by B.B. Pelletier
Update on Tom/B.B.: He had some gallstones and backed up sludge removed from his bile ducts on Wednesday. He was unable to get enough oxygen, so they’ve left him on the ventilator. His right lung was partially collapsed, which sometimes happens when you have an IV in/near the neck. They put a tube in there to remove the air outside his lung so it can fully expand. His oxygen levels were great when I left him last night. The nurse told me that remaining on the ventilator for a little while after surgery happens a lot. They’ll try to take him off the ventilator today. His gallbladder removal will happen once he’s breathing unassisted. I’ll update any changes in the comments section.
Announcement: We’re canceling the April 8 Facebook event to give Tom more time to recover from his surgery. We’ll let you know when it’s rescheduled.
Now, on to today’s blog.
The following appeared in Airgun Revue #6, which was published in 2000. While this blog is kind of short, I’ve always had a strange liking for this little pistol because it reminds me of the Haviland & Gunn pistol I found at a flea market for $5.

Over 125 years old, yet no one’s ever heard of this gun!
Collector Wes Powers displayed this rare Quackenbush toy pistol at the 1999 airgun show in Baldwinsville, New York. He described the moment he first saw it, saying he knew it must be a Quackenbush or at least a near-relative, but it was a gun he’d never seen before. That’s saying something because collectors know that when West finds something new it must be REALLY rare!
He was even able to track down the patent application for the gun. The fact that Quackenbush referred to it as a “toy” pistol is especially interesting, because the gun was and is capable of launching a .22 caliber round ball with some force!
The language of the patent makes it sound as though the gun was meant to be a simple but powerful cap pistol; but the barrel is bored through, and it will accept a round ball.
This gun fits into a number of categories. It’s very much like the zimmerstutzen guns I’ve written about, especially the older ones that used percussion caps to launch lead balls.
It’s also a lot like the cap-firing BB guns I’ve written about.

Wes demonstrates how the firing hammer pivots sideways to put on the percussion cap. The rubber bands that power the hammer have been removed for clarity.

A closeup of the hammer pivoting sideways reveals the nipple for loading. If there were a rubber band on the gun, doing this would allow you to safely load the cap.
A curious thing about this toy pistol is the way the hammer is powered. Instead of the traditional coiled mainspring, this pistol uses rubber bands to slam the hammer down on the percussion cap! On the front of the frame, two wire hooks anchor both ends of a rubber band, which passes around the hammer. When the hammer is pulled back, the band stretches, storing up potential energy for when the trigger is pulled. It’s an ingenious method, not to mention how it lowers production costs, simplifies construction and gets the user involved in the design (they have to replace the band when it breaks!).
The Quackenbush Lightning air rifle used elastic bands in a similar fashion to power the piston of what was an early spring air rifle. That gun is rare enough by itself, but the gun featured in this article has never been written about. Thanks to Wes for sharing his find.
Heavenly Father, You are intimately aware of the struggle Tom is experiencing — the pain and the concern. You know the desire of his heart is to be healed of this illness. We ask now for Your healing touch. We know that You are able and that just like in Bible times, You can heal Tom.
We also understand that You will chose what is best for Tom. We pray that through this trial, Tom will draw close to You — that You will be his comfort and strength. I pray that ultimately, whatever happens, You will be glorified through us all. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.
Great to know the stones are removed….Let him recover at his own pace…everything else can wait…….
Todays offering reminds me of something that a guy from NY City described to me 40 years ago…
"zip gun".
Anyone have experience with the Avanti Mentor 845? Can I expect the same accuracy as the Champion 499 or the same accuracy as a Grizzly 840? Thanks and all the best Tom, I hope you get better soon!
Spoke to the ICU nurse, and she said Tom's stats look very good and have been good all night. The doctor is supposed to let me know if they're going to pull him off the ventilator today.
Yesterday morning, Tom called me and was quite lucid. Of course, this was before his latest procedure. When I told him that hundreds of people around the world are praying for him, he said, "Really?" Yeah, Tom. Airgunners like you 🙂
Tom loves writing about airguns, and he'll be back before you know it. I'm feeling very uplifted & confident this morning! I hope everyone else is.
Good Morning
Dose anyone know if Paul Capello is in the process of puting any new videos on PA's web page. I emailed him but got no reply.
