5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
By Jake from USA on 2012-02-17 15:28:12
Perfectly clear all the way up to 16x(unusual for a scope this price). Also the mounts it comes with are great, the scope has held 0 for over 500 shots. I like the mil-dot, and illiminated retical, it makes it easy to see the crosshairs on green in broad daylight and the crosshair wont fade out of sight.
Things I would have changed:I dont like the caps on the turrets, it makes it difficult to change windage and elevation.
What others should know:In my opinion this scope is better than the leapers scoped due to clarity and magnifacation.
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
By Peeps from USA on 2015-04-12 14:54:07
Looks good, great in theory. A lit testicle is cool. Nothing else so far.
Things I would have changed:QUALITY. They did change the style of turrets. I hoped this was going to eliminate the inability of this product to hold a zero. As you'll read on you will find it didn't.
What others should know:I am on my third in only a few weeks. I had sent the first two back and will be sending this one back as well. The first held zero for a day or so. The second never did and it had spots on the lenses. Inside the body of the scope making it hard to see through, This the third (and hopefully last) scope was never zeroed or adjusted in anyway. I shot it for one day maybe twenty times just sending pellets down range using some Kentucky windage. I put it away satisfied with clarity and that the POI seemed to be holding. I get it out today load up and look through to find my target. Easy enough...something isn't right. I see no reticle. It has come loose and it is floating around inside the scope. Completely dissatisfied with the QUALITY (or lack or any) of this product. I can see it just paying in the scope loosely. Complete failure.
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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The scope is very good for Airgun shooting. I like the fact that you can focus up close. It's hard to argue considering the money spent. Great Value.
Things I would have changed:I wish more companies would drop the illuminated cross hairs and instead use a side focus. Also as many scopes Center point sells, dovetails rings would be nice instead of the weaver rings that I have piling up.
What others should know:I have no idea how this scope would hold up on a firearm, but on my PCP it is a very good scope.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Quality of construction and clarity of optics
Things I would have changed:Can the IR-have no use for it....just adds weight and expense
What others should know:Great, prompt service from PA. A really good buy for the $s
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
This scope is doing everything it's supposed to. It zeroed in perfectly and is very accurate. I like the bright field of view, it is exactly what I was looking for in a scope.
Things I would have changed:I wouldn't change anything
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
This was a good scope Clear, on the 0, as long as all 4 four of them lasted, Yes I said 4 Four, I had prob. from not holding 0, light nob not turning or working, the light knob fell off, the adjusted came off when I took the turret cap off. I am shooting a Benjamin Varmint .22 and a Benjamin Steel Eagle .22. I am willing to try a tag unit it might stay together.
Things I would have changed:Keeping it together would be nice. other then that Clear scope.
What others should know:If your using a PCP I think it would stay together
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Things I would have changed:make light easier to turn
What others should know:It works
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
Looks good, great in theory. A lit testicle is cool. Nothing else so far.
Things I would have changed:QUALITY. They did change the style of turrets. I hoped this was going to eliminate the inability of this product to hold a zero. As you'll read on you will find it didn't.
What others should know:I am on my third in only a few weeks. I had sent the first two back and will be sending this one back as well. The first held zero for a day or so. The second never did and it had spots on the lenses. Inside the body of the scope making it hard to see through, This the third (and hopefully last) scope was never zeroed or adjusted in anyway. I shot it for one day maybe twenty times just sending pellets down range using some Kentucky windage. I put it away satisfied with clarity and that the POI seemed to be holding. I get it out today load up and look through to find my target. Easy enough...something isn't right. I see no reticle. It has come loose and it is floating around inside the scope. Completely dissatisfied with the QUALITY (or lack or any) of this product. I can see it just paying in the scope loosely. Complete failure.
By Peeps from USA on 2015-04-20 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Was purchased as part of a Benjamin NP2 Trail package. Actually, more scope than I would have purchased separately. After about 3 wks. and 300 pellets, scope is functioning perfectly....absolutely no complaints, thusfar.
Things I would have changed:I would have preferred one without illuminated reticles, although they seem to be working without a flaw. IR adds (to me) unnecessary weight to a total setup that is already on the heavy side. A 9 to 12 power scope would seem more appropriate for this weapon, and, as a matter of fact, for the majority of air guns.
What others should know:I had P.A. mount it as part of their 20-for-$20 package, which seemed to be a way of partly eliminating some of the potential q.c. problems inherent in some of the Chinese products. Am completely satisfied with this scope and P.A.'a service....so much so, that I have decided to upgrade my 11y.o. .177 Gamo with a 2-7x32 Hawke(non I.R.), with is presently on backorder from them.
