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How I learned to love guns

Before I turn today’s blog over to my wife, I have an announcement. Tomorrow the LASSO big bore airgun shoot will be held outside Dallas, Texas. I will be there to photograph things for you and also to conduct an experiment. Dennis Quackenbush dreamed this one up after reading all the conjecture about maximum velocities on the forums. He has constructed a testbed airgun that will shoot super-lightweight projectiles in an attempt to set the speed record for a PCP airgun. His gun has barrels in .25 and .375 caliber, so we will see the results of two different guns. They’re smoothbores, of course, because velocity is the only thing we’re testing.

I will report the results next week.

If you live near Dallas and want to see what big bore airguns are all about, visit this website:


Now, on to today’s blog.

How I learned to love guns

by Edith “Mrs. B.B.” Gaylord

March 23, 1983, we moved into the first house we ever owned. We’d been living in my apartment after getting married the previous May. We each brought something to the marriage…I brought 8 house cats, Tom brought guns.

A couple days after we moved in, the previous homeowner stopped by with a housewarming gift and some chit-chat. As she walked out the door, she said, “Oh, yes, you’ve got mice.” Nice parting words! Actually, I didn’t have any fear of rodents, plus I was quite certain our cats could take care of them. Although they were house-bound cats, their hunting instincts were still intact. Well, sort of.

If you know anything about cats, you know they enjoy playing with their food. And, if the food’s alive, even better! I clearly remember the first time our cat Dizzy brought the first live mouse up from the basement. The minute he put the mouse on the floor, the other 7 cats gathered around and formed a circle…what I call a “coven of cats.” Tom quickly grabbed the Sheridan Blue Streak, loaded and pumped it, and yelled for me to move the cats out of the way so he wouldn’t shoot them. Tom finally got a clear shot and quickly dispatched the mouse.

I soon realized that Tom wouldn’t always be home to eliminate rodents, so I asked him to show me how to shoot the Sheridan. After several training sessions, I was ready for bear…I mean mice. We hung a yellow twist tie off the gun’s triggerguard so I could distinguish it from the other rifles. Plus, that reminded me to grab the yellow plastic box of pellets, which were the most accurate. Over the years, I used our trusty Blue Streak to dispatch a number of mice, one snake outside the basement door and several rats that had moved into the planter outside the front door.

In time, I learned more about firearms and airguns (and even airsoft guns). The only reason I was able to enjoy guns was due to Tom’s non-threatening, non-macho way of introducing them to me. He wasn’t trying to impress me with anything. If they’re in the house, whether they’re airguns or firearms, I should know how they work, how to use them, how to load them and what type of ammo they use.

Fast forward 25+ years, and we now have our concealed carry permits. While I know how to shoot all the airguns, I don’t know how to load and shoot all the firearms because I haven’t had the time to go to the outdoor range. However, I DO know how to load and shoot all the self-defense guns. And I’m not afraid to use them. Every couple of weeks, we go to an indoor range and shoot our .45 autos. It’s the caliber of my carry gun, and I love it!

Tom has done such a good job of teaching me about guns, that I now encourage him to buy almost any gun he wants. Recently, I suggested that he buy another gun. Know what he said? “I think I have enough for right now. Maybe next year.”

Don’t you wish your wife encouraged you to buy guns? If you introduce her to guns with the right attitude and the right guns, she just might!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

164 thoughts on “How I learned to love guns”

  1. I can’t get over the eight cats. God bless you, we have out hands full with just our Dougie. Do you still have a similar number?

    Thanks for the must read for Mrs. M.


    Bruce in RI

  2. My wifey was still suffering from the side-effects of 1970’s liberalism when I started ramping up the home arsenal. Although they were mostly airguns (which she wasn’t terribly concerned about), they did include a number of firearms.

    When I acquired a 1911A1, I asked her if she was getting a bit uneasy about all the guns, and she responded that she was. But then she thought about it and said something like: “But if we ARE gonna have all those guns, I want to have enough ammunition so that we can use them if we have to”.


  3. Airdog,

    Edith carries the Wilson Combat CQB I wrote about in the Taurus blog. I gave it to her because it is so reliable I know she will probably never have a stoppage.

    Recently I acquired a 1960-vintage Colt National Match – the one made before the Gold Cup. Edith likes the higher grip it offers and the 6-pound trigger-pull, but when we took it out the first time there were a few stoppages. Civilian Colts have never been the most reliable of 1911s. So I will work on it to get it reliable and if I can, I’ll get my Wilson Combat back.

    I still shoot the Taurus, which has become pretty reliable after I installed a Wilson extractor. I’ll do an update sometime soon.

    And, yes, she is a pretty special person!


  4. Bruce,

    We let the herd thin down through attrition and today we have just two – Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Edith cannot tolerate an animal suffering, and if she sees a cat being mistreated, she invites it to live with us.

    We then tell the newcomer he or she has won the kitty lottery, because of the life that awaits them.


  5. Vince,

    That kind of logic is exactly the way it began with Edith. She wasn’t for or against guns, but when she saw that I was going to have them she wanted to learn about them for her own safety.

    The rodent problem brought out the shooter in her.

    She is too shy to mention that she killed 9 rats and five on one day. Her longest shot was 25 feet offhand through a hole they dug in our foundation. She nailed that big rat between the eyes – because that was all she could see!


  6. My wife has no interest in guns or airguns. But if she gets a new gizmo for her craft room, she always reassures me that I don’t have to feel guilty on buying an airgun or firearm.

  7. B.B. and Edith, good story, made my day. My wife will put up with me having the air guns and my uses of them to take out critters around the house to hunt. She understands that it is the humans that kill and not the guns themselfs, but I still can not get her to touch or pick one of the airguns up and use it.

  8. B.B.
    I managed to “sort of” solve the hole problem in my Talon S.S… My brother fixes pc’s and laptops, so I asked him if he could give me one of those very tiny screws that hard drives and every other pc part brings… He managed to find one that is half the size of the Talon’s front screw and thinner… So inserted the Talon SS muzzle cap, inserted the tiny screw inside the hole, and pressed it against the cap with the front screw… Remember that I told you that the screw enters only halfway, then it gets stuck… It is still the same, but now its pressing against the tiny screw which is holding in place the muzzle cap… Do you think that helps??
    I will go to the range today or tomorrow to fire with the 12″barrel… Lets see… I will also try to buy some other brand of pellet…….
    I really appreciate the time you’ve been dedicating into my case… It is not very common for me to be guided by a Pro… Thanks… That’s why a man like you has been blessed with a wife like Edith!!…

  9. Edith,

    Yes, very interesting and all. Now we want to read the followup, “How I Learned to Love Tom (Parts 1-7).”


    I tried to order another Whiscombe but He is now no longer taking any more orders, as He is definitely retiring.

    – Dr. G.

  10. Dr. G.,

    Here's a 4-part series on "How I learned to love Tom":

    Part 1: On our first date, he brought a catnip mouse for my 10 cats. He was so shy & nervous that he didn't even kiss me or hold my hand.

    Part 2: Three days later, we had a second date. About 2 seconds after his arrival, he proposed & I accepted.

    Part 3: A month after our first date, we got married. Tom was 34, I was 33.

    Part 4: We lived happily ever after. (We've been married 26.5 yrs.)

    The end.

    How's that?


  11. Jony..
    There is a lot of force exerted on the endcap when you shoot. It would possibly rip out the detent in the endcap and launch the endcap a considerable distance.
    Just shoot it without the endcap.

    What you are shooting for pellets will be OK. If the selection that you have available does not include Kodiaks, Exacts, or CP domed then you had better stick with the CPHP.


  12. Ms. Gaylord,

    What a wonderful story about your personal evolution in interest and proficiency with airguns and then firearms. Thanks for the insight. I’m impressed by your shooting ability. 9 rats and 5 mice in one day? One rat between the eyes. Impressive.


    I admire a man that loves/respects his wife enough to teach her to shoot a firearm. Considering how well Ms. Gaylord shoots, it’s great incentive for you to treat her very, very well.


  13. Tom and the Mrs,

    My wife is just like you Edith, She likes that I have A few airguns around (keeps the tree rats and Ground Hogs under control)

    The one big difference is that she suffers from a disease called Sarcoidosis, and can’t even hold an airgun, but she used to shoot before she got sick.

