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Crosman Legacy 1000 – One Hundred Year Edition: Part One

Crosman Legacy 1000
Crosman Legacy 1000 – One Hundred Year Edition.

This report covers:

  • Differences
  • Never reviewed
  • Reviews
  • The rifle
  • Sights
  • Discharge sound
  • Pretty
  • Summary

Good morning. No, this isn’t another report about the Crosman 362, 100 Year Anniversary Edition airgun. There are more reports on that airgun yet to come, but today we will be looking at a completely different model — the Legacy 1000 – One Hundred Year Edition.

Crosman Legacy 1000 box
The Legacy 1000 – One Hundred Year Edition comes in an attractive box.


Like the 362 100 Year Anniversary that also exists as a standard Crosman model, the Legacy 1000 exists as a standard multi-pump, as well. But unlike the 362 Anniversary model that was prettied-up with a walnut stock and priced accordingly, the Legacy 1000 One Hundred Year Edition sells for the same as the standard Legacy 1000 or LESS. That’s correct. On the day this report is published, the 100 Year Anniversary Edition of the Legacy 1000 is listed for ten dollars LESS than the standard Legacy 1000. 

Never reviewed

I figured that I had probably written a report on the Legacy 1000 so I did a search on this blog. I discovered that a reader named David did a guest blog, but beyond that I had never looked at the airgun. So this report will be a twofer. Not only do you get to look at the 100 year anniversary model, you also get to look at the standard Legacy 1000, because under the paint these two rifles are the same.


I read several reviews about the rifle on several websites and learned some things. For example, one reviewer said he got a scope with his rifle. That may have been a special offer from that dealer, but this rifle does not come with a scope. It has open sights with a fiberoptic insert in the front.

Another reviewer criticized the pump lever for being too flimsy. That piqued my curiosity so I pumped it several times to see what he meant. It feels just as robust as any other multi-pump I have tested.

One guy said he found it hard to load pellets. I will check that for you, but just looking at it, it looks super-easy! The loading port in the breech looks like a funnel.

And one reviewer said that it looks cheap with the gold paint. Excuse me? Doesn’t his computer have a color monitor? Or did he expect to see a gold-plated metal receiver? I can tell what it looks like from the pictures on the website. Maybe he bought it using a smart phone and couldn’t see the pictures full-sized.

The rifle

I will now describe the basic Legacy 1000 — what’s under the paint. This is a multi-pump and the manual says it operates on between three and 12 pumps. I will test that for you.

It has a rifled barrel and can shoot either pellets or BBs. Pellets are loaded singly and I will ignore the reviewer who criticized that fact. Guys, if you want to shoot faster buy a repeater!

The BBs are stored in a reservoir that’s accessed through a hole by sliding the grip cap backwards. The manual tells you to load no more than 200 BBs into that reservoir. The description on the Pyramyd AIR website says the gun holds 850 BBs. Oddly the website says only 200 BBs for the standard Legacy 1000. I know these two airguns are identical except for the finish. I will believe the manual and load it with 200 or less.

Crosman Legacy 1000 BB reservoir
Slide the grip cap to the rear to load up to 200 BBs (only) into the reservoir.

The rifle is 38.25-inches/97.155cm overall, and has a 21-inch/53.34cm barrel. The stock and forearm are very sturdy plastic, colored medium brown to look like wood. The pull is 13-3/4-inches/34.925cm. The rifle weighs 3 pounds, 8.2 ounces/1.59kg and every one of them should be the same because there are no natural products in this rifle.

Hunting Guide


The front sight has a bright green fiberoptic tube that appears as a bright dot in the rear notch. There is a dark post with a squared off top around the tube. And the whole front post fits into the rear notch perfectly! The rear sight has no fiberoptics. I may try to shoot using the fiberoptic tube because it is the brightest one I have ever seen.

The rear sight adjusts for both windage and elevation. Let me show you that so you can see how it works.

