’t have any 0.180-inch shot. Or, do I? If you remember the Tell BB gun test, I found that gun shot best with 4.55 MM lead balls. They measure 0.179-inches in diameter. That’s pretty close so maybe they would work? Several shots demonstrate that they do work!

Hunting Guide

Getting ready

This BB gun is more than a century old and as you can see it has led a hard life. But a BB gun mechanism is robust and prone to last a long time. The Army shot several Daisys more than 20 million times each during their Quick Kill training at Ft. Benning. No way has this gun had even one one-hundredth as much use! It’s just not been cared for.

I know without a doubt that the plunger is sealed with leather, so I dropped 10 drops of Crosman Pellgunoil down the muzzle and stood the gun on its butt overnight. And here is a tip. Some of these guns will leak oil out the back of the action when you do this, so I stood mine inside my large kitchen-type plastic wastepaper basket that’s next to my desk. It held the gun muzzle-up and kept any oil off the carpet.

This is a single-shot BB gun and it’s loaded from the muzzle — just like a Daisy 499. The bore is tapered in the back and the shot jams itself in when the barrel narrows.

Good news!

The really good news is that as I was reading one of my short stories in my book, BB Guns Remembered, I discovered how to get another old BB gun I have up and working again. So today’s report will precede a report on one of the most beautiful BB guns ever made. But first we finish looking at this one.


This will be as complete a test as I can give, but don’t look for this gun to surprise us. It represents where BB gun technology was a century ago — in the days of, “I’m just glad that it shoots!”

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

40 thoughts on “1896 New King Single Shot: Part 1”

  1. BB,
    Since it was a product of the days of “I’m just glad that it shoots!” I suppose that the accuracy will be of the “Hey, I hit something that I was trying to!” category.
    Do you intend to do anything to it other that wipe it down with Ballistol and use Pellgunoil on the internals? (I wouldn’t, if it was mine)
    Thanks for letting me see something that I would have no idea about, otherwise.

  2. B.B.,

    What was the original finish when these were sold new? Were they simply painted or nickel plated?


    PS Section Detailed history 4th paragraph 2nd sentence: “The trigger is a fat cast iron blade that is titled (tilted) too far forward and larger hands will find the trigger guard too small.”

  3. I really like the style of this gun. For open sights it puts you right in line with your head up, not hunched over. That is why I like the browning model 5 shotgun. It put my eye on sight so easy.

    That said I still like the plinkability of the Red Ryder. I have stretched the Red Ryder out and still love the latest version as a best buy. The link below continues into a test of the Red Ryder’s range. I hope the new owners do not milk the cream out of the Red Ryder, it is still a classic even though there is some plastic added.


    You don’t need an antique bb gun to experience the old days.


  4. Note BB’s comment:

    “So I went to the Blue Book (the new edition of which should be available by this Christmas)”……..

    Worth (every) penny ya’ all!!!! A big, thick book with tons of pictures. I have the 11th Edition.


  5. BB,

    As you well know, these old gals really warm my soul. They are such a pleasure to shoot.

    Bill beat me to it as looking at your pictures it looked like she could use a little Balistol and a rub down with a soft cloth.

    She might surprise you. At five yards or so she might give you minute of feral soda can. She might even penetrate the new cans.

  6. BB

    Surprised that you consider this rifle is only 10% condition considering it is an antique and functioning. Well I guess we don’t know that for sure yet. I’m also wondering if that leather seal is 119 years old.


  7. I have a Daisy 20th Century, not the cast version, the version like this. I seem to remember reading that the seal in it was more like a ball of string than an actual disk of leather. Regardless, oil seems to be the right path to take. I’ve never had the gumption to take it apart, as I’m happy to say that mine still shoots too.

      • BB,

        Twine eh? Very interesting. I would like to see a picture of that. I could see multiple winds between 2 undersized OD washers working. Wind it so that it is a bit “fat”, tuck the end in,.. and done.

        I could see modern day valve packing string/rope working. That is often Teflon or graphite impregnated.


  8. BB, the name says allot, one of my favorite things about this fascinating piece of early American industrial design.
    I wonder if there was one of these in Spank’ys gang arsenal?
    I have heard that carnuba wax is another way to protect old metal from oxidizing any further.

      • B.B.,

        Renaissance Wax is what should have been used on this airgun back in the 1890’s. It isn’t a restoration product; only a preservation product. I guess you could use it on this airgun but it would only work to keep it from getting worse then 10% faster.

        Balistol might improve the condition but this looks almost gone from the inside of the metalic structure at this point.


  9. B.B.,

    It has been a while since I read “BB Guns Remembered,” but I think I quickly figured out what BB gun you teased about.

    But rest assured I will remain mum. :^)


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