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The Webley story English or Turkish?

by B.B. Pelletier

Two days ago, a reader asked a hypothetical question about the return policy of Pyramyd AIR. Several customers stepped in to assure him that the policy is good, but I’d like to expand the explanation with a situation that has recently come up.

Recently, some airgunners have received Webley spring rifles they thought were made in England, but, in fact, they were made in Turkey. Readers of this blog probably know most of the Webley story because we have been keeping you up to date as things transpired, but not everyone got the word. Pyramyd AIR owner Joshua Ungier has asked me to tell you the entire story today.

Webley was having financial difficulties several years ago, and the company had to reorganize to remain in business. Part of the reorganization involved terminating some models of breakbarrel spring rifles and moving production of the remaining guns from England to Turkey. Pyramyd AIR was the largest U.S. importer of Webley airguns. When Josh heard about what was coming, he bought the remaining stock of English-made spring rifles and pistols. There have been numerous announcements of this fact made in this blog, starting in May of 2006 with the article titled Big news! I alerted you to the situation at that time and told you the time to act was right then if you wanted an English-made Webley spring rifle.

That announcement was followed by numerous updates, including the one on October 11, 2006, in which I discussed the supplies of remaining English-made Patriots. In July of this year, I told you about the big sale on Webley airguns, and I was very specific about where the Tomahawks were produced.

My news was apparently posted on some forums without all the detail. All those readers saw was a big Webley sale. They were apparently unaware of the possibility of Turkish-made guns; or, if they were aware, they didn’t know which models were still available as British-made guns. That would be fine if Pyramyd AIR were the size of most U.S. airgun dealers who run businesses from garages and basements, but that’s not the case. Pyramyd is run out of a large warehouse that has been built from five former business suites. They have a full warehouse staff of pickers and packers who ship 250-450 packages each business day. They don’t receive their guns five at a time like most U.S. airgun dealers. They receive them on pallets – many pallets, when it comes to popular brands like Webley. And when new rifles arrive, they all come from Webley of England – regardless of where they were made.

Transition period
The years 2006 and 2007 have been a transition period for Webley spring rifles in the U.S. Pyramyd has almost sold off the final supply of most of the English-made guns, though at the time I write this, they still have a few English-made rifles still in stock. As of yesterday morning, this is what they had:

Stingray .25 caliber (6)
Xocet .22 caliber (1)
Tomahawk .177 caliber (9)
Patriot .177 caliber (1)

Apparently, at least one of the mixups was a customer who was assured he was getting an English-made rifle, only to discover it was a Turkish rifle when it arrived. The boxes are not marked differently on the outside. They all say Webley plus the model number and serial number on the end flap. Like I said before, they all arrive from England on large pallets. Pyramyd AIR does not normally look inside each box and totally unwrap each gun to ensure the country of origin of the rifle, but they can do so if you request it.

No one complaining on the forums even bothered to call Pyramyd AIR after discovering they had received a Turkish-made rifle. They simply went to the forum and blasted the company.

Josh asked me to tell all Pyramyd AIR customers who have recently received Webley rifles that, if you got a Turkish-made gun and you wanted an English-made gun, Pyramyd will take your gun back. It is his desire that his customers are satisfied. This policy of satisfaction existed long before this incident; it is a principle by which Pyramyd AIR does business. That’s a pretty reasonable return policy, don’t you think?

Why NOT a Turkish Webley?
Of course, the one question that hasn’t been asked is this…“What’s the matter with Turkish Webleys?” I will now answer that. There is nothing wrong with them! I tested a Turkish Webley Patriot in .25 caliber for you and gave a 2-part report to answer that very question. The rifle was essentially the same as before. A few machining cuts were all that separated the two guns. A Patriot is still hard to cock, no matter where it is made, and the scope grooves on a Tomahawk still do not have a mechanical scope stop.

Are you safe?
You know, Joe Girard, who holds the Guinness record as the world’s No. 1 salesman, says he likes when things go bad in business, because that’s when he can really show people why he’s the best. I think Pyramyd AIR feels the same.

Monday, I’ll pick up where we left off with the Benjamin HB22.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

51 thoughts on “The Webley story English or Turkish?”

  1. Up front? No hassles? We could sure use more businesses like this. For your efforts, I’ll keep my business here (Plus the fact you have a vast array of products and a well known website and most informative blog).

  2. BB

    The box is white and as you say flimsy. I have only fired
    about 50 rounds thru it so far and every thing is still tight.
    The workmanship seems up to par and the fit and finish are excellent.