There is also an 11mm dovetail atop the receiver for a scope. I may actually try the gun that way, too.

Crosman Legacy 1000 rear sight
Slide the stepped elevator to adjust elevation and loosen the rear screw to  rotate the entire rear sight left or right.

To ready the BBs for shooting pull the follower on the left side of the receiver back point the muzzle down and twist the rifle side to side rapidly. Up to 30 BBs fit in the ready reservoir.

Crosman Legacy 1000 ready reservoir
You fill the ready reservoir on the left side of the receiver with up to 30 BBs.

Discharge sound

The barrel is not shrouded, so the discharge will increase as the pumps increase. I will record that for you. Just know now that there is no one single discharge sound level.


On top of all the physical and performance specifications, Crosman has gone out of their way to make this airgun attractive. Yes it is made of plastic and yes, that plastic is painted, but how else can they do it for the price? Weihrauch isn’t going to sell you a rifle for sixty-five bucks!


This Crosman Legacy 1000 – One Hundred Year Edition air rifle has a lot for us to consider. And, at ten bucks LESS than the standard Legacy 1000 it was tailor-made for airgunners. The only thing better would be a rifle that deposited money in your bank account every time you pulled the trigger.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

42 thoughts on “Crosman Legacy 1000 – One Hundred Year Edition: Part One”

  1. BB,
    The looks of this gun remind me of my friend’s Crosman 2100.
    It was his first air rifle, and he got a lot of enjoyment from it.
    That is, until the day when a small rodent got into the house, and his wife freaked out.
    My friend thought he would “save the day” by eliminating said rodent with his trusty Crosman 2100.
    He did so, and the gun performed the task well.
    The only problem was his choice of location…the middle of the living room.
    To say that his wife was less than amused by the blood on her favorite carpet would be an understatement.
    But at least she didn’t take his Crosman away. 😉
    Blessings to you,

    • Siraniko,

      His comments should be interesting to read. My comments about most glowy thingys is not that impressive either. The one good comment I have concerning one is the Tru-Glo globe sight I have installed on my grandson’s HW30S. With the Williams rear peep, it makes for a very quick and fairly accurate shooter at 10 yards.

    • Siraniko, I’m not sure anything good was said about the fiber optic part except that it was bright, but certainly, nothing bad was said. I found it interesting that only the front post has the glowy thingy and would be a simple thing to blacken it or modify it to be a black post.

      What I am seriously wondering is why Crosman picked the 362 and the 1000 to represent its 100 year anniversary.

  2. When I was in the kindergarten once (in age of 5) I ate crayon and was stomach-sick two days after. I will never forget it, the color of this crayon I ate was almost exactly as that on the picture showing the grip cap sliding. From that moment on I don’t like this color – I could not have this rifle even for 65 bucks… Ever heard about a reason for not having a rifle like this one?!?

  3. For a newbie, I could see where this would be a good thing to start with. It could even be kinda fun for us “old geezers”. I had a similar SSP for a while, until it quit working. I still have it. I tried to fix it at one point. No such luck. I have not yet bothered throwing it away.

    To ready the BBs for shooting pull the follower on the left side of the receiver back point the muzzle down and twist the right side to side rapidly. Huh? Do what?

    • RR,

      Oh, come on, you old complainer! I separated that paragraph from the heading with a photo. Surely you can figure that out — and, no — I didn’t call you Shirley. 😉


  4. BB

    Any way to test with a few darts. Given the lack of current production smooth bore BB guns, it might be useful for that purpose. Given the low price, I would plan on keeping this as a dedicated dart gun.

    Kind Regards


    • Though this model, and the Legacy, both look like the 2100, there are differences. The 2100 still has a metal reciever, while this model and the Legacy have plastic ones. From what I know, which ain’t much, both these newer models shoot hotter than the 2100, so there has to be internal changes. When the Legacy came out, I thought Crosman would drop the 2100. Luckily, I was wrong. You can still buy a 2100 with metal reciever.

