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Air Guns Airguns to get — and why

Airguns to get — and why

This report covers:

  • Two great brands
  • Simpler
  • Diana 25
  • Weihrauch
  • Spring compressor
  • Other airguns
  • Summary

I had nothing to do with this report, other than writing it as instructed. Today’s report comes to you courtesy of reader thedavemyster. Here is what he said.

“Hey BB,I wasn’t fooling around, or trying to be snarky, with my previous comment.I think you brought up a great issue with this report. [report titled, Should I?]

I believe there are many airgunners, like RidgeRunner (was), who are thinking, “I don’t like these big-box-store ultra-high-velocity springers with their harsh firing behavior and poor accuracy…I think I’ll go and find an old classic wood and steel springer and restore her.”These are the folk who would benefit from a list from you, something along the lines of:“BB’s recommended classic springers that can be restored with relative ease;A, B, C, D, and E (and here are some tools you will need)”…to be followed with a list of:

“BB’s recommended classic springers NOT to try and restore till you have worked on some from the first list:F, G, H, I, and J (and here are the reasons why)” *shrugs*

Just my 2 cents.I think it would be a great report for posterity; it would become reference material for years to come.

And I believe it would generate a huge amount of excellent commentary.

Take care & God bless,dave

And the comment he wasn’t being snarky about?

BB,After reading this report, I, for one (and I’m sure I’m not the only one with this thought), would love to see a list of the low-to-mid-power classics (the ones that fall between RidgeRunner’s BSA and the TX200) that you consider to be sweet shooters, as well as being easy to work on…and I thank you in advance for that laundry list. 🙂Blessings to you,dave”

Okay, not-snarky dave, let’s get on with it — at least with the first part. Low to mid-power spring gun classics that I would recommend — airguns that are easy to work on, and the tools you need. In a couple instances I have a blog or guest blog to help you on your way.

Two great brands

Two great airgun brands spring to the forefront, pun intended — Diana and Weihrauch. And, among their many offerings are also some models to stay away from — at least for the new guy who wants to pull his own maintenance. Let’s start with Diana first. The tools are mentioned in the linked reports.

Diana 23

The Diana 23 is a wonderful; lower-powered breakbarrel that every serious airgunner should try at least once. When it’s in good condition it shoots .177-caliber pellets in the high 300s to the mid 400s, and its reasonably accurate. I took it apart for you but I never finished that report.

If you plan to disassemble this rifle, which I address and show in Part 5 of the earlier report you can do it without a mainspring compressor, but you will need a way to put tension on and also to relax tension on the mainspring. This little guy isn’t so powerful that you can’t do this by hand. You just need something like a fat dowel to go inside the rear of the spring tube to relax tension on the mainspring when you do.

Diana 23
Diana 23.

Ooooh, BB. Whaddabout a Diana 22? An 18? Guys, Dave asked me to recommend the airguns I would choose for newbies. I just did. Would I pick a Slavia 618? Maybe — after I take one apart the first time. I just recommended the Diana models that I know.

Stay away from the Diana 34/36/38 and the sidelever 48/52/54. They are more complex and their disassembly requires some experience.

Diana 25

The vintage Diana 25 is a little harder to get apart without a mainspring compressor, but not impossible. But GO FOR THE 25 WITHOUT THE BALL BEARING TRIGGER! That simpler trigger should be plain to even a newbie. The ball bearing Diana trigger is a fate I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. Well, I say that because it sound good, but, new guy, stay away from the Diana ball bearing trigger. How to tell? If it’s an older (pre-1980) airgun with two adjustment screws on the trigger blade — stay away!


Okay, let’s talk about Weihrauchs. Which ones for the new guys? Well — NOT the newer 30s or 50s. They have tabs that hold the back block in. The older 50s have screw-in spring tube end caps that negate the need for the back block. I’ll refer you to a report series on the super-rare HW 55 SF — 55 that has no breech lock . That rifle is actually an older 50 that Weihrauch called a 55. This one is  relatively easy to disassemble, but the mainspring is under some compression.