    Accuracy out of the box is very good, holding to about .5 inch at 10 meters. This should improve with time, and practice.

    The gun was purchased from Pyramyd AIR and they assured me it was an English gun, but I was curious though cause as I said,I didn’t see any country of orign markings.


  3. JMY,

    It sounds like you have a Turkish-made rifle. Like I said in the blog, the situation was/is very confusing at Pyramyd with the influx of new guns being shelved with existing guns. And the Turkish-built guns do seem to be just as good as the English ones, so the folks at Pyramyd stopped paying attention to where specific guns were made..

    However, they are now paying more attention to the country of origin, because customers care about it so much. That’s where yesterday’s list came from

    You have the Pyramyd return program at your service, if you are dissatisfied.


  4. I’m rather new to this air gunning business, but have been in business for a while, and think Pyramid is tops. Is there a negative to having a Turkish made rifle? I can understand why an UK model would hold on to more value. I’ve been to Turkey and China – and based on my observations of the way businesses are run, in general, is that I would have loads more confidence of Turkish made items. Don’t take my word for it, go visit yourself 😉 Turkey is a fantastic place for a vacation, and much cleaner than China… well… except for the Grand Bizzare.

  5. Ozark,

    Indeed! Turkey has a long and rich history of making some of the finest military weapons and sporting arms. They made a 98 Mauser that is considered just as good as any made by Oberndorf.

    They can make world-class arms when they are motivated to, and all my contacts with Webley assure me that was the chief concern Webley had when they moved the plant.


  6. As the GM of a local business I am fully aware of the potential pitfalls of dealing with the often unrealistic expectations of our regular clientele. Nonetheless, often a reasonable and valid gripe arises which, when bundled and dismissed offhand with all the rest, gives the impression the company is not genuinely concerned about the customer. Thus we must examine each complaint individually and take action accordingly.

    In the case used as the basis for this article, the complaint was NOT that the gun was made in Turkey and as such inferior. The complaint and (if true) a very valid one is the way in which the product was misrepresented to the customer. Apparently the representative made authoritative representations of the product without indicating a possible lack of knowledge or certainty. When asked directly where the gun was made, the company “representative” (a profound and key title) plainly gave out wrong information which influenced not one but many potential buyers to commit to the purchase as if time was limited and product short.

    If such a practice is considered, “normal” and acceptable while the supposed cure is an unwind of the deal at worst (we’ll take it back and pretend it never happened), or as many large companies plan the expectation that once the product is in the cusotmer’s home all is well …. then it is most certainly time for a review of the company’s business model. Once the reputation is muddied enough, a competitor will certainly capitalize – and rightly so.

    As it stands, the employee’s and or managers responisible for the repeated appearances of misrepresentations in order to “enhance” delivered sales, should be taken aside and straightened out before the company’s image is irreparably tarnished by them.


  7. Tim,

    You have correctly assessed the root of the problem, however you may have missed the point I tried to make concerning the importance of the country of origin.

    Pyramyd AIR has had words in the descriptions of their Webley rifles online for about 18 months that explained the country of origiin of these rifles. They did this not because the quality differed but because the owner felt some shooters would prefer to own an English-made rifle for sentimental reasons.

    However, as stocks of the English-made guns dwindled and more Turkish-made rifles arrived, there was confusion. Pyramyd AIR admits they simply were not tracking the guns as English-made and Turkish-made. They did try to keep the tally straight on the website in the product descriptions, but after 16 months of selling off the remaining English guns, they became lax. Customers were not complaining about the Turkish guns and both their tests and my own showed the guns to be virtually identical.

    However, now that the issue has been brought up, they have responded immediately to rectify it. I have not explained the details of how they satisfied the disgruntled customer, but he is now a very happy customer and has changed his opinion entirely. I won’t reveal the details because they are private, as is his identity.

    You are very correct that when shit happens it can hurt a company’s reputation quickly. But I challenge you to show me any other airgun retailer who has ever responded as fast and as generously to a situation like this.


