Includes 250 Beeman wadcutter pellets & safety glasses
Pellet tin may be a different color than shown.
The owner's manual says the gun has a manual safety. It does not. It has an automatic safety.
Outstanding accuracy and velocity. German engineered and designed single-stroke pneumatic. Single-shot pistol produces up to 410 fps. It's totally recoilless and no CO2 is required. Add a dot sight on the 11mm dovetail.
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6 of 6 Beeman Marksman 2004 Reviews
Nicely balanced with good grips for large hands. Sight pattern suited to 10m target practice.
Things I Would Have ChangedSafety requires two hands to release. Care must be taken to avoid rear sight damage when closing pump handle. Trigger release is crisp, but unpredictable.
What Others Should KnowThe trigger on my gun did not like a slow steady pull. It behaved like a very creepy single stage with unpredictable release or no release at all. Sometimes multiple pulls required before gun fired. I tried three different guns and they all did this.
Solid feeling and well balanced.
Things I Would Have ChangedTakes two hands to release the safety. Care must be taken when cocking to avoid pressing down on rear sight. Force to cock lessens slightly with use. A very slow application of trigger pressure may result in an irratic release.
What Others Should KnowPellets must be pressed into the chamber completely to avoid catching on o-ring seal. There is an adjustment screw on the trigger, but I noticed little if any effect on trigger travel or release pressure.
It is easy handling, extremely accurate, authentic looking, and you cannot beat the price for the quality of this gun!
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like to see an easier way to place the pellet in the chamber.
What Others Should KnowYou will not be disappointed with this gun.
The heft of the pistol is great. Accurate shooting is a breeze. I fitted mine with a BSA 30mm red dot sight and never looked back. This pistol has a great trigger. It's a top quality pistol for the price.
Things I Would Have ChangedLoadind is kinda difficult with wadcutters, but pointed pellets make it a little easier. A little more velocity would be good, too.
What Others Should KnowDespite the claim of being recoilless the minor shock came with the first shot, the pistol recoiled similar to a full sized .22 for me. I guess that comes from the pistons return. But it is easy to get used to.
This is a very accurate pistol(after you break it in-about 250 shots). The weight is comparable to that of a real handgun, but that's not a bad thing. I shoot mine two handed in a military stance and have wonderful accuracy from it. It lends itself to many accessories, it has a scope rail on top, a laser can be mounted on the trigger gaurd, etc. The power is unexpectedly high for a pistol too. Check this puppy out you won't be sorry.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing!
What Others Should KnowIt can be a little hard to cock, but it is a single pump pneumatic and you're pushing a lot of air into a tiny chamber. It has micrometer metal rear sights totally adjustable. It prefferes to eat Crosman domed hollow point pellets (aka Hunting pellets), but if you want to use wadcutters, use Daisy el cheapo wadcutters. The flat front is a little harder to load, but you will get the hang of it after a while. This is an excellent gun, I recomend you run out and buy one asap. It has target pistol performance at a bargain price.
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Jan 21, 2013
By Edward
The gun isn't loud, since its a pump, its always ready to go. Its very accurate at 10 yards--- I could hitwithin a 3 inch circle all day long. There is a very comfortable feel to the gun, fits the hand fine. Comfortable and accurate!
Things I Would Have ChangedPump is a bit stiff, and its a little tricky loading the pellets.
What Others Should KnowBuy this gun and shoot it frequently!!