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ICYMI July 2023

Summer is in full swing and it’s prime vacation season. It’s the perfect time to embark on thrilling outdoor adventures and explore nature. Whether you’re a hunter, target shooter, or fisherman, check out the latest gear we have available to narrow your focus or broaden your horizons.

Unleash Your Shooting Potential

FX Dynamic Express 700 PCP air rifle
FX Dynamic Express 700

If you want a hunting or target rifle that’s quiet, powerful, and accurate, look no further than PCP Rifles. They give you clean killing power or single-mark precision with minimal recoil and less noise disturbance. Speaking of PCP rifles…

FX Airguns has created a new line of air rifles that is available for preorder. These powerful and accurate rifles are great for hunting or target shooting. Each model in the line comes in 500, 600, or 700-millimeter barrel lengths. Whichever length you prefer, the FX Dynamic line has you covered. 

Let’s start by looking at the FX Dynamic Express 700 which has the highest power and best shot count of any version of the Express platform. It’s highly tunable with its externally adjustable regulator, hammer spring, and trigger. The improved air capacity increases the shot count, and the shot consistency leads to hunting success.

Next up is the FX Dynamic AR 600. It’s a tactical option that takes competitive precision and adds power for better hunting. The over-the-barrel plenum supports the barrel for pinpoint precision while the high-power short-burst valve increases air efficiency and shot power. Take your game with tactical efficiency for a satisfying hunt experience.

And finally, the FX Dynamic Double Express 500 has dual air reservoirs that provide the highest air volume for the greatest shot count. It’s a game-changer for hunting and target shooting. And it uses the Superior STX barrel liner which is optimized for pellets and light slugs. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or a dedicated target shooter, it will surely exceed your expectations.

If you want more shooting with less loading with your FX air rifles, try out STUD Magazines. They provide more accurate alignment between the next round and the barrel which keeps you on target and in range. 

Elevate Your Hunting Game

Tethrd Phantom Saddle, XL
Tethrd Phantom Saddle, XL

Make getting up a tree easier by getting Tethrd and check out this new line of treestands & saddles

Stay focused on the hunt while you’re cradled in comfort in the Tethrd Phantom Saddle, XL. You’ll have more flexibility to follow the game, and less equipment to carry than with a traditional treestand. The stronger-than-steel Dynalite material provides a secure hold while you take the best position to take your shot. Easy hoist, easy hold, easy positioning.

For even more adjustability, try the Tethrd Eberhart Signature Saddle Kit. The two panels move independently for a perfect fit and all-day comfort. With unlimited positioning options, there’s less restriction and more flexibility.

Get more precise tracking information with trail cameras. Using trail cameras will help you see the movement and behavior patterns of animals in a non-intrusive way. It eliminates the need to be physically present in the field which could inadvertently alter the patterns you want to track. With motion activation and long battery life, trail cameras will give you all the details to easily track the game you seek.

We’ve got an expanded offering of shooting aids, gun cases, and fishing gear from the Allen Company. These products are designed to enhance your experience and help you gear up for success. The shooting aids can help improve your performance on the range, whether you’re a novice or experienced. The gun cases are made from high-quality material to provide the ultimate protection for your gun collection. And anglers will get hooked on the fishing gear

Inspiration & Advice

Make sure to check out the Pyramyd AIR YouTube channel for product inspiration and advice. Get the Insyder information that you can’t get anywhere else. Don’t forget to Like, Subscribe, and hit the bell notification so you never miss a video.

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Pyramyd Insyder
Passionate about helping customers get the most from their Pyramyd AIR experience, Insyder brings years of experience to provide insightful info about the various types of guns, ammunition, accessories, and gear available. They have a passion for airgunning and take pride in helping others discover the joys of shooting sports. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced shooter, Pyramyd Insyder has something to offer everyone.

22 thoughts on “ICYMI July 2023”

  1. Believe it or not, we can do without the friggin’ commercials. We already shop at Pyramyd AIR. The stuff you are trying to sell in your commercials are too expensive for most of us to afford or are too sensible to pay that much for it.

      • Hi Yogi,

        Thank you to you as well for being a customer.

        Sorry you feel offended that we post something for Pyramyd Air’s benefit once per month. Please feel free to skip, and not read it.

        We do differentiate non-BB posts; so it’s easy to skip; and/or just subscribe to BB/Tom’s only RSS feed, if you use an RSS reader, here is a link to just Tom’s blog posts:/blog/author/b-b-pelletier/feed/.

        Thank you

    • Hi RidgeRunner,

      Val G here, not sure if you remember me. Sorry you feel offended that we post something for Pyramyd Air’s benefit once per month. Please feel free to skip, and not read it.

      I do appreciate your business; there is so much happening at Pyramyd AIR that I think we are also a little concerned about keeping customers up-to-date; and do cherry pick some new products/content once per month.