    EDith, thank you for the great story. And thank you for the little glimps into your family life. Keep taking good care of Tom.

    And Tom, you are blessed man.

    Tom, I know that you have your favorites, but Edith what is favorite air rifle?

    Tom, ever been to Fulshear, Tx?
    That’s my fathers birthplace.

    BobC NJ

  14. Edith,

    Very well written dating tale. Clear, concise, remarkably telling about the protagonist in just a few words, and insightful. Volvo and BG_Farmer want to know how long it took Tom to show you his favortie gun, but they are too polite to ask.


    Whiscombe is adamant that I lube the pellets in his spring gun, which I will do as I agreed to before purchase. He says the hot gases under high pressure pressing the metal pellet skirt against metal gun mean that all high power spring rifles should be lubed or else….

    I am perplexed as to what would happen if no lube were used. I am really more concerned/curious regarding my 54 which I have been shooting for over 3,000 shots without lube or problem yet. But the question still applies to both rifles.

    Perhaps the Whiscombe 80 needs it more than other springers because of the closer tolerances and extra high pressure? That is my guess.

    John Whiscombe recommends rolling the pellet on a foam soaked with a 50-50 mixture of STP engine lube & Hoppes No. 9.

    I am writing to you because this is a general springer air rifle related question (not just for Whiscombes) and I also thought the blog readers would be interested in this.

    I also am wondering if you can recommend a ready made lube that you believe is functionally equivalent to Whiscombe's suggestion.

    Thanx again.

    By the way, primarily due to your blog, I spent a few hundred dollars on some Airsoft rifles and pistols for my youngest son's birthday and for him for the upcoming Holliday, spending between $25-$75 per toy gun. Some of his 12-year-old friends have started to have their own, and he has shown an interest. I bought different types, including CO2, and will let you know my impressions after a few weeks.

    So far, with the 2 guns that I have given him, he is very, very happy and I am very impressed with how much "stuff" (many nicely machined metal and molded plastic parts organized together well) one gets for the equivalent money of 3-4 hrs of labor at the minimum wage.

    When I was young, in 1960s, a toy gun purchased for the amount of money one earned in 3-4 hours of minimum wage labor was significantly less gun than what is available today in terms of performance and detail. Back then, the equivalent "fun" factor in toy guns would have required about 10 minimum wage hours to purchase. I have seen this of course with other products, but this really struck me as appropriate to write here.

    – Dr. G.

  15. BobC,

    My favorite airgun of all time is the Sheridan Blue Streak. It's easy to pump, cock, load & shoot.

    Where are you located in NJ? I lived in Elizabeth, New Brunswick & Newfield (near Vineland) during my youth.


  16. ajvenom,

    Your wife’s trade-off with her crafts is another common thread. I encourage Edith to buy things she likes, but she has very few outside interests.

    Recently, though, she has been getting some nice appliances for the kitchen, and she reacts to them the same way I do to a new gun. So I suppose we are working things out.


  17. Jony,

    I have to agree with twotalon on this. Just shoot the rifle without the end cap. Be prepared for a very loud report, as that end cap does more than you might think.

    With it out of the way we will be able to tell whether the gun is shooting normally. Then when the 24-inch barrel goes back in, we will know if the gun is in good condition.


  18. Dr. G.,

    “Whiscombe Honey” is the name of the concoction you’re referring to. After B.B. explained the formula and use I started using it on the crossman premier’s that I shoot in the diana 54 I own. The main reason for my use is that after about 3000 shots my poi was affected. Don’t know if the crossman premiers leaded the barrel as many claim but after cleaning the barrel (jb bore paste and brass brush) the accuracy returned. Mostly use jsb exacts (blue tin) in the 54 now but when I do shoot the crossman premiers they have a coat of the Whiscombe Honey. Haven’t had any more problems with poi.


    Have you had a chance to shoot your new diana 27 from 1967 that you found at Roanoke? Have you ever put a diana 75 rear diopter sight on your 27 or hyscore 807? Since your gehmann will screw directly into this diana 75 sight it would make a wonderful sight option for the 27 or 807 if they have the top rail. Just need the diana front globe sight that accepts inserts to have a great sight setup for these straight shooting guns.


  19. Dr. G.,

    I have to correct one thing. Whiscombe Honey (a name I gave his pellet-oiling mixture) is half STP and half Hoppes GUN OIL – not Hoppes No. 9 solvent.

    John told me the same thing. I oil all Crosman pellets but I don’t oil the others. To date my rifle still shoots phenomenal groups and has never had one of the barrels cleaned. However, I don’t shoot it a lot, either.

    I think your 54 is probably in fine shape.

    I do not know of a commercial lube that is as good as Whiscombe Honey, but I have used FP-10 a lot. It works in PCPs, but I’ve never tried it in springers because of the heat.

    And I have to agree that an airsoft pistol today represents a great value, especially when you get into the better green gas pistols.


  20. Kevin,

    Would you believe that I have been runnin’ and gunnin’ ever since Roanoke and haven’t had the time to put even a test round through the new 27? It sits here in my office begging to be loved and I can’t carve out enough time to do it – yet.

    Maybe I’ll use your question as a request and que it up in the blog line. That way I am forced to shoot the thing!



  21. Edith,

    Thanks for the post today. BB and I both grew-up (debatable) in Stow, OH, although few years apart.

    Tom really proposed on the second date? Tom, you sly devil.


  22. Edith,

    Great love story! For You and Tom, and your growing love for guns..

    I wish my wife was open to trying some of my air guns, but it ain’t gonna happen, I think, in this life time, .. some of her women friends love to shoot with me, but not her yet..

    I did get her attention when I showed her the guest blog about the women Air Soft class, that Joe B. did.. maybe that’s the in..

    I’ll try to get her to read your blog.

    But she does tolerate my obsession with this new hobby with a loving heart… always has, for 35 years now..

    Pumping up the Blue Streak takes a little effort, you’re no 97 pound weakling!!

    Thanks for taking the time to share this great story with us. It give me hope, that someday my wife and I can share this hobby too…

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  23. Edith,

    Thank you for your post. That is what I am trying to do with my wife. She is glad to have one airgun around for pests, but hasn’t been convinced to shoot yet. She actually said at one point, “I’m afraid I might like it.”

    I’m hoping that hearing the story from your side might help my perspective.

    .22 multi-shot

    P.S. We only have four cats (one for each of us). We love them, but I can’t imagine having eight (or ten!).

  24. B.B.’s mastery of guns is surpassed only by his skill at courtship. No handholding to proposal after one date is pretty intense.

    And how do you chase 8 cats away but not the mouse they are playing with? You can’t help but acknowledge the ultimate mouse horror movie.

    Edith, thanks for your story. So, now we know what it’s like to live with a 100+ gun collection. As a first generation gun owner, the conversion of friends and families to guns is a big issue. There are so many bad associations and fears of guns from non-users that I suppose I should be happy with just tolerance. My new plan is to take my M1 Garand back home over Christmas and let me Dad shoot through the exact same sights that he did 48 years ago. This will be great. Time will tell. I know that patience is key because for every one like B.B. there are more like the convicted felon in Chicago who responded to a noise outside of his door on Halloween night by emptying the entire magazine of his AK-47 through the door. Smart. Of course, he ended up killing some trick or treater.

    Edith, I would go for the Benjamin pump guns except for the multiple pumps. You don’t find that to be a pain? Incidentally, Dr. G. that’s why I’m going to hold off from the Whiscombe honey for my B30. Lubing pellets is just too much of a hassle when the convenience of a springer is one of the things that I most enjoy about it. Curiously enough, Rich from Mich uses Crosman Premiers in his spring guns and says that the lead is good for them!? I’m going to play it safe with JSB Exacts.


  25. Edith,

    It’s good to hear your story. BB (I suppose you call him Tom:)) is lucky to have someone that not only tolerates but tries to share in his passions. My wife isn’t exactly wild about “guns”, but she understands my uses for them and supports me in my less essential applications as well. My interest in air guns was really the beginning of a breakthrough, as she now has her own air rifle and is considering training on some of the other stuff. Thanks for today’s blog and for allowing your husband to spend so much time with us.

