There are lots of changes going on here at Pyramyd AIR. We’ve added some new categories, gotten some new manufacturers, and have lots of new products filling the shelves.
Products for the Greater Outdoors
We are branching out from airguns and crossbows into Outdoor Gear. Through this new category, we hope to fulfill the mission of helping you have the best outdoor experiences possible by bringing you everything you need for your outdoor adventures, such as knives and tools. This category is still in its early stages, but it is ever expanding and we endeavor to fill your needs.
We have also made it easier than ever to shop for Optics. With hunting season open, we wanted to have these front and center so your season could be more successful and we’ve expanded the selection with more Hawke Scopes.
New Products on the Shelves
For submachine gun collectors, we have the SIG Sauer MPX Gen 2. The Gen 2 improves upon the previous model with better ergonomics so the shooter has more comfort and accuracy. This is the perfect trainer for anyone with the powder version. See what else is new for Sig Sauer.
If you’re in the market for an upgrade, the Accu-Tac WB-4 Bipod could fit the bill nicely. It’s fully adjustable to give you stability on any terrain. The hard anodized aluminum will hold up under the harshest conditions. The wide body provides greater accuracy at distance because it isn’t bothered by recoil. Check out the other Accu-Tac bipods, you might find one you can’t live without.
If you haven’t looked at FX ammo in a while, you’re in for a treat. FX has released its new Atomic pellets. These pellets hit the target and morph into a jagged ball of shrapnel to dig into your prey and gouge through the vital organs. An excellent pellet for hunting small and medium game.
New Manufacturers We’re Working With
First up is Ballistic Fuel. Made for the outdoorsman who could use a boost in health and wellness. These supplements contain Nootropics to support cell functions and overall wellness. Whether you need more focus, endurance, or a recharge after hard work, Ballistic Fuel could give you the boost you’ve been needing.
Then on the crossbow front, we have Thorn Broadheads, who have revolutionized mechanical broadheads. Their razors stay sharp, deploy on contact, and cut through the target smoothly, creating a large wound channel. If you’ve tried mechanical broadheads in the past and found them lacking, take a look at Thorn Broadheads before you give up on mechanicals. They’ll change your mind.
Finally, PSE is known for high-performance bows and crossbows. They grace our shelves with lightweight, durable, quiet, accurate, and reliable crossbows, like the PSE Coalition Frontier Crossbow. This crossbow has dual string stops and features limb dampeners which provide more stealth so your prey gets hit before they ever know you’re there.
More to Consider
New stuff is arriving all the time. Check out our latest releases to see all the new items as they come online. We’ll keep you updated on all that’s happening right here.