BAM B26-2 Air, Image 1
BAM B26-2 Air, Image 1

BAM B26-2 Air Rifle

4.05 reviews


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4.05 reviews


Shown with optional equipment. Scope NOT included!
Compare the BAM XS-B26-2 to the Beeman R9! Equipped with a muzzlebrake and thumbhole stock, this spring-piston breakbarrel rifle will make you think you're shooting a European gun instead of a Chinese copy!

This remarkably accurate rifle doesn't come with sights. But even if it did, you'd still want to mount a scope on it to get the most accuracy from the gun. Leaving nothing out, the manufacturer also copied the Weihrauch Rekord trigger. While not perfect, it's a far sight better than the Chinese triggers you've gotten used to!

We chronographed both calibers and got the following results with the pellets shown:

.177: 1060 fps w/5-grain pellets
.177: 880 fps w/7.5-grain pellets
.22: 870 fps w/7.0-grain pellets
.22: 725 fps w/10.5-grain pellets
.22: 650 fps w/14.3-grain pellets
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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1060 fps
Suggested for
7.6 lbs
Break barrel
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
27 lbs

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5 of 5 BAM B26-2 Air Rifle Reviews

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Beautiful gun, good workmanship. Even finish (bluing and stain). Accuracy is superb - 1/2 in groups at 25 yds with the right ammo (RWS Proline Meisterkugeln). Trigger is decent and adjustable, can be tuned for ultra-precise, crisp let-off. Very easy cocking effort for amount of power in the gun - significantly easier than RWS/Diana 34P that throws pellets the same speed. Strong enough to pass pellets right through grey squirrels at 20-25 yds.

Trigger needs some tuning for those who demand ultra-high, light, crisp performance. Stock, as noted, is too high and must be re-shaped. Gun seems picky about pellets. Crossman Premiers get puked up like the barrel is bent. Beeman Lasers aren't much better. Beeman Kodiaks are slightly better, and JSB Diabolo Exacts shoot very well. The RWS Meisterkugelns shoot like a dream - pellet on pellet accuracy at least 25 yards out. 1/2 in groups with slight wind. On a dead calm day I bet they would shrink.

Have not had a chance to do lots of shooting at >25 yds yet. I suspect group sizes will grow more with distance, as there is a little more variation in pellet speed than other guns in the same 'class' (e.g. RWS/Diana 34P noted above). However, the class is populated by guns $100 more expensive and up - this gun is definitely a very talented freshman playing on the varsity team. As the gun has no open sights, a scope must be mounted. Do yourself a favor and get a good scope for it ($100-150 range) because the gun will perform up to that level. This is an entry-level price for a high-quality gun, especially when tuned. I would give 6 stars value-for money if I could.

Chronograph testing listed above by P.A. is spot on - results in about 14.0-14.3 ft-lbs energy (measured at 10') across various weight pellets. Using 14 ft-lbs and weight of the pellet in grains, you can back out a very accurate number for expected pellet velocity for whatever weight/speed combination suits you.

Please note: contrary to some other reviews, the safety IS ABLE to be re-activated after it is taken off. Safety is activated at the end of the cocking stroke just after the spring catches. To re-safety, simply break the barrel and 're-cock', which will not affect the spring (still cocked and held from first stroke) but will re-enable the safety.

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Beautiful finish on wood and bluing. On par with Euro guns. Shoots hard with alittle kick. Best grouping at rest. My rifle is .22cal Very good for field work. Gun is on the heavy side to carry all day.Get a good comfortable sling.

Cheek piece is way too high. With tall scope rings still unable to get correct sight picture. I shaved 1/2 to 6/8 inches off the top of the cheek piece to be able to get good and clear sight picture in the scope.

All of the airgun features are well made.

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B26-2 works very well with Gamo Hunter pellet. I shot 0.5 group at 20 yards, considering the bad shooting position. Crosman Premier and Beeman Silver Bear hi-impact got about 1" group. Gamo Hunter is the most penetrating pellet compared to the other two.

The rifle cheek is so high that the gun needs a tall scope mount. Otherwise, you need to duck down your head to peak into the scope. That should be changed.

Make sure you have a tall scope mount. The accuracy decreases after 35 yards.

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Looks, finish, weight, and quiet.

Comb on the stock is too high, resettable safety.

Well worth the price to get a very nice looking .22 for the collection. It's also worth putting a higher end scope on to exploite the accuracy the gun is capable of. High mount rings for your scope are a must. The comb is quite high and getting a good sight picture quickly is probably not as easy as it could be. Check all the screws before using, they were loose on the gun I received. I like the gun a lot. I am pleased enough with the basic rifle that I am going to go ahead and put the extra money out to have a professional tune done on it. Should be not just a good shooter but an exceptional shooter after that.

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breakbarrel is light but the power is right on the money,i used beeman silver ace and ive got very tight groups.other types of ammo are fair to v/good easy to shoot!!

safety cannot be returned once taken off, the instructions for rifle are fuzzy. there should be frt/rear sight you cant dryfire rifle there should be a fair warning on box!! rifle needs medium to high mount rings a daisy powerline scope does just fine unless your into bells n whistles on more expensive scopes

rear stock has a high comb and is a little short gun is a true carbine

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