  26. Derrick–Yes, Tom DID propose on the second date. He still has some wonderful surprises in him. The best part? He makes me laugh…every day.

    Wayne & Matt61–Pumping up guns isn't an issue. I can do up to 5 pumps without assistance. But, when the adrenaline is flowing & a critter needs to be dispatched, it's all I can do to STOP at 8 pumps! AT that point, I bet I could fill a car tire with a bicycle pump!


  27. B.B.

    Thanks for that story. I don't know if I can get my wife to bet I can't hit the pellet trap every time, to start the conversation. But, I'll save it in my memory for others who it might work with.

    But more important, to me, is the technique for learning to shoot a pistol. My first pistol, I got last month, is a H&R 929 .22 cal rim fire, target revolver. I've been "walking the can with it" so far… but would like to learn close range target shooting, (maybe practice will help me get some focus in these old eyes)….

    That report will really help. I also just bought a used S&W 586, so I guess I'm starting down another road.

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  28. B.B. ,
    I have a RWS 34 Panther in 22 caliber and wanted your advice on pellets. I really want to use the 11.9 gr. RWS Hobby’s but I was told that too light of pellets would cause spring damage and I should stay away from gimmick-lightweight pellets…. charlie Da Tuna’s site advises on staying between 13.5 and 15 gr. for spring longevity !! Can I safely use the Hobby’s for shooting with no damage ??? I am currently shooting the Super-H-Point at 14.2 gr. and they group well but I want a little more velocity out of the rifle… thanks in advance , David

  29. Wayne,

    It isn't you but your WIFE who has to hit the quarter every time. Forget the pellet trap – it's too big to think about. You bet your wife she can't miss a quarter from 20 feet away.

    Start her at five feet and then back up as you go, just like you read.

    With your new H&R and S&W revolvers you are definitely starting down another road. But don't be afraid — it's a very good road.

    I started Edith with a .22 Ruger Mark II, but soon switched her to a Ruger .357 Magnum revolver. Only I loaded the rounds down until they barely moved in her hand. For twenty years that Ruger was her main defense gun until she tried my .45 ACP Wilson CQB early this year. She took to it like a duck to a pond and it became her weapon after the first session.

    Now she can keep all her shots in a 12-inch circle at 15 yards. If she concentrates, the circle shrinks to 8 inches. But she doesn't like the Wilson's light (3.75 lb.) trigger.

    So when she shot my new Colt National Match she fell in love with it. It's not as smooth as the Wilson and the trigger isn't as light, but she feels better about it. And the hits just keep on coming!


  30. B.B.
    Today I did three things…
    2) Call AirForce–> a veeeeery nice lady also spoke today… Yvette, I think… She was the "Sharon" of AirForce… (Sharon is the best saleswoman in P.A., very nice and very honest)… We had a long chit-chat, in summary, I will change pellet type (as you and others recommended), shoot with a vice (as you and others recommended) and shoot to see if any groups are obtained at all with the 12"barrel (just as you guys recommended)… She also told me that the paint scratched in my rifle can be repainted, and that the hole of the screw can be re-threaded…
    3) I went to the range… (No shooting this time)… to speak with the gunsmith about the re-threading… He is gonna try to do it without affecting the hole's diameter… So its all good news now… Plus today I received my two scuba tanks, ready to be used for 5 years… (still waiting for the 20lb. CO2 tank to be tested)…
    I hope that from now on good stuff only happens!!! LOL… Take care!!

  31. Edith,

    The “adrenaline flowing” is amazing in it’s power. On my first elk hunt, this year, when I saw the cow elk, and had hopes of a bull coming out of the brush any minute, mine was pumping like crazy. I’m glad I didn’t have to pump up the marlin 336, 30/30…I had plenty of energy to pump up a car tire with a bike pump too, but had to stay as still as possible.. The bull never showed..

    I’ve heard that the adrenaline is really toxic to our system, if we don’t use it up with some exercise right away. It’s meant to be a safety measure for getting away from a lion or something… today we pump adrenaline when we get emotionally upset, and don’t do any running from lions after wards.. Not good…if one gets upset, take a long walk, to work out the toxins… or pump up the Benji, and shoot the heck out of a tin can.. or a rat between the eyes..

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  32. David,

    This is just my opinion, so I hope you take it that way. I see nothing wrong about shooting the Hobby pellets in a 34 Panther. I don’t think it hurts the spring because I don’t think 11.7 grains is too light.

    I do agree that the non-lead lightweight pellets are probably not good for powerful springers because they don’t give the piston enough resistance, but Hobbys are okay.

    I would always try JSB pellets in the rifle, as well. They usually do very well in spring guns. But RWS pewllets do well in Diana guns, so you are on the right track.

    Don’t forget to try Crosman Premiers, too.


  33. Jony,

    Yes, you spoke to Yvette today.

    I have a question. Are you sure the pellets you are shooting are .22 caliber? I ask because Yvette told me that you told her you bought them at Wal-Mart because Pyramyd AIR didn’t send the pellets you ordered.

    Wal-Mart sells a lot more .177 pellets than they do .22s -0 especially in the Crosman brand. So have you checked the caliber?


  34. Yes.. they are .22 caliber… And they fit the barrel, but that’s it,, they only fit, if I do an abrupt movement or raise the rifle’s nose up… I can feel and hear the pellet move a little or even fall back into the breech… but yeah, i am 100% sure that they are .22 Hollowpoints…

  35. B.B.

    I'll try that, but my guess is, she will say "I know I can't hit a quarter and don't want to try". She is pretty busy, taking orders in our other business, and coaching women groups at night, so there isn't a lot of time for a new hobby… but motivation is really the biggest issue.. there is none.. It doesn't look like fun to her.. That's why the air soft seems like a great way to start, she can shoot me when I'm bad… and that's often..

    We're a bunch of liberals in this house. Randy and I are the ones who live in both worlds.. I've broken down a lot of the misconceptions, but a few more to go..

    I'm really getting a lot more tolerance than I expected, especially with all the time I put in shooting and trading..


  36. B.B.,

    RE: HW55 rear sight or one of your sport aperture sights for your diana 27

    To answer your question I believe the HW55 rear diopter/aperture sight will fit the diana 27’s 11mm scope rail. It’s possible that some of your sport aperture sights will also fit. THE PROBLEM is that these rear diopter/aperture sights, that were not designed for a diana 11mm rail, use sideways clamping force to secure the sight to the rail. Since the small rail on the diana 27 is only spot welded these sideways clamping rear sights have been known to pry or pop the rail off the receiver. The diana diopter 75 uses an ingenious screw wheel that only applies clamping pressure to the top of the rail (not the sides of the rail) to securely mount. It’s also a period correct DIANA sight for your 1967 model 27. I must also say that compared to the hw 55 rear aperture sight and aftermarket sights like the mendoza and beeman the diana 75 sight is very slim, lightweight and elegant for such a sleek model like the 27.

    If you don’t have one I have an early Christmas present for you. Please send me your shipping address to my private email:



  37. Wayne,

    Always good to hear from you. I’m not sure you realize what an impression you and your AA S410 have made in my research into the pcp world. I’m still leaning towards a rapid mkII but Volvo’s advice about entering pcp ownership with a simplified version like the discovery can’t be ignored. I greatly value both your opinions and really appreciate the time you both take to answer this novice’s basic questions.

    Happy Holidays to one and all.


  38. Hay Mrs BB,

    Great Blog (make sure you get a commission)! Sounds like you two are having a lot of fun. My wife and I are having our 37th wedding Aniversary this month and I find that kind of give and take and interests in each other’s hobbies goes a long way to promoting domestic tranquility (although I suspect there is some kind of synergistic thing going on there…).

    Anyhow, we live in the woods and don’t bother shooting the mice; the snakes get them. Most of the other animals there are considered “protected” and we mostly target shoot – except for rats – good shooting!

    Right now I don’t ask my wife what Endurance Horse racing costs (I actually know as I am her truck driver and crew) and she doesn’t ask me what air rifles cost (I think I am way behind in that area, but I have enough for now…). She did make me get her an air rifle that was her size (1760se) and then upgrade the scope to 9x when the 6x wasn’t competitive with the other guns. I’ll bet your .45 wasn’t a “mini” version!


