Air Venturi LE, Image 1
Air Venturi LE, Image 1

Air Venturi LE Carbon Fiber Air Tank, 4500 PSI, 66 Cu Ft, DOM 2002

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Recent DOT regulation (SP-16320) changes have led to some amazing developments for airgunners! Life Extended tanks may be used up to an additional 15 years from their born on date. For example, a tank manufactured in the year 2002, would have previously expired in 2017. Now, this tank may be usable until 2032 once Life Extended!

If the cost of a brand new carbon fiber air cylinder has kept you from getting into PCP airguns, a Life Extended cylinder may be the answer! These carbon fiber cylinders are lightweight and capable of storing up to 4500 psi of high pressure air. Potentially providing thousands of shots for your PCP airguns!

Of course, just like brand new carbon fiber SCBA cylinders, they must pass testing every 5 years from the Life Extension date to remain in service (Ex. A tank Life Extended in 2017, wouldn’t require a retest until 2022). This testing can only be done by Digital Wave Corporation for Life Extended tanks and will cost about the same as a standard hydro-test, plus shipping and handling.

These cylinders come with a brand new 300 BAR DIN valve and fill assembly that ends in a female quick disconnect fitting, ready to fill your PCP airguns. The valve and fill assembly feature stainless steel fittings, a 24 in. microbore hose and a rubberized hand wheel for controlled filling. The integrated pressure gauge lets you know when you're reaching your full charge, and the bleed valve is conveniently located on the valve.

Air Venturi Life Extended Carbon Fiber Air Tank

  • 4,500 psi max fill pressure
  • 66 cu. ft. capacity
  • DIN 300 Fill assembly 
  • 24 in. microbore hose
  • Stainless steel female quick-disconnect coupling attached to output end of hose
  • DOT Approved (SP-16320)
  • Manufactured in the year 2002
  • 25" tall to top of valve
  • 6" wide
  • 10.6 lbs. dry weight

Please note that the tank you receive may vary in appearance from the tank shown in the image but will be the correct size with the advertised amount of years remaining.

Click here to get a printable copy of SP-16320

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10.6 lbs

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4 of 4 Air Venturi LE Carbon Fiber Reviews

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Sweet bottle with good hardware

Its A big bottle maybe next time I would buy a smaller bottle

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Great tank and saved hundreds buying used/refurbished.


Get ready to buy lots more ammo

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When you look into it, the life-extension process pioneered by Digital Wave is actually VERY cool when you look into it. The Navy asked them to explore ways to extend the life of their GIANT fleet of carbon fiber tanks, so they worked with he DOT (who makes the laws around air tanks) and developed a brand new way to extend the life of the tank by doing more extensive testing than is done in the first 15 years of life. This allows them to ensure the safety of the tanks for another 15 years. VERY interesting, and awesome opportunity for PCP users looking for a less expensive way to get a tank, but there are some things to be aware of. The tank still has to be tested every 5 years, but ONLY DigitalWave can do that testing on these Live Extended tanks. Be sure to read the tank after you buy for info. ALSO, you may need to bring the DOT documents that allow LE tanks to get it filled. Comes with everything you need to fill the gun (BUT not everything you will need, please see below.)

As mentioned above, this tank comes with everything you need to fill the gun, but according to my local firehouse, it does NOT come with everything you need to fill the tank itself (At least from their system.) Local dive shop also said they would likely need an adaptor to fill from their system but did not have a chance to look at it to make sure, and I would assume the same would be true if I owned a compressor myself. I'm sure this is something an experienced PCP user would know, but I, as a first-time Tank buyer, did not realize. I ended up having to get the Air Venturi "firehouse" male SCBA adapter. Wish this had come as an optional package, or at least mentioned somewhere in the ad that an adapter to fill the tank may be something to think about.

This tank (mine at least) was life extended in 2017. I purchased it in 2021, which means I have 1ish year of use before I need to send it back to Digital Wave for re-testing. This is an inexpensive process but is something the potential purchaser should be aware of. If you buy a new tank you will still need to get it tested every 5 years, but you don't have to send it to the same company and might be able to get a new tank tested locally instead of paying for shipping.

For more information about the Digital Wave Life extension process, type those words into Youtube and watch both Air Venturi and Digital Wave's videos about it.

Dow Jan 16, 2022

Sounds like a royal PITA, these life extended tanks. Better to get a brand new tank if going the carbon fiber route. You forgot to mention, besides the 5 year recertification, an annual visual inspection is also needed. I purchased a high pressure steel 100cf scuba tank. $200 used. Had recent hydro and visual done already. Max psi is 3500. $6 to fill at local dive shop. No special fill adapters needed to fill tank. Picked up a DIN valve pcp fill device on shmamazon for $45 that connects to my scuba tank....super easy to fill my bulldog. When filling my avengers, scuba tank fills them to 3500psi, then an easy 10 minutes to top off to 4300psi with my hill mk4 hand pump.

Jonathan Aug 23, 2021

Having to obtain special fittings to get the tank filled as to be done with any tank purchase.

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Few dings on it and DOM 2002 was certified 10/17..which will give me 3 years of use paid too much money I think

micheljgaudet Aug 31, 2021

Soooo_ seems to me we be showing a GREAT cause to just get a decent air-compressor, the type you directly fill your airgun with, RIGHT? I love mine . . . uses either 110vac or my car battery! Let us all hope Matt calms down a bit, eh? Getting all excited there can through your aim off, mate! hee hee

Dan Jun 24, 2021

Calm down Matt, You arent reading everything. Original Commenter is referring to the fact that he has to have it recertified in just 2 years after he bought it. Who wants to buy a tank and have to ship it across the country only 2 years after purchase? THAT is what he is disappointed with.

Joshua Jun 16, 2021

Cylinders passing the MAE requalification may be marked “DOT-SP 16320” and authorized foran additional 5 years.Cylinders with the DOT-SP 16320 marking must be successfully requalified once every 5 years using MAE in order to remain in service for a maximum service life of 30 years from the date of manufacture.

Matt Apr 29, 2021

wow, acoustic resonance testing gives you 15 years added to the date of when It was life extended. I love how people give bad reviews and dont have a single clue what there talking about

Matt Apr 29, 2021

wow you really are bright! life extended gives you 15 more years added to the date of the accoustic resonance testing. so 10/17 means you wouldnt expire till 10/2032

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