The person who handles Paul's videos on Pyramyd AIR is on vacation til Monday. We won't know about any new videos til the middle of next week.
Thank you Edith for the quick update on Paul C.. I hope everything works out ok with Tom.
RE: Edith, April 01, 2010 7:11 AM
Yes Tom really….
From all of us.
Good morning Edith,
Wonderful news–uplifted & confident–thank you.
Anonymous that started today's comments, thanks for your prayer.
Manish, nice to see your post.
Mr B.
Thank you for the Quackenbush pistol article, it brought back many childhood memories. I bought one of these with my paper route money when I was 8 years old. I finally talked my legal guardian into letting me have one if I earned it on my own. I ordered it off of the back page of the first issue of the Superman comic I got for my birthday.
My ownership didn't start out on a happy note because when I got the gun in the mail and opened the box I found that the rubber band was NOT included. The ad in the back of the comic book didn't specify that rubber bands weren't included so you can imagine how upset I was. I immediately mailed to the company in the ad an order for one and asked for a spare in case it broke. They wrote back a few weeks later and wanted to know what color band I wanted since it wasn't specified in my letter. I wrote back that I preferred blue. Two weeks later I got their reply that they didn't have blue in stock and would I prefer red to which I wrote back that I'd rather have green, then. A week later a green rubber band came in the mail with a blue extra. I was so excited and happy that I could get these so quickly. I would recommend this company to anybody.
I immediately headed for the range with a thick Sears catalog in hand to do some velocity testing, but more on that later.
Neat little contraption — too bad the kids don't get to play with stuff like that nowadays:). We'll keep Tom in our thoughts and prayers.
I've never known anyone else who had heard of this pistol, much less owned one. And you got the first Superman comic? Double wow!
Tom & I are both Superman fans. Both of us had the comic books, watched the TV show and now own all the Superman movies. We even have a Superman DVD with the original TV series. It looks pretty hokey these days, but it was VERY exciting when we were kids.
Dear Edith,
April Fools? Oh, man, I fell right into that 🙂 Good one!
WV: ablepi…I'm not sure I'm really that able when it comes to pi!
CJr,I'd trade you a Sheridan supergrade and a beeman R5 for it,even steven……Glad to see tradition upheld with Tom busy healing.I think when he comes back we are owed an April 1 posting!Last year's was great.
Edith,a special thank you for keeping us aprised….and I wish there was something else we could do.
Frank B,
I'll have to go back & read last year's April 1 blog to see what Tom said.
At this time, prayer is the No. 1 effort that will get Tom well & back home again.
Nice! You should write children's stories. You had me going too, until the thick Sears catalogue. I was calculating how many milliinches a rubber band-powered gun was going to penetrate it!
Did you know that one of the great marketing innovations Sears came up with in the 1890's was to make their catalogue smaller? Back then, all mail order catalogues were the same size. Sears made theirs smaller but thicker, and as a result it always lay on top of any pile of other catalogues in American farmhouses, and it soon became the most treasured (and bought-from) book in rural househholds. The Sears catalogue was often considered the most important book in the house, after the family bible.
There are certain universal constants in this crazy world of ours. Matter turns into energy and vice versa. A mother's strongest instinct is to protect her young. And Frank B will be busy collecting dreamy airguns.
Overdone it? 3 Quackenbush's? I would expect nothing less from you. More power to you Frank, thanks for keeping the universe balanced!
Many households "wiped" with the Sears catalog too, which made it very important indeed.
Thanks for the prayer, may it be so!
good one… you had me, until the rubber band not being included or instock.. but great story and a nice break from the intense worries for Tom's health.
I had to get a break myself. Yesterday afternoon, I escaped to the woods for some cowboy shooting with Marlin 1894 and a couple boxes of 45lc.
I really like to shoot from the hip now. I can keep a 6 inch wide group no more that 2' high at 25 yards on rapid lever action fire of all ten rounds. Usually one or two rounds are right on the 3" target.
Amazing how the old "Rifleman" TV series still inspires! The kid in me arises!
There is something real nice about the Pop of 250gr at 900pfs.
