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Ammo The new Benjamin Dome Pellets

The new Benjamin Dome Pellets

Today reader Ian McKee, whose blog handle is 45Bravo, tells us about his experience shooting the new Benjamin domed pellets. If you’d like to write a guest post for this blog, please email me at blogger@pyramydair.com.Take it away, Ian

The new Benjamin Dome Pellets

by Ian McKee

This report covers:

  • New Benjamin pellets
  • Not Premiers
  • .177 pellets
  • .22 pellets
  • Weight
  • Consistency
  • Future tests
  • Summary
  • New Benjamin pellets

Crosman/Benjamin has been busy lately. In August 2023, they introduced a new line of pellets that BB is calling the Benjamin “Bullseyes”.  They first introduced the .177 caliber 10.5 grain version of these pellets around the time of the 2023 Pyramyd AIR Cup. And, as of SHOT SHOW 2024, the .22 caliber 14.3 grain domes have hit the shelves.

Not Premiers

In a discussion with Ed Schultz I learned that these are not rebranded Crosman Premiers as some keyboard commandos have speculated. Crosman has made improvements that reflect the advancements made in airgun projectile technology in recent years.  These pellets come from new dies, with improved post processing and packaging and are sorted by date and die lots.  

Benjamin Bullseye date code
Each tin is marked with the date and die number.

.177 pellets

The .177 pellets I am testing are packaged in a tin of 500, where the .22’s come in a tin of 400. [Editor’s note: Ian and I both suspect that pricing is partially driven by the price of lead. That is — there is about as much lead in 400 .22 pellets as in 500 .177s. It’s not exact, but it’s close.]

I used my pellet gauges to check the head sizes of 20 random pellets of each caliber. The .177 domes are a no-go in  the 4.51mm gauge, but do fit in the 4.52mm hole.  Each of the pellets fit the same way. I did not find any unusually small or large diameter pellets in either the .177 or the .22 batch. 

Benjamin Bullseye 177 gauge
I will call that a 4.515mm pellet head diameter. 

.22 pellets

The .22 caliber pellets are the same way. 5.52mm is a no-go and 5.53mm just fit. 

Benjamin Bullseye 22 gauge
I will call that a 5.525mm pellet head diameter.


During this test, I found my digital scale fluctuating, even with the pellet sitting on the scale it would not stay on one weight, I thought my scales were defective. Then I noticed the ceiling fan was on in the room. 

I moved the weighing operation into a walk-in closet with no fan or air conditioning ducts, and the scale zeroed out perfectly. 

Benjamin Bullseye pellet weight
The small circle on the left indicated by the arrow tells me the scale has stabilized and is displaying the actual weight.

Hunting Guide


I chose 20 pellets of each caliber from the tins to test the weight, of 20 of the .177 caliber pellets tested, 17 weighed 10.5 grains, two weighed 10.6 grains, and one weighed 10.7 grains. 

The .22 caliber pellets for some reason weighed in at 14.4 grains on my scale. Of 20 pellets weighed, 15 weighed 14.4 grains, four weighed 14.5 grains, and one weighed 14.6 grains. I did not find any that weighed less than 14.4 grains.

I poured the pellets onto a white paper towel and rolled them around looking for lead particles in the tins and among the pellets.  The insides of the tins were pretty clean, with very few tiny particles of lead left on the paper towel. 

The tins do have a layer of foam on the top of the pellets, but none under the pellets. 

Future tests

In addition to testing them in the new airguns, I will be testing these pellets in several airguns that BB has previously written about here in the blog. I will not be reshooting the pellets he has already tested, but I may provide either a link to the previous blog about that airgun, or will include photos from the best groups that had been previously shot with that airgun. 


 All in all, with the extremely consistent weights and head sizes, and the tests BB has conducted with the .177 pellets so far, I think Benjamin may have the opportunity to regain their crown of the best American-made pellets like they were known for in the 1990’s. 

Shoot safe and have FUN!


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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

93 thoughts on “The new Benjamin Dome Pellets”

  1. 45Bravo,

    “I moved the weighing operation into a walk-in closet with no fan or air conditioning ducts, and the scale zeroed out perfectly.”
    That WIND READING even works for pellet sorting!

