Date: 19/2/2025 7:49

Page 3 - Crosman Premier .22, .22 Reviews

Crosman Premier .22 Cal, 14.3 Grains, Domed, 625ct

Average Customer Review

Rating 4.54.5 (110 reviews)
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  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Very accurate

    Things I would have changed:

    The price is a little high.

    What others should know:

    Very hard hitting pellet.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    they shoot well out or marauder ob lower power

    Things I would have changed:


    What others should know:

    they are the same pellet as the 500 round tin but 125 more pellets cost 15 dolars more

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    A little better then the standard .22 domed pellets from Crosman

    Things I would have changed:

    Priced to high.

    What others should know:

    They shoot great but for me the regular pellets shoot good also in my Marauder Pistol so I will stay with the cheaper standard dome pellets.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    They seem to be VERY accurate, I'm able to strike a 2" pole at over 75' most of the time with my Crosman 1322. Needs less to say, I have mostly fed my Crosman with these.

    Things I would have changed:

    Nothing to change.

    What others should know:

    Each box represents a single die cavity, so each round is exactly like the next. So if you want to keep tight groups, do not mix the boxes.

  • Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 1.01.0 1.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Shot several 1 inch groups at 50 yards.

    Things I would have changed:

    Price... I will by the 500 count next time.

    What others should know:

    These pellets were in great shape. But there were only 125 more than in a tin. The tin sells for around 8 bucks.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Price for the quality. I use this pellet in both .17 and .22 caliber. Works real good in all my air guns.I save the mashed pellts from the pellet trap and add them to my melting pot for making boolits for my smoke poles. (Black powder guns). So I get double use from the pellets. Really pue lead. That what helps to make good pellets. I think the China pellets have zink in them????

    Things I would have changed:

    Not a thing.

    What others should know:

    Buy'em shoot'em and you will be very satisfied. Don't use that junck from China.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    They are very uniform in shape and are clean. Didn't have any deformed pellets in the box.

    Things I would have changed:

    make a 1250ct box

    What others should know:

    My modded AS2250XT is spitting these pellets out at 950fps and it's a very accurate. These work great as a long distance hunting pellet too(50yrds +). Like all the Crosman pellets they tend to have a shallow skirt and more lead in the head and neck area which gives them some added shock when they hit their target.

  • Rating 1.01.0 1.0

    Rating 1.01.0 1.0

    Rating 1.01.0 1.0

    Things I liked:

    Come on Pirymid. Who you think your fooling. You can by this same product in 500ct for less than $9.00. Are you seriously trying to say that we should pay over $16.00 for 125 more pellets.

    Things I would have changed:

    There is an old saying "A fool and his money are soon parted."

    What others should know:

    Save your money and buy 3 tins of the 500ct pellets. You will get 1000 more pellets for roughly the same price and get the exact same pellet.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    cardboard box keeps the pellets from getting dented by being shaken in the steel can. size and weight consistancy. I called crosman and they told me that they are hand selected and all cut from the same die. those factors seem to REALLY enhance accuracy. further more I would just bet that crosman is designing their marauder air rifle for the use of these pellets.

    Things I would have changed:

    I will never be satisfied with size and weight consistancy until virtually EVERY pellet is EXACTLY the same as the other. But then I guess I would be paying a dollar per pellet. so I guess I would change the deal to 3 free if you buy 3 at the sale price.

    What others should know:

    If you are not an accuracy fanatic or using a very high power scope that allows you to shoot dimes at 50 yards with every shot, then maybe these pellets are not suitable for your needs.

  • Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Rating 1.01.0 1.0

    Rating 1.01.0 1.0

    Things I liked:

    Yes, they are my favorite pellets.

    Things I would have changed:

    IT'S A RIDICULOUS VALUE..!!, the 500 pellet tin is $8.99.

