![Shooting Chrony Ballistic, Image 1](https://www.pyramydair.com/images/acc/PY-A-839_Shooting-Chrony-Ballistic-Printer_SCPRINT_lg.jpg)
![Shooting Chrony Ballistic, Image 1](https://www.pyramydair.com/images/acc/PY-A-839_Shooting-Chrony-Ballistic-Printer_SCPRINT_lg.jpg)
Shooting Chrony Ballistic Printer
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Prints velocities as you shoot, and/or afterwards, when retrieving from memory. When done, push button, and Printer gives statistics, such as: LO, HI and Average velocity, Extreme Spread and Standard Deviation. Attach to target or file. It is a document. Printer also functions as a Remote Control . Weight: 1 lbs.; 4" x 7.5" x 1.75" high.
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10 of 19 Shooting Chrony Ballistic Reviews
Makes logging F.P.S. data easy.
Things I Would Have ChangedPrice.
What Others Should KnowDoes not fit in the shooting chrony carrying case very well especially with a full paper roll.
Easy to set up , light, nice to see exactly what F.P.S. is compared to factory specs.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing works as described . Price?
What Others Should KnowNeeds better instructions, they kind of vague , hard to feed the paper for the first time , gets easier with use. Will not fit in the padded case with a full paper roll. Bought mine for 20 dollars less than listed.
makes logging gun performance easy and accurate.
Things I Would Have Changednone.
What Others Should KnowMy printer came on Saturday afternoon without a cable to connect to the chrony.
I emailed Pyramyd Air on Saturday and early Monday afternoon I got a call from Shooting Chrony .
They were contacted by Pyramyd Air and are sending me a cable at no charge.
Great customer service from both Pyramyd Air and Shooting Chrony!!!
excellent printer saves me the time it took to write all data to bring the historical and to compare the different pellets.
First try out the unit is easy to use. very portable with choice of Battery / mains power.
Things I Would Have Changedno issues
What Others Should KnowCatalog picture showing large paper roll, the unit is supplied with small paper roll inside. a bit misleading. no problem finding paper roll at stationary supplier.
This printer gives my F-1 most of the same features as its pricier brethren.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing.
What Others Should KnowThis printer makes chronograph work very convenient.
replaces the need to figure stats (max vel.,low vel.,max spred,avg. spread per shot in a string of shots.
Things I Would Have ChangedA lcd display would be nice,but would increase price, I'm sure.More detailed instructions on loading paper.A troubleshooting guide.
What Others Should KnowWhen you realized you needed a chrony ,that was a major thing...This is much the same!!
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING
What Others Should KnowGET ONE
It prints your strings so you don't have to record manually. You can take your printout and transcribe the numbers to a chrony workup sheet later. Or just attach the paper to a customers gun and let them know what the variable codes mean.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it more robust and easier to load the paper and maybe make it wireless connect to the Chrony given the Chrony can be made to do the same.
What Others Should KnowHard to load the paper. A little quirky at first but once you get the hand of it it works. The instructions are horrible and need better illustrations.
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Sep 16, 2015
By Wayne
Works great. Beats using a pencil and paper.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowIf you use a chrony you need this printer.