Predator Polymag .30 Cal, 44.75 Grains, Pointed, 100ct
Caliber:.30 (7.62mm)
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- .30 caliber
- 44.75 grains
- Pointed
- 100 pellets
Please note: These pellets are slightly longer than standard pellets and they will not fit properly in PCP rotary magazines.
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10 of 68 Predator Polymag .30 Cal, 44.75 Reviews
These nwill not nwork with the airgun I mordered. Point is too long to fit magazine.
Very accurate anmo.
What Others Should KnowThey are too long for JTS clips. The tip is sticking out and will not allow the drum to rotate.
You can load only one at a time.
As always shipping and delivery were quick. These are great pest control pellets, plenty of knockdown umph, insuring a quick clean kill. I'd recommend resighting in with these guys to maintain pinpoint accuracy, especially if like me, you switch around with different pellet types and weights.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe a greater quantity in the tins, as that might reduce cost. However, I guess that would be up to the manufacturer.
What Others Should KnowThese are serious hunting pellets, not for everyday plinking.
These are awesome for small pests. Lightweight and accurate. These are the only type of pellets I use with the exception of the need for heavier lead for larger animals.
Things I Would Have ChangedThey don't stick in my breech well. They need to be rounded up a little.
What Others Should KnowThe red tips can fall off in the ammo can, but you can stick em back on easy.
The devastation of impact. Drops pigs on spot with head shots at 30 yards no problem!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
I haven't shot alot of them; I checked them against my scope settings for another pellet; no adjustment needed so I'm good to go hunting
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowhaving a pointed tip gives the pellet more penetration which helps me with the issue of getting the state of Florida to change the law and make it legal to hunt turkeys with a 30 caliber break barrel air rifle with 590fps. Florida law says it must be a PCP. at 30-40 yards a Hatsan 130s and this pellets are comparable to a compound bow.
Gauntlet gen ll 30 caliber HATES these... 12 inch groups at 65 yards...
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, gun just done like them, but all my other guns LOVE them, so it's nothing to do with the pellets, there amazing, just not in this gun...
What Others Should KnowThey are perfect pellets in my 25 M-Rod, and all my 22 calibers, Disco, Chief, Nitro ext, ect, but my 30 caliber Gauntlet gen ll HATES them...
Things I Would Have Changedn/a
What Others Should KnowI purchased 4 tins of these pellets. they will not work in the magazine for the Gauntlet 2 .30 cal.
Things I Would Have Changedn/a
What Others Should KnowI purchased 4 tins of these. And these pellets will not fit in the Gauntlet2 .30cal mag. You have to shoot these on the single shot tray.
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Feb 01, 2025
By James
The 4 for 3 ammo is worth it even over amazon free shipping better deal pyramid air is the best airgun company going thanks guys!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing except freeshipping haha
What Others Should KnowGo shop here now you won't regret it