  39. David,

    My RWS 46 uses a similar power plant to your 34. My findings in the quest for more speed were that lots of pellets (including lighter ones) weren’t nearly as accurate. Mine loves RWS Super Points. CP’s shoot great also. RWS MeisterK’s are OK, but I usually limit them to 30 yards. RWS Superdomes get much bigger groups and Beeman Lasers are really wild. I saw the tests on Straightshooters that showed Napier Hunters were the most powerful pellets (i.e. the best combination of speed carried downrange and weight) in an RWS 34 – Tried those and got very inconsistent results. You could expect it because each one felt different (i.e. looser or tighter) when inserting in the barrel. I would say seek out the pellets that group the best and stick with those.


  40. B.B.
    Is it normal that every time that I bleed the valve from my handpump it lets moisture out but mixed with oil?
    Does that gets inside the tank every time I pump?

  41. Hey B.B. I am interested in buying a nice .177 for a christmas gift from me to me. It does not have to be powerful, only going to be using it for plinking everything in the backyard. But I want a .177 that I will be proud of , not some POS. What are you suggestions ? I would be willing to spend 350 ish Thanks

  42. BB,

    I just checked out that link to LASSO — looks like fun; I don’t think you’ve covered that type of event in your blog yet, so we’ll have that to look forward to.

    I realize accuracy is not the goal for the Quackenbush experiment — fastest possible projectile from a smoothbore isn’t exactly the secret formula for precision shooting:), but just for kicks, will you try to get an idea of how they group?

  43. Mr B., Edith, Tom, Kevin, Volvo, Dr. G., Matt61, 22 multishot, Vince, Bruce, BG Farmer, and all you others I’m not gonna go back to look up your names.

    Thanks for a warm and fuzzy feeling.

    I get way more than air gun info here, and I like it!! and LOVE IT!!


  44. Anonymous that want a .177 plinker from me to me,

    Tell me more. Is this gift a rifle or a pistol? Do you want a pnuematic/pumper like a 392/397, a pcp or a springer? Do you intend to scope this gun? Does $350ish include the scope?

    You’ve come to the right place for answers. B.B. has tried almost all of them and those he hasn’t tried Wayne has.


  45. Vince,

    Do you do extra work for Santa?

    I hear he was subbing out work this year. Lots of liberals to get started in the gun world, now that there is a change in leadership… lots of chimneys to drop a gun down, so to speak, so as to break the stereo types..and let down the fears..

    “just like daddy’s old gun” is a great way to get mom to let the grand kid have a safe, fun, experience…

    Happy Everyday, Everyone!!

    Blessings on us All!

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  46. Kevin,

    I appreciate your ideas on the 54. You are a discriminating shooter and obviously of sound judgement. Now every time the first 3-5 shots of my 54 are off, I think of you. Then the next 30-50 are fine, before it might snap back to where it started. Anyway…

    I own a Rapid Mk II in .22, and it is the most accurate, easy to shoot rifle I have ever owned. I would never sell it. It is a little front-heavy because I have the big tank, and was designed primarily for bench rest longer range shooting, for which it is renown. Right now, I am in the middle of getting a custom stock for it. If anybody reading this can suggest somebody for a Theoben stock, please tell me.

    Probably like Wayne's favorite PCP, it is almost too easy, it almost shoots itself.

    I use an FX pump for the Rapid and I also use an Air Force Pump for my Condor. The Air Force pump is better because it is a little taller (and so better for my lower back) and the handles are beefier. I would guess that it pumps a little more air with each stroke than the FX pump. It also never gets too hot to pump.

    The last stroke on the Whiscombe (45 lbs) is harder than the lone stroke on the 54, but the first two strokes are easier. I wrapped a leather-like strap around the 54 cocking rod so my hand would not suffer the pain of the sharp metal edge digging into my flesh. Soon I may do the same with the Whiscombe, for even though the edge is not as sharp, the pressure is significant (3 strokes total per shot = 105 pounds per shot X 200 shots > 21,000 pounds total pressure pulled against my right hand tonight).

    – Dr. G.

  47. Just learned about feline lukemia the hard way. Couple of days ago, saw some stray cats hanging around my garage. Shortly after one of my cats started becoming weaker and weaker; yesterday she died. I set some bait for the strays, and today dispached all three with two shots of buck shot from my Parker SxS, one would have been sufficient. Anyway, I was surprised at how devistating this disease that I never before heard of is. It is carried by strays, and can be transferred to pets through food etc. In just three days, our baby went from being completely healthy, to weighing only 3.5 lbs. By time we realized, the end was already near. It was two late to bring her to the vet, but she did die peacefully and without too much pain. I guess the moral here is to watch for strays, and to get your cats vaccinated for feline lukemia. Once they catch this incurable disease there is no cure.
    R.I.P. Tabby

    -john from jersey

  48. Dear Mrs. B.B.,
    It’s nice to hear a little of your side of the story, the other side of the equation you might say. Sharing a common interest certainly can help to keep a marriage going when others might have a tougher time.
    My wife and I share a passion for landscape gardening, although that has been trumped by the birth of grandchildren recently.
    But my wife understands my enjoyment of airguns, and I understand the passion she has for her hobbies.
    Maybe you can work in something about your interest in natural remedies sometime. Do you work mainly with those of American or Native American origin?

    Best regards,

  49. Edith,
    Thank you for sharing. It is so wonderful that more and more women are enjoying the shooting and hunting sports.

    You lucky dog.

    Just thought I’d let you know the Disco came apart and went back together without problems. Made several minor improvement. Seems to be shooting better but lots more testing is needed.

    Oddly it seems quieter… but do not see how that could be possible since it is still 100% stock. Just cleaned and polished everything. Even blued the hammer.


  50. B.B.,
    This is a bit off topic.

    As part of taking my Disco apart I vented 100% of the air. The gun just happened to be upside down with the barrel pointed up a bit at the time.

    What struck me was how much water was dumped through the barrel. This caused me to think dumping a full fill once in a while might be a require maintenance routine.

    I figure it can not hurt the gun much and may improve it and might save some problems by blowing out the water.

    Sound OK.

  51. B.B.,

    We are lucky men. My wife of 38 years realizes that shooting is not only good for me but for all the men we work with. She encourages me to buy whatever guns I fall in love with and also encourages me to shoot them.

    She is accomplished at target shooting /and/ photography, but prefers her own life of service. When we shoot together, she outshoots me every time! She also has a very good eye for photography, and we spent many early years shooting weddings together in San Francisco and Boston.

    I’m always curious when I hear men complain that their wives ‘won’t let them’ buy more guns. I was in a sporting goods store years ago in northern Oregon, and I overheard a man arguing with his wife about gun safes. He wanted ‘just a small one’ and she was wanting him to buy a larger one for when his gun collection got larger. I pulled him aside and asked if he was noticing that his wife was trying to give him a bigger gift than what he was insisting on. “I have to do it her way”, he complained, “else she won’t give me no [this word refers to a cat].” I gave up at this point. The poor bugger was hopeless.

    Anyway, cheers to you and Edith!

    Joe B.

  52. Jersey John,

    Feline leukemia is a dreadful disease. I have had some sad experiences with it too.

    Both our cats are 100 percent house cats, and mainly for that reason.

    It takes time to get through the grief of a lost pet, and you never forget them, but in time your good memories will make you smile again.

    Hang in there.

  53. Gregor,

    When you bleed your hand pump you remove the moisture that it has removed from the air BEFORE putting it into your gun. That is how the hand pump protects your rifle.

    The oil is probably residual oil from the hand pump assembly.

    That is how the hand pump protects your air rifle.


  54. Jony
    Do yourself a favor……

    Go to a hardware store and get a 2″ screendoor hook. Cut about 1/2 of the hook end off above the point, then round it off smooth. Use it to seat your pellets. Shove them straight in until the skirt is engaging the rifling.


  55. Good morning Jony: I’ve been thinking about your “hearing the pellet rattle when you shake the gun” which doesn’t make any sense to me. A couple of questions for you and everyone else.

    First, have you tried any other pellets to see how they fit, rattle or don’t rattle.

    Second, and I don’t know if this would have any bearing on the problem, but is the little screw that moves when you adjust the power wheel still there?

    Just a couple of groping in the dark thoughts. Keep us posted please–Mr B.

