Don't forget to pick up a variety of recommended pellets, which are listed in the AMMO link. Remember to get a scope and some targets, cleaning gear and shooting glasses. They're listed in the ACCESSORIES link.
Even if you're not a field target enthusiast, you'll enjoy shooting this rifle! It's great for plinking, shooting spinners and paper targets, and accurate enough to do some serious bug busting. Hunting small game and eliminating pests are easily handled by the HW77, but we recommend that you use the .22 cal. for those jobs. The Monte Carlo stock has a raised cheekpiece, and the hardwood stock has a checkered pistol grip. It's capped with a rubber buttpad to give you ultimate control.
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8 of 8 Weihrauch HW77 Reviews
Everthing. Ease to cock. Can drive tacks with this rifle ( have lit matches at 10 yards ). It bets my favorite .22 hands down for accuracy. BTW I used to shoot competition .22 rimfire and this gun is more accurate.
Things I Would Have Changed. Could save weight if cocking lever was an alloy. A nitro piston underlever would be the ultimate gun. Higher velocities (with a good spring tune or even beter a quality nitro piston) on .22 should be attainable for heavy loads and long shots. I may be speaking out of place but this would give more velocity and should be caried over to the new Hatsan line you carry.
What Others Should KnowMy gun is a mkI. Had it over 25 years. Sent it in to get a minor repair and tune ( will folow up with review of my tune and changes soon ). My HW77 .22 auto and probably my 25-06 bolt action would be my 3 guns for the Americas. If I could take another it would be a 686 SW 357 mag. If you buy this gun you, and your son, will never be sorry as you will pass it down as with any cherished hunting implement.
ease too cock, shots dead on strait out of the box , FUN too shot, an if you compare it too a rimfire .22 am ask too point out the air gun i bet most people could not till the difference as the quality is the same
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowinstalled a hawke varmint sf 4-16x44 scope with beeman high match mounts . it will hit a small tin can at 50 yds every shot with JSB exact 14.30gr pellets an go though it both sides of the heavy tin can NOT aluminum i rest the front stock on a bipod an it will hit every time this is the the first air gun ive owned an ive put apx. 100 pellets though it .so i know when i shot free hand and miss its not the guns fault its mine.
Fit & finish are flawless. Stock has very nice finish with checkering. The blueing on the metal parts is perfect. Very pleased with the Rekord trigger. It has zero creep and nice clean break avgeraging 1.1lb. . No play in any of the cocking mechanism. Cheekpiece is perfectly located for a scope. 18.5" barrel gives a nice long sight radius with iron sights.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThis is a heavier rifle, but feels great with its proportions. Classsic style and design with great performance.
Its a really economical trouble free rifle.I bought mine 2nd hand in 1992 and it still fires so true.I put a taurus spring in it which furthers the range but doesnt lessen in accuracy.Its robust and beginner or seasoned shooters can never be disappointed.
Things I Would Have ChangedIf only it could be a little lighter,other than that,its perfect.
What Others Should KnowWhen I first fired it I cut my eyebrow on the edge of the scope...my fault really but its got a kick!!!
I have owned this gun since 1984, it is dependable, accurate beyond belief, I can hit a dime shot after shot at 100 ft.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt is a little heavy with scope and straps over 11 pounds, lighter might be better, but it has the look and feel of the real thing.
What Others Should KnowIf you want a classic that will grow on you, this is the air rifle for you, not for a novice.
Solid build. Very easy to cock. Very accurate even in .22. Totally fun!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowI can shoot this gun all day, although it's pretty heavy. Not as suited for smaller people, maybe the carbine version would be easier.
this is a lovely break barrel underleaver rifle, if you were a begginer i would definetly go for this one!!. This rifle is great value for money and it has great accuracy at short or long range targets. I would recomend a .177 caliber as it is extreemly accurate. NICE 1!!
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING
What Others Should KnowGREAT ALL ROUNDER
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Nov 30, 2014
By Robert
This was on of my Dad's air rifles and he gave it to me before he passed away. He also gave me an RWS M48 which made for a good comparison of accuracy vs velocity. The HW77 was the more accurate and made up for the trade off in power. I do mostly long range shooting out to 100 yds. With good pellets this rifle is dead on from about 50 to 65 yds (2"target) and I'm getting hits on circular saw blades at 100. Saw blades make a nice ring when hit and come in a variety of sizes...great field targets painted white. This is a very nice looking rifle and very accurate...it's a keeper after selling off my other air guns.
Things I Would Have ChangedI'd make it lighter if possible to so without effecting accuracy and durability. This rifle with a scope mounted feels about as heavy as my .308 sniper rifle.
What Others Should KnowIt would be hard to beat this rifle for looks, power, accuracy and price.