  8. Things do happen, that’s for sure and it’s easy to see how a mistake could be made given the circumstances. But when a customer asks for and receives information prior to a sale it’s difficult to argue when something other than what was ordered and confirmed shows up. I know Pyramid will do the rigth thing. I would expect they would honor a customers request to return a gun if the country of origin were diffent than what was told. Why this item is even an issue is best answered by the consumer. I brought up the analogy of Benjamin and Sheridan rifles. If I purchased a rifle that I was told was a Racine, WI made Sheridan, I would be very disappointed upon opening the box to find a Crosman rifle made in NY and badged Sheridan. While the performance and build quality of the rifles might be the same (they are not)it doesn’t always sit well with consumers. I applaud Pyramid for acknowledging the mistakes and their intentions to stand by their product. I just hope this doesn’t lead to more endless debate on what constitutes a transitional model 😉

  9. One problem is the very medium through which we are communicating. The following quote from BB’s post shows this problem.

    “My news was apparently posted on some forums without all the detail. All those readers saw was a big Webley sale. They were apparently unaware of the possibility of Turkish-made guns; or, if they were aware, they didn’t know which models were still available as British-made guns.”

    The medium can’t be 100% controlled by Pyramyd so they will have to find ways of coping with it. Even if the information is added to their web site’s description of every Webley gun, there will be some customer who won’t read it and will expect an English made gun!

    Just my 2 cents. Thank you Pyramyd for trying to deal fairly with a tough situation!

    .22 multi-shot

  10. “Apparently, at least one of the mixups was a customer who was assured he was getting an English-made rifle, only to discover it was a Turkish rifle when it arrived.”

    Taking the above quote from BB at is face value, the customer seems to have made NO assumptions regarding the product. He didn’t rely on information published on this blog, the Pyramyd web page, or any other non-authoritative source. He directly queried the seller who misrepresented the actual fact.

    Laziness, indifference, confusion, or ignorance by the company representative, equivalence of different product, or whatever other excuse you have, followed by a challenge that the other airgun retailers are “worse than us”, and then taking the guns back now that you’ve been exposed isn’t much of a solution for the future.

  11. Did not BB and Pyramyd *_CREATE_*(!) the distinction between UK and Turkish manufacture with the “Get your British gun now while they last” blogging and web page advertising?

  12. No way! That’s the customer driven demand for UK vs. Turkish rifles. Actual quality you can control vs. perceived quality is as fickle as your consumers. I don’t think the actual quality is in dispute, it’s just some are going to be willing to pay more for a UK version, that’s all. A nut made here in the US might have the same strength as one made in China, but I’d be happy to pay extra just because it’s made here. That’s because I’m fickle, not because someone told me our nuts are better than theirs.

  13. Ozark,

    You are right that QC is not the issue here.

    BB and Pyramyd did heavily advertise that they were now selling the last of the British guns. Simply check the links in today’s blog.

    Yet today they plead that they couldn’t keep track, or didn’t care, which was which.

  14. Anonymous,

    You say

    “BB and Pyramyd did heavily advertise that they were now selling the last of the British guns. Simply check the links in today’s blog.

    Yet today they plead that they couldn’t keep track, or didn’t care, which was which.”

    Well, my friend, please tell me on what other airgun dealer’s blog or website you ever read anything about them admitting something bad happened. The only reason you have something to snipe at is because we laid the whole incident out for everyone to see.

    Now, on the forum where this surfaced, a lot of the embarrassing details were ommitted.

    Criticize all you want. This blog provided you with your material.


  15. BLOG…”The boxes are not marked differently on the outside. They all say Webley plus the model number and serial number on the end flap. Like I said before, they all arrive from England on large pallets. Pyramyd AIR does not normally look inside each box and totally unwrap each gun to ensure the country of origin of the rifle, but they can do so if you request it.”

    BB… “What color is the box it came in? If it’s white and flimsy, It’s probably a Turkish-made rifle. If it’s brown, probably England.”

    Thought the boxes weren’t different, no way to tell etc…Why is it probably turkish in a white flimsy box, and from england in a brown?

  16. sorry for being off topic bb, but as i was browsing through airforce’s web site i saw a new rifle that they are
    building called the sport air. all it says that the page with a pic of the prototype of the rifle was that i was desigened after many requests from teams for a targe rifle. resides that brief paragraph there is nothing bout the new rifle anywhere in the site or on the web. i was just wonder if u knew anything about this new rifle. since i own a condor im very interested in that tank/target stock thing that seems to be on the sport air. so i would love to know how long will it be before they will start manufacturing the sport air.
    thanks travis

  17. After the fact,

    Yes, that is now recognized. However, one month ago, it didn’t really stand out, since the pedigree of the rifles wasn’t in question. The sale of English-made rifles had wound down to a few pieces, as reported in today’s posting.

