HW Front TruGlo, Image 1
HW Front TruGlo, Image 1

HW Front TruGlo Fiber Optic Sight, Fits Select HW Rifles

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  • Weihrauch HW TruGlo fiber optic front sight
  • Red fiber optic tube
  • Bright and contrasts well
  • Fits HW breakbarrel air rifles except for HW 90 and HW 98 plus the HW 77 underlever air rifle

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7 of 7 HW Front TruGlo Fiber Optic Reviews

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Easy installation and fit on my HW rifles. The bright red dot makes plinking and casual shooting much easier and enjoyable. For precise target shooting, however, the black stock sights are preferable since they offer a smaller front sight profile. I would not buy this replacement if my interests were primarily in punching paper targets.

The hooded insert is well made but overpriced. Many air arms are sold with plastic insert front sights as standard equipment. The HW fiber optic offers typical performance. The partial hood is unlikely to provide any extra durability. It's hard to justify an expensive sight replacement costing 15% the cost of a new HW (R7) springer. The HW TruGlo sight should ideally retail for $25--$30.

For shooting fun, disregard the high price and treat yourself to this replacement. Its bright red dot really pops bright and makes tin cans and plinking targets easy to hit.

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bright compared to the factory sight. can now shoot an r9 into late dusk or even night (with a "headlamp"). available and it does help. fit well. easy to install.

a bit pricy when i don't get a thinner fiber optic or color option, 'dot" is fat. only comes in red. the side screw is flat drive. would like a torx or allen. none of which are deal breakers for me.

went right on an r9 in .177. taking soup cans @40 yards standing in low light/ dark. NOT a small dot, definitely NOT for printing paper! use loctite. give it a squeeze with a non-marring c-clamp before tightening. I like mine, get one...

J. Sep 26, 2021

fitment info stated it would not fit hw90. but it went right on mine without issues.

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Fiber optic makes a lot of sense for an outdoor shooter with older eyes!

Overpriced by double at least. Fiber is quite fat and obscures target but OK for plinking... just not fine target work. Cheap Aluminum easy to wreck the dovetails so install slow and careful. It's a mediocre sight at best but we're stuck with it.

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I bought this when I ordered the Beeman R7, with a Vortex tunning kit, and this HW front TroGlo fiber optic sight. They confirmed that this sight would fit the R7. I have Diana Rifles with TruGlo sights and found it greatly helped me shoot closer to the bullseye and wanted this for my Beeman too. I'm just thrilled about this. It really helped my 64-year-old eyes make better shots.

Nothing. Get it, you'll love it.

Read things I like above.

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Good fit, lazer-like, rod is protected by housing, which also helps aiming.

More light gathering. Price is high.

Great for outdoors, not so good for indoors, unless there is direct overhead lighting.

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Very high quality, sturdy with careful attention to detail. User friendly- it was easy to install on my Deluxe HW 30.

Maybe HW would consider making a sight upgrade for the HW 75 pistol?

The red dot works well. It's normally shot indoors 6 to 10 yds. Although the original factory sights are very good, the new front red dot sight is easier to see.

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I have an R-9 from the '90s. At that time HW must have been cost cutting to compete against RWS. The front sight was cheaper and blocky compared to the standard front globe with inserts you can change. It was low and did not work with a peep sight. Instead of ordering the better HW front globe, I took a chance on the TruGlo fiber style. Marrying a peep sight to a fiber front sight worked magic with my BSA Comet (a rifle like the Meteor and Super Sport). It also brought out the best here as I was able to reattache the peep sight on my R-9 with great results. The more light on it the more it acts like a laser sight. Great fun!

Nothing. Although, I have to remark that the price (including the additional S&H) seems expensive. But when I see the price on today's R-9, it is a bargain. Accuracy is now top notch! Also like Mercedes or BMW, HW is luxury with the corresponding price for anything related.

I belong to the camp that prefers open sights to a scope, and obviously anybody ordering this TruGlo fiber sight feels the same. I would only recommend that shooters choose a peep sight - not hard rear sight. I just ordered a Williams peep sight for an NP rifle and expect it will also perform well. Basic winning formula: micro fiber front sight and Peep sight.

KevinK Apr 22, 2018

I recently bought a Beeman R7 for target practice from you guys. Which is so nice. I wondered if this gun is compatible with this HW fiber optic sight too? I had received for my birthday the Smith & Wesson 22 cal Victory and found those fiber optic sights that we're very fine sized and we're perfect to to help us get better groups. Would love to be able to use this HW sight for my Beeman R7 too. Thanks for your help! Kevin

MauiWally Jan 08, 2018

I can confirm that adding this front fiber optic sight along with a Williams FP-AG-TK rear sight (high line model) worked well for my 1998 Beeman R9. And yes, more light exposed to the opening, the more visible the "red dot" is. Many thanks to Art who suggested this set-up!! I am now thinking of adding this same front sight to another rifle, too bad we'll have to wait until April for the next shipment though.....

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