UTG New Generation Reinforced Clamp-on Bipod
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- Bipod
- Robust steel components
- User-friendly steel reinforced monster clamp-on mounting deck
- Durable aluminum construction
- Innovative adjustment wheel for barrel sizes from 0.43" to 0.74"
- Fully adjustable legs provide a center height from 8.7" to 10.2"
- Sturdy folding legs with unique posi-lock mechanism to prevent tipping
- Rubberized comfort feet
- 10.3 oz
- 8.7" to 10.2" adjustable height
UTG reinforced clamp-on bipod, adjustable height.
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10 of 13 UTG New Generation Reinforced Clamp-on Reviews
I like every thing about it, KUDOS to the designer, the strap that adjusts from .43 to .75, this will fit almost all pellet guns. Mine is a 2240 modded with a LW 14.5" barrel. This is the greatest, stable, adjustable and at my age I need all the help I can get, the offhand position is not for me, and it folds forward under the barrel so I never forget it. It does look badass!
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing.
What Others Should KnowYou will not be disappointed, get it
great for the clamp on bi pod. i found it way more user friendly than the dragon claw.
Things I Would Have Changednot a thing
What Others Should Knowhave the dragon claw, like this unit much better, there is no sliding.
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING.
What Others Should KnowIf you are looking for a bipod, this is a good one.
Sturdy and well built. Easy to attach.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowNice bipod for a decent price.
Sturdy, light weight, strong, height adjusting and foldable legs. Enhances the look of your air rifle when fitted.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, works as designed.
What Others Should KnowI do all my shooting with a bipod or freehand. My bench rarely gets used. I recommend this bipod.
Very sturdy, light weight metal, very impressive looking, enhances the look of your air rifle. Height adjusting legs. Legs fold forward when not in use.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing I can think of at this time.
What Others Should KnowI use bipods instead of a bench, more practical. My bench gets very little use. I like it and recommend it.
Holds great, good value, rubber feet so firm, not too much wobble.
Things I Would Have Changedslightly stronger springs would be cool but not a must.
What Others Should KnowFor what it goes on to and used for this product is perfect. I wouldn't use it on an actual firearm, maybe 17hmr or .22 but that's about it. I love it on my Gamo Varmint Hunter HP .177!
This is a very good Bi Pod It holds onto my barrel like a vise grip UTG makes excellent products I haven't got to use my Bi Pod much because the safety broke on my Octane & i sent it back almost 2 weeks ago & i haven't got it back yet & i have contacted Pyramid Air twice already anyway if ya are looking for a good STRONG Bi Pod I did get a few shots using it & it did flawlessly I did my homework before i bought this Bi Pod & i am glad i did it is a winner & when i finally get my replacement Octane I will test the Bi Pod further & give another report lol I can't
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing Yet
What Others Should KnowI would recommend this Bi Pod to anyone buy a set & you will see as i have . It's a very good Bi Pod
Rugged construction, nice adjustment features, flip up is a neat feature.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing to not like here.
What Others Should KnowI don't have much arm strength for a long shooting session at the range, and having this on my rifle really helps a lot. It does add to the carry weight, but I don't leave it on the rifle all the time. I'm not a fantasy shooter, but if you want a 'sniper' look, this is it.
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Jan 22, 2020
By Kevin
everything, this is a real awesome bi-pod, it's a top shelf, all the way around,
Things I Would Have Changeddidn't fit good on the barrel it self, i have a Benjamin prowler i put it on the shroud on the front of the barrel and it works great
What Others Should KnowThis is built was users in mind, very well designed and built with users in mind, IF UR LOOKING AT A BI-POD, THIS SHOULD BE AT THE TOP OF YOUR LIST