Tom and Tyler talk about long range airgun shots.
The official Guinness World Record for the longest air rifle shot was set a few years back: Have people made longer shots? Sure. In this caliber? Not so sure.
That’s cool that it’s official.
But all those rules and such I suppose are needed. But never was a fan of rules. I have always been a run what brung competitor. Just like everybody else that put in who knows how much time to be whwre they are at. Why don’t I make the rules for the next competition. Screeeeech! Slam on the brakes. Nope no rules from me. If you are good at what tou know and do. By all means let’s see it. If someone else can produce another’s results. Go for it is what I say. Let’s see what we know how to do something. Don’t tell us how we should do it.
And to say. I’m glad the record was set folowing someone else’s rules. Now someone show them how it can go with no rules. So now I see that geniuses is a little hokey.
I am reminded of George Farr who 100 years ago astounded the experts at Camp Perry 1921 matches using iron sights and an 03 Springfield that wasn’t his. The rules were explained in part on the fly I seem to recall.
Sounds interesting. I’ll have to search that.
Had to look it up. Incredibly shooting!
Thanks for posting the links. Good stuff.
Is there anyway these things can be scheduled regularly? I like the fact that there is a new blog being introduced by Pyramyd AIR. I like the fact that they are continuing to produce YouTube videos. But I am getting confused regarding their posting schedule. If I were not on an RSS feed I wouldn’t have noticed them.
I am as confused as you. I think we just have to wait this out and hope that Pyramyd AIR doesn’t have any more new ideas for the blog.
There was a guy in the Netherlands that made a powerful long range airgun. He called it the Beaumont. Claimed it shot 280 meters.
Shooter 1721 has a video out there where he pops a yellow balloon at over 250 yards with a Texan. If you search around you might find the Pepsi Challenge where one guy took a custom made .257 Scandalous and hit a Pepsi at 417 yards. That was years ago.
FM is happy scoring hits at 25 yards. 🙂
Long time reader; new to posting… Howdy folks : )
Anyone else here seen the Altaros M24?
Looks like it’s a solid performer in the long-range class…
Here’s the link to the 615 yard Haley video-shot by a fellow who goes by the handle of Roachcreek:
And then there’s a blog by a fellow named Cedric (Tofazfou)
He even has a Texan rebarrelled to .338… : D
I’m kind of into long-rang airgun shooting, LOL… If the weather’s good; I’m out front trying to get my .22 Diana 350 N-Tec to group under 2 MOA at 100 yards-and I’ve come close.
I started to watch the first video and it looked like an ad.
The second one looks okay, but the airgun is never shown.
The blogspot also looks like an ad.
I will watch your comments closely for ads in the future. If I see more, that will be it.
This blog exists for airgunners, not sales pitches. Please respect that if you continue to comment.
I’m really sorry-the Altaros ones are definitely self-promotional; I thought they were pretty cool nonetheless… The second link was one of two parts; IIRC (I haven’t watched that video for awhile); the first showed the gun and setup I think… The blog has went downhill since I last saw it; that fellow used to post on the GTA forums; and was legitimate-at least for a time; it seemed.
I hadn’t watched those videos in some time; I guess memory glossed over the bad points-again I’m truly sorry-I can’t edit that post anymore; if you could/would edit out the links; it would be much appreciated.
Again, very sorry-didn’t mean to try and sell anything-I’m a real person/airgunner; not a advertising bot-though I can certainly see how I looked just like one; and a bad one at that : (
Okay, we’re cool. I just try to keep the commercials out of the blog, and you sound like you understand. I will leave the links up for now so folks will know what we are talking about. I don’t think they hurt Pyramyd AIR in any way.
Thank you BB; I’ve been used to posting on the GTA forums (under the same screename); and didn’t even think about it-bad assumption on my part (and you know what those first three letters are)…
I figure maybe a little bit of a better intro is in order; so folks know I’m truly an airgunner…
I started my airgun journey a good ten years back; as a teenager who liked to build things-best homebuilt gun I came up with was a red-oak stocked multipump that shot 5/16″ ball bearings out of a piece of brakeline-couldn’t have been shooting at much more than 300 FPS; if even that… But it did shoot.
First real airgun I got here at PA-a .22 Diana 350 N-Tec Panther model-have a bit of a love-hate relationship with it; due to the crazy recoil-but love that gun : ) Have had it for almost two years now; got it at the start of the pandemic since I was expecting TEOTWAKI and wanted to have small-game capability-I just plink with it now; although it’s definitely capable of taking game-if not by shooting, then as a club, LOL…
Currently love to plink at 100 yards; the time lag is addictive- Pop-Whiz-Clunk!
I’m also trying to improve my offhand shooting; haven’t spent nearly enough time at that-pretty bad shot offhand actually… But, getting better.
Hi guys, as acting Marketing Director, I will comment on the schedule. We have posted 2 blogs on Saturdays, and one on Sunday to see if there is a difference in reach. We have 3 more episodes to go in the TNT series. They are still scheduled to get posted weekly, and based on comments so far it sounds like we will have to convince Tom to sit down and have another set of conversations 🙂 This will be legendary!
I do not see where it is a problem, just go here to see the latest blog entry and all is good. /blog/
TNT: Conversations with a legend. Looks like a catchy title. Maybe these TNT sessions ought to be posted on Saturdays (if you are going to make them on a regular basis maybe the third Saturday of the month?).
Right now, most likely will continue to post on Saturdays (every Saturday – so only 3 more weekends). This Sunday post may have underperformed because it was an Easter Sunday, but hard to say… Suffice it to say – there will be more episodes after these 6 publish, if BB is up to it. Wink, wink…
I saw that one coming. 😉