1. TS Platform and SSS Structure for Most Durable and Responsive Internal Adjustments
2. Clear and Extra Bright Laser Beam
3. Precise and wide Range Windage and Elevation Adjustments for all Firearms
4. Weaver Clamp-on Mounting Deck to fit most Tactical Firearms with or without Rail Slots
5. Ambidextrous Push Button Switch and Remote Pressure switch
6. Hard Anodized Finish for Wear Resistance
7. Six AG-13 (LR44) Alkaline Button Cell Batteries
8. Aim and Instant Lock on Targets to Enhance Shooting Accuracy and Performance
Most Versatile Lasers for Wide Range of Pistols, Shotguns and Rifles
10. Tin metal case for storage
11. 2 Allen wrenches included
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10 of 14 UTG Deluxe Tactical Laser Sight Reviews
This is the best Laser I ever used, strong on leeps on target.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should Knowif your looking for a good laser this is it.
All metal and accurate within three inches when I installed it !
Things I Would Have ChangedN O T H I N G
What Others Should KnowThis is the first laser sight i have ever used . Now I am a great fan of this little gem ! I installed it on a CROSMAN 1088 ( that was shooting low and right ) . Now at 28 feet i am shooting a eight shot group the size of a quarter ! This is a very easy way to make a pistol very accurate . WORTH EVERY PENNY .
Cheap. Easily mounts to gun and can be adjustable
Things I Would Have Changedelectrical components so that when moving around, it doesn't mess with the flow of the current in the laser.
What Others Should KnowI mounted this on my AEG and calibrated the laser. It works great when holding it still, but after pointing the gun down and back up a few times, the laser gets very dim. Also, the pressure sensor does not work all the time. I would be pressing it for 2 minutes, then it cuts off for a while.
small and compact. point and shoot. very accurate
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowjust take some time to zero it in. it took me half an hour, after that, its awesome!!!
its small hold aim very bright easy to adjust and its almost all metal the pressure switch is also really well made.
Things I Would Have Changednothing!
What Others Should Knowmine didn't come with Velcro for the pressure switch but oh well!
it comes in a cool tin case and has every thing you need to work it. it even came with 3 extra batteries. when i first put it on it seemed soooo cool. well i bought this because of the pressure switch, but when it came i didn't use it because when i tried to mount it on my hand gun it was too big. but the switch is so much better. the laser is bright and goes a long distance and its pretty accurate.
Things I Would Have Changedwell i had a few problems with it at first, the switch wasn't working and the batteries wernt good. but when i fiddled around with it it all worked out. now i have it so its almost dot on.
What Others Should Knowfor the price its really good !!! i would recommend it.
This is my first laser so I don't know much about how they work or what. I mounted mine on my new H&K P30 and there was no problem mounting, just sticks out a little too far in the front but that is the gun. The light seems bright to me but max distance so far has been about 25 feet. Pretty good size for a pistol in my way of thinking.
Things I Would Have ChangedPoint of aim seems to move, at least the last time I used it. One of the adjustment screws seems max out position and not too snug so I'm thinking maybe it can move, was wondering about some blue Loctite but first I will rotate it in the holder and try that. .
What Others Should KnowI like it as with my bi-focal eyes I need it, hope to get the shift in aim conquered, Anyone tried the Loctite?
The mount, provides all around support and protection to the sight. Very easy to zero the sight in. Two screws total, just like a rifle scope.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowWorks fine on air guns, but also on larger caliber guns.
The laser is really bright. Windage and elevation adjustment is quite easy to do with supplied allen key.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt should come with an elastic grip band for the pressure switch. Without one, the pressure switch flops all over the place. I ended up removing the it and just using the on/off switch.
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Apr 14, 2011
By dwightja
The laser mounted easily to the top of my Sig Sauer air pistol and the construction appears to be solid. The small aluminum construction is conducive to the use of this laser with pistols.
Things I Would Have ChangedWhen I would fire the air pistol, the laser would stop working temporarily. I tried different batteries but it still worked inconsistently. Is there a problem with the batteries (3) moving around and losing the contact? Not sure.
What Others Should KnowIf this laser worked with consistency, it would be a great buy.