Daisy Red Ryder 75th Anniversary BB Gun
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In 2015, the Red Ryder BB gun will celebrate 75 years of production. Without a doubt, the Red Ryder is known universally as the gun that got kids started in the shooting sports.
Even three-quarters of a century later, Daisy's Red Ryder model is still a favorite of boys and girls (and men and women).
Suitable for shooters 10 and older (with adult supervision), this lever-action spring rifle is lightweight, easy to cock, youth-sized and durable. The solid wood forearm and engraved wood stock bear laser-engraved graphics stating this is a very special air gun.
With a capacity of 650 BBs, all-day shooting fun lies ahead for anyone who picks up this wonderful shootin' machine.
This BB gun can be used for plinking, shooting paper targets and for training new shooters how to properly and safely handle long guns.
The Red Ryder is intended for shooting targets UP TO 5 meters away -- about 16.5 feet. However, the BBs can travel much further and cause damage and injury at further distances. Adult supervision is required.
Steel BBs can ricochet. The shooter and everyone in the shooting area should wear safety glasses when a gun is being handled (even if it's unloaded). Remember to remove all pets from the area, as rebounding ammo can hit them, too. Never shoot steel BBs at hard objects (including metal targets) or water, as that increases the chance of ricochet.
Interested in a bit of Red Ryder history? Here are some facts and data supplied by Daisy:
Over its history, the Red Ryder has been named the 111 Red Ryder Carbine, Model 40 (from 1940 to 1942, and 1945 to 1954 -- it was not made during WWII).
The Model 94 Red Ryder was made from 1954 to 1957.
The 1938 Red Ryder re-entered the line in 1972 and became the 1938 A and 1938 B in 1979, when a mechanical safety was added. It's been named the Model 1938 ever since.
Model 1938 was chosen because that's the year Stephen Slesinger approached Daisy and western artist Fred Harman (who illustrated the Red Ryder comic book character) approached Daisy about making a Red Ryder pistol (which ultimately became the famous rifle, instead).
That 1938 conversation led to what is probably the longest lasting still-existent licensing agreement in American business history. The licensing agreement was initiated in 1938, signed in 1939 and the first gun produced in 1940.
Some of the earlier special editions were based on the 1938 date. For example, a 50th Anniversary gun came out in 1988, and the 60th Anniversary gun was sold in 1998.
In 2005, Daisy began celebrating anniversaries based on the first date of production (1940), with a 65th Anniversary gun. The 70th Anniversary model came out in 2010.
This 75th Anniversary gun is dated 2015, but it debuts just before Christmas in 2014.
- Daisy Red Ryder 75th Anniversary BB gun
- Spring-piston powerplant
- Lever-action cocking
- 650rd BB reservoir
- Fixed blade front sight
- Elevation-adjustable rear sight
- Manual safety
- Wood forearm and buttstock with 75th Anniversary laser-engraved graphics
- Sized for young shooters
- Made in the USA!
The cocking lever is synthetic. The barrel band is steel. The trigger, crossbolt, safety and front sight are plastic.
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10 of 18 Daisy Red Ryder 75th Anniversary BB Gun Reviews
The 75th Anniversary logo is well done and the gold band is nice (it would even be better if it were polished). The gun has a lot of good looks and is fun to shoot. This is my second one. With it being the 75th Anniversary model I just had to have it as a collectable to add to my collection. I received a Red Rider in the late 80's from my wife as a Christmas Gift. That model is currently on display and I plan to display this one as well.
Things I Would Have ChangedRemove the plastic parts & replace them with metal. The barrel band should be a little more secure. And as indicated early, it would be nice if it were polished.
What Others Should KnowOverall rating 4 and 1/2 out of 5 Stars
Value for the Money 5 Stars
Accuracy 4 1/2 stars
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What Others Should KnowThis was assembled in the USA not made in the USA
Like the art work in the wood stock. It's light and fun to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedI don't remember plastic used on my original Daisy BB gun. Metal wood give it a better look and feel.
The finish on the guns metal is the best I have ever seen on one of these Red Ryders. It is a very even, smooth satin black with no defects whatsoever. The cocking is the ratchet style and it is very secure and would enable an older child to accomplish it in stages but it is far too heavy for a younger child to attempt. The wood is excellently finished and has a little natural grain to give it some attractiveness. The commemorative lettering is well done; crisply done and very uniform. The cocking lever is metal, not plastic.
Things I Would Have ChangedI am 64 and just can not accept the use of plastic in certain applications and the trigger is plastic. I think it should be aluminum on this commemorative edition. The rear sight was canted to the left a good bit. I was able to level it up but quality control should be better because some folks do not have the know how of doing this without marring the thing.
What Others Should KnowAfter correcting the canted rear sight and adjusting it for elevation, I did some shooting with Avanti Precision Ground Shot. The point of impact at 17 feet (my indoor limit) was just barely a little right with perfect elevation. The grouping blew me away! Spring guns like this normally are not very consistent shot to shot. Well, this one is the exception! I have all three times put 5 shots into less than 5/8". There has twice been 4 shots in about 1/4" in these groups. Velocity is also unbelievably uniform. The average velocity is only 274 fps for a string of 5 shots, but the extreme spread is only 1.69 fps with a standard deviation of 0! I measured the velocity twice and got the same result in both tests. I do not know what the general performance of this product is, but the one I have is something special.
Original Red Ryder. Assembled in USA.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowBe certain to require children to wear eye protection, since steel BB's sometimes bounce back toward the shooter.
Look great feels even better. Great for backyard shooting.
Things I Would Have ChangedWish I had waited for this instead of getting the 70th anniversary. Pfft.
This is a great gun! My old Model 105 finally fell apart so I figured I'd upgrade to the Red Ryder. I'm glad I did. This is a full gift to myself and I am over 60! I have put over 200 shots through it and it still smokes a bit. I used a Chrony Alpha chronograph and measured: 290, 298, 297 ft/sec with ambient of 55 F with Daisy Premium Grade, Zinc plated, ultra smooth BBs. That is significantly below the 350 ft/sec listed in the specs. Maybe it will increase when the break in oil clears.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe lever makes a ratchet noise, 7 clicks, as you cock the gun. That might be helpful for little kids who are just able to cock it themselves. I'd remove that for "adults".
What Others Should KnowThis gun is incredible accurate. The sight was dead on right out of the box.
The specs say 350 ft/sec but I only measured just under 300 ft/sec.
Beautiful little rifle. I am in my late 60's and this takes me back to my youth. I have a regular red ryder but the idea of owning an anniversary model just got a hold of me. The rifle is the same basicly as the regular red ryder but it is just a little bit more. I don't know now if I will ever use it alot, but it is there for me.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt is a red ryder. What more can I say. It is perfect.
What Others Should KnowGet one. The nostalga alone is worth every penny. And if you do go out and shoot it, that is just cream.
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Jun 25, 2016
By Kenneth
The engraving on the rifle is excellent and very much well worth the little extra cost compared to a regular Red Ryder. This is a Red Ryder that may become more valuable over the years because it is an anniversary gun and not just just another Red Ryder.
Things I Would Have ChangedPerfect as-is.
What Others Should KnowThe 75th Anniversary is a gun that can be enjoyed for target practice, and is special because of the gold hand guard band, and engraving on the stocks. Keep this one in good condition for the years to come.