Hunting Guide


Is there something that’s even simpler than these air rifles? Yes, there is. It’s the TX200 that I am forbidden to talk about today. That rifle is far more powerful, yet it comes apart without a mainspring compressor. I have written about working on it many times, most recently here. But dave doesn’t want me to mention it, so I won’t — except to say that if you want to learn how to work on a springer, this is the easiest one I know of.

Spring compressor

Here’s a thought. Why not JUST BUILD A MAINSPRING COMPRESSOR AND BE DONE WITH IT? If you want to work on spring-piston airguns that is the best and easiest way to go. Read about how to do that in Part two of this series titled, Spring gun tuning. Oh! And that series is all about tuning spring guns! Who knew?

Other airguns

Wanna get started on the cheap? Of course you do — you’re an airgunner! It’s not a springer but the Beeman P17 is about the best and cheapest game in town. And reader Ian McKee, whose blog name is 45Bravo did a guest blog on repairing that airgun, and reader streetmuisician also did one. They are so easy that even BB Pelletier was able to follow!


Brother Dave, you made it so easy for me today. I wish I could have talked about working on the TX200, but I’ll respect your wishes and remain silent. Thank you!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

90 thoughts on “Airguns to get — and why”

  1. thedavemyster,

    Thanks for the report. Sadly most of the technology you talk about is half a century old or older. Other than piston and breech seal material, and perhaps spring material, nothing has changed or been improved upon. SIG and Walther both tried, and left the market. Sadly, we are a bunch of old farts and when we go nobody will care about these guns…


    • Yogi, yes, that is sad; I’m looking at my Haenel model 1 from Frank; in two more months, it will be 85 years old!
      And it still shoots as well today as it did when it left the factory…how many of the modern spring piston rifles being sold at big box stores today will be able to make that same claim?…I’m thinking about zero, LOL! 😉
      Blessings to you, man,

      • Hello one of my favorite airgun friends!
        Please be thinking about the 22 caliber version that I have in superb condition.
        It has been a little sad….. I don’t think they like to being separated.
        Anyway enough shameless shilling
        from me.
        To contribute to the blog….. Probably stay away from the r9 or hw95
        Because of those dang tabs. They’re doable even for a new guy but it’s a nail biter.

        • Thanks, Frank; I’ll bounce that off my wife.
          At the moment, between firearms and airguns, she said she thinks I have: “too many guns!”
          “Too many guns”? I didn’t even know that was a thing, LOL! 😉

    • Up to us to get the younger generation to care about these guns and caring about learning to work on them. Having said that FM hopes his airguns will outlive him and not have major issues before he croaks.

    • So, I know this isn’t an air gun but, it is a 22 that shoots 22cal pellets. I decided a few months ago I’d like a 22cal black powder to step up my small game hunting, and to up the challenge. (Also i like to challengemyself with building things lol) so I took a random 22cal barrel off ebay, cut and machined it to take a percussion cap. Then took a random 22 stock and modified it to fit everything. Then did all the brass work to hold the ram rod. I also realized I needed all the tools a normal black powder rifle uses, ball starter, powder measure, possibles bag, and soon the powder horn. I’m shooting 25 to 28gr pellets over about 8gr fffg black powder. I’ve gotten a lot of compliments from friends and family, so I hope yall enjoy as well. And please feel free to give both positive and negative feedback.