    The coefficient of thermal expansion for Lead (Pb) is
    29 x10 -6 1/(degree C) so how does that compare to the Pelletage rate?
    But then what was the temperature of the Pelletgage?
    How much does IT expand and contract when the temperature changes?
    Is there an optimal recommended gage temperature for pellet measuring? Some of the reasons i mostly shoot ammo right out of the tin/box even though i own a pelletgage in every caliber made but but .20!

    Great report on the NEW IMPROVE Benjamin pellet basics.
    Looking forward to the future reports.


    PS: How much harder are they then dead soft Lead?

      • RidgeRunner,

        Why should I?
        I might miss!
        My Whiz Wheel will always be with me.
        I have my K&E Slip Stick stored in a Safe Deposit Box.

        Actually i do shoot a great deal without doing any computations since i try know my rifle, sight, ammo, and the conditions from my D.O.P.E. (just for hihihi) Data On Previous Engagement


        • shootski,

          thank you!

          I imagine it particularly difficult for miltary- and ex-military people to write in, what must seem like, a more laborious civilian language, devoid of acronyms and abbreviations.

          To everyone else
          who also spells out all words,

          on behalf of similarly minded readers, I thank you for remembering us and making all our lives easier – I certainly (!) appreciate it. 🙂

          • hihihi,

            I have had a copy of this dictionary: https://www.squarebooks.com/book/9781591141525
            Ever since the first edition; made it easier to communicate with members of the various communities within just the Naval Service!
            When you deal with other Services or other Nation’s Military units it can be dangerous to assume they know what you are talking about or vice versa.
            Far to many blunders that cost innocent lives can be attributed to failures of simple communication.


            • shootski,

              yes, I agree.

              I am remided me of, I think we used to call it ‘positive feedback’, by which the initiator of a communication may not assume him- or herself understood, until the other person said, also out loud, a satisfactory repetition of the original message.

              For example…
              First person says: “change heading twenty degrees to starboard”,
              the guy on the ship’s wheel nods clearly and, beginning to change course, says: “OK!”

              That would be unacceptable, because the first person only knows that he or she was heard but not whether they were actually understood. The outcome may easily be catastrophic = collision!

              So, an example of a correct reply would be: “OK, changing heading twenty degrees to starboard”. 🙂

              Yeah shootski, I know you know, but, I thought it might be fun to show other readers what an odd flock of parrots can be heard on a ship’s bridge! 🙂

        • shootski,

          LOL! Now, why did I know that would get at least a low rise out of you!

          The truth is, I do enjoy yours, Jerry’s and others’ remarks along these lines as I do not take the time to dig deeper into certain subjects that can affect this hobby. Being inherently lazy and a procrastinator to boot usually means some questions are never answered. Some here just cannot let a question rest and that is a good thing, most especially when the answers are shared with others. I have benefited greatly from what has been shared here.

  2. I was discussing this new Benjamin pellet (.22) with a friend and we wondered if mounting the rifle in some type of vise and shooting a few pellets (maybe 5) at a target, and then a different pellet, same way, would reveal “the” or “a” favorite. From there you could test your various holds to see how it worked in practice. We were talking about pcp, to be clear on this, but it might be a project for one day…

    • MMCM13,

      Whenever I get a new gun, whether it be a PCP, CO2, Spring/gas piston, handgun or long gun, I try to find a way to clamp it in a vice. I use a device called a JAWHORSE made by Rockwell. It is further weighted with sandbags to make it as steady as I came get it on my basement floor. Some guns get clamped by the barrel and cocked by moving the rest of the gun. (I’ve learned this technique from watching videos showing end of assembly testing inside various airgun factories) On some I remove the grip panels and clamp the frame.

      Once I have figured out how to clamp the gun and energize it without making it move around, I generally test the gun with over 50 types/brands of pellets. I have a large selection set aside just for this purpose. I can shoot at between 12 and 13 yards in my basement, depending on whether the gun is a pistol or a long gun. (I measure from the muzzle) I tend to shoot over a chrony at the same time to gather that velocity data. This helps me to decide which pellets to take out to longer ranges for a specific gun.