No sound barrier… just a great low pop… and about 500 ft lbs are launched:-)
Oh what a feeling:-)
Wacky Wayne, MD. Ashland Air Rifle Range
If prayer will get Tom well, then I predict that by this time next week he will be mowing the lawn between long bouts of chopping wood. Thousands of rabid airgunning fans are pulling for him. Go ahead and sharpen his axe!
(We're praying for you too.)
oops… make that 900fps not pfs:-)
When Tom & I lived in Maryland for 20 years, we always attended the annual Gettysburg antique festival. It was more than a show…the streets of downtown Gettysburg were filled with antique dealers showing wonderful pieces of furniture, accessories, guns and even airguns.
I recall going into a store that sold Civil War guns & relics. Tom asked them if they had any Quackenbush airguns. They looked at him like he was crazy. At that time, I'd never heard of Quackenbush (it was before we started writing about airguns), so I looked at him the same way!
We did see some Quackenbush firearms, but never any airguns. However, that show DID provide several nice vintage airguns. If anyone lives in the Northeast and can go to the Gettysburg antique show, they'll find some treasures. Besides the show, there's also an antique mall with lots of different vendors. It's slightly off the main street that has the traffic circle. We'd spend hours looking at things, often finding airguns, airgun accessories or ammo, and even airgun publications that were out of print.
H&N Pellets,
Just go an e-mail from PA about H&N pellets. Does PA have them in different head sizes?
RE Superman
Overheard a couple of my college professors talking about the Lone Ranger show. I interrupted and told that I remembered the show on TV. One of the gave me a blank stare and said "We were talking about the RADIO show…"
Mr. B.
And who might you be ?
Herb (no A.F. jokes this time),
This question might be right up your alley. Last night I was watching Mythbusters and they were doing a segment on diving under water to avoid the concussion from an explosion. They were trying to see if a human would survive and at what distance both above and below water.
They were using burst disks that ruptured at 13psi, which they said is the pressure at which a human suffers severe or life threatening damage.
My question is: using a 12foot lb air rifle and an 8g .177 pellet, at what distance from the muzzle will the pellet force be equal to 13psi, and at what distance will a 700fps produce 13psi?
Yes some of the .177 H&N pellets come in different head sizes. If a pellet's head size is available, it'll be shown on that pellet's product page. Click here to see an example (it's the section below the ADD TO CART button).
Re: Diana Model 3
On page 5 of the new 120th anniversary Diana product catalogue for 2010 there is a picture of a beautiful rifle they call their Model 3, from 1903.
But in the 7th edition of the Blue Book of Air Guns it says that the Model 3 was only made from 1913 onwards, and the Model 3 that is pictured there looks nothing like the one in the Diana cat.
Is the information in the Blue Book incomplete or incorrect for this model?
You can also check via H&N's catalog. It provides a wealth of information on every pellet they make. Each pellet that comes in differnt head sizes has them listed in the text, rather than the table.
Alan in MI
Glad Tom is continuing to improve. I'm looking forward to a release date soon. What are the implications of having a gall bladder removed?
Fred, I thought about the danger of sharp knives. The wisdom is that sharp knives are safer because you do not need to apply pressure to them which can force the knife in unexpected directions if you lose control, but the sharp knives have to be handled differently. I suspect your parents were caught in the stage of transition between handling sharp and dull knives, but whatever works for them.
Duskwight, sorry to hear about your friend. What is Bl? From the comments from the Russian government, it sounds like the terrorists are really in for something.
Wayne, it sounds like you are a natural for the lever actions. In Hawaii, I was shooting offhand with the Winchester 94 at 50 yards and could hit a 16 inch wide black target now and again. I would have to get very familiar with that rifle to do any better.
Tunnel Engineer. Tell us about the 52 when you have a change. If it is like a tractor, it's like none I have ever seen or heard of.
Gettysburg's antiques festival will be held June 19th this year. Here's the website for those of us who live nearby:
I love it – Gettysburg Address!
Fred PRoNJ
chuck – about 250 yard or half of what an owners manual would say. Then again it is april fools day.
I just visited Tom. While he's still sedated, he did breathe unassisted for an hour today. However, because they reduced his sedation, he became alert and it took 3 large people to restrain him…and he was already tied down to the bed at his ankles & wrists. He's a strong & determined man even when he's partially sedated! They're now trying to juggle how much sedation to give him so he can breathe unassisted but still not struggle.