  2. BB,
    I love it! Great report…how could I not love it? LOL! 🙂
    OK; I did make a mistake, when I said, “the ones that fall between RidgeRunner’s BSA and the TX200,” what I SHOULD have said was: “the ones that fall between RidgeRunner’s BSA and the TX200, with those two included.”
    Yes, the TX200 is on the more powerful side; but it can, and has been detuned to be a very sedate rifle; and you have written quite a bit about it. But I would also love to hear a bit more about RidgeRunner’s BSA…
    …hey, that reminds me…did I miss RidgeRunner’s write up on the accuracy of the Diana 34 you tuned for him?
    Yes, I am looking forward to that (my apologies if I missed it somehow =>).
    Again, great report BB! You told us what to try, and also the ones to avoid (till we have more knowledge). 😉
    Thank you!
    Blessings to you,

    • Dave,

      You did not miss the accuracy report on my “new” Diana 34. I have been busier than an “one armed paper hanger” with working and remodeling/landscaping around RRHFWA. I am hoping to shoot some this weekend. Also, if I find my roundtuit, I just might tell y’all a little bit about my 1906 BSA. 😉

      • RidgeRunner, I hear you; we had two storms here and there are numerous trees down; I’ve been using chainsaws for the past two weeks; if you’ve got some land, there’s always stuff to do. 😉
        But I do look forward to hearing more about your Diana 34 and 1906 BSA…great stuff! 🙂

  3. P.S. Yes, those little Diana 23s are neat rifles; I did get one a few years ago that was in quite nice shape, except the rear sight was broken. I made a home-made peep sight for it that worked quite well. It was an accurate little gun, though certainly not a powerhouse; mine was in .22 caliber, so the velocity was more like 300 fps. Yet at close range, it sent tin cans flying (due to the pellet being much heavier than a BB). Tons of fun!
    That little rifle became a birthday present for my nephew; but if I saw another, I’d snap it up, for sure. 🙂

  4. Okay, BB, I give up now!
    I thought that when I ‘tuned in’ today, I would see the next article in the series on the HW 50S. I expected to see targets with tiny little sub-2 MOA groups on them.
    But, NOOO! Instead, I get ‘something completely different’ and I am initially disappointed.
    Then I realized that it isn’t my blog, but yours and I’m only along for the ride.
    Good column and good recommendations. If someone who is starting out with airguns would start this way, they’d probably have a great time and be hooked (unless lured by ‘the dark side’ & started dreaming ‘dark dreams’ of DAK rifles/pistols).
    Thanks for doing what you do, please keep doing it and enjoy your weekend.

  5. I can’t even guess which way younger Airgunners will go these days or even be into fixing things.
    I needed tools to fix my car and anything else I could not afford to pay people to fix at 17… they don’t do that today.
    Hardly possible anymore. The world has evolved. But I don’t know any young people today. From what I can see social media is all that matters to them. Everyone has a phone in their face.

    Unlike us, they don’t suffer from “Toxic masculinity” and do manly things? I’m sure there are exceptions but most of the stuff we did is now against the law. Well, some of it was back then too but we did it anyway.
    It would be nice if someone from P/A stepped in to offer their insight as to how todays airgun market is trending and what to expect in the future. Ex service men may save the shooting sports?

    • Bob M,
      Toxic masculinity…. What a great term and summation of where the ball lies these days.
      Symptoms include self-respect, unfortunate swelling of the chest and a sense of self-sufficiency! Such a terrible thing and I have it bad!!

      • Frank

        Those are simply masculinity. They don’t become toxic till they reach undeserved self respect, swelling of a chest that makes one look down their nose at others, and the infamous self sufficiency wherein one says “I got mine, the hell with the rest of you”

        There are plenty of “manly” liberals around. That simply isn’t our first priority. In fact, that goes for most manly conservatives I know, too.


        • To my airgun friend Ed,

          I hope and pray that I would surely die before I let it go in that direction. I like to think my greatest strength is my humility. Somehow when I state that the words greatest and humility seem to clash. In that being said that’s how I see it and what I ‘m made of.

    • Ironically, this blog falls into the broad category of “social media,” does it not? And here I am with my face 6 inches from my phone as I tap out this comment with my thumbs. And I’m only “young” at heart!

      The other day, I saw a younger fellow in the back yard of his apartment working on his car–with tools! All is not lost.

      • Romin,
        I guess you got me there. I only use my phone for, what was it, oh yes, phone calls, and the occasional text message. I get. I don’t even carry it around unless I go someplace and consider it an emergency device then.
        I just check my laptop every once in a while, for mail and this blog and reply on it when I can. No instant communications unless it’s a call or I’m actually active on the blog. Still rely on email mostly.

