UTG Accushot SWAT 2-16x44 AO, Mil-Dot IR, 1/4 MOA, 30mm Tube
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- Rifle scope
- 2-16x magnification
- 44mm objective lens (adjustable objective)
- 30mm tube
- 1/4 MOA (1/4" click value @ 100 yds)
- Mil-dot reticle (36-color illumination-enhancing)
- 10 yds to infinity parallax adjustment
- 44.5 ft to 6.3 ft field of view
- 4.1" to 3.5" eye relief
- 22mm to 2.7mm exit pupil
- 22.6 oz.
- 12.40" long
- Includes 1 CR2032 battery, flip-open lens caps, 3 hex wrenches, hex screw and quick-detach Lever Lock see-thru Weaver/Picatinny rings
Other features:
- True Strength scope
- Emerald-coated optics (95% light transmission)
- Nitrogen-filled
- Shockproof
- Fogproof
- Rainproof
- Built-in color/brightness memory system
- EZ-TAP Illumination Enhancing (IE) technology w/RGB (red-green-black*) reticle in dual-color mode and 36 colors in multi-color mode
- Zero lock/reset target turrets
- Side wheel adjustable turret (SWAT)
- Integral sunshade (angled objective)
- Black matte finish
*If you don't use the illumination, the reticle will be black.
This UTG scope has an etched-glass reticle, which is superior to a wire reticle because it's etched by a laser and is much more precise. That lets you get even more accuracy from your gun. Another way that etched-glass reticles are superior to wire reticles is when they're illuminated. The etched ones show the illumination only on the reticle. It looks like the reticle is floating. Wire reticles often have a reflection of the illumination in the objective lens, which can be distracting when shooting.

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10 of 10 UTG Accushot SWAT 2-16x44 AO Reviews
Like the scope clear lenses, etched glass reticle.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowScope comes with QG Lever rings. When mounting scope be sure to tighten hex screw in lever or it will loosen and scope will move.
The 2x16 power versatility and the side focus. Also I like the compact size and glass etched reticle. The dots and cross hairs are small enough for precision shooting. I have basically the same scope in 4x16 but the cross hairs are too thick for my liking...
Things I Would Have ChangedNow for the bad part. I don't know if I received a bad scope or it's normal for this scope. The focus knob is loose compared to any of my other scopes. When I focus the image tilts around as I turn the focus. I put a O ring around the threads and it helped a bunch. If it wasn't for this I would have rated this scope higher. Also I have Pinty 4x16 mil dot scopes on several of my PCPs. The Pintys are just about as clear through out the zoom range and only 54.00 dollars. They are a good value for the price. This scope is on probation now. I'm going to make a decision in a day or two on refunding to try something different...
What Others Should KnowGet this scope vs their 4x16 if you do precision shooting. The glass etched reticle is smaller and don't cover the target at longer range.
Clearness of glass (although not super crystal clear) and brightness, range, size is perfect for not using the offset mount. I compared this scope to an Airmax 3-12x44 and yes the eye box on the Airmax was bigger and seamed brighter but the glass was not any more clear. The UTG stands on its own, for the price and the features it has I'd rather have this one than Hawk equivalent which would be more than double the price. It holds zero, it is sturdy and the bottom line is I like the thin reticle as well as the illumination. Leapers are best valued scopes no matter what anyone says.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the eye box a little bigger, not some what of a tunnel vision - but very usable, it is not horrible.
What Others Should KnowNice size scope, bright, lifetime warranty, Leapers is great to work with. You'll do everything you need to do with this scope rather than some super expensive one.
Great looking etched reticle. Very sharp compared to wire.
What Others Should KnowThe scope may have been defective, but I wasn't happy with the image. The center was OK, but 3 to 4 mils out the image became quickly out of focus. I bought this to upgrade my UTG 3-9x40 which I like, but this particular scope was not a step-up. I decided to return it for a refund. Pyramyd Air worked very well with me on the return.
The look n the reticle
Things I Would Have ChangedMaking it better quality for the price.lol
What Others Should KnowIdk if I got a lemon but I bought this with the same order as my bullmaster n my bullmaster came not shooting pyramid air was good about replacing my riffle but I'm on the west coast so it took a total of three weeks till I even got to mount this ling, I'm a busy man n only get to shoot so often aside from my work so after going to the rang n sighting it I take it out on a couple hunts for cotton tail n thing works like crap, every time I take the thing out it's off sight again. I paid 300 for a crap scope that don't hold sight n never dropped the ring once
Love the 2-16 wide range. Crystal clear !