    What I’m saying is that some Johnny-come-latelys rushed to a sale armed with little information. They asked about the origin of the guns when the orrder was placed and unfortunately, they were told something that wasn’t correct. The website did mention the countrys of origin, but even then the exact tally may have lagged because Pyramyd AIR sell so many guns in a day.

    The discrimination of where the guns were made had been on the site for 16 months by the time the person ordered his gun, and the salesperson at Pyramyd AIR did make a mistake. But in her defense, salespeople were not able to differentiate the models by country of origin except by physically examining them. They were unaware of the box identification at that point. Webley shipped all the guns, so how is someone sitting at a computer terminal in an office supposed to keep tract of the pedigree of over 100 airguns of differing models at the end of a sale that has mostly wound down?

    I suppose had they created a different model designator in their mail order manager software and segregated the English rifles from the Turkish rifles in the warehouse, it would have been possible to tell them apart, but she guessed instead and made a mistake.

    The most important thing about this mistake is not that it was made, but that the company that made it stood behind their customers and offered all of them a return if they were dissatisfied.

    That offer is still on the table. Do you have a Webley gun to return?


  18. Travis,

    I am aware of the new AirForce Sport Air rifle. I have held one at the SHOT Show, though there have undoubtedly been changes since then.

    AirForce doesn’t plan to sell this rifle through dealers – at least not in the beginning. This will be sold to clubs and individuals competing in the NRA sporter class of 10-meter competition.

    When the rifle comes out (sometime in 2008, I believe) AirForce will be hit with orders from clubs all around the U.S. I think that business will keep them occupied for a while.

    There is also a new match diopter sight coming oiut for this rifle, and I’m as interested in that as I am in the rifle itself.

    This I can tell you with certainty:

    1. The rifle will have power commesurate with 10-meter competition. That means 550-590 f.p.s. for a heavy .177 target pellet.

    2. The MicroMeter valve is already doing that, so I imagine some form of that valve will be in this rifle.

    3. The trigger on this rifle will be different that other AirForce triggers. That doesn’t mean it will be highly adjustable or even very light, because all it has to beat is the Daisy 853/887/888 triggers. That’s not hard to do. For the kids who shoot in the sporter class, light triggers are not desireable.

    4. Look for adjustability beyond what the price of the rifle indicates. The price has to be $500 or less to be in the Sporter class.

    That’s all I know for now.

    As for parts of this rifle becoming available, that won’t probably happen until the factory catches up to the demand for the rifle. I’m just hoping that diopter sight will be available as a separate SKU.


  19. OK – I must have missed something?

    Pyramid made a mistake, they offered to correct the mistake, but some schmuck forgot his anxiety meds and decided to go crying to mama that the ice cream man gave him chocolate chips instead of vanilla? Oops, did I say that out loud?

  20. “The most important thing about this mistake is not that it was made, but that the company that made it stood behind their customers and offered all of them a return if they were dissatisfied.

    That offer is still on the table. Do you have a Webley gun to return?


    Thanks for that, it just seemed weird that the facts weren’t lining up…I’ve never had any customer service issues(yet) with PA, but it’s good to see they stick by the customers…

  21. As a long time reader of this blog, frequent customer of Pyramid Air and a business person with 30 years of experience in both sales, management and ownership I feel compelled to chime in on this topic.

    I must say that I agree with Ozark and BB’s assesments. Yes, hind sight is always 20/20. It is understandable to me that the difference in boxes may not have been realized until the country of origin became the issue that it has.

    I have always found Pyramids staff to be helpfull and knowledgable.

    Yes, we all wish that our “representatives” never made mistakes. The real issue revolves around mis-representation of a product and I have to believe that if there was “an intention to defraud” on the part of Pyramid that they would not be exposing this situation in the open and direct manner they are, nor would they be as eager to accept returns or work to make things right. One of my old business partners was fond of saying “show me an employee that doesn’t make an occasional mistake and I’ll show you an employee that is not working”. Perhaps the ideal batter will always hit a home run but I certainly haven’t met them yet.

    A mistake was made and Pyramid is working hard to correct it. Let’s remember their record and give them a break. But yes, it is alot easier to be an anonymous critic than it is to run an industry leading company like Pyramyd AIR.