  6. BB two things
    First is how easy are the current HW 80 or 85 to disassemble? Their end caps are of the screw-in type. Or not any more? By the way if you bleed out the air from the HW 90 it’s easier than TX to work on. All you need then is a cheap bicycle shock absorber’s pump.
    Second is that maybe you should consider letting the spring guns to rest for a while. How about a little turn to the Dark Side? Testing or working on some, like you do with the springers, would be nice.
    After all it’s the older type.

    • Bob,

      The HW80, which is a copy of the Beeman R1 that was invented first, is very easy to disassemble and assemble, PROVIDED you use a mainspring compressor. Without one you are playing with your father’s loaded gun.

      The 10-part series on Spring gun tuning I linked to in today’s report uses the R1 as the subject airgun.


      • Way off topic, but I lost my manual to a Sig Sauer Virtus PCP rifle in .22 cal. I need to know if it is okay to leave the air cylinder almost full, or should I degas it and if so how do I degas it? I know to very gifted people this is a very dumb question and there are other ways to get this information then bothering your conversation. This is all I have to find this information sorry.

        • I’m don’t know the answer for you,, but in an effort to try to be helpful, I know that many times, Pyramyd AIR will have a link to the manuals of the airguns they sell. I couldn’t find one, but I did find B.B.’s 5 part series on the Virtus. Perhaps you will find some guidance there:


          Or perhaps try the SigAir website.

  7. Wow, just read an article in Hard Air Magazine and the article just about answered my question about the possible future of Air gunners.
    ” I’ve Just Been To A Parallel Airgun Universe ”

    He also has an update on the Crosman 362 100YR. Looks like it has an improved barrel along with everything else.

    And it looks like he has #1 of 2023 being made. But I like my stock better!

  8. BB and Dave,

    Very nice blog today. Yes, I am guilty of liking these old gals. They tend to be very well made. If the 1906 BSA was to be made today exactly the same as it is, it would probably sell for over $1000.

    If you buy/make a spring compressor, the world of sproingers will really open for you. So many only need just a little TLC to become some of the nicest airguns you can own. After you acquire a spring compressor, I would then recommend you take a good look at some of the old Webley offerings. Their old pistols and rifles are about indestructable and are VERY easy to work on. Even I can do such. 😉

    And then, there is the “Darkside”. Muhahahahahaha!

  9. B.B.

    If you talk about the TX200 could you mention if the Pro Sport is in the same league?
    Also Webley Vulcan.

    I’m mostly into pawn shop airguns. But my wife gave me a Pro Sport in walnut for Christmas last year. (yeah she is a keeper)

    Does any one here know who made the Remington VANTAGE 1200 (it’s not in the blue book of airguns)

    Thanks Speakski

  10. Tom,

    I do not know this for a fact, but if pressed to come up with medium power springers that are not for beginners to work on, I would offer taploaders, such as the classic Diana Model 50. That is a great-shooting springer air rifle, but the taploading mechanism might be a complex wrinkle. (And anything with a GISS mechanism, too.)


  11. Tom,

    Not really off-topic. What airgun to get? How about what air gun to get for a child, you know, a “youth air gun.” This morning I received an automated advertising e-mail from an online air gun retailer promoting, “5 Star Youth Airguns.” I was excited. I clicked on the link expecting the Diana two forty, Weihrauch HW30s, Beeman R7, and Daisy 499 and Red Ryder. Perhaps the Norica Titan I begged B.B. Pelletier to review? (Hint, hint. :^) Nope! CO2 black rifles, a classic machine gun, and a bunch of magnum revolvers and autoloader replicas. All CO2.

    What is the definition of “youth air gun?” Is it an air gun that helps a parent teach gun safety values and skills, gun-handling, and gun-appreciation with a child-to-early-teen, or are youth air guns those that are instant fun and fast-shooting toys (toys that can hurt someone if you lack gun safety values and skills)?