      I don’t read of many people doing or advocating this practice and I can only speculate on why. This doesn’t give any feedback on the “shootability” of the guns being tested. Trigger pull weight and release characteristics don’t come into play, nor does gun weight, sighting ease,shouldering comfort,etc. The accuracy of a pellet in combination with that gun’s barrel is all that’s being revealed. Even that could change in some cases, since the harmonics are especially effected when the barrel is clamped, yet I’ve seen it used as a valid test for accuracy in some pellet and airgun factory videos. I find it useful and have posted my results in the comment section of many of BB’s Blogs in the past, hoping that others would find it helpful too.

      That’s my 2 cents on the matter. Hope it helped.


  3. In the past, Crossman pellets have been noted for their hardness. I will admit that Crossman Premieres have been good shooters in some of my airguns, especially in my .177 pistols, but not necessarily good in my .22 rifles. Will this hardness carry over to the .22 cal Benjamins? My trigger finger is itching to try these new pellets of such high esteem. Orv.

  4. Something must be up at P/A?
    I order the shooting table and gun rest Tuesday, two hours later and it is shipped! That usually takes a day or two.
    Then earlier this evening, Thursday, I hear a loud noise on my front door at 11PM and its pitch-black outside and my property is surrounded with barbed wire and no dogs have barked?
    Inside lights out, outside lights on.
    Slowly unlock and open the door with my Mossberg 500 Persuader in hand and low and behold there sits the shooting table and rifle rest. Two days to get here! Nothing ever gets here in under a week?

    Too bad I have to take the ex to the doctor tomorrow. Oh, and that noise was just a temporary section of rain gutter I wedged up over the entry that fell down. No telling how long the delivery was sitting there?

    Outstanding response from PyramydAir. Or was it someone with influence putting in good word?

    • Ok, I figured it out, actually just looked at the shipping label. Table and rest came from their partner in Utah. Much closer to CA than Ohio. Nice arrangement under Air Venturi.

  5. Thanks Ian. I will try some of these. My go to pellets are El Cheapo Crosman and I see, to most always have good lucj with them especially .177 10.5 gr and .22 CPHP. I got some JTS pellets just for grins and they shot exceptionally well but not enough better that CPHPs to justify the price difference to myself.I am if nothing else frugal.

  6. BB, the blogs you wrote last year on slingshots stuck in my head and are just now kicking. I’m building,buying and experiencing with them daily. I just bought a Pedersoli Blue Ridge Flintlock rifle, down here in Galveston County its time to start thinking about planting Tomatoes and peppers. Sometimes all of our hobbies converge at one time. Yesterday my boss asked me “Well, airguns,flintlocks , slings and sling shots, whats next ? My answer was, “Long bow ,spears and atlatls of course.” then rock chunkin.

    • I recently came into a Thompson Center Cherokee .32 caliber muzzleloader.

      I was really into them ferromagnetic my early teenage years, until my mid 40’s I then gradually eased out of the hobby.

      I have regretted it many times, but didn’t have the opportunity to get back into it until recently.

      I still had some of my possibles, but had to buy powder, percussion caps, and .310 projectiles.

      This used to be a cheap hobby!

      But I am not complaining, I missed my .32 rifle.
      15-20 grains of FFF powder, percussion caps, some spit on a patch, a few round lead balls for an afternoon of fun

      I still had my small bore powder flask, and .32 caliber patch cutter.


      • Ian,
        I have the same in 50 cal. Yours looks to be in pristine condition. The double set trigger on these is fantastic. I always wanted one in 32 cal.

        Let us know how it performs.

        • Yes it is in beautiful condition.
          I will let everyone know in a few weeks when I get to the firearm range.

          Years ago I had a Thompson Center Seneca in .32, identical to this one.
          And life happens so it found a new home unfortunately .

          I have owned many muzzleloaders over the years, but I really missed that .32 rifle, and a Pedersoli Tryon with the back action lock, color case hardened furniture, and walnut stock. (I sound like Ralphie in a Christmas story now…)

          The Pedersoli was in .50 caliber, those 2 rifles covered my black powder hunting needs.