All his stats, with the exception of his pancreas, are completely normal. His pancreas will take a little longer to heal. They'll wait another 1.5-2 weeks before removing the gallbladder. He'll be home in the intervening time. The gallbladder removal is an outpatient procedure, and he'll go in for it in the morning and then come home that afternoon.
I checked with the doctor, and he has agreed that Tom can go to the Little Rock show because I promised him that that Tom's good friend Mac would drive. Mac has agreed to that & has promised me that he won't let Tom lift very much or exhaust himself. Tom can also fly to the NRA show. By then, all this will be old news.
I'm grinning from ear to ear!
I'm glad to hear he's making progress — make sure you get the details on the sedation, so if he starts answering too many "which scope should I buy?" questions you can slow him down:).
Tell Tom he almost got a little mule (born this morning) named after him, but I wasn't sure it was appropriate — well, I'm guessing it might be appropriate in some ways, but not others:). My son wants it named "Pistol", but "Tom Foolery" (Tom + April Fool's day) is still on the table.
Tom is a very determined person…mule-headed, I would say, so using his name for a mule isn't that far-fetched!
CJr – RE: what distance will a 700fps produce 13psi?
Is this apples and oranges? The 13psi refers to a concussion wave – a pressure wave in the air.
At 700 fps a 0.177 pellet will definitively penetrate flesh. The primary damage would tend to be from the penetration of the pellet. Secondary damage would be from the shock wave created by the impact of the pellet.
BB cajoled me once to think like a buffalo hunter. You have to hit/penetrate something vital to kill an animal. Mushrooming of the pellet is a secondary effect.
On the other hand, I haven't dissected any of the squirrels that I have shot, but I'd guess that the head shot is effective, at least sometimes, due to creating a traumatic brain injury without actually penetrating the skull. This would basically be a momentum transfer problem. It would be greatly complicated by the fact that the pellet is deforming. So the collision isn't a inelastic collision like two billiard balls. The sudden displacement of the skull would cause the brain to bounce inside the skull. So a glancing head shot COULD result in a minor scalp wound but a fatal brain shaking.
BI is for blast injury, a shellshock.
Well, terrs are always "in for something" – it's just like chronic disease I guess.
As long as there are money and fanatics – there will be blood. The only way to fight it is to keep it at check all the time, once you loose your grip – you get overrun. And don't forget to tighten your grip with each passing day, as badguys are resourceful and aim for the head – the source, guys who pay.
"stubborn as a Tom"
"kicks like a Tom"
it could work
Get well you ol' mule!!!!!
This is PCP4ME and again blogger is bafoozeled.
Tom has been in my prayers many times each day since I learned he was having problems.
We know God answers prayers and is more kindly inclined when more are praying.
I know he will be ok.
I am concerned that he is over doing it by attending the air gun show. I know how he loves it, but some times you just have to put your health way way before anything.
Gall bladder problems are nothing to trifle with. I almost lost my life because other things were more important to me than taking care of a medical problem.
I would just pray that Tom would forget the air gun show this year and get the gall bladder thing taken care of and behind him way before the tries to get back into his regular routine.
There is a saying which I think is appropriate here:
"He who fights when all have fled,
walks with hero's mighty tread,
BUT he who fights and runs away,
LIVES to fight another day!" Emphasis mine.
Please I beg of you, talk Tom out of the show. He may well come back fine and ok, but what if he does not?
PCP4ME again. Oh and btw….pancreatitis (sp?) is even worse. I spent a week in the hospital with that also and they told my wife they did not know if I would make it. I did fine thanks to the Lord and I feel I was never really in any danger. Doctors said different. But I know it left me real weak for several weeks.
Tom is dealing with two things that each alone can be life threatening. Please prevail on him to spend a week or two home with you just recuperating. I beg of you. Once he gets by this there will be plenty more gun shows and such for him in his life.
I would rather see him miss a gun show than the rest of a long and productive life. Probably being an alarmist, but I have ulterior motives. Don't know what the heck I would do if his blog was not here each day to read. I start my day by reading it.
Tom is completely sedated. He hasn't said a word & has no idea what I've been saying on the blog or what I've suggested. Am I crazy for saying he could go to the airgun show? I don't think so.
