Gamo Recon Air, Image 1
Gamo Recon Air, Image 1

Gamo Recon Air Rifle

4.517 reviews


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4.517 reviews


Don't forget to click on the AMMO link for our list of suggested pellets. The ACCESSORIES link has a list of fun targets and safety gear you'll want.
Gamo's Recon is an ideal entry-level breakbarrel spring rifle suitable for younger or smaller shooters (with adult supervision). You can use this gun to teach the basics of shooting, target shooting, plinking, hitting spinners and more.

The rifle doesn't have sights, but it does come with a 4x20mm scope (unmounted). The fluted bull barrel will make this rifle the envy of your friends. The cool thumbhole stock is made from an all-weather black synthetic and sports a raised cheekpiece on both sides, making this rifle truly ambidextrous. When you cock the rifle, an anti-beartrap mechanism automatically engages to protect your fingers.


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
525 fps
Suggested for
Plinking & target practice
4.63 lbs
Break barrel
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Trigger Pull
3.3 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
19 lbs
Body Type
Ventilated rubber

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10 of 17 Gamo Recon Air Rifle Reviews

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I like the fit and thumbhole grip. This rifle is perfect for backyard target/plinking. I have ordered the "scope creep stop" from Gamo, it is a creeper for sure. I like the polymer or plastic covered barrel and the rifle is very accurate.

I would smooth out the spring vibration when you shoot the gun, however you do get used to it after awhile. Better quality scope needed with scope stop included.

This is not the cheaperst plinker out there but its built good & tough should last a long time.

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Fits my four sons ages 7 to 12 very well as far as size and proportions. Cocking pressure is well within all their capabilities too. Makes it much easier on Dad during a shooting session.Has greater accuracy with the heavier pellets than I anticipated. My sons consistantly hit nickle sized targets at 30 to 40 feet.

Scopes on both rifles I purchased moved back on the rails to the point of the rear ring coming completely off the top rail after pushing the rear plastic cover off. I fixed this by upsetting some of the dovetail steel with a center punch. So far this has fixed the problem.

My kids were very excited to have a pellet rifle that they could handle and that fit them well, especially after they were able to knock down targets regularly.

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I got this one to replace the Crosman Raven I recently got for my daughter...I just did not trust the plastic trigger group on the Crosman in terms of longevity. I like that the Recon has a metal trigger group, much smoother break of the barrel, and stock is SO much more ergonomic than the Raven. The Recon is an accurate rifle, and I managed to hit a soda can at about 35-40yds. away with a different scope, not the one that came with it.

The scope that comes with the Recon. It has a "TV screen" shape when viewed through the scope! I would also like to see a scope stop included with this rifle. Even though the FPS is not the fastest, the vibration definitely causes scope movement.

For me anyway, I have found the Recon to be finicky in terms of where you grip the rifle. I found that grabbing the very front and pulling into your shoulder with a straight a pull as possible will result in great accuracy. Lotta trigger creep, but I am happy it is metal! (FWIW, I do not think the trigger is adjustable).

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The sweet trigger.


Always keep the muzzle in safe direction and always assume a gun is loaded and ready to fire... treat it in a safe manor!!!!

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Light, Fun to shoot, best price in its level, Great for kids and adults

Scope is cheap and hard to adjust,my rating was on the rifle itself.

Once you get your scope tweaked its dead on, and stays that way if you tork the screws tight more accurate with the lighter weight pellets and that will boost your velocity a bit . likes the crossman and daisy match pellets.

Mark Jul 11, 2010

Yes it is VERY hard and frustrating to adjust the scope. I've had it for about a year and it's still not completely adjusted! Would you have any tips or advice for this problem?

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Accuracy. first and foremost i couldn't group better than 1.5" at 20 yrds with this gun with the scope it came with. however i recently got a better scope for my big cat so the scope that came with the big cat went on this rifle and let me tell you it made all the difference my girlfriend even grouped about 1" at 20 yrds her first time shooting it. my groups were half an inch. the 4x scope that came on the big cat is not a good scope by any means but it is WAY better than the like 4x20 that came on this thing. i also like the pistol grip and my girlfriend loves that its lightweight and easy to cock. she cant cock the big cat. The trigger is also very good.

obviously the scope is a big problem for me its trash. it would probably be good for a young kid as they wont be able to tell the difference and at the very least it will help develop good shooting habits.

even though this rifle has low fps it is very accurate. i had to change the scope to get good accuracy out of it. i took the scope off my big cat and put it on this and its a little tack driver now i have been shooting it more than the big cat now.

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The stock / cheek rest / thumbhole are ergonomically perfect for me..and I'm 5' 10". Scope / gun combo is good to go. Zeroed in 6 shots. holding dime to quarter size groups at 25 yards. Can't ask for much more at $ 90!!!!

The trigger is WAY too long of a pull for my liking. The manual says it should have an adjustable 2 stage trigger, mine doesn't. I am contacting Gamo to find out if it is a misprint / what I can do to replace the trigger.

Oh yeah, it looks as cool as it does in the picture, but look at the "closer view" pics. The bull barrel is not as thick as it appears in the small picture.

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Very accurate, and great for the young shooter. I purchased this for my ten year old son and it was a perfect match, light weight and was easy to cock.

the plastic around the "Bull" barrel is kinda cheesey but it is ok and keeps the barrel from getting scratched. The scope is of decent quality especially for the new and young shooters that will be kind of rough with a first scope

I was extremely surprised with the accuracy this gun. it is a perfect match for the young shooter that has out grown the Red Ryder style guns.

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The design of the stock and overall weight of the rifle makes it a good choice for introducing younger kids to the sport of air rifle shooting. Trigger action seems to be good but this is the first air rifle ever purchased so I no way of comparing. Won't wear yourself out cocking the barrel on this one.

Include scope rings with a stop pin or add a Gamo scope stop to the package. Give an option to purchase just the rifle and order the scope setup seperate.

Go ahead and order a scope stop if you decide to purchase this air rifle. I was supprised at how much scope movement there was with just a couple a shots with a rifle of this power. Will be ordering one myself so I cannot judge accuracy until fixed. The scope clarity seems to be fair but don't expect anything fancy. Remember this is a youth rifle and they probably won't know the difference but, if you are alittle picky you might as well go ahead and upgrade to a better scope and ring setup.

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Top notch plastic stock.

Include a scope stop.

The Gamo Recon is a fantastic and quiet backyard plinker. The plastic used on the barrel and the stock is precisely made and rugged, much better than other air guns in this price range.

The included scope works well and is clear. This gun is also good with a red dot sight if you're thinking about buying one. Even with this low powered spring gun, you will need a scope stop.

The trigger is good enough for most, but it is gritty with a lot of creep. To get the most from this Gamo, or any other Gamo, put on a GRT-III trigger from Charlie DaTuna. I did and is money well spent.

I've had my Recon for about 1-1/2 years. I have no regrets in purchasing this air rifle and I am still surprisingly satisfied every time I shoot it.

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