          I just realized, while I have shot many black powder shotguns both original and reproductions, I have never actually owned one.

          This rifle was an unexpected gift from someone very special.

          It will be one that will be in my estate sale.

          I am shopping for wood to make a nice wall mount for it..


  7. Ian,

    Thanks! I have both of these in my Wish List waiting for my next order. I have been very curious about these for some time. Normally I have not had much luck with these “hard” pellets, but the consistency of these is pretty high and they may work nicely.

    I still have some of the boxed .177 pellets.

    Has anyone had much luck with the cheapo Crosman recreational pellets or the H&N Excite pellets?

    • RR, I have had great results with the Excite Econ II in .177 in many guns that also shoot Meisterkugelns well. Not sure if that’s a coincidence or not. Also I have a Crosman Mark II that loves the.177 Excite Plinking wadcutters. I always keep a tin of them to test, because you can’t beat the price.

      One time I made a chart that showed the price per pellet vs. Group size and Excite Econ II were the best combo of value and precision. Not the absolute best precision, but good ‘nut fer guvmt work!

      Of course each barrel of each gun has its favorites, so YMMV.

    • RR, The H&N Excite Hammer .177’s do well in my Crosman 2300t at 10-12 yds. – compared to Hobby, Meisterkuglen, and boxed CP dome 7.9. Got some Excite Plinking .177’s but haven’t done any legitimate comparisons yet.

    • I have quite a stock in the H&N Exite pellets. They are clean, uniform and please several of my hand and long pieces.

      I have found that the Excite Hammer Domed pellets are equally good and load well in my Diana 430L underlever (.177) – a lot easier than a wadcutter. That’s especially good given the 430L is a trap door underlever and I have to get the pellet into an obscured breech with fat fingers.

      I shoot the Excite Hammers in .22 in a couple of my Diana break barrels. They offer, like the .177s exceptional uniformity and accurate shooting. My Diana 340 Luxus gas ram loves the Excite Domes and they carry a lot of energy down range.

      The Excite are cheaper and very uniform and that makes for a lot of less expensive shooting in the 10M range in the basement. I’ve keep shooting records on all my target sheets and the data gathered has led me to use Excites as the go-to pellet for most all of my air guns. Not all, but most of them.

      Try a tin in your own air gun. You may be surprised at how well they do for paper punching!

    • RG, Remarq and LFranke,

      The reason I was asking about these is I have the Hammer and the Crosman pellets in .177 and .22. I have not had much luck with them in the “old gals” that I have tried as of yet, though I have not worked them through my entire “collection” as of yet. Hopefully I will find at least one that these are THE pellet for.

      If not, I have a “Live and Learn” container with a bunch of those “fishing lure” pellets in it, although I have not put any in there in some time.

      • Understood. I have not had much luck with the HN Excite Hammers, either. They performed decently in some airguns, but not better than other similarly-priced pellets. Based on how well the other Excite styles have worked for me, I hold out hope for them. Another cheap pellet that has worked well in multiple guns is the Sig Match Pb wadcutter .177. Very good performance for the price.. I’m glad P.A. started carrying them and made in Brazil.

        However the pellets that are in MY “live and learn” category are Gamo “Match” wadcutters. One will fall into the breech, and the next one requires one to make dents in a calloused thumb to get it to seat in there. Groups look like shotgun patterns.

        • RG,

          When I bought my Gamo CFX, I ordered some Gamo pellets for it. They are not even in my “live and learn” container. I stuck them out in the shed. Almost all of them have “wings”, some of them will not go into any breech and one had wings that spanned a couple of inches.

          Fortunately, I had ordered them from PA and they sent me some other brand at no charge.

    • FM’s brain once again dry-fired; the spec-tests and documentation are thanks to Ian, the editing and publishing are thanks to BB. The name is FM. It should be changed to FBM – Fawlty Brain Manuel.

      • No, name changing not needed.

        We all have our days.

        If my writing is only 1/10 as good as BB’s I take that as a compliment.

        Tom is in a category all to his own, he has forgotten more about Airguns than I will ever know.


          • B.B.,


            After years of yelling that at the top of my lungs, in my formative years, over and over again…how could you!

            Little White Lies about airguns are okay?