  56. Hi Edith,

    I live in Piscataway, off River Road(rt 18).

    I don’t know when you were last in New Brunswick, but downtown has been made over. Most streets are paved with red bricks and almost all buildings have been remodeled.

    Also, you must remember Route 18? Well it’s A new 6 lane highway that goes from Piscataway (Route 287) to Route 1.

    You guys have A great Holiday.

    BobC NJ

  57. Yes Twotalon, I will try that technique… Thanks for the advice… Today I’ll devote my energies and gasoline into finding some useful pellets since many stores in my area have only either Daisy’s or Crossman HP… LOL… You’ve been very helpful too, thanks!

    Do you know the dimensions between the threads in the front screw and its width??? Its just to know them before giving my sick baby to the gunsmith for the re-threading procedure… LOL… One more question: Does the holding of a PCP (in this case Talon SS) affects the accuracy as much as springers??? Do I need to hold it very lightly?? etc… Thanks…

  58. Good morning Mr. B
    That’s the problem… I had to buy the Crossman Hollow Points from Walmart since P.A. were out of stock of JSB .22 (15.8grains) and of Kodiaks… (I called yesterday to take out the JSB’s… I’ll buy them later)… Another problem is that were I live, most stores sell only Daisy pellets (which I don’t like) and Crossman HP… (They’re probably the cheapest)…
    And yes, every other screw is in its place, even the power wheel screw… By the way, What is that screw for??? (I won’t remove it so no need to tell me DON”T DO IT) jajaj.. take care people

  59. That’s right Twotalon… I also noticed that the safety is free to move around… LOL… Many people critizice the automatic safety, but I like it…. IT gets to a point were you do it automatically…

  60. Jony

    Attempting to keep you out of trouble….

    When you change barrels, make sure the power wheel is turned all the way down, and the rifle is not cocked so there will be minimal pressure on the power adjustment mechanism.
    The reason for this is that once the barrel slides forward on removal, the remaining pressure of the hammer spring tries to push the power adjuster out of the front of the frame. The little screw in the power adjuster has to hold it back. This screw cannot withstand a great deal of force.


  61. Jony,

    I bought a whole lot of the JSB Exacts and Kodiak 21 gr. .22 cal from PA.. since were in the spirit of giving today.. I’ll send you a tin of each for Christmas.. email me and give me your address, and they will go out Monday..


    We’ll get you shooting 1/2″ groups at 50 yards in no time..

    See what you did Kevin.. got the season off to a “bang”.. sorry about the pun..couldn’t help myself


  62. Tom & Edith,

    Thanks again for your story. I told it to my wife last night…

    Once again, Tom, you were right!! I've got a date with her to shoot together this afternoon, when she gets back from a group meeting.

    She said "All right, I'll do it for the "Gipper"… (how do you spell it?)

    I was so surprised!!

    Thanks again for sharing your wonderful story with us!!


  63. To Anonymous that wants a springer/plinker under $350.00,

    I agree that an R7 won’t disappoint you and will fulfill your stated requirements.
    Don’t overlook the rws 34 as a contender:


    Dr. G.,

    Are we twin brothers from different mothers? I’m close to “pulling the trigger” on a
    rapid mk II purchase. Everything I read and hear about this air gun mirrors your opinion.
    Scary accurate, easy to shoot, long shot strings etc. Like you I want a custom stock on my rapid.
    Ginb would be my choice after very little research. See here:


    I also like what I see in Dave G’s custom stocks.
    Please keep me posted on the options you locate for your rapid.


  64. Wayne, if your 586 is the cartridge-firing revolver rather than the CO2 pistol I think you will quickly fall head over heels for it. It is sweet.

    Mine has two loads that will group into 1″ at 25 yards, one using a 158-grain hard-cast lead semiwadcutter and a carefully unspecified charge of Unique lit off by a standard small pistol primer, either CCI or Winchester, and one using the Winchester 158-grain JHP and a stout charge of 2400 lit off by a standard small pistol primer, either CCI or Winchester. Muzzle blast with the 2400 load is obnoxious, so it really wants to be shot outdoors rather than inside.


  65. I just had a wild, strange, and weird idea, BB. What If . . . somebody were to develop a springer that would use the Eun Jin 9 mm Diabolo pellet as ammunition?

    My calculations say that the 77 grain pellet at 400 fps would be good for 27 fpe, the low velocity would ensure it wouldn’t fly very far before it came back to earth, the nature of the Diabolo pellet would ensure it didn’t come back to earth traveling fast enough to go very far if it ricocheted instead of embedding, the hole it would punch in that chicken-killing coyote would put a sudden stop to my chicken losses, and being a springer it wouldn’t unnecessarily alarm my neighbors.

    Is this practical, or do I need to answer the call from Earth?


  66. WFH,

    An R1 in 2 calibers. The .177 cal 6.5 grain Laser pellet does about 1000 fps in the R1. The .25 cal 24 grain Ram Jet pellet doesn’t even hit 600 fps from an R1. To triple the pellet weight and still do 400 fps I think would be difficult for a springer.


  67. Kevin,

    And it feels good too!


    Now you did it, mine is the CO2… so I get to shop for a cartridge version now.. Some of the reviews I read on the PA site, said that the CO2 version is so like the real one, that practice with the Co2 is productive… So it’s good I’m starting there…

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  68. Mrs. B.B.,

    Thanks for sharing. I believe anyone in a home with firearms should be familiar with them, and it would seem you would qualify as an expert.
    My wife actually “scoped me out” one day before we were married. I’ll expand on that some other time.

    (Sorry I am late to the party, but my internet is down at home)


    Thanks for your generous offer on possibly testing a .22 AA S410.


    Glad to hear you are considering a PCP, no need to sit on the fence for years like I did. I just would not go whole hog at first.


    Did I miss your guest Blog?


  69. Jony,
    You may already have a tool to seat pellet in the barrel. A small allen wrench works very well. This tip was picked up from B.B. or someone here on a blog several months back.

    Makes sense about the water in a PCP gun. The about was really only a few drops.

    Best improvements on my Disco was:
    1. Trimming a 1/16″ off the rear of the bolt. This gives more room to drop in a pellet. Next time I have it apart it will loose another 1/16th.
    2. Polishing the trigger and sear and hammer. Net result is the trigger functions like a two stage. There is some slack to take up and then the sear releases without creep. It is nice and crisp… but still a bit heavy.
    3. Polished both ends of the barrel to a mirror finish.
    4. Cleaned the barrel with a new brass brush and JB paste.
    5. Filed the flat spot at the end of the barrel so the front sight would mount straight. The way it was required pushing the rear sight the right 3/16″. Now the rear sight is centered and on target.

    Net result it shoots much better. Still hates those CPR HP from a tin though. Everything else shoots OK. Not getting those fabled 1/2″ groups at 30 yards though. Solid 1″ groups with occasional flyers.

    The whole time I was working on it I was thinking I’d have rather purchased the Disco as a box of unfinished parts. Have a CVA black powder rifle that came to me as as an unfinished box of parts. Spent a month or so filing and sanding and polishing everything to create a fine shooting rifle.

    If my Disco is an typical sample then I’d have rather got it in pieces and polished it up front. Just a thought.

    Shot a couple hundred rounds again today. And it is definitely more quiet for some reason. I have a theory. It could be the plumbers grease that was applied liberally to the hammer. That might be working to dampen the bounce. This was the reason for putting the grease on it.

    Now I need a better scope. I’m thinking this 1.5×6 Leapers has some parallax issues. And my eyes are just too bad to use iron sights at any real distance – and that stinks.

  70. Wayne:
    Once again.. THANK YOU!! That was reaaaally unexpected…. My Christmas “from me to me” was the rifle, and nothing else (with all the money well spent, who would??)… But you just topped it with the best pellets… Thanks sir!!

    You know, I’ll try your suggestion first before going to the hardware store to buy the 2″ screendoor hook that Twotalon suggested (no offense LOL!!)… since I already have many allen wrenchs available… Thanks

    Everytime I change barrels I’ll have in mind what you suggested… Keeping the power wheel at low power… It makes sense…. Thanks!!