The doctor had the last word, and he saw absolutely no reason Tom couldn't go for a long drive sleeping in the passenger seat and then sit in a chair for 2 days at an airgun show…which was followed by another long drive home sleeping in the passenger seat. Doesn't sound so tough, huh?
Tom's friend Mac has promised me that he will stop Tom from overdoing anything (Mac is VERY persuasive and full of common sense…when called upon 🙂
Tom doesn't know how to let others do things for him, but he's about to learn. I can also be very persuasive. I've learned a few things over the past 28 years of marriage to him. I know how to get through everything & go to the heart of the matter. Threats work, as do rewards. If he does EXACTLY as I've asked…and does so without arguments or complaints, I will buy him a gun…either firearm or airgun. Whatever he wants. And, no, I won't be offering him a motorcycle. I'm going to be generous, not insane! So, if you'd like to make suggestions of guns that Tom might want, have at it. He'll enjoy going through your lists!
PCP4ME again.
God love you! I know you love Tom and want to see him happy.
Are you crazy? Probably crazy in love with the man yes.
But I would beg of you to not give him the ok to go to the gun show and dissuade him from it if he suggests it!
I mean look at what you just said….he is completely sedated! That alone should tell you this is a very serious situation. VERY SERIOUS! So do not let emotion keep you from protecting the most important thing you have other than God. Tom!
I am begging you keep him at home sedated if necessary! Just making a long trip even if not driving is stressful! Living away from home is stressful no matter how much you enjoy what you are doing away! And I am sure he will be in no condition to walk many miles looking at displays or dicker with others over the purchase price of a much wanted treasure!
Please I beg you please don't let or encourage him to go!
Tom and Edith,
Just a quick hello and get well soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Joe (JDB in NY)
He's not sedated because he's weak. He's sedated because he's a roaring bull…a grizzly who just woke up from hibernation. He's strong. Sedation is the only way they can control him!
He won't be walking miles at the airgun show. He'll be sitting in a chair 90% of the time. There aren't miles of tables at any airgun show…no matter how big they are. You'd count the length of the rows in yards. Five to eight 6-ft-long tables in a row & about 3-5 rows. That's probably the top number to be expected at Little Rock. Not so bad. Tom can see most of the tables from his chair. His friend Mac will bring guns over to Tom's chair so Tom can look at them & decide if he wants it.
I feel confident this will be okay. If Tom gets tired, he can simply go back to the motel & sleep. Or they can come home early. They can turn around in the middle of the drive up there if Tom doesn't feel well enough. If Tom doesn't feel up to it, he can beg off and not go in the first place. He's begged off other things he really wanted to do because he was tired or didn't feel up to it.
Neither one of us is insane or driven to the point of harming our health for the sake of an airgun show.
Plus, I have made a list of things Tom is allowed to do when he comes home to prevent him from doing too much (it's a VERY short list). I will monitor his work to keep it at a minimum, force him to rest even if he doesn't feel tired, make him stick to whatever diet/meals he has to follow and stop him from doing things he shouldn't be doing. That's how I plan to prepare him to re-enter the land of living.
I might also add that one person's experience is not necessarily another person's experience. What you experienced may not be what Tom experiences. And vice versa. Everyone's different. I feel that I know Tom's strengths and his weaknesses (a long list, of course 🙂 and would never compromise his health for anything.
The doctor seems to think Tom will have no problem based on what he sees/knows about him. I have to agree with him. Let's see how things go. If Tom's too pooped, he doesn't have to go. Changing his mind at the last minute wouldn't bother me a bit. That's his prerogative.
I appreciate your concern for Tom's health & welfare!
Edith, I also feel that Tom should not take any additional risks until the after the gallbladder surgery and all related illnesses have been eliminated.
I did not have abdominal surgery, but I'm recovering from neck surgery at the end of January. I have been cursed and cajoled by my doc and physical therapist because I got up quickly and did far too much far too soon. I am paying dearly for that mistake, because recovery will take 3-4 months total instead of six weeks.
Don't let Roaring Bull make the same mistake. Sitting at a table several hundred miles from home, and sleeping in a motel are not the same things as lazing around the house and working at getting better instead of pretending to be well.