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowMoney well spent !
This scope works great on my Evanix 30 cal. Rainstorm 2. It holds zero well, has adequate brightness, excellent range of magnification and a good reticle lighting scheme.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe only reason I didn't give this scope an overall rating of 5 is because of glare. Under certain lighting conditions you will notice some glare in spite of the so called lens hood. I can hold my hand over and on top of the objective and the glare goes away...so that tells me there should be some optional hood extension.
What Others Should KnowI think most will be happy with this scope if you install it with good scope mounts such as BKL
I bought this because of the tactical look and its shorter than most scopes, this is my first UTG scope and when I first got it, I thought it was OK and a decent scope, but the more I use it, the more I like it, glass is clear, controls work like they should, I shoot 100yrds alot with a condor and the target is easy to see and the holes are visable, it compares to my Hawke Airmax 30's for less money. I still like the Hawke scopes a little better though.
Things I Would Have ChangedThere's not much but, it really needs a longer screw on Sun Shade, even though the Rectrical is good, it could be a little thinner.
What Others Should KnowThis a good scope for the money, its lighter and shorter than other 16 power scopes and makes a good hunting scope for anything from air rifles to centerfires.
This scope is very good and has many features that are not on my Leupold 3x9-33 ultralight EFR scope on my Mrod and costing $100 more. The optics are not quite as good but very good. The etched glass mil-dot reticle is excellent just as thick as the Leopold at the center of its duplex reticle. I like the side focus/parallax adjustment much better than on the front end of the scope. My scope was very clear at 22 and 34 yds from 2-16 power. I mounted it on a Benjamin trail np. It did not help the accuracy of my rifle but I did not expect that. I have about 100 rounds on the scope with no shifts or issues, it seems solid as a rock. I am not a big fan of illuminated reticles and have not installed the battery, I would expect it to be the same as other UTG scopes especially as BB has described with the etched glass. I may install the battery if I have to go after skunks at night again. Overall I would say this scope is very good and compares well to scopes costing much more
Things I Would Have ChangedI am not a fan of the cam lever Weaver/Picatinny scope mounts although they seem good so far. I spent some time lubing the pin and cam surface and adjusting the cam screw to get a solid set on the cam. I would rather have a more solid twin machine allen screw on each mount. There is quite a bit of tunnel effect at all power settings through the scope. The field of view on most of the scopes I am used to fill up more of scope. Something I can get used to but it would be nice to have the view fill the scope. Probably difficult with a 2-16 scope. Include the Add-On side wheel it makes the scope much easier to use. The turret locks do not feel like they would take a lot of strong frequent lock pressure but should last if careful. The lock and zero reset both work well.
What Others Should KnowWhere most folks use locktite and brute force; I use anti-seize on the threads and oil or grease on the shoulder of the machine screws on both the ring and mount. Just keep it out of the inside of the rings. I have not had an issue since I started doing mounts this way on air or center fire guns. I always tighten the screws very slowly in crisscross pattern on the mounts first and then the rings to reduce stress on the scope. I added the 80mm side wheel on the scope it is the only way to go. I always adjust the scope on a bench rest at my typical and a known shooting distance. Adjust the parallax first to the known distance move your eye around and make sure the target does not move. Then focus the reticle and your eye if they agree all is good if not you will need to sacrifice a little on one of the three. I usually sacrifice focus over parallax vs distance. The 1/4 MOA adjustment is the same as my Leupold and better than I will ever shoot. IMO you will be happy with this scope.
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Mar 09, 2021
By Paul
Not much, sight picture was badly oval, not round. Sight box was so small it was nearly unusable. Scopes like this have a lot of fluff, but not what counts...that is, clear glass, good focus throughout the zoom range, good tracking, etc. I returned this one and replaced it with a Hawke.
Things I Would Have ChangedGet rid of the fluff. You don't need a reticle in 16 different colors. Make good quality basics. This is a $40 scope dressed up to be much more than it is.
What Others Should KnowIf this scope represents the UTG line, that is a real shame. I dont care what sort of bundled savings you might be offered from Pyramid, spend your money on a quality scope. It doesnt have to be expensive to be good.