            Ah yes! It is in the “Nature” of journalism nowadays….


  8. Ian-

    When dealing with electronic scales we use lot measurements (typically a lot of 10) to check consistency. Checking 100 (9mm bullets for instance) in 10 lots is quicker than 100 weights. The lot deviation is also ten times larger than individual weights. We can then weigh outlier lots individually to locate the culprit. Remember, the electronic brain is always picking between two digits whether weighing 1, 10 or a thousand items.

    Second item- is the date/die info only on the inside of the tin?

    • Paco, I used to work at a place where we counted products in bulk by weight. So I know what you are talking about.

      But my OCD would not let me write it that way.
      I want the readers to get actual weight numbers per pellet, not a general weight of 1,445 grains total weight divided by 100 pellets.

      I only have one tin of the .22’s they pulled two tins out from under a table at the SHOT Show, and they handed them to Tom and myself, it’s marked on the inside.

      I don’t know if that’s how they all will be marked in actual production.

      The two tins of .177 pellets I have are pre-production samples and were not marked at all.

      But I will see if Tom can nudge Ed to get Benjamin to put the lot number in a more visible place if they already haven’t done so


      • Ian-

        Thank you for the info about packaging. I well remember asking for same lot numbered boxes when placing our club orders for the good brown box pellets.

        The advice on weighing small lots rather than individually was to help true the result. If one lot is significantly high or low, then break down to weighing each pellet. As I generally practice weighing of projectiles for long range (600 yards plus) Powder Burning (PB) use, I use an electronic scale to verify new lots of bullets. If groups of 10 show variations of more than 10 grains- 1 grain per- I then revert to old school and get out the old, tuned up Ohaus Dial-a-Grain and start checking individually. Sometimes I find the exercise helpful. More times than not, no. The electronic brain picks between two digits. On the Ohaus, I pick whether high or low, and which pile it goes in. Come shooting time, a whole bunch of this falls into IJDM- It Just Doesn’t Matter.

  9. Thanks for the report Ian. It sure looks like the consistency of these pellets is there. I have been shooting some of the .177 pellets and I really like what I have seen so far. Looking forward to your accuracy tests!

  10. “Each tin is marked with the date and die number.”

    I like that level of detail; I’ll have to try some of these new pellets; thank you for the review! 🙂
    Blessings & good shooting to you,

  11. Regarding the alloying of lead for pellets, I sent three samples of fresh pellets to a lab for analysis by emission spectroscopy in 2021, to see just what metallurgy was found. These were H&N, JSB, and Crosman pellets. In my career, I routinely sent samples of solder for this type of analysis, so I knew who to contact.

    Based on those results, the common approach is to use high purity lead, with small additions of antimony. This is done to make the lead more easily swaged.

    There is a vast amount of information about lead alloying for cast firearm bullets, and this relates both to the desired properties of the bullet, and sources of lead. Hobbyists have difficulty getting high purity lead. But importantly, hardness is not a desired property for shooting in air rifle barrels with low hardness steel rifling.

    Antimony at the levels used for pellets moderately increases hardness, but this is only as cast. Small amounts of antimony in the 0.4% range are below solid solubility, but they do increase both the work and age hardening of the alloy by refining the grain structure of the solid solution. My research indicates that hardness over a period of years will slowly increase, even for 0.4% antimony (the solid solubility limit).

    If I was specifying the amount of antimony, that would be my alloy. Adding more will mean that the cast alloy is somewhat harder, but it won’t do any more for the “machinability” of the alloy. Without the small Sb addition, pure lead is “mushy” and very likely more difficult to punch or swage – but any harder, you’d see more wear in your tooling after a few million cycles.

    I believe the hardness of pellets themselves after punching (JSB) and swaging is probably a good deal higher than the BH8 of Pb-Sb. I’m thinking of ways to check that, but nothing so far without elaborate equipment, and I think it needs to be done directly on the finished pellet.

    Cast lead bullets usually get antimony (or tin) by way of using old Linotype or wheel weights, which typically have 1-2% Sb added. Lead-acid battery plates also had antimony, but this has been mostly discontinued as removing it helps to make the battery “maintenance free”. Linotype is not as plentiful as it once was.