Tom at an air gun show means Tom walking around eager and curious to see everything that's there; it means Tom running outside to the range to try out this pistol or that gun; it means Tom lifting and and trying to cock 40-pounders; it means Tom talking to lots and lots of friends, shaking hands, giving advice, hearing stories, and burning calories while his brain works hard. Tom at the show does not mean Tom sitting down in a chair all the time. In short, it means Tom overdoing it and landing in some hospital in Boondocks, Arkansas. You wanna take that chance?
Good luck.
Let's keep our eye on the ball and not add to Edith's load by arguing with her about Tom going to the show. She and Tom will no doubt discuss the matter closer to the actual show date. I've got a feeling she can be pretty persuasive.
Edith's first and only concern now needs to be getting Tom out of the hospital!
At the Roanoke show last year, I can vouch for the fact that Tom was seated most of the time. He was not walking around a lot. That doesn't mean he didn't walk around but these shows are not huge, folks. It's definitely not like a firearms show. Still, everyone is friendly and very talkative. I don't expect it to be a problem for our friend.
Besides, if there happens to be a USFT airgun for sale there, it gives Wayne a chance to race Tom to the table selling it, and win one for a change.
Fred PRoNJ
Bullseye Herb!
I know everyone has great concerns for Mrs. & Mr. Gaylord. The outpouring of prayer and emotional support recently has made me proud to be a part of this wonderful group.
Think we need to be cautious about allowing care and concern to cross the boundary of good manners and end up trespassing on the Gaylord family's private lives.
We trust Mr. and Mrs Gaylord to be competent enough to give us airgun advice. Let's also trust them to know that what they decide to do once B.B. is out of the hospital is right for them.
Time to talk airguns.
Sounds as though I may be one of a few that agree with you. Back in December my Dad had a second massive heart attack. It was very touch and go for awhile they put a few more stints (I think that is what they are called) in and did some sort of bypass. When I heard I drove up from SWGA to where he and my mom live on the Canadian border in New York. Things seemed to have stabilized by the time I got there. Dad was still weak and depressed (obviously). After a couple check ups and the doc told him that he was free to go about his daily routine (within reason) his whole mood changed for the better and recovery progressed faster. He gets tired easily still but knows that means it is time for a break. I feel that if you have a strong outgoing person that becomes ill and you restrict them it will only depress them (making them feel useless) and make their recovery that much longer. But all that being said Tom needs to understand his limits and not push them, take a break when he needs it, then get back to what he enjoys. Hope you don't mind my 2cents.
Just read your post, after I made my post. You are 100% correct, The Gaylord's are friends here. This is a personal family matter between them. We don't need to be adding any addition stress.
Gettysburg antiques festival? I got May 19:
Okay, back to sorta basic airguns stuff for newbies. Hopefully, if I can get the riding lawnmower fixed tomorrow (first on Honey-Do-List) then I can put this new steel breech and red dot on my 2240. Question I have is should I use the blue 242 loctite on all screws that I remove/install (even that tiny breech screw)? Thanks ahead of time!
Look at your URL…it says "2007." The 2010 show is Sept. 25 according to this link.
Tom slowly comes to and finds he is seated next to a table in Arkansas. In his right arm is a Discovery, draped at a jaunty angle. Standing at his left in front of a line of people is an attractive young lady in Vegas showgirl attire. She is directing folks from the line to and from the table where Mac is sitting. On the table by Mac's elbow is a sign: Have your picture taken on Tom Gaylord's Lap, $10.
Uh – er – uh – APRIL FOOLS!!!
Yeah! That's it!
I'll mention your idea to the doctor. Only problem is that would require us to keep him sedated for a month. That might be frowned up!
Hey Everyone,
The Arkansas Air Gun and Custom Knife Show begins Friday, April 30th (29 days from today) at 10:00AM and runs through Saturday May 1st. Details are here:
It's already clear that this show will be larger than it's been in years. So far 50 tables have been paid for. Just counting table display area that's 1,200 square feet of airguns. It's sure to grow larger than that in the next 3 weeks.
The list of sponsers (many will also be at the show) is already very impressive and many of these sponsers have already announced the items they have donated to give away as door prizes:
Pyramyd AIR – Bronco rifle- /
Mike at TKO
Tim at Mac-1
Scott at Pilkguns –Undetermined yet
Boris at TopGun-Sleeve of JSB pellets
Bryan and Associates-Boss valve and fill cap.
