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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
My review is for the blue laminate HW97KL bought at Pyramyd Air. Compact size; typical superb Weihrauch quality--deep, even bluing; no burrs, roughness, or tool marks on steel; No plastic parts; Rekord trigger one of the best; ; smooth discharge, no vibration, no buzzing. Stock finish is smooth, no sanding marks, no roughness anywhere on stock. Trigger guard is cast and checkered; aluminum trigger; rifle is easy to tune. No looking for defects; no feeling of having settled for less. Inherent accuracy allows me to enjoy my favorite air rifle activity: Long range (40-80 yards) shooting at Gamo field targets, water balloons, Daisy ShatterBlasts, and clay pigeons.
Things I would have changed:Change slot screws to hex screws as found on the new Browning T-bolt .22; add studs for attaching sling and swivels, gun is heavy.
What others should know:I own many springers--TX200, HW 77, RWS 46, Webley Eclipse, so I know what I like--accuracy, reliability, high quality, durability, value, and high performance. My HW97KL has all these qualities. Length is 40.5 inches. Shot water balloons at 50 yards. Too easy. 60 yards, ho-hum. 70 yards, still popping 'em. Every shot with this beauty is like finding a $20 bill in a jacket pocket when you're down to you last buck. In the long run, my HW97KL is a much better value than less expensive guns. Weihrauch guns retain their value well. My like new HW35L is worth more now than what I paid for it in 1982. The power plant in my HW97KL is the same as the HW97s sold by
Pyramyd Air. Only the stock is different. My rifle loves RWS Superdomes.
By dfemmert from USA on 2019-02-04 |
By frederick from USA on 2018-04-19 |
By G man from USA on 2017-12-20 |
By Stevens from USA on 2017-12-15 |
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By Michael
I just received an HW97K from Pyramyd Air this month (6/2018) and thought I would share some honest opinions that might help others trying to decide. First off, Pyramyd Air is an outstanding company and I really enjoy their service, website, and offerings. I've purchased a bit of everything from them and I'm always happy with the the results. My likes on the rifle are as follows. The engineering and mechanics are top notch. Accurate, great feel, great trigger, well balanced, reliable, pretty much everything you'd expect from a highly refined German rifle.
Things I would have changed:The fit and finish on this gun are where it falls short. I was not impressed with the bluing on the entire gun. It was splotchy and thin in a few spots, not many, but more than should be on an expensive rifle. I expected much better quality control from a German rifle. The inside of the trigger guard actually had blobs of sharp metal at the seam where it was stamped (not milled) and it was not even filed or sanded - just painted over and put in a box. The beech stock was also disappointing - rough spots and poor stain/varnish where you're hand rests behind the trigger. Also a very odd and uneven grain streak running through my stock towards the bottom - I would never have put this stock on an expensive rifle - it should have made the refurb bin for a seconds or replacement stock. I'm sure others have gotten better offerings and I can see the potential, but the fit and finish on this premium rifle was simply not up to par. If you are picky about warned.
What others should know:I plan on ordering a TX200 mkIII to compare the two offerings just to see whether the British can get it right on both mechanics and fit/finish. I own more than a few springers from el cheapo's to mid-grade Chinese replicas and now some premium rifles. What's sad is that I have a BAM B26-2 with a full tune on it that will come close to the accuracy of the Weihrauch (but not as pretty). Both will put pellets in a dime at 25 yards all day long. The HW97K out-shoots it at 40 yards, but not by much. The HW97K could be a really stunning rifle with a bit more attention to detail and possibly a walnut stock option. As it is currently offered, I might consider something else at this price. I'll post another review once I get the TK200 mkIII as a comparison from someone who's fussy about the details. Unfortunately I don't feel this particular rifle was properly run through a thorough QC process - perhaps my expectations are unrealistic.