  22. BB,

    I have to say that I really don’t get it.
    Why are so many bellyaching about an honest mistake, a mistake that has not only been addressed, but has actually had a full explanation and allowed sniping on this blog?
    Deliberate evasion?
    I don’t think so.
    The expense of accepting a return, thereby harming resale value of the returned item, is not an attractive option for Pyramyd AIR.
    I am sure that those who demand British manufactured Webleys want them because of sentimental reasons, but I wonder why those same people who would probably be perfectly happy with Spanish manufactured Gamos would balk at Turkish manufactured airguns made under the supervision of the old British company.
    Turkey has been producing some of the finest double shotguns available for some time, so I have to wonder what the problem could be.
    I DO have a gripe about a Chinese manufactured Crosman Sierra Pro (aka Remington Summit) that was unable to group five shots inside 10″ at 25 yards, though.
    No kidding.
    My little girl’s Gamo Delta can do at least 2″ at that range, so it wasn’t me.
    I took that hated Crosman back to Wal-Mart, and ordered two Gamo CFXs – the first in .177 and the second in .22 – instead.
    I was absolutely pleased, too.
    Sub 1/2″ five shot 25 yard groups.
    Yes, Webley is a storied company, especially looking into the past with their now legendary military revolvers, but I see no reason that the Turks couldn’t produce outstanding remakes.

  23. Hi BB,

    You’ve been nothing but open and honest in this blog. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of us all. I feel sorry for
    the “representative” who will probably be talked to and made to read this discussion 20 times of how upsetting small things like where a gun is made are to the average customer (assuming equal quality). The rep made a mistake, hopefully learned from it, and will be the better for having learned that lesson. I’m tickled that Pyramyd AIR is working to make things right without trying to squirm out of it and pass the blame on up the line. I’d be willing to bet this is the last time that particular mistake will be made by Pyramyd. Keep up the good work, BB!!


  24. Hi BB,
    Great Blog. I do hope that the PA rep has to read this blog 20 times. I have experienced mistakes from three different representitives at Pyramyd AIR when dealing with the desciptions of their air rifles. They do great when compared to many other US businesses where customer services are getting to be a lower priority. I also don’t expect all new PA sales people to be true airgun nerds. I just want to reinforce to the reps how it’s okay to say you don’t know something -if you really don’t know. I can live with that. If I want a product I will wait for an accurate answer and I will still be there for the sale. I think the return offer shows a lot of support and humilty from the boss.
    BB- I also agree with you that no matter where the Tomahawks are made….I wish they would put a mechanical scope on those things…and on the Longbow too for that matter. Thanks for your time.


  25. BB
    I’m sorry to have riled the hornets nest.

    When I placed my order I asked if it would be one of the UK
    guns. The operator said she wasn’t sure but that she would go find out and put me on hold for several minutes.
    When she returned she informed me that; “yes these were the last of the UK guns.”
    Evidently, someone in the arehouse misinformed her, and she passed on only what she was told.
    I have no fault with her. She was very friendly and more than helpful.

    Even though it is not exactly what I wanted I am pleased with the gun so far. (Of course I have only
    had it a few days.)
    It is not as smooth as my Beeman R9 but hopefully as it is worn in it will improve.
    As I said earlier, fit and finish are excellent and the accuracy is right on.
    And of course, you can’t beat the price. I’ve looked.

    Under the circumstances of the way the Webleys are shipped, I can understand how mistakes were made.
    But getting back to my very first question. How, or can, you tell where the gun was made? There has to be a better way than the color of the box. Isn’t there?
    If some one took two guns out to compare the differences,
    then mixed them up putting them back, how would you know?
    I thought everything entering the U.S. had to have a “Made In” stamped or affixed to the product or box.

    Hell, even all those ten cent quepee dolls have “Made in China” stamped on the bottom lol

    All in all I am happy with the purchase.


  26. JMY,

    There probably are other, even better, ways of telling that a rifle is Turkish. I just don’t know what they are. I only heard about the white flimsy boxes a few days ago.

    Once someone tells us all how to tell the difference, this will become just another footnote in the ongoing Webley story.

    I am writing this report by remote control, as I do not have direct physical access to Pyramyd AIR. I have tested at least one Turkish Webley, a Patriot, but I never paid any attention to the box it came in. Nor did I scrutinize the markings on the gun, other than to look at the Webley logo. I paid more attention to the width of the scope stop grooves.

    And I think you are correect that everything entering this country has to have its country of origin marked indelibly somewhere. But clever companys will put those marks where they aren’t easy to spot.

    Regarding how a Webley wears in, or at least how the only modern new Webley rifle I ever owned long-term wore in for me – they take as long as a Gamo. My Beeman C1 (a Webley carbine) took 3,000 to 4,000 shots to completely wear in. It went from hard and stiff to cock with a heavy creepy trigger, to light, smooth cocking and a very nice smooth trigger. I hope your gun will do the same.


