Swiss Arms 1911, Image 1
Swiss Arms 1911, Image 1

Swiss Arms 1911 CO2 BB Pistol

5.014 reviews
1 answered question


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5.014 reviews
1 answered question


If you'd like to maintain your firearm proficiency but want a less-expensive way of doing it that doesn't require driving to the range, then get this CO2 pistol!

No special range is required other than a BB trap -- and start shootin'! By practicing your grip, sighting, squeezing the trigger, stance and hand position with a CO2 pistol, you'll improve your general shooting skills and soon discover that you're a better shot with your firearms.

What about shooting just for the heck of it? That's fun, too. Get this gun if you like realistic airguns that deliver an exciting experience. This isn't just a cheap little plastic pistol. It's metal and has a metal barrel. It feels rock solid in your hand and delivers that much-desired recoil (blowback).
  • Swiss Arms 1911 pistol
  • Uses a 12-gram CO2 cartridge
  • Fixed front sight
  • Fixed rear sight
  • Semiautomatic
  • 18rd BB magazine
  • Textured plastic grip panels
  • Full metal
  • Functional slide
  • Single-action only
  • Includes a sample box of steel BBs and hex wrench

The box states that this gun comes with Hop-Up (spin), but it does not.

The owner's manual states that this gun is double-action and single-action. That is incorrect. It's single-action only.

feature icon


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
320 fps
Suggested for
1.98 lbs
Fixed/adj. power
Front Sights
Blade & Ramp
Rear Sights
Trigger Pull
2.5 lbs
Trigger Action
Smooth bore
Overall Length
18 round(s)
Body Type
Full metal

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10 of 14 Swiss Arms 1911 CO2 BB Pistol Reviews

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Great price, (used 10% discount ). Pleasantly surprised my getting 70+ bb's out of a 38 yr. old Daisy CO2 cartridge using 38yr. old BB's. Fairly close groupings using old Daisy's, included Excite's, and the Billes Meatal. (my favorite ).

Send more Billes Metal bb's with the gun.

My old cartridges and BB's have been in a unheated Garage for over 30 yrs. no rust and all Daisy cartridges weighed over 42 grams before shooting.

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Was impressed with the realism compared to my 70 series 1911 Colt, that I bought new in early 1960's, which also has identical plastic grips from the factory. Field strip and reassembly is almost identical. Was very impressed that there were no casting lines or flashing. At a few feet away practically indistinguishable from a real Colt except for the white lettering and the gunmetal matte finish. If it were made of steel vs aluminum and able to be blued would be identical looking. The weight and balance is very close to my 45 Colt.

Make the internal parts that have high wear points out of steel. Change the clip so would not have to hold the spring loaded carrier when loading. An easy modification with a Dremel tool that I made, and reduces the max capacity by two B-Bs. Accuracy inside a three inch circle at twenty feet,if there were no flier's would be comparable to my 45 Colt. I tried four different types of ammo, and I could not really see much difference, which is to be expected with a smooth bore. Trigger pull is very good with little creep.

Blow-back operation very realistic. Even has the same potential for hammer and slide bite if not held correctly when shooting just like the original. I bought this gun for training others in proper handling,firing,etc before moving to a real 45 caliber 1911.

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Swiss Arms 1911 CO2 BB Pistol - Best buy 12-12-2015 at $79.99, within 2 week later now $119.99. I also have the Colt Commander at $99.99 now $119.99. Both guns use the same magazines so pick the cheapest and buy more. Swiss arms 1911 has the best trigger trigger at 2.5 lbs. With a full CO2 has nice recoil even tho it does not match the real thing. It is excellent for practicing muscle memory and especially for practicing with left hand. Accuracy is very good and much better than I expected at 10 to 12 yards.

Drop the price back where it belongs at $79.99. Add 3 dot sights so I don't have to paint them on.

BUY IT if you can handle the price. I will buy another if price ever gets back to $79.99 ... lol

Airgun Papa Apr 14, 2016

This is a price history, not a review.

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I really like this air gun! It has a very realistic feel and weight to it and it has good features incorporated into the gun. The blowback works well, the trigger is smooth and the grip safety is great. I like the clip loaded CO2 and the 18 shot magazine. The last shot slide lock is fantastic. Buy extra clips, it is more fun to shoot.

The finish seems to be a bit sensitive to scratches. It is starting to flake is the high wear areas. This is not a deal breaker because the real firearm that is used wear in the sam areas. Loading BB's is a bit fiddley, but buy to clips and this helps because you can take your time loading them before going to the range.

I believe this is the best example I have found to replicate the 1911. I compliments my Kimber .45 in weight and feel. Nice to practice in the basement or backyard without scaring old people and small children.

