Dan Wesson 8" CO2 Pellet Revolver, Black
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The swing-out cylinder holds 6 shells. Load one pellet into each shell. The included speedloader adds to the realism and makes it a snap to load 6 cartridges at a time. When it's time to reload, push out the spent shells with the ejector rod. A detachable Weaver rail lets you mount optics. Putting a dot sight on your Dan Wesson pellet revolver just might give you a noticeable increase in accuracy!
These revolvers are fun to shoot, but they also have a very practical purpose -- maintaining firearm proficiency. If you can't get to the range or you can't find loaded ammo for your Dan Wesson firearm, then this pellet gun is the next best thing.
You can practice everything from loading to using the speedloader to aiming, trigger control, shooting double-action, shooting single-action and holster draws. So, if you need some persuasive ammo to convince your spouse that you need to get this gun, feel free to use any of the foregoing!
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
- Dan Wesson pellet revolver
- 12-gram CO2 cartridge
- 6rd pellet cylinder
- Rifled barrel
- Fixed front sight
- Adjustable rear sight
- Textured grips
- Double- and single-action
- Manual safety*
- Working ejector rod
- Black metal frame, black plastic grips
- Includes detachable Weaver rail, speedloader and 6 shells**
*If the gun is cocked, the manual safety will not engage. For the safety to engage, the gun must be uncocked. If you cock the gun and then try to engage the safety, you will still be able to pull the trigger...and the gun will shoot the projectile!
**Each shell should be loaded with one pellet and then loaded into the gun's cylinder.
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10 of 12 Dan Wesson 8" Pellet Black Reviews
Autentic look and feel.
Things I Would Have ChangedFew more fps.
What Others Should KnowBuy lots of extra ammo so you don't loose so much time re loading pellets.
Functions; load, unload, safety, etc are almost identical to the actual firearm. After putting 1,200 plus pellets down range this revolver consistently gets 90 good shots to a single 12.5gr CO2 cylinder. Gun is well balanced and responds well to single handed shooting. Like any hand gun, the repeatability of accuracy is wholly dependent upon the shooter. Using a two handed combat stance it is very accurate out to about 20 yds. Installed a NcStar DAB 25, looks good and groups at 10 yds are less than 0.6 inches.
Things I Would Have ChangedSwap out the plastic grips for a more rubber like material, it would make the "hold" more tactile. The optional weaver/picatinny rail leave a little to be desired. The gun has very good fit and finish however a little more thought into the rail measurements on the adapter would be very nice. Why not machine/cast it into the barrel shroud
What Others Should KnowThe cylinder lock pin has an almost square edge to it which if not cleaned up a little with a jewellers / rifling file it will quickly cut a nasty groove into the frame of the gun. Do NOT over file, just gently dress off the sharpness of the end of the pin.
There is a seal at the face of the frame where the back of the shells contact when in the fire position. Put a drop of CO2 gun oil on the seal to keep it supple.
The barrel is spring loaded back against the front of the shells. It will move when doing a "pull through" of the barrel, just ensure it returns fully before firing.
While not massively heavy as CO2 repeaters go, young shooters should use a two-handed hold until they have adaquate hand and wrist strength to properly hold and stabalize the weapon.
Oh Yeah, buy Lots of pellets and a couple of boxes of spare pellet shells...yeah and some CO2. This is a fun handgun.
Things I Would Have ChangedEasier loading. Grip is not good.
What Others Should KnowThis gun is kinda a pain to shoot. I really would not recommend it.
The realistic look and the way the pellets are loaded into fake bullet. It is all metal with great feel and weight
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowNothing I can think of.
The bullets are a nice real look and feel as with their other models, the look and feel of a real gun. Workmanship is awesome too.
Things I Would Have ChangedMainly the fps (POWER)and the way the pellets are loaded they should be loaded at the brass end of the brass bullet. I greatly doubt it is 450 fps, more like 250 fps, at best, it would not penetrate a soup can at 2 feet but put a small dent in it. I have BB guns that pop holes in soup cans easily at 5 yards or more. After some dismal results with other ammo I finally used destroyer .177 4.5 mm and at 2 feet would not go through a soup can but bounced off. I changed the air cartridge from Gamo to Crossman with no better result. Previously I used Crossman .177 4.5 mm 4.0 gram pellet and several others .177 at 4 to 5 grams which always jammed and would not even exit the barrel.
What Others Should KnowThis is a realistic toy pellet pistol, nothing more! It can be used for paper targets and that's about all. I was very disappointed in this purchase as I was looking for a more powerful gun for the money I spent and the 2 month back order wait.
I have no idea why the reviews on this gun where so extremely good unless they were written by the manufacturer.
The look and feel,Ease of mounting dot sight or scope,Realistic shells and speed loader,The ability to use pellets.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot too much,I have five Dan Wessons,Two pellet shooters and three bb ones.I like the idea that there is no key to get lost or make loading slower,tedious loading process takes a while you can't load as fast as the bb version.
What Others Should KnowBuy a lot of spare shells and preload them before you start
to shoot to save tme and not loose your edge.
You can't load more than one at a time unlike the bb version
where you pour out bb's on a tin and you can load six at a time.
Other than this minor point the gun is a good buy.
Love the 8" barrel. I've been wanting an 8" pellet repeater since they discontinued the Crosman GW kit. This fits the bill. Accuracy is good (I got about 0.45'0.6" groups firing offhand).
Things I Would Have ChangedThe single thing I would change is how the pellets are done. I, personally, would have done a rifled shell with the pellet in the back. As they are now, it takes forever to re-load.
What Others Should KnowIf you're looking for a 8" pellet pistol, look no further. It's not olympic-class, but you can't beat the value.
Love everything about this revolver. I now have al but 1 of the Dan Wesson collection. Worth every Penny. The realism , every detail great.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowBuy this and all of the Dan Wesson collection The new models are pellet in the bullets. Great idea. The others are B.B.'s
Looks real, feels real, nice bluing, quiet, rifled barrel, shoots lead pellets, and unlike most pellet revolvers does not have a thin real cylinder in front if a large false one. Best of all, a nice, light trigger in both SA and DA!
Things I Would Have ChangedI can think of no improvements that could be made, realistically. Make it powerful enough to kill a Grizzly bear. Make it free. Make it drive my kids to and from school. Uh, right.
What Others Should KnowPellets with exceptionally narrow skirts might not work with this gun as they can fall through the tip of the "bullet," but this is rare. With 3 different brands of pellets and 30 rounds of each, 3 individual pellets of 1 brand fell through to the ground. (Sorry, don't remember which brand pellet.)
Also, a speedloader for this system would be of no benefit, although extra shells would be a good investment. One must load each pellet individually into each "bullet" and then screw the bullet into the cartridge. Placing the cartridge into a speedloader would be at least as time consuming as simply loading each round, individually, into the cylinder. The loading process of this air revolver is very similar to the loading process of a real swing-out revolver firearm with no speedloader, and therefore, it is actually kinda fun. I can think of no other airgun that is actually somewhat FUN to load. Besides, after six rapid-fire rounds the gun should have a minute to warm up anyway.
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Dec 17, 2016
By Ken
The heft and feel are amazingly like the firearm. I can shoot all day without breaking the bank.
Things I Would Have ChangedPersonally I like it just the way it is.
What Others Should KnowInvest in the extra shells. Load them up and blast away!