    Ok, ok. I’m an old fogey.


    • Fogey,

      I’m one, too.

      In my opinion a youth air rifle should be one like those on your first list. The others they are selling is because marketeers are still yoots themselves and they doin’t know nuttin’


      • Yoots! “My Cousin Vinny”! LOL. I love dat movie.

        Here, I just came up with this one. I hope it’s original.

        “A yoot rifle, y’know, like a little .22.”

        “Long Rifle?”

        “Naw. A short rifle — it’s for small yoots, ya clod!”


      • Most marketers have inflated egos; they think they know what customers want without even lightly surveying them. That makes most marketers/“influencers” Id Yoots.

  12. Hello B.B.,

    Well, I hope you don’t mind if I want to discuss the the TX200. I am thinking of trying the Air Arms produced 12 ft-lb spring in my TX200 mkiii. Primarily, just to see what the firing cycle is like and how that power level effects the ease of using the rifle accurately.

    I am wondering if any other alterations would be needed if I were to run the OEM 12 ft-lb spring. Are the non-FAC, English spec. guns the same in every other part as the FAC model, with the softer spring being the only difference?

    Are there any other consequences or considerations when making this spring swap? I would love to hear your thoughts about what to expect. Thanks for any information you care to share.


    P.S. If anybody else has tried this and wants to comment on their experience, please do so. Thanks.

    • Airman,

      I have a TX200 that is stock, but I also have what was billed (not sure they are made anymore) as a poor man’s TX200, or, if it preceeded the TX, the air rifle the TX improved upon. It’s a Weihrauch HW77. It’s a full-sized, well-made underlever of about the same power level. The more refined TX even copies (and slightly improves upon) the 77’s Rekord trigger.

      My HW77 was priced low because the owner had “detuned it” by replacing the stock mainspring with a spring for a HW50s, I believe. It has perhaps 85-90% of the power and cocking effort of what it had stock. It can be rested right on a bag, no artillery hold required, because it is pretty calm shooting. It is quite heavy for an air rifle of its power level.


      • Hi Michael,
        Thanks for weighing in about your experience with the HW77. The resulting behavior of your ’77 being “detuned” is encouraging. Perhaps I will try the softer spring.


        • Offered as a helpful factoid,
          If you come across a marksman model 61….. It is an HW 77.
          Possibly the early version which was 25 mm cylinder rather than the later 27 mm. Beautifully made gun.
          Very heavy to scope though.

        • Airman,

          If you do try another spring, take the opportunity to apply a very light application of Tune-in-a-Tube/Almgaard red tacky grease as B.B. demonstrates in a number of these blogs.


  13. In keeping with the original theme of today’s blog, I thought it might be a good idea to list a few of the “aliases” of these Dianas. I seem to recall BB mentioning that he had touched a number of them that came with other names on them. Winchester comes to mind,, but as my mind is a bit clouded of late, I don’t remember the details.

    BUT, a list that we might look at when perusing the local pawn shops and garage sales, or even the online auctions. Unless this might be giving away the secrets used by the more successful buyers,, in which case,, forget everything I said.


  14. You won’t see this anyplace. A comparison between the Dynamic Duo of pumpers.
    The Dragonfly Mk II and the Crosman 362 100YR.
    Evidently the 362 comes in varied wood stocks. I have seen some that look just like the Dragonfly.

    The 362 is obviously shorter and 1 lb. lighter but the Dragonfly is a far better value at half the price, has the mechanical advantage pumping linkage and, a Magazine. The 362 has the longer steel breech and the Williams adjustable peep sight.
    However, If you want to downgrade to the standard synthetic stocked 362 it is half the price of the Dragonfly !
    You do pay for that wood stock, steel breech and peep sight and who knows what else they improved like a new, more accurate barrel. So I hear.