    Walter Falcon Hunter:
    You know, just like you, I always get these crazy ideas about airguns, pellets, lab techniques, etc etc… Specially during the 10 to 20 minutes before going into deep sleep… My head goes crazy with stuff… I just don’t bother telling them because either Whiscombe has already done it, Quackenbush, Theoben, FWB, Air Arms… All of those creative and inventive people and/or companies……….. Have already done it!! LOL… Your idea was great… I would’ve never imagined what Derrick analyzed… Thanks god that we don’t all share the same minds… LOL…Take care!!

    After seeing how everyone monitors their pellet speeds and power, in the near future i’ll probably invest in a Chrony… To collect data and keep records of my rifles and how each pellet works with it… But without taking the fun out of shooting!!! Take care B.B. and everyone else!!!


  71. BB, I REALLY hate to admit it – but you were right about something. The Hammerli 490 isn’t a bad gun.

    Just got a ‘refurbished’ example, and it took more effort to break open than it did to cock. It fact the first time I cocked it was by accident (seriously – I wasn’t sure if the gun was already cocked or not)!

    It’s fairly easy to get sub-1/2″ groups at 10 yards with open sights and cheap pellets, which is all I can really ask of my eyes these days. And that was before I fully tightened the incredibly loose breech pivot. It did well with Gamo Match pellets, which of course are very inexpensive. The straight-from-the-B1/B2 series trigger isn’t too bad because of the light spring.

    This one’s a bit sluggish, 460’s with Premiers. But (from the honking) I do expect that it was a synthetic seal, and something tells me that the innards need a look-see. Plus I’m gonna try shimming the breech seal.

    But, I gotta tell ya – $90 is a bit stiff for this one. As far as the metalwork goes, it’s somewhere between the old (and ugly) Industry Brand B2 and the Crosman Quest of similar price (and weight). The Chinese Crosman is definitely made better, although the guns aren’t in the same market niche. Heck, there are some places selling the AR1000 for less than that. I guess it’s a victim of ‘brand name inflation’.

    Still, I got this one cheap because it was a refurb, so I’m not complaining. This is the second lower-grade Shanghai product I’ve gotten in recent months that worked out better than I expected.

  72. Twotalon: I should have shook my SS before running my mouth on loose pellets. For sure its Jony’s safety making the noise, thanks. Are there any exercises I can do to strengthen my triger finger so that it can push the safety off or is there a way to lighten up the force necessary to move it?

    Thanks much Mr B.

    PS Wayne, over 100 posts again! Now lets start talking about raised beds and square foot gardening.

  73. Mr. B…..
    Polishing and moly lube as far as I know. May void the warranty.

    I have done some different tricks with the safties that I would rather not get into (along with a bunch of other mods) because I don’t want anyone screwing up their rifles.


  74. Jony, Twotalon, & Mr.B,
    Pellets really can not rattle in the barrel. Being made of soft lead they would just make a soft thud that would be near impossible to hear.

    But the trigger and safety are very likely to rattle. Good call on that one.

    Don't you think.

  75. Mr B

    Anthony from Talon Tunes can smooth out the safety. This is what it says on the tuning page:

    5: The safety’s action is smoothed for a trigger finger operation that is much improved over the the factory’s stiff unit.

    But like twotalon said it will probably void the warranty. My safety is stock so I don’t know how it would feel after he tuned it.


  76. Kevin,

    If you Google Dave G. stocks and see the rants against this guy, then you will probably agree with me that he sounds like the last person to try to do business with (viz., he sounds like a crook).

    I am following a lead re. Theoben stocks, and after I have success I will share what I know.

    The best person to buy a Theoben from may be Zasadny, as he customizes well to the customer’s specifications, and delivers very good, honest service. He spends time talking on the phone and answering any questions.

    – Dr. G.

  77. Edith & Tom,

    Tom, you're plan worked… with a few snags on my part…
    I didn't want to bring my walnut stock side lever out in the snow showers, so I grabbed the older, hard to pull straight bolt, (big mistake).. Air Arms S310 .22 cal beech stock, and quickly filled her up… while the dogs jumped all over me…. The dogs ran wildly after the ducks and squirrels, and Chris & I walked, hand in hand, gun under my arm, to the new shooting shed the guys just made.

    After she settled into the makeshift rest I'd setup, and got the scope picture on the 4" end of a can, 20 yards away, since she couldn't get it all the way back, I pulled back the bolt for her. She found the target again, and fired…
    "I hit the center she exclaimed", "I aimed 1/2" high because it's so far"….. (dealing with the dogs, I had forgotten to tell her it was under valve lock, and she had to aim a 1/2" high)… spooky huh?…

    I got the can and sure enough, within 1/16" of dead center…. I think we've got her hooked, at least a little… She tried a few shots at the field targets at 35 yards, with no knock downs, and soon tired of me having to cock the rifle for her, while worrying about the dogs… BUT, promised to try the side lever in the pool room later. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, BOTH SO MUCH…… YOU MADE MY CHRISTMAS!!


    Your welcome, and your pellets are all packed up. I also included 1/2 tin of 28gr Eungins. They are not as accurate, as the 21gr Kodiak, in my Condor, (but make a big hole for hunting).. or the 16 gr JSB Exacts. I sent Wolverines, (BSA label). The Wolverines are a little fatter than the Exacts, or so I'm was told. They might help the loose pellet problem.
    I did best with about 7 on the power wheel with the JSB 16 gr., and any higher, I switched to the 21 gr. Kodiak…. Full power for the Eunjins…..
    Merry Christmas….. you deserve it, for all the stuff you've had to go through… and with a good spirit to boot.. Santa would be proud of you!!


    Really, if you want to try out the Air Arms S410 .22 cal. with the harder straight pull bolt, and no power adjuster…. YOU CAN!!.. for just the shipping and ins. both ways, about $40.
    The walnut stock is nice to see in person… It's nothing like the incredible stocks that Kevin is looking at..(WOW Kevin!!, I see they fit the Air Arms S410 too). But it comes stock with the rifle.. and while in the FT sitting position, it nests into my left arm so nice, and the cheek rest fits perfect, locking the butt down to my right knee, with out adjustment. So, see how it fits you.. if you want.

    It's got more power, so there is no comparison on that level with the FX Whisper .177 .. but a general comparison is possible, like noise, fit and finish, number of shots and accuracy. Then, a week or so later, if you want to, for the folks here, you can send (I'll pay the shipping & ins. that time), the Whisper here to compare to…

    The newer, AAS410 .177 side lever. It is twice as quiet as the older .22 cal S410 straight pull bolt…. Strange, for some reason, the 10 year old S310 IS, as quiet as the .177 side lever.. go figure.. Hey, You could try it instead..
    BUT, I'm not sending the .177 s410 side lever, with any amount of insurance.. I know it's a lot different than the 5 others I've shot now… YOU have to come here to try it.. or send in the challengers..


    Santa says to tell you you're doing great work, those little Dianas' are shooting better than new, (he's looking over your shoulder)… and there's another shipment to work on… out Monday… so, back to work on his stuff… chimneys to stuff, don't ya know…

    PS. you can keep the Winchester 425 that you wanted for your services..

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  78. Mr B.

    Thanks for the plug.

    On the Condor/Talon safety with a forward knuckle/finger push.. It ain’t easy..

    What you need are some raised garden bed kits, so you can grow spinach!!

    Didn’t you watch POPEYE?


  79. B.B.,

    The can was great, she brought it out to show Randy and her mom and dad, (who live her too).. Randy said “that’s dead center, you’re a natural” and Chris said, “I don’t want to be a natural, but I DO want to keep the can”. Bill and Maridale said “You better be good Wayne, with all the guns out there”..
    What happened to our liberal household..


  80. Dr. G.,

    Thanks for the update on Dave G and your quest for a new rapid stock. Heard good things about Zasadny and his gifted tuning abilities on pcp’s but didn’t even know he made stocks. Your take on filling with the air force pump vs. the fx is also appreciated. No scuba tank yet? Is the Whiscombe worth the cocking effort? You’re making an even greater case for me entering the pcp world. From your description, if I had a Whiscombe and rapid mk II sitting in a gun rack, both with superb accuracy and minimal recoil I think I’d reach for the rapid more often.


  81. Morning Wayne, Followed your advice sorta. Used my shop vice to crush open a can of spinach. However, the contents didn’t fly through the air into my mouth–go figure. Had to use a spoon. By the time I cleaned up the mess Pop Eye’s magic wore off.