Tom Apr 20, 2017

Another question... You say the finish is "starting to flake in high wear areas" then you say this isn't a deal breaker because real guns wear in the same areas. There is a world of difference between a finish FLAKING vs wearing. Perhaps you could post a photo showing the flaking or wear. I'm thinking about one of these and in general I would typically prefer the black finish, but if the finish is so poorly applied that it flakes, then I'd have to consider the 'stainless steel' version or possibly forego this entirely.

Tom Apr 20, 2017

I'm curious about the NEED to remove any material from real 1911 grips to fit this one... It customer photos clearly show WHERE you removed material but the photo of the grips on the gun seem to show that the material didn't need to be removed. I can see where the magazine opening is wider than a real magazine to allow for the CO2 cartridge, but the outside of the grip frame is clearly FLAT and I see that the material removed from the grips leaves a gap between the grip and the frame. Is there really any reason to remove material from the inside of the grips??

Steve Mar 16, 2015

I have installed wood grips on the gun and they look fantastic. Any full size 1911 grips will fit with a little modification by a Dremel tool.

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The realistic look and feel. The blow back works great. The grip safety is a great touch. The lock up slide when empty saves CO2.

Perhaps less CO2 consumption and a few more shots.

This gun is fun to shoot. A second magazine would allow time for the CO2 in one to warm up while shooting the other one.

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Weight and feel are fantastic. Field strips like the real thing. Smooth trigger. Got a nice kick with the blowback with a full co2. Id guess around 60-70 shots per cartridge. Accuracy is good.

Nothing really. Maybe sell a couple versions of it. Like black/silver custom or a nickel plated one.

This is a quality replica for a great price. To load the bb's put one in then when you add the second push it and slide it toward the top of the clip it will slide right in. Otherwise it kinda fights going in.

Steve Mar 16, 2015

I am not exactly sure what you mean on your comment on loading BB's? I load the BB's as the instruction manual states, by pulling the spring loaded pin down and inserting BB's in the open hole at the bottom of the clip. I find no problem with this with the exception of it being a bit hard on the fingernail to hold the slide down.

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The ergonomics are just like the real thing down to how it feels in your hand. This is an great training pistol. It is also very fun to plink with. So far I am really enjoying this pistol.

The sights aren't great. How the magazine loads. It has this very thin loading bar that is under spring tension. It is hard to hold back with your finger. Would be nice if it had a larger handle to push with your finger. Also I noticed that the safety doesn't work. With it engaged if I pull the trigger and then release the safety the gun will fire. I may call Pyramid on this to see what they can do. It's not a deal breaker as it is a BB gun and not a real firearm.

Magazine holds 18 BBs. I can get approximately 4 reloads (72 BBs) out of one Co2 canister.

Tom Apr 20, 2017

Whoa! A safety doing what you describe would be a deal breaker here. Please let us know if Pyramid fixes the problem or if they say that's normal for this gun.

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Look and feel of a powder burner 1911. Very realistic - you can actually field strip it. I was very pleased with the accuracy (considering its a smoothbore BB gun), trigger, handling, controls - everything.

Nothing comes to mind.

I've been a shooter for over 40 years. Although I have lots of experience with air rifles, include some high-end ones, this was my first "serious" replica air pistol. I must say I was very pleasantly surprised at the quality, feel, handling, etc. of this pistol. If you're looking for an "at home" solution to practicing your 1911 shooting technique, drawing and firing, or just want to plink and have some shooting fun in the basement you won't be disappointed with this pistol.

Brunon Apr 20, 2014

Does the slide lock back after the magazine is empty?

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Looks and Feels like the real thing. Very accurate for a BB pistol. Can be easily torn down and cleaned / oiled.

Make it easier to get the BBs into the magazine.

This pistol is VERY realistic in all factors. About the only thing missing is flying brass.

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I like the weight and balance to this gun,not too heavy not too light,trigger pull is excellent too. Blow back is very nice,just a great gun period and a very nice addition to any ones collection. It is very accurate as well !!!

Nothing, Gun is GREAT AS IS !!!!!!!!!!!

I would say get an extra Mag or maybe two,c02 seems to cool down very fast. I alternate guns and put this mag in my pocket with 10 bb's at a time to warm it up and it works great for me. You cant go wrong with this Gun, well worth every penny and it looks and feels great. Plus the upside its accurate out of the Box,easy to field strip to clean or just oil. Mine was dry when it came in so that was the first thing I did with it. This was a gift from my wife so I had to test things out before the 30 warranty period but have had No Problems with it !! I am very happy with it & it has become one of my favorite Pistols, I hope that it will last me yrs ?? It's one of them guns you don't want to go without, so if something should go wrong I would pay to have it repaired !! Get this Gun you will Love it I do !!!

Robert Nov 02, 2013

Oh and I for got to say you can load the Mag from the top 1 bb at a time, it works like the SIG Sauer P X5 MAG !!!

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