    There are other ways to harden lead, but this 0.4% addition is probably the most efficient way to improve the results of pellet manufacturing.

    And, I believe that the results of this emission spectroscopy testing show that there are small antimony additions for H&N (0.38% w/w) and JSB (0.20%). All samples were high purity lead, a good thing. Crosman Premier pellets were found to have 1.26%, which would certainly increase hardness somewhat.

    • JerryC,

      I hope you don’t mind my having fun with your Pelletgage® and testing conditions.

      The larger the caliber the more temperature(s) play into matching ammo to the Bore in my experience.
      As long as there is a Standard Temperature used for ammo and gage the results do show at the target for most pellets.
      The gage does a great job on showing manufacturing consistency.


      • Of course not, I’m not offended by questions, especially those from the Pyramyd bloggers, who have a generally decent IQ and intent.

        Interestingly, Pelletgage has a trademark application in review, although not approved yet. I was originally told that you cannot trademark a compound word, but then another lawyer advised that you can, if the compound word is used for a period of years, and gains general acceptance for a specific intended application. So, my TM application is being reviewed, which takes about six months. I’m hopeful, they wanted to see evidence of it being mentioned in public media, and there has been a good bit of that.

        Now, regarding the expansion coefficient concern. I have tried putting pellets and/or gage plates in my freezer and then trying to use the gage without a change in results. I cannot see a difference. The temp range in normal application does not change much for these small apertures and pellets. That, and the COE is not greatly different. And, I am still confused as to whether the aperture gets larger or smaller when warmed. We can resolve that by saying you should use the Pelletgage only in the range of 20C +/- 1. (kidding).

        Thanks, shootski!

        • I am glad you chimed in Jerry it’s always informative when you do, I hope the application is approved.

          It was good to meet you and spend some time talking with you at the last Texas Airgun show.

          And Shootski, the PelletGage and pellets had both been stored at the same temperature for several days so they SHOULD have “normalized.”


  12. So, once again new pellets are created and reviewed. Yet, no mention of the 5mm pellet as an available option. Seems odd that Benjamin, who acquired Sheridan years ago, and has used their branding in the past, now will not offer support to this great pellet caliber. The 5mm is easier to handle than a .177, and is fast down range. If you can’t tell most of my guns are .20/5mm… and the lack of availability in currently produced, great ammo is irritating, if not concerning.

      • shootski- you’re right. Happy I can still find any pellets. I’ve had the Bluestreak for over 50 years, and the P1 for almost 40…so I’m kinda locked in to my favorite caliber…

        • Sheridansharpshooter,

          Original owner of both i’m guessing.
          Those are heirlooms for sure; be careful or RidgeRunner will be talking about inviting them to visit with his old gals (airguns) at RRHFWA.

          Don’t listen to him!


            • SSS,

              You can tell shootski it is too late. I am indeed extending an invitation to have those “old gals” come live at RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns. 😉

              I have been wanting to get a .20 here for some time now. It is my sincere hope and desire that the .20 hangs around for quite some time. If we are lucky, it may even increase in popularity. AirForce still makes barrels for it and Weihrauch still makes some of their models available in it.

              • RR

                Think you would like a Sheridan. My Blue Streak was acquired online just a few years ago from a guy in Raccine. It is both beautiful and accurate. Just wish there was a way to mount a peep or scope without drilling holes in her. Currently it wears a light weight pistol scope mounted to muzzle end of barrel with an Izzy pistol barrel clasp mount. It is lightly attached to avoid breaking loose the solder (I hope). While my eyes can keep groups just under an inch at 25 yards using the open sights, the pistol scope gets better scores. I would not be a happy boy if the barrel came loose and really should just use the open sights.


                • Sheridansharpshooter,

                  Now that is a mouthful.

                  The truth is I would very much like a Sheridan to decide it wanted to take up residence at RRHFWA, but one has not shown any real interest as of yet.

                  Who is Ferris Bueller?

    • ” .20/5mm… and the lack of availability in currently produced, great ammo is irritating, if not concerning.”

