Cometa Indian Air Pistol, Black
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
- Cometa Indian air pistol
- Spring-piston
- Overlever
- Single-shot
- Fixed blade front sight
- Windage-adjustable rear sight
- Single-stage trigger
- Cold-hammered barrel
- Textured grip
- Manual safety
- 7 lbs. cocking effort
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9 of 9 Cometa Indian Air Pistol, Black Reviews
Shoots well, accurate. Really like the way this pistol shoots, and it's retro-futuristic look. Moderate recoil is good practice for firearms in between going to a range. I don't mind the non-adjustable sight since most combat handguns are that way too.
Things I Would Have ChangedBroke after 1 week (~200 shots). A loud POP when I was cranking the lever, and then it went limp. Checked past reviews online, at least 2 similar incidents like mine. On the plus side, PyramydAir support was super efficient, shipping me a new one via hassle free process. Waiting another 10 days suck though.
What Others Should KnowWill post a follow up after my replacement arrives. Hope the new one is more robust. Will definitely buy again from PyramydAir on their great service.
I like the over lever design. I learned to shoot pistols with a Webley Tempest, and the Cometa Indian reminds me of the old Webleys. I also like that it is fairly quiet, making it good for indoor or outdoor shooting. More compact than most springers currently on the market. I actually like the fixed open sights, as once I have a pistol zeroed in on a fixed power field pistol, I almost never need to adjust them anyway. Mine shot to point of aim right out of the box.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowLike the Webley pistols, the firing behavior is predictable, but takes a little getting used to. Great fun to shoot once it is mastered!
Decent power, accurate, quiet, and very easy to cock. I bench rested this pistol indoors and put 4 out of 5 shots through the same hole at 20 feet with the 5th shot slightly out of the group. Although 20 feet isn't much distance I think this gun has great potential for accuracy. Made mostly of metal with a few plastic parts, it seems the be solidly built. I also like the grip angle.
Things I Would Have ChangedMine shoots to point of aim but the rear sight should have elevation adjustment. A larger loading port would be nice.
What Others Should KnowThis is a large pistol but not unwieldy. The trigger could be better but it's not horrible either. The spring makes a slight crunching noise when being cocked bit I don't think this is an issue. Pellets can be tricky to load into the feed tray if you have large fingers. There are some sharp edges on the cocking handle but this is easily fixed. Velocity is a bit lower than advertised, mine delivers an average of 460 fps with 7.9 gr pellets and 480 with 7.4 gr pellets. This may improve once the gun is broken in.
The lubricant the factory uses smells bad when firing this gun but will probably go away after some use.
Overall, I am very happy with this gun.
Gun is very quiet, very easy to cock, and fairly powerful. Feels good in your hand. Made mostly of metal with a few plastic parts.
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd elevation adjustment to the rear sight. Change the C clips to something else, maybe a domed head nut so it doesn't look so industrial.
What Others Should KnowThe is a big gun. It's not heavy but it's big. Accuracy seems good enough with standard Crosman 7.9gr pellets. Velocity is a bit less than advertised. Mine averaged 460fps with a 7.9gr pellet, still not bad though. Velocity spread is low. Gun has some sharp edges here and there, easily fixed.
I have less than 50 shots through mine and it stinks bad from whatever lubricant the factory uses. A non issue.
Overall, I am happy with this purchase.
incedibly cool loking, pictures don't do it justice. great accuracy. not too loud firing. comfortable grip.
Things I Would Have Changedi don't like the plastic breach, should be metal with a better locking mechanism.
What Others Should Knowover the top cocking is more than a little tricky and is a lot more than the 7lbs listed in the specs.
Accurate . Feel.
Things I Would Have ChangedEasier loading. Adjustable rear sight.
What Others Should KnowMay need to shim rear sight. No big deal.
I have been wanting one of these Indians for several years, and other merchants said 'we're getting them in soon'...but they never came. PyramidAir said 'we're getting them in soon'...and they got them! Then sent me one which was in my hands within two days after pressing the 'buy' button. Excellent service! And...a pistol worth the wait. I really like how this gun looks, operates and functions. The loading drill is unique..and once you've done it a few times very easy and stress free. Unlike some of the other spring or pneumatic pistols, this one won't wear you out in an extended shooting session. I haven't chrono'd it yet, but the advertized high 400's is entirely believable from the time of flight to my 10M target trap. The first 20 shots or so were pretty inconsistent with lots of oil/grease blowing out of the barrel. Once it cleared the packing lube it shoots very consistently and with decent accuracy. This is NOT a Target gun, rather a Field pistol so the trigger is much heavier than the P1 or IZH-46M, but it breaks cleanly and is easy to work with. Don't get me wrong, it isn't overly heavy...about 3.5lbs on my scale, just not a 16oz target effort. Accuracy with Gamo Match wadcutters looks to be very good, and more dependent on my abilities than the guns intrinsic precision. The windage only adjustable sight sits right in the middle of its' range and the pellets hit dead on, so that looks like the gun is built straight and true.
Things I Would Have ChangedSeeing as this gun is really enjoyable, it is difficult to fault it very much. There ARE a couple sharp edges that could be removed, but those aside the gun is very nicely finished. The grip fits my medium large hand tightly, so if you have bear paws for hands it might be too small..but for most shooters the grips are going to be just fine. Obviously this is a right hand only grip, so perhaps offering a lefty or neutral set would increase the appeal to more shooters.
What Others Should KnowThis is a very sturdy and accurate field pistol that would take small pests with ease, but I'd leave the large rats (tree or otherwise) to bigger guns. If you are looking for a nicely finished, good looking, good feeling and fun shooter...this Indian will please you. It isn't quite up to P1 standards, but not far off...and priced to be a bargain in that comparison. It took quite a while to satisfy my desire for an Indian..and I'm very happy that PyramidAir is selling them now.
Interesting pistol design, for the most part very well built (feels like it should last many years). The pistol has reasonable power and should serve well as a all round plinker
Things I Would Have ChangedThe sights could be a lot better(no vertical sight adjustment, only horizontal). The cocking arm is made of very thin metal but should hold hold up if your careful. The losding port is little tight but workable.
What Others Should KnowOverall a fun pistol and should be added to anybody's collection. I am a spring pistol fan (maybe I'm cheap but I don't like to pay for anything else but ammo)
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Oct 20, 2018
By Marcos
It's Almost all Metal...excellent cocking system(for those who like the webley tempest, sorry not amount of technique can allow you to quick cock a spring pistol as powerful at this one with a similar system)...it's over 450 fps with standard crosman domed pellet (7.9 Grains).trigger is regular.
Things I Would Have Changedthe loading port for the pellets should be metal...also the safety should be separate for the cocking arm lock system. rear sight should be adjustable...and the pistol grip should be ambidextrous.
What Others Should Knowfor loading this pistol you should pointing downward to avoid dropped the pellet .
the trigger is standard, so you should squeeze light then heavy at the end.
it's twist to the right when shooting,so firm grip, and rear sight to the left.
the rear sight is workable, since I shooting Indoors at close distant (5 to 7 meters), I have to put the front sight post slightly above the rear, like a triangle; It's Help painting a white dot in the front sight post.
it's Accurate enough to yard Plinking and some metal silhouette target.