      • Mike this one is #172 of 2023.
        Looking forward to checking them out more but things have gone crazy for me. My old friend with Dementia got kicked out of his memory care home for fighting and I have had him for over a week. Now dealing with finding another home but nobody wants him because of that.
        I just avoided Border Fires #20 and #21 and need to clear my property more but it’s been near 100 degrees for the last couple of weeks here in San Diego County. And one of my daughters is unemployed and needs help. Perfect retirement. Have a nice day Mike

          • Thanks Dave, Lord knows I can use some these days.
            They are quite different, and I figured if someone was in the market for one or the other it would be nice to know. For some reason we don’t get to see too many side by side comparisons anywhere.

            Can’t say one is better than the other, at least for now till someone does a report on the 362 100YR. But it may turn out they are simply even, just different? They both feel good to hold and are impressive to look at with their traditional good looks.

            • Yes, they are both excellent rifles; I have the Dragonfly Mark II now wearing a Hawke 2-7X variable.
              But my Crosman 362 is the basic synthetic-stocked version…factory stock at the moment.
              The Mark II can reach out there, and the 362 is easier to pump than my Sheridan.
              Basically, I like them both, for different reasons. 🙂

          • Shootski
            Yes, but he has no war related disability “Documented” and too much money saved and the Memory Care VA Facility is full. Waiting list is years long. VA help in CA Sucks.

        • Bob,

          To an extent I can feel your pain, my wife is seriously debilitated and unable to do the most simple of things so I must help her with most everything. Pray that you can get everything back together and do what needs to be done.


  15. Thanks Deck.
    It’s a sad situation. Memory care homes require a medical check-up first. Took him to the Main VA Hospital that diagnosed him ( Retired USN) back in Jan, and they basically told me to get lost and take him to his GP. Next opening was in mid AUG. Forget that.
    Took him to a civilian hospital and after 5 hours in the waiting room had to leave him and feed my disabled ex at home.
    The hospital Social Worker informed the prospective memory care home of his fight and they walked away.
    Heck, just drug him up more I figured. So, he remains in the hospital.
    Meanwhile Adult Protection Services informed me that I may face criminal charges if something happens to him in my custody and I should NOT remove him. Let the pros handle him. They are still looking for a new home that handles aggressive behavior. Not to fit for “A place for mom”.
    He locked me out of my home three times when here and forgot who I was after about 38 years of friendship.
    Stay healthy.
    By the way, he survived what I consider to be the worst self-inflicted catastrophe of the Vietnam War on the USS Forrestal aircraft carrier in ’67. 40 of his Squadron shipmates burned alive in jet fuel screaming at him to open the hatch but he could not. It was distorted from 1000lb bombs going off on the flight deck directly above them and he was choaking on the smoke.
    Look up 1967 USS Forrestal Fire for live footage and Wikipedia documentation.
    He suffered PTSD and his entire family, wife and kids left him forever.

    • Bob M,

      Sadly this story replays itself far too often. The details are different in the minor details but the endings are never what we would hope for our HEROES.
      It isn’t really War that sucks it is always the aftermath that plays out in the decades and more that follow.
      Be carful.
      You are in my prayers Shipmate.