      Sheridansharpshooter, have you tried the .20-caliber JSB Diabolo 13.73-grain pellets?
      They are readily available and are very accurate in my 1974 Sheridan C-model.
      They are all I ever use in it now, so I stocked up on them. 😉

  13. Just reminded me of a saying we had as kids.
    Man is a fool,
    When it’s hot he wants it cool.
    When it’s cool he wants it hot.
    Man always wants what he hasn’t got.
    Don’t know where it came from?


    as part of checking pellets, is there any value in observing how they roll on their sides, on a flat surface, you know, similar to checking a mainspring?

    I imagine that the exact shape of the skirt of at least a waisted pellet does not matter too much because, well, upon being shot, are they not meant to be blown outwards to seal against the bore of the barrel, ie change shape if needed anyway?
    In which case, differences in rolling arc and motion might add to the overall picture of how well and uniform the pellets were manufactured, but shouldn’t make any difference to shooting, hmm…

    You see, I need confirmation please that my question is somewhat silly and superfluous… 🙂

    • hihihi,

      You might think that given how many times folks talk about it.

      “…silly and superfluous…” Only the question not asked can be considered to be one or both of those.

      Now think about how some Diabolo pellets might or might not be expanded by different powerplants. Then look at a pellet that has been shot or pushed through a rifled bore. The Lands are engraved on both the head as well as the skirt…but they rolled so well before you did THIS deed to them!

      Roll them if you need to…but i don’t see the point of it.


      • shootski,

        erm, I admit to not rolling my pellets. However…

        I thought the pellet grading holes in those metal and plastic boards, as shown by 45Bravo, to be a great idea. So, I bought myself a couple, assembled them carefully and, after trialling them, realised they’re rather labour intensive. Although I was interested to see how different pellets from one tin can be.

        I even weighed some of my pellets once, also using a very sensitive digital scales, from my black powder muzzleloading hobby. That too, showed me how pellets from one batch vary.

        Finally, I examined a load via a magnifying lens and, again, discovered different finishes within one lot.

        However, I did not progress beyond the above experiments.

        Nowadays I forego any kind of pellet grading merely for my plinking pleasure, ie I just shoot my pellets as they come out of their tin… 🙂

        • FawltyManuel,

          I liked that show.

          I don’t know about that Whip Crack its just not something i can relate to pellet rolling ;^)

          Especially when it is produced Hollywood sound effects.

          I prefer THUDS!


    • Hihihi, I have read that folks who are into serious competitive target shooting will measure, weigh, and roll pellets to eliminate any inconsistencies. This job invariably falls to the parents of the younger competitors. I can’t remember where I read that.

      • Roamin Greco,

        ah, interesting.
        So, presumably, while the superior specimens will be used by the keen competitor, the rejects allow his or her acquaintances to plink, fish, recast into toy soldiers etc… 🙂


      • Roamin Greco,

        I fault the youth shooting coaches for all of this!
        Pellet measuring, weighing, and rolling keep’s the parents busy. Also, out of the coach’s hair as well as helping their young shooters stay calm and focused without the “homemade” coaching.


  15. As a parent, and as someone who has observed other parents, I think it is brilliant of the coaches to find a way to keep “’the parents busy, … out of the coach’s hair as well as helping their young shooters stay calm and focused without the ‘homemade’ coaching.”

    Nothing wrong with those things IMHO.

    • Roamin Greco,

      Having had kids in high level youth, collegiate, and Olympic/International level sports i have seen parent behaviours that cast doubt on the future of humanity.


        • FawltyManuel,

          I get your point, but it also creates a bureaucracy, to certify who is competent. It would stifle differences more than make “better” people i think.
          The linked piece is certainly one approach. We had it easier keeping our kids wet in the water or out in the snow and mountains most of the time.
          Once they were older we had them write six month contracts of activities, performance, and behavior.
          They learned about self-control and delayed rewards helping them with achievement and personal growth.


  16. Roamin Greco,

    Fortunately there is always some good news happening that the biased Mass Media chooses not to cover.
    There were good parents that we found in our travels with our kids in the world of sports.
    Just think of this Blog of Tom’s the Readership and supported by folks like Val Gamerman as a place of refuge from that awful Media noise.


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