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Archery Do You Know What Qualifies As Archery?

Do You Know What Qualifies As Archery?

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That Does Not Qualify as Archery

Pondering Random Things

Do you ever just sit and ponder random things? I’m not at all implying archery to be random, it’s one of the most essential subjects around! At least that’s what we agree on here and I’m telling you, it’s a great place to do so. 

To my question I’ve been pondering, “What qualifies as archery?” Do you know what the definition of archery is? That’s okay, I do. Archery is a sport, practice or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows. 

Not Archery

That means if you hold one of your Ravin R500s by the shaft and hurl it forward, it’s not archery. Oh the gear that exists having the ability to send an arrow flying at various speeds is innumerable. There are most likely some apparatus we have no idea even exist. 

Stock up on Broadheads

Bow, Bow, and Bow

Let’s talk about a few that we do know of starting with the appropriate bow that shoots the Ravin R500s. Did you read that? I said bow, so that fits the qualification for archery. The Ravin 500 Crossbow is a bow that sends an arrow down range at up to 500 feet per second, as a response to the string in full tension being released by the squeeze of a trigger. 

Another qualifying apparatus that shoots arrows is the PSE Stinger ATK Compound Bow it still sends arrows down range by use of a string with tension while in full draw being released by either a Trophy Ridge Release or your fingers. The velocity of course is a little slower than that of the Ravin Crossbow by, oh almost a couple hundred FPS. It is still archery. 

We’re not done yet, don’t overlook the Bear Archery Super Grizzly Recurve Bow, yep there’s that word bow again. This one is one of the simplest types of bows, it consists of limbs, a grip, and a string. This particular recurve bow sends the arrows at speeds of up to 195 feet per second by means of, you guessed it, a string in full draw being released by you, the archer. 

Stringless Apparatus

muzzle of an arrow shooting airgun showing the tip of the arrow
Does This One Qualify?

Those are three different bows used by an archer in the sport of archery to shoot arrows. What would your response be if someone approached you with an apparatus that sent arrows down range by means of air and called it archery? It’s not too different from a crossbow right? Or is it? What if they asked to shoot with you? 

Would you allow them entrance into the archery world? Would you let them send arrows into your targets? Or would you kindly invite them to leave? (Or maybe not so kindly). 

When The Bow Bully tells you to share the sport, do you think there are there limits? What exactly are the parameters of the sport and should it be exclusionary? What do we love so much about archery that we can’t accept stringless arrow shooters? 

Acceptance Opens Doors

Accept them and bring them to the other side, let them shoot some arrows into your targets with their AirForce TalonBolt, then you can shoot it a couple times too. That makes this next part fair, you shot theirs, and now they get to shoot yours. Put your PSE Stinger ATK Compound Bow in their hands and let them experience the wonderful world of archery almost in its original form. Then watch their eyes light up when they release the string and send the arrow beautifully into the Delta Mckenzie Fox Target, (oh wow that’s a cool target), because that feeling of success is incomparable!  

While you’re admiring your target, your new friend has their hand stretched out waiting for you to supply them with another arrow so they can do it all over again! Before you know it they’ve forgotten about their apparatus and are asking you where you got yours from because they’re hooked!

Invite Them In

Just because another shooter has something in their hands lacking a string, don’t shut them out! Invite them in, show them what you’ve got! This is going to be fun and now you have a new friend, even if it is your only one.

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The Bow Bully
The Bow Bully discusses a variety of archery topics and offers tips, advice and the occasional nudge to make you a better bowhunter. With years of experience, and an attitude to match, you'll find the Bully has something to offer both beginners and seasoned hunters.

3 thoughts on “Do You Know What Qualifies As Archery?”

  1. Hear what you’re saying but there’s a good reason to have different “categories”.

    I’m totally fine with people doing their own thing (as long as it doesn’t disturb/endanger other people or property).

    In a competitive situation the playing field has to be level. Hunting is also a competition, between you and the game (and also with other hunters). “Fair play” is a reason that hand grenades, machine guns and traps/snares are allowed in sport hunting.

    So, we’re talking about hunting weapons that shoot projectiles. Most places have deer seasons for archery, black powder and centerfire rifles – a logical division in effect range and power.

    For arrows, I also see a clear division between hand drawn, hand held bows; scope sighted, trigger released bows and airguns that shoot arrows.

    I think “archery” is simple wood bows and arrows but don’t impose my preferences on anyone.

    I have a crossbow and those pneumatic arrow shooters are very interesting but I feel that they closer to rifles than bows and should not be permitted in the archery (hand drawn, hand held) season.

    Love technology and trying/sharing different experiences is great, I’m all for that.

    I believe in each to their own… but in the proper place.


  2. Vana2

    I agree, it is important to categorize things to maintain fair playing grounds.

    Here’s a soft spot for me…say a fella or a lady have been shooting a recurve or compound bow their entire lives and enjoy shooting arrows over bullets. Then they reach a certain point in their life/lives that their shoulders, back, arms, etc…aren’t what they used to be. Because they no longer are able to hunt with the traditional type of bow and have switched to a crossbow, in some places that puts them out of the hunt for maybe the best part of the season. I know it’s a tear jerker right.

    That’s where if I was a lawmaker, I may have to make an exception.

    And absolutely, to each their own…in the proper place.

    Thanks for the thought process!

    Cheers back at ya!

    -The Bow Bully

  3. I have no problem with exceptions like that. As an old guy with arthritis I fully understand where you are coming from. I bought an Excalibur Crossbow to hunt one season when a shoulder injury prevented me from using my longbow.

    IMHO, a true bow hunter is someone who is willing to invest the time and effort into learning to shoot a limited range, “primitive” weapon to make hunting more of a challenge. The ministries know that bow hunting is challenging and provide a separate (and often longer) season in recognition of that.

    I’m all for technology and the new arrow-shooters are amazing. But for all intents and purposes, these weapons, with triggers, scopes and 100 yard (plus) range, are rifles that happen to shoot arrows as projectiles. If someone wants to use this non-bow to hunt, and it’s legal, then by all means go for it… in the rifle season.

    Guess that I’m sensitive to this because of what happened when good crossbows suddenly became popular and readily available – there was a rush from gun-hunters to take advantage of the 3 month deer archery season. The problem was that 90% of these bow-hunter wannabes had no idea of how to bow hunt and suddenly had a weapon that let them wound scores of deer.

    Many deer were not recovered, land owners didn’t like finding the carcasses, permissions were closed and archery, in general, was given a black eye. Not surprisingly, gun hunters (who were jealous of the long archery season to start with) were very vocal about finding dead deer “all over the place”.

    All I’m saying is that just because it shoots an arrow it’s not automatically a bow and people should keep that in mind.


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