  27. B.B.

    Is there 2 models of the longbow? one shooting 850 fps in 177 and one shooting 1000fps in 177? The reason i ask is because i see some websites showing the 177 FPS at 1000 while pyramid air shows the 177 FPS at 850.

    is there a difference in the power plants of a webley Longbow in 177 and 22?

    I hope pyramid air gets the longbows back soon so i can finally own a one.

    Thank you!

  28. BB;

    What happened wih the Drulov DU-10 pistol? I noticed that Pyramid Air is not carrying it anymore. I had purchased one from them and I like it very much, but I can’t get the bulk fill fittings for the pistol from Pyramid so now I have a little bulk fill tank for the pistol that is useless! Any suggestions?


  29. I am amazed that anyone can find fault with PA on this. They made a mistake, corrected it, and then informed their customer base to offer the same resolution to everyone. This whole discussion is the result of a company attempting to make things right. PA clearly cares about their customers and reputation. In my eyes this only confirms thay are a great company to do busienss with.


  30. Hi B.B.

    I just borrowed a nice rifle from my grandfather, but I can’t figure out what the story is on it (I tried searching through google results). It’s the Barnett Spitfire .177. It looks like a RWS 48, and says its made in england. Heard of it? What’s the story?


  31. Josh,

    In the 1980s the Brits had a number of neat little air rifles that aren’t around today. The sidelever Barnett Spitfire carbine was one of them.

    Today an American collector will give around $500 for one of these, simply because they aren’t available. They aren’t that powerful, but they are light and handy. I loved the one I tested.


  32. B.B.

    I just looked up the Webley Tracker. It looks just like the gun I have, down to the font they used for the name on the side of the rife. It is possible that barnett imported this rifle like beeman does with german guns? Is it in the Airgun bluebook?

    Thanks for investigating with me.


  33. Apparently UK made Webley’s have the serial number stamped on them rather than laser cut, which the Turkish models seem to have. Also the name Webley, is incised on the UK models and merely transfer printed on the Turkish. Also, I think, that it s says Made in Brimingham UK, on the English models.

    To further complicate matters there were thousands of ready machined elements and parts ready to roll when Webley went bust. Most of these went to Turkey where they were assembled into the new guins. So, many Turkish made Webleys consist of some or all UK made parts!

  34. This is funny and humbling being english myself that people in america want the english made webleys.I can totaly understand though.I love crosman air guns and i wouldnt be happy if i bought a crosman and it didnt say made in the u.s.a because then its not a real crosman,it wasnt made with american hands so therefore its not a real crosman.If i bought an expensive rifle like a daystate or a theoben and it didnt say made in england i would want my money back.

  35. Well,

    This story took a sharp turn many months after this report was written. The REAL Turkish “Webleys” finally came out and they weren’t anything like those made in the UK. They were Hatsan rifles that had the Webley name, only. And they weren’t anywhere near the quality of the original Webleys.

    That company was reorganized this January (2009) and the “new Webley” who are who-knows-whom, but certainly nobody who was ever involved in airgunning, are now making a second run on the market with their Turkish guns.

    The real Webley company ceased to exist several years ago, and airgunners everywhere will miss them.


  36. Thanks for the info mate.I never even knew that,thats a shame.If webley was so good at what they did then how come the company went into finacial difficulties in the first place? or is that unknown?

    If you go on the webley and scott website ive noticed that crosman is in some sort of partnership with the new webley.Are webley the official distributors of crosman air guns in the u.k or somthing?

    Thanks,oh and your reviews on guns are very good you persuaded me to get a 2240 and i love it.

  37. Paul,

    As an outsider I assume Webley failed because of poor management. But whether or not it had anything to do with the airgun side of the house I cannot say.

    I’m glad you like the 2240. Isn’t it a simple, honest airgun? Unpretentious but delivering on all it promises.


  38. Hi,it certainly delivers on all promises.The only draw back is the cheap plastic parts.One of the things which is so great about the gun is that you can change the platic and the power and performance of the gun if desired..Ive seen some very good modified 2240 40’s on various websites.Some have even been converted into pcp’s with wood stocks and look fantastic.The gun goes beyond promises and gives you allot of options.

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    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

    View Shipping Times

  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

    View Shipping Restrictions

  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

    View Service Info

  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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