  5. My first airgun that I purchased was a 2100. I shot that and shot it until I discovered Prescision Airgun Sales & Service over east of Cleveland and its owner, Charles Trepes. Drove the hour-and-a-half and was immersed in the wonders of RWS. I screwed up the courage and cash and bought my first springer, a Diana Model 36 back in 1989. It was and still is a West German rifle.

    My son and I, would do “man trips” once or twice a year and visit Charles in his shop. We’d also stop at an Olive Garden back when they actually made pasta in the stores. It was great bonding and Charles taught Kevin how to load and shoot his brand-new Diana Model 24 J in his shop basement range. Kevin and I would go on shooting outings in the country at a friend’s place and bounce and ballistically chase soda cans together. That must have done something to Kevin because he is a Lt. Col. in the Army Engineers today?

    Those experiences, for me, however, began a long addictive cycle that continues to this day. P/A’s records will show a very recent “hit” of a Spanish Norica Dragon in .25 caliber in order to expend the tins of .25 H&N pellets that won’t fit the oversized bore of my Hatsan 135. Apparently, I am an international addict to air guns and their paraphernalia quite untreatable by anything other than available cash reserves and the patience of my long-suffering wife.

    Meanwhile, back in the day, after owning an RWS Diana AND the complaints of my late father-in-law about woodchucks, a.k.a., ground hogs tearing things up in the suburbs of the Peoples’ Republic of New Jersey, I gave Gilbert the Crosman and the .22 ammo with it. He then used it to clean out the neighborhood’s ample supply of unchecked vermin. Well…that and his adroit use (he was a chemical engineer) of mustard gas (yes, THAT mustard gas) in the burrows of the ‘hogs. Indeed, over the course of several years, Gil flat out wore OUT the 2100 with its little 8 power scope. Disposable aluminum pie tins were both corroded and disposed of thus destroying the evidence of a WW1-style woodcock apocalypse.

    After Gil marched off into the ranks of his long deceased fellow WW2 members of the 87th Golden Acorn Infantry Division, I realized that the 2100 was worn OUT, and given the price was not really worth repair. It became part of a landfill or was recycled into a washing machine or something. It owed no one anything. There was reported cheering by the woodchuck population of suburban New Jersey.

    I’m kind of interested in purchase of the Anniversary model of the 2100 but leaving that thing boxed in the arms locker. Given enough time it might, maybe…just maybe, make a return on investment in pristine shape. Besides, at 76 and counting years old, my springers are sure easier to load and fire than all that frenetic pumping and panting. Besides, I have Benjamin pumper downstairs that needs an overhaul and that’s pumper enough, but just enough to take me back to shooting on my uncles’ farms in Illinois as a kid when pumping and pumping wasn’t exhausting.

  6. Man, this brought back some fond memories! For Christmas 1983, my parents gave me a Crosman 2100. I don’t know how many pellets and BBs I shot out of that thing, but it was definitely in the thousands.When I saw the ’84 Olympics on TV and they showed Pat Spurgin winning the gold in 10 Meter Air Rifle. I went out to my back yard, measured off 33 feet, and commenced to shooting pellets at home made bullseye targets for hours on end. It felt large in my hands at the time, and as all of my friends had Daisy 880s, it looked more “adult.” Back then, the receiver was metal (I’ve heard that they switched to plastic later on). If you pulled the bolt back several times, you could get several BBs to stack into the chamber, making a pseudo-shotgun. Alas, I eventually got my driver license and figured out that girls liked the beach and boats, and I forgot about that beloved rifle. When I graduated from college and was gathering my stuff to start my new life, I found my 2100 in my parents’ attic. Multiple years of southeast US summers in the attic had ruined it; with what I knew at the time, it wouldn’t hold air, so it was tossed out 🙁

    I might have to pick this one up.

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