Hoppe's Air Rifle & Air Pistol Cleaning Kit, .17 Caliber
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- Hoppe's airgun cleaning kit
- 3-piece steel rod with looped handle (rod has 5-44 male threads)
- 2.25-oz. Hoppe's 9 lubricating oil
- Brass jag
- .17-cal brass brush*
- Cleaning patches
- Gun care guide
While airguns don't require constant cleaning like firearms, there are times when they need to be cleaned to achieve maximum accuracy. Hoppe's has a reputation for making high-quality gun oil and cleaning accessories.
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10 of 19 Hoppe's Air Rifle & Air .177 (4.5mm) Cal Reviews
Hoppe is a brand I use and trust.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGood traveling kit for quick cleaning.
Has what I needed to clean my eBay crosman powermaster.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot much. Maybe a slot in the jag to hold the cleaning patches, but it works well as is.
What Others Should KnowA nice little kit to keep your air gun clean.
Compact size Quality
Things I Would Have ChangedProvide a plastic bag in which to keep the rods and pieces.
What Others Should KnowNot only a great product for cleaning and maintaining your air gun it is a safe way to remove clogged projectiles without harming the barrel.
The oil and patches are OK.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe rod sextions are dead soft. Even being VERY careful trying to remove them from packaging they bent. OK its a xheap kit and I guess dead soft steel to protect bore. Im a 30 year Tool and Die maker and I cant straighten em...pay the money and get the good one's.
worked very well on my Ruger 1200
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowreasonably priced all you need if you have cleaning solvent.
Works good. Patch plunger works fine....don't use the brass brush.
Things I Would Have ChangedInclude nylon brush which is better for fine rifling of airgun barrel. You will also need some barrel cleaner....this kit only comes with oil.
What Others Should KnowIt works. I use with some general Hoppes bore cleaner (not included) and it cleans out the barrel nicely. Get big patches in bulk and cut down to size to save money and make them last! :)
will do the job
Things I Would Have Changedbetter handle
What Others Should Knowhoppe #9 smells bad but cleans and will not harm wood be careful with plastic or painted surfaces
I like the oil so I thought I buy the cleaning kit that I realize I'll probably never use because airgun doesn't leave residues in the barrels
Things I Would Have ChangedJust buy what you need individually
What Others Should KnowSorry No Comments
Just as advertised. Best cleaning rod I've used yet.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing except as explained below.
What Others Should KnowA note to the manufacturer- Hoppe's - The "Guide to Gun Care" shows info on firearms, (including black powder, muzzle loading, bluing) but nothing specific to air guns. Perhaps they could have indicated a care for air guns explaining whether to start cleaning from the muzzle or breach, among other things.
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Jun 29, 2023
By second Lt.Kenneth
It's easy on the barrel and cleans real good.