The Airgun HobbyMagazine- 1 year subscription to the magazine.
Alan Schweitzer
Tim Johnston – Hammerli 490 Express
Salt Creek Knives – Tri Stone Knife Sharping set
Ben at SteelPlinkers- Quadrant spinner target and stand
Jack and Reba Haley- A QB Big Bore Conversion
Air Guns of Arizona
Seth Rowland – BHD AMMO Bullets for the Jack Haley QB Bigbore upper.
Bayou Optics -A Hawke Scope
Bruce Dodson- AireTex Compressors
Archer Air Guns- QB78-Family Superstore
A signed QB78 family Workshop Manual.
Ralph at RB Grips- Custom Grips for Crossman 13xx and 22xx guns.
A set of Grips for A 22xx Frame and a Superpumper for a 13xx Frame.
Manou brothers-Importers of Cometa Air Guns
Paul Watts Custom Airguns
I'm seriously considering the 974 mile drive.
Since I'm very optimistic that B.B. will attend the Arkansas Air Gun and Custom Knife show it's time to take a poll.
Who else is considering attending the Arkansas Airgun Show?
I guess I assumed that if a 13psi concussion wave would damage a human, then any force, be it air or object, would produce the same effect, only on a smaller area, maybe. Not so. eh?
Kevin,I am seriously considering it.You certainly aren't helping matters any.I need to curb this spending ….unless you know of any deals……
I'm with Herb on this one. Although it has been over 20 years since I was really info psychics. You are not really providing much info as to weight, density, design, etc. of the projectile. What is the distance of travel you are considering? Just an old man's two cents.
I thought I gave enough info to figure out an answer but I guess I didn't. Now I'm bored with it. I'm going to bed.
Yes a 13 psi concession wave would probably kill a squirrel.
A pellet doesn't create a concussion wave. The primary killing damage would be from penetration. The "thump" from the pellet could create a traumatic brain injury, but the thump would be from momentum transfer not a pressure wave.
rikib – I'd assume that you mean "physics" not "psychics."
Sorry if I offended you. I was just writing numbers on paper and it seemed that I was missing too much. But like I said it's been many, many years. Maybe one of our young bloggers can help you out.
You are right "physics" didn't re-read before posting. So I guess I must have misunderstood this whole question anyway. Because I don't see how you are relating 700fps to 13psi. I must have missed something in the beginning of the conversation. Just an old man wishing he still had a brain. Sorry for interfering.
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound surly. You have not offended me at all. It's been a long day and I was wanting to sound weary. Wouldn't it be nice to get rid of this stone age typing and be able to talk online. But then who could moderate 1,000 members?
Frank B,
It's not spending, in your case, it's investing since you're a saavy airgun buyer.
I'm not a collector but still have an apetite to try out many airguns that I haven't had an opportunity to run across. In many cases I've been able to acquire airguns that are held in high esteem by veteran airgunners, try them out for myself, form my own opinion, and if I'm not equally enamored, sell it for what I paid. The "rental" of the airgun is usually the cost of shipping.
The Arkansas Airgun Show is a grand opportunity to see guns first hand, shoulder them and shoot them (they'll have two lanes to shoot from at the Arkansas Show).
There's a long list of renowned airgun collectors that have already signed up. Many of these aficionados don't sell on the classifieds or auction sites but do sell/trade 2-3 times a year at airgun shows only.
Some of these "Sellers" don't really want to sell but are willing to trade if you have something interesting. I've got a few that I may take to trade. I'm a firearm trader from way back and enjoy trading.
I don't know of any "deals" but am confident that there will be many.
Glad I didn't offend you. I realize that I was out of place jumping into someone conversion especially not having all the facts. It might be great to do this via phone, but like you stated, who could moderate 1,000. Well like you said it's been a log day and I keep on falling asleep.
Good Night, God Bless To Everyone and May God Bless America!
RE: 13psi vs 750 fps
No, you got it right. It is apples and oranges.
I live in a city. I can't use my shotgun on the squirrels. Throwing sticks of dynamite is even more likely to cause problems with the local constables. 😉
It is 10.30am on Good Friday as I write in the UK.
Edith,Tom and everyone else.
Happy Easter.
I would go easy on the chocolate eggs and bunnies though at the moment BB.