AirForce Front Target Sight, Fits Most 10-Meter 3-Position Rifles + All AirForce Guns
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- Front target sight
- Fits most 10-meter 3-position rifles & all AirForce airguns
- Accepts standard European aperture inserts (not included)
- Large amount of vertical adjustment
- 11mm integral mount
- Made in America
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5 of 5 AirForce Front Target Sight, Fits Reviews
Multiple adjustable options, uses 22mm irises and aperture inserts for a larger field of view and more light into the globe
Things I Would Have ChangedThis absolutely, without a doubt, needs to have a mounting system or point that is separate from the elevation adjustment. As it stands, as soon as you loosen the thumb screw the entire mechanism lets loose from the dovetail. It was the cheapest and most simple idea they could come up with, but the wrong one. It looks like it should have been easy to put the base tightening screw on the opposite side of the elevation riser but they did not do that. It's an OK option if you don't plan to change it often, but I question how well it will hold up. The other thing they need to add is threading on both ends of the globe. Not a big deal breaker, but it's a very useful option for accessories.
What Others Should KnowThis likely eliminates the need for multiple riser blocks since you can set it at the exact height you need. It can be a benefit to those seeking a taller rear sight so they can have a better upright position without straining your neck. I'm using it on a rimfire gun, so I can't comment to how well it would work for an airgun. This is an affordable solution to the other options on the market that cost 3 to 5 times the price
Adjustability, good range of elevation provided by this sight in case the rear sight has run out of range with your standard front hooded sight; large insert size so you can change the insert to larger or smaller sighting holes or go to a metal insert (comes with a clear plastic insert). The sight has several adjustment mountings so you can flip and re-position the hood for added range adjustability
Things I Would Have ChangedI'd like to see the sight mounting plate able to be installed on the outside of the vertical adjustment slot which would allow even more adjustability to be obtained.
What Others Should KnowThis is made for the Challenger and does fit my FWB although I had to really crank down on the tightening screw to gain a proper, tight clamp.
The size is larger than the stock one from the Daisy Avanti 853CM. It is made of aluminum and steel with 3 acrylic like inserts. It allows me to get a larger target picture, and I can bring my eye closer to the rear sight for a clearer sharper target and front sight picture.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake a tapered version for the round 11mm dovetail. I had to file down the mount base to fit it to the Daisy's Avanti's round muzzle break. But it now fits perfect, and it is solid. I would also include a manual or instructions, even if mounting and adjusting this globe sight is a no brainer.
What Others Should KnowThe base of the mount is flat and will fit any 3/8" or 11mm dovetail rail. It base is also like the BKL style clamp where it is one piece that keeps the sight centered on the barrel when you clamp it down. This front sight is a major inprovement over the plastic one on the Daisy Avanti 853CM, and similar plastic small globe sights. This larger globe allows for better aiming IMO and a bigger sight picture, while keeping the ring tight on the target. Also, the acrlyic type plastic ring is easy to focus on and it keeps the focus sharp. I improved my aiming with this front sight, YMMV. IMO, it is a great value for what you get. Also, at it's lowest setting, I had to raise up the rear sight almost to the max. I will get the BKL dovetail riser for the rear sight ASAP so I can adjust the rear sight even higher if needed.
Great quality product at a great price. Also, great service from Pyramydair, got it in 4 days.
Exactly like it should be. It includes three sight disks (3.6, 3.8, and 4.0mm) that are not mentioned in the listing. This sight is an excellent value for the money -- comparable to sights costing in the $100 to $150 range.
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Nov 20, 2018
By David
Adjustability of the hight.
What Others Should KnowThe dovetail dimensions that this sight will fit.