  16. “Please learn from my mistakes”
    Dear Readership,
    There was a reason I nudged BB to make this report: Airguns to get – and why.
    Most of us have been around for years, gleaning knowledge from this blog.
    Yet for the new folk, those getting ready to jump into the water, it can be really helpful to have a report like this from the old maestro himself to ensure they get off to a good start. Also, the comments here can help keep them from making some of the mistakes we’ve made…or, more particularly, I have made. 😉
    Here in the USA, we often fall victim to “magnumitis,” the idea that more power is always better.
    If you’re fishing for salmon in Alaska, having the most powerful handgun you can handle in order to keep you safe from bears is a good idea.
    If you’re hunting for squirrels…take a lesson from our friends in the UK: with a 12 fpe limit, they’ve been staying on the safe side of the law by using airguns in the 11 fpe range to take small game for years.
    My first airgun ever, a .20-caliber Sheridan C-model, was used on a great many squirrels; I used it at 6 pumps (instead of the maximun of 8) for just over 11 fpe, and it worked very well.
    But I saw an ad that I could put my rifle on steroids, have a 14-pump rifle with much more power.
    I fell for the lure of power, and did it. In short, 14 pumps was a pain; and it really bugged me that not all the air was exhausted, so I had to cock and dry fire the rifle a second time to get all the air out in order to put in the same amount of air for the next shot to maintain accuracy. I was a stalker; I hunted close, generally under 50 feet. Hence, the extra power (and effort) was a waste for me.
    A couple of months later, I had my Sheridan restored to factory specs. Now I’m back to 6 pumps, 11 fpe, with a peep sight that can hit a dime at 15 yards (now that I upgraded to JSB pellets). I just shot it yesterday, and as always, it’s right on the money…no scope, no fiddlin’ around, no worries…it always shoots where it’s supposed to…this is, as BB would say, my “go to” air rifle.
    My second air rifle was a .177 RWS model 45, with a 4X scope, that I got (used) for $150 back in 1980. That was my first springer, and it was a great rifle; with RWS superpoints, it was forgiving to shoot, and accurate to 40 yards (which was as far as I could effectively estimate pellet drop).
    That rifle was just about perfect for an all-around airgun. Yet, once again, I got stupid. I heard that with a .22 barrel on it, I would get efficiency, hence, more power, from the same power plant. So, I ordered a new barrel, and installed it (NOTE: sadly, I was not a reader of BB’s blog at the time!). The firing behavior was HARSH! The refurbed gun broke the nice old 4X scope. So, I ordered a tougher scope, and a one-piece mount; I also had a machinist friend make an aluminum jacket to cover the entire barrel, hoping the additional weight would tame some of the harshness. What happened instead was, after several shots, the scope and mount and A PIECE OF THE RECEIVER broke off the rifle…leaving me with a stock, barrel, and the rest of the ruined receiver.
    To this day, I kick myself for destroying a perfectly good air rifle, that, had I just left it alone, I’d still be shooting today!
    My next springer was a .177 Beeman R7, with a small Beeman 3X scope. That rifle was an absolute delight!!!
    I had it for years, loved it for years. Then, I got really stupid, and sold it to buy a .177 HW97 for Field Target.
    In retrospect, I should have sold ANYTHING else, or just waited a bit to scrounge up the extra cash; the HW97 was also a fantastic rifle, but selling the R7 to get it was an incredibly bad move on my part!
    I shot Field Target for a couple of years with Brad Troyer (great guy, still has a site here: https://www.airguns.net/ ), but then he moved away for work, and I was moving to a not-anywhere-close-to-Field-Target-area location. Once again, I “got stupid” and sold my HW97 to someone else so they could shoot Field Target. To this day, I severely regret selling that HW97! It wasn’t just good for Field Target, it was just a great, smooth-shooting (tuned up by Brad) air rifle…that I would still be shooting right now…if I still had it.
    Anyone see a pattern here?
    New airgun shooters, PLEASE learn from my mistakes!

    Thankfully, after reading about BB’s .22 caliber Diana model 27, I got a hankering for something similar, and my wife bought me a .22 caliber HW30S. With a 6X BugBuster scope on it, this is an amazing little rifle; I love it even more than I did my R7, and I will not part with it; my “stupid days” are over (I hope =>). While no powerhouse (7.5 fpe), it is crazy accurate (for a springer); at 15 yards, it’s a one-hole shooter; and, if I was still hunting squirrels, I would pick this rifle any day over some ultra-high-velocity harsh-firing springer from a big box store.