    I am now working on “preloading” the safety lever with some rubber bands. If it works, I’ll sell a kit, as an upgrade, which shouldn’t even void AirArms warrentee. 😀 Thanks for your idea and I’ll keep you updated Mr B.

  82. Mr B.

    Did you mean Airforce or Air Arms?

    You may run into cocking issues by using rubber bands. The safety spring pushes the safety balk against the sear at all times. The sear has a slotted pivot hole in it that allows it to move around during the cocking cycle. If there is not enough force applied to the sear in the rearward direction, the sear may not position properly. The friction from the hammer contact with the sear may not be adequate to move the sear into proper position without the full force of the safety spring helping.


  83. Kevin,

    As far as I know Zasadny does not make stocks. He probably knows where to get one, of course.

    Yes, his tuning is the reason to buy a rifle from him, along with service.

    – Dr. G.

  84. Twotalon, Yes I ment AirForce. I was soo excited about about making millions that I miss spoke. Thanks for the detailed info on how the safety works.

    Dr.G. and Kevin, Check out Woods and Water Outdoors for stocks. I’ve never delt with them, but their web site has some great pictures. Mr B.

  85. Jony,

    Let me add to what twotalon says about the limiting screw on the power adjuster. It both limits the travel of the adjusting mechanism and it serves as a pointer for the gross power setting. That screw is now made of Delrin and cannot stand much torque. You won’t strip it, but the wrench will turn in the head without the screw turning.


  86. BB & Anybody,
    On the Yellow Forum, I saw a discussion about "Quigley". Knowing that the movie (QDU) is a favorite with several of you, I checked it out. The gist of the discussion was replicating a shot from the movie with air rifles using a scaled bucket. The consensus seemed to be that the bucket should be 1.5-1.75" in diameter and set at 50 or 55 yards. I have a little experience with this kind of shooting (check out my "Redneck Silhouette System" for a great Xmas gift:)), and it doesn't seem much different from a 6 oz. can at the same range, which is a manageable, though not terribly easy, target even offhand and with open sights, with the target distending roughly 3-3.5' (MOA). What am I missing? Is the shot done over the shoulder or something?

  87. Dioscovery/34,

    The Disco will end up costing about double what the 34 costs. So the 34 is the best “deal.” But the Disco will shoot longer and harder, so it is the best gun.

    But there is no similarity between a PCP and a springer.

    Which springer do you like better, an R7 or Jerry?


  88. BG_Farmer,

    The “Quigley” shot is the invention of Jock Elliott. He was amazed by the shots Matthew Quigley made in the movie (as we all were!) so he devised this as an airgun analog. I agree the distance is off by about 50 yards.


  89. B.B.

    The CAN is sitting on the dresser, in plain sight, it's so impressive, one 22 cal hole right in the middle. I slid the calipers around the outside with one arm in the hole, 1/16" from dead center!! On her first shot.. telling that story is the hook… If I had brought the side lever .177, she would have been knocking over the field targets, all by herself, while I kept the dogs out of the way. She IS a natural, very steady, and got eye relief real quick.
    We're going over to my mom's for Sunday dinner, so not this morning on the second round..
    Little by little, step by step..

    When I get the used S&W 586 CO2, with the tunes, and trigger improved, I'll try the other method you described in that great story with your first father-in-law. Heck, that is how I want to learn to shoot a pistol.

    I don't know what I'm doing, (except having a lot of fun), with the H&R 929 lr .22 cal rim fire, revolver … but, "I'm walking the can" out to 25 yards at least every other shot. The cowboy in me likes the revolver more than a semi-auto in a pistol. And the ability to put different size rounds in it is why I traded for it.
    The .357 version of the S&W 586 sure sounds like a great fire arm. Tell me about barrel length. I know some people want short to fit into small places on the body. But that's not me.. I'd want a long barrel on the outside. When I carry it, I'll be hunting or something.. I'm not into the protect myself mode, here in the Southern Oregon countryside.

    You know how I'm a whimp for recoil, so I need something I can put small loads into.. with a great double trigger…


  90. B.B.,
    Chrony is on my wish list… next big purchase.

    But… it is a little slower now. Tested by shooting 1/2″ plywood. Prior to mod it would blow through it no trouble. this time it just pushed almost through. So it is slower. Also getting way more shots per fill.

    Basically though I like that. I felt it was too fast before. It still has plenty of power to drop a grey or red with not trouble. And now it is so quiet you might get a second shot for the second critter.

    Got another shooter to shoot it today and was able to stand back several feet a really listen. Noise is cut in half easy. You can actually hear the spring and hammer working… so it the shooter claimed. But he can hear lights buzz.

    More important he was able to get 1/2 groups at 30 yards with no problem. Was really kicking myself for my lack of skill until I noticed he was shooting CP round nose. I was shooting CP HP. So I have another thing to test.

    He also commented on the change in the trigger. Only complaint was the long travel. Might add a screw to take up that slack a bit.

    But man did he zero with it over and over. Something he could get it to do before the mods. So the mods so far are a good thing and the need for a de-bouncer is gone.


  91. B.B.,
    Forgot to say modified Disco is quiet all through the pressure range. Right down the bottom.

    POI at 30-yards… which is all the yard I have… does not change much from start to finish. At least in my son’s hands. In my hand POI seems to move much more… need to work on that concern.

    Was it Volvo that said we need to shoot 200 shots every day.


  92. BB,
    Yes, at 100++ yards it would much more impressive. We have 40mph winds and a Christmas Play this afternoon, but I will give it a try sometime, although I’m sure its beyond me. I struggle much past the 4MOA barrier, even with a rimfire.

    On the Hammerli, try just moly on the trigger after letting it wear smooth for a while; much safer than polishing the sear surfaces. If you take it down, tell me if you think there’s any way to reverse the safety.

    You’re in dangerous territory, your last two rifles (that I know of — QB88 and H490) have been sleepers. You’ll have to see what you can do with a QB36-2 next: that is where the legendary IB “potential” quality really shows up:).

  93. Mr B.

    Popeye's grandkids wouldn't eat that canned spinach, so he started growing his own fresh stuff.

    They pick it, and eat it with joy, right from the garden… and talk about how uncle Whimmpy died on Monday from a heart attack.. and never paid them on Tuesday, for the 6 hamburgers, like he promised..

    Eat or drink them greens!! Right, Edith & BB… or should we change that to PeePee… sorry I could resist..


  94. Can do, BB. I will need a couple of days to get some measurements from mine.

    And thanks for the post on the Barnes rifle. I am waiting for that with bated breath.


  95. BobC,

    Thanks for the Brad Troyer article. In the article Troyer writes about how he has been swindled by Dave G., which is probably the 10th reference about this character that I have read on the internet over the past few months. Dave G. sounds like he came from the same finishing school for scounderels that Robert of Airguns of Arizona came from.

    – Dr. G.

  96. BobC,

    Thanks for the link to Brad Troyers site. His take on dave g and custom stocks is scary.

    My apologies to you and Dr. G. for even bringing his name up. Didn’t do enough research and have never done business with the guy. Probably never will after what I’ve heard and read.

    This site just saved me another $500.00. Thanks B.B. and pyramyd air.


  97. BG_Farmer, I already had the Hammerli torn down and back together.

    Internal construction is very similar to a B1/B2, except that it uses essentially the same seal as the AR1000/SS1000/TF89/and so on. This might explain something – the seal in the AR1000 variants (with a 26mm ID tube) tends to be loose from the factory. The QB18 has a 25mm tube, with what looks to be the same seal, but it fits a lot more snugly. If Shanghai uses an ‘inbetween’ size to work in both guns, that would explain the loose-ish fit in the AR1000.

    What do you mean by “reverse the safety”? To you mean convert it to manual or disable it entirely?

  98. Vince,
    RE: reversing the safety. I meant changing the button from the left side to the right. As it is, I usually disable it right after cocking instead of just before firing, because its awkward to reach. Probably just me.

    I’m not too surprised by the tight seal. Everything I could find indicated a synthetic seal, but mine at least requires fairly frequent chamber lube or it squeaks on cocking. If it ever needs taking down, some moly in the cylinder wall may help.

