Flava Shots, Edible, Flavored Hunting Pellets, .177 Caliber, 10.65 Grains, Lead-Free, 500ct
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- .177 caliber
- 10.65 grains
- Lead-free
- Edible pellet infused with herbs and savory spices suitable for cooking small game such as squirrels, rabbits and fowl
- When you place your order, a pop-up box will ask if you want pointed, domed or wadcutter pellets
- 500ct
Never again will you have to waste meat from a hunted animal because you have to cut it apart to find the pellet! Or, even worse, end up cooking an animal with the pellet still embedded in the meat.
Chef de Cuisine Antonio Bologna of the world-knowned Aria Diabolo Pallina game restaurant has created Flava Shots, the first edible pellet. It takes advantage of a new compression technology that creates a dense pellet that will not fall apart or crumble during loading and shooting. It's so rock hard that it has the same penetration effect as a lead pellet. The Flava Shot pellet dispatches the game and later infuses it with savory herbs and spices during the cooking process.
To maximize the cooking process, Chef Bologna suggests that airgunners lube their airgun barrels with food oils. This reduces friction, delivers a small boost to velocity and brings a delicious flavor to cooked meat. His favorite oil is macadamia nut, but he's also experimented successfully with plain and roasted sesame oils.
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10 of 14 Flava Shots, Edible, Flavored Hunting .177 (4.5mm) Cal Reviews
I love these guaranteed to add just the right amount of spice to that bigger game as well. My family just drools when I come home after hunting with these.
Things I Would Have ChangedMy only complaint is they need to make other calibers for bigger game. They would really work great in either a 22 or 25 cal.
What Others Should KnowShot placement is everything and in this case make sure you shoot alot. Don't let teh price hold you back they are well worth the additional cost.
Everything but mostly the taste!
Things I Would Have ChangedMake them available in larger tins and in different flavors.
What Others Should KnowNo more fear of poisoning when you keep you pellets in your mouth between shots, you can even chew one while in the field. They should be available in many flavors so you can shoot more pellets in the meat and have it taste great once cooked.
Flavor is Excellent.
Things I Would Have ChangedOffer them in larger calibers!
What Others Should KnowLube them with gravy for best results.
Very nice. Texture is spot on!! Tastes just like Mom's home cooking! Best thing is.. if you don't bag any game... you won't go hungry! And they are eco-friendly being biodegradable.
Things I Would Have ChangedNeeds to come in bacon flavor. And a dessert option would be nice. Creme-de-mint or dark chocolate would be nice.
What Others Should KnowExcellent ballistics! Nice splatter pattern on steel targets! Backyard friendly too! Not likely to ricochet and serve as critter bait after hitting the target as well! Get a whole case! And.. don't forget.. buy 3, get 1 free!!!
Can't believe how good they taste! Thought they would be waxy, but they I would in fact venture to describe them as "savory." Just like Grannys gravy. Not bad accuracy either, and just about disintegrate when they hit a living target for maximum damage.
Things I Would Have ChangedJust aren't enough in the tin! Can't stop eating them.
What Others Should KnowPerformed well in my Gamo clocking 1000 fps. Surprising consistency. Glad I got the tip on these and got mine early :)
These are great for that morning where you want to shoot, and you need flavored waffles or pancakes. Just hang up that waffle and take some shots at it...then eat. I use the waffle grid to align my sights before breakfast.
Things I Would Have ChangedGun cleanup can be a bit of a chore after using these. I highly suggest Pyramyd Air come out with an edible cleaning patch to use for cleaning the gun after using these. Don't let that yummy flava go to waste!
Ha Ha. Part no APRF-011S!
Things I Would Have ChangedMore spices. Part no. APRF-001S.
What Others Should KnowWhat would I really get if I ordered these?
Edible, they taste amazing, also no need to pull pellets out of game when shot
Things I Would Have ChangedThey foul up the barrel too fast
What Others Should KnowThey are worth buying
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May 10, 2013
By Airgun Papa
I have a brother who lives in California, and he says that this is likely the only pellet they will have for use after the total lead ban.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like a smaller tin. We are not allowed to have this many edible pellets in a tin here in New York.
What Others Should KnowCheck your local regulations to make sure your government allows you to have these. If you find that they are not legal, you may want to move to China as they have greater freedoms than some of our progressive, Democrat-run localities.