Read and see more about the Walther CP99 by Dennis Adler.
The firearm is used as back-up pistol by special forces.
WALTHER CP99 COMPACT. Compact version of the P99. Semi-automatic .177 BB blowback. CO2 powered. 18-shot BB magazine. Weaver rail under the barrel to mount a flashlight or laser. Ergonomically designed grip with finger grooves.
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10 of 153 Walther CP99 Compact Reviews
For a co2 bb auto that does everything best deal going at $60 and $9 mags. Weight, metal silide, blow back, lock back, light single action trigger, 18 shot.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. Improvements would make it cost more.
What Others Should KnowIf it breaks, at $59.99, I'll toss it and buy another.
nice feel fun to shot really like the blow back
Things I Would Have Changednothing
Very nice fit and finish with realistic look and feel. Nice and compact and super easy to hold. The magazine release is pretty cool as it can be operated on both sides and it's just below the trigger. Blowback is very good as well. Accuracy is decent but I've mounted a small laser to improve shooting experience.
Things I Would Have ChangedMagazine is very small - I like the full size ones. Nees white gun sight markings.
Hard to tell when it never arrived.
Things I Would Have ChangedActually sending the airgun after explaining the situation that instead of a CP-99 I received a set Hawke scope rings. I was informed they would take care of it. Multiple calls later they still have done nothing.
What Others Should KnowIf they tell you they will call back in ten minutes, do not believe them.
Love the looks, power, accuracy, and blowback action. I also like the red dot indicator at back of slide. My Walther PPK/S used to be my favorite BB gun, but the CP99 Compact beats it, hands down!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowAlthough some are bothered by loading bbs and CO2, Im accustomed to this because I also own a Beretta Storm.
Pyramid Air provided EXCELLENT service-Got my gun much sooner than expected. Less than 2 work days!
This gun is getting difficult to find. Many retailers are out of stock.
My advice.. Buy one ASAP! Your window of opportunity is closing fast!
very good weight comparison to actual pistol. very accurate and very good power and easy to load magazine. overall very good product.
Things I Would Have Changedthe safety function is a little awkward for me.
What Others Should Knowi would recommend this to fellow air pistol shooters
Very cool replica of the "real steel ", great for plinking and training. My friend liked it so much she decided on a real one for personal defense.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGood value for the price
Good trigger and sighting.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe CO2 seating. The base turns clockwise and the screw to tighten the CO2 turns counter clockwise. Now do you think that is a good idea.
What Others Should KnowHave the CO2 installation revised before you even consider this.
It looks good. It feels good. Shoots like a bb gun. I had less than a week and resold it.
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Mar 28, 2023
By Taelon
Tells and looks like dark real model. Shoots n hits where you.
Things I Would Have ChangedWhite dotted front sights, adjustable rear sight. Easier to use safety and stronger holder of spring when pulled back to keep it from shooting forward while loadin
What Others Should KnowPatience needed,to work safety n load bbs n co2 cylinders