    Regarding the pictures of the QB18A — my 490 is much better finished in general and the tube is polished and smooth even under the woodwork, whereas that TF49 and perhaps even other 490’s seem to be less thoroughly well done…seems to be a lot of variations.

  99. Well, as for reversing the safety… there’s no reason it can’t be done, as the mechanism looks symmetrical (other than the button). The holes would be the problem… the smaller one on the right could be enlarged, but the large one on the left would have to be made smaller somehow.

    The innards of mine were a bit rough – rust and a rough surface. Looked much better after honing with 400 and finishing with 600 paper.

    Oddly enough my velocity was all over the place after I put it back together. I used mainly ‘moly syrup’ (30wt + lotsa moly powder) for the piston and seal, when I have a low-powered gun like this I tend to be a bit generous with it since I’m not expecting any dieseling. I guess that, with this weak spring, too much was slowing it down. A few dozen shots later and it seems to be getting more consistent. I might take it down again and ‘degoop’ is.

  100. B.B.
    I bet that if PyramydAir started selling FXAirguns… The Swedish company will be happy with their sales. I would be one of the many making line just to buy one. But only after seeing reviews.


  101. I may be another day, BB; the video card in my main computer gave up the ghost and that’s the machine my work on the 586 is on. Good thing I had this laptop around — but until I get the other machine to POST I can’t get the data from it. And of course that’s the only machine new enough to have a PCIe video card in it.


  102. BB, I was sorta looking around for a decent repeater air rifle for indoor/short range stuff (out to 10-15 yards). Tried a 1077 and an IZH61, but overall it’s not much (if any) faster shooting those than shooting a breakbarrel, when you take into account the time needed to load the magazine. I tried a couple of airsoft rifles, but while they might perform better than a cheap BB gun they didn’t do as well as I had hoped.

    Seems to me that if Daisy would make the 499 into a repeater – or put a tight-tolerance barrel into the Red Ryder, or something along those lines – they’d have the makings of a very fun little plinker. It would combine lightning-fast loading with cheap ammo and accuracy comparable to an air rifle at that distance.

    This would seem to be an obvious development to me. Am I the only one who’d be interested in something like that?

  103. Dr G & Kevin

    About 2 months ago I bought a set of grips for my Talon from Steve Corcoran from Woods and Water Outdoors. I got the walnut grips with stippling. It took just under 8 weeks after I ordered for me to recieve them and the packaging was very good.

    The grips and butt pad are very nice, the wood on all three match, the fit is perfect, and the grain looks very good. If I were to buy a custom stock I would get it from him.


  104. Vince,

    I like swapping the barrels on the 499 with a Red Ryder.. just a tiny bit larger, say 425fps with the high quality bbs… Go for it ..

    On the Duct seal stuff for silent target pellet/bb traps. We were talking about duct tape on the back of the targets for cleaner holes in cheap copy paper.
    I filled my silent trap from PA with 10 more pounds of that sticky duct seal they sell extra. The trap wasn’t deep enough to hold a thick enough layer to stop 5 shots in the same hole from my s410, let alone the condor…
    After I put 10 more pounds in it, the duct seal was flush with the outside edge, not the slot. So I flattened it out and took off the shipping paper. Then the copy paper targets stick to the clay. If I press the paper target with a board or round edged something, against the clay, the holes come real clean, even with round nose JSB Exact heavy.

    I’ll post tomorrow on my photo bucket a 31 dot page, I shot at 20 yards, with the Mac I, 12 ft # US FT, with it standing on it’s knee stand, on my desk.

    I’ll put up some photos of the can Chris shot in the center, and her shooting a few more 1/8″ dots with the .177 S410 side lever today in the pool room too.

    The US FT is not a rifle one buys for of number shots… but I had to add 6 more dots to the 25 dots with 5 shots per dot, (1/4″-3/8″ groups), to get down below the lower red mark (1,200) Tim put on the gauge..

    NO LOSS OF POI in 155 shots! On a 2,000 pound fill. With the JSB 10.2 heavy.
    This rifle has a large air tank, but I didn’t think it was that big.

    Isn’t yours a 20 foot pound?
    How many shots does yours get?

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  105. " I'd want a long barrel on the outside. When I carry it, I'll be hunting or something.. I'm not into the protect myself mode, here in the Southern Oregon countryside."

    Wayne, you might want to consider the S&W 629 in .44 Magnum, with the 6" bbl. I chose it over the Colt Python .357 because, with handloading, it's appropriate for just about anything on the continent, much less Southern Oregon. Where the .357 has a sharp recoil, the .44 is more of a push. Especially with the full-length underlug adding weight. It's also tougher than the model 29 and lasts longer. Mine is stainless.

    I read someone here talk about loading down for their handgun. These are called squib loads and you have to use Kapok or some other material to make up the difference in a large cartridge case with reduced powder. There have been cases where the primer sparked across too broad a surface of the gunpowder, way over-amping the pressure and blowing up the gun and taking the top strap with it. I used to make squib loads before I knew about this, then I switched to regular .44s, which will also fit any .44 magnum and have less recoil. But even my smallest kids could shoot full, 300 grain bullet handloads without complaint, after they'd worked up to them from regular .44s. The only complaint I had about recoil in the 629 was from a full-grown adult visitor…but he was pretty strange anyway. 🙂

    Just my 2-cents.

    -Joe B.

  106. C-Jay,

    The FX company is Fredrik Axelson. Pyramyd sold his guns for many years, but the delivery was too slow to keep up with the customer demand, so they were dropped.

    The dealer that now handles them has a lower throughput and is better-suited to their output capability.


  107. Joe B.

    Thanks for that review. That 629 sounds like it would fit me pretty well. I will check out the S&W 629 .44 mag

    I want something like the .22 cal H&R revolver that I can load; shorts, longs or long rifle… off the shelf light loads or not..

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  108. B.B.

    Now, that’s the icing on the cake.. The FX line is sort of a limited edition. So they should hold or gain in value, don’t you think?


    As much as I would hate to risk shipping… Maybe we, should both send your FX Whisper and my Air Arms S410 .177 side lever to B.B. for the folks here, and let B.B. compare for us all..

    Oh that scares me, to think of my baby getting lost in shipping… Especially with this time of year shipping madness.. Let’s do it after Christmas.

    Would you do it B.B. if we shipped them to you? When would it fit your schedule, if it does at all?

    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  109. Vince and Wayne,

    The 499 is a purpose-built gun. The parts cannot be moved to a Red Ryder platform without hundreds of hours of work.

    A better solution would be to make a Red Ryder shot tube with a tight barrel. But be prepared for a lot of jams — which is why it hasn’t been done.


  110. Wayne,

    I’ve never shot a 629, but I’ve owned a couple of 29s — the gun the 629 is based on. The 29 has a violent upward snap that will split the web of your shooting hand, causing you to bleed. The gun was too light for full-house loads. It sounds like they fixed the situation with the 629.

    I have shot a Taurus Raging Bull in .454 Casull, which has a lot more power and recoil than the 29. It is punishing, but does not snap back as bad as the 29.

    I advise that you wait for me to report, because instead of the 586 I am going to recommend a different revolver — a Ruger 101-based frame. A full-house .357 doesn’t recoil nearly as much as a full-house .44 Magnum, but grip design is still important.


  111. Wayne and Volvo,

    Instead of shipping those expensive guns to me, I have an alternative suggestion. Let the three of us design a test-fire situation to decide between the guns. The range has to be long – 40-50 yards. Because any closer and they shoot too well.


  112. B.B.

    Thanks, I will wait on a mag revolver. No hurry for me, I’m just playing around testing the waters, so to speak.

    That’s a great idea, I have lots of room of course, 50 yards is fine. Somehow I feel better not having to ship that Air Arms walnut stock .177 side lever.

    Noise level seems the hardest to compare from afar. What are your ideas on that. Of course different levels of mouse farts, is not that important anyway.. But if you know of a good noise measuring device for air guns, that is reasonable, I’ll get one.


  113. BB, Wayne,

    I forgot to mention that the 629 comes standard with thick rubber grips. Lessens those pesky split and bleeding webs. I didn’t think about this until I read your post. B.B., about grips.

    Welp, back to the Christmas catalogs (17 kids and 28 grandchildren!). Next year I really need to start earlier….

    Joe B.

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