By Ed from USA on 2015-04-15 |
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
reticle illumination, dust covers, good zoom, clarity
Things I would have changed:make it a little more shockproof
What others should know:its a great scope fore the money. only gripe is they advertise that its shock proof and its not. I was cleaning my gun after a day of shooting. had it sighted in and shooting half inch groups at 50 yards. its a tight fit running patches through small bores. I used a couple of thrust to get the patch moving and the vibrations ran through the rod and vibrating into the gun and knock my scope out of alignment. the next day I shot and was 2 inches low and an inch to the right. its a great scope I happy with it just have to be careful with it.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
clear image even when it gets dark
Things I would have changed:snap caps
What others should know:when you put the snap caps cant move so easy the OA and the fast focus
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Easy to set up, lighted mil-dot reticle, zoom with adjustable objective
Things I would have changed:My first battery did not last one day. I only used the lighted reticle for about two or three minutes. The next time I went to shoot, the battery was dead. I did not leave it turned on.
What others should know:This is a beautiful scope. I will probably get one or two more for my other guns.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
This is a nice scope it is clear and hold zero, you can loosen the little set screws to set it back to zero, i turn mine up to shoot at long range and back to zero and it always holds true.
Things I would have changed:Nothing!
What others should know:I have this mounted on my .25 Marauder sighted in at 50yrds and set it to zero and at 70yrds i turn it up to 6 and at a 100yrds i turn it to 14 and can take out birds with ease and turn it back to zero and be spot on at 50yrds. Not many scopes can do this!
3.0 3.0
2.0 2.0
Looks, features
Things I would have changed:When I change the power, the point of impact goes up and down. Also the illumination flickers from shot to shot
What others should know:I wouldn't buy it again.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I have this scope mounted atop a Nitro Venom Dusk .22. The clarity is superb. I also have a Leapers 3-12x44 SWAT 30mm mounted on a Hatsan 125 in .25 and I prefer the Centerpoint over the Leapers. The Centerpoint is lighter in weight, the clarity seems to be crisper, and I am a fan of fine crosshairs over bold crosshairs. I can put pellet on top of pellet all day long at 50 yds with this rifle, scope combination. The quality seems to be right up there where it needs to be.
Things I would have changed:In my opinion, I would prefer to have the adjustable objective turret mounted instead of on the bell of the scope. Just an ease of access thing for me. I would also prefer to see this scope come in a 30mm tube.
What others should know:For the money, it is hard to beat this scope for its value and quality. I am very impressed with this product.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
sights well and simple to use and seems to be quite accurate for its cost. overall pretty good scope in a combo package. benjamin np2 combo
Things I would have changed:none
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
The lighted reticle is very nice. It makes seeing it in low light much better. It's clear and the Focus is sharp.
Things I would have changed:I have shot the rifle a lot. I found out really fast that the scope will not hold the adjustments. It will shoot fine for two or three shots then start traveling. It starts shooting off and has to be sighted in again. I have used different pellets and weights of pellets and the problem is the same. I hope it will lock in but so fare it hasn't. I get a good group then it gets off and stays off until I zero it again. This is not good.
What others should know:No.
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
nice clear optics.
Things I would have changed:mil-dots seem small and cross hairs are fine. maybe alittle bolder with out making them over bearing.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I like the ability to zoom in and fit and finish
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:This is a great scope for the money!
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The depth of magnification. It makes shooting over 50 yards a snap.
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:I have a Leapers, Hawks and this is better than those in my opinion. Thank you PA!
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
It works. I do like the eye relief, as I am one who does not tuck his eye up close to a scope.
Things I would have changed:The lens covers. While some shooters my like the flip up covers, I am not one of them. I like those stretchy covers that goes over the whole scope.
What others should know:The word parallax. I read and studied it online and now I think I understand it. However, Ignore it. Just site it in and on your target and away you go.
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By Russ
Decent scope with solid seating even without Lock-Tite (I always mount a scope without Lock-Tite at first to ensure ease of alterations thereafter until I am confident of achieving a sturdy placement.
Things I would have changed:The compartment that holds the battery for the illuminated reticle is unreasonably difficult to open. One day, that battery is going to give up the ghost. How would I change it if I cannot open it with fingers? with fingers and one of those rubber kitchen aids for opening bottles? with a pair of pliers? I've tried them all without success to this point. There is NO reason to ship the scope with that compartment so firmly closed that it seems welded shut.
What others should know:I mount only Leupold scopes on my high powered hunting rifles: I demand clarity and ready-centering from the scopes on my centerfire hunting guns. While the glass is not comparable to what I am most accustomed to, the CenterPoint Optics scope is reasonably clarified and readily centered. I have it mounted on an Benjamin NP2 -- this gas piston airgun does not cause as sharp a rebound "kick" when fired as would a spring piston airgun. But the NP2 does give a solid rap: the scope does not shift center.