    If you hunt bigger stuff, you might be in need of more power. But these days, I mostly just plink, and airguns are just plain fun, fun, fun! When I’m in the mood for a long plinking session, I take out the HW30S if I’m in the mood to shoot with a scope. If I’m in the mood to shoot open sights, standing up, I’ll take my .177 Haenel model 1 (thanks Frank!), which is very similar in size and power to the Diana model 23 that BB recommended.
    Both rifles can be cocked with just one finger…at my age I appreciate that.
    Lower-powered springers can be a load of fun!
    If you’re a new about-to-be-airgunner, I recommend you try one out.
    And if, for some reason, you decide you don’t want it, I’m sure someone here will gladly buy it from you. 🙂
    Blessings to all,

    • thedavemyster,

      The Chronicles of Life and Times of Airgunner Dave
      when are they shooting the film?

      Pay attention Newbies!
      This is the story of hard won WISDOM.


      • Yeah, shootski, for sure; I wish I’d read something like that from another airgunner back when I was a newbie.
        I could have saved myself a lot of grief. 😉

        • Bob M,
          You could try what I just did for this comment.
          I sent an email to myself with the subject: “reply to Bob M.”
          Then I typed in the text, and sent it to myself.
          Next, I opened the email, and put my cursor at the top.
          Then left click and hold down and scroll over the text all the way to the bottom of the email.
          That will highlight all the text.
          Now release the left clicker on your mouse, and click on the right side (while your cursor is still in the highlighted text).
          A window will pop up giving choices of “cut”, “copy”, and “paste.”
          Scroll down to “copy” and use the left click on your mouse.
          All the text is now copied to your clipboard.
          Now, on BB’s blog report, you can hit “reply.”
          In the reply box, left click your mouse to put the cursor in the box.
          Now right click your mouse, and that window of “cut”, “copy”, and “paste” will pop up.
          But “cut” and “copy” will be gray (not available); put your cursor on “paste” and left click the mouse.
          All the text will be pasted in; now just hit “reply” (just as you would if you had typed this text in directly).
          This may seem a bit convoluted; but you will never lose your work this way.
          Even if you accidentally delete the email from your “inbox,” you still have a copy of it in your “sent” box.
          I hope you find this helpful.
          Blessings to you,

          • thedavemyster,

            But Dave! Bob M maybe has a TABLET/SMARTPHONE/APPLE devce with maybe a virtual keyboard or uses a stylus or his finger what should he do?
            It is like the folks who ad this blog and try to apply spring piston techniques/methods to PCP, CO2 , single/multi pump powerplants or vice versa.
            No wonder folks walk away from technology with the lack of standardization and worse still multitude of choices on ways to, in the end, do THE SAME THING!
            Makes it really hard to teach someone In Person let alone by REMOTE LEARNING.


  17. I had no training on using a computer or phone. My company taught us how to read aircraft manuals on it. That’s it.
    I remember my kids learning about them in school. Only had dial up and land line for phone for years after I retired in 2009. Then I finally got satellite internet and a phone before my daughters disowned me for not joining society and making it easier for them to check on me being out in the boonies.
    I guess I only use 10% of their capability. The rest is not needed. Got by without it for 60 years. Also have extremely limited time use being a space satellite system. No internet or cell towers here. Two weeks of a month are reduced speed and intermittent service. $225. per mo. for TV and Internet service. My first phone instruction manual was a half inch thick. Screw that, it’s just a phone for me that ends every call from being charged long distance.

        • LOL! We are right on “Emergency Road 1000,” about 30 yards off the road, so, just a gravel driveway.
          We have power to the main house, and a different line comes in to supply power to the well for the pond.
          We have septic, and two wells (the well for the pond can also be diverted as a backup to the house.)
          Since we do have a lot of power outages, we have a generator, to preserve our food and run the well.
          We can also sit and watch a movie while everyone else is waiting for the power to come back.
          Best of all, we are 1/2-mile outside the town limits; so we can shoot any kinds of guns here. 😉

  18. No doubt, we have more in common than airguns.
    I sit outside a lot in the evening and have a cool one while watching Gods show. Pinch myself and thank Him for His blessings.

  19. Bob M,

    Thank you,
    I have seen those shows of the perfection of God’s creation all around the World , from above as well as below the clouds and i have never grown tired of another opportunity.
    I also remember innumerable shows at the start of yet another day just as magnificent.



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