    What others should know:

    Don't get confused, I ordered a box of this but in .177 cal. which had a 1250 ct. andI didn't notice that the box in .22 cal. is only 625 ct...!!, DON'T BUY THE BOX IN .22...!!!!, buy the 500 ct. tins..!! 4 for the price of 3..!!

  • Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 1.01.0 1.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Very good quality pellet.

    Things I would have changed:

    Cardboard box leaked a lot of pellets out during shipping.

    What others should know:

    This is not a good value. I just realized that I paid more than twice as much as the same pellet in the 500ct tin.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Very friendly, they work with most guns. Most of my guns like them very much.

    Things I would have changed:


    What others should know:

    inexpensive, perfect for every day plinking

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    These pellets are extremely accurate and consistent, especially at long distance. I have hit targets to 80 yards with my Walther Talon with the Nitro Piston.

    Things I would have changed:

    Nothing, these are great for target practice and sighting in your gun.

    What others should know:

    I use these to sight in my gun and for target practice. I have used these to hunt ground squirrels and based on that experience these should not be used for hunting. They do not penetrate well due to the domed nose.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Premium pellet. Price in line with JSB's and other quality pellets.

    Things I would have changed:

    The cardboard boxes should be a little more secure. I have received some boxes that had leaked pellets and had pellets with bent skirts.

    What others should know:

    Seem to work well in most airguns.

  • Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Things I liked:

    Shoots well in my Marauder rifle & pistol.

    Things I would have changed:

    Make it a 1000 count instead of 625 pellets for the same price and then it's a good value.

    What others should know:

    Seems to be hit or miss with these, and it could be more consistent at this price range.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Seems to shoot almost as well as my favorite pellet: HN 'cuda match 5.53 in my Marauder.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    accurate pellets, one hole groups at 30 yards. these pellet are solid i did not find any of them deformed. they hit hard

    Things I would have changed:

    these pellets are very dirty i would like them to be cleaner. a cut in price would also be nice.

    What others should know:

    i had a couple of .20 pellets in both of my boxes for some reason.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Very good looking pellet. At 50' group size was about .5" per 10-shot. With 2" group per 10 shots at 50yds., pellets were all over the place, with one pellet striking the bull. They seemed to shoot flatter than the JSB's at 50yds. Out of the box there were 42 pellets .1gr. light, 22 .1gr. heavy and 1 scrap.

    Things I would have changed:


    What others should know:

    The pellets are harder to load in the tx 200. Some flyers were noticed in these but some of that was definitely the shooter's fault. These pellets are harder than most.

  • Rating 1.01.0 1.0

    Rating 1.01.0 1.0

    Rating 1.01.0 1.0

    Things I liked:

    This box of CP's does not shoot out of my Marauder. Older box from a year ago are awesome. One hole groups.

    Things I would have changed:

    Need better quality control at Crosman. I have read other reviews from people who have had this similar problem in the past and now I understand what they are talking about

    What others should know:

    Pyramid Air is very gracious about refunding your $$$ and making things right. I ordered a box from another company and received the same defective pellets. Been calling around and can't find brown box pellets from another lot. Guess I'll have to wait. My Marauder loves the box from a year ago.....shoots one hole groups. These scatter all over the place similar to the Wal Mart variety in the tin box. Have tried about 20 different brands and weights and nothing comes close to the old box of CP's.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Great pellets to be used with crosman products in general. I say this because, I have a variety of crosman air guns/rifles, and these pellets work very good with most of what I have.

    Things I would have changed:

    Just one thing..please read below.

    What others should know:

    I had previously reviewed these pellets; the thing that have me confounded is the fact that, after various purchases of the Crosman Premier .22 Domed pellets I keep finding a percentage of .177 caliber pellets. This time around I counted all pellets per box of the two boxes I purchased. I found in box #1 I had 13 .177 pellets; Box #2, 28 .177 pellets, with an actual count of 625 .22 pellets for both boxes as stated in the boxes. i do not know the meaning of the extra .177 pellets in each box. I like this, since I have a couple of .177 pellet guns.

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