      We do differentiate non-BB posts; so it’s easy to skip; and/or just subscribe to BB/Tom’s only RSS feed, if you use an RSS reader, here is a link to just Tom’s blog posts:/blog/author/b-b-pelletier/feed/.

      Thank you

      • Mr. Val,

        I don’t mind, personally, a commercial once in a while. Especially with all the benefits we receive from your company and this blog. It is nice to have the option of the B.B. only rss feed.

        Now that Bow Bully guy… just kidding.

        Actually, now that I have your attention, there was a former regular contributor, Hihihi, who left us because he became quite annoyed with a spinner pop-up that he could not eliminate from his enjoyment of the blog. You may want to ponder that.

          • Thank you!!

            I will reach out to Hihihi and find out. I don’t want to speak for others, but I miss his banter and his pics of his airgun collection and shooting range.

            • Hi Bill, do you mind telling me what phone or computer you are using? I will double check with IT as well because I was under the impression that was supposed to pop-up only once, and that’s it. I would be super annoyed if it keeps popping up. Thank you for bringing this up, super important.

              • Mr. Val, I’m no expert, but might it have something to do with a particular user’s security and cookie settings too? Some folks may have their settings so strictly set that the website won’t recognize them as a returning user and shows them the spinner. Or, when they sign in, they don’t click the “remember me” box. I’m not saying this is what is happening in Bill’s or Hihihi’s case, but something to check out.

  2. Well, I’m not so sure that any one of us has the right to curse this blog that feeds our appetite for airgun news/discussions/repairs/how to information that’s both accurate and informative all at the affordable price of FREE! Remember guys . . . Pyramyd AIR pays a hefty wage to BB and you and I reap the benefit. You aren’t being forced or coerced to participate in this Blog. No likey. . . No readee . . . No payee. Noow I’ll get off my high horse and await this evening’s gem on my favorite sport . . . Airgunning. Orv.

    • I couldn’t know if PA pay a hefty wage to BB but they should know that he could have a blog of his own and all of us there without a second thought… So no use for this kind of trespassing by these intruding blog posts. Just let him do what he does and try to get benefit from the readers as potential buyers.

      • Hi Bill,

        Thank you for being a customer.

        Sorry you feel offended that we post something for Pyramyd Air’s benefit once per month. Please feel free to skip, and not read it.

        We do differentiate non-BB content; so it’s easy to skip; and/or just subscribe to BB/Tom’s only RSS feed, if you use an RSS reader, here is a link to just Tom’s blog posts:/blog/author/b-b-pelletier/feed/.

        Thank you

        • Val
          Thank you for your response to my/our comments. I for one always appreciate professional courtesy.
          I take it as an opportunity to clear two things; first is that I find only the “bow bully” subjects irrelevant to this airgun orientated blog. Even the great series of Dennis Adler was a separated one allthough it dealed with airguns only.
          Second is that I wouldn’t mind any additional posting directly from PA as long as it would be airgun staff orientated.
          Thanks for hearing out

          • Thank you, Bill. Noted on separating it out; we are struggling with this (honestly) to make it easy for many people and many of our customers to see the blog posts relevant and interesting only to them. One thing we can’t do it have separate blogs (it hurt us as a company; for a few reasons, too long to explain); so we had no choice but to combine it into a single blog (even Denis Addler’s blog posts were migrated into this blog now, by the way he is doing OK; although still not in the best of health). We are working very hard on solving it so that it’s very easy for you to only see airgun blog posts and not see others that you are not interested in, and vice versa (archery to archery guys; and hunting to hunting, etc). We definitely understand the challenge there; and you have my commitment that we will figure it out. One thing I do appreciate is you guys providing direct feedback – that’s very important.

            Thank you again for speaking up, really appreciated.

  3. Val Gamerman,

    Although I do appreciate your effort to present stuff that Tom may have no time or opportunity to write about it is at least minimally disruptive. I would appreciate it if the IT department would kindly update the WordPress settings allowing us using the RSS feed to get more than 20 noticed at a time.


    • Hi Siraniko, could you email Tom what you are seeing on your end and what you would like to see? If it’s a settings change, I am sure there are ways to adjust it easily. Thank you for sharing that, super important!

  4. Val Gamerman,

    The Spinning Wheel returns on each Login if you exclude cookies, clean your device’s history/cookie caches or have a Security/Anti Virus+ Program that does it automatically.
    I think if you were to occasionally provided really KILLER deals on the wheel most folks would stop complaining, LOL.
    I for one like the monthly SELECT updates; this month the FX Dynamic Express 700 caught my attention since i was waiting for something that moved the PANTHERA from competition to the useful for the airgun hunter realm.

    Do what you NEED to do to keep your Sporting Goods business viable but give the Crumudgeons an earlier heads up and maybe throw them a bone and they will be like good sailors and just grumble loudly.


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